o o O o Q O' o O o o o O o o o -art an, JL.-eyyj: J. XwV.'V AM) WuM V. ' V;nrv Fixcks. We would call the at-Um-ion of the- City Council to the fact that ,L citv charter requires the City Council ll)t l'1.' .... .... . r .1. . .P. .inniKillv publish a staten.eiu u- me a and dibar-enieius of the city at the S. of t-ach fecal ar. This has nut close v ...V .loiie for some yiurn, and many ol U1" " :.. .1. " .!....!- ... mir citiicns are m im- o-in. Sition of c ity affairs, and in view of the . nmin" charter election are be?mn:n- to iii-iiiire w hat becomes of the money, i- roni such cur.-orv examination as we have - been able to make, and the information l ....have seeuied. we are Hilly satisfied Int the affairs of the city have been mau ; a vd with e.Uiaord in iry economy. About t the vear ltil, at the time -Main street was Mc Vdam'.ed. the city became indebted in 1 neighborhood of SS.Oihl. For three orfouryyars after that. business was pros-ute-Hiul the population and means of the XrJf decreased about one hull. Hut not withstanding every year -aw no inconsid erable reduction of the city indeb:ednes MV some additional street or road im prov'ernynt. SQee tlie present Council came inio power in May last, orders on tl.f TreQurv have been issued amounting to ittyo.7:;. This includes the liihug ai j interns, the McAdamizm,? of the alley in Lewis' block, and all the t--s. salaries anu expenses of thcity up to the 1st of March, litirins the same "period there has been collected of taxes and licenses and re- d-emed cite scrip, f I,:cu.J .tnus reoueing tK-JVitv iiidob.eduess .fl.0Ul.OS Uesidt H- there is a considerable amount of do- nnqueui ' - - ' , W I . ! l't ! I'll IT). I form' I. not vet eonecti-u I'-uu pa u iumi m ..... .1 ..... 1 .. . : Trea.-siirv, not saying anything about the aiaount"lue th- city involved in the eon- t..L M-ij-hN I), llarvev. Esi.. which will In determined at the cmi.ug tpm of the Cir- . '. 'I'!,.. . ! 1 1 5 f 1 I f 1 I 1 1 .1 . f . .( 1 I . i rS the citv is not 10 exeeeu. w e eueve. ; ,j Lr(l, and if the same economy .shall ' c!iaracter;e the m.iMagement of ciiy ;f- : 0 fairs. ru'Xt year's fax.-s ought to wie that ! out. and at the same time set on foot some j measure to supply the fity with water! . . . 1 1 it: I ford ire purposes. Fiuk lhcfAtrrMK.v r. Those lew past cold . davs of extraordinary igli wind, have caused many of our citizens to slee I with on" eye open." that they might, be ? ready to start on the jump at any tune to : a tire alarm. e in iv yet possioiy regret f mat ejnie no engine, or jiuofc aiei lau- i . , 1 . .. 11 1 . I : der coihY.any. J he 1'a.les. Portland, Vun- eouer. Salem all these town-waited 1111 j til they were partly destroyed by fires be i 'ore liiey moved 'n the nialtiT. They are Qnnw all well supidied. There may be Mine hope for this place. At an adjourned iiieHmg of the City Conned, held on the evening of the Dth. Mayor iiurclry sub netted a niessag' reeommending the form : atioii of a department, and the i;;;nu'diate .5 eou.!rwt3itio:i ol hool;s and la Ider sui'nLle lor pre-ent. use also a s riot enforcement of the ordmanee reoitirmg the eiiv nf tr ; (j'hal to inyst'iga'e tiie eoitU ioti fu'iiiove pipes. Hues, chimneys. eftL ti!r.:ig!i.ut the city. The Mayor e.sked She (.'oi;ue:i. at tiie same time, to make stjme lihi-ral otK-r as an mdueeiiiont ioi ie eon rue' ion w of water works and fire plug- iHi M-ihi slree:. 1 tie mesvrgo W;is w.'i: rec'V i'i! . . ' 'i i' ' auu ti rj ounei! passe. i an oruer oiern:g l.O.K) per annum, and the irce privilege to sed wafer, to any company, corpora! ion (tyc mdi ;d:uit who wot come torwird an I lay the mains, construct the works, and (put it into operation. The ide-i sems ridiculous, that we should do more than make this statement of the case. That the q business would bo profitable to those en- j aged in it. 110110 doubt, vet it soem tlr,. ' are no persons wh.9ire able to earrv out ! the plans, that reg.iH it in very favorable ! light, lroni some oanse. When the horses are srolen, then the stable will be securely fastened. Fx: t 1; i S r.vn-:.s A 1 csk nwi.. v e had 'P i) sed that the recommendations sent to tlvil flu l-i . rl llli.il '1 the prop9r departments bv the oliicers O. 0 pomledQor th it purpose would secure this city the cannon foumirv and n-itio.ial ' arsenal for the Pacific, coast, but wo were informed at Portland the othc- da v. that I this is not likely to be the ease and un- i l6s our iieonle vork for sueli things thev : will net. come to us. Orey-on has never had. in ti9- Senate or Iluse ,)f Represn- ; tatiijes. until die present 'day, an active. per. sclent, and determined Jriond. The j future of this State may be made full of j .prosperity, with proper representation t and as the matter of having a national j armory in Oregon is one of the utmost ' iiBporii'.nee. and as this site has been re- ' J conmnded. in lycwe not expect ut th- proper representation will at once be made