Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, March 16, 1867, Image 2

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SIjc Ujcciihjntcuprisc.
Oregon City, Oregon :
Pacific Ilsilr
IV.UJ.IBL- J.., I Tg-
! !V",vir.-?,i,5l.ii.'' '
Saturday, Blarch 16, 1867.
The Idaho Statesman seems aggravated
because the Oregon press do not cudge
for the Pacific Railroad from Salt Lake
tothe Colnmbia river. If the editor will
review tbe Oregon journals briefly,' he will
find that we have held opinions exactly
The Valley Towns. Mr. Vv .A. Mc- p
like his own upon this subject, and have
Pdjerson, editor of the Unionist, recently re
turned from a week's r up the valley,
having visited all the towns 0:1 the river
from Salem to Springfield. He rays it is
gratifying toyiote the improvements that
hive been made at all points within the
last eight tr ten months. Puena Vista,
the firat youth of sQUidi. is rapidly assum
ing (he p-portions of a town, and from
its favoblo location is destined to be the
first point in importance in Polk county.
Albany as u.-ual ioing ahead in cosily
anfc permanent improvements, sbverid
lire-p9oof bricks which were 'm course of
construction six month:-, since, are now
r.omplcted or nearly so. First among
these is W. W. Parish t ?o.'3 two-story
brick. 00 by 50 feet. The lower story is
divvied into tv.o splendcd store rooms
one St which will soon be occupied by the
ptOpVietors ; tbe other being already taken
for a drag store by Whitt'uaore & Co.
Monteith " two new bricks are bothfihi-h-od
and occupied. McCallisters brick is
completed below and occupied as a dry
guods store. Honk's brick building is
also finished and tenanted, Many line new
residences have --prting up in d.llerent
part3 of tenva, pjjo turnout iunoug which
arc V. Yv Parfis'i's and P. C. Godlcy s
jioar Court-IIouee square in the central
nart of towfii Corvailis comes next, but
noticing so well aeqa dated, he was una
ble to particularize. The tow-a presents a
lively appearance, and miny place? are
occupied Xov business purposes which
were vacant one year ago. Ilirrisburg is
a lively, fliiiris-hiug towa. and improving
very fipidiy. It contains several stores
tilled with m tram "th stocks of goods, be
tides many lessor establishments. Smith
& (o, have a very extensile stock ; he
was in formed hat they design erecting a
fire poof bnfck the coming summer.
Moore & F.aber have already completed a
Cre proof store, which fo? dimensions and
finish i.s not excelled in the State. At
Peoria he had merely time to step on
phore before the boat whistled. He had
repeatedly asserted as our belief, that Or
egon would enjoy the facilities of Railroad
communication with the Mississippi States
at least three years prior to California, by
this route, which we have been lead toun-i
derstand has been definitely determined
upon, and no d oiibt Ike road will be built
according to tae preliminary surveys of
the Union Pacific Company, which is most
deeply interested in it, and for reasons
quite apparent, set forth as follows :
1st. That company own the line no
further west tbua Salt Luke, or the eastern
bound ary of Nevada.
2d. The Central Pacific, which is being
built front the west, is in the hands of an
other oup.rny controlled principally in
San Franc. sco.
d. In a business point of view, a through
lute fCotn Sal; Lake to the Pacific tide
water, becomes a, matter of the utmost im
porrance to the Uivon Pacific company.
ilh. There is but one poss.bie chance to
secure that, and that is through the Snake
river valley.
The Union company must build this
ri ol Th- -tin t'i-,ini ;.-r, tiM.l.i tti..- I., ....
secured bat they want a coutmuous line
oftheu- own to the Pae.tic ocean. And
while they are securing tins, they at the
same time tap lie chief sou ice of trade to
the proposed No.uhe.iu Pacific Railroad.
5:n. Ail that vast trade which the pro
jectors of the Nov'hera rou e count upon
as a source of profit, the Union company
c .n appropriate to itself by sea-ding oat
its branch toward the Columbia river.
It is claimed that no other road can be
so easily and cheaply built. The States
man says :
There are no difficult mountains to cross
Gen. Steele's, regiment-ia in the South.,
bat not at Richmond as stated last week.
Parties were patting up ice at the Cas
cades on Tuesday last.
Mr. A. Comeford has taken editorial
charge of the Eecittc'
Mr. Greeubury Smith, of Denton county
recentlv old horned cattle to the amount
The, roads in the Umpqtxa valley, are
said to be almost impassible, being qui.e
as bad as in the wmcer of. 01-2.
Liy the first of May Mr. Blain and Lis
party w.ll be on their"wav to the region
drained by the John Day and Crooked
We learn that a prospector recently
struck a qua tz ledce .n Jo ephlne c junty.
oat of -which in a lew hours he took SUU.
O Jj worth of gold.
The Gazette says if there is any person that
needs encouragement and cheering, it is
die editor ot a eouutry newspaper. Weil
and truly spoken.
The Gazette says it is a very easy matter,
some tint .'s. to start an enterprise, but very
difficult; to make it succeed. This seems
to be peculiarly true of Temperance and
Uel-giuus newspapers on th";s coast.
The Mountaineer gives it as a rumor,
that the contract for carrying ihe mail
from Dalies City, to Poise City, has been
awarded to C. M. Lockwood. ft is the in
tention of Mr. Lockwood to place a line of
;cr lor Ca:l.'.;r:i:a read ue uers :
to. udvert.se uregun upp- . v
e-i'ch:' for eus-om : but the wneia e
deilers and the public prints rarely men
tion iheia except disparagingly. Orego,
winter apples, however, lave aiw.tys
naaitra'ned a superior price In ti e market,
and the recent operations have evoked
comment even from the California press,
the San Franc sco Times of u recent date
admits that Oregon apples sell at an aver
aire of .3j cents higher than the California
pro luct, but rae ta the univei sal Cakio: n a
.usttnet. it avet-3 that th.s is n;)t tae ex
actlv to anv maiked mpeiiority. lb us
he " 77?ne.v'savs further on. - the Oregon
apple is better colored and keeps loncer;-
and if, as everybody knows, it is also bel
ter tl ivored. vi'e rather think there ji a
" marked superiority,-'' and Uiat the Times
or any other man, may jus: as well ac
knowledge the .corn', without .reservation.
The editor of the CohanljiaJ'rtss has
been, with a friend, to visit to tmaiilia
i denervation. They were welcomed by
the Agent. Mr. Barn hart, who extended
J. M. 15 icon" is Air- 'it at Oivjcu City
j -;!UtI Mr. I'. Kekrt is A resit at i or uii..
t):iHiS. U'lu i .Jr. c
Sew AftYertis&Kieiiis.
. .-. . . ... ..i .i: ........,. t -vv-, . !i'nn ' t :e I
i,i".' ta u;iv i.'.s neuia ana e-rrv .105 v am !is a: ui-ir ou.ct mi' ' 1 . t
.its, ti:ty tde tuijiic the tit eater
im in ovtnt-
t iiit t,the lu.sni.l iut.s witli'ui the corporate
f- 1, . . - ..
lIlllllS, -OB 111 ili" UlLtl Hill ill ICM uiseiiiion
and tt'oip. investment.
