Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, January 12, 1867, Image 2

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i . I "Wools ami
0El)c luecmij vinuctprisc.
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Oregon City, Oregon : o
Saturday, January 5, 1867.
Makchiko Ok. A few years ago it was
predicted that the United States was to be
now a myth ; that the form of government
under which we were living was a failure :
that having gone beyond the confiding pro
tection of the Democracy, aud passed into
a "sectional" party's
guardianship, who
would relieve our Southern breuiren oi
the direction and control of the destinies
of the Republic, the good old ship of state
would soon totter, and be cngulphed in
an obvious sea. Having passed through
the most fearful varo establish opinions
contrary to such wise predictions, it would
not have in the least surprised any individ
ual at this remote stand-point, to hear and
know that the Eastern, .Middle, and West
ern States had allowed their local pursuits,
and domestic industries, to stand stock still
while the northern heart throbbed with the
giant work of wiping out the rebellion.
But we find the contrary to be true. The
most stupendous enterprises havebecn
pushed to successful completion within
tho time, at enormous cost.
What would the people of Oregon think
al seeing Portland donate 500,000 for the
raihjoad ; JI.il waukie 100,000; Oswego
$100,000 ; Oregon City $250,000 ; aud all
other places throughout the valley in
proportion? We would then think that
the railroad was about to be built would
weaiot? That is just what they are doing
in Michigan. t is what was done to let
Minnesota into communication with the
outside world is what gave S
present prominence, and sent
. Pf her
her ricrht
hand reaching out to grasp us. This is a
great country, truly especially the Ore
gon part of it but when we stand by and
witness the number of paper companies
in it wc cannot but realize0that some of
our laws are too liberal. When wiGrecord
a multitude of failures in one year, foQthe
want of brains and money, the bladder
bursts, and we are forced to the conclusion '
so prevalent among Oregonians, that we
have more " men of straw'' in our midst
than "men of means."
One night in November last, it is report
ed, " some fire hundred business men as
sembled" at BattleGCreek, Michigan, to
listenOo a reading of ;thc proceedings
and reports of a Cassapolis, Cass county,
meeting," upon railroads. Any Wolverine
in Oregon can tell that Battle Creek anc
Cassapolis were ;one horse towns" but five
years since, and yet they are on hand in
the matter of giving substantial aid to the
Grand Trunk Railroad of Michigan. The
villages of regon must do likewise, if
they wouh havePrailroads, and derive the
consequent benefits.
Portland ought to take the lead in this
matter. It would not require very much
to show that by doing so she could make
herself forever master of the situation.
Chicago made herself the second city in
America, in a short time, by her liberal
system of encouragement to railroads, by
which she was enabled to have the Stales
of Illinois, Indiana, AVisconsin, Michigan,
Iowa and Minnesota, share fully in her
prosperity. In tg onward march of img
provement Cbfeago has lost nothing of her
interest in those matters, but idressing
her aid constantly upon the great work of
the Union Pacific Railroad. Last week it
was stated that the year 1S66 had been
one of unexampled prosperity in Califor
nia. What made it so if not the change
of policy adopted fjy Sanrancisco, which
has enable the capitalists there to see the
advantage of assisting every enterprise
calculated for the public good?
CoxGRESstoxAt, Dictioxaky. Among
the documents soon to be issued from the
Government Press in Washington, will be
a revised and greatlyGenlarged edition of
Lanman's "' Dictionary of Congress." It
will contain nearkj 5.000 brief biogra
phies, and the official information com
prising its ample appendix will be brought
down to the close of the last session of
Congress. We regret to learn, however,
that it will not be for sale, as there will be
none printed outside of the Government
- -
Idaho. The total liability of Idaho Ter
ritory on the first of December, 1366, was
$87,957 08. The total filiation of real
and personal property in the Territory is
$4,158,157 88. The estimated receipts of
the Terorial Treasurfor the yj?ar 1867
are $27,600.; estimated QpendiSires, S66,
555. At this rate bankruptcv will soon
ensue. The decrease of the voting popu
lation from . 1864 to 1866 was ver 2,000.
The presenvFpopulation of the Territory is
estimated at) 17,000,
Glass. The manufacture
of window
TT-i r rrivr.c
and bottle glass at Hi sburg
employment to 1,S00 men and boys. The
annual wages amount to 81,396,519. Of
fcilica brought from Missouri 212,000 tons
are consumed. The annuar value of man
ufacture i3 $2,160,000. Besides the fore
going, there are nineteen manufactories of
flint glass, which are valued at $1,298,000,
the.weeklyvages of which are $19,000.
They consume annually 2,095.S06 bushels
of coal, em j
2.304 hands, and manu
facture $2,000,000 worth of ware
New Pater. The
XatiomW Collesre
Business, at Portland, have issued a neat
monthly, which is filled with practical and
useful suggestions to those who mSy de
sire to adopt the motto ; " A practical ed
ucation is the surest guarantee of success'
The National College of Business is thus
far a success and it promises to be one of
the very best institutions we have in the
Compimektaky. The late employes of
Ben. llolladay's Overland Mail and Ex
press line are getting up a splendid punch
bowl, ladle and goblets, all of massive sil
ver, to cost about $10,000, as a present for
Holladay, in token of their appreciation of
his kindness to them while in his employ
fcen. is a western ia?.n. j-
A late dispatch from Washington speak
ing of the wool tradOays that the 4i forth
coming report of Revenue Commissioner
Wells will treat at length of the wool
trade of the country," and adds : :
" The facts represented will be of spe
cial interest, fn) view of the fall in the
prices of woolen goods. Some of the large
mills in the country have stopped entirely
of late, and others are running on short
time, because xcool now costs morfhan
the manufactured (jowls sell for. The figures
compiled in the Treasury upon the subject
show that this glut is owing to the increased
import of woolen goods in ISfiG over 1SG5,
the imports last year being valued at about
twenty-five millions, while this year they
have exceeded sixty-seven millions."
