O -J 9 Ehc0 lUcclily Enterprise. TOW.V AND COIN TV' O . IIowto MAke A rAPKB.-We wish to localize the following from the Lafayette Courier. "If our agents will interest them - selves a little in our behalf they can greatly aid us in extending our circulation, a well 'as the procurement of advertisements and other business. We do not couipuim ai an ler business. We do not coinuuuu u an the patronage which was extended t Ms the public during the past year, for it been comparatively liberal ; yet there of th liaa liuiin rnmiisirativiil v ?a ..v..,.,.i.,rit nifim for improvement. usi i n proportion as we are sustained, we can make the paper interesting and valuable; if we are embarrassed financially we cati- not devote our undivided attentiou to tlffi preparation of our paper, ami hence it would ffi sucu coniigeuey ue mipus;uui for 'tis to furnish as much reading matter and of as good) quality as we otherwise should furnihh. v e know that there are scoreff men in this county, who. if solic ited, would gladly become patrons of the KxrKiii'KisE. Our list is just now very tdowly advancing, and hundreds have not ; -paid for it. Our attention is too greatly w occupiea in tne omee. lor us to do any tiling on the outside. Will not our friends bear iu mind that a word from them costs noth ing, while it is of infinite profit to us. Bmixiiis l'i nrHA.sEi). The toll bridges in Clackamas county have all been made free. TheQv. J. Oason bridge was pur- , chased for the sum of SILOOO coin, with w interest. The Harrison Wright bridge, at i cost of $2,500 coin. " Hamlet,7' like many others, dissents to this, but the numerous, and extensively sighed lists presented to the Court in prayer lor such was the basis of their aclioa. .PI Large Potatoes. ''Potatoes grow sraal in Maumee," according to the old ory, but in Chvckamas cotifity they grow to im mense size, and the flavor is so very excel lent that .we never "eat them tops and all' Mr. 'Isaac Farr has placed before us a specimen from his patch which weighs four pounds. It is of the JJlue Oi.ena.ngo variety. Tj) Weather. It needs a nice judg ment, and judicial mind that is dextrous, ' To uivido-ji hair 'Twixt south anCsouthweat side.'" to pronounce upon the weather we have had the past winter, but as to that of the past week, all coincide in saying its lovely. . O- New District. Recent 'Changes have been made in the road districts of this county. Xos. 2 and 7, and 17 and 18, have been attended, and a new district, formed out of Xo. 4'A, which is classed as No. .". Next week we shall give P com plete list of the Supervisors appointed throughout the county. Q A Fair Proinsitio Col. Ciis T. is half persuaded to return to his first love. ((). C.,) and again take up his residence among t us. We agree, should ho do so, to give him divers and sundry puffs per annum, and deliver to him the Lnikiuie gratis, twelve month.O Cocxty Fi nds. The County Court, at its last session, ordered that the currency iu the treasury be disposed ot as it accu mulated from time to time at current rates, but never at a less figure than 7-0 cents on the dollar. O O o Who answer wants a Farm'' Let those who " I do," attend the sale? to-day, by Capt. Hedges, Exeiior o the last will and testament of Wm. Arthur r-en. de- ceased ; or read the advertisement 6T Mr Fudy, in another column. Pay Your Dlks. Next week. Postmas ter Kelly having consented to present them, we shall leave receipts at the post ollice in th city for subscribers who have not yet paid for this paper. All are in vited to respond to them. "Law and Law'ykrs The above ablP address by Judge M. P. Deady, delivered beforeahe Portland Law Association on December (th. isfor sale by John Hem ing of this city? McCorraick publisher. We acknowledge the receipt of a copy. Kkvkktu. Certain lands in itis county, sold from the school sections, which sales; have been vitiated bv non-compliance with law, will now revert to their original condition, and be again offered for sale by the State board of education. School Fi nd NorKsjQ-There is consider