Or O OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1807, Tol. 1 No. 15. O .OREGON City $ l) c Jtp cckln0nt cr prise. PCBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING By D. O. IRELAND, OFFICE ; South east corner of Fifth and Mn streets, in the building lately known w the Court Ilouse, Oregon City, Oregon. Terms of Subscription One ccAy, one year in advance $3 00 " il delayed 4 00 Terms of Advertising Transient advertisements, one square (12 lines or less) first insertion . . .$2 50 for each subsequent insertion 100 Business Cards one square per annum payable quarterly 12 00 One column per annum. 100 00 One half column " 50 00 One quarter " " ........ 80 00 leal advertising at the established rates. r Toflire No. 1. A F. & A. M. Holds its regular communications on the first and third Sat urdays of each month, at half past six p. m. Tirothren in pood standing arcrjnvited to Oregon City, Not. fcth, 1866. 3:ly jL3 ofO.P. Meets every Wednes day evening at 7 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall. Members of theorder are in vited to attend. By order Nv4J. 3:ly Willamette Lode So. 131. O. G. T. mints fvrrv Saturday evenmsr. at the roomfl S. E. cornef of Mainland Fifth streets, at 7 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. in'J. O llv order of W. i. j J. WELCH, DENTIST. o Permanently Located at Oregon City, Oregon. ' n Rooms over Charman & Bro.'s store. Main street. o (12.lv .q w. c. jounson. F. O. M COW??. Notary Public. JOHNSON & McCOWN, OREGON CITY, OREGON. XSP Will attend to all business entrusted to"our ,care in auv of the Courts of the State, collectmdhey1, negotiate loans, sell real es tate, etc. , , M'art cular attention nven to contestea lautlrases. o i.yi D. M. McXENNEY, Attorney and Counsellor al Law. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL business entrusted to his care. Of fice One door north of Bell Sl Parker's Drug store, Oregon City, Oregon. 3:ly S. HUELAT, O fTTORNE YAT LMV, g) Oregon City, Oregon. Office over Charman & Brother. S:tf JAMES M. MOORE, Justice of thePeace c City Recorder. J O Cice In the Court Ilouse and City Council Room, Oregon City. O Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all other duties appertaining to tbctlice of Justice of thef'eace. 2:ly Dr. F. Barclay, BT. R. C L. ! o (Formerly Srgeou to the Hon. II. B. Co.) OFFICE: At Residence, Main Street (52) Oregon City. Br. H. SaiFarrans, PHYSICIA and SURGEON. OFFICE-In J. kerning' s Book Store. Main, street, Oregon City. (52 John Fleming, o DEALER iK POOKand STATIONERY. Thankful for the patronage heretofore 1 ceived, respectfully solicits a continuance of the favors of a generous public. llis store is between Jacobs' and Acker man's bricks, on the1 west side of Maiu street. Oregon Citv, October 27th, '66.0 T" Professor A. J. Rutjes, O TEACHER OF MUSIC, w rTTM, ho triad to receive a number ot i' -. . . j'upils at his Music Room, at the pri esidence of Mr. Charles Logus. He vate residence 01 Mr. unaries ious. ue will also continue to give instructions at private residences. No charge for the use of the piano. My pupils will please give me notice when ready to cornoience. S:ly DAVID SMITH W. 5- MARSHALL. SMITH & MARSHALL, Black Smiths and Boiler Makers. Corner of Main and Third streets, q Oregou Cityg) Oregon. o Blacksmthvng in all its branches Boiler making and repairing. All work Wrranted to give satisfaction. q (52 BARLOW HOUSE, Iain Street, one door north of the Woolen 0 Factory, Oregon City Oregon. "Vm. Barlow, Proprietor. u L o The proprietor, thankful for the continued patronagehe has received, would inform the public that he will continue bis efforts to jileast his guests. (52 William Broughton, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Main street, Oregon. City. Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly attended'to. (52 TO SUBSCRIBERS. fOOD WANTED. Card Wood .taken V in payment of Subscriptions to the OrGO' Cur Enterprise. Delivered at the office, or on the bluff, Cbrner of Center and seventh streets. OREGON CITY BEEEEY! o HENRY I1U1TIBEL, itaving purchased the above Brewery, wishes to inform the pubiic that he is now prepared to manufacture a No..l quality of LAGER BEER! As good as can be obtained anywhere in the State. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Oregon City, December 23th, lbOC. lOtf Iyer's GMsirltct ! IN MOSS' BUILDING, MAIN STREET, Oregon City. TFIE UNDERSIGNED WILL keep on hand all the vari eties of fresh and cured meats : POULTRY? VEGETABLES, Corned Beef and Pork, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Talloic, (t'c.t &c, c)-c. A liberal sharej?f patronage is solicited, as I expect to keep as good an assortment, and of as good quality as the country affords, which will be delivered (o purchasers at any reasonable distance in the city. o:iy a B. MAYER. L0GUS & ALBRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! o Corner of Al&in and Fourth sis., Oregon) City Oregon, TAKE this method of informing the Tub lic that they keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAE? CORN EE-IS EEF, qPICKLED- P O R E, O .Jt.c T.ARl). And everything else, to line of business. LOG Oregon City, Novembe: be found . in their JS & ALBRIGHT. "-1, 1866. 2.1y MYERS. 1866. JOHX n. C. MYE J. MYERS & BROTHER, Clicsip Cstsli Store I Undertlie Court House, in Oregon, City. Dry Goous, Boots and Shoes. Clothing, " Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc., Which they propose to sell as cheap as any J louse in Oregon. Oregon City, October 23, I860. 2:ly O C AN E M AH STORE! JAMES M0RFITT & CO., -VXTOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC ES V V pecially of Qjmemah, that they have established a Store at that place, where they will keep on handa ell assorted stock of Merchandise and Groceries. which will be sold at reasonable rates, for the purpose of establishing permanently such a necessity at Cauemah. Try us. (j'-Y JOIIjST schr am Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, i-c, t-c, Main street, between Third and Fourth, Oregon City. rpHE attention of parties desiring anythiijg X in my line, is directed to my siock, oe- lore maKing purcuuses ti.vyuciv. 1 1 I V-' JOHN SCHRAM. O A. LEVY, Main Street, at the Telegraph Office, Uregon City Oregon. Dealer in Hester's Ready-made Clothing, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Stationery, Cutlery, Willow and Wooden 0 Ware, Yankee Notions, Fancy and staple Groceries, Candies, Nuts, Toys, etc. (52 Fashion Billiard Saloon. Main street, between Second andThird, o Oregon City. J. C. Mann, Proprietor. THE above long established and popular Saloon is yet a favorite resort, and as only the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars are dispensed to customers a share of the public patronage is solicited, (lv) J. C. MANN. SgHADES SALOON 0 bn 'est Side Main Street, leticeen Second atid Third, Oregon City. o GEORGE A. HAAS Proprietor. The proprietor begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that the above named popular saloon is open for thei accommodation, witna new aim en assort ed supplyQof the finest brands of wines, li.mnrs anil nicrnrs. 52 -.r THE GEM. Main Street, opposite the Post OMce, Oregon, (jay. PAYNE Q .Proprietor The undersigned taes this method of in forming the public that he has purchase-! the aboveQdoon, ana now offors a choice and well selected stock oHoreigo and domestic wines, liouors. etc.. which cannot fail to please those whamay extend their patron- aa;e. The best nager xeer, -n.ie uu x unti iu the State, always on draught. O 3:lyj E. PAYNl POEfY SALOON. Main street, Oresron City, Adjoining the Brick Store of JAMES MANX, Proyr. This popular Saloon is always supplied with th QGn verv best nnalitc- nf Winw onrf Oquors,4le, Porter, Beer and Cider, Cigars uuu luoacco.uuive me a call :iy JAMES MNN. BENNETT HOUSE, Salem Oregon. ! JAY S.TUIISrEY-, HAYING CEASED THE ABOVE HOTEL is prepared to accommodate tfie public 4 r. oa rrnrnl stvle as ant housff-An tVio xnnt o iu i.- t, " y-.- vu(Vlrt II. 1 JnUrminail tn mnl-n t V, n-J I 11 SA XLC llao uciti iu'"" ins wuucu as goodlis the best, and better thanany public touse in Salem, yaarges-moaeme. On the Perry. On the ferry, sailing over lo the city, lying dim In the mellow mist of evening o liy the river s further rim ; On the ferry, gazing outward lo the ocean, calm and cold : While the blue bay dips its waters m tup sunset s fleeting gold. On the ferry, gazing outward, (J thou ocean, deep and wide, Every pulse is beating measure With th rhythm of thy tide ! Loving wave3 ki.warm and eager ; Motionless the great ships stand, While above, each pendulous pennon, Lures me with a beckoning hand. Calm on the uneasy waters Lean the sun6$t"s bars of flame, Like the legendary ladder On which angels went and came. In another summer evening, On a little way before, I shall reach another ferry, Seeking swift a dimmer shore. I shall cross a wider ferry. Crossing to return no more, failing for a