The pmpei ty will b? divided into six bun
dled jai eels. and distributed 111110111 the
pureii:isf! s by lot." Oue-baif t lie puiceis will
be siuu;ie lots, no one of winch, is worth Kss
limn .")!, and maiy of them ure wortli j7"
and 5!o0eact-, at the j resent selling rates.
Tiie other half will be prize psircels of two,
tout ;nta six lot- each, aut Miisrle lo's r;m;
iiiir in value fiotn one him lreil to six iiun
tlred, dullai atnl one house and lot a!ucd
lit inie tfmi:r.utid d dbu s, and one new cottage
lesideuce oi eig t looms (not ail linisheu).
j with stone cellar urnicr the wooie, to-j-ett). r
with tiuee Jots, all as one lixicel. valued at
j live thousand dollars. Ab the parcels will
be sold at one uniform price of ti ft v dollar-
I each. ; -.
j As soon as the shares are all taken, the
j distribution will be made by. a committee,
I consisting ot the County Jude, CVumty
1 Clerk and ISherilf", acid if either o! them is
j absent, liieotueis will ctiOtse a person to fill
1 the vacancy. The liinobers of the lots com-
1 -."aicels or iiMi-es inui m Inch the propeity is
I d.vided, and a photograph nf -a. portion ot
the town, and of tbe cottage home- eau o,
constitutes the cipit d prize. Each purchas
er of a ticket, will give to the Agent Ins due
bill for the purchase r.ton-v, payable when
he receives a deed for the property which he
shall d-aw. The distribution is expected --
come otl" wnliin two months, judging trpai
tbe rapiditv with which the shares ate being
taken over a hundred havimr been taken in
Astoria alone in. the last f-w days. -'l.tf
tliat e-enaine da'isnitali:v which make.-
triad the traveler's heart. It be-ng.fcun
day. thev attended Church and there wit posing -ach parcel will be written on sep-
1 at least the outward show of wor- j er.tte ballots, and se-aied up and placed 111 a
Tfe number O! in 1 00... ine oiuciin-is Haines win oe w riiien
anv separate naiuas as tnev nave mio
ship by the Indians.
',ia"? "-wl'1 , : senbe,. for shares, and r-e:ded u.. and placed
LIU UUlV'l, 111 - i l M V UU II A, !-.
that number, it may be said. with a totera-
tc ..l..-,..! cv.-n Oil l.t
111 aiiOUier
"-'lL u""-'u' " : siiateii. a Ouiior win be ura wu ltum each
ble approximation to the truu.that twelve , ;Ulj ,ia. Utmie and the description of the prop
'J he boxes beimr well
vviil bt drawn tfoiii each
l.UUU Sheep.
Inquire at Selling's store,
Oregon City.
J. II. KPL1-R. q
ludiatis or heads of families have cultivat- e:tv drawn will tV recorded
ed the soil to that extent that they may be
called farmers. Many others have a tew
daily stages between the points, via Can- 1 ;cres plowed up. either un fen cad ur wuh
you Citv.
The ru:norv which we publi--hcd last
v.eek. relative to the burning of Mr.
Thomas house near Hirrir-burg. and loss
of ten lives, we believe to be a base hoax.
When and how it originated we know not.
The Ad'oeate has at so learned that there
is no diuieulty at St. Helen about titles to
city property.
The Alia says J. B. Kddington has
brought, to oar oKice some rich specimens
of auriferous quart?, taken from the' I.
X. L. mine, at Canyon Ciry. Grant county.
Oregon. The lode is represented to be
2.T ieet wide, and full of such specimens.
If these statements are correct, the mine
no less
employing six
thug) however. Xoq notice several new
buddinirs which have been erected since
and no long sire.ehes of barren plain will become cue of -the most noted on th
without tnnber. It lies more than any i coast.
otoer ron.e utrougu lerttle vai:eys rich t The Skite Journal of the flt.h savs
m n ng d.str.cts, or equally productive j are in operation in ilu-reae Citv
i ... 1. ... . ! : . . 'Ti 1- .... . .. . .. ' ... . -. . .
i.uiULiea ifsiuiu. 1 ue eou.ia v uetvveea I 1 1 -m hvc 1 i ,'H'al, schn.. omiii
salt Lake ana tne Lonunoia river is r.cher j
m m.nes and timber and productive soil 1
and capable of sustaining a denser popu- !
la ion than that through which the Cen-rui j
road p is. es iroai Salt Lake to the sacra- j
meoto. and is far superior to the Northern :
in the enclosures of the more ml;is;ri;us
Indians. The lead-ng Indians and Chiefs j
are wealthy, two or tlnee of them owning j
about twenty thousand dollar.- worth ot j
ho-.ses and cattle. They are rapidly cnl- i
tivating a passion for fast stock, a ad the j
summer race are scenes of great excite- j
meat, and bets-run up into the thousands.
It is paid 'that a Lorse is owned by one oi i
the Indians which, for a three or - x mi'e j
heat, can beat any horse in the world.
The red jockeys have thousands with
which to back their opinion and are w.li- j
ing to do it. The Agent, Mr. Barn hart, j
deserves gre it credit for the watcldnl care j
and attention which he has bestowed upon I
his wards, lie lias, in three different com !
! manicifions. expressed o u- ' .-overn-
cient lhat justice to the whl'e- demanded '
that so me ste; is shotil.l be t a ken to open !
til it ground to the white seller ; bat iias '
been m.-'t ly the response that it wll be I
ami then ;;noth-r will be drawn :.i,d recoriled.
until all are drawn. The teeord of the draw
ing will be cer'iiiied by the committee of
oliiceis, and warranty deeds wiii be inunedi
uteiy executed m accot dance therewith, and
delivered to the purcha ers, or t.o their uu
t homed agents, who wiil pay the purchase
money on receipt ol the deed. Ttie tiliu is a
patent ceiittieute under tne DoixiUvn. Law.
This is not a lottery, bat a joint puich-se
of several parce s of land, won an agreement
to treat niem as ol equal vaJue tor 1 3 se pui-pi-.se
of d str.biition, a;.d to a-..sign them by
lot, as a Court would nia .e partition.
r.ta de m the i.oouiii ot i..e Columbia river.
at toe o.iiv sp.c woe. e a town can b" huiit ! . . . ..- , ,., .!,
, 1 r.,;.. ... -. 1 l-etr slat n e compeiotig
n :l !i . I ! !'!' s'l''l1:-nl il.:f'iT In -r ! - I
11 iai amount' f .-i; ii-pai'-' ai.d' acceiole I State and local taxes in coin.
YAqfiNA Bav A correspondent of the
O'.r'joman, writing from OysteryU'e. 1 a
quiua itay, begs the press to urge our
Senators and Kepresentatives to get a
mail route established over there. It Is
sixty -eight miles from the mouth of 1 a
quina Bay to Corvailis. by the usual route
traveled, and the whole distance is settled j
up. Much of the road passes through a
rich and populous country, yet there is
not a post-office, or a post-route between
tbe two points. " We need a mail route,
and must have it. We hare asked for it
and we intend to keep asking, and get
everybody else to ask. until we do get it.