able money due the School fund in this county, on notes with interest and princi jial unpaid. This the Treasurer has been instructed to proceed and ciiilect. L'.umha.v AWintei. Mr. David Cut ting has been appointed bythc County Court as guardian for W. W. Ilarpor, at pte.ent an inmate of the Hospital for insane, from this county. the American Kxciia.v;k. Mr. L. P. W. Quimby. of the American Exchange, Port land, lets his linht fdiiue through the col umns of the ENTKnruisK to-day. Give him a trial. (Lincoln's Burnt Day. Tuesday the lzm. oeing tne anniversary oiine uiriu oi AititAiivM Lincoln, was suitably observed in this t ily. Flags were hoisted, and a salute lhvd. Steamship Matters. The Herald thinks that measures will soon certainly be adopted, by whiqh all toat.shTps now in the Oreot.n trade mav run at liyinir rates. and esta'olish direct "trade viUr l-anama. & .. Town Lot3 ion Sale.' homestead lots, in the -Several valuable best part of this cuy, are ottered lor sale by Mr. Slover. See advertisement. U . JEEF I. A ITLE.A laiff. 11:1 ..P ft. tie for Idaho, passed through this citv from Linn and Lane counties on Thumla'v. Dekeiiked. Several matters of inci importance, are uniodably delayed tVw Ycec.k. 0 O " What's he to Hi-xiua on ILkcub.v. to Him-. Can any poison t.-uuu why Clac-Ktuua county in its wisdom v. through the Conntv Commissioners) saw proper to purcha-e 'tho Casoti bridge cro sing Uaok au s rver. Tnat tho purch.se oft. ell. Wris-ui bi-idce'was beneficial 10 t.ie coun ty we can understand, as there is consid erable travel between that portion of the county ami the county seat, but we be lie that the greaei: portion of the peo ple living north of the Clackamas do most of their liusiues at Portland ; if this is the case, the purchase of the Guson bridge was for the benefit of Marion and the Southern (Xmnties of the State. How philanthropic ! "b ' IJiMT.KT. o o o Fellow.sh ip Fkatekxal Visit. ; On Thursday evening last the steamer Alert left Portland on a special trip, upon a special occasion, bringing to this city R. V. G. M. Wm. Morton, visitors from Sa maritan and Hassalo Lodges. I. O. O. F., Portland, and visiting members of several other lodges within this jurisdiction. The fraternity of Oregon City had made ample arrangements for the accommodation of their' guests beforehand, and met at the lodge room at an early hour, prepared to march to the wharf to "receive them. The landing was made at about 7 o:clock, and TI1K PROCESS i ox. headed Jiy the Oregon City Brass Band, under the .direction of P. G. Vm. P. Burns. wa.s formed in line. Oregon Lodge No. 6 preceding their guests and retracing their s-t-.-ps to the L.odse .room, where the latter. through open column, ascended to the con secrate place for work, followed by the members at Oregon City, and here our ac count ot the proceedings, for tne public. Will appear as an intermission, as only the true Odd Fellow can pass with us within. CEliEMOXIKS AT I UK CUKE. While the brothers weiv employed at the lodge room then were many "sisters," wives and daughters, patiently waiting at the Chit' Iloue- for ther return. Soon after-10 o'clock the procession again formed and halted at thCliff. where, after n few motnenLs of preparation, the assemblage (numbering some 200. ladles and gentle men,) sat down to tables as excellently prepared with the delicacies, and all that goes to make up a most excellent supper, as we have ever sat at. The host and hostess certainly did themselves and their patrons justice in every sense. After the clolh was removed the order of sentiments prolonged the fW-tive scene until midnight, and undoubtedly would have longer continued with interest, but for the impatient, and impromptu move ment of some person posted as to the location of the whistle-string of the Alert. Dr. Barclay was the only guest present. noR-afiiliating. He was introduced by a sentiment from P. G. J. M. Bacon : Dr. IJakclat, MArOa of Oregon' City: Our Honored Guest,- Although not a mem ber of the Independent Order ot Odd Fel lows, he is known