fairer city, V aiting on a lovelier shore. New York Independent. A Beautiixi,0 Figure. Two painters were employed to frescoe the walls of a magnificent cathedral ; both stood on a rude scaffolding constructed for the pur pose, some eighty feet from the floor. One of them was so intent upon his work that he became wliolly absorbed, and in ad miration stood off from the picture gazing on it with delight. Forgetting where he was, he moved backward slowly, survey ing critically the work of his pencil, until he had neared the end of the plank upon which he stood. At this critical moment his companion turned suddenly, and, al most frozen with horror, beheld his immi nent peril ; another instant and the enthu siast would be precipitated upon the pave ment beneath j if he spoke to him it was certain death ; if he held his peace death was equally sure. Suddenly he regained his presence of mind, and seizing a wet brush flung it against the wall, spattering the beautiful picture with unsightly blotches of coloring. The painter flew for ward and turned upon his friend with fierce imprecations, but startled at his ghastly face he listened to the recital of danger, looked over the dread space be low, and with tears of gratitude blessed the hand that saved him. So, said a preacher, we are sometimes absorbed in looking upon the pictures of this world, and in contemplating them step backward, unconscious of our peril ; when the Al mighty dashes out the beautiful images, and we spring forward to lament their destruction into the outstretched arms of merer, and are saved ! Fet Rats. I was astonished, on visiting the houses of some of the inhabitants of giam, too see a huge rat walking quietly about the room, and crawling up the master's legs in a cool, familiar5 manner. Instead of repulsing it, or evincing any alarm, he took it up in his arms, and caressed it ; and then I learned for the first time and to my utter astonishment, that it was a custom prevalent in Bankok to keep pet rats, which are taken very young, and carefully reared, till they attain a perfectly monstrgus size from good and plentiful feeding. These domestic rats are kept ex pressly to free the house of other vermin of their own race ; and so ferocious are they in the onslaughts they make, that few of the houses are ever annoyed by rats or mice. Cor. X. Y. Tunes. . o- -- The Firmest Strength. That is the purest greatness and the firmest strength .which overcomes the toughest obstacles to 'a.lofty and holy life ; and those obstacles, every practical Christian will confess, are the little cares and trifling perplexities and incessant temptations of daily experi- ence. Ihese are tne gnats mat wwn the sturdiest virtue. Goliah was proof against a steel-clad array, and not against the despicable weapon, David's sling ; and many a nfbral giant has fallen before as puny an attack. Tlios. Starr King. FHn.osoPHr. A lady observing the fol lowing notice on a board " Horses taken in to grass. Long tails, three shillings and sixpence; short tails, two shillings' asked the owner of the land the reason for the difference in price. " Why, you see, ma'am," her replied, " the 'long tails can brush away the flies, but the short tails are so tormented by them, they can not feed. o Advice to a Barrister. A grim, hard headed old Judge, after hearing a flowery discourse from a pretentions young barris ter, advised him to pluck out the feathers from the (Wings o f his imagination and stick them in the tail of his judgment." - o CoxrxDPvOi. When has a lady more has a water injier system an when she cataract in her eye, a crick in her Jack, a waterfall on her poll, and her shoes high- tied D When she has a notion (an ocean) in her head. t , c- Tt ?j rortrloil of a wicked pi L L ItCi 31-. " - " ' Parisian siren that she once exclaimed : Triv rioiiVhtfhl a trlass of cold water would be, if is were only a m ; Ukarxixg. "If youwish t appear uagreeaoie in society, ""v '6you mufk cofisent to be taught many things which you know already." o - 0 John Morrissey ia said to be like Webster, in one respect : an ex-poundirj, Plain Tails IVith Married Ladies. RELATIONS WITH SOCIETY. THIRD PAPER. If the young girl, who has lately taken upon herself the responsibilities of wife hood, finds difficulties in her way, arising out of newly-formed family relations, she is also at the same time involved in new perplexities occasioned by the change in he social position. This, too, is but faintly perceived, and hardly understood, by