Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, January 19, 1867, Image 1

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vtljc lUeckln (CntcqmsK
FlCE : SouthQast corner of Forum and
MAix,5trcets, in the building lately known
U3 Hie uouri jivust, viiiv... vv , wv.0w
Terms of Subsc ription.
bnc copv, one rear in advance $3 On
' ii delayed... q.. 4 00
Trrm nf jVdverlisiiig.
Transient advertisement one square
(12 lines or less) first insertion . .."2"0
For each subsequent insertion 100
Business 1 Cards one square per annum
payable quarterly 0. . . 13 no
One "column per annum CI'''0 0t
One half column 'O 50 00
One quarter " " .. .0. So w
Legal adverin? at the established rates.
jMnltnomuli Ijij;e Xo. 1, A ACT,.
V. Si A. M. Holds its regular 0V'
Communications on the first and third Sat
urdays of each month, at half past six p. m.
Brethren in good standing are invited to
attend. Bv order of W. M.
Oregon City, (Sow f.th, 1SCC. 3:ly
Oregon Lodge JVo. 3, I. O.
nf O. Ii'. Meet every Wedne-i-
Masonic Hall. Members of the order are in
vited to attend. By order q. G. 3:ly
"Willamette L xlge Xo. l." I. O. (. T.
Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms
corner of Mam and Washington streets, at 7
o'clock. Visiting members are invited to
attend. I "7 1 (
By order of
W. 0. T.
f. o. m rnwx.
Xa-iry J'hUlc.
Will attend to nil business entrusted
to our care in ajgy of she Courts of the State,
collect uvonev.Qiegotiute loans, sell real es
tate,etc:0 ;:?"Particular attention given to contested
land cases. Lvl
Attorney and Counsellor al Lan
V busi
siuess entrusted to his care.
3 0-vfCK One do(jr north of IJjjt1 i I'arker's
Drug store, Oregon City, Oregon 5;Jy
" S. II U E L A T,
Oregoi itj', Oregon.
Oiuce over Charman & Brother.
JAMES m. BI00BE, o
Justice of the Peace v City Recorder.
Oflice In the Court House anjCit)
Council Ilooui, Oregon City.
a Will attend to the acknowledgment of
deeds, and all other duties' appertaining to
theothce of Justice of the Peace. '2:ly
Dr. F. Barclav. TtL II. C. L.. o
j t - i
(Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.)
At Resilience,
Main Street.
.(52) Oregon City.
Br. H. SafFarraus,
OFFICE In J. Fleming's Bo6fc Store.
Main si i t t, Oregon City. ("2
H. W. ROSS, BI. D.Jn
(Office over Charman Bros., Main st.,)
Oregon Ci tg 1 O
John Fleming,
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, .respectfully solicits a continuance
of the faVoiS'of a generous public.
His store is between Jacobs' and Acker
man's bricks, on(f he west side of Main street.
Oregon City, October 27th, Y.O (tf
Professor A. J. Ruties,
t e a (xii i:n OF M U SIC.
T7"'E be glad to receive a number ot
V V Pupils at his Muuc Roomfat the pri
vate residence of Mr. Charles LoifcDs. He
will also continue to give instructions at
private residences. No charge for the use
of the piano. My pupils will pleasCfeive me
notice vvhen ready to commence. " S:ly
AViDSxiiTjr) q vr. u. Marshall.
Black Smiths and Boiler Makers.
Corner of Main and Third streets,
Oregon City
Blacksmithing in all its branches. Boiler
making amlrepairing. All work warranted
i.0 give . satisfaction. (7)2
Main Street, one door north of th'i Woolen
r aetory,
Oregon City ,
it;rlov( Pioxriftor.
. The proprietor, thankful for the continued
patrompgebe has received, would inform the
public that he will ctinue his eil'ort.s to
pi east his guests. (;-);J
William Brcughton"
2ITui stt'ttt, Oregon City. O
Will attend to all work inshU .....
etsting in part of Carpenter al Joinw'wk
framing, building, etc. Jobbmsr nromntlv
eBENNETT house,
Salem , . .Oregon.