to thoQwar department and to our delegation in Congress? - Pfi SrtiKicr. Ct the meeting of the I Citv Council on the tdh. . petition from , . , , , , . tlie owners ot lots and blocks adiacent to C the blulfViiskingthat a street be opened from Third to Seventh streets on the pro- rvosed line of 1 11 11 fl" streBL reee'veil fivin-. j Stiile consideration. We are informed that i the Ajiplegute map has been brought to litrht. but no street is shown 011 t h it line (J) however, hence the Council must proceed. cautiously in this matte;. We have a type 0 of the(rtfiiciilties at V"asliington m this case. The Council represent Congress, and Mr. llarvev the President. "Ro!h should make ncessious foi -ho good ol the public. . rr- j - 1 it I-. ITU at Uswr.uo. e understand that it is intended to celebrate the -Jth of : Jul-V'. m7' atfisgo. in this county, by vi!tn!nf j-t 1 1 i- . r 1 f T, r . l lr,?n,(.n, Lie first blast furnace west, o! the Mi-sissin- P. Two hours work, on .Monday evening. would havCt'mi.-hed the uiasoi'irv ou tl?e stacrk. The cold snap of that nMit how- .ever, hindered operations somewhat. IV.T oriH N(;.T:ie ht reproJmttf. Helms, -yhf) it -o iil k e rt iuemoered. was or.ewjned m this conntv f.o- inm. t- Silive-o- plodding on without his "just de ! Ilonsc' iu're th 4!ni ;uul'1 011 lu'r wa" sTtsa rope halter. It seems th it he was ! ':1' Oregon City last Werluesday. a pas 1 iedim the same charge, a few weeks .vcnger was told that it was Skookum Cas ago. itr-ffan l-'rancisco. and dismissed. Tlie t!e- 'i'he site is very elegant, and has L'ourt did not think there was evidence yVt-'ry ajipearance of comiort surround 'Mougb that the defendant is the father of i 'niS -t. the fir! 1 ' IiKAr. Lstatk Sai.k.-QAs -SPill be seen by Vertiscment. Mr. William Barlow hasde- terui0ed to retire from trade, lie has disposed of his store nronertv to Mr. Wal Fish.QThe sum paid tor the fractional ;,vavtM' a Tot. with two frame buildings, we ieavn was -?." .000, O 1 Pf ant TuEE.Q-i'ir tho oldest city in he State (ti,e number and .variety of thade weee here is very limited. Let :"ei;y fanuiy. iind every member of the -".m.y. plant atr-e. Some very healthy it l'l ..Ml-l.l t-..l'l.- llll-IITT.l' oeauin.il si ll'.--i -Al L . u beautiful snecimens hivo Obeeu 'urPul l,J 'own with n a week. . . , .- - Ul to t.-.M- , W " " "UU1I1 a, WCCK. Main-Stueet There was some discus on Satm-diw v i5 r - "'-o Vr : V. : "l , J"e S'"Pliern end of Main baa "if iau. 11 Jgbt to bo there is ;"u-iv acuon was ,11 tre ja a s;.-...t o n ?. -. V.K.I., UUL Ul.1 I l.tln .. "iV. C. 1L ni -j,i.. Sex ) x Paper Hom". During our resi dence in Oregon we liav? received many letters of ir.qu.ry from IVien Is in the East, as to what Leiucemeitts this Jitate presents to those soekLig hotnes. In order to sat isfy several such injuries we have taken pains to write letters and send papers home. When we established in Oregon City, we entered upon our books about forty East ern papers. We have, the past fewV.eam ers received in exchange a number of Eastern papers, all copying more or less from the Extkiu'uisk "regarding the -advantages of Oregon. The South LendJnd., livaister. extracts nearly two columns of Oregon news. Judge Williams has ui-o turned the Entkki'iit.s.-; we send him to good account. Laving called the attention of the editor of the Washington Chronicle to cer tain articles, which have been copied with favorable comments. That i:em regarding the i,2zl pounds of wheat rai.-ed from one and a quarter acres of ground in this county by Mr. Leweliing. is going the rounds of the Eastern press. Our chief object in calling attention to these th.ngs is to let the people of Oregon see hov such questions may be answered with prom to tlie btate. Let them furnish friends East with copies of such papers as j this; let them attend to the matter of riv- ! tug editors facts. . -' i. We shall not regret our lot. nor the extra expense we are to in giving important facts publicity where I hey m ty best subserve the purposes of Oregon, but we claim the right to asli more of others just as deeily interested as we are. V'e not only want you to take a paper for yourself but we want you to each subscribe for at least one copy to be sent to the East, and we want vott at all ! times to be eomuiuuioative as to the state nt'nfl'ilMt l.i- v.-l.i..! ...... ! In conclusion, we add a narairraoh from the Sentinel .' "Why do our ooonle not tin derstand how much a paper from this j coast h appreciated by (heir friends in tin -luiuitu ,.-,.i(t3,in-uuih u iiishiij:imu'u : in their imiaediate neighborhood. Most ; v (!,..,:,. Ci....;. . ,..,,.a,.. 11,. .'i- :i :,. ..1.1: .1 ...1 i people neglect the duty of writing to their i KasioiT, relatives and friends, w'. a ;'v newspaper st nt to the. r address, is a wee letier of re.uembrance. Send m your ; subscriptions wi-'.ii the address of your ! ir.enus. and we will guarantee that the j paper goes straight to gladden th heart and ivlvu the memory ot some one you respect and love. The ex'peiise is but I trilling, and you will never miss lt.;; j . . j Jdo Fellows S(h'I.i;i.E. On Thr.r.