if. ".SaSii',:" 1 15S 1 (tt)t ilJcckln ntcrprisc. Oregon City, Oregon : Saturday, January 5, 1867. Scott Mountain. Scott and Trinity mountains, over which the telegraph line waa lately down so long, and at which the mails were delayed, are not easily over come in times of great storm. They are high, broad and broken especially Scott mountain and the practicability of con structing a railroad in that direction is quite problematic. The Calapooia range Is easy, in comparison with the Scott and Trinity, and it seems that no railroad line can be laid across of through them, except at enormous cost. The wagon road which leads over Scott mountain, connecting the Rogue river country with Yreka, is about twenty miles in length, and was raae at a cost of $200,000 originally, since which time $75,000 has been expended in im provements. The road over Trinity moun tain, connecting Yreka with Shasta, is eight miles in length, and four years ago had cost $22,000. These roads were both built by private enterprise, and have been used greatly by freighters and packers, between Red Bluff and the Northern California and Southern Oregon mines. Recently a party on snow-shoes were twelve days in coming from Yreka to Rogue river. The Oregon Railroad, to connect with the California line, mustEiieeds go around Scott mountain and to do this successfully, railroad men are favorable to the adoption of the route of the Central Military Road Company. Deserting his Constituents. John Morrissey, the Prize fighter, has already signified his intention of deserting his con stituents, and what is more strange in this connection, democratic papers express ap proval of the fact. Morrissey gives as his motive for desiring to become a member of Congress, "that he has e boy who is now twelve ySars of age, who will have the benefit of the best education this country can afford, and will have better opportu nities than I had at Manage, to start upon an honorable career. I feel it a duty 1 owe to him, my only child, to make my record as clear and honorable as possible, that my manhood may atone for the follies and errors of my youth." Quite commend able, surely ; but, "Johnny," remember that to reward your constituents is a prin ciple of democracy. How will the pimps, dead rabbits, and plug uglies of the Five Points take such a course ? They did not elect you for, your manhood, but for your democracy. Coxsodated. The San Francisco and Facific sugar refineries have united their interests with those of the Bay refinery, and from this time will work against the importation of sugars from the east. The " sweet" war which has for months waged amongSthe San Francisco refineries will be terminated by this arrangement, although ine iaarorma rennery will continue en tirely independent, aa heretofore, making certain grades. O Favor the Amendment. Ex Governor Magrath of South Carolina, and Ex Gov Holden of North Carolina, are two of the most notable politicians of the South who favor the constitutional amendment. Both belong to the classGwho are politically dis abled by the third section, and neither has any great strength in his own State, di recting the course of popular sentiment but it appears that a beginning has been made. Heavt Mails. The Postmaster General estimates that there will be 17,500,000 lbs of mail matter carried for the vear ending June, 1867, betweenAtchison and Folsom and that the mail by steamer to San Fran cisco wtU bo 900,000 S)s.; that to Japan and China 500,000 lbs., and b$ the United States and Brazil line $51 .000 ft3. Eenjamin F. Butler. The New Orleans Tribune ad vocals the election of Benjamin F.Butler as President in 18G8. Were he elected he would make it entirely safe and proper to hold Union Conventions in New Orleans, and throughout the South gener ally. Schuvler Colfax, of Indiana, would njake a most excellent Vice President. SrLK Weavers Distress. There is very great and wide-spread distress among tbe Lyons silk weavers. The Solid Public ac counts fo the distress by showing that the exports in damasked silk have fallen with in the space of ten years from 7-LO00 000 franca to 11.000,000 francs, and it is ex pected that this year there will be another fall of 4,00.000 francs. q Once More. Friend Noltner of the Re view, announces that by the 12th he will c again go on deck, and take command of "that fatal and perfidious bark." We think that if he would dodge some of the quick- . nands of copperheadism. he might be able to.jiavigate more smooth. Tatlor's Hotl. The Oregonian ofyes- tcrday states that John S. 'White, late of O -the firm of White & Bennett, has purchased the Taylor Hotel and fitted it up in style. White is himself a good liver which is the best recommendation that can be given, that his guests will be served squarely. Judge Stratton's Scccessor. Governor Woods has appointed A. A. Skinner Judge of the 2d Judicial district, vice Judge Strat- 4on deceased. Judge Skinner has long l)een a resident of Oregon, and has for aevcral years past resided at Eugene. C U. S. Court. We see it stated that Judee M. P. Deady, of Portland, will hold the next term of U. S. Court aflSan Francisco. The Judge will undoubtedly have bis hands full, as it is said that the calendar presents an unparalleled number of cases. Oregon Iron Works. