o 7 There's Work Enougli To Do. The blackbird carlj leaves its nest To meet the smiling morn, And gathering fragments for its neat From upland wood and lawn; The busy bee that wings its way 'Mid sweets of varied hue, i At ev'ry flower would seem so gay " There's wo;k enough to do." q The cowslip and the spreading vine, The daisy in the grass. The snow drop and the eglantine, Preach sermons as we pass. The ant, within its cavern deep, Would bid us labor too, And writes upon its tiny heap " There's work enough to do." To have a heart for those who weep, The sottish drunkard win; To rescue all the children, deep In ignorance and sin ; To help the poor, the hungry feed, To give bim coat and shoe, To see that all can wgte and read, " There's work enough to do." () The time i9 short the world is wide, And much has to be d65e ; Thk wondrous earth and all its pride, Will vanish with the sun ! The moments fly on ligLtning wngs, And life's uncertain too; We've none to waste on foolish things " There's work enough to do." 0 The planetsPit their Maker's will, Move onward to their cars, Nor Nature's wheel is never still Progressive as the stars I The leaves that flutter in the air, And summer's breezes woo, One solemn truth to man declare "There's work enough to do." Who then can sleep wheriQll around Is active, fresh and free? Shall Mai creation's lord be found Less busy than the bee? Our courts a alleys are the field. It men would search them through, That best the sweets of labor yield, And "work enough to do." CuXG Hams Massachusetts Hams7 writes: I cure and skiokk 50,000 to 100,000 pieces per year, aod know my business. Meat cured in pickle made ot water is not as good, andoonly used because more profitable Ciind less laborious. The flavor of cured meats depends mainly on the quality ot molasses used. The best temperature i3 40; frozen meat will not cure. and. if above 50. will be liable to taint, ror 100 lbs. meat (take 8 lbs. salt and 1 quart best molasses, or 2 lbs. sugar, lb. saltpeter. 2 ouncesr-eround alum mix and rnb on the fleshy side ot the rpeat, placed in pans so as to keep all the mixture ; repeat the rubbing every three days, rubbing in thorough- ly. For large pieces and cold weatlr er. sixty days will oe required ; it ml -A. inild weather, fifty days ; and fifteen ays" less for small pieces. The skin and fat of hams should be cut clean from the face as far down as the sec ond joint, to allow the salt to enter The recipe for keeping meat in ashes, given in September Agriculturist, is good. Smoking is of no benefit ; it is 6nly a quick way of drying. Most people would prefer drying without smoke, use only walnut or yellow birch wood, or mahogany sawdust Be sure your meat is well cooled off ten days after killing is better than-len hours." x ever and Ague. If anybody s&ants a perfect remedy, and no qui- i 7-101 A,- . aue- f- AU:Vi r 1 t tt in. iUtu,u ll,u'. " '"u-v J"'" - iaees; the boys and girls of the Mas cpoiKthe receipt of $2 and ne hopes M.n.. Q will n,.i.ft thf.:, this proposition map meet with a Aiuu lewpuou as ne is 111 uteu u, u . , money. Such proposilmnare al wavs received Rind v. we are ever clad of the opportunity to gratuitous y advertise quack medicines. But nrith rnr hrppnf. know I en ore Ot tllP curative va!ue of quinine, and our lack of information, whether this substitute may r may not be some thing worse, we shall keepjour $2 and adviseothers to do the same. Mr. Leich. Antiemville, says: " Quinine is irood or bad iust as it is used. the following receipt, know, wi cure the ague: 20 grains quinine, 15 grains of powdert d gum tnyrrh, 10 grains of extract of liquorice; mix with a Iittlfe oil ot sassafras, make in to 20 piils, drying them iu sassafras bark ground fine. Take one pill eyerv hou untied I are used.'' Safety in Good Meat. Occass ionally we witness the most serious diarrhea and prostration of vital power by the use of diseased meat. It is well, therfore, to be certified ot the apDearance of good fiysh. When good meat is examined under the microscope, the fiber is found to be clear and well defined and free from eased meat is sodden, as if it had been soaked in water; and the trans verse markings are indistinct and far apart; btside which there are often minute organisms like infusorial bodies. These are very perceptible in the flesh of animals flectel with the cattle plague and Dr. Beale has described them as entozoon -like ob jects. They differ altogether from the parasites which constitute the Trichina disease and the measles of pork. It is far better to have the meat a little overcooked than uudei cooked. Soluble Metals As an interest ing corrollary ot our latest knowledge of the sodium amalgam, we may sta',e that Menniel has found that the oxyds of mercury, cadmium and Bismuth are all soluble in melted potasn ana soda, and magnesia baryta, stronta and lime were all readily dissolved in fused notasb. These solutions of the metallic earths themselves, also dissolve many of the metals aud raise them to a high ataic or oxyiiation. Practical Suggestions from a Practical Man. Thomas Mounry, President of the San Francisco Build ing and Loan Society, also President of the Builder's Insurance Company of San Francisco, we happen to know is a thoroughly practical man. He is not welfcliked by the snob aristoc racy, and purse-proud ot the immact u I ate San Francisco, hence we are not surprised that the following from his pen appears as an advertisement in the Bulletin. We would cheer fully publish all such communica tions gratuitously, and consider that we were conferring a favor upon the human family: To The Managers of The Indus trial School: , The Directors of the Builders Insurance Company donate twenty five dollars (enclosed) towards the cost of the piano forte which is being presented to the Industrial School. I take the liberty of inflicting' an opinion respecting the system of education prevalent. My idea is, that every school should be an indus trial school. Too much " learning' T and too little work is taught. It would be well if boys and girls, while young, were thoroughly impresseu with the notion that they are to do some work in this world, and must do that work well. But they are not taught to work, well or ill; they are not taught to work at all. The pres ent system weans them away mm all thoughts of industry. The new rrt-nors tinn will nnnpiir nn thf ctnnrfi I AL i : r . f in i ll i J ; ? i n . i oi ine luuoiowu -jauies aim "jeuut1- men" walking gentlemen and walk ing Indies, who will despise work of any kind, and look upon the use of the hands in any sort of labor as vulgar, and fit only for Chinamen. This tendency to idle is nothing i . t . . new. Jt prevailed in the latter ages of the Roman Empire; and having generated in the State, an idle class and a slave c!as the patrician and the plebian ended in civil wars and the dissolution of the Empire. If )(iq permit this pernicious seed to take root here it is likely to produce like results. The Press and the rul- pit misfit avert this. Industrial schools, with good sized farms attached, should be established outside this citv. where botany and the chemistry connected with mann fictures and agriculture, for practical purposes for every day life, can be taught. How few of our educated boys could raise o-ood vegetables from the earth, and how precious few of our educated girls could cook them if raised, and yet good vegetables ought to form the largest portion of our daily food far more nutricious ore they than rich meats. Again, how few of our educated boys know aught about the construc tion of a house or ship cr the machin ery for a factory, and yet a good knowledge of carpentry and of naval irchitectare,ctc, would enable the pro ficient student to earn a good living by these branches of labor. Our "educated" generation now growing up will be a very helpless generation indeed. They will rely upon foreign. ers for almost everything they shall want. 1 he little boys and gins bor n amid the hills ot Switzerland wui make their watches; the youth of the Rhine valleys will supply them with vlne and tov?: the children in the Bel- cian villages will supply them with g whflj tje educatC( h o prunce wiH ay them unde Enormous tribute for silks and frin pery. Ann so our little boys and girls must find money money at all h;iz:ird$ to support the little boys and girls of other nations who are bet ter educated. This is one of the waT3 of the mon ey-drift; and thevirtue and industry tii-i t go to make up a great nation wui melt away trom year to year until the idle class join together to tax and oppress the poor, and of 4 1 course the poor will resist, and comes civil w;j,r again. Parents would do well to think seriously over these remarks, and to keep them before their children. Respectfully, your obedient servant, Thomas Mooney, President. - Flies Jk A Hermetically Ice Sealed