o ljc iUcekiy (enterprise. T..AVN AM CO.XTY. OlihiiJO-V Ji TV JSKMiXAJ.Y. A.S lud.e.l;eU last week, we visited the t b ve instLution on the 22d. We were rather late in our attend tnce. for lis'ening to the reading: o' the Gnzeiie by the boys bat head wdh interest the read tig of the Magnolia papers. Ly the girls. We should a:s oluive been please 1 to hear some of life class ex ercises. Put m th:s respect we have beeii assured, and from what w.t-. seen we daub: not correct iy, that in the various clas.-es the scholars acquit themselves well. i:ni J'orra;y. from those w;i know we are informed thai there is i general and rupi i proeress nm'ng au te en--l trs u Uie:r studies. It. has been iLe objecl- of the teacliers. Messrs. i'ope and Idntl I; and Mi-s Pamb ini, 'o make tin Oregon City Seminary j-eeond to n pt:b ic or prL.ue Fchool in die Sue aid we think, they should certainly be pi. vised w.ih their sue cess thus far. ihe i'incipil hiin-e.f per son illy vouches lor the good b Ai ivior o, the pupils, in the different rociin of the building. There i- a mark of respect paid to the teacher which shows the well do.ng and satisfactory eucounigeiiie.i:, of all. As before stu tQ. the p treats of the selndais weeni 'o take very !ir:le ;n eresr, in eduea tioa.il mitseis. We c.;i a.-sure paien: th it there iso tvi-r.n why they should b ashamed of HhAr children in ihe t-ehool room audit U ccrU.nty 'to be e.vpecu-d that the p treat is the ri.'st who should (ikei interest in this par ieu'ar welfare of his or her ov.'.i tit- d if they would be carefulCiti keeping a knowledge ofiitei'aet that an occasional visit to he school no. oaiv encourages the scholar but stnnul.t'es tbe'ieac-her we 'think d.ey would ottene. visit the S'eiu diary in ;h,s eiiy. 'Iheins.i tution is one of which we ad should lee! a pii'hP On the 1-th of next inon h the pre.-ettt term c'oses. There will be no public exhibit ion. but the hos s and g rU wid produce ano'her read.ng of their compositions or co.iir.btiuOiis to ihe Mag nolla and the Gazette. Ilrrn'. C;;k::k Coal. Frank Cooper, of Q l.m I. if cmtvK l! J il l.;r.-. WUO.lMiiM ij.nv tit ii ... 'v,i vj i. i'ii iji. :jiv yj i 1 1 n t : e Creek coal. It is i j u i e ga s.sy. V m n k hilt sereipy tons our re ;dy for deliv ery as soon as tlte lailrod i buil. from Oregon City to the mine. Seriously we di) tn nk th.s is a good tiling, The" coal HtrCjiiH better to us !t;a:t any we h ive seen m Hregoa. We w.sn the company every success, and hope they m ty has en matteis Cf he few t.iib die eo.np my hare tear, is only a begnin ng of the work oiunne'.ing the mine as the development progre.-.-es it is reasonable 10 suppose thar- a better iptalr.y of coal wi.l be produced. The value of such a mine so near to t.)rt"ii Chy our cL-zens will re.d lv see. n fh uf'de prove k be what is de-it ed it can be shipped o Porii.uid for use n ;lu (Lis Company s works or oun ii .es at less ex pe;i.-e di m tney can ob.a.n co.ii ironi anji other source. 'h- w h to .-ee the i.uite Creek Coai Cotup-u:y soon i-i eeing larre docks along our r.ver trosit. and d p iii ii iiig their l.gh ers daily tor the i'hiiponum Ma:' oi' Cc r r-N-.j.svi a.k. Mr. J. M. Eaeor. County Clerk, has received a map of Cut tingsv.l e .s.tuak'd fn .Mi:k Crc. k lout teen ni.les Mjudter.st id' tt egon City lot reeotd In a v vute no e Si r. Cuaile (.'u'ting Sr. p!(ypi'.e or of; he. place say 'Any tneehanlc wiso desires to go tu o bushiest at Cu-t.ngsvlde. an 1 w.ti e ni .drtici a bilild.i.g ior siteh p;iipo.-e. cut CJiave one L:. ot a ha if acre a sze ftee o. charge.'' This is a liberal propo.-i:!on and no doub" there are nt my persons who w;l. Had it proli. .hie io itecet of tm oilers. Cuitiiigsvtlle at litis iaie has a wood t'.mririg mid, and one store, if is -applied vr. ii a choice lid-.e wafer privi lege, and is surroun led by a g:o I a-zr.cu! ui'd e eiii ry. i he io s, or blocks aio a.d oil ii nearly square-. The m tin s rec; s s.x5y feei in w.ddi ; Lnir-i s rec die ame. 'J'he survey of ihe tos :t si e was ni uie on the i.tii of December. loih. See : dvertir-emeiU. A Cih.y Mo.vsri:n. iV;s'rniter d'ey ras ij.Vd oil cxiiibiiion at Lis H e ai d;i- ity ior a iew iayspai or.e of the luicce.-d 'ost friluful cougars we have ever seen i' was ki;ied by a cea er h ;. through the i rehead.Wit ine l.i lidiv oi r ebr ai v bv ytf. liatnolph Str. cki.o.id oi Soroig n'a er recitic Mr. S ra-k a. id has a d ig that i tluab.e ior treeoig such pee mens o. eeuuiid klngde.t aid win a s eady a m .id tru.