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Iron Works, held on Thursday last, the following directors for the ensuing year, were elected. A. C. Gibbs, D. McCully, ja.Biooafi.eld, S- CofSa and W. S. PowelL llie Pacific KuilroatP. On the first page of the Enterprise to day will be found the material portions of a verv interesting correspondence "upon the subject of the Union Pacific Railroad. How strangely the contrast to a very few years past. We have in our possession an argu ment against the Pacific Railroad, publish-,, ed in the Chicago Times, during the winter of 1861. We quote a paragraph : " The Pacific Railroad Bill is in great fa-' vor. when, if there wet'e common sense or common prudence, or common honesty prevailing in Congress,, it would have been indefinitely postponed. The poetry of the Pacific Railroad evaporated some time ago; The greater the experience of the couutry in the" railroad business, the more appar ent it becomes that a railroad to the Pa cific would not be remunerative in any sense, until demanded by the way business. which cannot be until the vast region be tween the Missouri and California becomes populous, by which time the road will have been built by, private enterprise, if the government does not interfere. Congress, however, appeal's to act on the presump tion that the Pacific Railroad notion is one of the (real ileas of the age, and assumes that resources are abundant for the work. We hear again the old clatter of binding the Atlantic and Pacific coasts together with iron bauds, and of drawing the com merce of India across the continent. We h ive already for the transaction of intel ligence, an electric wire running to San Farneiscu and travel, from ooe extremity of the couutry to another, by way of steam ers and the Panama Pailroad "is not re in ukubly difficult. The commerce of India will, of course, never flow over several thousand miles of iron rails, while tbe ocean is open. Doubling Cape Horn with a ship load of the products of the East; is a slight affair, compared with what it would be to double the cape of the Rocky moun tains with the cars required to haul the same goods. The chief excuse now urged or the road, is, that it is required for mili- tarv purposes. This proposition is un- worthy of serious consideration, and hardly rises to the dignity of being contemptible. 7 Now, the journals of the Atlantic States work upon the subject with fever heat, and thoroughly anticipate the wonderful results which must follow the completion of the Pacific Railroad. But recently, in review ing an address of Dr. Magowan, of San Francisco, upon the rapid changes in com mercial currents, which is to divert the trade of Eastern Asia toward these shores rendering the Pacific States and territories the loci of the glybe, we took occasion to remark that the Northern Pacific, as well as the Union and Central if all completed would be no more than able to perform the business required of them. The sta tistical part of the liefttiblican's correspond ence go to confirm that belief. America is truly the World's highway ! New York now communicates with Aus tralia, sooner by twenty-one hours than does London. The steam line by way of Panama takes the Australian mails to New York in thirty-eight days. Formerly it reached the same destination, via India, Suez, and London, in sixty-eight days. The opening of steam communication be tween thPPacific States and China will be the means of a similar reduction in favor of the American route to Hongkong, thus, at one glance showing the position of this continent on the natural route between Europe and Asia. Generations must elapse before any direct land route from China through Russia to Western Europe can be made available for the purposes of Euro pean commerce, and in the mean-time the United States will have so improved their situation as to establish traue with the Orient that can never be diverted. In our opinion the completion of the the rcu'e from Salt Lake City to Umatilla, might be made to form a grand connecting link between the Atlantic and the Pacific at least for two or three years before the routes along which work is at present em ployed from the State of California. To construct this division would be but a trifle with comparison to the task of crossing tbeGSierras. The Markets. We quote Craken, Merrill & Co.'s report from Mc of Dccem- ber 29th, as follows : Trade continues dull, with little pros pect for chancre the next few weeks. Large quantities of lruit and flour have accuma luted, awamns? shipment, ice steamers running so closiiy together, as to time leave a large gap between tne departure of the last of'the three and the arrival of the first. The Orijlamme arrived last even ing, bringing ooj tons merchandise, and the Montana and Pacific mav be looked for early in the week. The rate of freight per Orijlamme has been advanced to -So OK pe ton. This m:iy c heck tbe shipment of Flour by her. but there is acfull cargo of Fruit which must eo forward. The Flour and Wheat market in San Francisco has been steadily declining since our last, and ol GO to 1 8;) may be quoted as the extremes ot good muling to extra: flour irom to to iG ior superfine and extra. Buyers in Portland are paying 50 to GO cents for green apples. The last sales reported in ban Francisco were ol to si 7o. Attempted Su.cioe. A man known as Josiah Quiutrell, (infamous name in the late history of our country,) keeper of a dead fall in San Francisco, was recently held for his appearance on a charge of robbing a man whom he had first made drunk. After commitment the prisoner at tempted self destruction, saying that he had a family in Wisconsin, whom he had