o o 0 O o o o e o o o o o o O O 4 1 O O G o o o o o o 0 0 o 0 O 0 0 O G For the Exterteisk. DUapIntid Lo e Kxpian&toi y. In the hum drum march of Time, While Life more like the pendulum's swing With a "back and fo'tU," no wearying, That even Harry Homeless' " rhyme Wins with a glance, a smile perchance, And, "I wonder who wiote lhatsillv thing?" O The writer's aim wa answered ; still, As some suppose, a pergonal fling. And make it seem a venomed sting, Anonymous, as serpents kill ; II. It. begs pardon of all who thought He aimed at them a bitter shot ; At them, or any ; in sober fact, His heart was heavy, his brain was racked, With the dread suspicion that he had lost By shuffling, as the game went on Found to his late, and bitter cost, Thahearts were trumps and he had none. Bo much theS pray, II. 11. acquit Of ill intent his was the coat, If any chose to borrow it And found it proved too close a fit That's not the fault of him who wrote. 0 Harry IIopeles3. o A New TKxriLtc. In our wild and scarcely explored Slate, there are undoubtedly many t-ducts na tive to t'je soil which wouid i:e d great value to the world if brought into notice and cultivation. We have at v irions tunesjifanfrif differ ent vejjutalile products of the vullcy of thtolluiribftldt, such as wild rye, very productive and tf'ie ratii ; an herb called " i trl," a species of to fenceo, uPikiiiif the most pleasant and fragrant snn-kiii" wt-ed known, and also a new species of n-iX or hemp. Some of thisdatter product has been sent East, and is thus spoken of by an eastern paper : Tne last discovery which conies to us from Nevada i agricultural rather than mineral, but very important. It is of a new textile, such as was eagerly sought when the rebellion broke out, but unsuccessfully. The plant now discovered has its home in lh Humboldt Valley, where it grows in lure; qn urities, and can of course, be undo to jrow mor thrift ly byeultiviition, while, if it has the values which are ascribed to it, it will soon be removed to t!lel fields and propsiattd aiimiio other crops. The plant IS said by the dicveier to be tnjpermr ti any textile now in j useP Tht'iih styie 1 hemp, it is call' oil so on aicoii it f its closer simi larity to thai ihan m: other growth. It has a stro g -r and liner thread Ctilall the hemp proper, and a much longer staple. In proprolioii to tin wood, the fib.r is much more abuu xiaut It can be iiioiv easily sep .i. ated to, than fl i. or liemp. and can besiripped clean from the stalk wilh xut prep tration. Nevada lies be twecu hirty sevui and forty-two de grees no tK Tins corrcpoud s wilh the Utimde d Northern California, San FrmiH -., 8. It L k C'it , Indianapolis, Coluin' u and Phila delphia. I he II l.n'i ild river, alo whieii the new hemp JZiuvv--, rtn s from ihe nnu;if niiis td ihat name westward, thio.ih a mouutaiuout country. If, therefore, experiment jiiovesuhat is claim-d for this tex tile, it. can be prolonged in itscu'itiva thm trom its original iiabilation to our own doors, and will enhance the V i llie of t lie hemp harvest in those States where li is now an impoitaut feature. O O ft3wMih be v eil if our Committee 0 on thearis Exposition w. u d get SofHe sattljile.s tjf ihe ;tlove iiieolioiied Cproduets tor exhibition, with 'heii inineralosT'cal specimens. Rce.se Kiver Reveille. q Photographic Colors. -A cor respondent d" the French Repertoire de Photographing writing from South America,. iv.s : ''Some time since, 1 took a positive portrait of my wife on glass. The weather was very fine, but on C 'ln'mg out of my dark room! observed that the light appear ed very yellow and somewhat obscur ed, and I then .