The wool growers complain bitterly
that the price of wool is too low, ; but the
manufacturers declare that it is too high.
The remedy proposed by each side, says
the Chicago Tribune, is more tarhT. The
wool growers demand higher duties on
foreign wool in order to make domestic
wool dearer. But the manufacturers resist
this proposition unless a greatly increased
tariff is levied on imported woolens.
Wool, they say, is now so dear that they
cannot afiord to buv it. A higher tariff
on foreign wool will cripple the American
maniifactur still more and reduce their
consumption of wool, and how will that
benefit the wool grower ? The cloth mak
ers want Congress to add about thirty per
cent, to the duty on foreign woolens, which
now averages something over fifty per
cent, in gold. But the wool growers also
demand an increase of duty on foreign
wools of thirty to forty per cent. They
will not consent to the former without the
latt( But if the duties are enlarged
thirty or forty per cent, on wool, as well
as on woolen goods, the manufacturers
will be worse of than before, because the
effect will be to make wool dearer and
woolens dearer, and thereby reduce the
domestic consumption of their fabrics. j
It is complained that the importation of
woolen goods in 1866 far exceedsjthe im
portation of 1805. Congress at its las
session materially increased the duties on
foreign wool and woolens, by adding the
cost of transportation, insurance, commis
sions, and handling to the invoice cost of
the articles, and charging the full tariff
rates on those additions to the foreign
value. On bulky articles like wool this
amendment has the effect of increasing the
tariff on wool from twenty to thirty per
cent. On woolen goods the duties ad
vanced from six to ten per cent.
But this considerable increase of tariff
would seem to be of no practical benefit
to woolen manufacturers or wool growers.
How will still more duty on wool and
woolens mend matters? If the tariff
on wool is increased the manufacturer
will Q -worse off than now, because the
raw material will be dearer ; and if to
counterbalance that evil, the tariff on
woolen goods be doubled, the whole
American people who consume woolens
will be made to suffer by having the cost
of their clothing doubled, and this deur
ness of clothing will necessarily result in
a diminished coasumption.thereby damag
ing both wool growers and cloth makers.
A year hence woolen mills will be af
flicted with worse depression than they
now complain of, and to cure their ills
will clamor for still more tariff. Like
drinking salt water, additional tariff will
merely increase their intolerable thirst for
more. Meanwhile the only class who will
pocket money by making woolen goods
dearer, are those who have stocks on hand;
but the whole community will lose what
they gain, and, receive not a cent of con
sideration in return. The best artificial
remedy for the existing stagnation in the
woolen business will be found in a repeal
of internal taxe s on woolen goods, on dye
stuffs, and on all raw materials entering
into the manufacture of woolens, and also
a reduction of internal taxes, generally to
the greatest extent, that the financial re
quirements of the Government will permit.
One dollar of taxes removed from an in
dustry is worth more to it than three dol
lars of increased duties. A repeal of one
hundred millions of excises on raw materi
als. manufactures and incomes, would do
ten times more to strengthen, promote,
and develop the manufacturing industry
of the country than the benefit to be de
rived from any imaginable increase or
change f the tariff! Remove the burden
6? internal taxation, and thereby unfetter
the efforts of capital and labor, and all
classes of the community will instantly be
gin to experience the benefits of such
The Repcblicax Pkogramue. The Xew
)York Herald says the Repnblicans have
resolved among other things in caucus to
provide by law :
First That no name shall be placed on
the roll of the next Congress except from
those States entitled to representation by
Secoiid That no electoral votes shall be
counted for President and Vice President
(ISKS) cast by any State excluded from
Third That the first session of the For
tieth Congress, instead of meeting in De
cember, as usual, ehall meet on the 4th of
March next, at the close of the present
Considering, therefore, that the House
by an overw helming majority has resolved
to adhere to the pending Constitutional
Amendment as the basis of Southern res
toration, this programme simply means
that the excluded States shall have no
voice in Congress or in the approaching
Presidential election, urriess they abandon
meantime their present declared purpose
of holding out against the amendment.
" To this complexion they must come at
last," and the sooner the better. This is
the whole ease in a nutshell.
Ix" Lrcs:. Fanny Morgan Phelps, a
pleasing commedienne, known to the play
goers of Oregon, was presented with a
superb gold watch and chain by her ad
mirers at Detroit, Michigan, on the evening
of November 30th. The presentation was
made on the stage, and was rapturously
applauded. . :
We take the following telegraphic news
from dispatches to the Morning Oregonian.
Dates to January 10.
There is a growing senfiment &mks(&e
publicans in every direction in favor of the
impeachment of the President since the re
cent decision of the Supreme Court ia re
gard to military trials.
" There was great excitement in the House
of Representatives on the 7th.
Mr. Loan, of Mo., offered a resolution in
substance, that to secure the fruits of0he
victories during the war it is the impera
tive duty of the 80th Congress without delay
to accomplish the following objects :
1st, The impeachment of the officer now
exercising the functions coresident of the
United States and his removal from office
for the high crimes and misdemeanors of
which he is notoriously guiltv, and
renders htai unsafe to exercise powers he
unlawfully assumes.
