Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, January 12, 1867, Image 1

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0 o
Tol. 1.
No. 12
' .
e - . , ,m
fcy D. C. IRELAND,
OFFICE'- South east corner of Fourth and
Hu streets, in the building lately known
in' the Court House, Oregon City, Oregon,
Xtrnis of Subscription.
tine copy, one vear in advance $3 00
J.. it delayed 4 00
Terms of Advertising.
Transient advertisements, one square
(12 linesr less) first insertion . . .f 2 50
jporeach subsequent insertion 100
liu'iness 'fords one square per annum
parable quarterly 12 00
One coIumper annum 100 00
One half column " 50 00
One quarter " " ............ 30 00
Legal advertising at th(festablished rates.
;iul(nomah L.o!ge No. 1, A. CC
F.& A. M. Holds its regular
communications on the first and (third &at
ian f each month, at half past six p. m.
Tirpthrftn in "ood standing are invited toM
o "
attend. Bv orderof W. M.
Oregon City, Nov. Oth, 18S5. 3:1 y
: )
3E'i'. Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O.
ri of O.P. Meets every Wednes-
gvinw- day evenlg af? o'clock, in the
Masonic Hall. Members of the ordc are in
vHed to atten. By order N. G. 3:ly
Willamette Lodge No. 151. O. CS. T.
Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms
corner of Main and Washington streets, at 7
o'clock. Visiting members are invited to
iittend. 1 n7J
15 r order. of W. C. T.
Notary 1'nblic.
fF Will attend to all business entrusted
to our care in any of the Courts of the State,
collect money, negotiate loans, sell real es-ttec-tc.
CSfParticular a'tention given to contested
land cases. l.yl
d. m. mckenney;
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
business entrusted to his care.
Office One door north of Bell & Par ker's
Drug store, Oregon City, Oregon. 3:ly
Oregon City, Oregon.
Office over Chgrman fc Brother. 8:tf
JAMES m. L100RE,
Justice of the Peace d' City Recorder.
Office In the Court House and City
Council Room, Oregon City.
Will attend to the acknowledgment of
deeds, and all other duties appertaining to
the office of Justice of the Peace.
2:1 v
Dr. F. Barclay, M. R. C L
(Formerly Surgeon to the non. II. B. Co.)
OFFICE: At Residence,
Main Streeg). . . .(52) Oregon City.
Dr. H. Saffarrans,
OFFICE In J. Fleming's Book Store.
Main, street, Oregon City. (32
H. W. ROSS, m. D,,
(Office Ciiir Charman Bros., Main st.,)
Oregon City. ly
John Fleming,
Thankful for the patrona -heretofore re
crived, respectfully sSjeits a continuance
of the favors of a generous public
illis store is between Jacobs' and Acker
man's bricks, on the west side of Main street.
Oregon City, October 27th, 'J3. (tf
Professor A. J. Rutjes,
rr -v 4 n rr ry rr r if rr O t n
J. J J JX jLt XL J JL' x'J. J J Jqsq
ILL be glad toeceive a number of
Pupils at his Music Roonrrat the pri
vate residence of Mr. Charl 'Logus. He
will also coutinue to give rnstructions at
private residences. No charge for the use
of the piano. My pupils will please give me
i6'lce when ready to commence. S:ly
Black-Smiths and Boiler Makers.
Corner of Main ami Third streets,
Oregon City
, Oregon.
Btackp-iithing in all its branches. Boiler
making anl repairing. All work warranted
to give satisfaction. (52
Main Street, one door north of the Woolen
Vaotorr. &
ry '
Oregon City
Wm. Barlow, Proprietor.
J,The proprietor, thankful for thfccontmued
fjronagehe has received, would inform the
p'ublic that he will continue his efforts to
pleast his guests. 2
William Brothton,
Main, street, Oregon, City.
Y' 1 .atted to all work in his line, con
Bisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work
framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly
attended to. (52
Salem a. .Oregon.
is prepared to accommodate the public
in as good style as any house on the coast.