-remembered that there Was a total eclipse on that day. Af ter developing and fixing my positive I found all the colors ot my wife's dres faithfully portrayed on the riim. C)The tires s was of blue lloivers on v. black oroui'd. the cap trimmed with bjue and yellow ribbons, and ail these iohirs were accurately repro duced, even the fl -h tint of ih lace and hinds were -perfect Ui-f nluo at'.dy, all these coh.rs disapearetl aN ttr a lapse of ten minutes." The writer does not say whether any be- j side himself saw this portrait of hi. wife. Tnis is, h wever. onlv one of O many cases ot evaneeeot reported within a few years coloring MANUFACTt ttEs. The first yard of calico tnanilf ictnrcd in this country wjP made in the Wairen factory, ne:tr Baltimore. Maryland, about 1S28, and it was sld at, twenty -eight to thirty cent per vard. Jiritih ilrints were theti sell'mi; at forty eiuht to fifty cents per yard. The effect of the home manufactured article was to reduce the price of the foreign one to about the same rate. The fiist lire-proof brick was also made in or near B itlimore, in wh ch neighbor hood Ka-ilin had been discovered Prior to this dine these articles were importei fromStrtiwbriilge, Eouland, and sold at per thousand. Tn hotne mads ar 'icle s!d at $4t), and the imported oneoon went down to figure. These incidents now the economy id bringing the 'low, , 1 l . . l . 1 . .t 1 the loon, and the anvil ttethcr, and supplying our ..wo wants. - ' a -k. XickTuow.skus. A London d.ulv nows- paper nodces Mr. Iiussfy. Xo. 4 Si New Oxford street. - the inventor of bullous for trowsera tliat never come off," Usarxi. Hrxr.s. The following is from the report of tha California Sate Agn cultural Society, and applies w.th p cu liar force to Oregon : Our farm.s-rs are constantly inquiring w hat they can raise to pay them for the.r labor arid capital invested. We would say. raise such articles as your soil and the climate is best adap ed to. ami such as are most imported. Iu other word, atop the hole through which we are losing our money, daui the river which is carrying our gold away from us. and exercise your best judgement ia selecting the means to do it with. Ino community can become wealthy and independent which depends alone upon the productions of the raw material. There is no great staple article produ ced in any one country that is not or cannot be produced in some other. To be truly prosperous and independent every S:ate. should do as near as possi ble all her own manufacturing. She should feed, from her own productions all her own people, make ail their clothing, and ba nish them all the machinery, implements and tools they use, and all other necessa ries of life. When we can do this, the richness of our mines will not be judged by the amount of gold we export, bur rather by the correct standard the amount they produce and the healthy and prosperous condition of our industrial pursuits. Just in proportion to the amount of gold we exp nrt in exchange f r ar ticles we can and ought to produce, and manufacture or labor we ought to perform, just in that proportion do we enr.cli other countries and impoverish ourselves. The rapidity with which new manufacturing establishments are being introduced and put into operation am wig us. shows iha our men of enterprise and avians are beginning to appreciate these pio siiions. as wed as the prospecs o.' a handsome return for their investment We know of no minufacturing interes in the State that is not in most prosper ous condition. We da not know of one that is not pushed to supply the demand for its articles and at a lair paying price We need more woolen mills, more flour mills, more foundries and m ichme shops more tanneries, more powder and shot factories, more paper mills, more in ami factories of boots and shoes and socks ; ot harness and saddles, wagons and can iages of furniture and w ooden ware ; of giass and earthen ware ; of agricultural iinp'.e meats and mining tools, and hope we wiil soon need more silk, cotton and s-uga-r factories. And only when we manufac ture all the uecessiries of life which we now import will our wants in these res pects be fully supplied. i To Fky Fisn. The ordinary manner of Irving fish in a shallow pan. with only a small quantity of grease, maybe much improved upon by imitating Ihe Greek-, from whom we may also learn many othei use. ul lessons in the culinary art. Take a huge quantify oi lard ui a deep kettle and let u h oil. as ior trying doughnuts. line boiling drop in the ii-ii having