We need it very much, and ice think we
deserve it. for settling and developing a
wild, new country, for supplying the rest
of mankind with the best of oysters, and
for carrying Benton county for the Union
ticket last summer, thus securing a Union
U. S. Senator lass fall.""
The undersigned will ex
change No. 1 American, Span
ish, od Merino Rams, for
oood Wethers of two to four
years old, 011 terms very 'favorable to larm
"ers, who desire to improve their flocks bv
the cultivation of these best of nil breeds
of sheep for wool, or wool and mutton.
Bargains must be made before tbe 1 th or
April." as after that time tbe sheets-ill be
sold for cash onlv.
Address bv letter to Salem, or call at tSe
farm four and a half miIe-iWlth of Salm.
21.1 w 9oHS MINTO.
9 o
his old "patrons and the public in
general, that be received by gainer Ajax,
and now has opened for inspection q
jjjzY a 00 us.
teachers. The average at'endance to all ' impossible to - vrokue the Koit-mn treaty
of ihetn is only a little over twenlv two ! mide wi h the Indians.
to the teacher not too many for half the ! N'o person who has not mtde a trip
number of teachers if. properly arrange 1
rou:e iu the same re.-pects. The local
bus. ties;- of this road wi.i always be su
perior to e.iLer of the others. The i laho
route wi:l never be obstructed by snow.
Both the other., w.ll. As a through route
from ocean to ocean it will be second
o-ily to the Central, and a great deal bet
ter than ihe Northern road ever can be.
The Northern road can rearh. no branch
of trade on the we.-ttern coast that the Ida
ho road cannot aceommouate bet ter. it
immense business which the
and Columbia valleys are capable of sus- j
mining demands this road as a, means of j
trade with the mines- of the interior and
1 in the P;-
e i
r - , . . . 1 iiiee- i:u
o ii;ame:te
iv.'ever. xoq notic
3 whicii have bee
ho last visited the place sjime twelve
months since, llugene City can boast of
r,overalnew frame building since last
ppring. aud one line two story brick, the
lower story of which belongs to Ilristow,
and ilte upper to .Spencer Butte Lodge.
. 0. 6. F. t They have their hall elegantly L should be s upid enough io favor ihe Xorth wlticb has bein expended by Mr. Barnn trt
in elapses iu,a well regu'a.ed scnool. ,
'e learn from Mr. Nice o: Oak i'olnt ,
that the s-evera! h-heries idoag the Col inn
b.a litver are being put iu readiness
for the coming season work. The stave
facior.es are busy ge; ting out barrels to
fill orders reeewed from the fishermen.
Last summers experience has taught them
to use non but the best of b me;3 and
those now bein;; manufactured are heavier
and have less bulie than those turned out
This brunch of industry will
ccess durin-r the comintr sea
Tbe Columbia Press savs a limited
water to tin; head of navigation, says
Unionist, has any ,-idea of the difficulties I
steamboat men have to encounter and !
overcome in freic;luins? on the Viil:i:nette. i
! The river from !i a rr.sb'irr to MuaenC has I
! no lvjrular chanticl.
bv t i-th o'. an r-'.ops d ian boais in all
weather., . o.i ia . an have no r:v.d as tne
intC'pot ho til Commerce of t io river.
Itivai toe.ns lave been pr ji-ctL-U, oui .-carce-iy
the inii.s i f a liO.s.-e no.v mark their --lies
wluie A-toiia has grown ste.i.nh up to ihe
condition .A' a resja ciaoh' lime c.t. and increase-,
fa. ter every ear th..n ii d d tne
e :r bef'01 v.
Un the two pednts' bitwetn wl-ith hl)S
enter ti.e- 1 iv 1 are the tvo So 1, St 1 1 us and
ii.iiicot.k, 111 luh view of the Unn, w to their
wii.il ves, v ai ehouSv S, t arracks i.mi oilh e. s'
on triers, endi a tv-pec'iabh. vsdage, wnere
Hie (f,i el tuneiit fa- onteiett uj-o; a a series
ot . o ks, which, with their garrison, will
iuvvdv i: tim ilisbtii seieeul of ni.d.o- of u-il-lais.
And, eonside. lug thai to:- is t b - gate
to an interior eeiuitrv o; inree einhrvo Stat
Gkeexbacus rou Taxes. Tbe Unionist
has rece.ved from Washington a copy of
the decision of the Supreme Court of the
United 'States, in a case appealed from Ne
vada, to test the validity of an act of the
(he payment of
i (he question ot the validity of such law
j the opinion bears directly upon the sub
! ject in Oregon. We quote the cosing
' paragraph .
i "These errois are apparent on the face of
; the ieauing-4 in the plaint ill.-.
On- tipoli all
Also : a 7ieir stl of Circular Rout.d
And various other articles which will in
terest tbe public.
o. tf S. A CK K JIM AX.
Oregon City, March loth, 1S7.
Stove and Tin Store!
tiic com 1 woi ob
avn sstatc-in-j-eci
ui ve anil cali-
N'Yi. 1 .4 Front street, Port bind. Ore-on,
next door to Lvei'diiiLr i Ueebe.
i u.eo,. li is no objection that these oe- j Slov,,s Conner and Sheet Iron Ware.
tici-n were not spec. a. i.' mad- in I lie His- ' '
ici Cm-.it. itut ihe jo'dirattut ol h' ios-j T T A Ybl I US'f I,A 1 i ) 1 N A LA i ( Z stock
1 1. of s
llieiil Ot til 'l;
ot toe rccoi d
tr.ct t'oiot v;.s ef iui.e.. 11- la beitiij rendeleil
toi f;ol-.! anu .-iiver co.ii ol the L'nned stite. 1
T ue wbi iga; .on 1. 1 pay tae tax, if a sio jeoi ol j
suit, as ;i 1.- tieatt-d iu tiii- :ase, is u ileut,
w.tom toe act ot Coo'4't ss of Feoruarv 1:0, j
i -li 1 11 .1 k i 11 l'i.' 'rrt iiiii i null's l-.-lo-d in
. j u an iiin 1 I'M LtuiiiM ()t im tt tuiui 1 1; .;iiu. .1 I ' -
m nvtny lll'-M-;K; ; besidtr. Oregon, - all glitternsg Wita veins of j pursuruuee ol 11 a legit, tender in payment
expene is bkelv to he j et itel.t. i ne juug.-iueo t was niuiitci con
it. The uavei an'dtiallic 1 hict witli the act, 1-s in reipiiring lt e pay-
Krauci.-co is I merit ol cojn it oeiocu the ignt ot pavinent
i . f .. . . ' 1 .
I r I ... 1 w..J Ol ill , K - -.1 - Li I- IT I J I'll 1 . 1
.wX'Ol I 1 !:!( Il.,ll IH.'r 111,
. . t. . ... .1. . , 1 :.. i
jio-sioie 10 p.t uiimu-411 tut nuiio t-i.u .-.- ;,j,aic4 id mmti-UUi
which are constantly changing, rendering ! beiwfen that resrion ana sa:
na irrat too bo:
i'j:erus and
t n;
amount of money was appropriated by j
with the eastern slope. It is a m irto; 0f ! tiR' ueverumeni tor the construction o. aj
astonishment, tint, fine mm in (Vi-!.i i R ri.-ji anu s.iv-mui on ine uesertation
furnished. TherOre five schools in iro-
O press at Eugene, including Professor Ilen-
derson's academy. Mrs. Udell has charge
(- of the female department of this institu-
vt r . u .. i. ..1 ; .... r. ,1,. . ..
u TlOU, tUO 1 VOlC-roi uaiuia ttiu-ui lovmi.-j
j department. Thre are al-o six churches
p. in town, in all of which f-ervices are held
Ppringtield is three miles above llugene.
