O O DNAL DEFECT1V o o o LOTG jJ0jtdHtb Enterprise. i - AXI COUXTY. Dedication'- Mr. J. ji. uacon ot tbis '.L. vgjjjjr present at the interesting cere s' i incident A.0 the dedication of the fjkc brick hall of Spencer Butte Lodge IxT 9 I- - - F- at uSene Cliy on the Klfj Speaks in high terms of praise for & manner in which the fraternity there Shvkled to make their guests feel at home. T famishes us with a brief syrtopsis of Kg certtnonies, which were conducted by iG. M. J- T. Bloomfield. The procession tgLi formed at 4 o'clock p. m.. at Masonic mill, andom thence marched to the (urt w;f. where aery able address' was de-Jjut-KJ. by Rev. Dr. Wythe, alter which ' los ti&new ba? wnere the ceremony of-f llicaaon was goue uiruugu wiui-in aue fejra- There we present : the members f' Spencer Butte Lodge, together with iSkiit twenty sisters of the Rebecca De jple ; about fifteen members of Harrison ,Igjotwo members of Barniun Lodge tf0. 7 ; one member from Chemeketa Lodge pi 1 ; one member om Oregon Lodge Ki 3- After the dedication the lady raem- of spencer Jiutte i.odge, presented to Jjhfmekfta Lodge. No. 1 a splendid cake, a he form of a cone about two feet high, gntiaounted by a beautiful doll, dressed in fix rorriiliaof a sister of the Rebecca De- r tr0L: and otherwise appropriately decorat- Qj 111" JIIUSlUlrtHUll (lUUlt3 OO HSDJJVIHA' 4 j ) by Kev. Dr. Wythe. The members ia v'itnrs were then invited to a sumn- A))iK',om underneath the hall, where the gestion some twenty new names have JW Kiauiy im u auu s S e been added tQ the Ust f th .X,nrrlfl 11 1Wr( hlfrhlV nlfflfil -r , . , , . Itfucularly the visitors with the enter llDment iPoiTL.TroN- of Oregon? City. if?. J. M. (Kre, City Recorder, has just completed le'annual school census of this city, in jrebrdance with exiting ordinance. He p':gone,a little farther, and obtained the kaot number of residents we have all to jethfr. classified according to age and sex $ follows: Msil-s 5C1 Ft-tnalcd , 457 Total Total number of voters I Total No. between i and 20. : - () .1.018 . . .393 . Q392 : A' si'(iOESTio.v. After a late fire in ack:ivilie the Sentinel offered the fol twiiig suggestion : Although we have no igalarly organized lire department in lis phk'e. we have hooks, ladders, buck 6, '!. etc., all placed conveniently d impactl v on a truck ; and it seems to us at' the first and most sensible thing to l -iiie in cast; of (ire. would be to run e truck to the scene of action, instead of flag si: i' re without anything with which fwcrk." fhis lead us to suggest that as er0 is no regularly organized fire de irtnient in ttiis city, it would possibly be great advantage 6)r the place to be as ill supplied as J&ksonviile, at least. Th:: IIo'kr. We learn by the Corvallis f'e that during the late high water the nnel of the Upper Willamette changed lajderably. On the lGthapt. Miller, thit- steamer Enterprise, returned to Cor W after failing to reach either Lancas fdr frigene City, in consequence of the age in the channel and formation of & About six miles below Eugene City $9 ind only ten inchesoof water. IIow H smct tii;lt ticie hew channels have W explored, and boats are now making It reirular trips. H . o p Having. The old maxim, "a pjnny , H is two pence earned,' should meet p. t very literal observance by everv (hiespeeially in dull tii&s. A few days fie: wi- ulserved a man grappling m glitters of our streets for rags. Once taiised they were saved, washed, and a-keted. This process would keep nian Id Jut of je p utters.o Boys in Portland 4 it profuablto colhjct'old tin boxes. is,Tmd boifles. wbch are disposed of at tfcoda and t,e Turpentine works of that Jwa:usujR. Oa Thursday last Mr. Clark 0 eemnan entered our office bearing a ;kar' with ' strange device," which, mtlosnr inspection, (gyoved to " issue'7 to fiie celebrated Excelsior Soda Works Kallard & Stevens, Portland. Notwith admgthe winter has betaj so mild as to elude the possibility of 14ying in a store Ce for summer use in Oregon, Ballard & Fens will be able to supply the State aitaies, with cooling beyei-ages from fi'untains. O Jashlk Work. Mr. A. J. Monroe, of Sin, has long given satisfactory eviden Jojlie fublic of (Js abilities to perfect t-bl work, hence no particular conient B QF will be necessary to introduce him oepeople here. Ills card appears in thQ' column to-day, and to all who de atrythiag in tlgt iine, we say : patron-au-t Monroe. cmx AeivE. Mr. W. SStevens. of the UBl 11 short visit on Wednesday. Mr. s oue nme under sentence of death R hands of the celestials, in the Flow Jungdom, butQhrough the interposi Of the American Minister was not be ted with honors," and is now among