previously roiled them in Hour or meal, in a few minuies they will be of a rich, uniform brown, when they in iv be taken out and served hot. "lhey w.li be found infiniicl) more delicate in flavor, as well as more inviting in appearance than when cooked in the oid way. This is recommended bv the 1-mg experience oi the writer, and h wdl be e: drsed by ad who try it. 1 The p. iiosophv of Irving is wed illu - j trated by this Greek process, detailed by our traveled correspondent. We may add that success in frying dv pends prim irily on having plen;y oi hot fat. If there is bat Lttie fat, th.' ar ticle cools down to i h at degree that it is readily absorbed by tue food. This fact that cool grease is ab -orbed before i has time to cook the article fried, while plenty of hot grease cooks it quickiy and is not absorbed at all. should be impressed upon all cooks. Am. Ajrl cuUurist. To Make Neats Foot Oil. The hoo'? are chopped otf. and the oi'uons are cracked and boiled thoroughly. From the isaaface of ih'3 boiled ma.-.s ab-;u one iat of neat's toot o.l i.s iddurau'd which i.s unsurpassed by aup other ole.i.i; iaous matter lor harness shoes ii;c. Alter the o.l is taken oil', the water is strained to take from it any fatty part.cles that may remain, and then it is- boiled again tin: il, upon trying, it is found it will settle into a suit jelly. It is then poured in'o flat bottomed dishes, ami. when cold cut into suitable sized pieces. It hardens in a lew davs. and then vou will have a very tine article ot srme. tree trom im purities of every kind, sufficient for faini iv use tor a twelve month, liv takinsr a portion of this glutinous substance before it becomes too thick, and brushing it over pieces ot silk, you have just as much court plaster as vou desire, inodorous tenacious, and entirely free trom those poisonous qualities which cause las much of the article sold bv apothecaries doe; inflammation when applied to scratches. cuts and sores. Ax Ixcueihble Hay Cuo! The New taigianu jrirmer.. is response oie lor tne report that an acre and a half of poor land in bt. Johnsbury. V t.. produced thirteen and a halt tons of fine tiniothvhay this season. The land was. plowed in Arnrnst. 18o5, toudressel with f'ortv-nine ! loads of vara manure, well harrowed and ! sown three pecks of timothy seed, and fifteen pounds of clover seed and again harrowed an 1 rolled it vie-.ded tons ol timothy the last week in June and oi ton more the first week ia Sep'ember. A nrica Italian rve jrnss lias been jrrown to the acre in Euarli't 1 b the aid of weekly sewage or lai'ii l m mure. lut anvuim-r like such a crop of tiniothv h is never b fore been ronortel b,' the agricultural press. New LtOllT. The lievv wio!en indl at Sin Francisco, says the Alti. is to b. lighted with sz:l made o t lilt jiremises, of pine wood and bones, bv Kt'sley's process. The iuveidor i- -i. r ciaitn-s mat. out ot one corn or pint wooo aim nan a ton ot nones he can make 15,001) feet of jxns, 40 bu-hel j of charcoal, 50 gal ons nf tar, 10 jal j Ions ot turpentine, 770 pounds ot i bone black, and half a barrel d am mouia. io do this ri qnues thre quarters of a cord of wiou and h labor of several men. t is e!ai:tu H that the harcal, tar and hone bl.u k will pay all expenses leavi- jr ihe ir;, atnnuaiia and turpentine for profit. A t EST hilt UtLT. Weber states i ,Js;lt a soiuuot af H'liinioii chloi i:. o copper will nor ti -ei article cv eled with iS"i leaf, but wdl leave ; br wn stain on those covered with old -colored allov. Co'ixs. Y r Vvj iiire.vilh w!i it is siid 10 certain cu e tor 1 0110 so ne cus . tomw . Scr:ipe a p:t.ce o!