to be a zealous member of our sister lodge, the Ancient Fre and Ac cepted Masons. May he ever be held in high estimation by all Odd Feilows. The honored guest responded as follows : Riant Worth; Grand Master and friend: Ilavi::g the hojiur of be.ng invited to your fest ival, and although never having been initiated into the mysteries of your Order, I look upon it as being akiu to Maseiyy, of which 1 am a iveniber. Vnr presence ltere this evening ass'rts the har mony of union linked together by the mystic tie. ' -Your lodge isii world in min iature, united by cords of friendly fellow ship! t-ver extending the hand of benevo lence from Fast to West, and from South to North. May it always continue so to be perpetrated to your ehildr n s children. The following succeeded in their order. Tim Right Worthy Grand Lodge of On f.C0N : Miiv its mandates be itist, and meet with ready responses at all times. j Pe-ponded to bv 11. Y. G. M., William ! Morton, o " Olr Ol'ksts: i'he rucrnbers c.f Samar itan and llass.Jo .Lodges: In them we be- I hold the type of the true Odd Fellow. Response by F. G. Marvin of Samaritan lodge. Titis Symbols op oir Oroer : May they ever teach us: that while Man's vain schemes of ambition make the world a scene of con stant strife, and human life a mystery, there is pleasure to be derived from the mystic rites. Music by the Band. Hassalo Lough .,S"o. 15, Portland: The youngest of the 'family nothing excel' the kindness, ge:icrosity, and gallantry of its members. Guided by their Sheriff N. O. ; they mav sometimes be tried by juries but we hope never by -juries. Response by X. G. Win. Dierdorff. Tue Ajj'iitiCAN Union; Tlie b,irth-jlace of Liberty, progression, and all that tits man tor an elevated hope: While our eyes rest in meditation of its beautiful connections let our hearts sing praises to Him who has pre- served it to ail who were, and are, and may yet be. Music by the Band : 4i Hail Columbia." Tns Ladies ; In whatever nation the same kind, civil, obliging, humane, tender beings. Ever inclined to be gay and cheer ful, timorous and modest they do not hesi tate like man, to perforin a hospitable or gen erous action ; not haughty, nor arrogant, nor supercilious, but fuil of courtesy and found 'of society; industrious, economical, and ingenious; more liable in general to err than man, but iu general, also .more vb-tu- oujv and performing more good actions than h P. G. J. II. Donthit, of Albany, feeling- tngty. and with deep interest, responded to tnis and the scnlimeut : Wives of Odd Fedows. Portland: The "Sentinel" of a region rich in minerals, ores, agriculture, and the arts. Long may she it, like the fat duck, upon the pearly edge of prosperity. P. G.. Hon. A. C. G.bbs. in the pleasant est manner possible, responded, lit allud ed brielly to the inanitoid resources of our lovely State, of the identity of the interest of Rowland and Oregon City, concluding with the following : Okkcon Citv. " A nook in the Moun tains:" Mau feels that he has a thing of unu- sual beaut- to enshrine, and is executing his work with fitting elegance. Running across the foreground, broken into music by the majestic fall, the Willamette chimes with the shuttle and the loom upon its banks, and lends a pjeturesque 'interest, in keeping wfth the promised reward to aidastry. The sentiment was responded to by P. G-fMajor - Thoiua-s Charinan : May this ' Nook in the .Mountains ' stili flouriVli, and become the Lowell of the Pacific, in mm- j iuieture, and the Jlom'e of iudustry. lis j be.iuty and advantage's become the center of t-Uraeaun to L'apiialU. ... ?Tj;e mus;c of he'Great Falls, and the romuitic scenery the e:K-hantnit-nt'f the fair sex. until we count our population by tens of thousands. Tue Press: The mouth-piece of human benefactions: M(t.y we ever be blessed with the light of Truth as heralded through it. , osl)onso oyC-apt. Crandail ot tne lfa"j I OFe0"n'nn- puiling at the wlustle string ot " jucn, as oo.oiv UHUitioiivo. w- ouV-5 l lu ..1. , i .1 ..i ii. . i wc:,i uusoiii, aooui uiat unit. Tve lviret th:it. nnrsnncf ndmonishos U3. 