He has determined to make the Bennett as
sood as the best, and better than any public
jfuau tu otut-m. wuarges moderate.
Having purchased the above Brewery
Wishes to inform the pubiic that he is now
prepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of
As good as can be obtained anywhere in the
State. Orders solicited and promptly filled
Oregon City, December 2Sth, i8tS6. " ttiif
cr's Market !
Oregon City.
t 1 111? ITVnppcTnvrn itttt t
ivivj) uu iau.uu an nit; van
ies of fresh and cured meats
Corned Beef and PorF,
Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tallow,
(t'C., dc., Sj'C.
A liberal share of patronage is solicited,
as I expect to keep as good an assortment,
and of as good quality as the country affords,
which will be delivered to purchasers at anv
reasonable distance in the city.
tn it .
Corner of Main and Fourth sts.,
Oregon City . . . . Oregon,
TAKE this method of informing the pub
lic that they vkeea constantly on tiand
all kThds of fresh and alt meats, such as
And everything else, to be found in their
line of business. LOGUS & ALBRIGHT.
Oregon City, November 1, 18G6. 2.1y
-a r r r
Cheap CsislgStoic 2
Under the Court House, in- Oi-egon City.
DryVfioods, Boots and Shoes. Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc.,
Which they propose to sell as cheap as any
Jlovse in Oregon.
Oregon City,' October 23, 1SG6.. 2:ly
eE -I o
Vt pecially of Cemah, that they have
established a Store at that place, where they
will keep on hand a wjill assorted stock of
G Merchandise and: Groceries.
which will be sold at reasonable rates, fothe
purpose of establishing permanently such a
necessity at Canemah. Try us. 0ly
O - 1
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Main street between Third and Fourth,
q uregon fity.
THE attention of parties desiringanything
in my line, is directed to my"stock, bet:
fore making purchases elsewhere. (J
fix? .lonTSf!F
Main Street, at the Telegraph Office,
Oregon City . . . .Oregon.
Dealer iii r.
Kester's Ready-made Clothing,
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Stationery,
Cutlery, llrillow and Wooden o
War$, Yankee Notions,
jrancyana staple uroceries, v;anaies, iuisi
Toys, etc. (J (52
fashion Billiard Saloon.
q Main street, between Second and Third,
Oregon City.
J. C. Mann, Proprietor.
THE above long established and popular
Saloon is yet favorite resort, and as
only the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors
Cigars are dispensed to customers a
share of the nnblic uatronatre is snliitprT
(ly) J. GOMzYNN.O
West ie JIain. Street, Ictirtyn 1
Third, Oregcm City.
cond and
GEORGE A. HAAS - - - proprietor.
The proprietor begs leave to inform his
friends and the public generaliyQhat the
above named popular saloon is ogen for their
accommodation, with a new andwell assort
ed supply of the finest brands of wines,
liquors and cigars. 52
Main Street, opposite the Post Office, Oregon
E. PAYNE .0 Proprietor,
The undersigned taes thi3 method of in
forming the public that he has purchased
the above saloon, ana now offors a choice and
weltielected stock qrfjforeign and domestic
wines, liquors, etc., which cannot fail to
please those who may-'extend their patron
age. The best Lager Beer, Ale and Porter
in tkfeJ State, alwaj-s on draught.
8:1 vj E. PAYNE.
r O -
3S Main streetOregon Citr,
tFtSPVSfc-v Adjoining thVBrick Store of
S. Ackerman.
JbsjX' JAMES MASfJi, Propr.
This populaPQloon is always supplied
with the very best quality of 'Wines and
Liquors, Ale, Porter7)Heer and Cider, Cigars
and Tobacco. Give me a call.
livery, Feed & Sa Stable,
Main Street Oregon City.
THE proprietor, after an experience of
I fifteen year3 leeis his ability to serve hi&
customers in a satisfactory manner, and still
continues to let horses and carriages on fa -
vorable terms, aU'O to feed, buy, sell or ex-
change horses.
After the Ball.
