o o ) O O (Published by request. The Curse ot O'Kelly, tlic Celeljratrd Irish Harper, on the Town of Pon- e tulle, of the County CorJc, Ireland. Alas 1 hew dismal is my tale I lost my watch in Doneraile; My Dublin watch, my chain and seal, Hlfered at once in Doneraile. May fire and brimstone never fail To fall in showers on Doneraile ; . Mav all the leading fiends assail The thieving town of Doneraile ; As lightnings flash across the vale, So down to hell with Doneraile ; The fate of Pompey at Pharasale Be that the curse of Doneraile; May beef or mutton, lamb or veal, Never be found m Doneraile ; But garlic soup and skurry Kale, Be still the food for Doneraile ; And forward as the creeping snail Industry be at Doneraile ; May Heaven a chosencurse entail, On ragged, rotten Doneraile ; 0 May sun and moon forever tail To shed their beams on Doneraile; May every -pestilential gale Blat that cursed spot, called Doneraile; May no sweet cuckoo, thrush or quail Be ever heard in Doneraile; May patriots, kiijgs and commonweal Despise and harass Doneraile ; May every post, gazette and mail Sad tidings bring to Doneraile; May vengeance fall on head and tail From north to south on Doneraile ; , May profit small and tardy sale 0 Still dJmp the trade of Doneraile; May fumes resound a dismal tale Whene'er she lights on Doneraile; May Egypt's plagues at once prevail To win the knaves at Doneraile; M55y frost, andnow, and sleet, and hail, Benumb(3acl joint iu Doneraile; O May wolves and blood hounds rave ancPtrail The cursed crew of Doneraile ; May (Scar with his fiery Sail , To atoms mash all Doneraile ; May every mischief, fresh and stale, Be visited on Doneraile; May all from Belfast to Kinale, Scoff, curse, and damn you, Doneraile; May neither flour nor oatmeal Be found or known in Doneraile ; Olay want and woe each joy curtail That could be known in Doneraile.: May not a cofliu want a nail That wraps a rogue in Doneraile; May all the thieves who rob and steal Their gallows in Doneraile ; May all the sons of Grannaweal Blush at the thieves of Doneraile ;. O May mischief big as a Norway whale O'erwhelm the knaves of Doneraile ; May curses whole and by retail or forth full force on Doneraile ; May every transport, wont to sail, A convict take from Doneraile; May every churn and milking pail Fall dry to stages in Doneraile; May cold and hunger still congeal The stagnant blood of Doneraile: May every hour new, woes reveal .That hell reserves for Doneraile ; May every chosen ill prevail O'er all the imps of Doneraile ; . May the inquisition straight impale t- The rapparees of Doneraile ; May the curse of Sodom still prevail And burn to ashe3 Doneraile ; May Charon's boat triumphant sail, Completely manned from Doneraile ; Oh may my couplet never fail ; lo find a curse for Doneraile; And may old Pluto's inner jail Be almost filled from Doneraile. NOTES ON AMERICA. No. 2 0 EY J. B. HOWARD, OF BEDFORD ENGLAND. Agricultural Machinery. The tillage of the land is so mixed up with tne question of the implement used, that what little8I have to say. will be under .the head of "Agricultur al Machinery." In England, as you are all aware an enormous demand has set in during the last 20 years for improvecf agricultural imple ments. This has mainly arisen from a more correct appreciation ot the value and advantages of good roa- . chines. In America, owing to the high rate of wages and the difficulty pf obtaining an adequate supply ol labor, agricultural machinery caicu lated to save manual labor has been an absolute necessity. Without the reaping machine the crops could not be harvested, and without the thresh ing machine they could not be brought to market). Hence the trade in agr -cultural implements has reached gi gantic proportions. From inquiries 1 made I found that at least 100,000 reaping and mowing machines are made annually in the States. I was there during the harvest every where the reaper was to be seen go ing ; the scythe or the sickle was just us exceptional as the reaping machine was in England 10 years ago. The threshing machines were very inferior to ours, though the Americans were apt to think that they were far ahead of us, and that q ve were a very slow people : their Q machines were almost exclusively worked by horse power. One farm er on the banks of Lake Ontario, who had 10 horses yoked to his thresh ing machine-, seemed much surprised that in England we did all our thresh ing by steam power. lie had never heard of such a thing. The imple- a ments of the