Cave. Totally inexplicable by means of o-jr present knowledge ire some of the incidents of our natural experiences. Of this charac ter is the( one related by the Rev. Mr. Browne, who recently examined one of the ice caves of Switzerland. In one of them he found living insects. lie says: '""There was abo lutely no communication with the outer air; they were found at a very considerable depth in the earth, down a rock fissure a good hundred feet belov. our point or entrance, which was in itself low down in the f.ice of the roc At the bottom of this we came to a chamber, one corner of which was shut up by a,curtam of ice hermetically sealed up. We hew ed a hole tnrough and founi only ice within. The ice roof of the ice through was thickly stud ded with these flies, standing still, but running swiftly when dis turbed. I caught two, lying flat ou my back, lowered by a rope." s- The PnosrnoRus or Seaweeds. If the ocean furnishes us with precious metal silver, and another copper it also furnishes phos phorus in its plants which have never seen nor felt the atmosphere. The results of M. Qoreminder show that the fucus seaweed, gathered far away in depths from Ine shore, yield 1.02G per cen t of phosphoric acid. POBTLAXD BUSIXESS GUIDE. Persons baring Dusuie iu x umuu mcuu- vised to note me iouowiug unua. CHARLES HOPKINS, Successor to G. W. Vaughn, DEALER IN If&i'clwsit'e AND WmPC UTLERY, IRON AND STEEL, Blacksmiths1, Miners' and Mechanics Tools, Plows, Reapers, Mowers, Threshers and Agricultural Implements Generally. IVo. 116 Front, 3:ly Corner of Morrison st., Portland. REMO The subscribers have REMOVED THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF 7 TO THEIR OWN Xew and. Commodious Sales Rooms, G7 First street, near Salmon street, Pobtlaxd, Oregon. YY7IIERE, "WITH AMPLE ROOM, THEY 'V they now invite the attention of the public to U LARGER AND BETTER ASSORTMENT than ever presented before, and, although situated a. little away from th center of trade, still, with lessened expenses, and goods from eastern manufacturers direct, they feel confident that it will repay purchas ers to give them a call. IIUEUEEN & SIIINDLER. -Portland, Nov. 15th, I SCO. 4:tf Kew York Bakery! F . C . UORNUXG,- Xo. 9 XortJi Front Street, Portland Oregon, I-EEPS OX HAND a large assortment of . all kinds of Groceries and provisions ot superior quality, at low rates. Also, of his own manufacture, all kinds of CPA CKERS, P1L O T PRE A D, PIES, CAKES AX D PEE AD! Also, a choice lot of Russian Caviar, by the package, to suit purchasers. -Also, a fine lot of OLD OTARD BliAXDY, by the gallon. Orders from the interior solicited, and promptly attended to. 2.1y FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CO., FL ORENCE, MA SS. Manufacturers of the. Celebrated Iie- versib'ic feed Sewing Machines ! Making four distinct stitches ! Copy of the report of committe of Awards attherairot the American Institute, XEH' TURK, HIGHEST PREMIUM ! COLD MEDAL!! To the Florence Sewing Machine Co , For the Best Family Sewing Machine I REASONS 1st, Its simplicity, and exeat range of work. 2d, The reversible Feed motion. 3d, The perfect finish and sub stantial manner in whiah the Machine is made. 4th, The rapidity of its working and the quality of the work done. th,The Self adjusting Tension. Further reference may be had by address- im ,1.1a. PARRI3II ikw Co., Agents. 6m 1) Porth.ind-, Oiegon. 1 tin CRAMER & CO., 2 1 BOO K BINDER AND ELAITK BOOK KANTJFAC1TJIIEES. Oil EG OMAN BUILDING, ISu. 5 Yv'iXsliiiigtoit Street, PORTLAND, OIIEGON. JE TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORM- ing the public that we Dave 00 tight the Rook Biudina: Establishment heretofore carried on by ViI. SIERERT & CO., and are now prepared to continue the business iq all its branches. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. ilUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound m every variety of style Vvown to the trade. Orders from the countrv prompllr at tended to. II. P. CliAiiER & (JO. Portland, Oct. I8G0. 52 PORTLAND r rLUMISl.i, OAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, IVo. HO Fi,st Street. ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY" RE ceivinjr from the East Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Cop per, Tin and Planished Bath Tubs; Square and Angular Black Walnut Counter-Sunk Marble Wash Stands ; Cold, and Hot and Cold Water Showers; Silver-Plated Basin Cocks ; Marble Wash Basins; Force and Lift Pumps; Hydraulic Rains; Non -Freezing Hy drants; Water Closets, &c , A:c. ZT' Person wi.