rather would hear of his death than dis grace. He was saved through medical skill. San Francisco is evidently intent upon redeeming in part, her lost morality Trade of the Lakes. Sixty years ago there was hardly a craft larger than the Indian canoe on the great lakes of America In 1841 the lake trade amounted to 3G5,- 000,000, in 1851 to $300,000,000 in 1861 to $550,000,000, and it is estimated that in 1S71 it will reach the enormous sum of $1,000,000,000. " Lives there a man with soul so dead," etc. Mission Mills. The old Mission Woolen j Mills, of which Donald McLennan was the original founder, has formed a joint stock company, with increased facilities for ex tended operations. Tbe new Mission mills began operations last week. California Steamers. The steamer Pa cifie left San Francisco for PonJand on the 3d. The Ixtana also leaves for Portland to-da-y. O o California.. The full extent of damage to our sister State, by the flood of last month, has not yet transpired. It is hoped that it will not reach the aggregate of severity caused by the extensive floods of 18G1-,C2, al though the Bulletin thinks, from advices received prior to the departure of the Ori- jlamme for Portland, that the damage will equal the remarkable events of those years. The valley interior, above Sacra mento as far as Red Bluff, and the valleys of the San Joaquin and the Coast Range are largely submerged. Railroads'.'wjgon roads, bridges, and embankments broken and carried away. Marysville, Sacramento and Stockton are surrounded by vast lakes. Cattle, sheep, horses and swine have been drowned by thousands, and large quan tities of grain and hay have been de stroyed. Doubtless much damage has been done to mining property in the mountains, where the heavy winds play havoc with flumes and the rains with ditches and diggings. Yet after all it is probable that there has not been near so much devastation as accompanied the storms and floods of 18Gl-'(52. The people have been better prepared. Many houses in the valleys had been raised above flood mark, and the cattle had been driven to places of security. The valley towns had raised and strengthened their levees. Sac ramento rests secure thus far in her earth works, with a breast of water twenty feet above her general foundation. The floods spread around, but not over her. California is a most unfortunate State ; and yet, it would appear that she is most fortunate. The story of the distress of the storms and floods in 1SG1--G2 was scarcely told, when in 18(53 there was a decrease in her material prosperity of over S 10,500, 000 resulting from the drouth, and not withstanding all these things, the total in crease in State property values for the years lf4-'65-rG6 justify the regard that the year just closed has been one of the most prosperous ever experienced. It is the only year since the gloomy days of the raining exodus, that the State has been able to show a general gain in wealth out side of its commercial metropolis. Re narking upon this topic, the Bulletin lays : "These gratifying facts prove-that Cali fornia has at last entered oa a career ot permanent prosperity, based on healthy industrial conditions, and tliat she is gam ing in fixed population and developing her varied resources by regular methods. Her new prosperity is partly owing to the set tlement ot land titles, encouraging the im provement and cultivation of farms, be fore iying idle or slovenly worked. The construction of railroads, and the great in crease in the number of paying quartz mines and mills, have also added to prop erty values in the interior. The gain made by the interior is more remarkable when we reflect that many of the towns have de caved or remained stationary. Diversity of labor and enterprise have inaugurated a new epoch. It is true. also, that a great deal of San Francisco capital has gone into the interior this year, to assist in com pleting railroads, building quartz mills, opening mines and producing wine, wool and grain. But for this fact the city would show a larger gain and the interior a smaller one. But there is compensation in this, for the gain of the State at large is reallv the best gain of the city, and both have most to expect from the happy bal ance of an equal prosperity. Disfranchises by the Amendment. Gen. Boyton, in a recent letter to the Cin cinnati Gazette, gives the following figure: as an approximation of the number affect ed by the third section of the Constitu tional Amendment : Rebel Executive, and Cabinet Rebel Congress Governors and Staffs Rebel Legislatures Spite Judiciary, District aud Cir- C u Courts . .'. i'roo.ite Judges U. S. Judiciary Marshals " Postmasters Assessors and Collectors: Lighthouse establisinueiits Customs. ; Left National Congress Left Regular Aimy S 13-2 Uo 1,850 254 G'."3 S,52 1"0 78 G4 84 315 Left Navy Suerirls." :- County Clerks 3 Lawyers, except as among Judges. .. 