pae of the live young men of Oregon! fcsQMe Seumox. Rev. I. tTdh,. M.E.nrchonhw city, will preach lorroT, morning at the usual hour, unon tects portainSg to Masonry. He lately vered a lecture before the Lodge of city which was said to be very inter ag and we presume his sermon to tow will partly be a reiteration of the NPV- Mr. J. AbrahamQn, of fi c (John Day,) called upon nnn? the week. AY'e learn from him t)Barrett of Portland wu 'asou 01 ibbt in tbat region will f profitable as to more than maintain :jast excellence of thjse camps for grperauons. I :T tocjD.Tht? modern "Razor Strop J ' siidthe "Scissors Grinder." have eea about town within the past few "iuivmu:s m their bumble ' , , i ' Ior un.v lu-an to eompla mt)l - nam, mettnng to j. ork at. AS0c.-Ae were favored with a call CMT. A. AY. FerguSun of the Dalles, a SaS-of'V Hr- F' Worthy wauiK,n b nt":. a 1,1 to this r. connected with the ie Commissioner of the Genemi T , 8 has snbmi'. 1 y-"-iieral Land enas submitted to the Secretirv rf ntenor.two lists of selects ofQ 1 regon under the 500 Sffi ofind t amounting to 116.1 in the f strict, and 75.U1 in ffe? TnE Oregon Crrr Brass Bam). At the regular meeting of Oregon Lodge No. 3. I. O. O. F., eld at the hall of the Lodge in this city on Wednesday evening, Febru ary 20th, 1867, aommittee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the members, for the kindness shown the Order by thg, Oregon City Bras3 Band on the occasion of the festivities of the 16th. The following was adopted : Hall of Oregon Lodge IS'o. 3, I. O. O. F., ) February 27th, 1S67. f Whereas; The Oregon City Brass Band having kindly volunteered their services to enliven the public ceremonies of our Order on the occasion of the fraternal visit of Sa maritan Lodse No. 2. and Hassa'o Lod 150L O. O. F. of Portland, with Orego. Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., at Oregon City February 16th, 1867. Therefore,- Resolved, That their action' is entitled to special consideration ; and that public ac knowledgment of the favor is due to the members of the Band. ' Resolved, That inasmuch as we recognize in the individual members of the Oregon City Brass Band the elements of worth, be iol from the rank and file of the most wor thy young men, and citizens of our place, that we reconunend their encouragement in the praiseworthy organization they have ef fected, and lend our united efforts to their ultimate success. Resolved. That a convof thpsp rfitntinnc be presented to the Band, and a copy furnish- cu " "-ouu v-iijr jiArtsnusK ior puulica uon. w v . f. Ucits-s, Thomas Charmax, a. d. EPPERSON', A. J. Marshall, Secretary. Qmnittee. Excocragixg, During the past week fcous supper, prepared for them in the uul ""-'uus naving actea upon our sug- - i 1 e' i.. l ; i t subscribers. Let the srood work fro on let us be encouraged in our pursuits, and we shall be the better able to encourage others in their pursuits. "Help one another" is a good maxim. Mr. R. M. i orter will act as agent tor us in AY ashing- a. ..... ..v.iuj toa and Yamhill counties. All who have not paid for the paper, who get it at the vymv, u iiuo j Will COUlCl cl lO-VUi I by doing so. Postmaster Kelly will fur- t nisn receipts 10 sucii as cannot call m person at our office. AY'e should very much like to form the acquaintance of all ... .....i. vjuuiiuiuiui,i. Ul Ult 1 our county readers, and wi.- invite them to efl II linCltl HQ Vi I Grain for Exhibition:. Isaac Newton, Commissioner of the Department of Agri culture, desires that small packages of the finest samples of the best varieties of grain products should be forwarded, by mail, in packages of two pounds or less, each dis tinctly narked with name, donor, local name, and county and State" in which it was grown, for exhibition at the Paris Ex position. Such packages, addressed to the Commissioner of Agi&ulture, can be sent without postage from any' post office in the United States. Time js short, and the packages should be sent by the next mail. The Exposition opens on"the let of April. The Daij.es. There is certainly no more enterprising community' upon this coast, in proper proportion, than the com munity of Dalles City, Oregon. Those people have done a great deal toward opening communication wih the mountain towns, and notwithstanding the apparent drawbacks' they have received, they are yet w'orking for the same purposes which actuated them in 1862-'o3. AVe had a pleasant visit a few days since with Mr. D. Felsenheld. of the firm of II. Herman & Co... and also Mr. tfos. Elfet of Elfet Brothers, Dalles. These gentlemen speak hopefully of matters in Eastern Oregon. A Sai Bereavement. Miss Ermina A. Holmesryoungest daughter of AY'm. L. and M. A. Holmes, o this city, died of dip theria at St. Mary's Academy, Portland, on Tuesday, the 2Cth, aged" 16 years. 