-coin!non dlUlk j put asm ill portion of it upon the corn f t tt 1 1 It": nil it with i 1 iMjut r i;c j application for a few d lys. and vou will fill the corn conn off 'like a shell and j perfecdy cured. The cure is" simply and efficacious. I tv. v i j i i.iu 11 ia. ill. pt t4 iilv PORTLAND UUSIXSSS 0U1DK Persons having business i:i Portland at e ad vised to note the following Arms. J II MITCHELL. J. DOLPH. A SMITH. ELtcholl, Dolph & Smith, 0 Attorneys and Couuse'lors at Lniry Solicitors n V ha h eery, and P roc torn in At mi i alt a J5f" Office over the old Tost Office, Front street, Fortlaud Oregon. (ly) W. LAIR HILL. M. F. KCLKET. HILL & MDLKEY, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS A.T LAW. xnr7"Ibb both be found hereafter at their V Otiice on tho corner of Front and Alder Streets, Portland. Oregon. D.vr- J.S. L. DALY. W. S. STEVENS. DALY & STEVENS. Real Estate Brulcm, Collectors, and Genera! Ay at. OjJice'Tt floor Vaughn's brick, corner of ".Morrison and Front suetts, I'ortlaiid. O. jjFf Particular attention given to the ad justment of aci-ounts. Le:i! aiiil other doc uments transcribed at short notice. (ltf W. Ct. BALLARD. TUOS. STEPHEN'S. EXCELSIOR SM)A WOttkS! BALLAHD & STKP1I XS, Proprietr. DEALKHS IN Fine Brand'-en, Emjllsli Ale d: Poriei , Cham pajne CUier. Bock Beer, dc. LSO, Manufacturers of all kinds of Sy I -. ups. Soda Water and Goiter Pop. order for English Ale and Porter fi led in bulk or by the case. 2o;ly C . P . FERRY, Late I LEU Y d; FOSTER.) .EHS EQL 3IE KX 3E3 No. 56 Front Street, Corner of Washington, PORTLAND, OUEGlN. Airent N'rlh Diitishai.cl Mercaiit'.li Insnr ii re C on 'ai . And Manhattan Ijf, I nurara.-e C GOV E R X.M EN T SEC C R ITIES. ST O CKS Houd.o, and Real Estate bought and soid on Commission. ." : V E. G. RANDALL, IMPOKTF.R AXu DKAI-F.i: IV MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Sheet Music, and Mud.'al Merchandise of 11 kinds. Soie Ayn' iu Oregon fur ?I miii 5i SI m i.i's CEr-EBIl.VTKJJ Alt AETOItGAX J ANI S fiinvay $ n GOLD 3IKD L PIA0 FO'tTFS t First street, next door to the Post Office, Portland Oregon. j' - : 1 y A. G. ERAI3F0ED, 39 Piotit Sti:tt Pirt:aiMl,Oregon, IMPoHTEK AND IiEALEIi IN Wines and Liquors. ALSO : Sole Agent in Oregon, and Washington Territory, fu- the (oi.ikn mate CtiAMPAin.N, aianuiactnred by llulltmin, ritike A, to., from Calitornia grape-. 4 : 1 v I t N1 O V A. H, ! The subscribers ha' e HEMOVED THEIR KNTIUE STOCK OF y r Kasa To TI1E1U OWN 'ev nnd C imiul:oti; """ales T?o ms, t37 First treet, near Salmon street, Portland, Okegox. "VlIIEUE, WITH AMPLE ROOM. THEY V tluy now invite the attention of the public to a LARGER AX!) BKTTER ASSOtiTM EXT than ever presented be'ore. an.i, u t r t m u u I situated a little awav from th" center ct trade, Mill, with lessened expenses, anf goods l'ruiii eastern uianuficturers direct tlivy feel contident that it will repay purchas ers to give them a call. UUKOHEX & SIIINDlEU I'ortlan 1, Nov. :5th. 1 S- 4:t! LEGAL NOTICES. AdrAnit; atoi-'s Not ce. TN COUNTY COURT OF CLACKAMAS 1 Countv , State of Oregon I u the ma ter ot the etate of J .mes S . Ford, deceased Ezia Stout the administrator ot th.- above entitled estate, having bled bis account for settlement of the same, it is ordered bv the C ui t t! at Tin- p'ii Moid atf m Sri)ti" h-r. '80?. that being the first day of the September term of said Court I e appointed lor- the final settlement by said admiiiitra:.i! , and all p r 'ies ii.teiested are untitled to govern them selves accordingly. My order uf the Hon W. T Mntlock, Countv "Judge. -o.4w Adnrmstra tov's rlotire. TV COUNTY COURT. OF CLACKAMAS X Coun'y, State id' Oregon: Final seillen. ent in the matter of the es tate of .Joseph Antoini Zeidei deeeasel. Muiciis Reuherz the udministi aior of the above entitled estate, h .via- fi.ed his Fi-al Account for Sfltt'fPitt. thereof, it is ordered by the Court that Mon day, the !t day of April, A. D., IsrtT. (being the lit-ft day of the April term of .said Court.5) be appointed for thetinai setileuient of ad etate, and the hearing of objections to said tin d account if anv tuere be. Uv order of the 11 on. . T. Matlock, CountvJud're I7--) J- M. BACON. County clerk. c unmans. JN T 1 1 E CIRCUiT COURT of TM E STAT E of Oregon fer Clackamas County. R llemirie P!UL v. John Forrest defdt. A ct. on at Law. To the defendant John Forrest, non resi lent: In the name of the State of Oregon, vou ate hereby required to appeal mid unswerthe complaint. i tie ubo e entitled action h!.