1 sentiment: " - ' O The 4embrs o? the Oregon Cny Brass iiA; Inth? - ' ll'in w-e have :i rnnimnn intpi-fst . 1 to cherish. Their influence, exerted upon all pwy.io occaons, has a musical etlect. Mav th! ueans oovu on snore an.l , ; ".vi'J 2 ward.- o At this sut.; ,v r vi atpur- aga;n lead the vro -i CT the Ilan(1 sooal 'ter 1- tK?rl1 lh ? wh:irf' aad precious cargo UTi wi h ht'r i t. ', sl u and with 11 notes ntr- A UCTIONAND COMMISSION AUCTIONEER! Comer of Front and Oak streets, Portland, AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Gro.'eries, General Merchan dise and Horse, EVERY WEDESDA Y AND SATURDAY! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English Refined Bur and Bundle iron; . " Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Ho se Shoe, Fiks, Rasjts, .aiij; .Screw, Fry-Pans, Sfvet Iron, R. G. Iron; also : A Large assortment of Groceries and Liquors. A. li. Richardson, Am-ti.tie r. O REG OX CITY BUSINESS. n E T U It .EDM RETURNED I RETURNED! TO THE OLD STAMPING GROUND. S. ACKEEMA3T ! Wishes to inform his Old Friends, and the public jient rally that he has returned arai to Oregon City, v.here has JUST OPENED OXE cf WE LARGEST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS ! Clothing ! Boots and Shoes ! 1 1 ATS AND CAPS! 4 Also a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES ! Please give me a call. No trouble to SHOW. GOODS! 3s?"T will sell as cheap as the cheapest. S. ACKER3IAN, Chatman &. Warner's Id brick store, lyl) Main St., Oregon City. N. B. All kinds of Produce bought. FIRST G St AMILY ROCERY ORE 2 early opposite the E.NTKurKisE Office, Muhi street, Oieon Citv. E. D KELLY HAS IX STORE. IN GOOD ORDER, and for sale, the following articles to-wit ; Coffee, Japan Tea, Chocolate, Tea, ;R:ack Tea, Corn-starch, ,'Jolden sj-rup, Green Tea, Oswego do.. Sugars, Crush'd sugar, Satin-gloss do. Salaratus, Pul veriz'd (lb., Chemical soap, Packing salt, Coffee do., Castile do., ' Dairy salt, Lemon syrup, Fancy-toiiet do Table salt, Fiavericg ext. ('andles, Cooking soda, Kerosene oil, Ground coffee, Sal. soda, Olive do., ' Farini, " ' " ' Rope, 'Clothes pms, Sardines, Corn Meal, Cream tartar, Mackerel, Uroonis, Snuff. Cod-fish, Rlast'g powd'r,(iun-caps. Lead, ValleT Mills " fj-Siiooterballs.Shot, Pacitio sportng.vShooter White beg.n8, Yeast powG'rs, Vinegar, Rockets, Washing Cheese,' Pails, Liquorish, Rorax, Nut-megs, Hominy, Raisins, Zante currents Dried apples, Dried peaches, Soda crackers, 'Blueing. Prunes, - ; Butter crack' re Rice, Maccaroni, Blacking, TOBACCO CANDIES NUTS OF OF OF All Kinds ! All Kinds ! All Kinds ! With the following artiples a splendid STEEL ENGRAVING OF GEORGE WASHINGTON is obtained free gratis, with each article pur chased : Canned fruits. Oysters, Gr. spices. Cranberry see. Lobsters, Cinnamon, Tomatoes, English piekls.Cloves, Peaches, American do., Ginger, Green corn, Pepper sauce, Mustard, Jellies, Catsup, Pepper1, Block matches, French mstardWorc'stershire &c , &.C, Ac. "Cash, and one price to everybody. No iroods misrepresented to effect sales. A cuild can buy as much for its money as any or.'ner man. Money refunded where an artk'le fads to give satisfaction Sink or swim, lair dealing is our motto. 7:lyj E.D.KELLY. G. W. POPE & Co. DEALERS VJ STOVES, Iimps, I.ejil Pipe, Hose, eic. AND MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware ! Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and oter stoves, suitable to this mat kt-t. which" are being OFFERED AT PoiiTLASD PRICES ! Our assortment in this line is large, and will be found to embrace almost any desired pattern including the BUCK. HENRY C LAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN E PIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC, BLACK KNIGHT, c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done, to order, in a manner that cannot f:l to suit natrons. In addition to the above may be' found a good assortment of Hard ,are,Woodenare, etc. & Oregon City, Oct. lSo. LlJ WOJi)'. WOOD I VVUUUI W