-ty rdie c-i.e se-.dom e c pes e hotihl te;' fj a 1 ;in'y to,- s-aeh sei -ces. 'ibis ugly n-'er iiad very pow -j. till ai-ms. i.y i.tii- me i-n: ett.e-:: i:.- :o;e arm was uir:etr-.i nche- in c ream ereiiee 1 s bedy tiiree .. e. ,n ch cuui. deuce and uggtog fe 1 rug !i sevea lee! s.X niche.- i:e s it rty w cut id rake he Hie oi do me :ie lioe;w he-d- at:d bauds adno' u if'. oil: tcvlm t;a:io i. (TjUl: l'anus tlx: ore. r.tt:-;. As we sia eil a vetk or two since, the Comm'ss'.onor o. Xgiictiiiure retpie.-ts specimens of wheat orn. A'c. to end !o il.e great Exp it;oi t I'aris l at k 'ri'.-.ot two tioonds ii' le.-s an be sent tret. iifoimli d.e mails, di ec-edj to thykCoiiiiu s.--iner oi' Agr cuhu-.e Washington; I). C 'the name ot the ar.e!y name of the donor, and ih-coanv itnd S ale in which he s tmple w t.- grown houid be marked on each package. We trust yr iarnier will not tail ro .-iiow the t riQca lliiiperor what Clack tin. is county can do in the wav of fine grata, etc. Aw rAi'Eu. We L ive received ihe itii tia! ntimber of a paper Varied at Oregon City, in tP' Si.i e o' the same n into, by tin old Jaek-otiian. It isOe.tiled the Orego i City Eiierpriae aifit is publhetl by .'.tr. 1. C. Ireland, formerly oi this oilice. It is a sheet wi;h wed eondue'ed lficr.1 and fdi torial departmenrs. and in mechanical ex ecution is ift- ahead ot what we ex pec ed ti can that disiatit it!gion. We wish oil! co eniponuy a long and prosperous career in li s new tindet tak.ng. Jackson .M.fh. it uen. -'ii l IvO.tlilY FO.t CALK. lei SOr.S U :ring property in Oregon City are referred to our adyer is i:g columns. Mf. J. E Hurford present Coimiy Treasurer. wishes to sell in consequence of h s K- liniuir heai h. The io s to be sold by Mesis Johuson A. McCown are owned bv a "en- i tieiniu who-e bus ine s calls h jn from he Ail arlh desirab e homestead lots find the houses are nearly as good as anv "i me cry. Tni:on;;t T1(E TjjoiNCs. Uy te!egraj)b we learn that an invoice of Savier &, Co 's Imperial flour was sold in New York at tae sa. .-ate as the b.'St brands of Cali lorniit Hour, viz : 61 in curiency per bat rel. After this our Cap torn a rie.ghb r nny be set down as poor judges of oi.r Savpies. Aorici i.i tiiAii. The committee to or anize the County Fair it will be remem bered, meet at two o'clock i M. on Tues day. Wooi Messrs. Charmin & Ero.. wan: 200 000 pounds of wool, as soon as it can be bought. They are prepared to pay the S'gaest cash price. O o CiitcuiT Cockt. The present term of the Circuit Court. Judge E. D. Shaituck. will probably adjourn to day, leaving con siderable business thai it is Impossible to re tch. The ca'.-e of the S:a'e vs. Lanie! liaivey. ind;c m uit for perjury, wid be tr.ed in Miiitnom ih conn y, on a" change oi venue. S.aie vs. Geo. V. Jackson iud ct nieut for larceny, deiend nit paid tine Oi jO and cos s. St a e vs Geo. Turchardt in iicime.it for erjury. d.endan. pleaded not gu.iry. tr.al peniliiig. S a e vs. .Ju.ia Gadipie. indictment for adul erv, ct.e con n ted. Wii.-oa vs Wilis, motion .o a new rial granied. II. S. I'ardow vs. Win. iVhtilock, s-tiit tor damages j;t Igment ioi pht ntitf ;n Mimof ol 1;. Galuind Good in in A. Co. vs. I', i oster. judgment contiiin ed. P. A. Wei.-s vs.Satituel Smiih. venltc for defend ant. motion for new trial over ruled. Daniel Harvey vs. Wm. i Lara-A-sis-or. and the City Council of Oreiron vJi:y. Iavid Log in. J. K. Keiiev ainfA LJ. Walt, ior pL.in af; S. Huela't. J. U. Mi chell. and F. O. MuCowti. for defend tii s .. 'ihiS i an itc ioii of in re than old. nary im;.r ance. The pi tin lli' allege that de.en laufsareg d. y of ,r.iud in iheo as.-e-sme:it of his city proper y for taxes the case occupied cou aderul) e time and was wt ched wi h .n ere-4 by tiie i izeos generally to ihe c ose. Ntlet it oaws reialered as we go to press.- W. C. doiin t n an 1 J. It. la nieut. executors of the .'.-t iie of W. C. Ik-mtit deceased vs. .he 'hy Conned of Oivg .n Civ. 'i his case was subiukad upon an agreed snvtem.-n' ot iacts in substance that : de.endan's had wrongfully asses-ed certain peivonal prop er y heal wdhin the cdy in rruf. bdouginr ro par i ti who a t not reside wi h n the corporate limits of the city. The Court io i s findings, stales as a cor.clus'on oi aw thai the property alleged to have been wrongfully as. ess d was not so as vpsed bur w is htw ally assessed and taxeii that the money paid as tax was justly due as such, and that the plaintitls have "no rlgh of recovery. Dkspkicvdo Ai;i:r.sri:o. On l ist Tuesday evening a party of gentlemen arrived in his c.ty on seai cli of a man named Jama Gord-yi -',;prr. who hud assaulted .Mr .Cobei-; U arren. a ianner of Lain conn, v and iU'arly ki.Kd iiim on the asternoon o. Sa.unV.y. wtn,e Mr. Was ren Was plow.ng til a iie.d sc-ine ten mdes soiithiMsi. of At b.iny. Leaving oil- descritions of (hope, iiie party proceeded -o .Port hind. () the afternoon of (lie iollowii g day iWednes day Marshal Ryan di.