6.n."o Clerks in Postoulce, Custom-hv.uso. . S.eoo Justices of the Peace o.Oou Total of above classes 20,74. With those who left the navy these fig ures might be placed at 30,000. In addi tion some of the classes mentioned were vacated and refilled during the rebellion, though rotation in ofiice has never pre vailed in the South to the same extent as with us. Still, to cover this and other classes which do not appear, and which the amendments might be construed to reach, such for instance as those who held Government offices years before the war. the total might be placed at 50,000, Additional Bounty Claims. Applica tions having been made for the additional bounty by a soldier who had lost his d:s charge, the proper accounting officer de cides that the law forbids the payment of the claim, and that in such cases, however hard it may operate, no authority is vested in any officer of the Government to dis pense with a condition which the law has imposed. The 14th section of the act oi July 28, 1865, referred to, says "that no claim for such bounty shall be entertained by the Paymaster-General, or other ac counting or disbursing officer, except upon receipt of the claimant's discharge papers."" The New York Central Railroad. A G recent election ot Directors for the New York Central Railroad resuliedin the signal defeat of the Corning-Vanderbilt party, and the election of an entire new Board. Henry Keep, President ; Wil liam G. Fargo, Vice President, Nine teen millions of capital stock was rep resented ; the successful ticket had thir teen and a half millions. The control of the road passes out of the hands of the Democratic clique and into the hands of W all street capitalists. Some ! The local of the Alia got off a quotation recently from an eminent writer of some hundreds of years since, and then says : The poetical operator of the tele graph at Yreka could hardly beat that V' Where's Lisle Lester t Alack-a -day. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. OREGON. A rich and exteusive ledge of Copper has been discovered near the forks of the Sau tium The Pies urges Umatilla as the proper poiut for a distributing office, on the Ore gon Overl mu Mail fine. Jacob Jones, of Roseburg, while walking a foot-log across a crek near that place, fell in and was drowned. A masquerade, given at Turn erien n .11 il.m.l on Tuesday evening, was one of the grindest successes of the kind ever achieved on tlns coasi. - The high tides felt at Olympia anl otner places on Puget Sound, as recoraea ism week, were equally a nign ai amuiw, u ilong the Southern coast. Tl.- i-oal miue recently discovered by Mr. Frank Cooper of ralein, on Butte creek, is situated within twanv unks ot Oregon Citv. . Messrs. Evevdiug & Beebe have charterea the steamer tlIeUUr to take a tun cargo oi Oregon pioduce to-ew Westminister, anu to bnnr back lour lainareu ouneis ui oaj- uion and inob.ibiv a lot ot ira n berries. ' . ... . i r T.ie 'h'tMiimite, on sailing ia.-i , miuua lor Sill FrauClSCO, look o0",""O in ueasme. The pike of passage on that trip was placed at fii anU Ilelglll was ruiaeu uvui c- to $5 per ton. Arounu arm ,p;ui oiauwi wic.c i.ears to be quite a settlement. They have a District school attended by ninety scholars. .V correspondent of t: e Pre savs : Re move the tiie Indians, aud Umatilla county t- . . - LV. 4 w .i be t e nnesi tanning uumt m i.uri;iij Oregon." Mr. 11. W. Shiplev. ot this county, has inst completed a flouring mill, buiit by Uovertmient at an expense oi 5,i:oou, ior tne iifc-e of the Umatilla Indian reservation It is now in successful operation. Has one run of burr-, with aiuanufactunn capacitv of about tirieeu bushels .er hour. It is sup plied with a smut machine and the usual appliances of a custom mill. 1 tie ladies ot the Hebrew uenevoient So ciety of Portland, on the evening of the 27th preseuted Leopold oin, Lsq , with a beau tiful cane, saver mounted, in laid with a gold-beui nig quartz specimen, and sui!blv mscubed, on the occasion ot Mr. olu leaving the State to seek the restorative iu ftiiencis of a milder climate. The response Oi Mr. Wolff, to this grateful testimonial w.is very feeling and brought real tears to the eye- of his friends who had gut here 1 t bid him adieu and wish him a successful voyage. Speaking-of the appropriations by Con gress for a te-logi aph and rati road to Astoria, the (treuon'uin savs: "The telegraph' - idea iu this biil has a visible poiut io it, but we are unable to see exactly where the laugh conies in on tne lailruad pait of it. The Co lumbia river furnitdies a means of direct communication wiih the sea board at all seasons, with very rare interruptions of short duration. It Oregon is to have mill ions of raiiro.id yi i from Congress, the lands and dollars should b- appii-id t-cmewhere where navigation is less easy and whme theiereadv exists some need of such mea.is of transportation. There could be, however, no ob-cliou to an act of Congress donating lands to build a rnilioad between the two po'nts, or even from the summit of Mt. Hood, on un air line to the topmost rock of Mt. Jef ferson ; provided, such jrant would work no prejudice to grams that le.t.Iy a.-e needed. One of the bloodit a frays which ever dis graced Oregon, occurred at a ball at "Cham paign's, ' iu Douglas c muty, on thd evening of December 2-ith. The Unionist has the following particulars : " All wen on quietly until about lour o'clock in the morning, wi en Joan Fitzhiiih, Sol. Culver. John llaniion. Rob. Forbes and Abe. Crow came in and commenced a riot, while the parties present were dancing. Without saying a word Cuiver struck George Rennet over the head with a revolver, mashing his nose. John Fitzhugh t.hot Frank" ISarriuger through, the heait, killing him instantly. They then fell o:i Ash. Clanson, a bullet grazing his lie. id, and then pounded him with their revolvers, mutilating him horri bly. Bob Wood roll had his scop lifted by a "bullet, and Cy. Muith got a fiiigtr cut. Hob Forbes got shot through the kidneys bv some one on the defem . Sol Culver got stabbed under the shoulder