J1X is prepared to accommodate the public
m as good stylets any house on the coast,
lie has determined to "make the Bennett as
cood aa the best, &0 better than auv public
house in Salem. Charsres moderate'.
hem; y ii u jiBel,
aa 0 7
Having purchased the above Hrpwnrv.
A wi(St)es to inform the public that he is now
0 q
As pood as can be obtained anywhere in the
St;.. Orders solicited and promptly tilled.
OOivgon City, December 2Sth; lstt'5." 10tf
Oregon City
jl Keep on nana all tne vari
eties of fresh and cured meats :
Corned Bepf and Pork;
Bacon, JIams, Lard, Tallow,
St., ci-c,
Qa liberal share of patronage is solicited,
as I expect to keep as good an assortment,
and of as good quality as thcountryfiH')i ds,
which will be delivered to purchaser-rat any
reasonable distance in the ciiV. 0 "A
6:'y 'B.MAYER.
Corner of Main andrEourth sfs.,
h Oregon City Oregon,
fPAKE this method of0nforrrjing the pub
JL lie that they keep constantly on hand
ail kinds of fresh and salt meats, such us
cony ed- i: e e ; eickl ld- e u itic,
O J AX'S, LA 111),
And everything c l.-e, to be found in their
line of business. LOGUS & ALBRIGHT.
Oregon City, November I, lsfjij. 2.1y
Under the Court House, in Oregon City.
Dry-Goods, f!oots and Shoes. Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc.,
U hich they projutxe to sell us chetp as any
Jhiiiiiii (Ji(,it,it.
Oregon City.cOctober 20, 18:. 2:ly
o jameiorf:tt & co.,
peciall' o!f;C;ui.iii;ih, that they have
established a Store at that pkee, where tQ.v
will keep (Bui hand a well assorted stock of
Merchandise and Groceries. 0
which wuil (5j& sold st reasonable rates, for the
purposcof establishing permanency such a
neoesisity at Cauemah. Try us. w" (7:y
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Maiij)Street, between Third and Fourth,
O Oregon City.
f"Mli) attention of parties desiring anytlfiVig
JL in inyline, is directed to my stock, be
fore making purchases elsewhere.
MaiJi; Street, at tjio Telegraph Office,
O reg 1 1 City 0 O .' rgon .
Dealer in
Q ester's Ready made Clothing,
Cigars, Tobacco. Pipes, Stationery,
Cutlery, Ii iflow and i oodtn
Ware, Yankee Notions,
Fancy and stable Grocei ies, Candies, Nuts,
Toys, etc. " (52
Fashion Billiard Saloon
Main streetbetween Second and Third,
Oreg&i Cilfp.
J. C. Blann, Proprietor.
rip HE above long established and popular
JL Saloon irf y?t a favorite resort, and as
only the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars are dispensed to customers a
share of the public patronage is solicited.
(ly) Q j. c. "Mann.
IWstfSiJe Main Street&heticfen. Second
u Third, Oregon City.
The proprietor begs leave to inform his
friends ami the public generally that the
above named popular saloon i.Open forttieir
accommodation, with a new and wellQissort
od iPI'Iy f t!ie finest brands of wines,
liquors and cigars. 52
Main Strut, opposite the. Post Office, Oregon
E. PAYNE '.' Proprietor.
The undersigned taes this method of in
fortmngthe public that he has purchased
the above saloon, ana now ollbrs a choice and
well selected stock of foreign aud domestic
wines, Honors, et() which cannot fail to
please tho'sc who may extend their patron
age. The best Lngef Beer, Ale and Porter
in ine .tate,alwavs oa draught. 0
S:lyJ " 0 K. PAYNE.
,p, .
street, Oregon City,
Adjoining the Brick Store of
S. Ackerman.
J AMKS ? i A S y , 'Pro pr .