-d against ou, 011 or belore the first day ol the next te m of said Co;.r',af;er six weeks from the hist publication of this s.itn.i.ons, to-wit: Uit the ihir-i M-,mlo,f nt M-,,rh A. I) !:;, - a,s.d if vou fidi so to appear or answti, the pLiiiiti,(j will take j.id -wait aua.ust vou tor Ss4.', lu-lon, and u,teie.-.t, to getlier with cost and dibursen ea s U. W. CHAPMAN. Plaintiff's. Attorney. ouiuan Mil, I). lsr. ( itj.C WOOD! WJOD! WjCD! WOOD! WKTER! WSTER! "TAMES II. GIST IS PREPARED TO DE t) aver Hard Wood. Dry Fir Wood and link, to nrdt-r and warrant satisfaction Or ders b-ft at Smith Jfc Marshall's s'bo. ju-ompt-lt- tilled JAME II. CJIST Oiegon City, December istt lsvU. ti 0 REG OX CITY BUSINESS. H J3 T IJ it i 13 1 i I fUuTUUXED ! RETURNED! TO THE OLD STAMPING GROUND. s. ? Wishes to inform his Old Friends, and the pubi c generally that he h.s returned arin Oiegou Cit , NvhelC has JUST OPES FAX OXEof THE LARGEST STOCKS OF IWY GOODS ! C'lulhintr ! Hoots and Shoes ! HAT'S AND CAPS! Also u large and Wt 11 selected slot k ol GKOCEHIES! Pleaxc aire me a calK Ao trouble ii SHOOT GOODS! "1 will sell as cheap as the cheapest, S. A CK AX, Charman A Warner's Id biick store, lyl) Main .st., t'rcg.m City. N. 13. All kinds of Produce bought. FIRST CJIjASS Family Gtoceiiy Stoke ! Nearly opposite the Enterprise OfS.ce, Main street, Oieon City. E. D. KcLLY Hi AS IX Sl'OdE. IX Gv0L) ORDER, and tor sale, the following, articles io-vit : C'dfee, Japan Tea., Chocolate, 'lea, B.ack Tea, (.'orn-starch, Oolden syrup, Oreeii l'ea. Oswego do.. Sugais, Cruii'd -tig r,S.mu-i;Ioss do, Suiuratus, I'ulveriz'd d '., Che oic:d soap, Packing s ilt, Cetl'ee do., C'astile d ,, I) dry salt, Lemon syrup, Fancy-toiiet do Table .-alt. F,avering ext. Canutes, Cooking soda, Kerosene oil, Ganiitd culTee, S;d. .-oua, Oiive do., F.oiai, ttope, Clothes puis, .--ardiiies, Corn Meal, Cream tartar, Mackerel, Uroonin, Siiutl', CikI tisi:, HhttstV powd'i ,(.iii-caps. Lead, Vaile Mills ii-Sliootei balis,Sli t, Pacilic sportng"i-Shooter " Wliita beans, Yeast powa'o, Vinegar, UuckcIs, Washing " Cii ee, Pails, Liquorish, Horax, Nut-meg-', lluiiiiny, K iisius, Z.Mite c.ii i ents Hi ied apples, Dried peaches, Soda crackers. IJIueing. Prunes. niter ti ack'i 3 liice, Maccaumi, L'iackoig, TOBACCO CANDIES NUTS OF OF F All K ads ! All Klndi ! All K nds ! With the follo wing articles a splendid srE!-:L i:i;dAVix(; of GEOUGS WASHINGTON i- obtained iVeo jratis, with e.tcn article pur chased : Canned fruits, Oysters, CJr. spices, I'ranbei ry see. Lob.-ters, Cuiuamon, Toma'oe.s, E -iy!iii pakls, Cloves, Peaches, Ameiieaii do , Oinger, (iieen corn, 1'epper .-auoe, Mustard, .It-liu-s, -at-up, Pepi'er, iJlock ii.atch .'S.Fi eiicii mstaru W01 c'stershire ic , Ac, Ac. l?"Cash, undone price to everybody. No good- misrepresented lo ellect salts, A child can ouy as nnich for Us u.one as any oilier man. Money o fu.ided wiiere an ai ticie fails to give satiMact.uti. Sink or awirn, lair dealing is our motto. 7:1 v) E. D. KELLY. oTw. POPE & UO. DEALERS IN STOVES, Sgl Pump. Lcu.l Pipe Hose, AND MANUFAC1 IKEKS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware ! Main Street, Oregon Ci'y. The subset ihers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constant iv on hand a good assortment of Cooking. Pallor, Air Tight, and otner stoves, .-intuble to ihi.- inarkit, w.dch are being OFFiCiiKD AT P -Itl'LANll PKICE- ! Our assortment in this line is large, and will be toiiud to embrace almost any de.-dred pattern including the BUCK, 11K.NKY CRAY, HKAUTII.-TUNE, WESTERN E- PI RE. CHEAT UKPUiiLIC, RLACK KNlliUT. ic. Roofing and Jobbing ol every description done to order, in a m inner that cannot f ii! to suit patron. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment of liatd ware, Woodetiuare, etc. C W. POPE & CO Oregon Ci'y, Oct. lstV.. I::y Ii2i2i!2isai Mills, OltEO.V tIT. KEEP CONSTANTLY "N HAND FK SALE : BR AX AND CHIC EE. X FEED! "?F Parties wanting feed must furnish their sacks. I ti.