-cov-re.l the culpri riding in o. town, and huined.aieiy took hiiu in etisiody. and after the usual iv i. minai .es proceeded to Albany with hnn Lepiry Siiei'itf Jirandt'nbit-g of Lmn county, arrived ab out hair tin hour aPor the ar. est. i'rom him we learn that ihe a.-sault upon Mr. W arren was unprovoked excepi so tar as a desjicrate charac;ei might take umbrage at the cottr-e of law when pursued lor just debis. It appears hat these was some busine.-s transactions be.weeii the ar.ies by which Cooper be came .mk b'ed to Wan en. The former was about, in toave he Srate. and ih- las oi-bi gan suir u recover Judgment tor his .iues. C(,a'i- then mos. likely took the course he ii is pursiud ior ihe purpose oi getting even. " As he was locked up by Mar.-hai Ryan he as.-t nii d coasidert.b:e (jffo'ui at I coolly to id iheM.-irsii-.il thai he wan e l h tin uid eggs for breakfast, and belore eating shou.d reipt.re a good s id cockuitl. Whe tier tli.s disingu:si:ed visi i. r at ihe lio'e de Cross iar w ts trea e 1 w.di tl;e respect he .-o'lciie I :s qude doub in I. IPs hort-e w is attached by one of the m.j'c.m he iiriut of das ci'y. on a deb-, o-.-otne s aiid.ug. As the pri-oner wa iiia.id.ed !s) the steamer on Thursday mornuig he x trnc ed agrea er crowd than .tn ordiiiaj v me iaceiie. i- not :.sv,; .u.i.i.., iueiv are in this eouniy eJg'.it (if not ie.i flouring mills. The li:st of the.-e is the Imperial Mil.s o Oregon Ciiy. runti'ng sixse: of burrs : Fee ! oita. :ee r a.u i mi a: .nttw .UK.e wan iour M.'t ; tidid is ivigi.n stn 11 two -el o;i j.u! e Creek , lou;- ii. w.tl incink Coding s mill Hid Howard s m;.i. on Asdk Cretd; : liard .ng s, oil Vv:ear Creek ; i o.der s on fclag.e Ci eek ; tn .'waiiid s. on Lutle Cre k : and i 'Urliaiu s. just above tlod'ix ail one se mi Is. This number of ml lis have a ci paery for Il-.urr.ig gra.ti in about ihe Sol aWiiig propordoii annual! v : llasl-sls imperial Mills .00 i)d J. Solildard ITo.dd ) ..-i ri oi T O OOO Six mills, e ich u.dJj bushels 1,0 )J To'a! ."o,o, !),;.) Live hundred and s X'y live thousand j bushv.s of wite.it. to be annually m ide in o i ri ur in this county i pre; ty go al con- d J e i.ig that ihe closest es;. mates last, ve.tr p aced the o'ai crop of the Slate at 'i. o i j 0 Jo bu hi'ls. F.c ixom v. A day or iw ) since, says the 'on h Lend i.Ver. a ge:if'ennn called at the Treasurer s ofdee o pay h's taxes: and was surprised fo find thai hi firm had b -e:i s !d a few d tys 'previous tip or having b 'en ail vertir-ed four -.vei l s in Ir's n -ine. 'i he ex'i a expense w.ts sunieii-n' to h ive paid tor a aper about three wttrs. 'Won 'I"-: if lie will not conclude tha the cenn oiisy of d diig wiMi-.'P a p iper is a little too CO.-t'y to be j lefi'; d? Nkw liioro'sitAfH-c Ii'ooms. -As will be seen by ndver'iseiiient Slv. T. L. Hick is now lirei) ired to rr've belter s:it:sr:;V'h.ri 4han ever to tho-e w'shuig anvthing in the pic; e.re lino. He ha iptvd up the rooms lu'ely ooeup'ed by M. C. Athey in g.tod s'yle. Mr. II. h :s l;e rep:Pa;on o-' behiir an expert in the basotes-s of lu.'dcat!na "oee'inens of hu-nanity, and our citizens sho.,'d give him a call during this tine weather The Cur'F IIoi sk. A friend who has just returned from Oregon City sivs the Herald is ehted at the i'ccommda'ions "o o be found at the Cliff House O'-egp.r, City. This HshibPslimen is near the s t'lan boat laiat ng and is par exceMer.ee ! b'sr house !h it ha-s evof been es : b'i-hod it Oregon City. When we siy din hi is under the supervision of Messrs VYhre t. III.. ..I 1 1 . piatned. ExKMt'f. A . ...sn, oi. t eh of the ; 1st says : ' In the Senate, the jo'nt reso ution exempting wrapping paper made from wood or corn stalks from Internal Revenue was passed." We make paper of siraic in Oresron. Rase Rai l. Members of the Clackamas Club are called to meet on Tuesday even ing. A de'ega'e from 'he Portland c'ub to the Xa ional Convention at New York in December last, h expected bv Ihe next stettmer. A club will be formed at Salem Cno'CS Frames. Subscribers to fine pictures should bear in mind that Shana han of Portland h is a large