-d iy i ,i. , ,.i ,,.!- c,,. i',.. ' eeniiig altoiit s.x o clock; Lie AiCti looted i her whistle and came along up to her Xn . ... ,:,,.., ,n .'"-i. i till.-, v u l L 11 IV llJki Llt..vl tfc-s lu the inean.ng of the movement. It occurred to the tJdi reilows. however, that it was a comm. Uue of the Portland Lodges, woh a body guard, who had come to pay their respects to the Order m this c.ty. A spiend d Lib.e was presented to Oregon Lodge .s'o. . by members of Sam.iri.ati Lodge, i'orthuni. Mr. Marvin, of Portland, i piescntei the gift in a huinl-QU speech, i which was very e.bly responded to by fiev. P. 6. Kiiigul. ou the pari of Oregon Lodge. A supper was then served ;a the v'onrt room prej'. ired by use Daugli e:'s d' Re becca, and a pleasant, soct-ble evening passed. Sakktv y,i.x:. in vtch is one of the i'he uaivers.il safety tate.-t and best things out. Mr. A. B. li cha on. ot Portland, a few days since presets ted us with a few ; samples, lie is agent for (Logon and die 1 Territor.es. It is amusing to witness the edbr's of the uninitiated to .siv'.c the j match, and light li upon some other than the prepared surface. These 111 itches eon- : tain ne.tlier phosphorus nor sulphur, and ! will not ignite even if placed against hot : iron. This mukos Ihent sale, inodorous. ; and harmless, to br'ih tlie maker and the ! user. Chiriuia A iiro. Lave them for sale 111 'his city. Ail merchants will soon be torced to Keep iheut. j Tub Wkatrku. The absorbing topic of l both thought and conversation lor the 1 j ! last week has been the weather. Soilr.- ' j times there are croakers who incessantly , i eompliiin of the weaiiier. and take delight I in making themselves uncomfortable, bv j grmubiing at the rain. We trust that the past week the temperature has been suiri- eiently desirable to litem to leave nothing j wanting. Any person ol'om acquaintance j wlio may Be opposerl to tlie thermometer i at lo- and a eountrv Lke Minnesota, : will be luily excused for complaining to the full extent of his ubiiiiy of the past week's n)e.s '(incut. I.o Roys. The State Journal says they have some b id boys at Eugene Ciiy. w ho are in the habit of throwing stones where thev do (I.im.iirc. Tlie same mav be said of Oregon City. Somebody s boy was j saved from having a scab on his head re- cetifly, af:er hilling a man with a stone j thrown from the b-uif just because he was j highest. Tins class of boys have once or twice lately hacked and chipped the flight i o ' lead.ng up the bind. Wo. would ; counsel 1hem. both lor their personal weil 1 , . . ' , . . ' iMuiig and their arents teputation. not I to be -(in!du these acts. It. would surelv i g0 hard with thorn if thev were. M ii.w.vt kik.A call of two hours dura tion at Milwauk'tr on last Monday, gave us an opportunity of seeing that that place is pushing forward in about equal proportion io tiie balance of Oregon. Mr. Wertheimer. of this city, has leased the cabinet factory at Milwaukie. and will carry ou tlie bust- ! imss mote extensively in future. The ! Standard Mills, the largest in the State, I are located at Milwaukie. 'i he site of tlie f 1 1 - . -1 - . ... . . j inni, .I'ist oelow uie Stanuard. lies 'U,-'n to investment. Srovi We Tall "aUeniio7to the ad- i vertisement of Messrs. Riddnson & Lake, I o . t e ., r . c. . I I,roIriotor;? of tlic i'-'m'Sl,-t btV- 'd ' T-n S-'-'? Ii'tlttnd. "We. have been per- ! onallv ac(uaiuted with these gentlemen j for many years, and can recommend them I for tliejr perseverance and integrity, SixOOKjLVV Ca.sii.k. l.on inrpijry as to the name of a poll: t just below the White KKVICK.S AI' TllK Co.M i tttiG A 1 H)X A I. ClI t'KC'tl. Teicperiwice iil be the subject upon which Rev. Mr. Knight, of the Comrrega- j tioual Church, will discourse to- morrow morning. His evening lecture wiil also j be "P"-1- the same subject. i fciiEEi Wanteo. 4s ;vilt be seen by Mr. John II. Epler's advertisement, he is desirous of olLaining 1.U0J lie ad of sheep. Parties will inquire at (he store of Mr. I. Selling. Mr. John MitUo aLso makes a good offer to wooi growers. i Vi rnov St in U'miIh...j . 1.- h u 1 ...... ....... . . . v i 1 i. a in i ;rlf f,. It Ihrh mbnilisi.'l l,er ot valuable St. lleleu homestead lo s. i it hissa.es rooms tu i oruaiid. at pub.ic auctiou. The steamship FukUitr U laid up at j 1 . , lt - . 1 , , j N ictoria, and it is somewhat doubdul j v. Lecher she will g-ua return vo i ociu&d. Ilow so Save Money. c knevr of no j better way to sure mont-y than ty re-color garments, and thus make them practical: v as ! :od as new. This can be done bv using I the ceu-brated Faintly Dy.r Colors of JlovV I v Stevens, whicii equal tlie be.