-"u G A N E M AH STORE I ! JAHE3 MORE TT & CO., WOULD INFORM THE PURLIC-ES-1 V peciulty of Can m.ih, that tney have j etaii isiie'i a Store at that place where thev . will keep on hand a well assorted stock of j Merchand'sj and Gcc.;r'e. ; which wid be sold t t easoiiabU rates, for the purpose of establishing permaiientl v such a necfssily at Caie-nnh. Try us. (7::y -LJl.A iN I"jS ' TTE HAVE JUST jbU JTTED 3N iX :ni lorni v.:ii c e if vpv- ,,p..,t the bi qualiM tdfiaper, a full set uf Justice'- Com i bbmks. whii ii M ill (. . i Ul- 'oio as low us u.e same can oe procured Ise-.vhei e m tins State. u. C. IRELAND, FuUitha- Or.n Cty EnUrj.riM. OftUGoX CITY BUSINESS. CHARMAH u BROTHER ! STiLLOX II A N D 11 After Thirteen Veara Experience ! IN BUSINESS IN THIS C.TY ! Under the old Motto ! IEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR NU ) merous customers that they have just received from San Francisco one of the larg est and best selected stocks ol goods ever offered in this market, consisting of DRV GOODS, CLOTHIXG, GROCERIES, HAlih WARE, QC'EEXS-ll'ARE, also : PAIXTS, OILS, itc, Tot-ther with pie.lid .is-ortmriit OF BOOTS AM) SIIOKS ! Ot -Very d -million, all f th- l t jtlli v t IM 1 I. dent ths A No; HATS AND CATS ! Ol' all foiHllt.es nild .-t 'S, Lefid' itsii-V "I htr ods, t)o litlllli'lotis to !iieH loll. G-n:s and Ladie3 Famishing Goods Kji' Cuistniit I v ii hand ! All of which we will soil at the very low est prictf tor caidi. and we warrant satisfaction Country Produce taken in ejxhtngt for Goods! Particular uUeution, paid t Orders From the Country 2 AUo; to CoHxiifhmetd ' (ioodt, and -prompt J.tlwnx Made for the Same .' It is our intention to deal with those who favor us with itteir trade, in such a manner as 10 secure their confidence and continued patronage. Please give us a call at our new store, 011 Main .-trtet, Oregon Cit j.ly CllAUMAN &. lUiO. Tr EROS EN K Lamps, and Oil, kept con 1 V ftantlv on band bv ci i a it ma x d- nn . A1E.T MEDICINES of all kind-, kepi 1 i,y TIARM AS d- JiJiU. VTA -L PAPr.lt. Window Curtains and I V Paper shades, kept bv UMAX Si AX d- BRO. T'ULL Assortment ot rope, nails, etc. for aie bs C ARM AS d- PRO. rLTi'iS, IJackets. Wash-boards, Keiler'f X eives, eic, CJA RMA. d: Ji RU. C1ARPET. Matting, Pugs, Ac, ; by CJIAUMAS d: PRO. MEW GOOD AND O W IJ R ICES. I. SELLING, Corner of Main and Third streets, OKEGON CU V, 'pilANKFUL FOR PAST FA V0R, AND X. hoping lor a continuance of the same, would invite t tie attention of tne pubd-.t ! bisi-M-ge stock now iu store, d nsistiug of f-mcy and staple Dliv goods. Fl'l'.MsIIING GOODS. IOADV MAKE Ct."IIII0, AND MA.W HOLIDAY li K" EN I' - ! BOO IS AND SHOES, IS AND OAI'S. VALJCKS. TliUNKS. AM) UMBB ELLAS! Grot'eiics. Cr'i-krr.G!aS- l:d PI itt-il Waif. I'.ilMS. Oils, Laioj-s, Willi", Chiiiiiiys aiiil Buriirrs ! Hardware. Cutlery, e'e , etr. Briny JIa-idreds of t.'thrr Articles! Too Numerous to Mention! j TZ' Call a;:d examine for yourself. I take pleasure in diowim troods, and cust iiit wi.i ii.id i he articles at , easut.ai.Se li rure for j cas:i or pioduce. 1. Md.ld.NC, Corner store. npjioMte t e '1 in and tove store, i aid V t.r Imyj-rtatiju -or DliY GOODS FOK im and tOU7 AT THE OLD STAND, Main iltreet, Oregon City, J. R. RALSTCH, TT'T OPFYIYP 1 "V 'A' i , . r, - ' . . 'iyu . ! CEW'SG from Sail FraivUco a xplemlid asxia ttuent of STAPLE &. FANCY 3 " The slock comprises all the NEW STYLES IN DRESS GOODS. A'ouland Bro -he S.han l, Ljna and Square. II im,1 Sh'oe., Coats, l;ju?, "f tot It a, Cti mere, and Sik, Fmnnas, Linens, aul Cot ton in ijnat curu ty. Housel-reping (;..d. CurPrin. Fixture., Mats, Ru.j, d'c. Sotlm aud Faneii Cood. S w I , s 1rl iw. MS j 0Si Sew Head Sets and Presses AVi, V..,,l v.. ..v.. Ihl,dv B,.,,ctand TrimminkMonsW u r.u,:joier,es (,n,M Laces. Umbrellas. I'ortmonie FrenrJi Cwei, c K Stir Bal moral and Hoop Skir ts. fire u tie m n Go Bofds rf- Shae. lids ( Cans, Hardwire Gro- I wie. i'aixt. OiU, l)mr, Saxk Blinds, ef, 1 ru - "'t'li'-n - he nnd,-, a aid iambi inrit th i 'Hf"t "" "fthe P",l'lC '" yral, and. the old patrons of f!,e h:se in parfirulur. Tl.isshnk ,clU ie kept fully equal to that oj any, and ale loilUe ma ie chean. ie,! 'i. .1 li i: lstov Oreiron Citv. X y. lotli. isi;k r-i,. 