blade, Fitzhugh stabbed in the back oid Harmon shot in the ubdi-men. Several of the parties are ex pected to die. The Fitzhut;hs made their way home, but the sh rill' has caught John and lodged him in jail. The Stutexmun bids the P. T. Company adieu in the following sensible manner. We learn that the 1'eople' s Transportation Com pany are about to construct a railroad around 'he Fu-1 of'the Willamette, opposite Oregon City, and also have in contemplation the puttu-g in of leeks so as to let boats through from their basin at Oregon City. This latter will be a grand improvement, and will tend materially to the advantage of the trading community above the falls. The projection of works ol this character shows that the P. T. Company is in a prosperous condition, and that the intention is to keep pace in improvement with the increasing wants of the country. These facts, together with the gratifying fact that the Company last month cleared nineteen thojKiti,d d-lbirx, oner alt expense-, also show that the stock of' the Co., is stea iily neat ing a par value, not Withstanding the enuitii us outl iy of the past eighteen months, but which-has been expended in works of ttie most substantial character, and iu putting down a formida ble opposition. The V. T. Company is a benefit to the Str-te they furnish tine boats, and provide good ncconinvmat ions for their guests aud while we think their r:.tes for freight and pa-s igc might hi reduced so ne what without detriment to themselves, but of manifest advantage to the public, yet we have no right to insist upon this, trusting that, as they are identified with the prosper ity of the whole valley, their iuterests will lead them to cheapness of transportation. Some of our readers, says the Oreijiia, will remember that in March ISG4, J. A. Waymire, of this city, then a Lieutenant iu the Oregon Cavalry, was sent out from Fort Da'lt-s with a detachment of his regiment to protect the citizens ot the John Day's river country from Indian marauders. While pursuing a body of Indians east of Harney Lake. Sergeant Jos Casleel with pri rates Ingraham, and ILmbert and a citizen named Jacqiiuh were sent to recmino.t' e a supposed 1 nd. an camp with instruct ions to rejoin the main body of the detachment at the head of a vadey towards which they were marching. About noon of that day (April 7th) the main command was overpowered by Indians aud forced to retreat to the intrenched camp which they baa left in the morning, and where the baggage had been left in charge of a guard. At night Serjeant Cnsaeei's party fai.ed to appear, and the ollowingday was spent in an unsuccessful search for them. On the "uth the volunteers began the march bi.ck to Cayon Cdy in total iguo rance of the fate of their mining comrades. Xo information of what betel them was ever obtained until lat summer, when a scout ing party of the regular troops captured some of the Indians who were of the baud which defeated the troops in 16ti. These Indians report that Sergeant Ca.teel's party was attacked about the same time as the as sault upon the main body. All but Sergt. Ousteel --who is recognized by the descrip tion given of him were immediately killed. The Sergeant being well mounted, succeeded iu gaining the open ground and to.-k a di rect course tor ttie Warm Spring Reserva tion. A large party of Indians pursued him. On the fourth day he was overtaken and killed his horse having given out and ail his ammunition having been expended. During the pursuit Casteel killed seven In dians. He traveled over two hundred miles aud was within one day's march of the Res ervation. The Indians think that if he had had anothet cartridge he wcu d have made his esca;,e, so ueaily were his pursuers ex hautfd. Concerning the sale of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company's Stock, the Portland correspondent of the JinlUtin saj-s : ' The fume of the Oregon Steam Navigation Com pany is not coqh ed, 1 believe, to its own couutry. Tourists and bookwrights have tasted its hospitality, and boasted of us big ness and enterprise. Boivlcs sajd that it run this country much in the manner that the California Steam Navigation Company and bank does your State. But in this he was mistaken. Our company nevei had any influence in the politics e-f the country, none whaterer. But on the business of this town and the Columbia trade, it is and has been a mauer power. In the trad-? an i business South of this, depending upon the naviga tion of the W illainette river, aud farm wag ons, it is also a stranger. That region of country, so far as it owns a corporate mas ter, is iiuder tbe dominion of the People's Transportation Company a surewd squad of well managing ana economical old Orego nians, who have their headquarters at Salem. But as I said, in this town, in a business point of view, theO. S. N Company is a first class power; aud the management add own ership of it ar e matters of moment and con stant observation in business circles. We have often been threatened with the estab lishment of some rival town on the Columbia or at the mouth of the Willamette. But knowmg the root which Portland had taken in the soil and business of Oregon, during twenty, years, of quick and dull times, ami knowing that niue-tenths of all the perma nent and ever gaowing interests of Oregon, were to the South of Portland rather than the North aud Last of it, I never had much concern about the rival town un the Colum bia. But while the navigation of the Colum