They sat and combed their beautiful hair,
Their longj bright tresses, one by one, Q
As they laughed and talked in their chamber
After the revel was done.
Idly they trdked of waltz and quadrille,
Idly they laughed, like other girls,
Who over tlQ fire, when all is still,
gomb out theiriaraids and curl3.
Robes of satitPand Brussels lace,
Knots of flowers, and ribbons, too,
Scattered about in every place ;
For the revel is through. q
And Maud and Madge in robes of white,
he prettiest night-gowns under the sun,
Stockingless, slipperless, sit in the night,
For the revel 13 done.
Sit and comb their beautiful hair
Those wonderful waves of brown and gold,
Tiil the fire is out inthe chamber there,
And the little bare feet are cold.
Then out of the gathering winter chill,
All out of the bitter St. Agnes weather.
While the)fire is out and the house is still,
Maud and Madge together
Maud and iladgre in robespf white,
The prettiest night-gowns under the sun,
Curtained away from the chilly night,
After the jevel was done,
Float along in a splendid dream,
To a golden gittern'stinkUng tune,
While a thousand lustres shimmering stream
In a palace's grandjsaloon.
Flashing of jewels and flutter of laces,
Tropical odors sweeter than musk,
.Men and women with beautiful faces,0
And eyes of tropical dusk;
And one face shining out like a star,
One face haunting the dreams of each,
And one voice sweeter than others are,
Breaking in silvery speech, q
Telling through lips of bearded bloom
An old, old story over again,
As down tbProyal bannere'3 room,
To the golden git tern's strain.
o o
Two and two they dreamily walk,
While an unseen spirit walks beside,
And, all unheard in the lover's talk,
He claimeth one for his bride.
O, Maud and Madge, dream on together,
With never (T;paiig of jealous fear !
For, ere the bitter St. Agnes weather
Shall whiten another year,
Robed for the bridal and robed for the tomb,
Braided brown hair and golden tresspQ
There'll be only oae of you left for the bloom
Xf the bearded lips to press.
Only one for the bridal pearls,
QThe robe of satin and Brussels lace
Only one to blush through Ker curls
At the sight of a lover's face. 0 o
O, beautiful Madge, in your bridal white !
Twir tth'i t.ViA rovpl fiaa inct Korrnn
But for her,who sleeps in your arms to-night,
The revel of Life is done !
But, robed and crowned with your saintly
) Queen of heaven and bride of the sun,
O, beautiful Maud, you'll never miss
The kisses another hath won.
Going as a Substitute.
"Just my luck!" roared the Captain,
"dashing into the room like a tornado, and
banging the door behind him with a spite
ful emphasis. " Every officer absent with
out leave, and the Colonel don't see how
he can dispense with my valuable services
even for a day. Confound his politeness!"
3 "Now, then," quoth I, soothingly,
" stead v, old fellow! it Isn't worth while
Ho excite yourself in such very warm
weather. Be calm."
The Captain stamped hiafeet with des
pairing energy.
" Calm ! cIt's very well for you bache
lors to talk about being calm, but suppose
yotPd just got a telegram from your wife
that she was coming on to join you, and
requesting you to meet her at Philadelphia
andsuppQse you couldn't get leave of
absence forso much as an hour Then:
would you not see where the calmness
come in ? Foor dear Mary ! She has the
little ones with her, and she knows no
niore about traveling than a kitten. But,
1 say, Harry !"
"Veil." o
" Do be obliging for once it would e
such a favor g "
" What would ?"
" Why, to go on and meet Mary and the
little chicks for me."
Kentwood Daleput his hand on my
shoulder ami looked imploringly at me.
I opened myeyeseprecatingly.
" Nonsense, Kent !"
Do, Harry : you can'timagine the re
lief it will be to me? I'd do so much for
vou I would, indeed! Just consider
what a tight place it is for a fellow
to he in." r? M
During all the 23 years of my life I
never had acquiredthe useful art of say
ing "o," and thisCapt. Dale knew full
well. It was rather an embarassing affair,
this going, to meet an another man's wife
and babes ; but what was I todo ? Kent
wnod hedged so hard, ?nd the case did
seem rather a particular one.