1I.AK F KVKUV IiK-. iai'il.-N 1 V-...1-. ...... ' rriawu nt tue ; nterpnse office., OR E G ON CI T Y B ITS A' ESS. CITY BAKEKY! Ma IX STREET, OR EG OX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, Successors to Wortman ASheppard,) K'p const aiitly on hau1 CAKES! PIES! I 11 E t D! And Cracker of ntl kinds Orders in this Line will meet -with PK0HPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kind.Vdf FAMILY OIIOcriilKS ! AND PROVISIONS ! bTE A v. PC)AT STOIIFS ! And till Aitt'di-s ii-.td lor Cidinurjr Piirjis I BARLOW & FULLER Sell a line assortment of LIQUORS AM) Tl Hi A CCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is als directed lit fact that i:olody dsi sells th FAMOUS GLEASON CI I EES E iN SHOET! Farmers nnd the public gererallr, are in vited to call at the Cily Rakerv', wheie the truth w II be made apparent tlnit our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. AH kiuds of produce taken in exchange for goods. RARI.OW A l UIdd.R. Oregon City, Jan. 'jth, ib'7. (P':Sy E. B. IELU7, DEALER IX PEODUCE, ?$S&5i7 Se-ad.alde Fruit, f VKGETAKL.KS, Ac. ALSO: F A MIL Y G ROC E R I E Compri.-in in part SUGARS! TEAS! CO E FEE ! Ctlsliod S:i'C s! C.ti.lied ()sle J SPICES, PICKELS. AXI CASE GOODS IX G EX ERA I ! I'rlii'tjJar siltei.tiun is ;'ivii It) ti t Country Trade, In uhirli I ! en ilded t fiirt-.ili City Custniin-r it h h Superior Quality of Butter, Fresh Emi, Pou'trif. etc rcTf By strict attet.iiou to the retail trade only, I hope to mei it a share d' t!u public pairunatre. Store at the Pot OHice, Main street. Oregon t itv I'.. 15 KKI.I.V. LINCOLN B A K E tl Y 1 Wt s Side J7u:iil Sin !, Oiroi.n CilV O l' y L. DILIER--- Pi'oprietor. having ni moved into mn NEW BXJIL DING! I am now prepared to serve PKP.SON'S t X il VIDUA LI.Y , OEXTLKMEX AND LADIES, OH PKIVAtE PHIIKS A vb HALb W.TH OYiiTEA SUPP3ES ! On st.oi t notice. I would also inform the public th:t I till continue the manufacture of P.reiid, Pies, Cases, Pilot Plead, liostmi, li -tter, Migar and .-od.t Crackers, etc. In udditt ui to which I '' 'A keep cont.intly .n hai-il a large stock ot tiie best staple and family liToccries, provisions, etc. Pi.vJ I,. mid.F.R HIGHLIT IMPORTANT ! 0f To all Wishiny .-0g2 gm V.., i-.. house s.ioi:im;. black. SMI 1 11LG. IUUN. tiC. John w. Lewit. Corner of MA .'Sand SECOXP streets, OREGON CITY, Tak-H this or! unify i ii f rin ! ild fii-ti m'-r, mill ihe ludiiie in jri-iieral, tlmt Iu now lias u Iiami TEE CELEBRATED uniom PLOW: other patterns which he warrants ir. every pariieular M give satisfaction. Tin Fannin" Community are especially ami earnestiy invited to call and see these im pleox nts, before put cb;isinr elsewhere. All work in Ids line is done iu the best possible maimer, and at such prices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture aooas and Larrwars at rvrru kind! in point of style and durability J A I, T O A . Y lMrOUl E Q. V A I, T O A . Y lMI'OUTE I; U..-;.. i t f , . " toosiiisiciv on nana iorsaie a iar"e ! tment of niuterial, ei-nsistiiiy in part of i WAGON TIMBER. ':o"1 tc. The proprietor is KlL'lIili'fl tn fill .,H t.. ' liauit.il IU 1111 UN IJl UCl S . Tor such Articles on uuai;ic xcilUi. All work from thi .tLlil.nirnt nu an material sold on oi I to be 1 CI ted. der, iSw:l anted J. W. LEWIS. j Oregon City. De?. . 1 sH5. Iidy i RED1XG 1 ox ,i- cos vo l cms EELISGTUK & CO.'s Essence of Jamaica Ginger 'piItSYAIUABL "PREPARATION A taiMtnc, in a highly content i U f, , ad the proj,ertie of the Jamaica Uit l.l become one tf the incst popuhu don c3 remedies lor all diseases . the stou.uch f ' digestive organs. aiit As a t.ic it wiil b- fot a I invaluable tn n persons recoreiia;. fion, debility, w,,t ' Jiroduced by lever or etherise, lor wl,'i , T imparts to the mm. m all the glow ut n vh that can be prouueed by wim? oi bi v -r entirely free Irom the r. actionarv elh eis tl' folh.w the use of spi'itsol any kii.d. It is also an excel lei. t tei.u dy for fd,,., ,. who sulTt-r Imm d llicult menstj uaion. i.;j l' almost immediate relief to the sj asms tia.n" fVeqii-ntly tiCeoniany