bia and the Willamette below Portland was in the bauds ot Put Handera, this made as surance doubly sure. But for the past few days there has been a buzz about town to the effect that tiie Oregon stockholders had sold oat to some Californians. Now what was up and what was to come of it was in tiie mouth of every business man interested in the Columbia river route. The real facts have not yet transpired ou the street, but I believe 1 know the transaction as it look place exactly. The capital stock ot the com pany it is 2,o:o,ooo, divided into 4,ouo shares of ."oo each. A few days since, as the result of some weeks' negotiation, a wealthy Caiifornian purchased between 1,:;m and 1, 4' o shares of stock. That is as! aud nothing more. Shortly before this pur chase the annua! election for directors and officers was held, which resulted in the choice ot the old incumbents. So the man agement of the company will remain as it is foriinotheryear.it least. The corporation will still be a Portland in.-tit utiou, and nei ther the nursing niotuer to a nval town or tiie appendage of any of your mammoth combinations of wealth. More than th;s doe. not concern the public and need not be stated," Let Tut Ptosis RE.to.ci." Tbe Sa lem Statesman departed this life"? on last Monday, and is now numbered among the things that were. Bom in the year of our Lord 18."1. on Thursd iy the lst of March, (vide Mc'Jormick s ulm.in.ic,) it has sur vived many newspapers of the State, and by the observance of common decency might have lived to a green old age, and ranked with the Oregonian as next oldest of Oregon journals. Too much Johnson a ex-Tailor was the cause of this death. What else could have been expected ? TLe Statesman's dying words leave no other explanation : " Sixteen years ago.'? it says, " the pub lication was begun. The Suite that was young and feeble then is saiding like a stalwart giant now along the brave path way of progress, and the dream of the pioneer has culminated in glorious fulfill ment. The waste places have become fruitful, fores' s have fallen, aud beautiful cities have risen, the hum of commerce rolls along the valley, and the thunder of mighty machinery crashes among the .startled echoes of "the hills. With every project of advancement and scheme of improvement, the Statesman bus ever been identitied. and can claim no inconsiderable honor for the thrift and prosperity so plentifully strewn around us. Always in telligent, fearless, aud full of candor in the advocacy of every noble cause, it has scattered the words ol" goodly counsel and breathed into every heart the inspiration of confidence and hope." Alas for that last hope, for that list " fearless couuseF' of the " noble cause'" old concern. But for that we might yet greet the paper, while now we rejoice at its demise, at the hands of a Unionist. A Sensational Srouv. The Xew York correspondent of the Springfield llepvb licnn, who is largely given to the manu facture of sensation stones, tells the fol lowing : Speaking of politics reminds me of an incident of the riots of 1JS-3. related to me by an eye-witness. You remember the Tribune ofiice had been threatened, and was defended by armed men. The after noon that (iov. Seymour addressed the mob from the steps of the Astor House, one of the defenders of the Tribune, a dead shot, stood in the editorial room window with a telescope rifle aimed at Seymour s head. If the unscrupulous demagogue had said anything to incite the mob, "the intention ot our rifleman was to shoot him dead where he stood, and he would have done it beyond question. Fortunately for Seymour, tie sought only to conciliate the insurgents, an 1 so escaped with his life. It is not probable the cruf y poidician ever knew how near he came to having a ball lodged .n his skull, and it may be that h.s good gen us stepped between him and his natural disposition on that memorable and melancholy day. Governor Seymour did not address the mob from the steps of the Astor House, but from the steps of the City Hall. Be sides, the story is improbable on its face. Assassination is not a weapon of Repub lican warfare, and the imputation that the proprietors of the Tribune were parties to such a plot does them and the cause they represented gross injustice. Honorable Records. The benefits oi an honorable record are shown in the fol lowing paragraph from the Newark I)m1 Advertiser. Speaking with reference to the appoinment of Frederick T. Freling huysen to the U. S. Senate, rive Hon. Wm. Wright deceased, the Advertiser says : " This is the thud Frelinglmysen who has held the position of Senator Horn the State of New .Jersey. The first was Fred eric Freimghuysou, of revolutionary fame who was made a Major General by Va.-h ington m 17; J, and who was elected a United Suites Senator in 171)3 ; holding the ofiice lor three years only, when he re signed on account of ill health. The sec oud of the name was Theodore Frehng huysen. who was Senator from NewJersey from ldifi to lts3 ; was subsequently Chancellor of the University of New Y ork; was a candidate for the vice Presidency in 1814, with Henry Clay ; was for many years President of the American Bible Society, and finally ended his public life as Pre.