This popular salooQ is Always supplied
wiih the very best quality of Wines and
ZSv. S'A 1 .ltr- eer unl lUer Srs
7) 0 fi U ivv
Livery, reed & Sale 81al)Ie,
(E.TAB14SI1ED iao2,
fJ Cv: : 0 Oregon City.
t;T: r..fH5r aiiexperience of
One by one the sand are flowing,
One by one the moments fall ;
c? -
ouuware coming, some are going,
Do not strive to grasp them all.
One by one thy duties wait thee,
Let thy whole strength go to each ;
Let no future dreams' elate thee,
Learn thou first what these can teach
vLie vy one orignc guts or heaven;
Joys are sent thee here below;
Take them readily when given,
Ready, too, to let them go.
One by one thy griefs shall meet thee,
Do not fear un armed band ;
One will fade as others greet thee,
Shadows passing through the land.
Do not look at life's long sorrow,
See how small each moment's pain ;
God will help thee, for to morrow
Every day begilS' again.
EvcrjPhour that fleets so slowly,
Has its task to do or bear ;
Luminous the crown, and holy,
If thou set each gem with'care.
Do not linger with regretting,
Or for passing hours despond ;
Nor thy daily toil forgetting,
Look too eagerly beyond, q
Hours aire golden links, God's tokeEhj
Reaching hesiven ; but one by one.
Take them, lest the charm be broken r
Ere'Hhe pilgrimage be done.
The Expression' ok the EvE-They play
at argame in France in winch certain mem
bers of a company are entirely concealed
with the exception of their eyes. Every
thing is hidden except the eye itself and
then it i.s the business of the rest of the
eQupany to ideii(tR'y the cgncealed. per
sons siinp)!y by their eyes. One who had
played at this game told imp that the dif
liultyofsach identification is (incredibly
great, and that he himself was unable to
find out his own wife when thus concealed.
More than this, it happened, that on one
occasion a lady, celebrated for her beauty
and especiallyGJistinguished by her fine
eyes, La Duchosse de M .was drawn
into engaging in this pastime, there being
only one oilier pergm hidden bides her
self, and this an old gentleman not cele
brated for his eyes. The pair were duly
concealed and bandaged up with nothing
but their eyes viable, and then tho per
son a lady w ho walto declare to whom
the respective eyes belgjiged vfd intro
duced. AVithout a moment's hesitation
she walked up stragh t to whj.'re the old
gentleman was placed, an$- exclaimed :
Q til Imv,. 4l.,... S . . ,. 1. .. t T . T 1. ......
y HH.-.C ia j uii out. j.j 11 liicnesse
de M-
can boast such eves as
these.' She tied made the choice, and $
was the-Avrong one.
Fix at IIoj:. ti)on't be afrl of a
little fan at home. Don't shut your house,
lest the sun should fade yoiyj carpets and
your hearts, lest a hearty laugh shake
down some of the musty old cobwebs
thevg ! If you want to ruin your SbnsPlet
theju think that all mirth and social en7
jovment must be left 011 the threshold
without when they come home at night
When once a home g regarded as only a
place to eat drink, and sleep in. the work
is begurj that ends in gambling-houses and
reckless degradation. Young people must
have fun and relaxation somewhere ; if
they do not find it at their own "hearth
stones, it will be sought at other and less
profitable places. Therefore let the fire
burn brightly at night, and make the
homestead delightful with all those little
arts that parents so perfectly understand.