farm, if wo except reaps ers, are ot very inferior design and built to our English machines. I thought one great want in American farming was the trood steerage drills and horse hoes to follow. Io a country where labor is so scarce and O dear, the hoeing of the corn crop by anjgpil power would be an immense boon. The drills "are not made with a steerage ; consequently, the drill ing .rsr bad, rendering the use of the horse boe impracticable ; and, as la bor is so dear, in most cases the corn and the weeds seem to be left " to grow togetheruntil the harvest." To a farmer in the n9rth of New York State, on whose land I went to see some reaping machines at work:, and wncse barley was full of thistles, said, " If that crop had been iu Eog- land, we should have cut out tile this ties." He replied it wouldnot pay, adding he did not mind thistles, for he always had a good crop of wheat after. Nearly the whole of the im plements are furnished with a seat for the men to ride the idea being to get more work ont ot the laborers. 1 found the prairie farmers very desirous of having a good " gang plow," as it is called, on which the plowman could ride. I told them if the men had e; sier work, it would be at the expense of the horses. As reaping machines are used, and in consequence open furrows undesira ble, the land is frequently plowed as follows: A short ride is set in the middle of the field, the plow is pass ing not otdy up and down eftch side, but a furrow is taken off in going round at each end. By this means the plow is always in the ground, and the whole field plowed without leaving an open furrow. A field may also be commenced by plowing a fur row all round, the outside and finish ing in the middle. The American farmer is not satisfied, as we are, with one team plowing an acre per day ; but expects from each team of a pair of horses two acres to two and a half acres. I rather doubted .so much being done; but' was over and over assured by both masters and men that two acres and a half were not at all an unusual day's work. The furrows, I must tell you, are over a foot wide none of your fancy plowing -match style. The land is also generally much higher than our English soils, and the depth of the plowing is, according to niv no tions, very emuch too shallow a fault not at ail uncommon on this side of the Atlantic. Steam plows have not yet been introduced. Sev eral attempts ha-e been made; but as ail the schemes have been with engines to travel over the surface after Ro main's plan no wonder they have not succeeded. On the prairies there would be no difficulty in constructing machinery capable of breaking up 20 or even 25 acres of such land per day, and this with only three men. . HE ' " " Washing Machines. Wsi. Zim merman, Colfax, Iowa, takes hold of litis subject in earnest. He contends that it is not economical to have any washing washed by hand or by a machine, the power is friction ; and that, as the machine has no instinct, it washes the cleaner spots just as hard as the dirty spots, and the gar ment quickly gives way. When washed by hand, the dirty spots are washed quickly, and at once. A washing machine never can give sat isfaction till it will have sense enough not to spend its strength in doing work nobody wants it to do. Mr. Z. adds that many ladies complain that servant girls' often refuse to use washing machines, because they learn by experience that the going over the clothes aftr being washed by the machine makes the whole work-greater than when they depended-alone on the wash-board. Regarding wring ers, Mr. Zimmerman looks on them quite differently, and say's they are a great help. This is an important subject, and deserves attention. Many men have had similar experience. The reporter of this paper once had a washing ma chine which the boys used for a pow er to churn with, finally, it was put . in the barn, partly filled with straw, and was quite useful for the hens to lay h. A Delicate Dessert. Lay half a dozen crackers in a tureen ; pour on boilinr 'water enough to cover them. In a few moments they will be swollen to three or four times their original size. Now grate loaf supjar and a little nutmeg over them, and dip on sweet cream enough to makeA nice sauce, and you will have a simple and delicious dessert that will rest lightly on the stomach and it is easily prepared. Leave out the cream, and it is a valuable receipt for'Viek room" cookery. 