2d, To provide for the administration of
the Executive Department.
Cd, To provide means for the immediate
reconstruction of the States lately in rebel
lion, except Tennessee.
4th, To secure by Federal authority the
right of franchise for the negroes in the
Southern States.
Mr. Davis, of West-Va., moved to larf the
resolution on the. table. Negatived, 40 to IS.
Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, immediately arose
and obtained leave as a question of privilege,
to have read by the clerk the following : I
do impeach Andrew Johnson, Vice Presi
dent and acting President of the United
states for high crimes and misdemeanors.
I charge hiuV with the usurpation of power
and violation of law. in that he has corruptly
disposed of the public property of the United
States ; in that he has corruptly interfered in
elections an-d committed acts which ia the
contemplation of the Constitution, are high
crimes and misdemeanors.
Therefore, be it resolved, That the com
mittee on the judiciary be, and are hereby
authorized to inquire into the conduct of An
drew Johnson, dischargiSu the powers and
duties of President of the United States, and
report to this House whether, in their opin
ion, said Andrew Johnson, while m sad
office has been .guiltv of acts corrupting the
Government of the United States, or any de
partment or officers thereof, or whether said
Andrew Johnson has been guilt- of any act,
or conspired with others to do acts which ia
the contemplation of the Constitution are
high crimes, requiring the interposition of
the constitutional powers of this House,
and that said committee
have power to send
for persons arid papers and to administer
ihe customary 'oaths.
Spaulding of Ohio moved to lay the reso
lution on the table. Negatived by a vote of
39 ayes ot 109 noes. The resolution was
It is said that General Grant has had a
long interview with Secretary Stanton on
the effect on reconstruction of the decision
of the Supreme Court relative to military
commissions. It renders the frcednieus
bureau and civil rights bill u nullity, and
while it is allowed to stand, orders-will be
issued to prevent any conriiction of author
ity. Gen. Palmer and other officers who
have been on military commissions, are lia
ble to criminal arrest and trial. The fact
that Senator Trumbull, who drew up both
the above bills, agrees with the Supreme
Court in this decision, causes intense excite
ment, and it is claimed by the President that
the Constitutional Amendment, abolishing
slavery will yet be declared a utility. The
movements that will be starts! 'or the im
peachment of'several of the Justices will meet
with favor iu the house, where there are a
number of military officers ready to take
the strongest grounds against judicial usurp
ation, but in the Senate, there are no sol
diers and any movement toward impeach
ment would be hopeless. Thad Stevens is
preparing some stringent measures to pro
tect the country from the evil tendencies of
decisions ot the Supreme Court, but he will
find it difficult to do so aj the Senate will not
pass his measures.
The Secretary of the Treasury, in submit
ting to the House the Tariff 13 i 1 1 prepared by
Coinmissiouer VVrells, says : " Whatever dif
ferences of sentiment may exist with regard
to the opinions and counsels of the Com
missioner, no one can examine carefully his
report and bill and fail to perceive that he
has perfected a very large amount of labor,
and endeavored faiihfuby to discharge the
duty developed upon him. It may not be
improper for me to recommend that his
opinion and conclusions, with very alight
exceptions, have my hearty approval, and I
recommend them to the careful considera
tion oi Congress."
Estimates for the construction of the
Northern Pacific Railroad were sent to the
Senate on the 4th. The Quartermaster
General estimated that transportation would
be required by the W ar Department for 1,
5o0 men and 153,S0,01) lbs. of military
stores, having calculated upon the supply of
fifteen military posts whicti are manned" by
140 foot) aud To mounted men, ten of them
from the 'eastern terminus aud five from the
we.stern. The estimates of the cost of the
road, prepared by Brevet Brig.-Gen. Simp
son, are as follows: For construction ot 2oi)
miles of road, $l4D,4S3,Sti ; for rolling stock
and fixtures at $1 1,'JOO per mile, 22,0;,4C'i ;
for steamers on the Missouri aud Columbia
rivers, $oH,WO ; for engineering and con
tingencies, 100,000, for trnneling, beyond
estimate average per mile, $U,O7rf,0v)3.
These and other items named make the total
2,08fi,ouo,34t, or an average per mile of
The Tribunes special says that Stephens
has retired altogether from the lenian
ranks. It is alleged that the organization is
too weak to attempt a conflict with England.
The statement was made that Stephens had
received 12.000 bir.ee his arrival iu this
country, and but little now remains in the
Treasury; also that none of the arms of the
present organization were sent to Ireland.
The sentences ot the condemned Fenians are
by direction of the Home Government com
muted to i;'u years' imprisonment.
Iron rnoncc'riox. The production of
iron in the United States is yet, so to speak,
in its infancy, but the yield of this very
useful metal in all parts of our country is
graduallj- increasing. Pennsylvania is the
leading producer, but the business is mak
ing fair progress in other sections, par
ticularly In Lake Superior region. The
product of the Marquette mines for 1S63
was 185,000 gross tons of ore and 13;732
gross tons of pig iron, against only 1117
tons eight years previously. Previous to
the year 1836, there was not an iron blast
furnace in the United States using anthra
cite coal, while at present two thirds of
them in the State of Pennsylvania are
using anthracite coal to make iron. The
quantity of pig iron made in the United
States, as returned by the Census Bureau
at Washington for I860, was SS1.174 tons,
valued at $19,iS7,7&5, an increase of 11
cent, since the application of the hot
blast. It is well known that on these
western slopes large deposits of this valu
able mineral are to be found which only
await development as population and capi
tal find a lodging place in the rich valleys
and prolific mountains of our vast ter
ritory. .