kjvxj : WINTER! WNTER!" TAMES H. GIST IS PREPARE!) TO DE fj liver ib-rd Wood, Dry fir Wood and Bark to ordr:and-wa!TAt-satisfrf tion. Or ders left at Smith & Marshalfs shop V4 lv filled ' ' JAMES H.OI&T " Oregru City, December 1st,-14?. - " 6 t O R KG OX CITY B U SIX ESS. CHARMAN & BROTHER ! STiLL OX II AND!! After Thirteen Years Experience4. IN BUSINESS IN THIS CITY ! ' Utidei;: the old Motto! BEG LEAVE TO INFORM TFIElirXU mernus customers that they hare just received from San Francisco one of the larg est and best selected stocks of goods ever ottered in this market, consisting ot DRY GOODS, CLOT1IIYG, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, QUEENS-WARE, also : PAINTS, OILS, d-e , Together with a splendid assortment OF DOOTS AND SHOES ! Of every d seription, all of th b- st quality and latest st les Also: II ATS AND CAPS ! Of all qualities and styles, besides maiiV other good:, too nuuieroiis to mention. Gents and Ladies Furnishing Goods Kept Constantly on hand ! All of which we will sell at the very low est price for cash, and we warrant satisfaction Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods! Particular attention paid, to Orders From the Country ! Also; to Consignments of Ucxd$, and prompt Returns Made for the Same ! It is our iut ntion to deal with those who favor us with their trade, in such a manner us to secure their confidence and continued patronage. Please give ns a call at our new store, oil Maiu .street. Oregon fit'. 2.1 ' CHARMAN & BRO. KEROSENE Lamps, and Oil, kept con stantly on ba-iid bv CHARMAN d- BRO. L ) ATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, kept by VlfAUMAA ix incu. T Ai.L PAPER. Window Curtains and Paper shades, kept by CHARMAN d- PRO. JTULL Assortment of rope, nails, 1 sale by CHARMAN d- etc. for PRO, T UBS, Rackets, seives, etc., Wtish-boards, Ivee'U' CHARMAN d- PRO. C ARPET, Matting, Rugs, &c.. bv CHARMAN d' PRO. t AND LO W PRICES. I. SELLING, Corner of Main and Third streets, OREGON CITY, HpjIAXKFUL FOR PAST FAVOUR, AND jL hoping for a continuance of the same, would invite the attention of the public to his large stock now iu store, consisting of fancy and staple DRV COOD55, 'rUftMSHING GOODS, READY MADE Cb 'THING. 1 . A V n MAW tlW in V t U L C V T ' BOOTS AND SHOES, I ATS AND CAPS, VALICKS. TIUIXKS, AND UrMliRELLAS! G mce i-i'-g, jC.r ck e ry.GJ fiss and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Limps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Being Ilandreds of Other Articles! Too Numerous to Mention! Call and examine for yourself. I take pleasure in showing goods, and cust mers will find the articles at reasonable figures for cash or produce. " I. SELLING, Corner tore, opposite t'-e ly Tin and stove store. Fall and Winter Importation or DRY GOODS FOR vm and 1857 AT THE OLD STAND, Main Street, Oregon City, J. R, RALSTON. -o- JUST OPENING AND RE CEl VI NG from San Franc ixco a splendid assortment of STAPLE & FANCY RY G The stock comprises all the NEW STYLES IN DRESS GOODS. Wool and PriK-he hacl-. Long an I Square Wool Shawi, Clvahs, Basque, CuitJis, Cassi- mere, and Silks, Flunncls, Linens, and Qt- tons in great variety. Hoiise':eeping Goods, Curtains, Fixtures, Mats, Rugs, c-c, JSotions and Fancy Goods. XcwD.os 'i iiit. mi ng mi IJtiitons, New Head Nets and Dresses, New Wool, Nubias, Hoods, (-., Pun net and Trimming Riblsnx, New Emhroid cries and Lace. Umbrellas, Portmonk-s, French Corsets, d c , New Pal- moral and Hoop Skirts. Gtnf lfmt n's Furnishing Go;-ds. Roots d' Shoes, Hats d' Cap., Hardware Gro ceries, I'ainfs. Oils, Doors, Sash PliiiJs, ete., etc., to which fhe v ndrsigned ivoubL invite the attention of the puldic in genera", and the old patrons of the hituse'in particular. This stock will kept fall y equal to that of any, and salts will be made cheap. J 11. K ALSTON. Oregon- City, NeV. 10th, 1866. Lo:ty. BLANKS V? EVERY DB-irRIPTIOK,-' Neatly printefl at the ITutrprie vfUy. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, OREGON CITY BUSINESS, CLIFF HOUSE. Mais Street, Nearly Opposite Woolen Factory, !!!