Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, April 06, 1867, Image 1

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Tol. X
We Sleet Upon the Level. 1 The Crown of a Hundred Sotfi. J . "The mother SOOD. followed tl
No. 24.
)7lUccIiln 4;ntcrpri0C.
OFFICE: South east corner of Fifth and
Mux streets, in the building lately known
as the Court House, Oregon City, Oregon.
, Terms of Subscription.
One copy, one year in advance $3 00
u " it delayed 4 00
'- Terms of Advertising.
Transient advertisements, one square
(12 lines or less) first insertion 2 50
O For each subsequent insertion 100
Business Cards one square per annum
i T,avnhl miarterlr
flue column per annum -100 00
One half column " f O 0
One quarter " '- ............ 80J0
1 e.ral advertisincr at the established rates.
.niiltnomaU Lodge Xo. 1, A.
1 A A. M. Holds its regular vja
I' communications on tne nrsi ana unra oav
urdaya of each month, at nun a .
t,-'..k-,. ,v, nd standiner are invited to
nttend. By order of VV-f-
Oregon City, ov. bin, iato. o.jy
Ort'tr on I.cxl
;e Xo. 3, I. O.
of O.F.-
Meets ever' Wednes-
jdj evening at 7 o'clock, in the
Masonic Hall. Members of the order are in
vited to attend. By order N. G. 3:ly
"Willamette I,rlge Xo. 15 I. O. G. T.
Jr'eeta every iaturdav evening, at the rooms
S'E. -corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2
y'ejock. Visiting members are invited to
I'tteud. " ln7J
By order of . C 1.
W. C. J0HX3OX.
JS'utary Pnbli3,
JOHHStftt & Mc0WN,
O V "iH attend to all business entrusted
fc our care in aoy of the Courts of the State,
collet monev, negotiate loans, sell real es
tn terete.
"Particular attention given to contested
I and cases. O l.yl
Attorney and Counsellor air Law.
I V business entrusted to his care,
OrFicE One door north of Bell &, Parker's
Qj'rug store, Oregon City, Oregon. 3:ly
Oregon City, Oregon.
Office over Charman & Brother. 8:tf
Dr. F. Barclay, M. R. C. L.
(Formerly Surgeon to the non. II. B. Co.)
OFFICE: At Riddence,
"Main Street (52) Oregon City.
Dr. H. Saffarrans,
O o
OFFICE In J. Flemins'Boofc Store.
Mil in. r1 reif. Ortnon. CZt.-n.
o :
PennaneriUy Located at Oregon. City, Oregon.
Rooms over Charman & Bro.'s store. Main
Ppubliebe informed thct
T. L. HACK, Artist,
Has removed to the Photographic Rooms on
Main street, lately occupied by Morrison C.
A they, where he is prepared to execute bet
ter work f4han ever. 0
For Children's Pictures the best hours are
bet-een 'J and 12 o'clock a. m. 23.1y
Justice of the Peace d City Recorder.
Offiog In the Court IIous; and City
Council Room, Oregon City.
Will attend to the acknowledgment of
deeds, and all other duties appertaining to
the office of Justice of the Peace. 2:ly
John Fleming,
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, respectfully solicits a continuance
Q of the favors of a generous public.
His store is between Jacobs' and Acker
man's bricts, on the west side of Main street.
Oregon City, October 27th, '60. (tf
Williain Broughton,
Alain street, Oregon City.
Will attend to all work in his line, con
sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work
framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly
attended'to. ': (
BlacJc-SpJJks and' - Boiler Makers.
Ccruer of Main and Third streets,
rego,City Oregon.
i"ucksmithing in all its branches. Hoilcr
inking and rep'airinjr. All work warranted
3o-give satisfaction
JOIIjSt sohram
Manufacturer and Dealer in
liiia street, between Third and Fourth,
Oregon City.
ig anything
Titock, be-
Tlvi "4 O'
"PHE attention of parties desirii
f o . - ne' 13 directed "to mv
U''ug purchases elsewhere.
M . c A. LEVY,
lain Street, at the Telegraph Office,
Oregon City o . . , ; . 0ron-.
t Dealer in
testers Ready-made Clothing,
'0-n , ?obarco, Pipes, Stationery,
tilery- Willow and Wooden
ancv ana"rc' Yaee Notions,
" Toys etcatarle GFOCerics, Candies, Xuts,
" ' (52
Main Street.
Xearly Opposite Woolen Factory,
T. W. KIIOADES, .Proprietors.
Oregon City, Oregon.