The Exd of the World. Professor Ben
jamin Pierce, of Harvard University, who
has acquired a national reputation as a
mathematician, has recently shown that
the sun will continue to enliven the earth
and sustain human existence 30,000,000
years. Our descendants will enjoy them
selves for ages yet to come. What is
technically known as the meteoric theory
of solar heat has been cast aside. The
end of the world, regarding which some
religious sects have founded, a freed, i
postponed indefinitely. ;
Sherry Ross of Portland, died of consump
tion, at Santa Clara, Cal., on the 4th.
(Seven hundred and forty-two arrests were
made by the police of Portland during last
" Mr. W. F- Wilcox, of Portland, has pre
sented the Oreqordan with a chair made by
him of Oreaonash a?Si flag-
James Halloran, Editor of the JLountoineer
has received the appointment of Captain iu
n Ciivalrv recriment.
P The Celtic Christian, Advocate has com
menced a new volume, n comes oui greawj
improved in appexrance.
A petition is beitur signed m Kgstern Ore
son for a daily mail from Umatilla to La
Grande bv wav'of the Meacharn route.
The Oregohian says that Yaquina Bay
oysters are equal to any which have ever
been received in Portland.
A donation party visited Rev. Thomas
PCoudon at the Dalles on New 1 ear s night
aud presented his iamuy wnn a sum oi
money amounting to 170.
The OrtiioniatiX. inks it something fine to
have a steam saw mill capable of cutting
S000 feet of lumber before diuner. What
of that vou have'nt e't ay water power.
The Washington "Territory Legislature
don't want the. .military headquarters io be
transferred to Portland, and ha passed a
memorial to be sent to the War Department
remonstrating against it.
Several businesS houses of Portland which
have been considerable consumers of gas,
have lately substituted or will soon substitute
kerosene lamps tocga-s burners with a view
to saving expense in light.
It is stated that the "P. T. Company have
had the impudence to buy a wharf in Port
land, without consulting the Editor of the
hanocrat. "Citizens of Linn county put ttiat
Dr. Gray of Albuiy, has kept a record of
the weather the past year, a summary of"
which, published in the Ttetutcrat, sho.vs that
during the year there were but 63 rainy
d;iys?4 showery, and as a conseqence 228
clear days.
About thirty teachers were in attendance
at the .Marion County Teachers" Association,
held a -hort time since at Silverton. The
next Dieting will be held at Belpassi, be
ginning on the second Tuesday of August
The annual report of the Secretary of the
Interior says that under-the donation laws,
patents for 1,3S2,-VJ3 03 acres of land in
Oregon have been issued. Additional legis
tion is recommended to enforce the survey of
donation claims on which settlement was
made prior to the public surveys.
The Gazette says that 270 deeds were re
coided in Benton county from Jyjy 1st, I80o,
to July 1st, It-Gil. Total value of real es
tate transferred, 157,ltS. Number of
mortgages recorded, from July 1st, 135 to
July 1st lSGif, 40. Total recorded considera
tion, 34,50.
Ilassalo Lodge No 14, I. O.O. F., was in
stituted at Portland on last Monday evening,
and the following others elected : J. Stitzel,
N G ; J. 11. Miteheil, V. G.; G. O. Clark, It.
S.; Jos. B;tchman, P. S.; C. Bills, Treas ; E.
T. Bees, Win. Dierdorf, and F. llarbauh,
The young men of Portland have formed
a Law Association. The following are of
ficers for the present month: S. A. More
land, President ; K. S. By bee, Vice-President;
11. F. lleiiSiH, Seentary; Lafayette
Lane, Treasurer, The Association recently
listened to an able lecture by Judge Dead'.
The Alrrt, on 'last Mond-iy took to Port
land some twenty barrels of salt beef, put up
by Thomas Cros-s, of Salem, whosename is
well known at the largest cattle grazier in
the State, This shipment, of beef is put up
m neat barrels or liome manufacture. W e
are pleased to know that Mr Cross is turn
ing his attention to this branch of business.
The Willamette Woolen Mills at Salem
i nn four sets of cards, seven spinning jacks,
thirty-two looms, broad and narrow, on
which they have cassimeres, tweed blankets,
etc.. manufacturing from 1,000 to 1,200 yards
daily, of different varieties, and consuming
40o,Ooo pounds of woo!, at an average of '2
cents per pound, or about '.o,eoo. The es
tablishment employs ninety hands.
The Pacific, on Tuesday took a jolly crowd
of passengers, and &143,ooo in treasure from
Portland Also the following freight ; 4,5uo
bxs apples, 1 ,S71 sacks wheat, -2'-5 hides, 41
barrels of beef, 41 gunnies bacon, :2 bxs
eg'Jia, 13 bales wool, is sacks seed,
butter, barrels tallow, 5 lolls leather
bales shfcp skins, 14 cases, 2 bales mdse, 10
pkgs ithIm-, 14 horses,
The annual meet inn of the Marion County
Medical iSocn-ty occurs at Salem on
the 2Vdh iusMnt. Meeting for busi
ne-is and
cnoice ot oia.-ers
by the Pre-ident iu the evening. Prepara
tory lectures before the Medical Faculty
comnieuee ou Tuesday next, and will be
continued, bi-weekly, until the last of March,
when jthe regular course will begin, and six
lectures be given daily uutil the close of the
The following is rather the best thing we
have seen in the Gurvaliis Gazette: The" Ore
gon tatisman died, in Salem, Dec. 81st,
iSie'i, after a painful illness of financial
rheumatism, b: ought about by taking too
much classical allusion and Latin quotation,
The lungs, although diseased, exhibited an
extraordinary amount of windiness to the
last; the patient expired vomiting : " Medio
t'ltlsxiraus ibis " " yd nisi honuhC- and the
like. As these are symptoms with which
we are not much acquainted, we defer ex
pressing ourselves further.