assor'ment of asty frames. les:gned expressly for the late sy!es of ni'H'-c Lab.je SroCtv. S, .vcs.eriui.i s'ore. on Main street, is filled to repletion wi'h a new. large, and varied assortment of the choicest selection of dry goods, etc., etc. Tcijned Ur. Ur.r old conepondent D. C. Iieland, Las tinned up a Radical .in Oregon. We now receive his we.t printed and well conducted Enterprise weekly from Oregon City. Oregon. He has had much exper.ence in new-paper Lfe. and wdl g ve the ci.izens ot Oregon a valua ble paper. Chicago Tmcs. At Iloiue Ag-.iiii. The numerous p. t- rons of the I rett. tint. Artist of Oregon, Mr. Joseph Duciitel, wid be nleased to learn that Huchiel iCardweli's Photograph G dl -iy. iong and favorably ki.own, sv Fut s reet P iitiHiid, has iig.oii pased into tiie hands ot Mr. liaohtel, wiio i3 nil' t I'oprietor a.nd Op ei itt.n-. He h.ts recently i t tui tied from Sail Vi tiieisco,.vith .di the latet tyles known to the nit, aad ti'-iice is prepat ed t give the utmost satiste.ctioin When at I'ottiuuu- le gooies.sot tiie we.itner cat i tiro a Bact.t.i. ut his old Maud. (14o '1 lit- Ilrs Il tit --"' i.r T .lifting Ut- lilood, Str tigthening tl , Nerves, Restoring the Lost Appetite, is ITUISL'S II AMilURG IK A. It is the best ie-ervati ve against al most ttny ickn ss, if u-eu timely. Compused i f t'rris oiiiy it eao he iven safid v to inutiit. b'ttii tht ectioi.s in I'reiicii, Spanish, and Uei -liian, with eveiy puCKago. TRY IT! fur s.ee at till (lie wnolesate atid tetaii driiir tores and g:ueeHes. ( '.1 KMiL FiKr, Vnoies;de Druggist, Sole Agent, 41" Clay ti'd-t, S m Francisco. Tiie IiUdu.-, are oi u gi. vv d uoiight over tiie l'aaoly Dye Cid ii.s, fioin t!it-celebrated mat iii'iK'tort of Ilowe &. Mtevens. Tiier suy the colurs surpass any thii'g ar. the die houses, and ate veiy much cheaper. Sold bv Smith fc Da is. Ciieal (:mguii.k are const. inily offered in Gent's Clothing and Furnishing Good, tf every description, at K-h:i & Fishei's. X- . Ill Front .-treot. I'or danJ. ' Just received, and now opening, an invoice of new g ajds, the latest, s t v l-.-s If uiii want to he certain of obtaining the latest iU)d most ia-hioi!abie stv les of ciuthiiii aad geai.'. furtdshiu r good, gi st aightto Ij.o iii.oi Ihos. Tiiey have got no lihsolcte stvlea. CocsTT Colht Judge W. T. Matlock presiding- convenes on Monday next ut9 u'oiocK A. it. Citt CoCxcil. -The regular nieetm of the City Comic 1 will be held on Monday eve- mr next. 1 UCT1UN A, l CO U MISSON AUCTIOXKEU! Corner of Fro.it and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION f ALES iff Re d hsUilc. (rioctriet. Gen ml llerelum- Jie t ml Ilofitex,. EVERY WEliSEShA V AND SA TURD A V! A. 0 lvlCHAKIXSoX, All' ih-lH i r. At Privite Sale, English lljinhl lUtr and Handle iron q'Ut e and Ch'tit'jon Vat stiel ; In.-.S,'itit, j-IUs, !,'axj,x, ana; SvrtCi, J-' i-ui; Aet Iron, . G. Iron; A I. so : .1 Large it s irimeni of ijroceri.es an,-l Liquor. c. . lilCHAHlJSi'N A O'l O -io l MISCELL .1 AEO US. 1HS NATIONAL COLLEGE OF BGSIESS Mi) COMMERCE! Corner of ALDER and FRONT streets. r (JUTLAND OEEGOX. rp:ns POPULAR, PRACTICAL INSTI L t ut i"!i oil" o 'h- be-t iiti l most success ful S stem f Pr ctf-al Traioiag and ihur-on-h I3u--iiie.-3 Discipline, T () Q V A L I F Y Youna: aiiil uiil lle .... AjJ- -m ISSw . . . . For an Active. Successful Life XT Tuii ion for the lull Rusiuss Course, time ttiiii nited, o. Tiioe wishing to become tncnibers will be admito-d an ei'k la to t" e year. X'o ex amination at the time of t ntet ui. The C.iileje (iiue!l' iritin lull informa tion, is sent fi ee t id! who desire it J-? Applicants will anplv io person, or by letter, to M. K. LAUbLXSL.U J R. Jrs ' i President. tax. iff SIS B P P p VI fx F011 'fc ALU. jt 1 TWO LOTS. AlMlm, And a Good Dwelling House ! Ix t rcgoii i y. 2 Apply to JOHNSON & McCOWN. o lMhiTTirN vT i p v Fapea' Msi saisl9 Co. Jfanijoctitre, nnJ hare c vts'aHlly on Imwl, a itvy "p rh.r Article o Straw WrupfJi'ij I'ojhr. Orders will receive jrompt attenfinn. '2A J. I. iMIl.l iili, ecieiarv. VJo'iltE 1! IlxiilKiiV dVK THAT Xl there wdl be an unnu d mt eting ol tiie stockholder? of the Oreso;. City Paoer Man ufacturing Company, at the Company's oflk-e tu Oregon City, On the 18ih day of April. ISfw, for the purpose of electing a B otrd of Di tectors, and transact sucli oiher business as maybe required. J. It. RALSTON, - Attst: Presi. O. & P. Ju. . Jajus D. Uuus, Secretary. (M.tl PORTLAND BuSlSESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad ised io note toe following nrins. Slnteen Yoars in Orezon. RrakOSIC j THE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of fiis State, desires Io inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as mv not be acquainted with tiie fact) thut he still continue:, to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland. (exactly opposite mocxt hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS. sT TfoNERY. SIIKh.T MUSIC, INSTRUCi ION ROOK for all kinds cf Musical List! tiuieiits. ciit;tic - v i f"-, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN Si i:i.