-hing to introduce Cold, or iiot and Cold Water into their premises, either Plain or Ornamental, would do well to give me a call. Portland, October, 1806. 3:ly C. II. MYERS. Engineers and Others, TAKE XOTICE. JUST received, a small lot of the cele brated Scotch Tubes for Water (Juages. Also, the Largest Stock ever offered ""be fore in this city of all sizes Wrought Iron Pipes fron 1-8 to 4 inch inside diameter Brass Cocks, T's, Elbows, Return Bends' Nipples, Bushings, Ac. Constantly on hand, Steam Whistles, Steam Guages, Water Guages, Governor and Stop Valves, Throttle, Angle and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds of BR ASS OEK, FOa STEAM, WATER AXD GAS. riT Persons wishing any thing in the above line, will do well to examine and price my stock before sending to Kan Fran cisco. C. II. MYERS, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting Estab lishment, No. 110 First Street, Portland. October, 1666. S:lv. Island Sugar and Molasses. 9 KEGS ISLAND SUGAR; 150 BBLS. ISLAND MOLASSES, ex-uark; LLDKlDuK, and for M'CRAKEN, MERRILL A CO. ale by rOETLAXD BUSIXESS GUIDE. Pe1nTb"a vised to note the following firms. W. A. ALDRICH. J. C. MEER1LL. JOHX M CKAKEX. r 2 1 m m s j k- jrrs re 11 1 tT. 1 s s . SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet .Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Wand Sugars, CoiTee, Rice, and Pulu. - , Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and inegar. Dealers In Hour, Grain, Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York. San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDRICH, MERRILL & CO., Nos 204 and 20n California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO It) North Front Street, I ortland. J. H. MITCHELL. J. S. DOLFH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Boiph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Laiv, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiral ft. :7f Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. (ly) W. LAIR HILL. M. F. MCLKET. HILL fc RIULKEY, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT H(-Ar0 TILL both be U und hereafter at their XX Office on the corner of if ... Front and lyr. Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. FERRY & FOSTER, BROKERS ! Real Estate and Collecting No. So Front Street, Corner of Washington, Portland, Oregon. G-' OVERNMEN T SECURITIES, STOCKS, Bonds, and Real Estate bought and soid on Commission. Portland. Oct. ISO1). 8:ly . G. RANDALL, IMPORTER AXo DEALER IS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for M.isoii & II. mii CELEBRATED CACiXET ORG AX ! AND Siciuway tSi Sen'. GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES I First street, next door to the Post Office, Portland Oregon. (4:ly Removed ! Removed ! The old and w known D. AlOXXASTES, ProprUtcr, PORTLAND. OREGON, II AS NOT DISCONTINUED WORK! but Iims been removed to Second street. between Alder and Morrison streets, where business will be conducted on as large, a scale as in years past. 2:ly CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, QucenslVare, Earn)?, etc .1 McIIEIVKY Importer of articles in the above line, would invite tho attention of purchasers to his large stock now on hand. t4- Front street. 2:ly Portland, Oregon. L. T. ECHULTZ J -Importer and deale in- PIANOS, yiSiSl MELODEONS, Musical Instrument?, Stationery, Cutlery, J t a ey Goudit, etc. 10; Front street I'ortland, Oregon 1'ianos ana a.l other .Musical lusti utnents carefully tuned and repaired. . 2:1 y LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner of Washington and Front sis., I ortland, Oregon. . C 3SAITIISKI-SF..V. Of tie St. NICHOLAS HOTEL, V.etorlei, ituiiny uiKfib me. ahove House, if i.fhe to an nounce to the public that he is now prepared to uiy.tnuHtiaaie yiiehi in a no It factory rtunmer. j.oU;.:iy vill oe Irft undone, tvh'tvh in Vie power of the propi -it tor to dotto render guexts cofijorr'"'te. : 1 V JOHN NESTOR, A.MJ UiiA Lkill iS M A N . Front Street, Portand, Oregon. t.' i lans, .Specifications, and accurate wortvinj di'avviu rs nrti.ir,. nn lu-;. mitic.n after the latest approved s:yle. (l.v) H0BIE MAMUFACTURE ! TIIH CJ:LEBR.TED nr r-Miiti' i WHISKY ! (KNOWN AS STARR WHISKY,) Is again being manufactured from Oregon VY heat, at Portland, by : ! L. M. STARR & CO. A. G. BRADFORD, 39 Ifrosit Street, Pui(Iunl, Oregon, IMPORTER AND PEALEIl IN Wines and Liquors. also : Sole Agent in Oregon, and Washington .territory, tor the Dolukx tate Liiampaigx manufactured by lloliman, finke As Co from Calif ri:ia grapes. 