O TheSpringlield Manufacturing Company
are propr&Hors of The. place. It is sur
rounded by an extensive,, lieautiful and
rich tract of country. The Company have
O a flouring mill with two run of burrs, a
taw-mill, with double circular and an up
right saw. and they design soon to com
mence the erection of a tirst-class woolen
raaiiufactory. o
O Tiik Cattle iuuai 10 v. The exhibition
of stall d fat cattle at Salem, on the loth,
was welDattended, and proved mans- line
points in breeding and feeing, which the
Agricultural SSeiely will soon lay before
the public. This looks right. We shall
soon be in better standing as a Slate, if
our HihC is marked by such steps. Ile
forc the adjournment of the business meet
ing Mr. John II. Moores. of Salem, offered
the following, which was adopted :
Resolved, That this Society hail with
Cpleasure the dawn of a more perm men t
prosperity) for our State, as exhibited by
the incorporation of ihe various manufac
turing and other industrial enterprises now
Kenis; inaugurated iu our State, and among
others the enterprise and eii-rgy evinced
by the OregoiOlron Manufacturing Com
pany, located at Oswego. Al-o. the recent
erection and successful working of a Paper
Mill at Oregon City. Also, the prospect
of an immediate erection of one or more
Mills for tin.; manufacture of liustfed. and
other vegetable oils. And would espec
ially recornnend. to farmers the cultiva
tion of tlats) as a regular crop, as experi
ence iiPthat directioti demonstrates that
Hax-can bOcultivatcd successfully in our
Sferc, both for Feed and lint.
cm road or oppose Uus one. v ttiiouc tn.s -UU!l1 -"'
road Oregon and Washington must ever 1 operation. Mr. Ik permits .he sealers ad-
be tr.bumrv to st in Kr.ni" , , nn,l i h .1 oi u ing t tie in i ian taii is to nave the i
( adih-irn'ta n"nd ( Iri'-mn rrM'.mi.l tennbl i.nU- i dl-' Ul-W paying I here for
fix that coadi ion upontLem. The Cen ral I P;l-a 111 tIui councry. Tbe grist m lis has
ro id throti-b Southern Idaho and Uastem j ali '0 lern ltapvovements and they
Oregon to Portland wilt mike them not t u-tve sn.'ceeded m making excellent flour.
cult. While some ;i e-uiclltie.l to eore.p ;:ui :
i at. the pr.ee charged by the Peoples '
! Transportation lompatiy lor carrying i
j freight, when the- expense of rnm-r.g
j boits on th ? Wiliamete is tak-n iut-o con
j .deration it is certain' tlra-'ihe r yi rices -:
1 are rs low as can reason.ibty be expeced.
! and much 1 iwer t utu mauv ti .viog ihelr
ndvahb.re.s would charire. 'Ihe cause oi I
I the lie-ivy expen.-e of exportltig fri:n the!
j interior of our S'..oe is not ow'.ug to extor ;
! tioii on the part of the 1 copies Transpor
i t io n (,'om:r.i'i v. Int beciitse of the eo.-t or'
- -lv" i rnniiiif li v.'i ;iv.' o-i'are' liars wi h nnlv
u .-1 1 . 1 1 i o i :
Jt wdi never ce;.s-, nor
An-.t there, at the gUe,
uu'.l aii the si eauisit ! ;s
. s
i iUread immense
; Cya-e iurreasmg
i wii: .st.Oid A -iota
ami t tvtl boats mu.-t eoo:e to hcl ish.i
as they piy tne ever iuci eatng cu'.o mei ce ol
iiv'e S!:i,.e. 'f.ii't-c regular lni.s oi sleiai-
;,t s ;i i . ht.v t'.iioiiivi'ii. iiil-.l .it i-i'il.iifi -e t-
l.i egaiizcil paper currency.
ex'eno tueii t uyaw iinuiiu a tius.vlren outcs
to I'm i.-ioUi oi ;iai-.uauce oi a n..u:t i iai
u: ain ivO'.u.a ut'u na-iC eras
too d.ai.iei e i ivo, on w.tiivh
.-lin U.-1.. liui Ihe l easi'liS to: i
'iiilae a to
; toiilil l.s
: e otmin-
'i'UE I l liai V l- ivol Hi.N'i Mli.ls. ide.-.vl'S.
ilaen, Gai'tvii .c Co.; of thi- e--iui'.y. have
i recently erec-.ed a large iiourutg r.fiil on
Lutte Creole, iwenty talics sou. a of th'ss
ei'y. in ihe ai ls-. o. an extensive agricul-
t ti.3:i'iC, which .s i :st: now Oegtuaiug
so attract the a.teu iou of the public, its
nve or U!M;tvest stvii's, consist-.
lug in part of the following cook stoves :
Vrileoft'iP Piiciff. Repuhlh0
G-dd n Ga e. ( :rystr, I PaPc ', Q
B'i-kx Pat'-rJ, Jfrrrtyf Queeu.
Dimnoud Rock, H arlhstoa?.
Also : A good stock of Parloand Box
stoves, tin ware, Ac, .te.
Also: An as.-ortnii-ntf Pumps, etc.
We ate satislied that, we can jive satisfac
tion to our patron in every re-peet, as we
art determined to soil at fair prices.
W'e hold ourselves in readiness, am-fare
jirejiered to do inoliog, sjKMiring, and all
kin. is ol -job work, on .iiui t notice, and in a
satisf.ictorv manner, q
R(TiI.Si)X & LAKE.
Portl .nd, March loth, !-!7,
aiai io
. ie.i,-oii,i
rt it t.s gen
oc. ao'-siea.
i r
I'lian iig it. a; e
i :y t.-yi .c e i iii.it
s Wot teinil .aO?
! V
only independent of San Francisco, but
make for land a rival of that city, great
as its aspirations are and as its lulure
seems sure to be.
Grant it all. The reasoning is good.
and up to the spirit of the times. In exact
harmony wi;h the vast co relative interests I
- . . . !
involved in railroad enterprises, but really, i
O.egou has -m-.-pped o-(t more work than j
she has the in earns to accomplish. We be-
lieve in the Salt Lake branch, as before j
stated, have risked our faith upon it for
i , i i
nearly tour yeats. ijixt as u is mostly a;
Union Pacific enterprise, and that com- I
intnv beimr aljtindariuv aoie to take
of themselves
them work.
S. Patterson of Engene City.
i stys the State Journal recently visbed : he
bar that has la.ely formrd in the cl; umel
j of the Willamette, som five miles below
I there, ll was Seared by some that it had
I etfectually sealed navigation to Eugene
i for the season, .but Mr. Patterson say-
I there will be no difficulty in removing he
! a tew inches o; water, a rut
i with only a lew tons of freight,
the head of niv.g-.rh'm w ll .e.
j serving man ihe-e tacts and convince him
i b.itii of ttie p; ae '.caliiiity and nvo--'ry of
j improving the navigation of 1-e river.