(i.s. BLANK BOOKS, TOVS, MIS C ML LA N M 0 DS 15HOKS, C 1 1 h A l ' P U i i L 1 C A T 1 0 N S , 'LWPAPHR, MAC ZLMS, CLOLi.S. PLL'.-SFIS, lyr.j PfcNS, Photographic Album?, And every other articlf in the above line. G. W. UC3IXSO.V. j. n. LAZE. EJIIOBAIVT Stove andTin Store! No. L4 Front street, Porthind, Oregon, uextiLor to Everdiug Jc Ueebe. ROBINSON & LAKo, m-.ALKUS IX Stoves. Copper and Sheet Iron Win e. K AVE JUST LAID IX A LAUGH stock of s oves oi' the latest styles, consist ing :n part of the following cook stoves : ' 'ri-Ir of ' tie Pacific, Henuhir, Godni G i.'e, Cr 'tjst ,! Iil:,C H irJc'.s Patent, ILirrc! Quee.i. Diamond floe';, II nrlltston. Also : A good stock of Parlor and Box Stoves, tin ware, &.C., feo. Also: An asoii tut-nt of Pumps, etc. We are satisfi'-d that we can j. ive satisfac tion to oar pat rolls, in every re-pect. Us we are determined to sell at fair prices. We hold ourselves in readiness, and are ptep.treil to do inofiig, spouting, and ad kinds ol j b work, on siiuit notije, and in a saitsf.ictto v tu inner, ROUINSoX LAKE. Poitluid, March I dii, !H'l7. ll.lv tV l I. I. A M IO I' T K im WORKS COMPANY I j-rsr. Nottb Front ami lj sts.. i i ven 3 JNnllaiid. Oregon. Iron !FoM2adcrsj ENGINE -AM) BOILER (3UI LdiZRS. IlErs;-: WOIIK'-s ARE LOCATED ON the bank ol tiie rivei, one block nortit of Oonon's Wiijif. and iiave i.ieiiilies lor in ru ing out nia-Uioie' y proni-div and e.hcieni v. We Inive seeiiii d ite serv ces of .Mr. Jo oi N ition, as inr ctor of tiie Vv'oi ks, whu-e ex (iciieiiC" on tins eoa-t tr tiitecn years u iiiei a thor. ttjh k n-.w!-. dge of t.n- vamois kinds of nnnhiiicrv r.jpiirt tl fo. numiig tn.d liiilling purposes. We ife p-epared fo i xe ente oiders for ad 'Masses of machinery and boiler works, Mich as MIN'r(5 AND -TKAMir'AT MACHINERY ! FLuiKING MILL-! -AW MILLS ! Ql AUTZ MILLS ! ! MIMNU PUMPs ! ! A:e..' & ., A:..-. Mi n if act a re and Rrair JLn-h inert cf all -.. I RuN .sill i i ER H'ORK'ai Sun Fnt iicL.ro cost mi I tre'gitt. W'hteier d Rau doiu x tent Grin ler ai l .iiii ilg.iiintto . ihui.iar and .en i,' Se,f Adjusting i'nUnt J' into 'i. t iii-k-i ng, eitl.er ip;Lid tovll or nm ttt'iiu ey '' n ri. (J iii tz stamper. Shot and. d"-i,t f the i-et h i rd mm. :.; y PORTLAND i ittiu -t&tablishmeut, K. . Ho i i .t S in t. ON 11 AN I) AND CONSTANTLY RE ceii ing from the M ist -booking Kanues. ILm V .oer Poilerv. Cop jer. I'.n ami Planished l!,it!i Tubs; qn.ire and Angular Ll.e' v Waiiiiit Counter Satik Maib.e Wasii Stands ; vlu d, and Hoi and Cold Water rdioweis; Siivei -PI. ted Ihistn Cocks; .Marble Wash liasins i Force and Lift Pumps; llidrau.ie lvatn; Non 1 1 eezing 11 v - ! di ants ; Water Ciost ts, tv; , Ac. J' rsons wi long to ii.tr, iduee Cold, j or Lot and Cool aler into their premise.-, eitiier i'l an or Ornamental, wouiu uu well to give me ;i call. Portland, October, 18!3. oiiy C. II. M VERS. Engineers and Others, 'JLAKU i01ICE. JUST received, a small lot of the c de br.dod .'-cotcli Tubes tor Water Ijuages. Also, tiie La.gest Stock ever tillered be 'ore in tins city ot till sizes ' Wrought Iron Pipes Iron l-S to 4 i.ich in.-ide diamur; Uiass Cociis. T's, id ovvs, Return Leads, 'i; lies, Lnshings, Ac. Coiihtuiitly on hand. Steam Whistles, Steam Ouaes, Water (iuages, Governor mii -I .-top Vu vis, Throttle, Angie and Check Valves, Uuuge Coeks, xir Cocks, and all Kinds of 13RzSS WORK, FO ; STEAM, WA11II AAD O S. Zf" Persons wishing any thing in the above line, will do well to examine and pi ice tyy fttock before sending to sian Fraa-cim-o. C. II. M VERS, Pniuibiiig, Gas and Steam Fitting Estab lishment, No. 110 Firt street, Portland. October, iti. H:y. A. J.EIONROE, Ienler in C- I'fnmio. Vermont and Itdian Mariles,Ohe'isfs Monti men!, Hr-:d and Foid-S onrs. SALEM OREGON. 25?" Also: Mantles and Furniture Marble fumbhed to order. Id.Sui4 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. 1 U-.!.. PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Peiohs having busin-.