Don't repress the buoyant spirits of your
children ; half an hour's merriment rpnnd
the lamp and firelight of home hjots out
the remembrance oPmany a care and an
noyance during the day, and the best safe
guard they caTPtake with them nto the
world is the infrliencef a bright little do
mestic sane 1st m. 0
Br.Essi.va-? axd Pax9s. A Western friend
sends the following to Harpers : " We
hare in our town a good-hearted and
well-meaning m:oi, who. sometimes, in en
deavoriijg to be profound, gets off' some
very queer sayitigs.Q Among other good
qualities, In? has an implicit confidence in
Providence, which he onceoualiljed in
this way : lie had just returned from a
loifg and tedious ride, on a wet and cold
winter day. Sitting down by the fire and
warming himself, he remarked to a friend,
' Peter, I really believe if it had not been
for the blessing of a kind Providence and
these thick pants, I should have caught my
death oPcold !' "
Ajv Irish Br ft,. An Irishman, from Bat-
tie Creek, Michigan, was at Bull Run bat
tle, and Svas somewhat startled when the
head of his companion on his left was
knocked off by a cannon ball. A few
iffoments after, however, a spent ball broke
the fingers of fis comrade on the other
side. The lafler threw down his gun and
yelled with pain, when the Irishman
rushed to him exclaiming : " Blast yer
sowl, ye owld woman, eh top crying ; ye
make more noise about eit than the man
that losht his head.7'
A young gentleman of the city, describ
ing aTairs in the country, writes that " the
cows act very badly about being milked j
sometimes, when you are almost through,
they wQiil kick the milk alj over you, and
you have to go to work and milk them
right over again.
What 3 suspicious monster the man
must have been who first invented a lock,
but what a trying creature the woman
who firfct alltfttfd a latch key.
One bj- Ouci
Plain TalK IVItu Married Ludies.
Ed. Enterprise :
Finding that at least one of your readers
besides myself feels an interest in domes
tic education in contradistinction to the
education of the schools, I am emboldened
to send you a series of papers on kindred
subjects, which I respectfully submit to
the womex of Okkook, hoping that I may
meet a sympathetic response from them.
These papers are addressed to married,
ladies, of which company I am onenot
withstandiug the shrewd doubt of your
Astoria correspondent's wife , and to those
ladies who may read these little essays, I
i have only to say that I Z.rk:nov whereof
I speak. A Lady Reader.
First Taper.
I propose to address, you familiarly,
my dear. ladios,0 upon the following
subjects :
P 1st. Mutual Duties.
2d. Relations with Kindred,
3d. Relations with Society.
1th. How to Order a Home.
5th. Intellectual Progression.
Cth. Every-day Christianity.
7th. Responsibilities of Parentage.
8th. Peculiar Cares of Infancy.
iHh. How to commence the Infant's Ed
uoatiou. O
10th. The growth of character in
11th. What you owe your sons.
lL'th. What you owe your daughters.
Let me at once remove any suspicion
from your minds cihafl am about to inflict
upon you a repetfiion ofLthe thousand and
one tiresome homilies to which your sex?
is repeatedly called to listen, the whole
meaning of which is that you shall be suf
ficiently obedient, and humble, and over
pi&eringly grateful to your husbands for
the favor they have done you in making
you their wives. I shall; talk only of
mul aid duties, as I have no : belief in any
oim-i. jjul, even in relations mat a
quite mutual, one nttvtake the precedence?
by virtue of some peculiar circumstances;
and tima in the marriage relation, the
husband, by reason of his superior advan
tages of sex. age, strength, business ability.
and acquaintance with the world, takes
precedence? Ffiim. him should emanate
those ideas, and from him should come
those acts of generosity, protection, and
tenderness, which could not fail to make
your return of dutyasy an.i delightful.
This, however, m not always the case, and
where it i.s not, there is inevitable sorrow,
if not discord and alienation.0
It has lieen, through long times past,
too much the fashion to separate the moral
and the intellectual, and to require of
your sex5 only the moral, and of the man
only the intellectual. This distinction I
reject, as not founded Oon Christianity,
neither upon nature ; but as having origin
ated in the saifie manner that all other
wrong and oppressive ideas have origin
ated 'ixi the convenience of the stronger
party. e 0
The keeping of all intellectual gifts was
arrogated by man, and with these he pre
tended, and still continues to pretend, to
be fully occupied. The virtues were
handed over to woman to be taken care
of; am?, however slightly man has held
his share Df the divided treasures, he has
always insisted that woman should be par
ticularly carefulof hers. I do not object
in the least to this requirement on his part,
but I might suggest that a more equal
distributioitoof good gifts would mend our
human condition f and that should man
ask for the restoration of half the virtues,
and return to woman a portion of her in
tellectual endowments, the great discrep
ancy now existing between the mental and
moral exaltation o? these two halves of
,0110, wo!d be shortened.
