it 0 0 G )c iUcckhj (enterprise Ttm-V AXD COIXTV. 'l lnhPrt to the capital stock of the Oregon K?r PrintTag and Publishing Company at lh ?Co Jnty Clerk's office ou Satuiv the xnc. ,i,flr. iRtifi. at 7 o clock P. M. tbtnoi rvrnRPiiUATORS. r- nnlpr of the Oregon City, Nov. 24th, 186C :4v Christmas Festivities. Christmas was almost universally observed in this city, ftUd throughout this State so far as beard - from on 'Tuesday last The display of Ir"1 rhrktnias trees at the M.L. exceedingly linewe are in r T, the church being so crowded that inb could not gaincadmittance It have beenuly a pleasing sight to notice the wishful and bright countenances of the little boys and girls, as with anxi ous hearts thev listened lor the calling of their names. As before stated many were unable to gain admittance, we were among that number, vet we can imagine the ex pressiviiess of the scene, and fancy the old i song : C " Come, come, come oh, do be quick Minutes are hours, you know, j Thechitdreu are waiting, good St. Nick; i Then why art thou so slow ?' : Oh come, Kris Kringle, jf. With a jingle, jingle, ; ' While the moon shines bright and clear ; I "With a tingle, tingle, tingle, And a dingle, dinglt, dingle, To join iu ourfestal cheer." o None were forgotten, as three trees were pjl pared laden with gifts. St. Paul church - was well decorated with evergreens. On ; Christmas Eve lie v. Mr. Selhvood dis i coursed to a large congregation, and on ; Christmas day services were held in the - various churches. In the evening a large party assembled at the Cliff House, where ' Messrs. White it fihoades had prepared : Kiimntuously for their entertainment in festive hall. Mus, dancing, and supper were enjoyed heartily, until the small hours of the morning when the Christ : mas festivities of 18GS in Oregon City, broke amid the happy hopes of smiling f, people. The party of the opening of the i Cilti" House was par excellent, and much , credit is reflected upon the management of x the proprietors of this new and already popular Hotel. The Old Year. -Oil Monday night IS 6$ ; will have gone to rest. The work of the year will be done. Ligp its predecessors for the last two-thirds of the decade, IS OR will be regarded as illustrious in our i annals. Ordinarily tb) annual division , of Time is but a mere passing convenience. :, Ages elapse nd years are torgotten. Pos terity only remember epochs by a single name as Christ, Mahomet, Columbus, "Washington, etc. The advent of lSiU!. as was supposed, found events settled, in a manner to virtually decide the destiny of th' hemispheres. The bells which chimed the happy tidings from one extreme of the continent to the other, recalling the vet eran warriors to the bosotfts) of their families was still heard. Smiling harvests have taken the place of horrid war's grim ; Svisaged front, and God grant that pea is actually at our doors and that bloody rev olutions may never more (distract and es trange the American people. J f we must fight let us lock our shields for a common defense against the united world declar ing this the most pjsverj'ul natinttjiipon the civilized globe. Confident that the New Year will be a happy one, we join in the cordial greetings of the festive season, and extend the usual congratulations to our patrons. Oregon City Plat. To further inquire, and become posted regarding the " orig inal nlat" ouestion.'a few davs since we applied to jjhe Record, to be County Clerk's office. We wt be fou ml at the rent there be fogged, and we came away .s deeply in volved on the subject. Some things ap pear upo'D the records which needj expla nation, and as no comment of ours can possibly infringe) upon the rights of any one, we shall make public the results of our research. On page 8ii of the record book of 18.51 appears nineteen rod wafers. Page 87 is a blank. The index showsS that upon those two pages was recorded January 7th, 1851, the plat of Oregon City. Before and after the blank pages 86 and 87 .arj properly recorded transfers of real property, bearing date January 7th, and January 17th, F. S. Holland. Re corder, but the plat of Oregon City is gone. The plat which is " on file7 in the Clerk's office bears no indication of ever having been attached to the nineteen wafers on page 8t. but it bears anPPndorsement on the back of having been tiled0 January 7th, 18.51. Any person who can make a truer observation upon this foggy ques tion, is inviCed to set his compass. t, Oregon Timber, TERrniSE savs he -A reader of the En wihes to correct the prevalent opinion that we have-not in this State, suitable timber for manufactur ing purposes : He says that he has been engaged iu manufacturing pursuits for six teen years, in Oregon, and that we have in ims county ana aiong me iuaiann river a splendid quality of ash. and oak. as sulfa ble for making wagoos, plow Tjeams SPresning macnies. uorsy powers. e,c, a? thef import&l timber. That any wooi chopper will prefer an Oregon ash helve to an Eastern hickory, etc., and that the oak is tougher for wsigon spokes, felloes, etc., and more durable than imported oak We stand corrected, and forthwith surren der our opinion, as expressed in the En terprise a few weeks ago, upon this sub ject, to the judgment of a more