TVe invite the citizens of Oregon City, and
the traveling public, to give us a share of
their patronage. Meals can be had at all
hours, to pi ease the ncost fastidious. 15
Main Street, one door north of the Woolen
Oregon City Oregon.
Win. Barlow Proprietor.
The proprietor, thankful for the continued
patronage he has received, would inform the
public that he will continue his efforts to
pleast his guests. (52
IPsiper Maitiar' Co.
Manufacivre, and have constantly on
hand, a very Superior Article of
Strait) Wrapping Paper.
Orders wrill receive prompt attention.
22.1 J J. D. MILLER, Secretary,
Impei'IssI Mills,
IS?" Parties
wanting feed must furnish
their sacks.
Having purchased the above Brewery,
wishes to inform the public that he is now
prepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of
As good as can be obtained anywhere in the
State. Orders solicited and promptly tilled.
Oregon City, December 2Sth, 180t. lOtf
All orders for the delivery of merchandise,
or packages and freight ot whatever descrip
tion, to any part of the city, will be executed
promptly and with care. 16.6m
C lac sap C1
Under tlie Court House, in Oregon City.
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes;
Groceries, Hardware, etc.. etc..
Which they propose to sell chean as any
J louse in Oregon. ' .- :
Oregon City, October 23, 18C6. 2.1y
Main street, Oregon City,
Adioininti the Urick Store of
3 S. Ackerman.
JAMES X, Propr.
This popular saloon is always supplied
with the very best quality of Wines and
Liquors, Ale, Porter, Deer and Cider, Cigars
and Tobacco. Give me a call.
. - - - -i
Fashion Billiard Saloon,
Main street, between Second and Third,
Oregon City.
J. C. Mann, Proprietor.
THE above long established and popular
Saloon is yst a favorite resort, and as
only the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars tire dispensed to customers a
share of the public patronage is solicited,
(ly) . J. C. MANN.
Main Street, opposite the Post Office, Oregon
E. PAYNE Proprietor.
The undersigned talres this method of in
forming the public that he has purchased
the above saloon, ana now offers a choice and
well selected stock of foreign and domestic
wines, liquors, etc., which canuot fail to
please those who may extend their patron
age. The best Lager Deer, Ale and Porter
in the State, always qn draught.
West Side Main Street, letween Second and
Third, Oregon City.
GEORGE A. HAAS Proprietor.
The proprietor begs leave to inform his
friends and the public generallv that the
aiicve nsmed pepujar saloon is open for their
accommodation, wiina new aou weu assort
ed supply of the finest brands of wines,
liquors and cigars. 52
pecially of Canemah, that they have
established a Store at that place, where ihsy
will keep on Irmd a well assorted stock of
Merchandise and Groceries.
which will be sold at reasonable rates, for ths
purpose of establishing permanently such a
necessity at Canemah. Try us. (ply
Salem ".. Oregon.
is prepared to accommodate the public
in ;as good stvle as any house on the coast.
He has determined to make the Bennett as
good m the best, and better than any public
house in Salem. Charges moderate.
Front Street,' Portland, Oregon.
Plans," Specifications, and accurate
working drawings prepared on short notice
after the latest approved style. (ly)
TUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip
tion, for sale at the Entehfkise office.
A Writer in the British Freematons' Maga
zine asks for the author of the song begin
ning as eboye, and where it can be found.
The JS'ational Freemason answers. The
" Level and the Square" was written by Bro.
Morris, in 1S54, and was first introduced to
the public by Bro. Henry O. Deming, Mem
ber of Congress from Hartford Conn., as an
appendage to a toast at a banquet at Hart
ford, Sept., 1856.
We meet upon the Level and we part upon
the Square :
What words of precious meaning these
words Masonic are!
Come let us contemplate them, they are
worthy of a thought
In the very soul of Masonry these precious
words are wrought.
We meet upon the Level, though from every
station come;
The rich man from his mansion and the poor
man from his home;
For the one must leave his wealth and state
outside the Mason's door,
And the other tinds his true respect upen
the checkered floor.
We part upon the Square, for the world
must have its due ;
We mingle with the multitude, a cold, un
friend ly crew,
But the liiliueuce of our gatherings in memT
ory is green,
And we look upon the Level to renew the
happy scene.
There's a world w here all are equal we are
hurrying toward it fast ;
We shall meet upon the Level there, when
the gates of death are past ;
We shall stand before the Orient, and our
Master will be there,
To try the blocks we offer by His own uner
ring Square.