It is not so difficult often to be in the
practice of patience, cheerfulness, kind
ness, and every other5 Christian quality, as
it ii to suffer the Icing required to be sjti by ;
a party not practicing these virtues. That
is why, I say, a husband should make it
easy for his wife, by setting the example ;
just as she in her turn exercises all these
qualities for the benefit of her children, or
any other members of the household w hose
happiness depends on her.
You will not be surprised that I speak
moref'ten of what should be, than what
is ; because if what is were right, there
would be no need of speaking at all. A
great French writer as said that " rrinr
riage is confession. The union of two
hearts begins in this, that they tell every
thing to each other;" and I would counsel
you to that kind of confession from the
beginning, inasmuch as I know that a great
many misunderstandings arise, between
married lovers where one supposes the
othePto entertain some thought or feel
ing quite foreign to the truth. The more
we love, the more jealous we are of these
suspected thoughts and feelings. It is
therefore best for your happiness that yon
should confess to your huslmnd what tor-0
luring suspicions sometimes bq,set you
with regard to his sentiments toward you;
and it is also just important that you
should have his confession of the same
kind of misgivings which are by ijo
means peculiar to your gex, as some sup-
pose. I have known men just as sensi
tivelyalive every little apparent neg
lect as the most refined wjman. In gen
eral, a mutual confession would set such
matters right, and always it should.
If, then, between married0lovers. a con
fession is-a? duty, jt is not to be neglected
bv another class of married perono and
sad as the fact may be, that class is not
small who can not be said really to be
lovers, but only friends held in the sacred
relationship of marriage, by convenience,
or by a reluctance to part (bonds too
thoughtlessly assumed, but which in their
very nature are destructible. So easy is
it for neglect of duty to creep in here,
that it seldom fails to make itself manifest,
and to bring the usual heart-burnings
along with it. The very imniinence of
the danger requires more conscientious'
watchfulness, and the duty of confession is
in a like degree heightened. The tender
ness shown in such cases, where tenderness
is not of spontaneous growth, may prepare
the barren heart for a full flowering of
love in the future, and you may yet have
the happiness of finding "that your bus-,
band, from being merely your friend and
protector, has become yourJover as well.
A more unhappy class still, is- that one
which really is, or imagines itself to be,
disappointed in the dearest of all relations.
This class is composed chiefly of women of
the most positive refinement of soul
women who--' have clothed the objects of
their affection in every ideal of perfection,
only to find, upor, a closer intimacy, that
it was their imagination alone which was
so radiant with glory ; and when by re
peated accidents this shining vesture has
been rent away, they have turned with
fainting hearts, really ilPand disgusted,
from what was once their idol. It is my
opinion, that all women of livelyjmagina
tions experience something of disappoint
ment, upon finding that their husbands"
are, after all, but men, like all their neigh
bors' husbands. But there is a wide differ
ence in the degrees of provocation given
for this disappointment. What I Jiave
just spoken of is the natural recoiFof a
hihlv-strumr nat ure from tliadinrpw nf
. .f 00" 0 0(3)
uereets, en tier great or small, vvliere it
had only expected perfection however
unreasoning the expectation. Where this
disappointment comes from the reversion
of too-highly-wrought fancy or feeling,
there is great danger the other extreme of
feeling may be (reached. that from being
supremely happv and confident, vou may
(hbecome inexpressibly miserable and
doubtimr. But vou tr.av vontnro in this
rcase upon this primal dutv ,of confessing
v - - o
your trouble, provided always that you
do it in a spiriOof confession. If your
husband is at all worthy o the compli
ment you first paid him, of believing him
perfection, he will be0 touched bv vour
loving romanceand make what effort he
can to become truly the owner of those
shining qualities which vou hoped and h&
lieved him possed of previous to marriage.