those who marry young, before they find themselves entangled in these unfore- seen embarassments. All at once, witn scarce thinking why, the wife finds her former privileges removed. No longer can she be the petted, praised, and will ful girl, fearlessly tasking the forbearance of her friend3, both old and young, in the certainty of being lovingly excused. No more can she listen to the familiar voice of flattery from her male acquaintances. No more be the recipient of favors and in vitations without thought of return. Does any one say that this change, when it oc curred to her, was no trial ? Was it no effort to calm down your effervescing spir its to the proper" tone of married dignity? Did it cost you no pang when the gentle men of your acquaintance took on the air of saying oh, you belong to your husband now, we must not express our admiration? Did you never feel the lack of those pro fuse attentions from all classes of your friends which you had previously enjoyed nor slighted at the falling off of invita tions nor overcome with anxiety at the thought of beginning to make some return for past favors"? In all probability most of you recollect something of these feel ings, as they arose upon occasions, during the first few months of your married life. Yet I incline to think that they are too little regarded by most persons, and often too entirely overlooked by your husbands. Any man will -ay : I remember to have been reproached by the half-sad faces of most brides. I asked myself why do they look anxious since to be married is the ambition of all young persons? When I came to years of thought and ob servation, I then guessed the truth. The wife is made to feel too palpably the drop ping off of her old estate : and not suffi cient care is taken by any parties to smooth the path by which the transition is made. She is wedded, and thenceforth expected to assume a new life without any nf that, gradual srrowinc: into it which is v O C3 : necessary in order to retain the happiness of the old, in the cares of the new. No careful mother now orders her toilet or watches over Cer health. No fond father brings her a present or a compliment each day. No gay brothers, and loving sisters enter into all her little plans with happy confidence. She cannot now go on visits, and stay a season, to be petted and flat tered. No : she is now a wife and a house keeper. Instead of going, she must stay instead of being invited, she must in vite ; and instead of being provided with pleasures, she must provide them for others and the difference is wider than at first you might think. All this must be done for the love of one. He ought to love you well indeed you ought to ldvc him well indeed, to make the sacrifice a pleasant one. Do you say I make too much of what are really trifles ? I appeal to your own conscious ness. But, nevertheless, this is all right, and I only ask for time for a less sudden exclusion of the young wife from girlish privileges. It cannot benefit you, perhaps hut vour daughters after you. Do not j ,j put them too early upon their dignity, But it can be no great thing, you say, to assume quiet ways, and learn to live much alone, and get up good dinners lor your friends, and give parties in return for fhnee vnn have enioved. and entertain company with ease and comfort. If it is not, you have forgotten some of your own trials in this department of your social duties or, you are a very remarkable rTv.r,r. xWfrtheless these are not the J Ullil-'-i ' duties, important as seem to be, and are, to which I desire most to direct your thoughts in this paper. There is a differ- f ence too, of worldly position, and of hap piness in family ties, as well as of many other circumstances to mate tne cnange consequent upon marriage, as much a re- ief to some, as it is a restraint upon otners. sfteak constantly of the most probable and natural situations, in which it is likely that vou may have been placed not of i- i And tlms. in COn- T T 1 1 11 -. " i t 1 lltlltLl L Ct J tinuing this subject, I presume you to oc- that fortunate middle posuiun m 1 1.... society which is eo mch more exctuu than either that of exalted fasmon, or bui- u fering poverty. I will suppose then, that any one of my readers may, if sue cnoost, u duties belomrins: to her new position, ui which I shall sneak. First of all, as wife, you are the representative of your husband's honor and of his social rank. Every virtue which you possess reflects ErervCOne of your deficiencies hinders hi3 elevation in the sociaftcale, proportionately. If your husbands have superior advantages over your sex in almost every point of view, vou have vour reouital In this. Your want of amiatifity, of discretion of intelli- gence, oi social taient, are au uisnuvdu- f ! 