" You'll go, Harry V1 Q
And I answered with an inward groan :
Q 111 go, Kt, to oblige you."
-Dale's face "brightened he clasped both
Ujy hands warmly
Depend upon it, Harry, I won't forget
your kindness very soon. I'll go and see
Qboutihe leave of absence immediately.
while you. cet ready. The sis: o'clock
I .
train will be in time all you've got to d
1 is to k the conductor of the Philadelphia
train for a lady and children who camec
through from Boston. Poor Mary, she'll
beShalf frightened out of her seuses in a
strange place by her5elf.J,
And Capt, Dale hurried aray, leaving
me to cogitate on the approaching pleas
ure of a night journey on the railroad.
I had comfortably established myself on
a snugly cushioned seat, where the swing
ing lamp would afford sufficient light to
read the evening paper, and Kentwoo3
Dale's beaming countenance-was thrust in
through the window, by "way of a good
''I'm so much obliged to you, old fel
low!" he rvjteratc-d. "You'll tell Mary
just how it happened."
" All right !" I responded.
The whistle gave its unearthly yell--the
cars trembled as if a pulse of life was
thrilling through their iron links, and we
began to move. I was preparing to un
fold my newspaper, when all of a sudden
it dropped to the floor.
The prettiest creature I ever saw. Blue
eyed, with sunny hair, full of fleeting
golden lights, and a mouth like a little
red plum a genuine blonde, in a trim
traveling dress, whose olor I suppose
the milliners have some name or other for
it but I should call it the tint of a purple;
smoke-wreath. I took all these particu
lars a? one glance while she stood in the
Q-isle, apparently awaiting the motions of
a! stout young man who was reconnoiter
ing a little in advance.
" All full, Eey," he said, despondingly.
Then perceiving the vacant spot by my
side, his face lighted. O Q
" If this seat isn't engaged sir, my sis
ter "
His sister! What a lucky thing she
wasn't his wife ! I sprang up with instan
taneous politeness.
" Certainly, sir by all means."
The stout young man wiped his fore
head and retreated to the emoking-car,
much relieved. Actually, the heartless
wretch seemed delighted to get rid of his
pretty companion and her traveling-bags,
butthen brothers never appreciate the
perfections of a sister!
How I wished I had devoted a little
more time to my toilet before starting. I
was painfully' conscious of my cravat be
ing carelessly tied,3 and the top button be
ing off my shirt bosom, every time the blue
eyes were timidly turned toward me.
Hang that washerwoman at the camp ! did
she pave her garden walks with mother-
of-pearl butt cms ? Andbesides, I was by
no means certain that my moustache had'
been properly waxed, or my hair parted
Straight behind.
But I forgot these dreadful misgivings
after a while, and edged gradually into
conversation with ray blue-eyed neighbor.
What did w talk abtut? Why, Byron
and war, crochet work and the Sanitary
Commission, of course. What'else did
young people converse on in those days ?
And she told me of the flannel wTappers
she had made for theesoldiers, and I re
lated the particulars of the one battle I
had been concerned in ; and we laughed
and joked and sentimentalized together,
and, in short, became excellent friends.
0 o
"Phil-a-del-phy !" bawled the conductor
breaking ruthlessly into the midst of; a
quotation that I was: musically' jnurmur
ing, and I started up as if I had been shot.
" My destination," I said, regretfully. r
"Mine, too," saidcthe young ladyf
" Where can that careless Tom be ?"
" Allow me,? quoth I, burdening my
self with Miss Evey's multitudinous bags ;
3" I will just take youlo the waiting room,
where your brother will doubtless join
VOU." 0
Didn't I feel proud just then, with the
soft little hand on my arm, and the slight
figure clinging up close to ine ? I should
think so.
I left her, unwillingly enough, in the
do6rway of the cheerfully lighted " Ladies'
Room,'feand sought the officials. Q
" Is the New York train in ?"