tlatpetiod. ' Sl Oh uves immediate relief to nausea, cunse j by M-a sickness, etc. It is al-o vair.ab'ie i:s iM external application for (i.,r,t. IP eut.iiitiM!,1 I Xemalgia, etc. Ri-.1)I.GT. A Co Cm u:joJ ,e A gems for the Pacific (V,st MARTHA WAfKGTC HAIR KESTOSER. TiusL none ott.er. howe'er pleasant,- NdWe can. do what this h; done- Trv it aivavs keen it ttresi-nt IT. . .1 iv- ttf iiiw .iiuiiiia. v a.nuo'tuii. o o IT 18 NOT A DYE It rail keep tbu tie Hair set andgiosy: chage it toils Original Coicr; prevttr the Hair failirg out, make old Leads i6dk yourt ; and do all that is txptc'ed of a gtmiius, Good Kair Restorer., REi Id GrXOK & Co., Agtat San Francisco. "PARTHA WASHINGTON" HA-r. liESxiiiiir. Is a w onder of the woild, and stands above a coniparisoti wilh :uiV other article lor th; hair" ever brought before the public. Sold every where. G . -O- red kgt03ts Flavoring Estracts . Are made from FRESH FRUITS. Kadi bottle holds twice as much as any other brand in the market, i!.-iirciitly tl-y ire the cheapest and the best USE NO oniKu. 9 UEUlNGTON JWV, Ajjeuts for the Pacific (.'o i.-t. GS-AE t Eli ESI! G Uteriije Gatiidlicon. ' taithfuilv used according to liirection will cure .very c:is f lMabetes, and 'jreatly 1 1 : t i -Uute the tror.b!eso:nt-QH'-cts causeil bv a t -laxation of the ouMet-of the bi.iw'ier. It most success 1'u I remedy lor Gravel ud otln-r diseases of t;.e Lid:ie. s and i-laddcr, and li r IVmaie diseases is uiieu tiled Tin: Cat iiohcoii uiiifotmly cure- Prd:. r,- Ult ii. Whites. Ilrr-'irularitii's of thMi nili l v pc lod. Suppt essio , Iucot tiii-iH e of ui i e, liloutilig ai:d DropsiciiL.- sv.flic fis, at d ffl; diseases of jn-er.aiiev . Thespedi.c action t this medicine is iu-niedhite enu e nam tipn tiie Uterine and i.bdomiiia! muscles :-nd 1 1 tr.i -uieiits restorin-i tiieiu to as be.iithv a stale as those of- childhood an-, voutb. so that t u fieuts who have used rhe t'J i m fenbet i "o; f a nv's Ut'ii.ie Cat'uvuxin cannot sutli-4ei tiv x press-tiio-ir ra i'ude for the relief ullordeu. liEDINl.TON k Co gents. 410 and 4 is Front stteet. Sari Francisco. rilV WILL YOU DELAY ? O We are sorrv thQt the e;ne persons wh sn'ct on d;y by d. y. month after month, an. I yar 1-y Oyear, when fl Sends and rteJgh'.or have been cr.red of the s me m;lady that afflicts them. Now' O it has been provei'-Jjy substan tial evidence th :t SCO'V ILL'S BLOOD AND LIVCU SYRUP will cure the worst casc:wif scrot- ula. banner, Rheumatism,. Neu- Q ralifii) etc.: vet still there are - J " O o those who neglect this sure anc valuable remedy. To fcuch wt say, try the syrup be. (gpnvinced. LEDINGTON 3c Co., Agent?, 41 c. and 41S Oont stet, San Frii'c'f n. TT STOP THAT COUGHING o oorir: of you ca.vt, ?:n v r: r y O you. YOu have tii -d evrry reaieity but t., O mv flsiined, by its iuinnsio merit, io f;;iuers'li; .-11 ii.ir preparation?. It is rot surprisiint you rhoul-.l h: n'luctaiit to try pomethinjf else alter tiio many v jx-riments you hive inailc of trashy comyo'ifciii foited on the public as a certain cure; but 0 ! NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup 5s rcnlly the VEflY VT.ST pinQv w-r rompr,inrf' I r the ciiro of Cou-hs, r-las. . -or.- Thro.it, Asthi...:, V honpitiji ConulQiroiiehiiiKatKl lunsmuptintt. liu- Funds of people in California and Oregon have l"-i already beueUtted bv the surprising curative jioweii cf NEWELL'S Pii 1 in on a.r v R wii 11 C U 0 and vrith nnd p.ccot t pive it thg) v.nTial:"'t arP'" bation. We now iiil.ir -ss ourselves to all v li' ."re i-fi aeouaintert with this, the ereatcst Iii:ice:i of the a J, f -r the healin,of all disced of tje Turjl LuBfeSssurl-yVa that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands and it wi'd cure YOU if you t Ttiis invnhmblo rvrdicino is ileapant to the t?' !wiliiog, healing and tretiglietunK in iiseileef ti.-ely lree fio:n ad poisonous oi deietenous c.iu0, aud iverfTtly harmless under all circumstance. c Certificates from many prominent ciuzeas -a TraucUco accoiupauy every bottle IfEWELL'S O O xilmoiiar y SyruP , . W U U r.CriCTCN U CO. Ageate, Sjle FraccU r