10 months, and 18 days. The O. S.N. Com pany's steamer Julia arrived here with the remains and bereaved friends on Thurs day at about 11 o'clock, a. m., and the funeral will take place to-day at the resi dence of the family", at 3 o'clock p. m. Friends of the family are invited to attend. Statistical. From statistics published in the Victoria Colonist, w-e learn that Ore gon sent to that port, from Jan. 1st to Nov. 15th, 1866. produce and goods to the amount of $0!?,510. During the whole year, Victoria shipped to Oregon only the value of S35.567, showing a difference in fayta; of Oregon of $33,973. The exports from British Columbia to the United States in 1866 was less by $55,362 than in 1?6 1. Thus it will be seen, we are gaining stead ilyr on our Northern neighbor in the ad vantages of trade. e-; Another AYrooLE.v Mill Co. A dispatch from Jacksonville to the Oregmian says : The Brogue River Valley AA'oolen Manu facturing Company have filed articles of incorporation. Theij; place of business is Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon. The capital stock is $30,000. The incorpora tors are James T. Glenn. R. B. Hargadine. John Ji Ross. J. B. AVristev. Jas. Thornton, John II. AY'alker, J. B. McCall, and M. Hanley. Fixe Horses. Waterloo, the famous OIpa!rv. StevenvPortlaud. paid our high bred stallion, now owned by J. L Barlow of this city, will be in town during court week, when farmers and others who have a pride for a noble animal, will be able to see him. Mr. S. AY". Mos' Pacific. the best son of Timoleon, may be seen at his .stable on Third street, almost Anytime from thU until July 1st. Pretty IIeavt? A friend at Portland perpetrates the following. If it isn't cor rect we " R-Sole-ed " AY"hy is a manu facturing city like Oregon City more in need of sanitary" measures to prevent chol era than a commercial city like Portland ? Because ol-facfories are natural media and avenues for bad smells.' Correction-. AA'e think there must have been a mistake when we gave Maj. StraJ.: man that huge puff it belongs to Charles He is the man whn can give you anything in the book or pa per line you want. He will send the Trib une Almanac for 1867 postpaid, to any ad dress for 25 cents. AA'ashed Away. AA'e are informed that the dam at Moore's mill on ' the Tualatin river, was washed awav dnrincr th Wo freshet. Moore's mill i clunwi k in h Hnv- ls Pcarce!y worth j fivf miles above the mouth of the Tuala iln j tin, in this county. Private Scaooi. AY'e are pleased to state that the private school of Mrs. Van der Green, on Main street, is in a flourish ing condition, and promises entire success, both to the instructor and pupils. A San Francisco dispatch of the 22d states that from midnight Jast night until iato this afternoon, there was not a mo ment's lull in the rain, which poured down in torrents. This evening it is raining more lightly with strong west winds. AprorNT.MEXT. Gov. Woods has ap pointed John Tripp Judge of Tillamook county, vice Samuel Speer, deceased. Welcomed. The Tribune says wheu the steamer 2iew World arrives at Olympia there will be a difference in Eteamboating on the Sound. She will be a welcome a quisition. M. K. Cliurtii. Morning services at T?k2-AM- Ev"ening services at 7 p. s. I. L. Driver, Pastor. Congregational Chuicli Morning services at 10 1-2 a. m. Evening services at 7 p. ji. P. js. Knight, Pastor. St. Paul's Episcopal Cliurcli, the Rev. J. W. Sellwood, pastor. Services on Sun day at 10 1-2 a. it. and 7 p. sr. Sunday school at 2 p. sr. C'lmrcli of the Sacred Htart of Jesus (Catholic.) Rev. Odillon VtonderGreen, oeiuct's on ounaav at in 1-2 1 and at 4 p. sr. rsunaay scnool at S p. si. Goort Times Again Everywhere thro' out Oregon and the adjacent- Territories, we hear of busy preparations for good times again. Barman Brothers have taken advant age of the moment, as usual, and are on hand in their new store, corner of Front and Alder streets, Portland, with a superb stock of clothing, gents' furnishing goods, etc., to which additions ave being made by every steamer. At Home Again. The numerous pat rons of the Premium Artist of Oregon, Mr. Joseph Buchtel, will be pleased to learn that Buchtel & Cardwell's Photograph Gallery, so long and favorably known, . 89 First street, Portland, has again passed into the hands ot Mr. Buchtel, who is now Proprietor aud Op erator. He has recently returned from San Fraifcisco, with all the latest styles known to the art, at,d hence is prepared to give the utmost satisfaction. AA'hen at Portland re gardless of the weather call upon. Buchtel, at his old stand. (Ho The Reward for Surratt. Some in- - -1. .1 .