" Yes, sir ; just this minute arrived'
0 " Where's the conductor?"
" Well, sir, it you'll wait a minute, he'll
be along." o
C)I stood back a few sccorfds, watchinir
the tired looking travelers pour from the,.
cars in sleepy confusion. At length I
caught siglft of the conductor, parrying a
crumpled baby in one hand) and a huge
calico-covered bandbox in flie other, while
behind himpame a ponderous female with
freckled countenance, and bonnet crushed
out of all semblanee to shape. Q
"Hush up, Charles Augustus 1" cried
the ladyto a wailing child three years
old, whose face was scarcely discernible
through the marks of tears andmolasses
candy. ""If youdon't quit that hollerin'
I'll skin ye ! Mary Jane, come along, or
I'll leave you in the cars sure's I'm alive?"
" Conductor !", I ventured, boldly stem
r i ?"i -l
ming nis swarm 01 ainy cnuaren.
" Sif !"
" I am here to meet a ladyand Children
who traveled alone from Boston on this
train to ."
" The very ones you want fiir !" said
the conductor, sliding the limp Ibaby Into
Say arms aid dropping the bandbox with
alacrity. " Here's the gentleman, ma'am.
IJtold you tkere wouldn't be any difficulty
aboutdJaeeting him."
And before I could offen my lips to re
monstrate, he ponderous woman had pre
cipitated herself on me bodily and was
hangingQound my neck, witha succession
of kisaea that sounded like the report of a
pecket pifitol.
" I knowedyou'd come to meet me, Hi
ram I knowed you'd, never desert your
own Melviny, to say nothing of the chil
dren. Come here, Mary Jane and Charles
Augustus, and kiss your own father I I
declare 1 if them regimentals don't make
you look as fine as a fiddle ! I dare say
for it I shouldn't have Snowed ye, now't
you've got your hair and whiskers col
ored ! You always was such a slim, gen
teel figure ! But you'd ought to have sent
me that bounty money, Hiram I'll stick
to that, if it was the last word I ever
I looked around despairingly for fome
one to-'free me from this terrible bondage!
Alas, unkind fate ! there was my blue-eyed
compagnon du voyage convulsed with pret
tyrmalieious laughter at the plight I was in.
" I never imagined that you were a mar
ried man," said she, demurely. "Upon
my word, it is quite a privilege to witness
this sweet little episode of domestic affec
tion. Take care you'll drop the baby if
you hold it in that sort of way."
I set my teeth close together and strove
to wrench myself away from the cotton
gloved fingers of the woman who seemed
so determined to appropriate me.
" Let go of my cravat, madam V' I said
sharply, for she was clinging to me as the
veritable Old Man of the Sea might have
clung to Sinbad. " I am entirely at a loss
to imagine what you mean by thi-s singular
conduct. My name is not Hiram I am
not married, and I never set eyes on you
before to-night Let go I say, and take
your baby."0 q
The woman recoiled a step or two, and
gazed full in my face for the first time,
with a cry like a baffled tigress.
" Land o' Goshen !" she shrieked, " it
isn't Hiram, after all and the good-for-
nothing, shiftless, mean-spirited cur ain't
here to look after his own wife and child
ren. I do say for't," she articulated,
fiercely clenching her rmuscular fist, " I
knowed Hiram Peck was meaner'n a mus
cle shell, but I didn't s'pose he was mean
enough to leave me in the lurch this way."
She snatched the baby, broke away
from me, and rushed impetuously toward
the conductor, whose distant lantern
glanced among the platforms beyond.
" Conductor ! I say, conductor ! we've
woke the wrong passenger. That ere fel
ler ain't Hiram Peck no more'n you be,
and what on airth be I goin' to do ?" G y
All this time my blue-eyed divinity had
been smiling at my dilemma in the most
heartless manner ; arid I was glad to make
a diversion by pouncing upon the con
ductor and blowing him up for his absurd
mistake. He apologized, with a satirical
griii) on his face. "And now, sir," he
added, suddenly resuming the brisk busi
ness like manner of every day life, " I
think the rightrlady is fin the waiting;
room she came to meet Capt. Dale."