Portland now has a Democratic Mayor.
Recently he submitted an address to the
City Council upon the matter of retrench
ment. He stated that the taxes paid by the
people of Portland during the last year,
amounted to an aggregate of over $PH,"t,
and that of that amount, 150.000 was raised
by the United States. The books of the
Federal Assessor, show that the whole sum
of Federal taxes paid in l SdG by the people
of the city, was oniy s,0"0 in legal tender,
equivalent to about 64,000 in coin. The
difference between this showing and the
figures of the Mayor is .SG.O'to.
The Bulletin- of the id inst. says : Quincy
A. Brooks, Mail Agent, in charge of tlie Pa
cific States and Territories, is transferred to
the Special Agency of Oregon. B. C. Tru
man of New York, just arnved, takes charge
of the Special Agency of California. Parties
living in California, Nevada and Arizona,
wishing to communicate with the Special
Agent, should addiess their letters to Mr.
1 ruman at San Francisco. Persons in Ore
gon, Wahingtou and Idaho, having busi
ness with the Special Agent, should address
Mr. llrooks at Portland, Oregon.
: -Under the law passed by the last Legis
lature regulating the sale of the school lands
of the State, there has been already received
n large number of application for purchase.
From Col. Moores, the Land Commissioner,
the LnionUt learns that applications . are
coming in from all parts of the State, as
many as a dozen in a day, and in some in
stances for the pure-base of half-section.
This is an encouraging omen for the future
of our public schools, and we feel encourag
ed to predict that it will not be many years
until the State school fund will be "large
enough to support a free school in every dis
trict in the State.
The Mountaineer predicts with apparent
eclat, the decline of (Portland) as a result of
the late transfer of a controlling mtereet in
the stock of the O. S. N. Co. to the Califor
nia Steam Navigation Company. That pa
per claims that the company will be gracious
enough in the future to spare Portland mer
chants the trouble aud auuoj'ance of fraud
ling the goods, wares and merchandise des
tined for consumption in the upper country
by ship-dug direct to points on the upper
Columbia. This is one of the projects, says
tiie Lafayette Courier, that succeeds no
where so well as on paper. Though Portland
has not, arrived at her majority yet, we
opine she will not be very severely unhinged
by this bit of innocent steam navigation
" One Corner" of Oregon, Camp Warner,
is thus located by a writer to the Unionist ;
Camp Watson is five miles east of Warner
Lake, which on the map is called Christmas
Lake, and is a chain of five lakes in number,
Warner b4ng second from the north. We
nv: miles east of Fort Klamath, and
about 3 5 miles north from where California
and Nevada corners on Oregon, and proba
bly. 175 ndles from Camp Watson, south.
Captain Collins, of D Company, 14th infan
try, commands, and Captain llenton, with B
Company, 4th infantry, and Major Myers,
with his' Company ot 1st Cavalry, are here.
There are also three ladies at the post, We
receive our supplies by way of the Chico
route. All mail matter for this camp should
be sent by wv of Fort Boise.
Oregon Cnifdren's Aid Society, is the title
oxg society organized at fealem m 1864, andJ
mt.prwtAf? tn PTtpnit ik tmm-ina tt-rrl- KrAkM
out the State. Its object is to provide homes
for friendless children, where they may re
ceive education and moral culture under the
care of benevolent persons, who will as near
as possible fill the place of father and moth
er to the friendless Orphan. Mrs. J. L. Par
rish is President of the society, and Vice
Presidents have been appointed in every
county in the State. Ten acres of valuable
land near Salem has been donated to the
society by Mrs. J. L. Parrish, as a site for a
future Orphan's Home. No appeal is neces
sary to true-hearted men and women in be
half of this noble enterprise. It appeals
directly to the noblest sympathies of the
soul, and its claims will "be recognized by
liberal donatious.
When Satan rebuked Sin, the world gen
erally thought it a piece of most unmitigated
hypocrisy and unparalleled effrontery. So,
when an old dotard, whose early record con
nects him with railroad-bond swindling,
pool-book manufactures, whose later man
hood (God save the mark) never drew a
breath but it was redolent of treason ; who
never left a home anywhere but with an in
supportable load of the execrations of ail de
cent . meirand women ; whose whole public
life has been spent in the seeking, tnephitie
cess-pools of the vilest stamp of vile politics ;
whose age, instead of turning his heart to
ward fitting repentance, only steels and
steepsjt more deeply and daftiy in its life
long deformity ; when such a man dishonors
the mantle of honor by assuming it, and
prates of bribery and corruption, the hypoc
risy and effrontery of Satan is fairly ecii"p3
Nature never laughs more joyfully and Hell
never yawns wider than when such a man
dies. Whose coat is this? says the Oregon mm.