4:ly R, KEWDRIE, Imirartcr and Wliolenle Dealer in FiiSrii; wines ! BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, 51 Front Street, lm3 PORTLAND, OREGON. MARBLE AHDSTONE YARD WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 33 Front street, Portland Oregon Keep constantly on hand a good stock of Mantle and building stone, suitable for eery description of work. Mantles, Tomb stones and monuments of every style, executed and set to order. ' 2:3ra POBTLAXD BUSIXESS GUIDE 'ersons having business in Portland are ad- vised to note the toiiowing nrms. Fifteen Years in Oregon. S, J. M'CORM ICKj KlMUSic j THE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as nianv new ones as mav not be acquainted with the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (exactly opposite houxt hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC. IXSTRUCTIOX BOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. CIIUKCii J V, 1C BO;IvS, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS. TOYS, MISCELLANEO LTS BOOKS, CIlEAf PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, l.vr-J " PENS, Photographic Albums. And every other article in the above line. W 1 L L A M E T T E IRON iKS COMPANY I North Front and E sts., Portland. Oregon. n n i m ." i mi ( lE'OIi STEAM ENGINE AND- BOILER BUI LDERS. IIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the ink of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities tor turn ing out machinery -promptly and efficiently. WY' have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for lif'teen years giv s mm a thorough knowledge ot the various kinds of machinery required for mining aod milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY I FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ' W mil a ? QUART MILLS ! I MINING PUMPS ! ! Manufacture and Reiair Machinery of all limit. JROX SHUTTER WORK at San PrancUeo eo.--t and freieht. Wheel r it Ran dall,. PaU tit (rrinder and Am ilaarnator. Thtnoar and. Stecen' Self Adjio-tirKf Patent I'ixtOH Paekinq, either andied to old or n etc Htenn cylinders, (hmrtz stampers, Shoes and die-i, if the be.d hard iron. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE -OF BUSIXESS AXD COMMERCE! Corner of ALDEIl and FPtONT streets, POBTLAXD OLEGOX. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES ! HIS COLL! GE HANKS FIRST ON THE Coa.-t, and offers advantages for acquir ing a Practical Business Education, superior to any other school. The Course of Instruction 13 conducted on the plan of thp best Com ' mereial Colleges in Eui ope and the Atlantic States, combining Theory and Practice, By means of Banks and Business olfices, thus familiarizing the Student with all the dif ferent kinds of Business in the shortest possible .time, and least expense. The Business Course Embraces Iook-keeping,hy single and double entry, Penmanship, Commercial Calcula tions, Co-respondence, Commercial Law, Actual Business, Lectures on Accounts, BusiLcss Customs, Mercantile Ethics, fcc. Terras : Scholarships, embracing the whole Busi ness Course, Regular and Special Lec tures, time unlimited, with privilege of 'reviewing at any future day 50. Students enter any time. There are no va cations. For further particulars address the President, or call at the College. M. K. LAUDENSLACER, President. H. M. DlFUANCE, Secretary- 8:3m PEAGE ! T '0 THE POOIi INVALID NOTHING IS CANCERS One of the most torturing diseases on earth, conquered and eradicated without the use of instruments bv DR. WM. HENLEY. Nine-tenths of the diseases prevalent in this climate are caused in the first place by IJad Louis ana Coughs. J nave one ot the greatest preparations for the Cure of Coughs, Colds. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis or Sore ness of the Chest, ever before offered to the human family. A troublesome Hacking Cough it will remove in a few days. References .Judge Marquam.Mr. DeWitt, store keeper, C. H- Hill, and many others. Any person wishing any of mv Salves, Ointments. Fever and Ague ?ills, or Cough Medicine can get them at my residence, cor ner of Jelt'ei son and Fifth streets, Portland, or by addressing DR. WM. HENLEY, Portland, Oregon. Head tlie Following : ClachamaH County, October 15th, 18H6. I would iufonn persons laboring under Cancer, that my wife has for a number of years had a cancer on her left breast, until ilie three years last past, when it commenced growing, slowly at hist, but during the past summer its progress became more rapid. It was giving herconsiderable pain, when, on the nth of last month she went under treat ment by Dr. Henley of Portland. By his method of treatment the entire cancer was removed from the sound flesh, and on the 28th of the same month it came away without pain. The sore is fast healing up, and I hope a complete cure is effected. Her suffering for the first 24 ht.urs under treatment was considerable. She has suffered but little since, and is now entirely free from pain. Dr. Henley : The r hove is at your service, to publish it you think proper I direct to vou and to Mr. Starkweather. Should you be the first to get this please let hirn see it. it you do not know him please enquire. He is in the Legislature. i ours. sc, HUGH GORDON. TRAVEL AXD TRAXSPORTATIOX. Oregon Steam Navigation THE STEAMERS NEW WORLD, CASCADE. Or WILSON G. HUNT, Capt. Jons Wolfe Commander. . Will leave Portland daily, Sundays excepted, at 5 o'clock a. m. for the Cascades, con necting with the steamers ONEONTA Or IDAHO, Capt. John McNclty Commander. For Dalles Through in one Day ! THE STEAS1ERS YAKIMA, WEB-FOOT, TEN I NO, OWYHEE, SPRAY, cr NEZ PERCES CHIEF. Capts. E. F. Coe, C. Feltox, J. II. Gray and Thomas Stump, Will leave Cehlo for Umatilla and Wallula on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week, at 5 a. m. J. C. AIXS WORTH, President O. S. X. J:ly Co. IYI0NTICELL0 ROUTE. From and after Monday November 5th, I860, until further notice, THE STEAMER Wm. Smith Master. J. T. Kerns Purser. Will make Tri-Weekly trips to Monticello, via Willamette Slough, leaving Portland every Mondaj-, Wednesday and Fri day, at 7 o'clock a. m. Freight and Passage at Opposition Rates THE STEAMER EESCUE. OnLSON. .Master. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL f Will leave Portland for Monticello every Tuesday, Thursday a id Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. m., via Lei is river. C. AIXSWORTH, President O. S. X. Co. J:lr ASTORIA ROUTE. THE U. S. MAIL STEAMER Sjow .Master. Will leave Portland for Astoria and inter mediate landings, ou Monday and Friday of each week, at ii o clock a. m. Returning, will leave Astoria on Tuesday and Saturday at G a. m. J. C. AIXSWOUTII, 3:1 y President O. S. X. Co. PEOPLE'S Transportation Company. WIXTEtt ARRANGEMENT. Until further notice THE STEAMER A L JE ii T t cU t j- .. - Will leave Portland dailv at 7 o'clock A. M. for Oregon City, connecting with the STEAMER RELIANCE, On Monday and Thursday of each week for Corvallis. WITH THE Str. FANNIE PAT TON, On Tuesday and Friday of each tcerk for Corvallis. WITH THE STEAMER ACTIVE, On Wednesday of each 7ceek, for Ilarrisburg, Lancaster and Eugene. AND WITH TIIE STEAMER UNION, On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, of each week, for Uayton and La Fayetle. Returning the Str. ALERT will leave Oregon City for Portland at 1 o'clock P. M. A. A. MfCULLY, President P. T. Co. SALEM, December 1806. (l:tf MEDICAL. TIIE PEOPLE'S FRIEND! Perry Davis' Vegetable Pnii KilJi-r ! Wonderful Cure of the Rev. D. L. Braymn, Missionary in India, trho was stung by a Scorpion, Extract from his letter, published in the Baptist Missionary Magazine: "For the first time since I have been in In dia, I have been stung by a scornion. I went, out this morning to my exercises, as usual, at early dawn, and having occasion to use an old box, on taking off the cover I put mv hand on a scorpion, winch immediately re sented the insult by thrusting its stimrinto the palm of my hand. The instantaneous aud severe pain which darted through the system is quite incredible; what an awfully virulent poison their sting must contain ! I FLEW TO SIT BOTTLE OP DaVIS' PaIN KlLLER and found h to be true to its name; after a moment's relief, I saturated a small piece of sponge, bound it on my hand and went about my exercises, feeling no more particular in convenience. (?y BEDIXGTOX CO.'S COLUMN. REDINGTON & CO.'s Essence of Jamaica Ginger, rpniS VALUABLrPREPARATION "nv X taming, in a highly concentrated' form all the properties of the Jamaica Ginr become one of the most popular dornUr remedies for all diseases of te X digestive organs. . atuanc As a tonic it will