-d French, am. are ten. times as ct.eap and convenient. Sold i by Smith & Davis, Portlaud. I TatrlcaK-We have no theatre in this ! city, but having seen it stated that treat pains were taken to put anew play upon the boards at the Metropolitan, we are reminded that Itarman Cros., N W. corner Front and Morrison streets, Poi tland, have iiiacje ample pieparations to icceive a magnificent stock sf Clothing, etc., bv next steamer Tl.e Am it is said tiiat the mouth of the Amazon is large enough to tak- in the states or Massachusetts and Hriodc-Island. If it were not lor the quick sales of Kohn i. Tishel, at tlie St. Louis Clothing Store, No. Ill trout street, Portland, their premises could not take in tueir regular stealer in Voices ol xoods. At Homo Again. The numerous pr.t rous of the Premium Artist of Oregon, Mr. Joseph Uuchtei, will be pleased to learn that lluehtel & Card well's Photor:mh fi:dler- sr. - r i - ' . - ' II) long aim favorably known. t-t First street. Poi tland, has ngai.i pii.ssed into the handset Mr. Paciitel, who s now Proprietor and Op erator. He h.is recently retained from San Francisco, with a'l t. iatOf-t tyles known to t'.:e art, and le. u c .s m eoarsd to -rivp tin' j utimt sat!lacti"!3. j guruless of the e..i When at l'ort!aud--re- C4II upon PuchteJ, (14o at. ms oiu stand. T tt ve s ire tacks of dvsente: v ;j v iiuble to sudden at :' i cholera morbus, and j ..iv 3 vvi-u. 1 n m i ' '.-III, J 1 utll IIUHlt' iuc ' very unpleasant. Pe ' y Davis Vegetable i Paia Killer may ulva be relied up.on, in i such Cases. As soon as vou he! the svuii) these occurring win..;: r 1 toms. titke one teusnonnfnl in u ri",i (,f i,a- . . 1 . .. 111IR ana molasses, ami ugilt o, i,ot water Stir well tog.'ther m d drink hot. Repeat thf dose, md a few leans you feel relieved. It' the pains be severe, bathe the back and the bowels with the medicne cie ir. No person J should stait f.r liie iniues without aaup,.lv . 11, . - 01 mis v;:ii.ioie iiieaiciiie. The lii . li. iik i- 1jc "i0". ntrengtnening tno Serves, Ke u-mg the Lost Appetite, is FRKSF.'S HAMBURG TEA. It is the best preservative agaimst al- most any sickness, if u-ett timely. Composed d' iu'fbs only it can be given safetv to infants. I'u'l directions m French, Spanish, and CJer- .. ... , . . , ' ',,,.. , i loan, iiu eei pa'jKane. 1 it l Ji . : For sale at all the wnole.sale and retail ! drug stores and groceries. :j j KMiL FLESH, Wholesale Druggist, Sole Agent, -Ido Clay stie.-t, S:in L'r.i ieiaco. Pi-i!m-i H -.so often esposed to h'.rts i bv having their skin pierced with hooks and ! the tins ofhsh, can be mucli relieved bv balh i mg the wound witn a few drops of Perrv i Davis' Vegetable Pain iiiiler as so. hi ?is the i accident, occurs. In this wav the anguish is ' soon abated. Bathe as often :i.s once in five i minutes, say three or hu;r times, and vou ! will .seldom have any troui. ie. Fishermen of ' Dregon : i eiiiemboi this. ; A UCTiny AM) CO MMISSION A. 13. IIc2;ssi2I.oa59 AUCTIONI-:i-:iv ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Deal EetnU:. t r rie(ric, Urn rat Aierckan it'.se n nd Horse, EVERY WEDNEsvA I AND SATURDAY! A. B. Richardson. Aucioue.-t r. At Priyate Sale. English Rt fined Eur and Run die l,'on; " 'j'arf and Octaij iu Oaxt -ftrl ; ILn ye S.'mex, EH-, Ri:xja, an ; Sere ted, Pry-Rants, .Sf-t Run, R. (j, Iruii; a i. .so : merit if 4 iroct'i'ict end Juuors. UiCHAfiDSoN. Allot l.Uieer. ar'e. a.-s tr A. ii. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. TT7rHKSiEAS.MV WIFE ELIZA XEW T'V ton. has led't me without any just cause or provocation, this therefore, is to warn all persons against trusting Ijer on my account, for 1 fdialf pay no debts of her contracting from and afier this. L-AAC XEV"rON. March tlie Stli. Ldi7. COUNTY FAIR. To the Pcofdi' of Old' fconius. M 'tao win, YinnUill ad W'arliiia'ui) Co'inlie: The peopie of the above named eontdies are requested to meet at the Court House in Oregon City, Mareh H)tEi, at 7 o'clock P. M.,for the purpose of organ izing an Agricultural Sociefv. By order of W.M. ELLIOTT, Vice Prt-'hhht Cuickitmax L'. Ai. Soc , MAISiljgSxK WORK. A. J. MONROE, Dealer iii California, Vermont and Jldian Marbles, Obelises Monu ments, Head and Ford-Soars, SALEM. . . l-i'" Also: furnished In OREGOX. es and Furniture Marble ; P.i.Sin CHARLES HOPKINS, Sue, . .. " G. IV. Varjh;i; id: ah; u in Hardu-cr" and Cut 'wry, Iron and Sid I, Plardi'sniitJif Miners' dud Mechanic Too 'a, J'hws, Ileapirs. Mowers, Threshers and. Agricultural I ni) I m nls General y . S . ilC t'roilf, m:r.;o Corner of Morrison st., Portia-d CHRISTIAN COLLEGr. Mpiunotith Orcgon. ' ' Chartered A. I). 