1 , Shepherd Dgs In South Ameri ca the shepherd dog drires out the fleck, watches it through the day, and returns it at night. These dogs are said to be able to protect sheep even from the lion. They are raised in the following manner -Win: young and before they have opened their eyes a mother sheep 13 taken, and is forced to let the young dog suck. This is the way the dog is raised, and the dog becomes so aN tached to his stepmother that when the sheen are added auain to the flock, he (the dog) follows and defends the same. Artificial Mixture For Busts. Chloride of magnesium is convert ible into anhydrous magnesia, which, when soaked in water and formed into lumps, becomes hard and trans parent as alabaster. This if pulver ized and mixed with an equal quan: tity of powdered marble, forms a substance which, after being pressed into a mold and exposed for4. some time to the action of water, is suit able for statuary. Magnet made of Iron Shaving?. A new magnet of considerable power has been introduced by M. Grtiss, which is composed of the long spirals formed by a chisel in turning iron. He states that the magnetism of these spirals is of a very permanent nature. The end of the spiral which the chisel first touch es is in variably the south Dole. Asl. your neighbor for the Enterprise. to subscribe OREGON CITY BUSINESS. Dealer in DRY GOODS and GROCERIES! Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware Provisions, Cutlery , Stationery I Toljiicco, Yankee Motions, and all lilnils of Country ProIwee I At the old stand on Main street, two doors below the Woolen Factory Oregon City ! rpLlE PROPRIETOR bears leave to call X the attention of his old friends and cus tomers, as weil as new ones; to bis extensive assortment of goods, suitable to the require ments of this market : FARMERS Will findhim supplied wirh Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Shovels, Spades, and Hoes, Salmon, etc. MECHANICS Will find Saws, Hammers, Nails, and tools of all kinds'. LUMBERMEN Will fici Mill-saws, Cross-cut-saws axes, etc. LADIES Will find Dress Goods, Trimmings, Hoops, balmcrals, shoes, and those beautiful buttons. CHILDREN Will find. Toys, and EVER YBOD Y will find something to charm the eye, to minister to their wants, and afford them an opportunity to spend their nionev to good advantage. PAR TIC ULAR A TTENTTON Given to the requirements cf the Country trade. Ky facilities enable me to trade with farmers on liberal principles. Please give me a call, be ore purchasing elsewhere. iyl) W"M. BARLOW. LEGAL NOTICES. Executor's Notice. npHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN .JL appointed by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, Executor of the Es(ate of Alba Lyman deceased, late f said county, all persons having de mands against said estate are required to present them, with the necessary vouchers, to me at the office of Johnson & McCown, in Oregon Citv, within six months from this date. " JAMES P. CASON. Executor. Oregon City, Feb, 16th, 1867. 17.4 Administrator's Notice. TX COUNTY COURT, OF CLACKAMAS l County, State of Oregon : Final settlement in the matter of the es tate of Joseph Antoini Zeigler deceased. Marcus lleieherz the administrator of the above entitled estate, having fild his Final Account for Settlement, thereof, it is ordered by the Court that Mon day, the 1st day of April, A. D., 1SG7, (beir.g the first day of the April term of said Court, ) be appointed for the final settlement of said estate, and the hearing of objections to said final account if anv there be. Bv order of the Hon. W. T. Matlock, Countv Judge. 17.5) J. M. BACON, County Clerk. Summons. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE JL State of Oregon, for the Countv of Clack amas. Action at law for the recovery of money onlv. A. G." Bradford riaintiff, vs. R. II. F. Mason Defendant. i'5 cent revenue stamp cancelled ) To B. II. F. llama Defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby require- to appear and answer the complaint hied against pon in the above entitled action in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and if you" fail to answer said complaint by the third Moruldi, the IS fh deiy, of March, A. I). 1837, being the first day of the next term of said Court, the Plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of five hundred dollars, (500 00), with costs and disbursements of this action. By order of the Hon. Erasmus 1). Shnttuck, Judge of said Court. SEPTIMUS ItUELAT, 15:5) Atty for Plaintiff. 