The citizens of Umatilla county have sent
a petition to Congress: 1st That there -is
an Indian Reservation, embracing about
700 square miles and known as the Umatilla
Reservation, existing within the bounds of
the above named countv, lyiur along the
western base and slope of the Blue Moun
tains. 2d - This reservation contains lare
tracts of fertile soil, amounting to a greater
area of agricultural land than Ts contained in
all other portions of the county, and is abund
antly supplied with timber for farming and
building purposes. -3d This laid is in a
very favorable location for the sale of all
agricultural productions, being in near prox
imity to the ricti mining regions of the State
of Oregon Hud Idaho Territory, and on the
mam traveled route thereto." 4th An ex
tensive copper mine has recently been dis
covered within the bounds cf this Reserva
tion, the ore of which is rich and easy of ac
cess. 5th That if the Indians of this Reser
vation were removed to the Simcoe Reserva
tion, in Washington Territory, or the Warm
Springs Reservation in Oregon, they could
be provided for by Government at a less ex
pense by several thousand dollars per an
num, than at present. Therefore, in view
of these facts, your petitioners would re
spectfully recommend that an Act be passed
by Congress authorizing the immediate pur
chase of said Reservation, aud the removal
of the Indians therefrom.
At Faixt. Just prior to the expected
meteoric shower of November 131b and
11th, Professor Loomis of Yale College
wrote a letter setting down the shower for
the morning of the lith. The display was
not made in America, but on that morning
a dispatch from Loudon gave an account
of the showers at Greenwich. The same
day Professor Loomis, whose predictions
had been falsified, wrote a letter to the
Post, in which he said that the dispatch
from Greenwich "was evidently spurious.''
The whirligig of Time brought its revenges.
The English mails of the 14th are at hand
and the learned Professor is exploded by
accounts in the journals of that date of the
shower of meteors the night before. The
London Tunes, of a date anterior to the
suower, aiso contains letters irom the as
tronomer u. A. llerschel, in which he pre
dicts the display of meteors, which came
off. Professor Loomis had better trv his
hand again at prophecy. '
LKXicoGRAriiv. It is well to keep up
with the progress of lexicography. Wi'b
sier's last illustrated dictionary is the be.-;
- -t.lVT Y . , fit
cer nuonsncu. it gives me lollowmg
definition of Copperhead :v
CorpKKHKAD (ho'D. n. ri'roni its eolor.1
1. (Ilerp.) A poisonous American serpent,
the Trhjonoccphahis ennfortrix : called
Ill -m. '
aiso copper-oeii ana rca viper.
2. A Northern sympathizer with the
Southern rebel lion. .
Again on page 1554 of the same work,
devoted to explanations, we find the defi
nition more at length, as follows :
Copperheads. A popular nickname or
iginating in the time of the great civil war
in the Pni'ed Slates, and applied to a fac
tion in the North, which was very generally
considered to be in secret sympathy with
the rebellion, aud to give if aid and com
fort by attempting to thwart the measures
of the Government. The name is derived
from a poisonous serpent called the Cop
perhead ( TrUjonocephahts con to7-lrix$,v ose
bite is considered as deadly as that of the
rattlesnake, and whose geographical range
extends from !" deg. N. to Florida. Tlw
copperhead, unlike the rattlesnake, gives
no warning of its attack, and is, therefore,
the type of a concealed foe.
Delinquents. A few months since. Dr.
J. L. Coombs left this city without sei fling
a bill of S21 due this office. A few weeks
since, J. W. Johnson, a photographer, left
Portland forgetting to pay a debt of over
S20 due the Advocate. Recently, R. T.
Baldwin loft the vicinity of Corvallis, be
ing indebted to the Advocate for four
years. Two numbers of the Advocate have
been returned from Rock Point, Jackson
county, marked refused." For two years
it had been sent to K. D. Johnson, who has
never paid for it. Will newspaper pub
lishers make a note of the above names.
Other names will
appear in print soon.
We have no patrons on our list, we
think, who would act the dog in the above
manner, and may never call upon the
press of the State to help us post dejin
cpients, but we deem it a duty the journal
ist owes his cotemporary to put such fel
lows through.
A Live Paper. If anyone wishes a first
class Sau Francisco paper, we recommond
the Times. We have sample copies at our
office, which may be seen. The tone of the
paper is decidedly radical, and its Editor is
one of the most talen.ed and vigorous writers,
upon the coast. Oregon receives her share of
credit in the Times, which we cannot say of
the Bulletin, Atla, Call, or any of them, be
sides. New Governor.-Hon. Goorge E. Cole,
delegate to Congress from Washington
Territory in 18(53, has returned with the
role of governor for the -same Territory.
i-iee Pickering, removed. It is stated that
he was not, nor will he be, confirmed, al
though he is now at Olyrapia.
The Atlantic Y'acht Ci.it?. The At
lantic yacht club reached England on the
26th of December, in the unprecedented
time of thirteen- days and a few hours.
Great times prevailed among the admirers
of marine sports oa both sides the water,
Mammoth Radish. Mr. Jacob Kauch, of
this county, Qn Saturday last brought to
the city, and left at the-Postofflce. as a
sample of the products of his farm, a sin
gle plant of the genus Raphanus, the root
ot w hich weighed 24 lb when taken trom
the ground. It is about the size of a
healthy child at the age of one year. Mr.
Ranch informs us that he lias taken up
manv large sized vegetables the past fall
-of various kinds some of his ruta bagas
being so large that his youthful son, who
is generally useful about the garden,
could not lift them into the wagon with
out assistance from another of similar age.
This illustrates the growth vegetables
sometimes attain in Oregon, to see two
youngsters tugging at omGbeet, or one
turQip. Crops "never failed here yet. but
on the other hand yield o ver-bountifully.