-ideut of liu rge-s College. If. as Longfellow says, Lives of great men all remind us We can mako our lives eublime ' there are very tew sous of great men who profit, by the lesson. The dignity ol fauioy name false, when not honorably sus tained and the idleness begotten by fam ily fortunes are obstacles nuiier than help. in. the race of 1 be. Crnr nevi Senator ib one ojf the few' instances wnerg the ambi tions and dignities of the scion are not buried in the graves of his fathers, lie who has ancestors, in this country, mus. rise in spite of them. If a man is detected in an attempt "to take a pint pot, is it to be proceeded against as an act of felony, or simply re garded as a strong desire for carrying out a measure ? State Agricci.tcra.l- Society. Mr. A. C. Schwatka, Corresponding Secretary of the State Agricultural Society, requests us to publish the following : The Board of .Managers of the Oregon State Agricultural Society are requested xo meet at the Library. Booms at Salem, aahuarylofli, at 1 o clock r, .v., for the transaction of business of importance' con nected with the iuterests of the Society. The time for holding the next annual fair, ogether with the arrangement of the pre lum m lists, will be considered by the Board, at this meeting. Therefore, the friends of the Soelefy are earnestly and cordially iuvited to attend. 10. Chur h. Mornin g services at 10 1-2 a. Evening services at 7 p. m. I. D. Driver, Pastor. S'.l.i,.l's piciii.l ciiurt Ji, the Rev. J. W. Sellwood, pastor. Services on Sun day at lo 1-2 a. it. and i f. it. Sunday school at "2 p. m. Coi grg:iliuifal thuuli.- Morninsr services at 10 1-2 a. m. Evening services at 7 p. m. P. S. Ktnghf, Pastor. I-Slc-- -Everybody visiting Portland should not fail to purchase their clothing, gents' furnishing goods, etc., of Kohn & Fishel, as there is 2 " percent, save by buy ing of them, which has often been proved to tiie en'ire satisfaction of the public. Khn & Fi fief have a few more drv toods left which they will sell regardless of eost. Ktil:iii.ij.- In the first issue of 1 S(7 Darman Bros, take pleasure in announcing thai they have succeed ail in obtaining that popular stand j)n the corner of Front and Miirrismi, win re they will be happy to meet their old friends about the first ot Kebruaiy next, aud they still continue at theuldstaud. Marring ia el l .-, an essay of Warning and Instrur-tion for Young Men. Also, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate the vital powers, with sure means of relief. Sent free of chars in sealed lett.-r envelopes Addres-: 1 -. .) . SK I l.LI X UO U(S UTON, SI) Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Tlic lies I-Um y - i 1' nf ngtlif Blood, Strengthening the Nerves, Restoring the Lost Appetite, is FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA. It is the best preservative ajraiust al mot any sickness, if used timely. Composed of herbs only it can be given safely to infants. Full directions in French, Spanish, and Ger man, with every package. TRY IT ! For sale at all the wnolesale and retail drug stores and groceries. (ol EMIL FltESK, Wholesale Druggist, Sole Auent, 4lo (Jlav xtreet, S.ui Francisco. i e w A (i ve r t i st m en is. Oregon City H'f'g Co. ffotice. DP. THOMPSON KSQ, HAVING RIv tired from the .Managing Agency, .u liusiness Gommuuieatiois will be ad dressed to K. JACOU, Muti iging Agent. k: jAcoii, President V). V,. M'f'g Co. Oregon City, January 1st, ; S 7. ll:4vv LXimSIOR SODA ft BALL.VUD &, P.IiL, .,IP3, Fropi It ..i s. DEALERS IN" o Fine Brandies, EnglUh Ale & Porter, Cham pagne Cider. Buck Beer, etc. 4 LSO, Manufacturers of tdl kinds of Sjr Zr. ups. Soda Water and Ginger Pop. orders for English Ale and Porter fi'led iu bulk or by the case. EfOrttlE TO WALLACE GATE?. Y OU ARE 11F.RKHY NOTIFIED THAT 1 have entered at the Land Office at Oregon City. Ore iron, under the provisions of the Homestead Law, the Lots Xos. 2, 4 and ." of ?ec. i, in T. 1. S. R. E. Lot No. 'I of sec. 7, and Lots Nos. 4, " and of sec. Is, T. 1, S. li. 3 E., which entry is in con flict with jour pre-emption filing, and That I will on the mh day ot Februa1 v, i Si7, at the hour of one o'clock p. produce testimony ai suid Land Office to show that vou h :ve forfeited your right to said tract of land by abandoning the same. JOHN C. CLARK. January S, 18''7. l):4v : ' : : H:GGI?J3 & C0'3 Home Manufactured Soap. O N AND AFTER J V.n'UARY 1st. 13(57, wo will sell our Soap at the following rates, for CASH, only : FAMILY SOAP. Per loO Boxes, or over, at $1 45 per Box. fn " 1 f0 ' " 23 " 1 5" CHEMICAL OLIVE. 40 Bars, 3s lb. 3 20 " 2 t " 19 lb. 1 70 " TT7"E warrant, on- Soan to be equal to any V article that c in be imported, and su Vfi ior to many brands that are offered in this market. II I GO INS & CO. No. 8 Front street, 1 block north O. S. N. Co.'s wharf. Portland, January 1, 1867. P1:l.v $1,033 $1,G0D REWARD!! C'BOR C'EOR ! C'JJOR I I wan ant my GOLDEN O'DOR to force a beautiful et of Whiskers or Moustaches to L'linv on the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks. Also, hair restored ou bald heads in eiuht weeks. Proved by the testi tiiuii ills of tiiois nids. Price!, or six for , mid S-'.i per dozen. Sent t anv pait of C.iIifVoni.i and U. S., sealed and postpaid, on receipt of price. Aud res . DM.C. RRIGOS. ll.Om.) P. O. Drawer 5-5S, Chicago, III. f 7 f TIig Great Wcnder of the World ' : PR. BI1IGGS' GREAT EXTRAORDINARY NSW BOOK Just PullMed, long a Complete' Guide for the GreatM unA-M"!- Mugicil Re- Cetp s J lit- .l,?