1 J. - 1 A -11 1 ? 1 tages to him as well as to yourself. TI the power he has to elevate or depress your condition in life according to his n-K-n. ia net sufficient to counteract the V "-7 0 effect of your qualities of mind and heart Therefore itobecomes every woman to cul tivate her moral and intellectual gifts with a view to enhancing the honor of her hus band, as well as with a view to retaining his affections. To be Jpved, is undoubt edly the greatest demand of your hearts, and one of the chief avenues to the love of every creature is pride. Make your husbands woud of vou, and clinch that triumph with the charm of amiability, and you are quite sure of reigning where to reign would give you the greatest amount of happiness. After affection, the first quality a wife can possess, is discretion. By this I mean, the tact to always repel or receive the re gards of other gentlemen in just the proper proportion. It is certainly a vulgar idea that a woman may have no male friends out of the circle of her relations. And here I wish to remark, that a false notion with regard to this, not only prevails in secluded places, but also works a world of mischief. For instance : a young lady, who has perhaps been a favorite in society, is married. Previous to her marriage, she actually entertained a friendship for sev eral gentlemen among her acquaintances. This friendship did not then interfere with her lov? for her betrothed. To suppose that after marriage this innocent regard could not continue without danger to her fidelity, U to suppose that she is possessed no real i nor even good sense. Yet frequently iuio ;nd envious tongues have made out of thi3 natural and proper inter course the vilest scandal. It frequently happens, too, that men in public life, or extensive business, form a wide circle of acquaintances among their own sex, which, for some reason, they wish to preserve and propitiate. No one can aid him more in doing this, than an affable and accom plished wife ; and to suppose that to do so, she should have to sacrifice any iota of truth, or modesty, is simply preposterous and insulting. A lady should know how to demean herself so as to win the admira tion, respect, or regard of her husband's friends, without giving any one any reason for malicious remark. But it sometimes happens that a perfectly innocent woman gives occasion for scandal her fault being that she ha3 indulged her natural gayety too much in such places or under such circumstances as created remark from those who either did not know her well enough to understand her, or who had some sinister motive in misrepresenting her conduct. It is very importantethat a married woman should bear in mind the disagreeable fact, that in this country she is more subject to inimical observation than an unmarried lady reversing just the European rule. Hence, to remember this from the first, will save her perhaps fronr the misfortune of being slandered an event as torturing to her husband as humiliating to herself. Every woman ought to have that jealous regard for her husband's honor, that any word or act which militated against it, should arouse her indignation thoroughly, let many woirfen I fear, who are in themselves really loyal, have not that force and dig- nity of character wfiich would make their indignation felt, where it was needed. A timid and shrinking disposition prevents th from doine themselves justice in the estimation of others. To these I can only tit ffnrt. tn arnuire the proper 1 . A bold woman is disagreeable, but a brave woman is admirable. It is false idea that a woman's education is complete when she leaves off her school books it usually being the case that it is KrxTiin Then let her. while sne is a I HO b Kf - w. j aiden, and after her marriage, pursue m such a course of reading as shall fit her to shine in the social circle, as well as to have the satisfaction of feeling competent to undertakehe domestic education of chil dren. There is a great deal of reading done by our sex, but unfortunately it is of that kind which gives a loose rein to the imagination, and has no principles of knowledge in it except to give one per haps a use of more copious language than otherwise they would have. But as