1 ed5. Eld. L. L. Rowland, A. R., of Rethany Col ' It-ee, President, and Professor of the I 7;iasics, Relles-Letter and Ethics. Dr. N. llci'sox, A. M., of New York City University, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. I Aixed h'J an uhljt corv ' Pnj 'exsors and Teai'tierx. IIIE AIM OF THIS INSTITUTION IS I JL thoroug ineis, anil logical, menial disci 1 pone ; realizing that the obvi -us wiuitot our i schools, no less than the true object of the 1 real Educationist, js critical training and I thorough intellectual and moral development i A Norma! Department, organized upon the ! most approved models, with paiticular ref ! erence to qualifying scholars as teachers, is i in successful operation. i Tu rio.N". C0.iegi.1te D -partmi-nf, 11 ": ! Academic $y 00: ' Higher Engds'n 7 0o : ! French, Spanish and Hebrew, each j-ioo: ! Instrumental Music 00 -use ot Piano fo. The Trustees of the College and the Chris ' tian iJrotiicrhood, are 1 esolved to make this i institution second to none io the "Mate in the : . . . . . 1.. .1 ...... i pro notion 01 the Hue niteresrs 01 euucauuu aud ti.e foruiatiou of ripe ;rf;;;P: fi foe College vear commeiijces ou t tie tu st 1 londav of Septc-mber. and clos.- the third of 1 juiv , j., -A: y LUCAS, Sy ot Hoard. POJiTLAXD BUS1XESS GUIDE. j Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the f!lowii.g hruis. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE OF BliSIXESS AXD COMMERCE ! Corner of A L TIER and FRONT streets. PORTLAND OREGON. SUPERIOR ADYAlbTAGES! rpiIIS COLL' OE RANKS FIRST ON THE X Coas.t, and oners aay.iutages for ycquir- j mg a Practical Pusmess Lducation, sujeiior to any other school. The Course of Instruction Is conducted on the plan of tln best Com mercial Colleges in Euiope and the Atlantic States, combining Theory and Practice, By means of Ranks and Rusiuess offices, thu3 'familiarizing the Student with all the dif ferent kinds of Pusiness in the shortest possible time, and least expense. The Business Course Embraces Rook-kceping.by single and double e.itry. Penmanship, Commerci d Calcula tions, Correspondence. Commercial Law, Actual Business, Lectures on -Accounts, Bush ess Customs, Meicantile Luiics, &c. Terra? : Scholarships', embracing the whele Busi ness Course, Regular and Spejal Lec tures, time unlimited, with privilege of reviewing at any future day 630. Stud-nts enter any tone. There ere no va cations. For fuither particulars address the President, or call at the College. M. K. L A U I) hNS L AO KR, Jvr..sident. II. M. DuFRANCE, Secretary. h: in u tit P. GRAMER & BOOK BINDERS " AND ELASX BOOK MANTJFAC1UEEES, O U IZGO N 1 A N JU'IL D E . G, ?.. r Wjiiii iigton siit'ct, PORTLAND, OREGON. VWE TAKK PLEASURE IN INFORM- v ing the pubne that we have bought the l!ook iSinding Est ablishno lit heretot'ol e carried on by VM. Si LBKRT & CO., and are nuv preiartd to continue the business in id I its branches. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BuOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS- i PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of! style knoV!i to the trade. j Orders from the eountrv nromptlv at- j tended to. II. P. CRAMER CO. PortLrei, Oct. P-::;. r2 WILL A M K T T L RON WORKS COMPANY!! North Front aioi E sis.. Portland. Oregon. Iroia Fouudes1. ! I STEAM ENGINE! A N D BOILER BUILPERS. rpiIE.SE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bank ot the river, one block north of (.'ouch's Whurf. and have facilities for turn ing out machine) v promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services of l r. Joiin Nation, us Director of the Works, whose ex perience on ttiis coa-i for ?i;tcen yeai.s ;iv. . iiiei a th;r"Uth knowlerlge d' the various kinds of inaehinery reeaired fo. mining and milling jmrposes. We are prepured to exe cute orders for all -.lasses of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STKAMBOAT MACHINERY H.Ol'KINt Mtt.LS ' . 1 AW MILLS QL'AKrZ Mli.LS ! ! MINING PUMr.3 ! ! eVe. 31-uinfaetitre and, Rern'tr jfari in i.f all I Una.-: ' IRON SJIl TlEi: WORK at j nrifco eoxt and trr'nhi. 117,. eltr ' Ran- J dal(!.i J'littnt iirhider and Autul aaiitatoi-. ltina.rx and Siertn'f Self Adjuttinr I'aftrit j Rixiii!) raekina, (dhir aionlnl In old r rinr rti'tm ejli nd r-t. Q-triz ."!a)i jifrs. Shoe and dies, i f the htt hard iron . Z: i y PORTLAND PIlr'IBi.M-t lis & 8TEA1I x itting Jtlstabiisliment, Nil. IJO if' nt S.ite-1. ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY ceiving from the Ea-.t RE-Cop- C,H,k,ng Ranges Dot W.ter oder,. Cop- per 1.1. anu 1 misneu uatii nuts; -square ami Angniiai i.uick ainut Counter Sunk ..laroie v asn -statius ; oiu, ana not ana Loe.l Water fsitowers : ."silver- I'lted I'.asm t.'ocks ; Marble Wash Rasins; Force and Lilt Pumps; Hydraulic Rams; Nou Freezing Hy drants; Water Closets, Ac , A;c 2?" Persons wi-hing to iutroduce Cold, or Hot and Coul Water into their prt nuses, either Plain or Ornamental, would do well tu give me a call. I'oitiand, October, JsiJO. S:iy C. II. MYERS. Engineers and Others, TAKK NOTICE. J' UST received, a small lot of the cr Ie- ! braied ."scotcii Tubes for Water fiuages. I Also, the Laigest Stock ever olleied be- i fore in this city of ali sizes Wrought iron , Pipes Iron 1-s tu -1 i.ich inside diameicr; Riass Cocks. T's, f-.l ows, Return Rends, Nipples, Hushing. &c. l.'oustiii.tly on hand. Steam Whistles, Steam linages. Water tillages, (iuvernor and Stop V'.ovi s, Tlii ottie, A ugie and Check Valves, Guaje Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds of BRASS WORK, FO r. S1LA.11, V VIKR AM) U iS. i-fT Pers-ms wishing any thing in the above line, will do well to examine and price mv stock before sending to an Fran cisco. " C. H. Ml EUS, l'iumbing, (las and Steam Fitting Estab lishment, No. Ho First Street, Poi Hand. October, i .