(Hll i c:i-ytg, by ten k-h an one, cm re liize a ste'i 1 income of i'-V 0 to -)iiro oer an mm. EMPLOYMENT FOR EVERYBODY, OR HOW TO MAKE os y : F.mlracina i I unite R'-c-pt for Manufac-n tarer rf Useful Artic-.e-x In General r-.. ..... . m lein"l, ari-i j mm the s ue g ivJuchlmm nxe Pro n't may he iter i ced. The Great Secrets revealed. I h.tve col lected with great care, labor, and with great expense, m iny valuable recipes, which are in themselves a splendid fortune to any one with sufficient energy to push ahead. " Most of ttu-m have be u obt-iiiied from England, France, and Germany, the cot of which phic-- them beyond the reach of the public, j while the others are eutirelv new and have been purchased at a large cost, ranging! fiom " to l.ooo each. A' person of ordii : arv t ict cm m ike from $ to per day,1 iii, he ma ,u tactile ami side of the articles! 1 by almost any of my recipes. These artiqts ' are , Mild at enormous proGts. Why not! make them yourself? if not for sale, for your own use. 4 Even to make the.ii for your'own individual use would save you many dollars i a year, and .materially add to yocu beauty, j UKAI.TH, AND WtALTH." I will send this wonkerful Book by mail, ' postpaid, to any post ofiice of California and IJ. S., for $1. Address all orders to DR. C. BBIGGSV li.Orn) P. 0. Drawer fi SOS, CbicRgo, Ills. o A U CT JON AND COMMISSION A. II. Iiclasiiloii, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real ExtaU, Grweries, General Jlerchan- hxe and Horses, EVERY WEDXESUA Y AXD SATURDAY! A. B. Riciiabdson,- Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English Rejin&i Bar and Bundle iron; . " Square and Octagon Vast steel; Hut se Sloes, tlks, Rasps, sans; Screws, Fry-Pans, bh tt Iron, 11. G. Iron; also: A large assortment of Groceries and liquors A. B. liicHAKDSn.w Auciioneerv WORK BOXES, AND A GREAT VARIETY OF PAXCf G .oils for the Holiday J Just received and for sale bv WASHERMAN db CO. 4-2mJ 77 Frout street. Portland'.- WORTMAN & SHEPPARD CUT BA KHUY I Ma IX STREET, OR EG OX CITY. Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PI ES! B RBADt And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PHOMPT ATTENTION ! vmnmm & sheppard Also keep on hand all kinds of b' A M I L Y GKOC F K I ES ! ANU PROVISIONS ! t-TK A A! BOAT STORES f t Articles u:ed for Culinary Purposes J And nil WORTMAN & SHEPPARD Sell aiine assortment of liquors' and tobacco r By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also ditecled to ihe faCB- that no'tiody else sells the FA M O US L K A SO N CFIEESE I IN SHORT ! Farmers and the public irererallv, are in vited to call at the City Bakerv, where the truth w.Il be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken iu exchange for goods. WORT.il AN & SllEPPARD. Oregon City, Oct. ISCii. (52 iLLY, DEALER IX PKODUCE, Seasonable Fruit, xS SO.. VEGKTA B L. ES, Ac. ALSO: FA MIL Y GROCERJES t Comprising in part SUGARS! TEAS! COFFEE! Canned Sauces ! Canned Oysters ! SPACES, I'ICKELS. AXD CASE GOODS IX GEXERAL ! Pi icul-ir nttetition is given to the -Country Trade, b whieli I am enabled to furnish City Customers ith a Superior Quality of Butter Fresh Egjs, Poultry, etc. By strict attention to the retail trade only, I hope to merit a share of the public patronage. Store at the Post Office, Main street, Oregon City F. B. KELLY. 10,000 SOLDIERS WANTED: IMMEDIATELY! TO MAKEVPPLICA tio n for Bounty due them under Act of Congress, July sth, IH'jtJ, and now about to be adjusted. To Secure an Early. Heturn, Those entitled should Sake application to me at once, as the claims " filed within the period of six mouths from Oct. 1, lstpj. will receive the hnt attention, and none other shad be paid or considered uiil all thee are sati.-iied." All Soluitrs w ho entered the service for two or Uiree ears, or the war, and have re ceived only ' $';) or $100 are entitled to another similar amount. J On or about he 2'ith day of December, I will dispatch a Special Agent to Wushing too, I). C, to secure the earliest possible payment of these claims. Pensions. Prize Money, Bounties Patents. Pay for Vouchers, Scrip, Back Pay, Lost Horses and otiier Claims will be collected promptly by applying at Oregon Herald office, or addressing ALBERT M. SNYDER, Government Claim Agent, Portland, Oregon. Iu foi mation given by mail gratuitously. December li, ldOG. iSm Noti to Jamos Crim. HENRY" SN'Y'DEK having entered at this . uilie-.as a pre-emption right, the south , e si. qua; ter of sec. l'. town '6, south range 1 e st. ulueii entry is in conflict withyourpre empt on filmy; of July vdli. ls"9. and our de- cisiou atluWlutr said" enn-v hrimr been nS- t-.... . i .. . . . ;. . in mea ujQiiie commissioner ot the enernL , Laud oliije under date of October 7th, ISG6, you are Hereby notified that you will be al lowed thirty 'days from this'date to appeal from said decision, if you desire to do so. LuudOthxe, Oregon Citv, Dee. 27th, 18(58. :SW ) w alm',, negisier. HEN KV YVA It REN , Receiver. ftriy i.llVs' t:;fl4lile tfilill a- liler. As an infernal remedy has no equal. Ia cases of Cholera, Summer complaint, Dys-. pepsia, Dysentery, Asthma, it cures in one . niijht, bv taking tt internally and bathing with it freely. It is the btst liniment iu . America. Its action is like magic, when ex ternally applied to bad sores, burns, scalds' and sprains. For the sick headache and toothache, don't fail to try it. In short, it 15 a Pai'i Killer Perky Davis' Pain Killer. This tncdi-. cine has become an article af commerce, e thing no medicine ever became before. Pai Killer is as much an item in every bale 04 tfoods sent to country merchants, as te coffee, or sugar. This speaks volumes 'ai ! its favor, Gun ta' Mesenger. o ma ' f