-. It M , J W. L. WHITE, I . t T. W. RUOADES, Proprietors. Oregon City. Oregon. We invite the citizens of Oregon City and the traveling public, to give us a hare of their patronage, ileals can be had at all hours, to please the irost fastidious. 15 Dv ELLLXG llOLSE TO REM ! In Oregon Citv. Terms reasonable. 16-tf Apply to JOS L). LOCET, CLARK GREENMAN, City Drayman, OREGON CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchandise, or pucka-res and freight ot whateve- descrip tion, to any part of the city, WiiJ be executed promptly and with care. l!.6m CITY BAKERY ! MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortrnan & Shcppard,) Kep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY G HOC FRIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! feTK AM BO AT STORES! And -ill Art.i'.-lfs Uf.pd for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fiue assortment of T IQUORS AND TOBACCO 1 By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that noWody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE I IN SHORT ! Farmers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Bakerv, where the truth wdl be made apparent that our stock i complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. BARLOW & FULLER. Oregon City, Jan. iith, 1807. (L:ly LINCOLN BAKERY! AVesi Side Ulaiii Sti-t-t, Oregon City . Oregon L. DILLER- Proprietor. HAYING REMOVED INTO Mi NEW BUILDING! I am now prepared to serve PERSONS IN'DIVIDUALLT, GENTLEMEN AND LADIES, OR PRIVATE FARTIES AND BALLS. WITH OYSTER SUPPERS ! On snort notice. I would also inform the public that I still continue the manufacture of Dread, Pies, Cakes, Pilot Bread, Boston, Butter, Migar and Soda Crackers, etc. In addition to which 1 will keep contantly on hand a large stock of the best staple and family uri'ceries, provisions, etc. l:iyj L. DILLER. HIGHLY IMPORTANT ! To all wishing HORSE SHOEING. BLACK. " SMITHING, JRON, ETC. John W. Lewis, frrtvr of MA IN and SECOND streets, OREGON CITV, rakes this opportunity to it.f rtn hi? old custo!n-r, and the public ji gi iierai, that he r:uv li::s on tr.nul THE CELEBRATED UMIG And other patterns which he warrants it. every particuhtr to give satisfaction. The Fanning community are especially and earnestly invited to call and See these im plements, before purchasinir elsewhere. All work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability EQUAL TO AXY I MP Oil TED: Having constantly on hand forsale a large assortment of material, consisting in part ol WAGON TIMBER, IRON, STEEL, ETC.. The proprietor ia Enabled to fill all Orders ! For such Articles 071 ?he Mp?t Pavorable Term All work from this establishment, and all material sold on order, is warranted to be as represented. , J. W. LEWIS. Oregon Cit. f" I.TSflrf. ' 1.1:lv LANKS. 'XXT'E HAVE JUST PRjHTED III Tt good ioi'm. with clear typ-f ujkui tne best quahtv ltv'of paper, 'a full set of Justice's wliich Vill be sold as Iowa. 1 be Procured elsewhere in this , . VI C. lllELAXD, L-ourt blanks t!;e same q'an Oryi do F'Tprhf. i 1 Wi t V i ii n- REDING I ON 6: GO'S COLUMN. ILEDIKGTON & COs Essence of Jamaica Ginger. T'niS VALUABLE I'REPARATIOX, 'JON taining, in a highly concentrated form, all the properties ofthe Jamaica Ginger, has become one of, the most popular domestic remedies tor all diseases ot the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic it will br foun 1 invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise, tor whilst it imparts to the sjstem all the slow and vicor that can be produced by winejpr .brandy, it is entirely free Irons the reactionary effects that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who sulfur from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms tuat so frequently accompany that period. It give; immediate relief to nausea,'. caused by sea sickness, etc. It is alo valuable as an external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Neiualgia, etc. REDINGTON & CO. Gm.m'.'jj S;!e Agents for the Pacific Coast. MARTHA WASHINGTON" HAUL PvESTOEEH. Trust