('. ': iy. HtGaiDIS &. GO'S Home Manuiactured Soap. ON AND AFTER JANUARY 1st. i7, we will sell our Soap at the following rates, for CASH, only : FAMILY SO A V. Per loo Boxes, or over, at $1 !. per Box. f0 " 1 fill 25 " 1 5 " CHEMICAL OLIVE. 41 Bars, oS lb. 3 0 44 2u " it lb. 1 7 0 44 " TTE warrant ou- Soar to be equal to any T aiticie that cau be impoitt-d. and su DrU'.r to many brauds that, are ottered in this market. HifiHINS A CO. No. 8 Fro.it street, 1 block uorth O. S. N. Co. s wharf. PcrtUnd, January I, 1SC7. H:ly PGR TLA XT) RCSIXESS GPiDE. i Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note fit- tv..:ovin ' firms. 3. 127 Front Street, Portland, TWITPJ ITTt.VTti-iv t-- f'tun nrr JL ers to his new stock of j rrf .0 TS r r a air ni icwn ! ISni UUUUO fZiU tLy inertia ' J ust opened, and which 1 e oilers at unusuallv low pi ices, Damask Towels Table Linen cloth. Tab!e ana Piano covers,()rcgon cloths and tweeds rmglish J'ilot clotti and Broadcloth, Cloak ing?, etc., etc. r j S j CloOiJog an! Fnrisliili'iig Goo;'i Tor Men and Lova. Fine Beaver Coats, Vests and Punts, Reversible and Be.ver S;.ck i -S; Overcoats, Black Doe Pants, Velvet iassimere ests. Oregon Cassimere Pants. Secarlet knit woo! undershirts and drawers, j Merino do, Shaker flannel do.. Linen B : shirts, Boys merino undershirts, tie?, scarf j Cloves, Cotton and Woulen socks, Alexau- ' der Kid giores. New st b Hats. Mens' apd Boys' Navy Caps, Silk' Cmbi cllas, Rubber Overshoes" etc., etc. j l:itlir and li 1 re:u' Fnrnf .! Ing Goods. Ladi"S M.eiino Undershirts and ! Drawers, French Cos setts, Balmoral skirts, j White rib jed hose. Square wool shawls, j Long sh in-la aie black Cashmere shawls, j FineBroche shawls, Breakfast shawls, knit ; Alexut.dias, Hoods, Nubian, Misses' men- ! no vests, ihiltnoral hose, (ihives and gaunt j let . ChiJcircns' gloves and mits, Laci- hand ; kerchiefs, Embroidered do., plain Luen do. Hemmed uiid stitched do. j F nrv uuil Vwi le 1 .-Clunr and i eleticieunes laces, Endnoidered j'.crmct, ! Ktlgiiigs. Inscrlings and Band-, Tailing, j Rullling, Trimmings, Gimp a.ul ei.ros, but- i tons, hair nets and io!is, Naiti s-mk. Swis.s ! Jaconet. Victoria Lawns, Berlin Knitting ; Yarn, Zephyr embroitlery. Canvass raid patterns. Machine Sewing silk, Cotton and j Linen, etc.. etc. 1' very Article is Marked in Plain tigures with its retail price. 127 Front stree. opposite the Wh .t M:0mj Cheer House, Portland. Iff. W. 41IIIETT Imj.orter and Wholesale Dealer iu Ame:ican and English Ax !. so : BOUTS and SJIQKS! No. 3 Front street, corner of Oak, Portland. Bv'Uiii'j Hard war", Carpvt r.' and , Jo'inirx Tools. Cud ni. Sidiilirtf Hardwire. Srhifji and. Axel, and iJLack.sin'thz r ri j 00, Agi iuuluiral i mpli-int nts ! mixixg tools: ENGIilfc'II HARDWARE! 'rect from Imgland, selected espresslj tor tins .Market. P OW D e n, Lkad, and Sno Having had an EXPERIENCED AGENT m New Yoik, who attends exclusively to purchasing and fbrwuruinir (ooIs for me, 1 am enabled ta obtain them direot from the Manufacturers, at the lo.vest rates, and io idler fcuperior inducements to purchasers. i -1 : 1 v v.i. romiTTT. San Francisco. MAC!.'-: A V. i'ertland. Importers k Wholesale Grocsrs. 7 4 Fit O NT ST REE T, Port land Oregon. OODS SOLD FOR CASH AT A SMALL advancw upon I sax PitAxcsco .iGKEixG puices 1 c. cfc r. Would thank merchants visiting the city to price thrirslock before purchasing. 14.lv THE BEST SELECTION And largest assortment of Ladies' Gents', Misses', Roys ik and Children' AAmrj fipg i -ww-d.? wiVi. NWA-i ; can be i,iu! uttfe PHILADELPHIA ROOTl t yj SII'iE STltRE Xo. I 1 Front, slrett, Portland, awosiU' alter Jittm. e'arprt iLr. where new goods ot tlie latest styles ate re ceived hyeverv steamer, direct Uoiii the east enabling us t.o scli store in ths city. 11.) IP ctn ajier tijan anv otuer v AS I' & i.-AII a'lin. ron street, Portlaud. I I.. C. MII.I.AU!). W. J. VA S(il!"YVi:i: I 1 MILLARD & VANSCHUYVEE ... . I Successors ti Ladd. Reed & Co., j Importers ami Whul S'.ib3 Ih al 7s ill ! FOKLIUS A.D II031KSTIC L.ItiL'OKS ! AJsr: Sash. Doors and Blinds. !Vo. i;5P;.0 T STUEK'p, Poithuid. Oi-fL'on. 14 Iv CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, I Aj, vafcw. Qiueus- lUiirc. Lamp, etc. Impotter of articles in the above line, would invite the attention of purchasers to his laige stock now on hand. Mi Front stre t 2:ly Portland, Oregon. L. T, SCHULTZ, -Importer and dealer in, ifKlFl PIANOS, MKLOOKONS, j Mmkal Jnet rutin nte, Mxrionery, Cutlery, Fancy Gomh, th. I 10 Front street Po- tland, Oregon. Pianos .nd ail other Musical Instruments carefully tuned anU repaired. -:ly JOHNNESTOR, AND DRAU HMAN. Front direct, Portland, O'eson. Zf Plans, Specifications, and accurate working li'A.Vii proir.il ta aior, V after thi latest aprrcI style. Ciy) vd Sheeting, Piilow cs Cottons. White mar- I u'iit i ,t u 0 , , . .