We shall meet upon the Level there, but
never thence depart :
There's a Mansion 'tis all readv for each
trusting, faithful heart ;
There's a Mansion and a welcome and a
multitude is there,
Who have met upon the level and been tried
upon the Square.
Let us meet upon the Level, while laboring
patient here ;
Let us meet and let us labor, though the
labor be severe ;
Already in the Western sky the signs bid
us prepare,
To rather up our Working Tools and part
upon the Square.
Hands around, ye faithful Masons, iorm the
bright Iraternal cnaiu.
We part upon the Square below to meet in
heaven again.
Oh! what words of precious meaning these
words Masonic are
We meet upon the Level and we part upon
the Square.
The late Philip , Tucker, when Grand
Master of Vermont, JS"6, said :
When I heard Bro. H. C. Deming read
these lines at the Hartford banquet? I was
not quite sure that his splendid manner and
enunciation had not deceived me as to their
real value. When I saw them in print I
read them fifty times over -.with great care,
studied the thoughts, and became gloriously
satistied that it was not Bro. Deming's tine
reading which had captivated me, but the
sentiments of the beautiful lines themselves.
A few days since, 1 dedicated a.rvevy Lodge
room at Bichmond, Yt., and took it into my
head thatrif, near the close of our ceremo
nies, I were to recite those lines well, it
might have a good effect ; so I ventured to
do it, and I never saw such an effect pro
duced upon an audience by such means.
When I got to the lines,
'Already in tte tveetcrn slrj the signs bid us
' prepare
To gather up our Working Tools and part
upon the Square,'
the Masons were either pale cr crying ; and
ihose who were not Masons, women and all,
had an expression of intense thought upon
their countenances, snch as I never before
saw upon the faces of men or women. I-
have no idea of offering flattery or incense,
when I say that as a pure matter of Masonic
feeling, nothing.withni 'my knowledge equals
it, fro,m tie ivrHmg of Burns' " Adieu" to
the present hour. It must pass into our
permanent annals, and carry Bro4 Morris's
name and heart with it to the ages which are
to come after it.
Mlsic Br Telegraph. Our friend Levy
has otten carried on musical cntertain-
meuts with fellow operators oa the State
Telegraph JJie and we have been expect
ing that some great musical genius would
lease the line and give a concert to audi
ences in various cities on the same eve
ning. It may be done yet. The follow
ing is related by the Jacksonville Sentinel:
We were sitting in the telegraph office
a few evenings since chatting with th.e op
erator, 5"hen he suddenly called guf atten
tion to an unusual performance of the in
struments. There' said'he, " is music.
Listen!'' A close -attention to the sounds
disclosed the fact that some musical gen
tleman was imitating Paginini, and the
performance, with a single key and a sin
gle string, was excellent. Here came
Dixie7' tripping and throbbing over the
wire, so correctly that we imagined that
we were in l the land of cotton" listening
to that popular air. Without disclosing
himself, our musical friend responded to
the call for Yankee Doodle," as an anti
dote to rebel music. Here it came, re
minding us of the land of pumpkin pies
ana rosy cneekeu uamseis men a gem
from " Norma" then the erratic genius
" dreamed that he dwelt in marble halls,"
and told us of the pleasant hours in his
"Cottage by the Sea." as plainly and cor
rectly as it could have been done on a
musical instrument. It was a wonderful
performance, and et us to thinkinar how
iitlle the world 'realizes of Morse's grand
discovery. After interrupting himself to
stir the tire, the performer wound up the
evening s entertainment with 'Old Grimes,
and told us he did not live more than a
six months' journey from Yreka. ' :
A CrRiora Bill. One meets with many
curious things within-his journey through
the bounds of this " broad circumbular
globe." I have met with many myself,
savs a writer in the New York LfirLstian
Advocate, but the most unique thing I re
member of seeing is the following curious
bill, paid in the Vear 1182 bv the officers
of the Church of England known as the
Winchester Cathedral. This is a literal
copy ;
. . WlXCHESTER. Oct.llS2.
Vnr work done bv Peter M. Sollers :
-- s. d.
In soldering and repairing St. Joseph. .0 8
("leaning and ornamenting Holy Ghost. 0 6
Repairing Virgin Mary behind and be
fore, and making a new child. ...... A 8
Screwing a nose on the Devil, putting
hair on his head, ana placing a uew
joint in his tail
.5 6
t.:j n R9. 11 i
I MSollees, Church Mechanic.'