5-'v, "'''-v.y'"i'i'"-i iw ttU.i.ii.J.'J.ii-l TN CIRCUIT COURT, FOR THE STATE JL of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas Action at law for the recovery of money only John. X. Smith and Mary Smith, plaintilis, vs. J. II. Martin, defendant. 50 cent revenue stamp cancelled.) To J. II M-titin, Defendant: lathe name of the State of Oregon, vou are hereby n quired to appear and answer the complaint hied against you, m tiie above entitled ac tion, on the third Monday, the lQth flap, of March, A. D. 1867, and if von fail to answer said complaint, the plaintiffs will take judgment against you lor the sum of two hundred and six dollars and seventy-five cents, $-2tiC, 75. 1(H), with legal interest on said sum from the third day of October, A. D. 186-2, and for the further sum 01 two hundred and sixty three dollars and fifty-cents, f $-2G3 50-li'M.il, with legal interest on said sum from the first day of February, A. D. 18ti5, with costs and disbursements of this action. By order of the Court. S. IIUELAT, 14.6 j Attorney for Plaintiffs. Summons. N THE CIRCUIT COURT of THE STATE of Oregon fer Clackamas County. R. xleodrie Pltff. t-s. John Forrest defdt. Action, at Law. To the defendant John Forrest, non resident: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to -appear a 11 el answerthc complaint, in the above entitled action filed against you. on or before the first day of the next term of said Court, afier six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to-wit ; 0 11 lite th ird Mo u day hi Mi re h , A. D. 13G7; and if you fail so- to appear or answer, the plaintiff wiii fake judgment against you for ;S4r") l-2-lm, and interest, to gether with costs and disbursements. W. W. CHAPMAN, Plaintiff's Attorney. February 8th, A. i). 1807. (16.6 Citation. N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Clackamas : In the matter of the estate of j l nomas Johnson deceased Citation : AO Matilda Ingaiis and B. Ingidls, Emma Egarf and Charles Egan, Jacob Johnson and Frederick Johnson, and to all other heirs or devisees of said Thomas Johnson, de ceased. In th.t- name of tlte State of Oregon : You and each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear in the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at the Court House in Oregon City, in said County and State, on The First Monday of April, A. D. 1867, (being the 1st day of said month) then and there to show cause, if any you have, why certain real estate described in the petition of the Administrator of said estate, now on file in said Court, should not be sold, to pay the debts outstanding agaiust deceased, and the costs and expenses of ad ministration. Said real estate being a cer tain tract of land Ivmg ne5r Oregon City, in said Clackamas county, containing about I one hundred ( 100) acres, being the same pur S chased by said Thomas Johnson in his life j time, of the executors of the estate of W. C. i Dement, deceased. By order of the Hon. W. T. Matlock.Judge of said Court. Iu witness whereof, 1 have here unto set my hand and the seal of I. S.J the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at Ore gon City, this 13th day of Febru ary, A. I). 1S67. 17.4) J- M. BACON, Co. Clerk. TUSTICES' BLANKS, of ovorv . , , OREGON CITY- BUSINESS. M MTV UN ED!! r tptttt? RETURNED TO THE OLD STAMPING- GROUND. S. ' ACKEBMAN ! Wishes to inform his Old Friends, and the-public generally that he has returned again to Oregon City, where has JUST OPENED ONE of THE LARGEST STOCKS OP. DRY GOODS ! Clothing ! Boots and Shoes ! HATS AND CAPS! Also a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES! Please give me a call. No trouble to SHOW GOODS! pn will sell as cheap as the cheapest. S. ACKER3IAN, Charman & Warner's old brick store, lyl) Main st., Oregon City. K. B. All kinds of Produce bought. FIRST CLASS Family Grocery Store Nearly opposite the Enterprise Office, Main street, Oregon City. E. B. KELLY IT AS IN STORE, IX GOOD ORDER, 1 arid for sale, the following articles to-wit : Coffee, Japan Tea, Chocolate, Tea, Black Tea, Corn-starch, Golden syrup, Green Tea, Oswego do., Sugars, Crush'd sngar,Satin-gloss do. Salaratus, Pulveriz'd do., Chemical soap, Packing salt, Coffee do., Castile do., Dairy sail, Lemon syrup, Fancy-toilet do Table salt, ' Flarering ext. Candles, Cooking soda, Kerosene oil, .Ground coffee, Sal. soda, Olive do., Farini, Rope, Clothes pins, Sardines, Cora Meal, Cream tartar, Mackerel, Brooms, Snuff, Cod-fish, llast'gpowd'r,Gim-caps, Lead, Valle Mills " G-Shooterballs,Shot, Pacific sportngf-5hooter ' . White beans, Yeast powd'rs, Vinegar, Buckets, Washing " Cheese, Pails, Liquorish, Borax, - Nut-megs, Hominy, Rauins, Zante currents Dried apples, Dried peaches.Soda crackers. Blueing. Prunes Butter crack' rs liice, MaecaiJfai, Blacking, TOBACCO CANDIES NUTS OF OF OF All Kinds ! All Kinds ! Ail Kinds ! With the following articles a splendid STEEL ENGRAVING OF GEORGE WASHINGTON is obtained free gratis, with each article pur chased : Canned fruits, Oysters, Gj;. spices. Cranberry see. Lobsters, Cinnamon, Tomatoes, . English pickls, Cloves, Pe'uches, American do., Ginger, Green corn, Pepper sauce, Mustard, Jellies, Pepi er. Block rnatehes,Freneh mstardWorc'stershire -c., te.jS ic. 23f Cash, and one price tp everybody. No goods misrepresented to effect sales. . A child can liny as much fur its money as any other man. Money refunded where an article fails to give satisfaction. Sink or swim, fair dealing is our motto. E. D. KELLY. G, W. POPE & Co. DEALERS IIv STOVES, if- Pissnps, t.eail Pipe, Hose, etc. AND MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a trood assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tijrht, and otner stoves, suitable to this market, which are being OFFERED AT PORTLAND PRICES f Our assortment in this line is targe, and will be found to embrace almost any desired pattern including the LUCK, 11KXRV CLAY, 1'EARTllSTONE, WESTERN E . PTRE, GREAT RE PUIS LIC, BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofins and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner thnt cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment of Hard ware, Wooden ware, etc. C. W. POPE & CO. Oregon City, Oct. 1SG. l:ly Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the STATE of Oregon, for the County i-f Multnomah. Virginia Francis Rogers Plaintiff, vs. Orin II. Rogers defendant. (5o cent re.'enue stamp cancelled.) To Orin II. Refers Defendant:- In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear within" ten days after the service 01 this summons on you, it served in the county of Multnomah, "and if served in any other county of this State then within twenty days of such service, and answer the complaint tiled against you iu the above en titled suit, prayingthat the Bonds of Matrimony Existing between you aed the plaintiff be dissolved and declared void; and unless rou so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Published by order of lion. Erasmus 1). Shattuck, Judire of said Court. 15:5J W. LAIR HILL, Solicitor for Pltff. WOOD ! WOOD ! WOOD S WOOD ! WHITES ! ,4 WHJTEE, ! TAMES II. GIST IS PREPARED TO T)E- fj liver Hard Wood, Drv Fir Wood and .bark, to order and warrant satisfaction. Or- I t1??? at Smith & Marshall', shop prompt- nron GTSr : u uueu .JAlh,"S H Ciisi Oregon City, December 1st, OREGON CITY BUSINESS. - CHARM AN .& BROTHER ! STILL ON II AN D ! ! After Thirteen Years Experience ! IN BUSINESS IN THIS CITY ! Under the old Motto ! BEG LEAYE TO INFORM THEIR Nu merous customers that they have just received from San Francisco one of the larg-i est and best selected stocks of goods ever offered in this market, consisting of DBF GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS-WARE, ' also: PAINTS, OILS, c, Together with a splendid assortment ? of BOOTS AND SHOES ! Of every description, ail of the best quality and latest styles Also: HATS AND CAFS I Of all qualities and styles, -besides many other goods, too numerous to mention. Gents and Ladies Furnishing Goods Kept Constantly on hand ! Ail of which we vriil sell at the very low est price for cash, and we warrant satisfaction Country Produce token, in exchange for Goods' Particular attention, paid, to Orders From the Country Ateo; to Consignments of (roods, and prompt Retwns Made for tue Same ! It is our intjntion to deal with those who favor us with their trade, in such a manner as to secure their cohlidence and continued patronage. Please give us a call at our new store, ou Main street, Oregon Cit; 2.1y CMARMA' & BRO. I7"ER0ENE Lamps, aud Oil, kept con X. stantlv on hand by CllARMAN & BRO. fjATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, kept 1 by VII ARM AH d BRO. TV TALL PAPER. Window Curtains and Paper shades, kept by CHARM AN & BRO. TELL Assortment of rope, nails, etc. for : sale br CHARM AN tt- BRO, T UB,S, Buckets. Wash-boards. Heeler's seives, etc., CHARM AN ct BRO. CARPET, Matting, Rugs, c, by OH ARM AN d- BRO. ma AND H. O W PRICES. I . S E L JLrl If G 5 Corner of Main and Third streets, OREGON CITY, npIIANKFUL FOR PAST FAVOR, AND JL hoping for a continuance of the same, would fin ite, the attention of the public to his large stock now in store, consisting of fancy and staple DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, READY" MADE CLOTHING, AND MANY HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS, YALICES, TRUNKS, AND UMBRELLAS! Groceries, Croekery,Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Beiny Hundreds of Other Articles! Too Numerous to Mention! ' r-f Call and examine for yourself. I take pleasure in showing goods, and customers will find the articles at reasonable figures for cash or produce. 