ease of speech, where there is nothing to be said, i3 but of small moment, acg must con demn this species of reading almost alto s-ether. Rather read history, and especial- biography, moral essays, and the sciences, roetry auu uieuiyujioo used as finishers, in making up a good con versationalist. G to cultivate your tal ents for the sake of your husband : but -rnnr dnHr dnq not end With him. AS a i J J j " now responsible member of society, and mistress of a home, your example, aftd what you do for the edification or amuse- ment of others, is to be considered. Amer- ican society is justly reproached for its want of cultivation, intellectualism. and m t-i j. 1 Tlfl Kn 111 If'IfJ III II-Llltll 1VIUVVU, humble a degree, is your i o , , - a privilege uUl man ot cultivation may maw uau others ambitious to emulate her example, - ; i i .1 r-, ; 4h a war m r xr MP tVLlV' 1 considered as a lasting benefit to her sex for intelligent mothers seldom tail to have Intelligent cnuuieu. mciciuiv, -i tr endeavor to make vour in a ;nBneietv. it is not that ryou mieucc !--- j q mar become vain-glorious, but truly noble nnd useful ; an ornament to society an iinnr tn tom husband a treasuretcio . what are ordinarily term- I V f 1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1-11 ' ' d "cne al talents ' are oueuui consequence in promoting tne sucte ii nf nirtor men or WOEICD. Amia- bility, quickness of apprehension, readi ness to converse, and willingness to make one's self agreeable, go far toward recom mending any one in any position in life. When coupled with intelligence and merit, they are nearly irresistible, and certainly are reckoned among the highest womanly arms ; enabling one to shine at home or abroad, and to be loved everywhere. For the want of these charms, many very ex cellent women never reach that position in life which their heads and hearts otherwise entitle them to. You may say, "this is all very well known, and does not need repeating." One-half, at least, o such a conclusion is a mistake : for though these truths are simple enough, and find a familiar response in your minds, that is because you have already found them out by experience. There are, however, hundreds of others who have not yet reflected upon the na ture or number of their responsibilities, and who may be glad to meet with a word in season. To those especially who have daughters coming upon the stage of action, I should say, make haste to inform them of the life that lies before them, and Ho not let them begin it as you did, perhaps, unprepared, and forced to take lessons from unwelcome experiences. Besides the duties to society which I haird mentioned, and which concern your own advancement chiefly, there is another set of duties which concern others most. and which no Christian woman ought ever to forget. I speak of Charity and Benevo lence. By charity, I mean the exercisj! of that spirit of love and forbearance toward the mistakes and errors of others, and to ward those of your own sojt in particular, which cis the highest proof oa truly exalt ed character. It would be wise in every one to bear in mind, that it is alioays easier to find fault than to find remedies. A hasty judgment, while it betrays a want of kindly forethought on the part of the critic, often also lays her under the embarrassment of seeming to possess a relish for the low de lights of scaijdal a reputation the least flattering possible to a woman of any good ness or spirit. It is always presumption to assert that you would never have done so and so : unless indeed it is something so revolting a to be evidently impossible. For I am satisfied by long observation, that the fault for which our sex most severely condemned, are not those arising from malicious or evil propensities, so much as from aetrain of circumstances quite unforeseen by womer, and which if understood, would extenuate largely the error. Therefore if you have never been similarly tried or tempted or coerced, Te kram from saying that you know you could never have been guilty 6T such a thing. I have seen many cases where a whole coia, munity was outraged by an error or in discretion, the actual sin of which was not equal to the sin committed by the nn charitableness of utterly condemning a fellow-creature for her first fault. Wtjman can not be too pure, nor too careful to preserve their delicacy from contact with grossness : but a (voman may more fatally assoil her soul by bitter scorn and mjusuce, than by the less ostentatious