-iin; run ULJiiidll. OUllIC 111- quiry having been made about the amount of money to be paid for the arrest of John II. Surratt, it is worth while to call at ten- ion to the fact that the order offering a eward for his canture was revoked bv the President sometime; late in the fall of J-U.tf. 1 n u ttllt-dSU Ultei O lH It Department knew- be had nrnn tn T,?Trer lfeoo. lwo months at least after the State r.nnl in,l .... i' pooland some weeks after, information was sent to our Consul at that point to do nothing towards effecting his arrest. He chantje. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. II. Hiehsis! son. AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Leal Estate, Groceries, General Merchandize- and Horses, EVERT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English lief ned Ear and Bundle iron; " Square and Octagon Cast steel; Hor se SJiocs, Files, Hasps, 'Saws; Screws, Fry-Pans, Shctt Iron, E. G. Iran; . also : A Large assortment of Groceries arid Liquors. A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer. MIS CULL A NEO US. WELLING HOUSE TO RENT! In Oregon Citv. Terms reasonable. 16.tf .Apply to JOS I). LOCET. Iiiapei'iai Mills, OREGON CITY. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR, SALE : BRAN AND CHICKEN FEED ! Kf" Parties wanting feed must furnish their sacks. IS.Sm "COUNTY fair. To the People of Clackamas, Mullno-m-an., Yamhill and Washington Counties: The people of the above 'named counties are requested to meet at the Court House in Oregon City, March 19(3!, at 7 o'clock P. M.,for the purpose of organ izing an Agricultural Society, By order of AVM. ELLIOTT, Vice President Clackamas Go. Ag. Sody. TTtTE HAVE JUST PRINTED IN T V good form, with clear type, upon the best quality of paper, a full set of Justice's Court, blanks, which will be sold as low as the same can be procured elsewhere in thbi State. U. C. IRELAND, Pufilisher Oregon City Enterprise. CAN EM AH STORE! JAMES M0RFITT & CO., WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC Es pecially of Canemah, that thev have established a Store at that place, where thev will keep on hand a well assorted stock of Merchandise and Groceries. which will be sold at reasonable rates, for the purpose of establishing permanently such a necessity at Canemah. " Try us. (ly Valuable Land for Sale. 1AA ACRES situated on the East side of XVU the Willamette river, 2 1-2 miles below Oregon City, and nearly opposite the new Iron Works. Also: H i C ACRES adjoining Oregon City JLjmj on the south, and : 8 "T ACRES lying north east, and adjoining the Oregon City Claim. Also: Two Desirable Lots for residences, with newly built dwelling houses thereon, situated in Oregon City. Any and all of the above tracts of land can be purchased on easy terms, bv applying to 7:Sm ' ' ABEL EUDY, Or Johnson & MeCowu, Oregon City. CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. Monmouth. - - : . Oregon. Chartered A. D. 1S65. Eld. L. L. Rowland, A. B., of Bethany Col lege. President, and Professor of the Classics, Belles-Letter and Ethics. Dr. X. Hi nsox. A. M., of New York City University, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Assi-ssed Iry an abte co-rps of Professors and Teachers. THE AIM OF THIS INSTITUTION IS thoroughness, and logical, mental disci pline ; realizing that the obvious want of our schools, no less than the true object of the real Educationist, is critical training and thorough intellectual and moral development. A Normal Department, organized upon the most approved models, with particular ref erence to qualifying scholars as teachers, is in successful operation. Tuition-. Collegiate Department, 11 00 : Academic $9 00: Higher English 7 '00 : French, Spanish and Hebrew, "each 4 00: Instrumental Music .$12 O0 use of Piano Z. The Trustees of the Collese and the Chris tian Brotherhood, are resolved to make this institution second to none in the State in the promotion of the true interests of education aiad the formation of ripe scholarship. The College year commences on ihe first Monday of September, and closes the third of July. (27) A. W. LUCAS, Sec'y pi Board. PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note tbe following firms. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE BUSIXESS AXD COMMERCE ! Corner of ALDER and FRONT streets, P OB TLAXD OP. EG OK. STJPERIOK ADVANTAGES! THIS COLLEGE RANKS FIRST ON THE Coast, and offers advantages for acquir ing a Practical Business Education, superior to any other school. The Course of Instruction Is conducted on the plan of the best Com mercial Colleg.es in Eur ope and the Atlantic States, combining Theory and Practice, By means of Banks and Business offices, thus familiarizing the Student with all the dif ferent kinds of Business in the shortest possible time, and least expense. The Easiness Course Embraces Book-keepintr,by single and double entry, Penmanship, "Commercial Calcula tions, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Actual Business, Lectures on Accounts, Business Customs, Mercantile Ethics, &c. Terms : Scholarships, embracing the wholo TJvusi ness Course, Regular and Special Lec tures, time unlimited, with privilege of reviewing at any future day. . ." $50. Students enter any time. There are no va cations. For further particulars address the President, or call at the College. M. K. LAUDENSLAGER, President. II. M. DeFRANCE, Secretary. S:Sm H. P. CRAMER & CO., r -.j-j w try it -rrk BOOK BIN DE R S AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. OllEGOMAN BUIL.D1NG, Ro. ." "Vas5iingtoii Street, ' PORTLAND, OREGON. WE TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORM ing the public that we have bought the Book Binding Establishment heretofore carried on by WM. SIEBERT & CO., and are now prepared to continue the business la all its branches. ' ' . BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. II. P. CRAMER &, CO. Portland, Oct. 1SGS. .. 52 W I L L A M ETTE IRON WORKS COMPANY ! fra North Front aud E sts.. La r I M.'jfiiin.ii "'-Sa T At -S ronianu. uregon. STEAM ENGINE -AND BOILER BUI LDERS. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and cliiCiently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, a3 Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years iiives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders lor all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS I QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, &C, &C. Manvfaeture and Pep air Machinery of all kinds. WON SHUTTER WORK at San Francisco ast and .freight. Wheeler & Ran dalls Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. P'inbar's and Steven's Self Adjusting Patent Piston Packing, either applied to oil ometo it-earn cylinders. Quartz Stumpers, Shoes and d-ies, if the best hard iron. Z:y PORTLAND PLUHBLTC, (US & STEAM Fitting Establishment, JVo. 110 First Street, ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY RE ceiving from the East Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Cop per, Tin and Planished Bath Tubs; Square and Angular Black Walnut Counter-Sunk Marble Wash Stands ; Cold, and Hot and Cold Water Showers; Silver-Plated Basin Cocks ; Marble Wash Basins ; Force and Lift Pumps; Hydraulic Rams; Non-Freezin-Hydrants ; Water Closets, &c , &c. 0 'j Persons wishing to introduce Cold, or Hot and Cold Water into their premises, either Plain or Ornamental, would do well to give me a call. . .. Portland, October, 1S66. 3:ly C. n. MYERS. Engineers and Others, TAKE NOTICE. JUST received, a small lot of the cele brated Scotch Tubes for Water Guages. Also, 'the Largest Stock ever offered be fore in this city of all sizes Wrought Iron Pipes fron 1-8 to 4 inch inside diameter Brass Cocks, T's,' Elbows, Return Bends! Nipples, Bushings, A'c. Constantly on hand, Steam Whistles, Steam Guages, Water Guages, Governor and Stop Valves, Throttle, Anarte and Check aiyes, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds of BEASS AVOEK, FOtt STEA3I, WATER AIVD GAS. ST Persons wishing any thing in the above line, will do well to examine and price my stock before sending 1o San Fran- C1,- - C. H. MYERS, I lumbmg. Gas and Steam Fitting Estab lishment, No. 110 First Street, Portland October, 1866. g-i- HIGGEIS &, GO'S Home Manufactured Soap. o N AND AFTER JANUARY 1st, 167 we will sell our .1- rx - ' rales, for CASH, only F : - 10il0WlQg P VTT V CA 1 r- Per 100 Boxes, or over, at" $1 45 per Box. H2 " 1 50 " " 1 55 " CHSMICAL OLIVE. 40 Bars, 3 lb. 3 20 it 2o " 19 1b. 1 70 T!TE warrant our Soap to be eoual to any t mii i-iiii uc iiiiporrea, and su perior to many brands that" are offered m this market, HIGGINS t CO."' ' No. 8 Front street, 1 block north O.' S. N. Co.'s wharf. Portland, -Janu.y 1, 1S67. ll:ly PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE, Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. J. n. MITCHELL. J. S. DOLfH. . A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty. gT Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. (iT) W. LAIR BILL. M . r. VCLKET. HILL & BIULKEY, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT LAW. TT7"IBL both b.e found hereafter at their V V Office on the corner of Front and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. lyr. JAS. I. DALT. W. S. STETEXS. DALY & STEVENS. Heal Estate Brokers, Collectors, and General Agents. OJice First floor Vaughn's brick, corner of Morrison and Front streets, Portland, O. ST Particular attention given to the ad justment of accounts. Legal and ofcher doc uments transcribed at 3bort notice. (12tf C. P. FERRY, Late FERRY & FOSTER,) 3E3K JH-EI LJ9 E5ft a- JSJjL. o No. S6 Front Street, Corner of Washington, PORTLAND, OREGON. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. And Manhattan Life Insurance Co. OVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS, Or Bonds, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. "3:2 y E. G. RAItfDALL, IMPORTER ANu DEALER IK MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for Mason Si Hamlin's CELEBRATED CABINET OJIGAX I AXI) St tin way & Son's GOIiD MEDAL PI A JVO FORTES I First street, next door to the Post Office, Portland Oregon. ' T4:ly A. G. BRADFORD, Front Stiect, Povtluncl, Oregon, IMPORTER AKD DEALER IK Wines and Liquors, ALSO : Sole Agent in Oregon, and Washington Territory, for the Golden State Cham paigk, manufactured by Hoffman, Finke & Co., from California grapes. f-l'-lj CHARLES HOPKINS, Successor to G. W. Vaughn, DEALER IK Hardware and Cutlery, Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' , Miners'' and Mechanics Tools, Plows, Reapers, Mowers, Threshers and Agricultural Implemmts Generally. No. 116 front. mar30 Corner of Morrison st., Portland. EEMOYAL! The subscribers have REMOVED THEIR EKTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE! TO THEIR OWN New, ami Commodious Sales Rooms, 67 First street, near Salmon street, Portland, Ohegox. WHERE, WITH AMPLE ROOM, THEY they now invite the attention Of the public to a largku and better assortment than ever presented before, and, although situated a little away from th center of trade, still, with lessened expenses, and goods from eastern manufacturers direct, they feel confident that it will repay purchas ers to give them a call. HURGREN & SHINDLER. Portland, Nov. 15th, IS06. 4:tf Fifteen Years in Oregon. S, J. M'CORMICK, THE Pioneer Bookseller and Pablisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may not be acquainted witn the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (exactlt opposite mount kood) Where he is prepared to. furnish SCHOOL BOORS, STATIONERY SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. CIIURCM MUSIC BOOKS, BASS, VIO, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, ' MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, ' . NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, lyr.-J PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in tke above line. BENNETT HOUSE, Salem Oregon. L.JATS.TURXEY, HAYING LEASED THE ABOYE nOTEL is prepared to accommodate the public in us good style as any house on the coast. IIe has determined to make tbe Bennett as good as the best, and better than any public house in Salem. Charges moderate. JUSTICES' BLANKS-, of every descrip tion, for sale at the Exterpkise office,. PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. 127 Front Street, : : Portland, TNYITES ATTENTION OF CASH BUY- X ers to his new stock of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Just opened, and which be offers at unusually low prices. Family Dry Goods. 8-4 and 10-4 bleach ed Sheeting, Pillow cs Cottons, White mar seilles Quilts. White Blankets, Crib Quilts, Merinos,Foulard'sEmpress cloths.D'jIaines Winceys, Poplins, Red, Orange and white Flannels, Turkish Towels, Iluckabuk and Damask Towels, Table Linen cloth," Table and Piano covers,Oregon cloths and tweeds English Pilot cloth and Broadcloth, Cloak ings, etc., etc. Clothing and Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys. Fine Beaver Coats, Yests and Pants, "Reversible and Beaver Sack Overcoats, Black Doe Pants, A'elvet and Ca3simere Yests, Oregon Cassimere 1'ants, Seqarlet knit wpol undershirts and drawers, Merino do., Shaker flannel do'., Linen B , shirts, Boys merino undershirts, ties, scarfs Gloves, Cotton and Woolen socks, Alexan der Kid gloves, New style Hats, Mens' and Boys' Navy Caps, Silk Umbrellas, Rubber Overshoes, etc., etc. ' TjaiHoa "ml Cliltlrens' Fnrnislilng Goods. Ladies' Merino Undershirts and Drawers, French Corsetts, Balmoral skirts, While ribbed hose, Square wool shawls, Long shawls and bhick Cashmere shawls, FinyBroche shawls, Breakfast shawls, knit Alexandras, Hoods, Nubias, Misses' meri no vests, Balmoral hose, Gloves and gaunt leU, Childrens' gloves and mits, Lace hand kerchiefs, Embroidered do., Plain linen do. Hemmed and stitched do. ' Fancy and 1Vliite Goods. Clnny and veienciennes laces, Embroidered jaconet, Edgings, Insertings and Bauds, Tatting, Buiiiing, Trimmings, Gimp and cords, but tons, hair nets and rolls, Nainsook, Swiss Jaconet, Victoria Lawns, Berlin Knitting iarn, .epnyr embroidery, Canvass and Eatterns, Machine Sewing'silk, Cotton and inen, etc., etc. Every Article is Mar'ked in Plain figures with its retail price. JOHN WIJL.SOJV, 127 Front street, opposite the Wh it Cheer House, Portland. 