From the French of Eugene Guizot. ? ' . ;
It was past midnight, and the bride had
already been some time in the nuptial
chamber. When the young spouse suc
ceeded at last in escaping from his friends
and leaving the ball room, he as
cended the stairs, upon one of the landing
places of which a waiting maid met him
and told him to enter.
The new husband rapped lightly upon
the door, and threw himself at the feet of
a woman, who was waiting for him, seated
near the fire, in an elegant night dress,
such as a rich widow might be expected
to wear, wliose desires had been satisfied
by a new marriage.
"Rise, my - friend,'! said she to her
spouse, giving him her vand.
" No, no, madam," replied the young
man, seizing upon the white hand which
he clasped between his own, and carried
to his lij,8. Jq, leave me at your feet,
and do not withdraw your hand, for I
fear lest you may escape me ; I fear that
all this is only an illusion ; it seems to me
that I am the hero of one of those fairy
tales that I used to hear when a child, and
that, at the very moment of being happy,
the malicious fairy is going to fly away to
laugh with her companions at my sorrow
and despair."
"ie assured, my friend, that yesterday
I was Lord Melville's widow ; and, now,
sir, I am Madam de la Tour, your wife.
Dispel from your imagination your child
hood's fairy. That tale is but a fable."
Fredrick de la Tour had some reason to
suspect that a superior genius interfered
with his affairs, for, Ayithin the last month,
either chance or inexplicable good fortune
had rendered him rich and happy beyond
his desires. His age was 25 ; he was an
orphan and lived upon an employment in
which he was engaged, when passing one
day through the street Saint Ilonore a
splended coach stopped near him, and an
elegantly dressed lady leaned over the
carriage door and called out to him,
though not by name.
The driver descended, let down the foot
board, and hat in hand, respectfully in
vited Mr. Frederick to be seated bv the
side of this woman glittering with jewels.
The coachman then drove on.
" Sir," said the lady who had thus taken
him up ; with a sweet voice. " I have re
ceived your letter, but notwithstanding
your refusal, I yet hope to see you to
morrow at my evening party."
" Me, Madam," replied Frederick.
''Yes, sir, you ah ! I beg your pardon,"
cried the lady, with surprise. " I beg
your pardon, sir. tou so much resemble a
person of my acquaintance that I took you
for him. Ah, sir, excuse What must you
thmk ? Indeed the resemblance is so
;triking that any one in the world would
be deceived as I have been."
Before this explanation was ended, the
carriage stopped in the court of a superb
mansion, and Mr. Frederick could not but
offer his hand to Lady Melville ; he ac
cepted, her invitation and in a few days
became one of her frequent; visitors. The
rljCh "i?id.ow was surrounded by admirers ;
but they dropped off one by one, and
things were so arranged before a week
had rc4lcrd,by, .that the little clerk had
Ead3 the wi(Jo,v?, --house .hia home. Mar-
riasre was a-jtrecti' upon, tut it was she
w-ho first proposed it. . ... . -
F rederick would sometimes place him-
self in the morning before his little glass,.
and consider himself with some attention.
jl was uiy. uor umuusome. ins
dress moderate, as must be that of a clerk
I T . ' i 1. - . ."1 . ' V 1 71!..
witn a salary or buu irancs, did not per
mit him to attribute his good fortune to
his tailor. He was forced to the conclu-
t -
sion that he was loved for himself, or else
Lady Melville was fascinated. When the
marriage was settled, when the future
spouse was before the notary, his astonish
ment was redoubled. They declared his
property to be over a minion, lie oyn
ed, according to the contract, a farm in
Normandy, a house in Paris, in the street
Saint Ilonore, and other real estate which
he had never before heard mentioned.
The widow was rich in foreign wealths.
She had farms in Wales and pastures in
All this was to Frederick a golden
dream, and he longed to wake from it.
The mayor and curate came to sanction
the union, but neither the marriage solem
nity nor the law was able to dispel his
doubts, but he did not leave his wife's
feet, but grasped in his hand the embroid-
ered muslin of her night dress, through TOU? vour character is upright and elevat
fear that the dream would vanish. ed. ' It is in your power to become Lady
" T?;o Vra.lor wl- " an 1 Tna w ft n.fr.un.
av.-w , -o 7
. , . 1
cum iu mis uiiu uiiaii ui miii, v
us converse."