1. SELLING, Corner store, opposite the 'j:y1 Tin and stove store. Fall and Winter Importation OF- 13 It mm GOODS -FOE an a imj AT THE OLD STAND, lilain Streetj Oregon City, H. RALST -o- JUST OPENING AND RE C LIVING from San Francisco a splendid assortment of . STAPLE 8c FANCY The stock comprises all the NEW STYLES IN DRESS GOODS. Wool and 'Brocne SharU, Long and Square Wool shan't, Ckjttl-x, Basque, Cb.'ths, C'ossi-m-re, and Silks, ElanneU, Linens, and Cot tons in great cai-idy. Housekeeping Goods, 'Curtetnx, Fixture, Mats, Rugs, dee., jSoticns and Fancy Good. IVew I..;s Xviutwiiijj, ;uitl Hustons, New Had Net and Dresses, New Wool Nut'ias, Iltods, fv., -lionntt and Trimming HHhons, New Errihroideries and Laces, Umhretlus, Port monies, French Corsets, dee, New Bal moral and Hood Skirts. ttontknifu's KuriiisJiing Gools. Btx,ts d1 Shoes, Hits tf: Cops, Herrdware, Gro ceries, Faints. Oils, Doors, Sash Blinds, etc., etc.. to vdaeh the vnderSiqned irouid, in cite the, attention, oft'hepublk- in general, and trie old patrons of the neatse i n particular. This stock will be kept fully equal to that of any, and sales will bt ino.de cliean. J. It. 11 ALSTON. Oregon City, Nav. 10th, 1856. 3: It. TLAVK OF EVERT DKSnRIPTIOK-. Neatly printed at the Enterprise ofuce. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. : . BAKERY I MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. I (Pi SJ C, p" 1 Kl U S 1 U fa k w II r (Successors to Yvortmari & Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! 'BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds ! Orders in tbis Line will meet with FHOMFT ATTENTION ! BARLOW '& FULL B Also keep ou hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STE A M BOAT STORES ! And all Articles m;ed for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a line assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also direeteJ to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! Yn SHORT! Farmers aud the public generally, are in vited to; call at the City Bakerv, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. BARLOW & FULLER. Oregon City, Jan. ith, 18G7. (12:ly E. 13. K5CJ.V, PRODUCE, Seasonable Fruit, VEGETABLES, cc. ALSO: FAMILY GROCERIES! Comprising in part SUGARS! TEAS! COFFEE! Canned Sauces Canned Oysters ! SPICES, PICKELS, AND CASE GOODS IN GENERAL! Particular attention Is given to the Country Trade, by which I am enabled to furnish City Customer wifh4,a Superior Quality of Butler, Fresh Eggs, Poultry, etc. By strict attention to the retail trade only, I hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Store at the Post Office, Main street, Oregon City. E. B. KELLY. LINCOLN BAKERY! V"i. Sid 32 is in Mn ti, Oregon City ....... . . . Orcei n Proprietor. L. BIILEB HAVING REMOVED INTO MY KZ2W BUILDING! I am now prepared to serve PERSON'S, INDIVIDUALLY, GENTLEMEN AND LADIES, OR PRIVATE PARTIES AND BALLS, WITH 0Y8TES SUPPEES ! On short notice. I would also inform the public that I still continue the manufacture of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Pilot Bread, Boston, Butter, Sugar and loda Crackers, etc. In addition to which 1 will keep constantly on band a large stock of the best staple aad family groceries, provisions, etc. l:lyj L. DILLER. HIGHLIT IMPORTANT ! To all ids hi tig Pp HORSE SHOEING, BLACK- SMITHING, IRON, ETC. John W. Lewis, STOP THAT G0UG1 Comer cf MA IN and OREGON SECOND streets, CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform It; old customer-, and the public in general, that lie now lias on hand THE CELEBRATED UNION Pi And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit ail. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability EQUjVL T O A5Y IMPORTS I: Having constantly pn hand for sale a large assortment of material, consisting in part of WA G ON TIMBER IRON, STEEL, ETC,, The proprietor is to fill all Orders ! Inabled Mor such Articles on T2i8 Most Favorable Term; All work from tins establishment, and all material sold on order, is warranted to be as represented. W. LEWIS. . Oregon City. Pc?; 1-1 ; RED I NG TON & CO' a CoTv'"'f ( REBIKGTOU & CWs '0 Essence of Jamaica Gh$g(r rpHIS YALUABLHPREPAnATlON JL tammir, into highlv concentrated' f ' " all the properties of the Jamaici become one of the most ponakr r ''''' remedies for all diseases of tLestomach digestive ergaus. As a ton i ft it will be found invaluable,, persons recovering from debility wi produced by feveror otherwise, for wii'i' imparts to the system all the glow and xt " that can be produced by wine or braujjy entirely free Irom the reactionary.;,.' " follow the use of spi'its oany kind' ' It is also an excellent remedy for f0! who sutler from difficult -menstruarion cyj'y almost immediate relief to the spasms" tli-f "'-i frequently accompany that jriod. ' a 1 It gives immediate relief to nausea, cart by sea-sickness, etc. It is also raluaVlt" external application for (lout. Kfo..,,.,." ": Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTon'a',' CmarSoj Sole Agents for the Pacific f vlARTHA WASHINGTON1 . HAIR EEST0EEE. Trust none otner, bowe'er pleasant -None can do what this has ione Try it alway3ieep it present Use th ilarthaQTashington. IT IS IJOT It will keep tb the H ana giossj it toh Original Colcr ; prevent tv Hair falling cat; makev heads look young and do ff that is expected of a germi:! Good jflair Restorer. KBLINGTON & Co., Agents, San Francisco. A DYE mmm washihotoh- HAIR EEST0EEE, la a wonder of the world, and stands aV -comparison with any 01 her article for theL ever brought before the public. iSold erei where. . EEBIKGTOJTS Flavoring Extracts, Are made from FREriH FRUITS. Ej. bottle holds twice as much asanvoth brand in the market, consequently th are the cheapest aud the best USE NO OTHER. KEDINGTOX 4 Co., Agents for the Pacific Cov, GHAEFEUEEE.G Uteeilts Catholicon. If taithfully used according to directionQ cure every case of Diabetes, and greatly nr gate the troublesome t fleets caused by a r laxation of the outlet of the bladder. It i. most successful remedy for Gravel and rr, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, audi Female diseases is unequalled. The Catholicon uniform!- cures TYobjx; Uteri. Whites, all Irregulat iiies of thtjlt.p. It period, Suppression, I ucoTitinence of nri- Bloatiiig and Dropsical sw'!ii: irs, bu t diseases of pregnancy. The speSiic actun ti)is!edicie is immediate a uncertain li: the Uterine and abdomiual muscles and if meats restoring them to as healthy as.. as those of cbilubood aio-i youth, so that ; tienhs who have used the Gtaefeubfrjfon.p ny's Uterine Catbohcon cannot sutli.-irf express their jrraiiiude for the relict aiioti' REDIXGTON & Co.. Agent. 416 and 41S Front street, San Franu yrUY WILL YOU DELAY? We are sorry that there are persons who sufi'er outlay fay day, month after month, and yearly year, when friends and neighbors have been cured cf the same mr.Iady that afilicts them. Now it has been proved by substan tial evidence thai SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will cure the worst cases of scrof- ula, Canaer, Rheumatism, Neu- ralgia, etc.; yet still there are those who neglect this sure ani valuable remedy. To such we say, try the syrup be convinced. REDINGTON & Co., Agents, O 41 S and 41SjYont street, Sar-F ranciseo. Q Q03IE OF YOU CAN'T, AXT WE Vt J you. You have tried every remedy but thei ciosiined, by its intrinsic merit, to supersede all ilar preparations. It i 3 not surprising you t-bci. reluctant to try something else after "the mc periments you have made of tr:Qy coaik foisted on the public as a certain curd ; but G NBWE 4) Pulmonary Syii is really the VERT BEST remedy ever comr' for the euro ot Coughs, CoWs, Soto Throat, A Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and cMnsuii.piiou. Bands oi people in California and Oregon hav already twnetitted by the surprising curative "- lEWELL'S Pulmonary Syn ( and with one accord giv? it their unqualify 1 bation. We now address ourselves to ail wlw arquainted wtih this, the greatest Panacea 01 '' , for the healing of all disease of the TLr 1. E WELL'S' Pulmonary Sytf (Pi has ctsred thotisancJ it will cure TOUiff and perfectly harmless under all circuro?',;. Certiticates trota many promnieut Francisco accompany every bottle of NEWELl'S o ulmonary byi Tin?? inValuahlo mcdicino is pleasant w Eoothinp, healing and strengthening in iWf tir.-iu frW from nil iviipoiious or dclctern'J EEDINGTON & CO. Anls, San G