14:3m 13. W. COMIIETT, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in American and English Also : BOOTS and SHOES No. 3 Front street, corner of Oak, Portland. Building Hardicare, Carpenters' and Joiners'' Tools, Cutlery, Saddlery Hardicare, Springs and Axels, and Blacksmiths' Tools, Agricultural Implements ! MINING TOOLS! ENGLISH HARDWARE! Direct from England, selectdd expressly for this Market. Powder, Lead, and S hot Having had an EXPERIENCED AGENT in New York, who attends exclusively to purchasing and forwarding Goods for me, I am enabled to obtain them direct from the Manufacturers, at the lowest rates, and to offer superior inducements to purchasers'. (14:ly WJI. CORBfTT, San Francisco. D. MACLEAT, Portland. Importers 8t Wholesale Grocers, 74 FRONT STREE T, Portland Oregon. r OODS SOLD FOR CASH AT A SMALL JT advance upon SAJt FRA3VCISCO JOBBI1G PRICES! Would thank merchants visiting the city to price their stock before purchasing. 14.1y THE BEST SELECTION And largest assortment of , Ladies' Gents', Misses', Boys' and Childrens' BOOTS and SHOES. Can be had at the PHILADELPHIA BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 112 Front street, Portland, opposite Walter Bros. Car-pet store where hew goods of the latest styles are re ceived by every steamer, direct from the sast enabling us to sell cheaper than any other store iu ths city. KAST & CAIIALIN 112 Front street, Portland. L. C. MILLARD. VAX SCUUYVEE. MILLARD & VAN schuyver, Successors o Ladd, Reed & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in PO'flEIGSAXD DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Also: Sash, Doors. and Blinds. . Xo. 73 FROXT STREET, 14 ly .Portland, Oregon. CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, QueenslVare, Lamps, etc. Importer of articles in the above ''ne, would invite the attention of purchasers to his large stock now on hand. ' U4 Front street, 2:ly Portland, Oregon. " L. T. SCHULTZ, -Importer and dealer in- MELODEONS, Musical Instruments, Stationery, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, etc. 106 Front street , .Portland, Oregon. Pianos and all other Musical Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. 1 2:ly JOHN NESTOR, iiicSU 9. 1QJ AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Front Street, Portland, Oregon. ZJ" Plans, Specifications, and accurate working drawings prepared on short notice after the latest approved stle; " ' " " (v V-miy I- 6s PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad- vised to note the following firms. "H. A. ALDRICE. J. C. MERRILL. JOHJf M'CEAKEV. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL& CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE , CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegop Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. ' ' ' Agents for Provost's Co.'s Preserved Fruits. Yegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, Grain, Bacon,' Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster." ! Will attend to the Purchase, Sate or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDRICII, MERRILL & CO., Nos 204 and 206 California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., 1G North Front Street, Portland. Island Sugar-and Molasses. 2.500 KEGS ISLAND SUGAR; 150 BBLS. ISLAND MOLASSES, ex-Bark ELDR1DGE, and for sale by M'CRAKEN, MERRILL. & CO. ATS. HATS. MEUSSDORFFER & BRO.j Manufacturers and Ttnnnrtj rf And Wholesale and Rttad Dealers HATS, CAPS, AND HATTER'S MATERIALS, No. 72 Front street, Portland Oregon. Are receiving, in addition to their extensive stock, by every steamer, all .the latest styles of New York, London and Parisian taste for gentlemen's and children's wear, which they will sell cheaper taan any other house op the Pacific "coasts B. S. Hats of every style and description made to order, also nsatly repaired. 