Tte -youns man at last obeyed, though
uwiUing to release his hold of his wife's
hand, and Madame de la Tour commenced
as follows :
There wa
once on a time "
" There," said Frederick, so I was pot
deceived. It is m truth a fairy tale.'7
"Listen to me. mv friend. There was
once on a time a young gin, uuru ui pa
rents who had formerly been wealthy, but
who, when 15 year3 of age, had to subsist
upon the industry of her father. They
resided in Lyons, but some homes of bet
ter fortune brought them to Faris. Nothing-is
sn difficult as to recover a lost for
tune, or to retrain a lost rank. This young
e-irl found it so : for four years she strug
flcd with miserv without neing auie to
vanquish it and her father died in the
hospital. -- '
i.iv l ouuu iuuuneu 111c Hus
band, and the young girl was left alone in
the attic for which the rent vras unpaid.
Its only furniture was two beds. If there
was a fafry in the tale which I ap relating,
this is certainly the moment she. should
appear, but there is none in it. This
young woman remained in Paris, without
friends, without protectors, without aid.
ha ring at Lyons debts which she was un
ab le to pay, and in vain seeking for labor,
the wealth of the poor. Yice, it is true,
stretched its arms to her, but there are
pure souls that can pass vice without
looking at it. er, at least, without suffer
ing themselves to be sullied by its breath.
" Meanwhile life was necessary, thefhun-
ger of the day redoubled at night, and the
misery of a night was added to a second
day passing without food. You rise from
a table groaning under its weight of dain
ties, where wine, too, abounds to satisfac
tion, and although it is since yesterday,
Frederick, that you are rich, you have no
idea of the misery I speak of, and you
wonder that, in the midst of the luxury
that surrounds you, upon this arm chair of
gold and silk, where I am sitting, I can
paint to you such a picture ; but listen to
me further. Hunger led this youn-r cirl
to beg. She covered her head with her
mother's vail, the only heritage she re
ceived ; she inclined her body to imitate
age, and went into the street. There she
held out her hand.
Alas ! that hand was
there was danger in
white and fair, and
showing it 5 that hand was then wrapped
by the young girl in the thick cloth of the
vail, as if it had been eaten by hideous
"The poor child took her station against
a post, lar on irom the lamp ; when a
young man of wealfhy appearance passed
by, the unfortunate one would hold out
her hand and ask for a sou. A sou to
buy a little bread. At Paris young men
have something else to do in the evening
besides drawing sous from their pockets.
If the begging girl saw an old man pass
ing she ventured to implore him. Age is
often avaricious and hard. The old man
passed. The evening had been wet and
rainy, night was approaching, and the
patrols, the night guards, arid the city serg
eants were about to take possession of the
streets of Paris, when the young girl,
fainting with want, once more held out
her hand. She addressed herself to a
young man "who stopped, felt in his
pocket, and threw her a piece of money,
so much did he fear to touch the wretched
one. A police officer who was apparently
laying in wait for the begging girl ap
peared, and laying his hand upon her, he
said :
Ah, I have you ; you're
Come along my beauty."
t this the man interfered with some
nth ; he took the arm of the beggar
which a moment before he would not
touch with his glove, and turning to the
police officer, said :
" This woman is not a beggar, but one
of my acquaintances."
"But. sir," the executor-, of the law
against beggary, was going on to say.
" I repeat that I am acquainted with the
lady. My poor, good woman, ' added he,
bending over the ear of the young girl,
whom he took for an old woman, " ac
cept the hundred sous, and let me conduct
you to the neighboring street. By this
mean3 you will escape this Cerberus who
pursues you."
The crown slipped from your hand
into mine," .continued the bride, " and as
. - il -I 1- ? 1- T
we were passing urtuer uie lamp, wnicn x
had before avoided, I saw your face."
" My face ?" continued Frederick.
" Yes, ray- friend, it, wasJ. whose life,
and perhaps honor yotf thus saved. You
o-ave a crown Vi Lady Melville, to your
future wife."
" You," said Frederick, v so beautiful,
so young, so wealthy you hav-3 begged ! '
i es, my menu. 1 receiveu aims once,
and that was from you." -
"'The next day alter this, and which I
now reckon among the happiest days-or
mv life, an old woman whom I had inspir
' . .. . -1 1. ,
ed with some pity, iook me mio nei uuusu
as seamstress. My gaiety returned by la
bor ; 1 became the friend of the respecta
ble ladv with whom I lived. One day
Lord Melville came into the room where
I was working, and sat down by my side.
He was a man of CO, tall, square, and of a
repulsive aspect.
Miss,'7 said ne, " 1 Know juur msiuij.
Will you marry me
. . ,r v t :,i
Marry you, a uwu.