none otcer, liowc'er pleasant, None can do what this has done Try it always keep it present Use tint Muitba vVa&lunton. IT IS rJOT A DYE It will keep the the Eair soft ana giossy : change it to its j Original Color ; prevent the i Kair falling out; make old heads look young ; and do ail that is expected of a genuine, Good Kair Restorer. REIINGTON & Co., Agents, San Francisco. ii MARTHA WASHINGTON" HAIR EEST0EEII Is a wonder of the world, r.nd stands above comparison with an" other article for the hair ever brought before the public. Sold every where. REDIIfGTON'S Flavoring Extracts. Are made from FRESH FRUITS. Ea5h bottle holds twice as much as any other brand in the market, consequently they are the cheapest and the best USE NO OTHER. REDINGTON A Co., Agents for the Pacific Coist. GRAEFENBERQ Uterine Catholicok. If faithfully used according to directions will cure every case of Diabetes.-and reat:y miti gate the troublesome til'-cts caused by a re laxation of the outlet of the bladder. It is a most successful remedy for Gravel and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and for Female diseases is unequalled. The Catholicon uniformlv cures Prolapsus Uteri. Whites, all Irregularities of the Month- lv period, Suppression, Incontinence of urine, Bloating and Dropsical swellings, and all diseases of pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is immediate and certain upon the Uterine and abdominal muscles and liga-: ments restoring them to as healthy a state as those of child ti od iwA youth, so that pa- id the Graefenbery Lompa- ticnts who have used nv's Uterine Catholicon cannot sufficiently express their -rratitude for the relief aflordea. REDINGTON & Co.. Agents, 41fl and 418 Front street, San Francisco. "yyl Y WILL YOU DELAY r We are sorry that there are persons who sutler on day by day, monih after month, and year by year, when friends and neighbors have been cured of the same rmdady that afflicts them. Now it has been proved by substan tial evidence that SCOYILL'3 BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will cure the worst easts of scrof ula, Canser, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc.; yet still there are those who neglect this sure and valuable remedy. To such wt aay, "try the syrup be convinced. REDINGTON &. Co., Agents 416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. STOP THAT COUGHING SOSIE OP YOU CA''T, AXD WE PITY you. You have tri'-d every remedy but the ONE destined, by Us intrinsic merit, to supersede nil sint ii;ir preparations. It is not surprising you should bo reluctant to try something else after tbe many ex periments you have made of trashy compounds foisted oa tho public as a certain cure; but NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup is really tho VERY BF.ST remedy ever compounded for tho cur ot" Cough-, Colds. Sore Thror.t, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Bi'Kiichiti.s and Consumption. Himi gands of people iu C:tlitorni;i and Oregon luivc btn alroady benefitted by the surprising curative power NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup and with nno accord give it their unqnaljid appro, bntion. Wo now adur-ss ourselves to all who nru no. Bcauainte.1 with this, the greatest Panacea of the ago. for tho healing of all dishes of the Throat attd Lungi, assuring you that NEWELL'S . I Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands at it will cure You if you try Thi3 invalnabla mcdioinf 13 pleasant tothe taste; poothine, healing and strengthening in its facets; ra tirely free from all poisonoiLS or deleterioua tirugs, and perfectly harra'.ess under ail Circumstances. Ortiiicutt;5 from many prominent citizens of San Franuisto accompany every bottle of NEWELL'S' y " - Vll TH OllfLl V bVlUD J- KXlXlLXJ V KJJ i i ' 5 . - MIS CELL A NEO US. CiiRlSTSAN GOLLEGR. Monmouth. ....: Oregon. Chartered A. V. 13C5. E2J. L. h. Rowland, A. B., of Bethany Col lege, President, and Professor of the Classics, Bellea-Lc-Uer and Ethics. Dr. N. Hcdson-, JQ M., of New York Cit : University, Professor of Mathematici and Natural Science. ' AssUsed by an ahlt fxrj-a cf Prcfenon C7d Tt&htrs. TI1E AIM Of TIUS INSTITUTION IS thoroughness, and'logical, mental disci- -pitne ; realizipg that the onvicus want of ocr schools, nt less, than the rue object of th real Educatioui.