18y Sew York Bakery! F. C. HOKNUNG, No. i North Front Street, Portland , . , . Oregon, KEEPS ON HAND a large assortment of all kinds of Groceries and provisions of superior quality, at low rates. Also, of his own manufacture 'all 'kinds of CRACKERS. PILOT BREAD, PIES, CAKES AND BREAD! Also, a choice lot of Russian Caviar, by thlr) package, to suit purchasers. Also, a fine lot of OJJJ OTARD BRANDY, by the gallon. Orders from the interior solicited, and promptly attended to. 2.1y - AMERICAN EXCHANGE, (Late LINCOLN HOUSE,) 3Vo. 81 Front street, Portland Orf gjn. L. P. W. QUIMBY, Proprietor, Late of Western Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and if will be the en deavor of the proprietor to make his guests comfortable." The Baggage. Wagon will al ways be found at the landing on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrving bag gage free of charge. tlT.ly Removed I Removed ! The old and well known For D. MONNASTES, Proprietor.. PORTLAND. . . . ; . . . .OREGON, HAS NOT DISCONTINUED WORK! but has been removed to Second street, between Alder and Morrison streets, where business will be conducted ou a3 large a scale as in years past. ' 2:ly MED1CA ": DR. HENLEY'S FOUNTAIN OF LIFE! And Great 'Blood Purifier IN EYERY PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE periods arrive when a new direction is imparted to its course. These epochs pro ceed from ' discovery of new facts shedding a light which changes the whole aspect of the science. The present is an epoch of this kind, and this "great remedy now offered to the public, iu connection with the theory on which it is based, is destined to effect an en tire revolution in the treatment ot the dls eases of"' ' . Scrofula and King's Evil I by eradicating the disease entirely from the blood. The Fountain of Life is composed entirely of vegetable extracts ; it contains no mercury or other m neral substances. Tbe proprietor and discoverer of this sov ereign remedy challenges the world to furnish "anything, from the days of JEsculapius to the present time, in the arcana of Medical Science, which can vie with or excel, the ia innsic properties ot this threat Jilood Puri fier. Its value has been tested with the hap piest effect in the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, that baffled the skill ot the most eminent physicians in the world.- No matter what form the dreadful disease of Scrofvla and King's Evil may have assumed, it can in no way be more sifely aud certainly arrested in its progress than by using'Henley's Great Blood Purifier. Thousands have been swept into the grave, who, had they made a timely use of the Fountain of Life, might now be enjoying the blessings of health. It requires an article of real merit, and intrinsic value', to sustain itself. During the stern ordeal of public experiment the Fountain of Life has stood the test trial, and not been found wanting. DR. 1IENLEY guarantees to cure any case of Scrofula or King's Evil in tbe world, and eradicate tbe disease entirely from the system or no charge made provided they will secure him his pay' when the cure is made. For Reference: I would refer you to L. L. Peck of Portland, Mrs. Walter Moflitt, and numbers of others, as to what a miraculous effect it had in a short time, in cases that had bafiiewl the skill of phvsician3 for years. ; "v DR. WM. HENLEY, Portland, Oregon The above medicines are for sale by Bell Jt Parker, and Charmah Bros., Oregon City. (17 THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND ! Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer! Wonderful Cure of the'Hev. D. L. Drayton Missionary in India, icho was stung by a Scorpion. .Extract from his letter, published in the. Baptist Missionary Magazine: "For tbe first time since I have been in In-, dia, I have been stung by a scorpion. I went put this morning to my exercises, as usual,", at early dawn, p.nd having occasion to use an old box, ou taking off the cover I put my hand on a scorpion, which immediately re, sented the insult by thrusting its sting into the palm of my band. The instantaneous-' aud severe pain which, darted, through the, system is quite incredible; what an awfully "U ulent poison their sting must contain ! I FLEW TO MY BOTTLE OF DAVIS i'AIX iWLLEM and found it to be true to its name; after moment's relief, I saturated a small piece of sponge, bound it on my hand and went about' my exercises, feeling no more particular in-, convenience. . (31 3Iatriagc aiwl Celibacy, an essay of Warning and Instruction for Young' Metf Also, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate ' the vital powers, with sure means Of relief Sent free of charge in sealed letter envelopes Address: Dr. j. SKILLED HOUGHTON r 81) Howard Association, PhUadelphit, Psu 0 O 0 Q O6 0 0 O 0 G O 0 0 0 0 O O o o o o o o 0 o o o o G o O o o Q 0 O o O C oG o O o o o o 0 o o o o o 0 o J0 Q o 0 o o 0 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 G 1 V I t ; J o o G