Yes. 1 have an immense property
which I do not wish to leave to my neph-
ewsand I have the gout which 1 do not
wish to be taken care of by domestics.
Vrnm w hut T have been able to learn of
nt .i :n ti--i-ii that : -v-nil sir dfiStin-
-iUUlvme, auu -
.. A rrtn(. since vou Know now
1 1 1v.11 tl ' ' ' ' - " - y -
t cimnnrt, misiortline.
I loved you
Frederic K," conunueu me vuuuy
" 1 had seen you bat once, but it i iiu-
I'- " " e thli our Uvi
110.kV ir. r".,u together. As I looked at
Lord Melville, as I saw b'S melancnoiy
countenance and his sharp and almost
Aveary eye. I said to myself that the step
he Avas taking Ava3 nothing else than a
jtep of revenge, and I was loth to be the
instrument of it. If the noble lord did not
receive a refusal he at least perceived it
from my agitation, and. like all men, who
are only more ardent by a rejection, he
redoubled his solicitation. My compan
ions induced me to profit by the folly of
... . 1 IT- 1 1 1 i . . -. -1 ri ,
an Englishman witi ms uimiuiw, ,y
part of AvhoSe fortune eonld not but Boon
be mine. As for me, I thought of you I
adored you with all my imagination could
lend to my memory and- the image of a
man whom 1 had seen but for an instant,
almost induced me to sacrifice my fortune
a3 Avell as . yours, Frederick. But I had
nassed through too rough a school for ro-
1 'I lifl mrttfl CAn V. . 11.-.. 1 1 1
mantic ideas tq have the better of reason.
You were rejected by the young seam
stress, and I became Lady Melville."
"It was a fairy ta'Ic,"my friend. I, a
poor, deserted orphan, was the wife of
one of the richest peers in England. Seat
ed in ?. carriace loaded down with ser
vants', I was able to pass through the
streets where I had begged a few months
before, and clcihed in glittering silks and
diamonds to mark with my eye the curb
stones whereon I sat. The sport of chance,
the caprices of fortune, the passion of men,
iny friend, are the fairies of; this world."
Happy Lord Melville" cried Frederick,
"he was enabled to enrich you."
" He was in truth, very happy," con
tinued Madame de la Tour, and "he prov
ed to me very clearly that since my incli
nations Wer"e honorable,' this marriage,
which I looked upon as a very foolish act,
was the most reasonable thing in the
world. He was rich beyond mjr desires.
" He never could expend his income, so
he thought -very justly- that gratitude
would attach to' him a Woman whos ; for
tune he would make. He never repented
having married a French woman.
" I trusted myself to the noble lord for
the care of my fortune, and assisted him in
his last days. When he died he left me
all bis property, and I then made to 1113'.
self an oath never to marry any one ex
cept the man who aided me 'in the most
miserable moment of my life.
" IngrateS" added Madame de la Tour,
giving her hand to her husband, who yet
came no nearer to her who wished to love
and enrich him.
But, sir, do you never go into the
world? Do you not attend- shows and
concerts? Ah! if I had known your
So saying the new bride detached from
her neck a collar of rubies, and drew from
a small bag of silk, which was attached to
it, a crown of a hundred sous set in gold.
(- This is the very one," said she, putting
it into Frederick's hands. " At the tsiglit
of this crown I was furnished with sufficient
bread to support me until the next day,
and I also obtained credit for a few hours.
The next day things Avere so arranged
that I Avas able to presciwq vour crown.
It has never left me. " "Ah ! "how happy
Avas I Avhen I rpct you about a month ago.
With Avhat quickness did I stop my horses !
I leaned over the carriage door and to at
tract your attention, seized npon the first
pretext which presented itself to r?je. I
had but one fear. I feared that you might
be married. If that had been the case you
Avould have known nothing of this story,
and poor Lady Melville would have en
riched you in secret, she would haA e re
turned to England, where she would have
groAvn oia in seclusion at ner castle in
Frederick let go of his wife's hand, he
let fall from his grasp the embroidered
muslin of her night dress, and he seized
the crown, the cause' cf his fortune and
happiness. ''
So you see," continued Madame de la
Tour, l that I am not a fnirAT. On "the con-
trarA it
is you Adio have been to vie a
Southern Oregon Minks. The follow
ing is an extract from a letter dated Grant's
Fass, Jackson county, March 21st, and
published in the Sentinel :
While the excitement is agitating the
public mind, respecting the discoveries
made in this part of Jackson county, I have
concluded to drop you a few lines for pub
lication, which 1 believe to be reliable.