Mr. Hack has taken" a photograph of the
mammoth radish, and a copy Is acknowl
edged. Back Ncmbeks. We will be under ob
ligations to the readers of the Exteki'RISE
who do not intend placing the paper on
file, for a few back numbers. We have
no dates ot Uct. ztli. (the lirst issue);
November 3d, (hp 2d issue.) December
h (th issue,) and December T-d (0th
sue.) Will pot some of our patrons fur
nish them to us? O
!. Morning services
10 1 -a. u. Evenin
X services at 7 r. m.
D. Driver. Pastor.
S . Pa ill's EiiiscitiiadX'liiirch, the Rev.
J. W. Sellwood, pastor. Services on Sun
day at 10 1-2 a. m. aud 7 r. m. Sundays
school at 2 r. m. G
Cougrfgatbiial c U u . Morn in g
services at io 1-2 a. m. Lveniuir services at
7 p. m. P. S. Knight, Pastor.
Xew Ariangmmt..liirinan Pros, are
now selling off their stock of clothing at very
low rates, in order to open out in Vaughn's
splendid brick, next month, with an entire
new stock. WhciMhey move they will have
connected with their house a merchant tail
oring establishment. They have secured the
services oi one ot tne uest cutters ot .New
York city, who will(5)rive next month.
not fail to call on them while their present
stock is going cheap. q
Jralosisy Is Certainly a great vice
it will often poison a person's mind to such
extent that he will resort to outrageous
aires for revenge of seeming injuries on
the part cf others whom he conceiv has
been the cause of it. The St. Louis Clothing
Store, Portland, has always sold clothing aQl
gents furnishing goods at such low rates.that
some of their competitors in the trade are
jealous of their success. Kohii& Fishel are
not frightened at this, however, butsball
continue to sell at lower rates than ever.
Marriage and Cclibac-y.au essay of
Warning and Instruction for loumr Men.
- o - - fr.
T . 1 - .1 AT 1 " 1 . . . v' '
HSU, diseases auu -A u uses v, men prostrate
the vital powers, with sure means of relict'.
Sent free of charge in sealed letter envelopes
Address: Dr. J. SivlLLIN HOUGHTON.
SI) Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tlie Host lit-meUy ior Purifying tlie
Blood, Strengthening the Nerves, Restoring
the Lost Appetite, is FRESK'S HAMBURG
TEA. It is the best preservative against al
most any sickness, if used timely. Composed
of herbs only it can be given safely to infants.
Full directions in French, Spanish, and Ger
man, with every package. TRY" IT!
For saie at all the wnolesale and retail
drug stores and groceries. (ol
"EMIL FHESK, Wholesale Druggist,
Sole Agent, 410 Clay street, San Francisco.
Ferry ijavis' Vgtlaljli- Palu Killer.
As an internal remedy has no equal. In
cases of Cholera, Summer complaint, Dys
pepsia, Dysentery, Asthma, it cures in one
night, by taking tt internally and bathing
with it freely. It is the best liniment in
America. Its action is like magic, when ex
ternally appiied to bad sores, burn, scalds'
anu sprains, ror tiie sics
toothache, don't fail to try it.
headache and
In short, it is
a I am iviuer
Perrt Davis' Paix Killer. This medi
cine lias become an article af commerce, r
tin ;ig iro medicine ever became before. Pai
Killer is as much an item in every bale o.
goods sent, to country merchants, as te&
coffee, or sugar. This speaks volumes in
its favor. G'.titx 1-alls Messenger.
In Oregon City, Januan- 6, by Rev. P. S.
Knight, Wm. Vandervert and Mary Helen
Wolford, aH of this county.
On the 9th inst., in 'his city, at the resi
dence of W. 13. Partlow, Sarah E. White,
daughter of Jacob Wood side, acd IS rears.
Sew Advertisements.
Oregon City M'f g Co. Notice.
tired from the Manairiiur Aireucv.
all Business Communications will be ad
dressed to II. JACOB, Managing Agent.
President O. C. M'f 'g Co.
Oregon City, January 1st, ls7. ll:4w
(Successors to Wortman & Sheppard,)
Keep constantly on hand
And Cracker of all kinds !
Orders in this Line will meet with
B A R L 0 v7&Tf U L L E R
Also keep ou hand all kinds of
And all Articles uVed for Culinary
Purposes !
Sell a fine assortment of
By the Case, or at retail I
xttention is also directed to the fact
that nobody else sells the
Farmers and the public generally, are in
vited to call at the City Bakery, where the
truth will be made apparent that our stock is
complete, and our prices reasonable. All
kinds of produce taken in exchange for
Oregon City. Jau. Oth, 1567. (l'J:lv
IVcw Advertisements,
Permanently Located at Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooni3 over Charman & Bro.'s store. Main
street. (12.1y
selves indebted to the firm of Wortman
A, Sheppard, are hereby notified that we have
sold out our entire business to Barlow &
Puller, and we call attention to the fact that
we intend settling all out-standing accounts
immediately. Come up promptly, gentlemen,
and save trouble. Wenay be found for the
knext week, at the store of Mr. Wm. Barlow,
wnere, oy calling, you will nnd your account
made out in fulllmd waiting to be receipted..
Oregon City, January 9th, 1S67. (12tf
Real Estate Brokers, Collectors, and
General Agents.
66'v-First floor Vaughn's brick, corner f
"Morrison and Front streets, Portland,
5T Particular attention given to the ad
juganent of accounts. Legal and other doc
uments transcribed at short notice. (12tf
Executor's Sale of Heal Estate.