I may as well mention here, that what I
teem as one of the strongest causes of
this frequent disappointment in the, minds
of sensitive, delicate-minded women, is
what I mentioned once before, that men
exact fhe peactice of every'irtue by their
wiveswhile at the same time they too
often excuse themselves from a like per
formance of them ; an injustice which
cruelly wounds a fine and just nature.
Besides those who have been, what most
persons would call over-sensitive, there
o .
belong to the disappointed class of wives
those who really have sufficient cause for
unhappiness -wives of men wiout
principle, without rejigion, without feel
ing. To confess your heart-struggles to
such men would probably gain you noth
ing, (Unless it were reproaches. But so
long as there remains a trace of virtue or
tenderness in the heart of man. the wife
may hope to obtain a hcarim ,vhen she
speaks with the soirr -aility of true
love, or a desire for true love. This ''tell
ing everything to each other"' will greatly
profit tho3 who desire, as every one
should, to keep alive the first love, or to
create one where it is not, or to bring back
that which is lost. 0
Although in talking about that which
, you ought to cio, as 1 shall, m the re
mainder of my conversation, I-can ad
dress only vour sex, I can not help wish-
ing, at the same time, that I were address
ing one-half of my discourse to your hus
bands ; because, as I have twice repeated,
thei-e has already been too much onesided
ness in the Imposing of moral duties in the
domestic relations. But I rely upon your
wifely wisdom and tact to get your hus
bands to listen to what I have got to say
to yon, and to convince them, in the deast
objectionable manner, that if you have
duties, they, as the head of the household,
can not be held irresponsible.
After having begun by observing the
rule of confidence and confession, by
which the very root of love is fostered, at
tend thereafter to the proper training and
pruning of all its branches. There is
nothing which conduces moje directly to
the continuance of atfc-ctioif, thanhe daily
practice of politeness. The most frequent
and fatal error into which married per
sons of both sexes fall, is that of treating
one another with S sort of contemptuous
indifference, even when no s0uch feeling is
experienced, but as a sort of matter of
course ; as much as to say, " Oh, you be
long to me now, consequently are of no
further consequence, except to fill your
unavoidable bill of duties." But this is
not only a vulgar but a dishonorable idea.
Xo man or woman w?m!d consent before
hand tg be treated in this way, if the prop
osition wasplainly put to them ; therefore
to compel yourhusband to accept of dis
dainful or indifferent treatment after it is
too late for him to decline the position, is
dishonorable in the extreme. Tome the
whole grace of marriage is utterly oblite
rated by this too common rudeness of
husbands and wives. There is something
truly delightful and comforting in the
idea that there is one person in the world
from whom, we need never fear rudeness
or contempt," however all the rest may be
have toward us. That person, if any,
should most assuredly be that other self,
who has an equal interest in preserving
our self-respect with that which we feel
ourselves. Politeness is so much like love,
that it is its next best substitute, and
might well be mStaken for it, in its -expression.
But love embellished by po
liteness, is the very climax of content
ment. There are many ways in which this
attention to ,a husband mav manifest it
self ; and first and most important, as well
as most flattering of all, is when you show
a sort of deference for his opinions in the
presence of others, even those who may
be his superiors. This deference not only
4" pleases him, but is your own best appear-
ance ofelf-respect ; because if you show
that you have been foolish enough to mar-
-- . .
ry a man whose opinions you did not re
spect, or even so unfortunate as to have
been imposed upon by such a man? you
confess at once your humiliation before
those people who have little sympathy for
you. and who will go away and mention it
to your disadvantage. Besides, this re
spect which you show your husband, diat
urally impresses him with an admiration
of your good sense and affectidfr, and he is
the more likely to return the attention un
der similar circumstances.