1 A t'ortlander in h iir.y i t x" write
! to the (;"joruin ; The r rsco 'in - have a
l very go, d oyi.nion ot' thrm.-e ve-- and die
i-ace w-ie.e 'hev i ; ve. lien SieaKii,g ot
ev e'r i;.q,ji n.-.i i
It 1.- oo.k t'XIi,'
.uu.mg ta
i be v are
i o
obstruct io "as
little expense.
any s me ami with bir
A large b :r formed ia the
le.iumg Iroiii the
main river to Lancaster, rendering it im
po-ss'ble for s:ea;nboat.-i to reach that,
The Umatilla Tress says that a large
number of Chinese propose to -work the
regon and Oregontans tnere
; percept. b e as-or i ui of snp"-.'iori
their part combined weh a m d tit
of puroaiz.ng pty. T heir gtio.a,
1.-1 1 1 u
U.c:e...- n .
VfM Si I o.l
tie 1 r t o ages ;t .l.-im ia, and leave toe ui
uoid c.i: i l iir t nver b i.i;.- ot oat a tveo-
A trip to : iicut pa t uiii c-'St. i'unauu, ,t is noj eu,
ell any ob wu; iJC- iij..it-a i.-v toe eiii..g i oui. la-
! i . V. .1 ,!.,:. 1...' 1. .1. . . I . I, I I! . V I . 1 I l 1 . ;l 1
iu j r:'!-j. villi ,i, A.-ton.i is -5.0 e
: ( i ag are tier o
inert, a.-o" in Oiiiaimg, oust !... auti '.tei.i.i.
t...''i ..i v ni.ii'i -mo. in. ii.tr I'n'oi.- ,oi--l. ! Hour m
1 1 re. i i t .si ,i H- ;s so f i e o ! a co i -1 n . ad .' auce,
an. i:!.,:, .--o .ii. e. y io laKe Mi.aU ii ; .sc i,i
litany looe.s , i jm ess. til v..iu.jt. i .,.u it i.-. tit
leit'i tor .-a,,.- ui n:iix, ;Oii.mg imse w -o
owners li.ive usued tor ward the work m
s:te oi m .iy rdisraeles iiutli then- e. tor's
have been u'Wiied w.;ii .-access ail I ti;'y
are begum ag -o ; e;.i ihe Iraus of (heir
las been introduced
bars, l ueir it i.ir
into this m irkct. it: I
S-3:..tin oiP at
I -.-
s iaiiK
j.j.vving plti:ilmlei) to
e o.
l-i e
shall not lo.-e the
reputation ji has i-stabiisiied. Tbe senior I
ff igoii. :s an expe. letit e-i
iCf-;or iiioi! v years m umfaet :it ed
! t ci.o e l ue no
it V. jossessc
heir best excuse tor
j sell soo king deui.-to.i.
! gen': and best iuibrme,
! me; iti San Praiiei-eo r
re s
this pie. s-atd a a 1
'ihe iuos t inteili
people th I ha e
re- ign irattt of Ore
i-.i.o-r. ! best ana wuo r .n
er.oiiv oi the otiei, riovi -, io
a,, iacv.i ai.- iim .,o v'.nit -gen i.Uai.uioi lo :l.
aau (.rcscti is .i i e.i i ; 1 1 . . o, iio- i.aui v ur
UiiUi ii : ,,er.
ill tier, u
:no - ior ihe Aew Yo. k m irket.
! be m tin build ng is a very sub-ra!i'ial
tr.nae. i- by iu uet. tiiri-e- S t-rh's high, ex-ciii-tve
ot' wue.u pit. aiid is des.giied for
tvro run t burrs, an I is very c mveuicn 1 v
. O o 0
1 ii'-w otTer mv entire sto-k of llrvXnoocl
ami C'iotoii.g, liuots and Shoes, flats and
Caps, (iroceries and lj-ovision -, lbjdwue
and i'uttery, rrockery and iiiassware, A.C.,
i a-iiiieroas oar oe;ow me nir.iiu oi ine
CaiC i Irm-i:i!i-i i-m-:t It ri';T in il.-i it n ,v ir
. we think it will do to let ; will add to the be. sines.- prospect of
Let them secure a Taut of ' Umatilla says the Herald. Now wee in t
lands from Congress, and we believe they l m ,hafc U V m!ht , m'1Ut
v.iiou.-.-e ia couie uere. nuoer ine law-
asking fur-
but we wish the devil had them all. Ca'i-
will build the road without
ther assistance. This they should have.
As a San Francisco cotemporary recently
said :
They are neither dependent upon other ;
companies for assistance, nor would they !
be injur. ous!y affected if a half dozen rail- I
. - I ... 1",. .... j u . ,. ,, ,. , , . 1 " nlei the management ot -e.r. Hand.
V'lMv I. J'll-1) ".tlitd UilLU lll.l! Ut il'.MlCiltS , 1.. 1:
gou. and its pe.iple.-pro'iucioti:? cum i'e.
typography, etc.. as they are of (he source
of ihe Nile. Si ;ing dawn to table with
.some very clever and mleliig-Uit g-uit'e
men a tew er -tiina-; s.uee. It el.iuoed that
the lirst: course was oyii'erti. U'hilewo
were miking way with the succory bi
valves, my right' hand' man looked up to
me and said. :ti a tone and manneras little
Cnuei en; i.i . 1t.11
is lue oii-i iii.iue
c; t , -at into ;
h-ss lou.i i.all
i.i i t sL'iien l.
s ny,
J H Viiv is J iie I'ln, -
tiie at ; 1 i'.is wincii a erage
t .-ehiii i i. It.- ? Only be
en e
W,t.- 1.
J c
: izeo-, loi act in.il i in, ; o
prices, ai loe 1 ati
ree to
lornia is to day bloated from the effects of I calculated to nurt my teet.ngs as po.s.t.e.
Chinese labor" and her poor houses too I " 1 suppose you have no oysters in Ore
well show that the system is tin ab.-oiufe ! h;ivv you ' " Plenty of tliem." I re
curse. We would much mere wHlni-rlv i idie l. after hesitating a moment at the
advocate slavery in this State, ilran a free
toleration of the.ie mooneved wretches.
The .If
from it. to the north or south, will be
come a tributary, and add to. rather than
diminish the bulk of its trade. In the
light of populating our vart unoccupied
territories ami aiuinir imrutcration tne
is greatly improved.
the following 1 Marshal
far recovered from his in
to be out aguuj
singularity of the question.
j meat of oysters in Oregon. Heemed to
take the company by surprise but when I
j called attention to the fact, that the very
: oysters 0:1 our plates carne from Oregon,
j and thai, there was no such thing in Cali
i fornia. the subieei; was laid noon the table
Keeler ha
Messrs. ltk-hler and Phoi are ranidiv im- 1 auu ?l 1 X" ' ' i
nroving. We sincerelv hone that " thev 1 1(- lh:.K lr:lt s"ow1 wna ,l'oezcs :l"
isiuiei ui i-oriiar.Hiaisa rams nil summer.
n anv
V ,'iV 1 ! T 1!niat.7U0:i Xae I t V 0.1 be able to ag'ain nj.,v the onen i tT"111 Kf''fuuU1 f? :vU
aore n .roads the better. herever a ; ah.; Vnon lhl &n,iv of Vomains' of I hen. 1 uld lbi'-11 luU 1 h:ul '50t
trac,: hod. business is created anu the F s Holland from San Fraueiseo. thev j lce lhls WiI5t imael.