-.t, is critical training and thorough intellectual and moral development A Normal Department, organized upon tho most approved mbdelswtth particular ref erence to qualifying scholars as teachers, la in successful operation. ... . Tcttiox. Collegiate Department, 11 00 i Academic .$y oo : Higher English $7 00 ; French, Spanish and Hebrew, eac'li $400: Instrumental Music $12 ri.e ot I'iiinp tS: The Trustees of the College and the .Chris tian brotherhood, arc resolvekto make this iust;tLiti(n second to none in the, State iu tho ' promotion cf the true interests cf education aiid the formati-m pf ripe scholarship. . The Cllggo year cummences ou the first Mondav of Senteuiber. and closes the third of July. (27) A. W. LUCAS, Sec'y of Board, o II. W. COltBETT,- Importer and Wholesale Dealer iu Ameiicau and English O API D WAR E, Also : BOOTS end SHOES! No. fS Front street, corner of Oak, Portias j. Building Ilvrdicare, Carpenter' and Joiners'' Tools, Cutlery, Saddlery. Hardwire, Springs and Axels, and Mttfl'xmitlis? Tools, Agricultural Implements ! MIXING TOOLS! ENGLISH HARDWARE! Direct from England, selected expressly for this Market. Powder, Lead; Ha iving had an EXPERIENCED AGENT iy New Yotk, who attends exclusively to purchasinir and forwarding Goods for me, 1 am enaWed io obtain them t'irect froiy the Mtiiiuf.ieiurers, at, the lowest ratcA, and to offer superior inducements to purchasers. " (14;l7 ; WU. CORBITT, San Francisco. V. MACLEAT. orflancrQ ortiU Mncleay, Importers Et Wholesale Grocery, 1i FRONT STREET, Portland Oregon. VTf 00DS SOLD F0RCA3I1 AT A SMALL TT advance upon SAX FRANCISCO JOBBING PRICES? o C: An Tvl j Woul thank tnerchauts vjsitirg the ciir t ice thoi,. gtocj: before purchasing. 14.lT 0 Dealer iri . DRY GOODS and GIUJcePvIES ! o Boots and Shoes, Aims uiiu ,ups. Crockery arid Glassw-are I Provisions, Cutlery, Stationery ! Tobacco, Yanks'! potions,, ana all liindit of Country Produce I At the old stand on. MairPstreet, two dwrs'iiolow the Wcoien Factor .Oregon City I Oq rpHE PROPRIETtt.fe. begs leave to call I the attention of'tisold friends and c'uit torners, as well us neTSbnes; to bis extsivy assortment of goods,. suit able todbe rejuir mcuts of this market :( , O , FARMERS WUl.find bim supplied with Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Shovels. Hpacies, and Hoes, Salta6n, etc. MECHANICS Will find Saws, Hammers,' N'ailQand tool of all kinds.- . LUMBERMEN Will fin-3 Mill-saws, Cross-cut-savft aieec ' LADJES . o Will find Dress Goods, Trimmings, Hoops, balniorals, shoes, and those beautiful buttou. CHILD if EN Will find Tovs, and EVER YPOD Y will find omt thing to clurni the eye,"; to ni'unster to heir wants, and aijlord ihe.n. aj opiorttyiity o spend their inoue.wio good i'l vaiitnge.' PR U TIC UIAR A TTENTWN CJiven to the requirements of the Country -r.ide. Y.y facilities enable me to fraile with farmers on liberal principles, J 'lease give me a S11, before purchasing elsewhere. lVl) V M. 15AKLOYT. B.-I5. RELLY o IJEALCU IS Q PKODUCE, Seasonable Fruit, VE G ET A 15 L. E S5 tJkc. o ALSO! GR0 C ERIE'S! FA MIL Y Comprising in part SUGARS TEAS! COFFEE! Ciiiined Sauc-s4 Canned Oysters I SPICES, PICXELS AND CASE GOODS IN GENERAL Prtrticniiir rttentron is rfv'pn to the 0ti!!fry Trade, byC&hich atn enabled t( furnish City ' Customers with a Superior 'Qualify of Butter, Frttk Mggs, rouury, eic. O . . ' ' Bv strict attention'to the retair trade only, I hope io merit a share of the publio patronage, ritore at tha Post 'Office; Maia L B. KELLY. O TQ SUBSCRIBERS. k-700l t WANTED. Cord Wood taken ' r 1 Ouer.ox , offioe, o: 111 pay meat of Subscriptions to tha v itt LNTEitrRisc Delivered at the or on the bl iH. ccrroer of Ccctrr ard i :N-r'4-?b strtra. o o o OO o O o o o Ml G O G O o