3 A proper attention to dress is fully as
much a sign of a loving wife as it is of a
lady-like taste ;
for no woman of reflne-
ment can endure to
look slovenly in the
presence of a husband whom (She loves
and respects. She will rather shrink from
betraying any of the necessary defects in
her toilet, which will sometimes ocur,
either through illness or a pffess of unusual
duties. There is somening essentially
coarse iit the mind-f that woman who can
unconcernedly appear to the eyes of, her
husband in ill-fitting, soiled or unbecom
ing dress. I do not say that no true wife
willgcviTr appear guis ; but I say that
when she does so, she? can not fail to be
annoyed, and that she will riot often be
surprised thus if she can prevent (it.
I have little enough sympathy for en
who Sre crying out against the extrava
gance of your sex, so long as they are
wasting quite as much;, or more, upon
wines, cigars, fast horses, chance-games,
gentleman's suppers, secrets societle silly
celebrations, and Irishmen's votes ; stilld
I protest against the useless, nay crbnatfd
expenditure on dress, which for a few
years has been the fashion of all the world
who could be in the fashion. The Bible
is againgl it, every gentle, modest, and: wo
manly senthaent is against it ; the demands
of charity are against it good sense and
convenience are against it, and, in fact, it
pis every way wrong. Dress is, or should
be, an indication ofaste and character.
There is a sort5 of sentiment in dress, prop
erly managed. But I would defy lha
most) expert to find out a lady's taste, or
her peculiar characteristics, from the man
ifestations of dresg as it is now accepted
by our fashion-foilowifjg women of Amer
ica. Extravagance is its one expression :
not of money alone, but of material, orna
ment, color, all. A woman is so dressed
0 . ' (J r
up an objegt. as scared y to be recognizable
as a w-oman ! and certainly the change is
no improvement. I shall rejoice when
dame Fashion takes a w him to be a little
more modest aiftl retiring, as then I shall
hope tosee again occasional glimpses of
my old ideals of woman, both as maiden
and as matron. Not only out of consider
ation for your husbands' purses, but for
the true dignity 'and gra?e of womanhood,
implore yoijto go back a few degrees in
the present exuberance indicated by the
mode. That woman is most truly great)
who can dare to bo out of the fashion,
when it outrages her sense of propriety or
expediency ; for themode is without doubt
the most exacting of tyrants. To find our
and to conform, as much as you conveni
ently can to your Imsband's taste in col
ors and so on, will increase your harins
in his estimation, and is a pleasant thing to
do, as every woman loves, or should
love, to be admired.
These things which I have iiSmtioned,(f
though, pgrhaps, to some seemingly in
consequential, as affecting the deptlj) or
fervency of love, are, I assura you, of great
weight after all ; since it is not by great
things, but by trifles that the sum of your
daily life is made Up As every min
ute helps to make the hour, so very
smallest grace or most.trifling fault swells
the Silm of your virtues or your imperfec
tions, ut there are ditit-s of a sterner
and higher nature which every wrife ought
to perform with all the sacredness of a re
ligious service. To sustain before her
husband such a character for purity as to
make him ashamed of vice ; to show such
discretion in the keeping of his business or
other secrets, as to make him take pleas
ure in confiding them to her ; to encourage
him in depressioby a cordial cheerful
ness ; to assist him in embarrassment by a
willing economy to participate in such
pursuits of his as will tend to make you
more united ; to amuse his leisure, so as to
give him a love of home, andineverv wav
endeavor to order things so as to secure
hig highest degree of happiness That is
what you owe to your husbands : that is
' vhut your fcu'Aacds, in the first place, owe
t j you. But even their default hardly carf
excuse you to your own consciences for a
neglect of what is clearly your duty.
I do not mean to be understood to say
that at all times and under all circum
stances you can perform each of these du
ties that at some other time you may. If
you are sick, if the terrible trials of wo
manhood weigh you down, if too much
household labor has worn you out with fa
tigue, you may omit those little cares for
your husband's pleasure, whichtherwise
you would take delight in assuming. It is
now his turn to amuse, to encourage, to
assistT; and if you have always done your
duty, he must be a monster of selfishness
who would not gladly make th"s return.