"That's the0 name," I answered,
A slender, lady-like thing was anxiously
waiting in the ladies apartment, with a
stout Irish nurse and two delicate infants
of two and three years of age. She sprang
forward with a bright agitated face, as she
caught a glimpse of my undress and gilt
buttons, q
" Kentwood !"
And then she drew back disappointed
and confused.
' Notexactly Kentwood, madam," I an
swered, " but his substitute."
And then, according Jto my promise, I
explained the circumstances of the case,
giving a highly colored account of my ad-
ventures, which made
Mrs. Dale laugh
" And now," I added, "if I get a carriage
and we make pretty good speed, wg, shall
reach the Washington depotin time for
the train." 0
cKentwood Dale was eagerly watching
for me, as the carriage drove into camp in
the brilliant August sunshine of the next
morning. e9
" I am so much obliged to you, Harry,"
he reiterated after he had joyously wel
comed the newcomers.
"So you ought to be," said I with a
groan. " It's the last expedition of the
kind I shall undertake at present."
I have never seen the blue-eyed syren
since, nor, to say the truth, do I wish to..
That merciless giggling of hers cured me
pretty effectually of the brief fever of
love that was beginning to cthrob 'with
in me.
Girls, do you want a piece of good ad
vice from real life ? Well, here it is. When
you see a young fellow in a ridiculous
plight don't laugh at him sympathize
rather with his tribulation. Laughter is
sure to frighten Cupid's fluttering wings
away at least such is my experience.
nrxT to Assessors. The following ac
tually occurred at Joliet, 111:
" Bob, that is a fine horse
there ; how much is he worth ?
you have
" Three hundred and fifty dollars."
" Not so much as that."
" Yes, every cent oC it another fifty on
" Are you sure ?"
" Yes, Ill-swear to it"
" All right"
What are youo inquisitive for ?"
" Merely for assessing purposes. I am
assessor of this ward, and only wranted to
know what you rated your nag at,"
A Legal. Polvt. A hopeful young law
yef says that any young lady who pos
sesses 1,000 acres of land presents earn
cjent grounds for attachment.
Interesting from Pari?.
Correspondence of e New York World.
The works on the Palace of the osi
tion are now sufficiently advanced to ena
ble one to judgg)of the general aspect
which it will present in 1867. Until very
lately, a visit to the hamp de Mars has
been in the last degree unsatisfactory. A
view cf a vast Cyclopian establishment,
owned out by the incessant rains of
1st secSon, obtained throuffh the
the pas
interstics of wooden barcades, befiig the
only reward for the explorer after a tramp
over a saturated road ; order has now
grown out of chaos ; the edificeQis nearly
terminated, and whatever may be its
architectural defects , when tested accord
ing to the severe rules of art, the Exposi
tion building isa very imposing structure.
:yLe Constituiionel of yesterday dedicates
two columns to a resume of the works ac
complished, their destination, etc. The
article contains so much valuable informa
tion that I borrow from it for the benefit
of the readers of the World. " The plan of
the building isan immense rectangle
about J20 yards in length by 416 in
breadth, terminating at its two extremi
ties by half circles of 416 yards diameter,
the great central axis passes directly fronP
the Pont d'Jean to the Ecole Militaire, but
the monument is nearer the EOleMilitaire
than to the quay, in order to leave a
greater space for the park in Upfront.