It has long been known that gold existed
on a stream called Jump-olf-Joe, in this
county, and occasionally pockets were
found that paid very well, but nothing to
create any excitement. - Last fall, a Ger
man by the name of II. Y"ines started in
to prospect the creek higher up than any
Avork had been done before ; the result
was, that the farther up he went, the bet
ter he found the pay, till, at last he con
cluded he Avas doing Avell enough, and put
him up a cabin, after doing Avhich be Avent
to Avork on his claim, which proved, as-1
am credibly informed, to be good ounce
diggings. Mr. Wines tried the creek in
several places, Avith the same success. In
a gulch putting into the main creek,' he
Avorked several days with a rocker, Avhich J
paid him about live or six dollars per cay. ';
Other parties are now taking up claims all I
along the creek. Mr. Sexton located, a
claim on the creek, below Mr. Wines claim.
He sank a small hole to prospect it, and
Avashed out, in a pan, one piece that
weighed thirteen dollars, and several dol
lars in fine gold. Another hole, sunk in
another part of the claim, satisfies him that
he has good ounce diggings. Hoav exten
sive the pay region may be, it is impossi
ble to tell, as the creek is several miles
long, and there is so much snow on the
ground that it prevents any great amount
of Avork being doue-at present. The loca
tion of this new milling camp, Avhich has
already received the name of Wines Camp,
is about fifteen miles up the creek from
Avh';re the Oregon road crosses Jump-o'f-Jec,
?, Wm. Gibson's.
Tub Ti-'AtATix' Hivkk. Speakh gof the
navigation of the Tualatin rivr, the Ore
con urn of Monday says :
Recent developments indicate that the
navigation of the Tualatin river is not an
enterprise to be derided, but that it will
be at least measurably successful. The
stream has been cleared of drift so that it
is navigable for boats of thirty or forty
tons as far as Hillsboro, on one of its
branches, and to a point within two and a
half miles of Forest Grove on the other.
The north fork, it is said, AvilL be cleared
of drift so that boats can run to Center
ville, some four or five miles above Ilills
boro. It is proposed by those Avho are
engaged in the enterprise to deliver
freight in Portland from any of these
points at six dollars per ton. If this can
be done, and there seems to be no reason
to doubt its practicability, the navigation
of the Tualatin will prove of great advan
tage to the people Avho occupy the good
farming country through which that stream
takes its course. Hitherto they have been
practically cut off from market for half the
A-ear ; but if in the winter season they ean
hereafter ship their produce to Portland
at the rates above mentioned;, they will
find the arrangement highly beneficial to
their interests.- That the stream will afford
navigation for six or eight months during
the year is an established fact.' The en
ergy tna demonstrated this in thed'ace of
"! . -i - rv -i . r t r i i .. j
such great auncuuies is nigniy commend
able. During the summer season hauling
is comparatively easy from the Plains to
Portland : but even then it is difficult
enousrh. Transportation for the winter
months is a creat des'vhratum, since the
occupations of the farmer during the sea
son of good roads are such as to leave him
little time to haul his produce to market.
In tree planting, as in many other
things, the old adage0esi?ia lente, make'
haste slowly, is applicable. We mean aa
to the size of the trees. Young planters,
especially, aim to have blgr fine-looking
trees. They think that-to get full grown
trees quickly they must plant large ones.
It is a great mistake.- An extreme case 0
will illustrate what Ave wisf? to impress
upon our readers. . A friend of ours, with
a Aery commendable- desire to have a
plantation of grown-up trees to adorn a
site for building, incurred great expense
in moving those of full size.' With all the
facilities he could command and the ut-.
most care he could use he s-jccqededdSl
saving the life of one indifferent specimen.
This, Aye say was an extreme case, but we
may be assured that the obstacles here,
met Avith are only in less degrees as we go -
down the scale of size and age. -Those
which are the freest from them are the
smallest and ycungest. Our object must '
be to get them at such a stage of growth
as will give as much size as is consistent
Avith the preservation of the ropts in th?ir
removal and the preservation; of the .nat
ural growth of branches. If roots are de
stroyed in moving there must, be. a cor-,
responding cutting-Sack of branches,,
which, unless done Avith great discretion,''
is destructive of the natural symmetry of
the tree, while there is nothing gained in,
point of time. The . folly of planting tall
stems of tAvelje or fifteen feet, limbless and
rootless almost, must be . apparent. We.
must be content, to ti"ks young trees from
their place; of growth when they are so.
small as to feel but little. f ho chang) and,
giving them the best possible chance, by
careful planting in ground well pfepared.