To be disappointed in love before mar
riage, is a sorrow of great magnitude to
many; but there is no grief and no de
spairso utterly overwhelming as the dis
appointment in love which sometimes
comes after marriage. Take good care
that it comes not to you or yours by any
fault of your own. ' At just such poinU
as these, men have plunged into intemper
ance and wild excess, they have gone to;
be shot down in battle, they have broken
life, and thrown it away like an empty
goblet, and gone, like wailing ghosts, out
into the dread unknown."
And if men can not brook this great re
vulsion of feeling, how then may a wo
man ? If you should ask me, what is a
woman's strength, life, and aspiration, I
should answer you always Love. Live for
that, and you will live happily and well.
Mothers, Attention. A case of death
from fright Ls given in the Milwaukie IFw-
consin, which occured at Evansville, in
that State. A child, five years of age,
when-playing on the steps, was threatened
to be shut up in a dark room if he did not
go in and stay in the house. The child,
frightened, run in, and fell in paroxysms
on the JloorP He begged hi3 mother not to
let the man shut him up, and he would
never go on the steps again. He sickened
from this fright, and sever recovered.
When conscious, he begged his mother to
keep the man away, and he never would
go on the steps again. And wben the lit-'
tie fellow was dying, he said, " Papa, don't
let me die ; I never will go on the steps
again." Is it not possible that this one
more melancholy case may do something
to induce the breaking-up of the shameful
habit of frightening children, whose whole'
j . r, ....
iuiure 15 onen perueu Dy one moment 01
Gettixo Rid of TwqcAils Ales at
-vcs- A stmkfct in. one of our State col
leges was charged by the faculty wftb
having had a barrel of ale deposited in
his room, contrary, of course, to rule and
usage. He received a summons to appear
before the president, w ho said :
" Sir, I am informed that you have a
barrel of ale in your room."
' Yes, sir."
Well what explanation can vou
make ?"
" Well the fact is, sir, my physician al
lowed me to try a little ale each day, as a
onic, and nourishing to- stop at the vari
ous places where this beverage is retailed,
I concluded to have a barrel taken to my
room." O
" Indeed I And have you derived-1 any
benefit from it?"
" Ah ! yesrsir ; when the barrel was first
taken to my room, two weeks since, I
coild scarcely lift it. Now I can carry it
vith the greatest ease."
Not Lost, nt Fouxn. A gentlemariy
crossing a narrow bridge, said to a coun
tryman whom he met : O
" I think this narrow" causeway must be
dangerous, my honest friend ; pray, are not
people lost here sometimes ?"
" Lost ! No, sir, I never knew anybody
lost here in my life. There were several
drowned, but thev were all ftglnd again.'"r
Q ,.
IlQis stated that the clerk of a rural
church in England recently made the fol
lowing announcement to the congrega-
You are desired to attend a mectin?:
in the vestry, at four o'clock, to; consider
on the means of 'eating the church 'and
digest other matters." 0
" Mast-head, ahoy !"
" Ay, ay, .;.r," was the(answer.
" Do you see aHight ?"
" Yes, sir."
Q" Daylight, sir."'
A sentimental young man thus feelinrTy
expresses himself :
" Even as nature benevolently guards
the rose with thorns, so does she endow
women in pins.
IIeavt Gale. An Illinois bruiser, in
describing a gale of wind, said that a white
dog, while attempting to breast the storm,
wastaught with his mouth wide open, and
turned completely inside out.
q A fashionable paper says the female'
head has become sort of museum for
gold bands, camoes, butterflies and pen
dulous vreath3 which hang under ne
A traveler.erceiving two crows flying
side by sidsaid : " Ay, that is just a3 it
should bo ; I hat&to.sec onp crvx qyw
custom 0 V a 11 ,s a'ity to serve i s
6 (3m
- 0