The surface covered by the palace is about
40 acres. It is occupied by a series of
concentriG galleries, enclosing a garden of
rather more than an acre in extent. These
circular galleries are cut by radiating
galleries from the centre to the outer en
trances. This disposition allows the va
rious production o be classed by similar
groups and by nationalities. In passing
through the circular galleries 1G incum
ber the visitor-will have under his eye
all r the products of the same class, while
in each of the 16 radiating galleries he
will be able to take in the entire exposi
tion of a nation. The building is entirely
level (or, as we would sav in America,
has but one storv), and is constructed en
tirely of cast and wrought) Iron, with the
exception ofthe outer walls of the central
garden, which are of masonry. The roof
ing i3 almost entirely composed of
wrought iron, only a small part of the
building being covered with zinc. Oil en
tering any one of the 16 doors Correspond
ing with the radiatinggalleries, the visitor
will find himself vmder a covered walk of
about 25 feet in width and a mile arxmnd,
bordering the first gallery of products (30
feet wide) consisting (if articles of food of
all classes and inall degrees of prepara
tion consequently a (reserved space for
restaurants of alPnations. The next gal
leryjjjntended for machines, is about 110
feetHvide. and is elevated some feet alcove
all the others. From without this gallery
conceals the entire interior of the paiace.
The roof of this part of the building is
supported by iron pillars with open arches.
Onecan imagine the effect of this part of
the building by supposing the Boulevard
Sebastopol for American comprehension
say Pennsylvania avenue- built tip with
six-story white stone buildings, covered a
the height of the roofs of the houses by an
iron vaulfrwb.ose summit should rise above
the chimneys. This isthe most remarka
ble part of the new construction. Here
exhibitors are now athe work of installa
tion. The succeeding galleries, 73 feet in
width, are for mineral products, clothing,
house-building, and material or thelib
eral arts. Finally, the two galleries which
circumscribe tfe garden have, the first 50
feet in width andbout half a mile in cir
cumference : the second, farthest from the
garden, is but 2o feet wde. The first is
reserved for an exposition of the fine arts,
the second for the history of labor (in
struments of the age of stone, etc.) The
garden itself is bordered bya covered
promenade about 20 feet wide.
"The edifice is perfectly lighted. Light
enters everywhere in profusion. The ma
chine gallery has 2 GO immenseCsvmdoWjS,
22 feet high by 13 wide. The interview
galleries1 are lighted by square windows
mutipliedP infinitely. 0
" The ventillation of this immense cori
0 0
struction has been a matter of serious
study. Underneath each gallery there
circulates a system of subterranean galle
ries, arranged so as to convey pure air to
every part of the building. vErating ma
chines take in the external airand destrib
ttte it throughout the interior by means of
gratings, like those employed to carry hot
air from furnaces. The sewerage system
is also of the best possible construction,
and, immense cellars are provided for the
preservation of the alimentary substances
in the various restaurants
" These underground cOnstru ction3 arc
ofvast extent. The se wjers are nearly flv e
miles in totaD development. There Sre
more than 10,000 tons of iron empioyea in
the building, and 6,000.000 I rivets, lori
which 15,000,000 ot noies nau 10 oe uureu.
The under-pinning of the ginc roofs has
taken 1,200 cubic yards of wood, and 60,
000 yards superfine zinc; The windows
of the grand gallery have required 50,000
yards squar of glass, the other galleries
The mosj extraordinary feature g, these
works is the rapidity with which they have
beefl accomplished. .The 1st of August,
1865, no definite plan had been adopted.
The first agreement with t he constructors
were concluded in the month of Septem-
fcer, 1865.
La2t year, at this time, the
Champ de Mars still served as the paradd
ground for military exercises, and at the
present moment the whole building is
completed, with the exception of its inter
nal decorations. T. M. Krank, Engineer-in-CJueT
of the roads and bridges of
France, to whom the difficulties of the en
terprise were confided, has accomplished
rhi3 task with a marvelous intelliiren,.-
- - o
which has no equal for never befor has
an engineer been set down in faeejof a
mere difficult problem than he has had to
work out.
The park surrounding the building will
Contain abst 70 acres, including the
space upon which numerous constructions
for steam grower must be placed. The
laying out and decorations of park and
garden are cogfided to Mr. Alphand, the
Englneer-in-Chief of the gardens and
promenaues 01 rans. w
The city is already filling up with
strangers, whcPengage their lodgings for a
whole year in advance, in anticipation of
the press in the spring. The Count de
Flandres has rented the left wing of the
Grand Hotel) from the 1st of April to the
1st of October. The Duke of Nassau has
engaged a fine hotel for a permanent resi
dence, and a better man than either,
Professor Moore, of telegraph celebrity,
ha9 taken a residence near the Champs
Elyees for the coming year. Many of our
counlrynienCsjf minor celebrity and of no
celebrity at all, are to be found in all the
principal hostelries, making their arrange-
Jrnients, for the coming solemnities, a3 the
nativerpf these paQa would express it.