-s in Portland are ad vised to mite the following firms. 127 Front Street, : Portland, IN V I T ES A T T L NTIO N OF CAS II R U Y eis to his new stock of BSY GOODS ANDCLGTh'SNG Just opened, and which e oilers at unusua'lv low pi ices. Famil- Drv G q.4 nr.d M l blench ed Sheetiiiir. Pillow cs Cottons. White mar seibes Q tilts. White lia kets, Crib Qe.ilts, Meriiio,tiuiatdsK'mj r. ss el.ths,l -lidnes Wuieojs, Popiins. R.-d. Oreoje nd wLit? FLinne -. Turki-h T .wel.-. Jlu k .buk and Datiia-k Tuwels T.iliie Linen cioth, TaMe ano Pi, ,1:0 CoVers,Or-g u cloths aird t weeds fuglish Pimt ciolii ...id liroadch-tij, Ciok iuiiSi etc , etc. . lolHiiig n ; Purniwj!'!, Gco's n,v Meu and live. 5- F.nn Reaver Coats, Vests and P.tnis. Rever-ible and Re ver S, ck v icouis, Riack Doe Pints, Ve'iVt-t and Ci-s-i a cre Vets, Oiegon Ca-sitnere Pants, Sectii let knit woo nnd'-i sid ts and drawei s. Mer.no do , Si take r flannel do.. Linen U shot.-, Dos tnei ino Uieier-iiirts, ties, scarfs Gloves. Cotton and Woolen sock.-. Alexan der Kid yioves. New -t le llats. Men- and Uins' Navy Cups, .-nk Umbi ellas. Rubber Overshoes, i-te., eta. J.a:ie ail t li 1 re',s' r'nnii bing Goods. l.idi's' .ieiino Uioh tah its ana Drawers, Fi ench Ce setts, tJaLnoi al skirts, Wtnt " 11b ed ho-e. Square wool shawls. Lotii- sri .wis and Lh-ek oishne 1 e ,-h iwls. Ftneb.-oehe shawls, Lr. akt..st shaul-, knit Alexaiidias, Hood.-, Nubias, Misses men no vests, li iliuof.il hns.e, (iloves ami gi.u:it ifts. Chil.trciis' giovesand nuts, Luce" hand kerchief-, Embioideied do., Plain linen do. lleuuiied and wtitcued do. F jic - Wit te ,o 1 .- Cluny snd Veleucieiiues I.tees, Embroidered ) .coiiet, Edgings. ius-r;ings and Rand-, Tat tine, Ritiib.jg, Tr.in;ijU!gs, Gimp and c-nis, but Ions, I. air nets and 100s, A ains -ok, S.viss Jaconet. Victoria Law ns. Renin Knitting Viiiti, Zephyr en.broi .ery. Canvass iiid toittern.-. Machine Sewing silk; Cotton and Linen, ete, etc. i veitv Ahticlk is M auk Kb 1 Plain figutes with its tetail price. JOIL Wfi.SOX, 127 Front street, opposite the Wit it 14:3mJ Cheer House, Portland. II. W. 0l5MTT, Itnpotter and Wholesale Dealer in Ame ican and English HARDWAR Also : POUTS and SHOES No. "3 Frunt street, corner of Oak, Portland. Uvdlinv Hirdrctr. Carpr-nt rs1 ant Joimrs Tunis. Cull rt(. Siddteri Hardware. SpruHji awl Axels, and lilac Tii't li ,s ' 7 00 .v , Agi it uhiirul implements ! MINING TOOLS! BNG LT II HARDWARE S Direct 'rotn England, selected expressly for this Market. P u tr d e it, Lkad, Axb Shot! Having had an EXPERIENCED AGENT m eii Yoik, who atiesols exclu-ivolv to pin chasing and forwarding Goods for me, 1 am enabled to obiain them t'iieet foiii the Manufacturers, at the lowest rates. and to idler purchasers. 'tinerior UiUUCcnielitS to w;i co;:it"rr. San Francisco'. .Hi'ACI.KAr. i 'urtland im1 rtcrs h Wiiolocal-B Grccern 74 FSOXT STREET, Purl I n (1 () i in. OODS SOLD FOR CASH AT A SHALL advance upon SAX P.IAAC SCO .Ti DUIoG FR.CESI w k meicli ints vi-iti:-g the city to price lii- i i sioik bef.ne jiurchasing. It. Dr. CHAELE3 ULACH, Pi 1 ' in n, Siinjeon ami Accouchen r OFFICE Corner of Washington and Front .street.-, J.rnh's Rlock, Poriiaud, Oregon . RESIDENCE Salmoii street, between Thi-d ai d Fi.it' ti:, om.osite tiie Plaza. ! BEST gELECTION And bugest as.-ort tuent of Laibes' Gents', Mis-e-', R.iys ami l.liildiens' BOOTS and SHOES. Can be had at P e PHILADELPHIA IK'U'l AN I SluE SIuRE, No. 1 1 F,unt sheet, i'm tlarid, opiosie li niter Jii t. . ' rptt 'tore, wie.-re io'" troo;!s of toe I .test ytyles ate re eeiv.'d bv every .-teamer, direct fio.n tiieeast, enabling us to sell cheaper than any ottiei -tore in ths city. K.AS1' & uA 11 A LIN. 14.) 112- Pioi.t street. Portland Ii. C. MILLAR!). W. J. VAX SCilCYVEK. MILLARD & VANSCHDYVER. Successors toLadd, Reed A Co., Importers and Wltol .sal-' Dial' rs til FOIIEISX AX 13 DOMESTIC LIQUOIiS Ahs-: Saat. Dor.s and Blinds. Xo. J3 PiO T STltKI'-T, Portland, Oregon. 14 lyj Jf) CROCKERY Quteiis-Ware, Eawp. etc. .1 Importer of articles in the above line, would invite the attention of purchasers to his large stock now on hand. Front hire t. 2:ly P01 Hand, Oregon. L- T. HCHULTZ, Importer and dealer in SSSOsiSl pianos, Aluticul Instrument, Stationary, Cutlery, Fancy Good, etc. ICK Front street. : Portland, Oregon. Pianos Jnd all other Musical Instruments carefully tuae4 ual repaired. 2:iy MISCULLANCOU I Soiling -off at Cost ! JJAVING DETERMINED TO RE 7 IR E FR OAf B USINESS I now oCer mv entire stock cf Pry Good- and Clothing. Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groeeoies and Ptovi-ions, llardwai e and Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, &c, In Ln,f to Suit Purchasers At- Cost! ror'CsisIi! OR Country Pro lure at Cash prices T hare mad- arransrments t close t ut in SIX1V LAVS! ROSITII'LLY ! ! and mv entire stock must be .-old in that time. CO UNTR V MER CIIA NTS FA RMERS. M F. Oil. I NICS AND L FACTlLL Are invited to call and examine my stock, before makine pmchases elsewhere, and the wid tid that I a t, dliut g odi CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST 1 TH S IS 110 inJHBTJG ! As von wii' le rn by c illinsr. My invoices ii'cojH-n to the inspection id' pin eh -er at '.11 Lines WM. R ARL0W. Oieguii City, Mar h ICth, IS 'if. l.Ct Patented October ISth, lSo3. PERFECT F.xST COLORS lil'ick, Dark Green, Black S 'k. Li'jht Grernt Dark B lie, Mnipnta, Light Bite. Maizf, Fn ne h Blue. Mtroon, Claret B'incit, Orange, D irk B rote a. Pink, Li'jht Brown, JJurplet Snvff Pi row a. R'Jynl Purpl', Cherry, Snlmna, Cri'umn, Scarlet, Dark Drab, Slate, Light Drab, SiITernn, Fair a. Drab, Violet, Yellow, Light Fawn Drab. FOR DYFI .G SIJ.K, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, l)i esses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Uuts, Feathers, Children's Clothing, Viivl all ICi. 1 of Wea.-iig Appai'e', A Saving of Eighty pot Ceiti- For tiventy-tive cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five tm es th.it sum. Vat ioi;s .-hades can be pro duced from the same Dye. The process is simple, and any one can trse the Dye with . periect. su cess. 1I11 eci ions in .tuiglish. rreiicu and German, outside oFncn pack age. HOWE k STEVENS, yo Rioadwav, Boston. rF" For sale by SMITH k DAVIS, Port land. Oregon. 21.lv l i 1Z M O V V Ju I The subciibei3 bae REMOVED TIIKIfc KNTIltS STOCK OF FURNBTiJREt T THEIR VVTS Xcy nn?l C mmoiiiotn rstics T7o-ms, 67 F.rst street, near Salmon street, Portland, Oregon. w 7 HERE, WITH AMPLE ROOM, TIIEY tin y now invite the attention of tne P'.boe tn a LA i;(J k n AM) bktter assohtment ii.au evir jire.-CiiTed be'oie. and, ulthouud s;tu;iteu a iittie awav Lorn th" ceuter ot trade, with lessened expenses, am roods from eastern manufacturers direct tiKf i feel confident that it will repay purchas- eis to'tr.ve them call. IiURGREN SIIINDLER IVrtl tnd th, lS'Ji;. 4:tJ Ast:ris Lot Sale.' Mr. J. M Raco.v is Agent at Oregon City - and. Mr. C. P. t titnv is A;ent at Pnrdand to issue cei tiileates, or title bonds, and have at 1I1 irotlices in n s f the town, show ing the i-atcels or shares into which the propel ty is dividi-d, and a. hotograj.h of a jioriioti of the town, and ot The cottage home tead which constiitties t lie c .pit .1 prize. Each purchas er of a ticket wih give fo the Agen Ins due hiil for tiie purchase moiii-y, payable when he receives a deed f.rtlic propetty which he .-hall diiw. The iii-tribntioii is expected to come off within two tiioi.t'.s, judging lrom" ihe rapidity with u hLh the shares ate being taken over a hundred having heeu taken in Astoi la in the last t-"W d.ii s. ' F..r toil particulars see Fouith pnge ofVois pa- er. . 21. tf P A 1IST TS, OILS hUB WINlOW GLASS, Varnishes, Brushes, Coat 0l LAMPS, CHIMNEYS. WICKS. lc, &c: Machine Oil. Roiled Linseed Oil, Lard Oil. Raw Linseed Oil, Castor Oil. Xcats-foot " I'olar Oil. China Nut Oil, Turner's Oil, Sperm i4 Turpentine, Alcohol. For sale at low rates bv A. UOLLUB & CO.. 501 aad 503 Front s'reet. N. W. cor. Wash ington. San Francisco. 2t).om Admnrfrato COUNTY COURT V Nct'ce. OK CLACKAMAS Fc ,'cuutv, tate ot Oregon. In the matter 01 1 he e-iiiie 01 oames . r oru, ucceaseu Ezta Stout the administrator ot the above entitled estate, having tiled his account for settlement cf the same, it is ordered by the , . , 1 . 1- T .... . 4 I .1 . .1 Coin t tl at The Ji.l Monday in Sejiten:bfr, 18G7, that being the first day of the September term of said Conit I. e appointed for the final settlement by said administrator, and ail ps r ties interested are notified tu govern them selves accordingly, liy order of the Hon W.T. Matlock, County Judge. 2d.4w CHARLES HOPKINS, Successor ts G, IP. Vaughn, T'EALEU IN Hardware a nil Cutlery, Iron and Steel, Blacksmith, Min'-rtf and Mechanic Ton's, Plows, Reapers. Mowers, Threshers and Agricultural Implements Generally. ( . 116 oVron. marSO Corner of Morrison st., Portland; WANTED. 1 AAA HEAD OF GOOD 1UUU .