New Invention's. Caveat have been
lortSrded to Washington recently for sev
eral new inventions by Oregonians. Mr.
Charles E. Pox. near Coflin Rock, has con
ceived a very ingenious method of making
barrels wittrrtU sta es. From the descrip
tion whave of it. his iuven'ioa will be as
ecleb rated as the process of making seam-
lesi bags Mr. J. II. Pouibit of Albany.
was granted a patent on the 2 3d of Janu
ary, for his gang plow..,. Mr. Wt. Pay-hou-e.
Xo. 12 From street. Portland, also
obtained a patent on ihe "23.1 firaii iuven
tion to be applied in the manufacture of
boots and shoes.
carrvmg tra-oe increased, lu.s is-a la
s-o we'd establi.-hed that it would be idle
to go into an argument to sustain it. If
we needed proof, it would only be neces
sary to p;at to the. immense profits real
ized by the Central Pacific Company, on
v ere immediately committed to the care! Oswe
what may now b.
local business.
is a pure iy
Sals axn DrsTitiut nox oi' PitorKiTrr at
AsioniA. Mr. J. M. Bacon of this city, has 1
oi tue .Masonic fraternity, according to
arrangements previously, made. Tiie fu
neral ceremonies took place Sunday,
.March 3d which were conducted by the
Masonic Order, of which' the deceased was
an ardent end ebei i.-hed member.
Speaking witii regard to the railroad
the State Journnai tiiinks that the old say
ing that the poor have to content them-
..t - t tt. ... .. i .
.-eitjs wuti poor way-?. i;as neea true in
placed before us a prospectus of a sale and regard to the people of Oregon touching , to" the pre'sprcts of Os4ve"o. j't "is all that
.distribufioa of property at Astoria, belong
ing to Hon. Cyrus Oi:u
tion is to be ma le by lot. and
somewhat resxTcbLes a
lotiety. bu
The ItAiio.-01 his is really the finest
f-teamship that ever landed ai a dock in
Portland. She belongs to the Anchor
Lie. ant! may be considered as further
evidence that the .duetor of the Pattens is
firmly planted in our waters. AH Orego
nians idionld patronize the Anchor Line.
You can never repay those gentlemen
who compos the compa iy. for -vku they
have done for this State the past year.
same tune it
oration. In
s- tys
other sn
Tbe dis-ribu-
iu this
at the
at a lottery, or chance op
private Setter Mr. Oluev
cries, an a every
ol gamolmg by which the
iu.. in mi i wi t. on oi , oouiiiioii . li e Ha st;
not ileen able to avail outm Ives of the.se
i dis inprove of lo
money or property of others is obtained
without rent ruing au equivalent. I there
fore adopted a plan by which every pur
chaser should receive a full equivalent for
- I!ll!l,
I knew- of no w
iv bv which
A Poor State. California must eventu
ally acknowledge the superiority of Ore
gon. We are now now sending to that
StntdOtin-.ber for pails, tubs, etc.. aru
thinglcs by the thousands. The Idaho
also took some machinery, Qnade at the
Oregon frkn Works, to fill one order for
San Francisco, and another for Silver City,
ArotAMJETiC Fhe editor being some
what indisposed this week, feels that an
apology is due his readers for an absence
of the usual news summary. Abbreviating
the voluminous dispatches is too - head
jplitdg" for him, in lit a present, ill health.
the excess which I vr.ts willing to give the '
purchasers in addition to their money s i
worth, could be equally divided be ween j
them. 1 he only cUance is. as to who snail
receive these unequal additions to their ,
rcspec ive shares.' To explain the plan :
inure fully, atiached to the prospect;.-, is a
copy of the town plat with the lots marked, :
to le distributed. Every purcha-cr of a
share will get a parcel of land, at the dis- 1
tr.button. for wiiieh he is to pay the sum !
of Sou upon obtaining a deed of the same. ',
I 1 ! . ...!.. . . . - ... . ;
v.'i;e jtaaeei is vatl'l i!. at So. !);.! a ; one at
which we have
glimp.-os in the future. In fact it is but
t-intading to view ail tho?..; -splendid fruiis
jit--t beyond our means of reaching them.
Our situation is in some degree to be com
pared to that of Tantaules. who chained
to a post, and famishing, beheld every
variety of fragrant finit the imagination
could conceive of, waving tempting!-.- just
beyond bis reach. Tbe principal diifer
ence is we are stuck iti the mud and plainly
beho'd the world - of advantage which
wou'.d accrtte to us were wt; only aide to
get out ourselves, or be assisted out by-
some Kinu menu.
lue L iLu'jii.s! savs it is eviil
valley w.ll in a few years cease
si 0 J.) : three at S."i each : three at ;?4ti
each. : no puree! has a le.-s value than c-vid.
ice oOject oi tae sale is - to multijily m- i pe pie ic -.ue.ee va.ieys. Ihe capital here
te rests in the town, and to create means ; to fore employed in rearing honied eatdo
to cany tVrward more rapidly improve- wiH tke future be used in grain grow
ments commenced and coaie'mplated by ' ing. horse raising and wool" producur-.
the proprietor.' j Horned cattle require more space than
Since writing the above we 'have re- j xhe present population of this vaifey af
ceivel the ad verti.-enien t, wh:Th will be ! frds. while ea-t d ihe Cascades there is
ton ud iu another column. ! an abundance of room.
'O tie the
great cattle growing re-gioa it has been
m the past. The vast iields of Lasiern
Oregon, seem no w to be g uher'.ug a large
prop'vuion of the young cattle troiu tms
ami Cmpqua Wiley. I'arries ate now
co! tec. ing droves of one and tv.o year old
cali es for the purpose of driving them
easv as soon as warm wea her comes. This
change in stork raising w.li induce u cor
responding chance in the b;i.s;n- of
ItVv.- tiioiis iim tioiiai r a ye r, on tun.-, as here
tofore, is no i.-ugt-r aUa tea lo the c;!Vi,,u
tiaiices el the pioj.j'tetor, who has tiecoine au
ii.va.id, ana lull t na.st, u tt) co.noit.-te loe ini
ii oseinents aau e.itorpi i.e wliioh ne ha.s in
Tae Ibilo.winx extract - from a letter pub-Ji-S"Co
in nee Aevv 1 in K i futpemitui, ot S.p-telnhel-
Vi th 1M0, ii' lu J'nU. Vi t Oil, Wiio
made the lo$;roi Ui i'acihe siiues b.st suni-
mer, gircs tjie mini es.-iourj ot a oag.icious
I and laijiai tl.d straogei :
i AsroutA, UiiL-GaN. Arc. 11th, 1 53.