- seilles Quilts, White Kianket. Crib Quilts, I Jvi1? '."rclia, Sale or htp-3 Mot-inn.. I--....!. v .,.. ....r , ' , Vtut ot Mercnandxe or Produee in New - - j k.5. uuu oieaca- i r run. i nc. pinrnt n.t r ojt... Winceys, Poplms, R,!d. Orange and whit, 'lk' b f, ? ""f'- fV ? f U-.UJ tl;lI1'i 1 Ian in-; s. Tiiflil.h T.,U ll,,..V...t...l- i ALIM.M II. M I'.Mi ILL iV L 0., 1 P 0 11 'J LA y D B UMXZS S G CIDR lVrsoti. ii,ivi!,ir business i:i Lcnland at e ad- vt.Kit io t.ut j s lie tt.lloNvuiir firms. W. A. ALHiiiCIf. J. C. MtrUH.L. JOHN M'CRAIiEX. WGRAKEN, MERRILLS GO. MIIPPLNC, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, GENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oi econ Packet Lines. fc Importers ot San Oi.entin and Carmen slancl S!t. sandwich Island Sn.:ir. 'rf?p. j Rice, ijnd Pulu. j Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved 1 Ei "its, .Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. ueaiers m Hour, O; an , Bacon. Lard & os 'Jt4 and i'0 California Mreet. Sail Francbco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL A CO.. P) North Front Street, Portland. Island Sugar and Molasses. 2.500 KEGSISLAND SUGAK; 150 BBLS. ISLAND MOLASSES ex-Bark ELDRIDGE, r.r.d tUr M'CRAKLN.MERini.i. i CO. sale bv MATS, Ji "f,trturt-8 and IwporUi-x , And WkvltmU and Rtltd Dealers in, I2AT CAS, AHD HITTER'S IdATJfcjRTALS. No. 72 Front stteef. Portland Oregon. Are receiving, in addition to their extensive stock, by every steamer, all tlie latest styles of New Vork, London and Pa isi oi fasie. for gentlemen's and children's wear, which thev will sell cheaper than auy other house on the Pacific coast. i - a;ii5 in ..- soil- niiu litsin )un i ade to o.der.atso nVatlv renanvd. 'i,3v I j II... . ..( . .. ...-i .. ? .1 : . . I .' Xew York Baker ! F . C . II O li N U N G , A'?, y North Front street, Portland Orraon. TEEPS ON HAND u large assortment of i all kin '3 nt Urocei ie.s and provis'ons ! oi &U erior quality, at low rates. Also, of his own manufacture, all kinds of CRA CKER-, P1L O T U i; f-'. l D. PJES, ! (.'Ak'L'S AXD HUE AD'! Also, a choice lot of Itussjan Caviv, by the package, to suit purchasers. Also, a tine lot j of OLD OTAIU) D!i ANDY, by the gallon. I Ord- rs troin the interior solicited, j and promptly attended to. 2.iy ABIERICAM EXCHANGE, LINCOLN POOP,) Xo. KS Fi oid st-t;v t'ordaud Oreg n L. P. W. (2UIMBY. Pnot iuETou, Lite f WfsUrn JPUl.) This house is tlie roost commodious in the j State, newly furnished, aod it will be the i-n-I deuvoi- ol Tilt; propiietor to ui ike ills quests ! comfortable. The Lugg rge WajtOn wii. a! j v.iys be found at the "and ng on the ai rival i of steamships iuid river bouts, carrying bag j g -ge t the hou-e t'rc-i of charge. 1 17.lv j Keinoved ! Removed ! ! The i.!J nrul weil known j FortlsincI Foisiadi'y, j L. AIONNAS2'L:. Pi-cprieicr. j 1 'O I IT LA ND OR EG ON, II but has been removed to Second street. between Aider and Morrison streets, where business u'ill be conducted on as hirire a scale is 1:1 vears vast. .':ly MEDICAL. r-S. HEHLEY'S FOUNT AH" OF LIFE! Ai.d, Ore it Bland Purifier f I TN EVERT PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE j i. periods arrive when a new direction is , impaited to i's course. These epochs ptre i ceed from discovery of new facts shedding j a light which changes the wtiolis "aspect of the J science. The present is an epoch of this i kind, and this gr?at remedy now ottered to 1 1 he pti'olie, in connection with the theory on ! which )t is based, ij destuied to t-rlect an en j tire revolution in the treatment of the dis I eases pf 1 Scrofula aud Kinrs Evil ! bv c-radicatioir .the di-;ase entire' v from the j bi'.jod. The Eonniahi of Life is composed I e.itircly of vegetable extracts ; it contains 110 J mercury or oilier :n neral substances. J The proprietor and discoverer of this sov i rrelgn remedy ch:dls: . the wrld to furnish ! i.nvtiiinir. fri.uu the days of -Eseulapius to j the present lime, in the arcana of Medical i c.ience, which can vie with or excel, the iu ; tiin-ic properties d' this Creat Blood Puri ! tier. Its value has been tested with the Lap j piest efiect in tiie r.ujst obstinate cases of 1 crofnla, that, battled the ski 1 ot tlie most cmuienl nin siciaus in the woi Id. No matter A' S-:rofda what form the dreadful disease i and Kin if Led m v h.ve assumed, it can in ) no svav be more sai i in its progress that. ly and certainly ariested bv using lienlev's (ireat j lil-.