-been. . Inquire at Selling's store, I uregon uny. Zi.lm J. li. LPLiili. RED ING TON & GO'S COLUMX. Essence of Jamaica Ginger, '-puis yaluacl-TrepaUatiox, cox- JL taining, iu aDhighiy cbticfentraied form, a.i the properties of the Jamaica Ginger, has become one of the most popular domestic remedies ior all di-eases of the stomach and digestive Wgans. 0 As a tonic it will be foml invaluable to!I persons recovering from debility, whether produced by.fever or otherwise, l6r whil't it imparts to tire system all Ihe trlow and vigor that can be prouueed by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the r actionary efiects thkt follow the use of Spi'itsot any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for female who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost iuitsediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany tl at peiiod. It uives immediate relief to nausea, caused by ra sickness, etc. It is also valuable as an external application fbQJout, Rheumatism, Nem algid, etc. KLDINGToN i CO. Cm uou j Sole Agents for the Pacific Cist. "MARTHA WASHINGTON HAIK RESTOREE. A Trust none otuer, howe'er ideasant, ISone can do wliat this has done Ttv it always keep it present Use th Aluttha Vfashingtgo. IT 13 It uill keep tie the Hair soft ad glossy : chang-e it to its Original Color) prevent the Hair falling out; niake old heads look young; and do all that is expected of a genuine, Good Kair Restorer. EEIItfGTON & Co., Agents, San Francisco. MOT A ii 0 MARTHA WASHINGTON HAIR EEST0KEH I a wonder of the wot Id, and stands above comparison with any otfisr article for the hair ever brought before the public. Sold every where. . . - . . -g . heditjgtqn-s c. Flavoring Extracts . Are (rnade from FRESU FRUITS. Each boftle holds twice as much as any other brand in the market, consequently they are the cheapest and the beft USE NO OTHER. llEDINGTON A Co., Agects for the Pacific Covst. GRAEFENBERG UtERINS CATHOLiCON. 9 IF faithfully used accortfJng to directions will cure eveiy case of Diabetes, and greutlyimti gate the troublesome t ffects caused bv a re laxation of the outlet o the bbulder. It is most succes-ful remedy Tor Gravel and oths diseases of tf.fi)kic?neys end bladder, and fo" Female diseases is unequalled. ....... The Catlioliconuniformly cureCProlapsa Uteri, WLites, all Irregularities of the Month ly period, Suppression, Incontinence of m ine Bleating und Dropsical swfdlirgs, and ai diseases of pregnancy. The specific action o. this medicine is immediate and certain upon the Uterine and abdominal muscles and liga ments restoring them to as healthy a stat as those of childhood an-4 youth, so that pa tifciits who have used the G raefenberjr Compa ny's Uterine Cathohcou cuntiot stdliientlj express their gratitude for the relieLaCordea RKDINctTON & Co.. Agents, 416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. yUt WILL YOU DELAY? We are sorry that there ar persons Who suffer on daydpy day," month after mouth, and vfir by e year, when friends and neighbors o have been cured otvtae same mr.lady that afflicts them. Now it has been proved by substaa- o tial evidence that SCOVILL'3 BLOOD5 AND LIVER RYRUP O will cure the worst cases of scrof- '5C ula, Caniter, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc.; yet still there are those who neglect this sur valuable remedy. To such Trt say, try the syrmp be convinced; HEDrNGTON & Co., Agents, 4.1 f 'and 418 Tront street, San'rancisco. STOP MfGOOGHIHG i y mi. Vn.t h.ivetd tl evi-ry ie.ue.sy 1M t:n V i ..iit J. I.y i"s i itno.-H.; raciit. t fiier--t!f? . 1 1 1. r j r ji;ir ami s. 1 1 i - r"'t FitrpriFin j .hi .p'kmi' t hj tetto.t itf)t- rii,tethir-x Ism !' r tU iiit:T rx. ri nl!ts -"t In-- t.iu.lc of trashy C'tui.wii.i .tca ca UJ j;u. ,o as a ccru.iu ca.v O ill Will hit & ulmona? j Bjitj -: t'.i.j (.! ( I ro"? 'Jinn: :, .Aiit. , ' -n.j t "i.th ji' ;.t In " iu'. t i iiisi: n: jm ion. li ; 'a . I l.v.i l.- I I .il l.l 1 j... I (HVS'i.l I: .ve I, n . caU IwucUttcd Ly liiJ liJrj.riaia gpUt j o.vwt ITBwBLL'O ilacnary Syrup '. villi rii pto-1 i-o it th'r vinn1''"i Prr !ti. V. t.' :r..r -ss our. l ftSxtii a.l i- tio fit: i "i jnuintM vi:h thw tli frrfutKtsS4!Kcea f th t tiie leaiiti.j ( I Tl ihauxi cf lui lUruai HEWiilLL?B .tmnionary cured thousands &nd it will euro YOU if vou t- iu G ' TliU InvatiiaUla iriO'!i",no is vsa.ar.t t" tb tf' utnc, Ucaling anvl sireng lietbWs in its !Ject: t -!y frfC tVoai ail rkii.-ouous or Ueifterio:. .ii.g. I jxTf-rtty hhriWess nnler all circum.-itaiieo. (''r'i ic.-ttfs fro-n riativ proniinent cnMUii f S rnuj acooiiiy-u e'cry WotUo of !IEWELL'8 Fulmonary Syrup 0