and silent .pity she may feel for one who has sinned and suffered, and been cast out without mercy. I hold it therefore a Christian duty to discountenance 'the repetition of anv unkind rumor, which may injure another woinan,3tnd to regard more pity ingly than scornfully that poor wretch who has been convicted jof sin. iUI UillV because it is Christ's commandment to but because such reserve will tend tor i . V r. ova nf tlir T-nn n r nnfl in no- t cent those things which it is not proper for them to know. jNomirog sooner vunupio the manners and hearts of the young, than the free discussion of those things upon which scandal is generally based, even when they are discussed, a sufficient proof of the worse cihan useless disposition of unchari&blgjicss to preserve the purity of seciety. Every one ' understands perfectly the duty of benevolence involved in the wills rplWp the actual wantscoi tne needy. But benevolence has a wider sig nificatlb-n than this, and extendsto all end acts and impulses. It is not enough thai) n bnuld ndve out of vour plenty to j via -' - r v -- - satisfy the hunger, or clothe the naked ness of the indigent. But the true wo-rJ manly heart will warm toward the loneli ness of the orphan, the diffidence of the ov? r sensitive and unappreciated, the re morse of the willful and faulty natures n-lm enffor wll -earned censure, and wilO manifest itself wherever tenderness and T UV ' ' J compassion is demanded. It will offer its warm fireside for the protection of its penniless youth or maiden who may De buffeted about by the storms ot lortune an too roughly. It will give its counsel and I .i i., tr, tr smooth the w&v for 1 1TB T"l-IIIIIllCllXtxVA the. friendless and deserving to gain a a.CX-i,i or,nr their fellows lLwill nas- :en to soften grief, to reward meTiVand to innate while it reproves error. guch wmen are not rare, though they are I numerous l liU vv c vuuiu i iou Em perorj 6till shone conspicuous ifcr all - tnati renuers u vuiuna.u. " j - lovely. "Self-love thus pium a to soc Gives thee to make thy neighbor's blessing thine. Is this too little for the boundless heart ? Extend ivfiet toy enemies uvc Grasp the whole world of reason, and sense, In one closu-sy stem of benevolence: Happier as kinder, in whafer degree, And height ofbliss but height of chanty AQ-d bdght POTE 3 McEOy 971 Jian. " The other Side.' The Philadelphia correspondent of the Denver, Bocky 3oun- tain News, is highly indignant. He says : " I learn from Governor Evans that the Union Pacific Railroad from Omaha will, without, doubt, run up PoleCreek, which decision, combined with the fact of being all the way on the north side of the Platte, will virtually render it of no practicable value to Colorado travel and traffic. The delay and danger of crossing the Tlatte, will virtually defer the use of that route more than an hundred miles of travel oft) good roads. Common sense enters not into the calculation of the Union Pacific Kailroad Company. They avoid the dic tatesCdf anything and everything calcula ted to make the enterprise worthy of what it should be. The Government pays them more money than is necessary to build and equip the road, but they cross the Missouri river where there is, virtually, so to speak, no crossing. They avoid the south side of the rlatte where there is no river from Plattsmouth toMlhe Rocky Mountains to cross upon its north side, four terrible streams either of which drains an area of country hardly enough to form a respect able State, and whose dreadful currents may well at times apall the most capable engineer, but worst of all they place a wide, swift and treacherous river between it and the settled and practical road to Denver and the mountains. Shaping their course away from the vast business of Colorado, which, with its dzen passes, in vite aOto country on the earth could in- vite, with the promise of treasures untold, some great thoroughfare to go. Well let them go. Too much money has made them mad. The desolat e " bad land" of Ne braska and Utah, the valleys of Pole and Bitter Creek, will echo the steam whistle through their God forsaken wilderness ; where rabbits get gray with hard living, Q and compared to which the Steppes of Russia are a garden, because grass grows UU L i-L V . 