-oil Puritier. Thousands have been swept ; iiitu the gra'. e, who, had thev made a timely use "d 'he i : otin eiiioviiiiC the tjle da of L;lV. might nosv b iiis of health. It requires an article of re. it merit, ant! intrinsic vaiue, to sustain itself. Daring the stern ordeal of public experiment tlie Fount tin of Life has stood the test trial, aud not bvcn found wanting. DR. HENLEY :iUarar,io s to cure any cr.se of ScroUia or Kind's Lvit in the world, and I eradicate the djsoas ntiieiy from the s stem j or no charge niud pio iued ihey ili secure him hss pay wtien tae cure is made. '('.. Ef ferent! : 1 would leh.r ton to L. L. Peck 01 Portland. .Mis. Waiter Moflitt, and numbers of otheis, as to what a miraculous edect it had in a si tu t time, 1 11 ea-e T hst haci bafiit d skdi of .lw siCitms for years. I;lt. WM. Hh.NLtA , Poiiiaud, t)rcgr,n The above medicoiOs are for sale bv Hell A Farter, and C'--irma.i Bros., Oi egoii City. U7 r. rtV P-ivis,' Vogetniu'c I' Ho K !! I ! WowDrfitl Care, of th? Dec. EL L. Brayum, MlfuCnatry in Lidij, vlo uas siui.ej by ft Seorhi'ili . j Extract from his U ttcr, published in th? Baptist .NLssioi a-y Magazine: "For th - first time since I have been i? In dia, 1 have been si ung by a scorpion. 1 went out this morning to my exeicises, as usual, at earlv dawn, aud having occasion to use an old "box, on taking oil the cover I put my hand on a scorpion, which immediately re sented the insult by thrusting its sting into the palm of my hand. The instantaneous ai d severe pain which darted through the svstem is quite incredible; hat an awfully virulent poison their sting mut contain 1 i FLKW TO MY BOTTLE OF D.WIS' PaI.V KlLLE& and found it to be true to its name; after f. moitieut's relief, I saturated n small piece of sponge, bound it ou my h.nd and went nbout rav exercises, feeling no more particular in convenience. (31 .Haitian - tl b ty, an essay Of W.-rniug and Icstnictiop for Young Men. A'so. Diseases and AbusoB which rirostrate the vital powers, with frure means of relief. Scot free of charg in sealed letter envelopes Addre.vs: l)r. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. 4 SI) llcwtrd Assc-ciatioti, Philadelf h;s, Pa. TRA VF.L A XD TPAXSPORTATIOX. 0 iippers ami Travelers Fttli MOSTAXA. Via Lake PEN D ' 0 RE ILL E ! 1 llh S 1 LAM LI; Q MARY MOODY ! YTill commence making her rfgnlar trip4 frotn Pcnd'Oreilie City tu Cabinei LaaSingi oiiGbr about the loth iust. II. A. UOGCE. Agent March 1st, 1SCT. -i E 0 PqL E ' S o o Transportation Company. O XEW AltRA XGCJIKXT. Until furth: o :6 notice O THE STEAMER A K U T , ViU "c'-vc Portland daily at 7 o!cck A. Mi frotn the Company's doi-k, foot of A strrt, for Oregon City, connecting with th-j STEAICEIl RELIANCE, On Monday ctiid Thursday of each zctek for Safcyn, Albany, Corvaitis and intermediate j'oints. AND WITH THE STEAMER UNION, On FilonJny, Wednesday and Friday, of each tech. for Lafayette andn ttrtnediate H:intx. o 1 ue ndU;p xviU he iiivcri -vrB , i f -n i- vvhen the Company y.i du- patch a boat on other days than aboe. w Returning the Rtr. 4LERT will leare Oregon City for Portland at i o'clock P. M. o A. A. Mc C V I, SALEM, Mferchlst 1367. (Trtf Oregon Steam Xavigation TEE STEAMEHS O CASCADE. o Or WILSON G. HUNT, CirT. Jon.N Wolfe Commaadttj Will Icnve Port'.and daily, Suridays cscepftd; at b o'clock a. if. for the- C'3grad, cun nectinir with the stean;ers ONEONTA o Or It) AIIO Capt. Johx McN'rfrr Coaiuiaud,tr. For Dulles Thronglpa) one Day ! o o o THC 'STEALERS YAKIMA, o WEB FOOT. o TEX I NO. OWYHEE, SPKAY. or NEZ PEKCE CHIEF, Will !eav Cehlo for Uylatilla and Wallnli daily, Shijuay excepted, until further notice. TIE STEAMERS JULI A and IRIS o Will make daily trips with Si'-vi, Leiiceen Portland- and the Dalles. Shippers can makes sneo u' y Z fi s. . r- '" ial arrnngments to have their Stock taken through to the Dallos in one day. J. C AIXSWOItTII, JWid-?.t O. S. N. 3:1 y r.-t BIONTICELLO ROUTE. Till: STEAMER EKSOUE Master. Ont-sox. CAKRVIN'O TIIE UNITED STATES MAIL I Will leave Portland for Mopticollo wery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. ir- i'W iJcvis river. C. AIKSWOltTII, President O. S. N. Cn. e :fv ASTORIA ROUTE. o o THE U. S. MAIL STEAMER JOHN H- COUCH Snow. Master. O Will leave Portland for Astoria ami intcr mediatc landhigs, on Monday id Friday of eacii week, at. $ o'clock a. m. Returning, wilt biavo Asto.ria on Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a. J":. T. C. AJCVSAVORTII, 3:ly PrXd.-ni O. S. N. Co. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS UPON TIIE BLUFF! OWNED BY ENDS SLOVER, o FDR SALE CHEAP. OX EASY TERMS LOTS 5-, 'A arid ft, IN' BLOCK lr, Oo -T cljcrsuu gtrest. A LL OF BLOCS Jr. Bordered by Vv'a?bIngton ft, John Adams St., Fifth St., a&l Sixth pi. ALSO- ONL' pair of excellent Wdr"k hefts, f--i s and a years resj)cvtly,.Ugetber wito wagon, harness, cto. ZJJ For paiticularn apply to D. J. flnverr or to J. M. Bacon, at th County Cierk'e ol ticn, Oregon City. (17.4 USTICES' BLANKS, of every decr?& tion, for salt at the FTrEr7irs cSc&." o iiS-vtmfiT 0 o 0 o o o o o o O O o O G O O o G