Jj pursuance of the order of the County
Court of Clackamas county, State of Oregon,
made on the Sth day of January, A. D. 1867.
in the matter of the estate of William Arthur
senior, deceased, the undersigned e-ecutor
of said estate, will ell at Public Auction, to
the highest bidder, in U. S. gold or silver
coin, iu one parcel, and subject to confirma
tion by said County Court, on
Saturday the lfj'i day of February,
A. D- !St7, atone o'clock P. M., at the Court
House door in Oregon City, Clackamas coun
tv, Oregon, all the right, title and interest
of said testator at the time of Lis death, and
all the right, title and interest that the said
estate has by operation of law, or otherwise,
acauired. other than orad-Jition to that of the
said testator at the time of his death, in and
to ail that lot, piece or parcel or i-na B,T,inte
lying and being in said c unty of Clackamai
and described as follows, tu-v it : au,; me
northerly half of the following described
piece or parcel of land situate in sections 17
18, 19 and 2, in Township 2, South range I,
East of the Willamette meridian, being claim
3s, and more.particularly described by notifi
cation No. tiWO on file at the Land Office at
Oregon City, asfollows to-wit: Commegc
iug ata point 20. 75 chains East of the S. W.
corner of section 18, in Township 2, South
range 3, East of the Willamette meridian.
Thence running South 11 3o' West 56.50
South 7S3 SO' East 80. 70 chains,
North 10 East 61. 40 "
North 13 West 9. vO "
North " West 11. 5 "
North Sa East i. 20 "
North 7. 57
West 15. 79 "
Sou'.h 22 SO' West 7. 47 "
South 57 So' West 6. 00 "
West 3. 00 "
South 7-1" SO' West 8. 00 "
North (50 West 14. 50 "
North G7 West 32. 00 "
South 11" SO' West 24. 25
to the place of beginning, the entire tract
containing (527 GO-100 acres ; the part to be
sold being the part heretofore set apart ia
the Laud Ofiice at Oregon City to said Wik
liam Arthur senior, deceased, as his part of
said donation land claim, and containing 313
iS-10 acres, together with all the tenements
thereon, and appurtenances thereunto apper
taiuing. Terms of sale one-fourth of the-
purcnase money 10 oe paiu on any cm. a-., n
coin. Ba!ancethree-fourths) with interest,,
to be paid one year from day of sale, in coin
--payment to be secured bv mortgage on the
land! A.'F HEDGES,
Executor of the last will and testament of
Wiilia 11 Arthur senior, deceased. (5tl2
Administrator's Sale of H,3al Estate. "
JLN pursuance of an order of the Judge of
the Probate Court in and for the county of
Clackamas and btate ot Oregon, made and
entered on the Record on the bth day of Jan-,
uary, A. D. 1Si7, I will proceed to sell at
auction for cash, in gold or silver coin, on
Saturday ihe Dtfi day of February
A. D. 1SG7, at ihe Court House door m
Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon,
aforesaid, the following described tract
of land UtloiTging "to the estate of Thomas
JohnsosTp deceased to wit : Beginniog as
ihe north east corner of claim No. " 4u," in
Township 3, South Range two. (2)Eataa
designated in map of United States Sur
veys ; thence alougHhe said North boundary
of said claim 30 12-1 00 chains, thence South
425' West 23 chains, thence 47 45' Ease
27 SO-100 chains to the East boundary of said,
claim, thence along said East boundary
North 42'1 1,V East 46 27-100 chains, thenco
North 2 S0-10) chains to the place of begin
ning, coutaiiKiig loo acres more or less, to
gether with ail the improvements theroa
subject to the approval ofthe County Court.
Administrator of the estate of'Thomaa.
Johnson, deceased.
Jau. C'tb, SG7. 12:4";
Sheriff's Sale.
out of the Circuit Court of the State oi
Oregon for the county of Clackamas, to me
directed, and in favour of S. W. Moss, and,
against E. I). Jones, for the sum of one thou
sand sixtv-five dollars and fifty cents, and in
terests and costs, I have, this, 7th day of Jan
uary, A. D. li7, levied on all the right, title
and interest of said 15. D. Jones, in and to
the following tract oPparcel of laud : Sec
tion 10, township 1 south, Range 2 east, and
bounded as follows: (to-wit): commencing
at the south west corner of section 10, thence
north on section line forty-five chains and
seventy-one and bree-sevenths links, J45 71
33 J, 10 a stake being the north-west corner v
5 to a stake being the north-east corner 01
said tract, thence south forty-five chains and
seventy-one nnd three sevenths links, 45 71
-7Po'the south line of section 10, thence
west on said line thirty-five chains, to the
place of beginning, coutaininz one hundred
aud sixty acres, and on
baturday the 9-t day of February,
A. D. 1SG7. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M.. at
the Court Housa door, iu said Countv and
State, I will sell the same, at Dublic auclion.
to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execu
tion, interest and costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas Cwnty.
January 7 th, 1S67. 12.4
BALLARD & PIlIZrLjFS, Proprietor.
Fine Bran-die, English Ale th Porter, Cham-
'pagne Cider, Bock Beer, dec.
LSO, Manufacturers of all kinds of Sfr
XI. ups, Soda Water and Ginger Pop.
Orders for English Ale and Porter fiflei
in bulk or by the case. lbly
I warrant my GOLDEN O'DOR to force
beautiful set of Whiskers or Moustaches jo
grow on the smoothest face in from five to
eight weeks. Also, hair restored on bala
heads iu eight weeks.' Proved by the testi
monials of thousands. . Price $1, of six for
$5, and 9 per dozen. Sent to any part or
Cahfronia and U. S., sealed aad postpaid, on
receipt of price. Address.
11. Cm.)- r. O. Drawer f3Q, Chicago, W.