! "I write iroin tin ivmanicd place. As
; toria sOiiids up.ou ihe left bauic of liie Co
lumbia, ten uoies tVoiu i:s lin.sl coiinningiing
i with the ocean. A nanow inleival of level
i ground, honi lido io bh.fi, say two miles in
I lengtn bv two furlongs in width, affords a
! convenient and pieasant touting, for at pres
! cat, about, seventy white buddings, including
custom bouse, court house, hotels, stores,
' s.iOps aud dwellings. Several line dwellings
; also stand high upon the. hills in the rear,
; eujot ing a landscape in front of mari elous
j beauiy. Astoria enjoys a cJimate ot rcnirfi li
1 able sabihnty. Diseascji may exist,' but I
! hear nothing of tiu-iii ; and the atniosphere,
: pel fuuietl by the v a.st coui'.ei ous forests, or
e pun lied by the expanse cf the waters of the
! J'acilic, brin . s uti y healiii aud vigor to tuese
1 ehotes. Hence, it is a favoihe re--oit lor iu
I vaii.'Js ' and tourists from tin; mtciior, in
; seal f it eituer of heaitti or recreation. It is
' otcujtuil ai d Ct eu; rolled by a iOj'Ui;ilion
chtiLy vi .New Lngiaud origin. They niain
; tain tin tlicieut pnutie .-ctneol, now under
the tiiiectioo of a giuouatc if Vine, for the
education of their uvo hundred cundren.
i XsllO'OL OI-l-OOII-S M IIIKIhnti ir.,' , r ,-l .1. .
ii fr ,.;i!k i.,?, (V. ;.- ..rt ?-- : -,.i. v .-
... ...v,.,..., v.-...w iW a, ..- iti ...ii -'-i icauv, whicii bitouiu eitu.ie her tosupiciiiacv
rcer must be active. A project is being h, cJ.imierce. as the N'ew (b teat. s f in,, cl.
con.suiereu to bring tiie litalattn iiver intu
Sucker Lake. The lake is three" amies long
wiih an average Width or a half m le. and
depth ot" 3o feet. The lower end of the
lake js nor to exceed od ) yard-- trom the
Willamette, and tiie fall ish j feet. liy the
iut'roduction of iho Tuiialia it will b
seen that a splendid ad lit.ou may be m uie
to the j resent water-power . at Oswego.
The Tuakuiu being twenty feet above t.he
lake, a canal built for the purpose of unit
ing the two. would .be serviceable ana
connecting link for navigation. The dis
tance this canal would hay-' ,t.o traverse is
3 3JJ yard- and the deepest cut would be
io' ieet for about 'M ) yards IVo.-.u the rive,,
then gradually lajling off for th.ree fourths;
of ti mi'e. The. (eicayatio.u. it is estimated
t ' coming out." There are numerous new
! buildings in process of erection aside Iroin
(he works ot the Iron Company. On last
i Monday the steamer from this city to IV, rt
land took on board at Oswego about tifteen
! tons of the products of iiie Tualatin re
! gion, wliich reaclied there by steamer
ironi Iiiilsboro. via Colfax and the railroad
and lake steamer of the Oswego Mil. ing
Company. W'e have freouentlv alluded
;iT mg.-d for both custom and merchant
Kidnapped. - "Bacan," " Fish" and
" I'e..s-i'," Co.n lite, on llefi c.-hments at
the Odd Fellow's sociable iu thi- city on J
Thursday evening, were captured by soipe j
Pordand 'Odd," aud taken to that city, abo !
" Burns," of the Co nniittee on To lsts was1;
capturt-d. These e. nressivo in;ttoes cop.- j
sisie l otoie piece ot choice Iljio to repre- !
sent our County C'eik, three choice Smt'J j
to represent Mr. Walter Fi.-b, and a ouanti- j
to of V is- to represent Capt. Geo. A." Pe .se !
of tin I!?ii'i;ice, who sa red the company in a j
coniiiieiuiaoi e way. sneriri Jsurns was ac
cused of g.-itiiig up the c Htlnie.i t. and found
the j oKe turned upon him bv having J;i
name attached to a broad sli'-e of bread
toast"d very dark, signifying that be was on
that Committee. In the' pleasantries of the
time our Portland friends concluded to take
the let.
XtSk. a
Z0.v lo Suit Pit rchosrrs !
Cost I ilpv Vnml
ttoeritK-Yorn (.rAr.iu:x Seeds. Xow is
the time to be looking out for your garden
seeds. Do not depend o;i getting them
when wanted for planting, of your neigh-
oors or at ihe stores m town. Upon an 1
average, half that you thus procure art
G - .u
Con n trt Prodare a' ds'i priced
I have mad1 arraiiirn.ents to close ut in
SIXTY DAYS! V t.f fl 1 7: L V ' .' a u d my
cntirc slock must be sold in tiiar tinW.
FA R ME US. 31 -; CHA NICS .'
re invited to call and examine my stocky
before inakiUg purchases etsewtTcre, and thev
will find thaf I am se!iiut goods CilCAPEIi
As you will leirn by calling. .IV inv(J)Cf3)
are opeu to the iniieCtion of pnrebasers. at
all times.0 'M. lTaHtbOW.
Oregon City, Manh ir,th, l'if. 21. rt
worthless, or worse than worthle:
Patented Octo'ftr 3th, 1S'3;J.
or roul seeds, (jet your garden seeds at
one. aixl of some dealer who makes th..
business ti specialty a, id has a reputation ! Black, Dark Green,
on oeni:
cost about cd.uiX
ep pace vvitii tne ucvcioaiuent ut'lier
Ulni-.u i e.-..ui ces."
houses estimated bv PVnf
IAsixkn Mam'acti hi s. li is said that
the James cotton mill.-, located at Xew
btirypor i, Mass., made a net earnincr of
tirtnteiyhi per cent, en its capital of a
?e clom that we see an ae-
knowledgement in the Cal;tnrnia p ipers
of the superiority of an Oregon produc
tion. When
never we oa had siieu :IT1
! knowledgement. we know that it has b"en
j wnng out by a fact so saibboiii that no
quanei oi .iiu..ie. i-n u!ciu-:m;. monius j amount ot assumption could conn 'imp (,r
v -v --- --'1 i B.wiUi. ve Knew itiias .been cemmoa
A I'MVohiTio.vAiiy Hmto. The New
York xost publishe- a letter slating th ;t
vv bile it may be true these is but one sur
viving pensioner who served in ih" war of
the revolu'ioii, theie is at least one oilier
soldier of tiiat war living. It s-ays :
Mr. Alexander Stewart, of Prince Ed
ward's Irjland. now living, one bun Ired
and nine years of age, and in vigorous
health of mind and body, lormerly ut Mas
sac hu et-s, was aso'd.er in the ite vo'.u ion,
and also in tie war ot Itl2. Some "hirty
years since he removed to Prince Edward s
Island. He lost his Sight when about
liiue'y years oid, but recovei-.-d it when
one hundred and hree, etts of age. taid
since that tune .has been ab ,o re.sd W:di
out gaisses IPs grand u Lieuieiiani
iiichard J. Ciibyu of Co.a,..my p. N'mdi
Xew jbnnpsliiie volu; '"rs. a mus: xcm
ptary aud worthy officer and soldier. lo-,l
his right arm at ine batde of Spo'dsvlvuni t
Mir li, lS'Jt.