1 evil. Lima, South America. The tribune correspondent, writing ronDLima, says v Almost every Northern man, in visiting South America for the first time, will be most agreeably surprised upon visiting Lima, which, as a general thing, he regards as a dead city, with a faint pulsation of life, perhaps, where Callao, its foreign populated port, does business with the sea. He knows, from his map, that Lima has over one hundred thousand inhabit ants, and must therefore Jje large ; but his conception of its vastuess is mostly a col lection of adobe huts, filled withwCholoe8 and a few dirty soldiers waiting for the next " revolution." But there never was a greater mistake. Lima is, in more re spects than New York, a lovely city. Most of the houses artP strong, well built of stone, or sun-dried brick, with walls of great thickness, and universally yellow in color not a bad contrast with the dusky verdure of the surrounding hills, for the Spaniards understood the harmony of color, as many a great -painting in these churches Qwill attest. The terror of an earthquake is everlasting 31ncP therefore most of the thick-walled houses are of only one story. But there is a peculiar charm in the plan upon which they are built. This plan consists of a sort of walled in closure facing the street, with a portal in the middle, and very generallyQi lovely gardeuwith a fountain, which has to be trave9sed before reaching the door of the collection of apartments in the rear. Either with or without the garden, this system of residences is almost universal in Lima ; and there is no sweeter spot to live. Even the business houses are very fre quently arranged in a similar manner. There are a dozen hotel)which are all eood : there are twice as many cafes, or restaurants, which are verv passable. As pin ew Yk, there are a great many good looking young men, who dress fashionably, spend a great deal ot money, and don t ap pear to do anything for a living ; and also, sm.ew lork, there are a-great many pretty womefi) The Chicago Lake Tcxxel. Oncthe 2Sth of December a Chicago correspon dent wrote : At last the great lake, tunnel is com- q leted. and the people oPthis bad-water- cursed city, are congratulating themselves on the prospect of a new era in the matter of the quality of the liquid that runs down their throats trom lase iuicnigan. it is not likelv, however, that the new water works will be completed so that (the tun nel can be brought into practical use, be fore the first of next April, lesieraay the formal opening of the tunnel took place, the ceremonies being signalized by the firing of salutes, the display of flags, and other evidences of public rejoicing. A large party, including city officials and f.,T mamlmra rvf tnf nrp frnnor ' f.wrr momlinN nt the nress can? vour corresp'Srident among the number were allowed the novel privilege of a trip itn iixv in1 'v-i - - r - -, n into and through the "big bore. 7 whicn was accomplished without difficulty or ac cident Think ot descending seventy six feet into the " bore loading ourselves into a train of small truck cars, being drawn hva mule throuarh a tunnel five feet in diameter for a distance of two miles under Lake Michigan, anil then ascending to the surface of the lake through the crib to take passage, by steam tog, back to the city ! 1 haverdone a good deal of travel in" by rail, and been through numerous tunnels, but the subterranean trip per formed yesterday, certainly exceeded in novelty and wild romance any of my for-Q ruer experiences a.a traveler. - Southerners in Washixgtox The Washington correspondent of the Boston 0 Journal speaks of Southerners in Washing ton, in the following pathetic style : Although the doors of the Halls of Congress are hermetically sealed against Southern Senators and Representatives, there is a goodly representation of the once dominant ra'ce here at the metrop olis. Nearl v all of them are doing a quiet but profitable business in obtaining the payment of claims for forage taken by Sherman's men from loyal (?) people, lo cated along the " roads over which he marched to the sea. They wear black dress coats, of course, and were itnot for, their swinging gold fob chains and their ; gold beaded canes they might be taken, for undertakers, as they move slowly along, like recruits marching to the tune of the Dead March in Saul. Deluded-in-dividuals ! They fondly believe that there is to be a restoration, and they will have high places in the Capitol with Northern Democrats kneeling all around them be seaching office. Instead of which, tho probabilities are, that if they want posi tions in years to come, they must politely, ask Sambo and Cuffee to vote for them. O ( y o o G o o o 0- G 0 o o 0 0 G o O 0 0 0 O o