Josh Billixg's RepliesO-I kant tell yd
the best wa tew bring up a boy ; but if I
had one that didn't lie well enuff to suit
me, I think now I would sett him in
tending ari good store. Trobably, one
rof the best ways tew bring up a3oy iri
the way he should go, iz tow travel that
yursdf, once in a while. Still there aint
no sure thing ; Inave seen them brought
up aSii.erful as a lapp-dog, arid then go to
the devil jist az soon az they could strike)
the right track. And thp,n, agin, lhave
saw them come out ov someboddy's gutter
nd wash up like a diamond. Raising
"bojrs iz a good deal like raising colts. If
yuGdon't git more than won out ov ten
that iz a fast one, yu are dewing fust rate.
I think Thad rather hear a man brag on
his immoral ityihan his religion, bekauze
sucn a man haint got gaul tew do much
big sinQ
Buty iz one of those things that kant
be discribed ; yu might as well urgertakei
tew tell how a kiss tastes.
I think (fiom aktual experience,) the1
happiest piriod in childhood iz when they
have jest been spanked (thd got well over
it. Don't fail tew fan the flames ov a pas
sionate man ; burn him out as quick a2
. ii; i 1 1, r i t 1- t
jjussiuie , suiumer uUi; uuu lie will noia
fire like a coal pitt.
PRornEcrEs for tue Yeah 15.67. Thd
year 1867 will be a very eventful one td
every maiden who gets married. Through
out the whole course of the year, when
ever the moon wanes the nights will grow
dark. If dandies wear their beards, there
Willbe les work for the barbers. Who
ever is in love this year will think his
sweetheart an angel. Whoever gets mar
ried'will find out whether it is true. If a
young lady happens to blush she will look
red in the face. It sb dreams of a young
man three nights in succession, it is a sign of
something. Ifj she dreams of him four
times, or has a toothache, it is ten to one
that she is a long time getting either of.
them out of her head. If anybody jumps
overboafd without knowing how to swim
it is two to one he gets drowned. If any
one lends an umbrella, it is ten to one he
is obliged go home in the rain for his
Wetterxd Wiser. One day a sturdy
peasant was at work in the field amidst
storm and rain, and went home in tho
evening, tired and drenched to the skin;
His loving Wife Said, " My dear, it hasbeeri
raining so bad that I Could fetch no watery
so I have not been able to make you any
dinner. As you arewet through, I shall
be obliged to you to fetch me a couple of
buckets of waeY you cannot get anyg
wetter." The argument was striking ; he
therefore took two buckets and fetched
some water from the well, which was at a
considerable distance. On reaching his
house he found his wife comfortably Seated
3y the fire ; then, lifting one bucket after
the other;, he poured the contents over his
kindfcconsiderate partner. ' Now, ife,"
saidbe, " you are quite as wet as I am, so
you may as well fetch water for yourself j
you can't get any wetter."
The ILoxcred Dead. The War Depart
ment have ordered the construction of a
granite tomb at Arlington over the tomb
at contains the remains of our brave
soiuiers ciectea uiiicj At u iu uum
according to the pian GfMr. Edwin Clark,
Government architect
Most too Soon. A Dutchman married
a secend wife in about a week after the
loss of wife No. 1. The Sabbath following
the bride asked her lord to take her riding,
and was duly " cut up" with following re-
sponce : " You link I ride out mit another
voman so soon after the death of mine
frau? Nno." O
' Q -
A Piace for Cook. Buffalo has an aris
tocratic poor house. The Express says
that among the items of expense the last
year were $3,000 for tea, $500 for oystrg,
and $900 for whisky and cigars.
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