in advance, Ave may soon enjoy, .'-.if -'not
large trees, at least sucli as are vigorously'
and rapidly developing both beauty and
utility. There is a pleasure to be derived
from healthy young trees Avhich is not toO
lie overlooked because it does not nj.4
vtp to the measure of the advantage's ''We"
look for in their maturity. The following
is a plea for small trees, which we cannot
do better than to append to these remarks:
" AVe beg a little consideration for ?mall
trees. Go to the open field or to thenur
sery and select a good specimen of almost
any good tree say the ,beech, or maple,
tulip, or hemlock..'. Take one or mow of
each, three or four., feet. high, that haVo
branches well forced Oh each side. Save
all the roots and fibres in digging them
up. and in carrying them home don't banr
them to pieces, root and branch, but treat
them with the utmost tenderness. Pre
pare large holes in rich soil, and set them
out, so they will groAV vigorously. Clip
the ends of the branches just a little, butr
do this so as to .preserve the original symmetry-,
.Jsow,. watch these trees from year
to yeor. How healthy they look in every
limb and twig and leaf. How happyjthey
look, shooting out their branches on every
side and dancing- in every breeze. How
graceful in .every part and as a Avhole.
Small ps they are, they are perfect in form,
and plainly predict what they aa ill be when
full groAvn. Age will only enlarge Qieir
bulk; and brjng them nearerCthe time of
their decay. . s !'J
He Avho setf out large trees is compelled
to top off at least the loAver branches 16
enable the top ones to liA'e. The roots are
so mutilated in digging them up that
nearly all the branches have to be trimmed
up and shortened in order to restore thoi
balance of things. But such a tree, so
marred in root ad branch, is only half a
tree. It is a fragment to Avhich the lost
parts can never be restored. Begin, then,
with small trees. How they enjoy life!
They Avill, ere long, outstrip the large
stumps you set out at the same time, get
tfcem on your laAvn and pleasure ground.
Throw.-away your pruning-saAv and let
them work on-t th.eir own ideal If "you
interfere at all. let it be only "i. itii
ihumb and finger. -.-Never' 5arV their waa
ton Avays. They v, ill idtaiu". near .fc'per
fection if you will only let Avell alone." '
Coos County. Fren?; a lettcr nublished
in the Advocate we obtain the fojiowigg
in regard to Coos county : 0
Empire City is a prettyHittle.. Seaport
town, situated on the south side of Coos
Bay, about four miles east of its mouth.
It isquite a thriving toAvn ; has three
stores, two saloons, and three hotels. The
county of which Empire City is the county
seat, consists of Coos : river valley, which
is settled twelve miles above its mouth,
and Coquille river valley which is settled
for seventy milea from Avhere the river
empties into the iOcean- There are tAvo
large saw mills on the bay, which employ
from twenty-five to thirty 'hands each, be
sides many fhoi are employed in rafting O
and cutting logs to supply the mills. The
tAvo valleys; alluded to are being settled
up fart and the large trees are made to
feel the woodman's axe, that room mav be
made lor the cultivation of the rich soil.
Randolph is another place of some import
ance. It is situated near the mouth of
the Coquille riA-er. There are some good
mines here. There i()a report that new
diggings have been discovered near by,
but I shall not place implicit confidence
in it until confirmed bymore thorough in
vestigation. The Coquille river is navi
gated by one small vessel, of forty tons,
and it is reported that another will be put '
on. to ply between its mouth nd San
Francisco, next summer. : " " .
Mcst Haate Cipkr ! The following did -
not happen in Findlay, says the Jeffer-:
soman, but did in a to Ave not far distant :' o
In a Good Templars' Lodge, the subject
was being discussed as to whether it was
alloAvable for members of that fraternity.
to drink cider. The pros, and cons. of.
the question Avere being discussed with',
imteh Avarmth some of the members,
speaking twice upon the subject' At last
a young lady, Avho had spoken once before. -and
in favor of eider, got up, thoroughly
warmed in favor of the affirmative. After ,
a spirited prelude, giving aq glowing de-,
scriptioii of the goodness of cider, and its -usefulness,
she closed with " and, bretbT -ren,
cider is a necessity to me, and I must'
have it. 1 shall have ft. If iian't-get it;
any other Avay I shall eat apples and gets
some fine young man to 'squeeze' me ; for
I tell you that I can't live without cider !.'.
Notwithstanding this glowing perora
tion, the question Avas decided in the nega
tive, and the poor girl is out on cider, .