be foufid invaluable to alt persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise, for whilltll imparts ttf fh system aU the glow and v,V0J that can bs produced by wine or brandy if u" entirely free from the reactionary effects tw follow the use of spirits of any k'ind It is also an exceHent remedy for females who sutler from difficult menstruation eivin almost immediate relief to the spasms that frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to nausea c'auW by sea-sicksess, etc. It is also valuable as S' external application for Gout, Rheumatism ' Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON &. CO CmarSoj Sole Agents for the Pacific Coai!- ii MARTHA WASHINGTON f HAIR RESTORER. Trust none other, howe'er pleasant,-" None can do what this has done Try it always k-ep it present Use the Martha Washington.- IT IS It will keep the the Hair sort and glossy : change it to its Original Color; prevent the Hair falling out; make old heads look young ; and do all that is expected of a genuine, Good Hair Restorer. REDINGTON & Co., Agents, San Francisco- NOT A DYE MARTHA WASHINGTON'5 HA3E EESXOEEE Is a wonder of the world, and stands above comparison wiVhvany other article for the hair ever brought before the public Sold every where. D REDINGTON' S 9 Flavoring Extracts. Are made from FRE.H FRUITS. Each bottle holds twice as much as any other brand in the market, consequently they arc the cheapest and the best USE NO OTHER. REDINGTON & Co., Agents for the Pacific Coast. GEAEPEN3ERG Uterine Catholicon. If faithfully used according to directions will cure every case of Diabetes, a-d greatly miti gate the troublesome eltects caused by a re taxation of the outlet of the bladder. 't is a most successful remedy for Gravel rmd other diseases of t.' kidneys and bladder, Und for r emaie diseases is unequalled. toe rathilicos) uniformly cures Prolapsus Uteri. Whites, all Irregularities of the Month ly "period. Suppression, Incontinence of uriive bloating and Dropsical sw-liings, and all diseases of pregnancy. The specific action of tins medicine is immediate and certain upon tiie Uterine and abdominal muscles and liga ments restoring them to as healthy a state as thoe of childhood an! youth, so that pa tients who have used the G raefenbers Compa ny's Uterine Catholicon cannot sufficiently express their gratitude for the relief atlordeu. REDINGTON & Co., Agents, 411 and 41s Front street, San Francisco. T iTIIY WILL YOU DELAY? XT We are sorry that there are persons who suC'er on day by day, month after month, and year by year, when friends and neighbors he been cored of the same malady that aSiicts them. Now it has been proved by substan tial Qvidence that SCOTILL'H? BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP Trjll cure the worst cases of scrof ula, Canfir, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc.; yet still there are Gmse who neglect this sure and valuable remedy. To such we say, trv the syrup be convinced. TiEDINGTON & Co., Agents, 41 G and 41 S Front street, San Francisco. STOP THATCOUGHING QOME OF YOU CAN'T, AXD WE PITY U vou. You have tried every remedy but - he ON E destined, by its intrinsic merit, to supersede all sim ilar preparations. It is not surprising you should b8 reluctant to try something else after the many ex periments you have made of trashy compound foisted on the public as a certain cure ; bu; NE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup o is rfcally the VERT BEST remedy ever compound for the cure of Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis and Consumption. Thou sands of cojile in California and Oregon have boon already benetitted by the surprising curative pof5 NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord pive it their unqualified arP'O bation. We now address ourselves to all who arc un. acquainted wit h this, the greatest Panacea of the age. for the healing of all disease or Uie liiroui uH Lungs, assuring you that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands and it will cure YOU if ym try U"This invaluable medicine is pleasant to tr& taste; soothing, healing and strengthening in its eflecfe, en tirely free from all poisonous or deleterious uca& and perfectly harmless under all circumstances. Certificates from many prominent caucus oi Francisco accompany every bottle of ' NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup KEDlV5TON- J; CO. Agents San Francisco, o o o o o O