Iuinb.il ; and the As ornois niaiutain taat
saio is Vet destined to attain jt. At present,
hiiWcveij i'oriiaiid is the undnubteo metro
polis, atitv located one bund ed miles auove
t'os. inii v;i the Coi.iiubia. but .on its chief
l.iouiary.. ifie W'idanieite. This is an nnoui
"y et reaad expatn.ed. Toe vaiiev of the
nlaiueli.e is by tar ine hirge.-t and 'hett, ag
licu.lnraj d.-ti ,ei in iucStiue, and PoUlaild
is os ,.. ; wuiie ihe i egiou b.ick of Asto
ria is v.f! ; ...es:, wttu only here and there a
.-an.. I, .-fCi.ioii mio sued. For tin.- g,,,,j r0a
soi:, ai iu ..-cut, Astoria has ie-.- th'au i,..i io
l.inab,U.L',s, while I'oitiand hass, hH. and
lor die other good i ea on, its couiu.anuing
le..-i.tioo. tins iitiie city i.-I'li; n.!v port of'
entry tor the St.oe. i nt t'e. lure inipoi taacc
of AMoria sreins inecaaOo-, ..ud must i.o.ii.
in..n Kee
agi r.
1 ie efeuiy houses rstiuia'.ed bv
v ooti wen; at Hint tiiu. m,..-.. 1 1 .. i i .... i
- "...I .. lUHIUIfU,
aaU since 41 eu lue mr-usl and iu.t co--tlv
store in Uie town hUs been bunt. auU a
cuuicb. sitam saw mid, brtwerv, and one of
ti e bent tanneries on the 1 acihe coast, to
gether with whaiimg and ihe usual addition
ol tf,v till tigs and oilier bunding. Anoiner
cmii en is to be buot uext season, and a nuui
uei ot hoa-.e- are unuer ct.uti -act. Euc. sum-int-r
the caipentei.s are overtasked. Xcxt
season tbe demand wdl be greater than ever.
Workmen of ah trades are greatly needed.
This is their opportunity, tti.s is coertfifs
opportunity; every person should owii some
property at i he seaport, .add uuiiier fe.-oi t
of Or. gon. To imurove.ai.d use, there is
none so eligible tor heat
able emu! v m.-ut.
ioi pi on., none w.u give so g;et a.i adv.. nee
'ti Coat. As a lucalisto lay llt. IlloiieV ( if Uiy
lu -.ne, Uo oiuer is .-o .-ale, ot wi.i icturn so
in. Iij iO.ii. Xot a tick' tb.t vvdi d.i'.v a ii.ty
dt li..r l it, ami iwo-tni. us o. t; e u win ,aw
pr 7a s o. iwo, lour and mx lots e,.cii. or a iot
woi tu trom t.vice tiie the cost ot the ticket U
a hatidrcd tunes Us cost, ia such a rati.'
j,vry one should try his luck.
., ...,S..l .... 1 . i- . ,
e.iio.iii una periectiv accurate.
l! you nave, yourself, saved good seeds I
and plenty of them all right -'but those j
who have nosaved, should lose no time. '
ior the season will soon be at pand whj-n
some sons should be planted. It, is a vorv I
good plan, lo exchange your seeds once !
iu two or three years "that is. procure i
seeds grown on dilforent soils, as reoeut- ;
ing year after year, on the same soil has j
a tendency to deteriorate the opiulity. !
see ls can be procured in packages, froin j
the firm of Knapp. Purred ,t Co.. eiiher at I
i on land or San Francisco, at the follow- j
uig rates of postage : j
Four ounces or under, two cents.
Ovi-r four and not over eight, four cents, i
Overeuht and not over twelve, six cents, j
Over twelve and not over sixteen, eight!
The mails
packaacs of
... i i ii. , . .
ueigui. i ac wages Heavier than that must
be entrusted to the express.
however, will not carry
more than four pound's
Salt Yorn Cuimxkv.s. In building a
chimney, put a quantity of salt in o the
mortar with which the interstices of brick
are to be laid. The eifect will be that
there wdi never be anv aeeum uia ion d"
Black Si . Liu I, t Grcru,
Dark B ur, Jlop, nta,
Liyhl Blue, Jlaizc,
Fftft Blue, JItroon,
Clnrel Blown, Oranyc,
I) irk Broir-i, Pink
Li'jh t Brown, Purple,
Snuff Brown. lioy l Purpl", q
Ci'crru, Sulmn.i,
C ' i it vo , Sci i rlt-t.
Du k Urtib, SIi
Lly'lit Drab. p'drprifio,
Fin--. DrX. Violet,
Liy hi Fucn Jyab.
FOtt I i I SI li,
Voolen a. d Mixed Goods, Shawls.ScarbQ
Iliesses, Itihbons, (iioves, lionnets.
Hats, Featii-rs, (dnldrcitjs Clolhyig,
.'. uti jtli lit i dfi oi" Wfii i-g Ajipai
A Saving qJ Eighty per Cent. Q
For twenty-live cents Qn can color as
many goods as would otherwise cost five-,
times that sum. VayOiU shades can be pro',
dnced from the same Dve. Tbe nrocess is
1 any one can use the Dve wit".
-..ot m ihe chininev. Tho i,l,ti,w ; e,""l''t' '1
bus.ui'edi The 'salt in the portion of I a, " lecum ia Englis,
mori-ir wh;rh 5s nv..r. ... 1 .1 i I 11 tllcu bclU);iu, out-.uk of fit?h )ad-
m. ever r !ul ' , a'a 'xhrlt mrt 4t" g- 11UWE A STEVENS,
tlteen damp da . The soot tkus be- j S(f,; iJ.oadwav, Ibton.
comes damp and :at s down ihe fireplace. ! For sale by SMITH A DAVIS, Pott
tjur teader-i ihould remember or iki-i-sjiv. i land. Orei-on. .it
(hi. little p-v--i- d" vilutb e informsition.
ciioois .iiid iirotit-
us merebaiidisr. io.s.li
At the residence of the bride, i Canema
Marcti4lb lsr,7 bv J-.nie M. i,,n. j
.Mr W,.,. Mullen f. Mrs. Llizai.eth rvv'tz,
an oi ctiueinati Clackamas countv
At Oregtm iry on.Saturday morning, the
d-iust., oftllusmn ot the brain. Vigi v
M!uuiTT1 ,UUh,7 '" Wiliiaiud
moli 'h-. " V' ,UU Veurs "nd l
d caded our loved ones, but we Iov not
wholly wlii.t He bath given ;
They lirc on earth in thought and deed as
truly eo in his henvgn
Varnishes, Bruthe, &Joal Oil
Machine Oil, Boiled .LinseedOile
Lod Oil. Raw Linseed Oil,
Castor Oil. eat.sd't "
iV.-i Oil. China Nut Oil,
TucT-er'f- Oil, Sperm "
TurpKitine, Alcohol.
! For sale at low rates by q
j A. iJOLLUC -t CO..
! 3m and 503 Front bireet. X. W. cor. Wash
iogion, San FrHccl-?c-o.
o &