experi enced and practical man. If the timber described by our friend exists here, then is the matter of making agricultural im plements it home ofa the greater import ance. Welcome. Our enterprising brother typo, George 11. IBmes, of Carter's office Portland, took to himself a wife, Miss Anna F Rigss, ,cn Christmas Eve. at Saltan. Welcome, .George, you deserve to betonsj to tine do mestic army. Ve wish'vou and vours a long , lite and a prosperous one Charles A. Ball, also wedded Miss Rebecca A. Stott, at For est Grove, on Christmas Eve. Charlev, you uuuc u nuuie aeetl, such as we recom- mena 10 au young and strict habits. inen of stead v purpose, We congratulate. Personal. Col. I. 11. Mdrires of Salem called upon ijis on Monday last, and Mr. D. W. Craig, one of our fraternity, and former publisher of the Argus, in this citv, spent holiday among his old friends here'. 'Colonel Moores is the same everlasting 'good fellow" of old davs. " May his shadow never groAv less.' o An Editorial Visit. Cm Christmas day i we had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. II. W. Scott, editor of the and liis lady. Our rambles about town were very agreeable, to us at least. Mr. S. years ago resided in our city, and it was" him who jhowed us around." Installation. The following officers were installed on the evening of December au .uasonic liall in this citv, for the ensuing Masonic vear -. J. E. Harford W. M.; J. R. Ralston S. W.; David Dalglish J. W.; Forbes Barclay Treasurer ; T.J. Mc Carrer Secretary1; N. W. Randall Trrr. . Fixe Presents. During the past week wc have examined with considerable in terest many gifts.0 It has been a week for mutual congratulation and the exchange of tokens of appreciation. These all show the presence of kind and tender suscepti bilities among men, and prove that there & really some of straightforward integrity even, tipon this rude spot of the American continent, which the loie of gain cannot shake or bend. It is meet for man, while in the enjoyment of that providence of God which allows him to pursue his avo cations with the liberty of a free Ameri can to give and receive such tokens, that in after years it may be pleasant to know that the part he had taken in previous life 'entitled him to this respect. Major Thomas Charman, of this city, is one of the few men of Aids country who has won the abiding confidence and esteem of his fel lows. Soon after his appointment as Major in the State militia, several business firms of San Francisco, including L. 13. Benchley & Col, Tobii, Meagher & Co., ! Badger & Lindenberger, Murphy, Grant I fc Co.. Castle Bros.. Cameron, Whittier & Co., and Dodge & Phillips, with all of whom Mr. Charman had previous business connection for from seven to twelve or thirVen years, clubbed together and pre sented him with a truly beautiful sword, of California manufacture .superbly mount ed in gold, bearing upon the sheath a gold plate, inscribed with their names, and the date the present was made, which occurred upon the very day of the re-election of M r. Lincoln, the lamented President. The token was appropriately acknowledged at the time, and now the firm is the recipient of another fine gift, a large and beautiful American Hag. 18 by 22 feet in size, irom Messrs. Thurnauer & Z'mn, also of San Francisco. The flag wijt) be hoisted upon4 Messrs. Charman Brother's storeOuporn each successive gala day hereafter. so long as it lasts, and while floating in the breeze, (lie liberal proprietors can proudly say to themselves that, the multitude of lLtle courte&ies of life which bought the prize were,but justOand due. yet there is satisfaetiorrdn knowing that they were ap preciated. There is much in doing right. and as much in knowing that what is done is appreciated. O 'Jerusalem ! Such wasour exasperation on last Wednesday noon upon reaching our private sanciiafter having indulged in a wholesome meal, to find the furniturcQ of the room piled-up in a heap, the con tents of our tobacco box emptied upon the table, and a huge bundle which fy semlded cake and fancy fixens.bat which vv:is in re:ililv the ninfcnl'j nf nnr ehi basket, that we exclaimed Jerusalem ! who did all this?'" All hand. protested their in.ioeenee. and the devil himself would have pleaded " not guilty'' had he ieen nere. ai last our eye caugnt oq glimpse of " Compliments Oregonma Lokle."' We immediately coinefded with a previously expressed opinion of Col. Ike Moores, that Capt. Crandall was con fcideralih) of a brick, and at the first op portunity to supply the demand for that article in Portland, he should be put up at auction and sold by Richardson ! ' We can't say that we don't like the style of the Captain, but we want him to come next time when we may be found. lie is a live man. full of wholesome electricity, from the crown of his head to his boots, and may practice his pleasantries upon us with perfect impunity, lie is a man of gushing sympathies, and no one need in the least be afraid. duTing trial hours, to unbosom themselves "to him. He has a passion for spice, and no doubt would have heartily enjoyed our surprise on Wednesday. " q q Combination Tuhiunk Water Whee:? On Tuesday, the 18lb. the combination turbine water wheel invented by Mr. J. CP Truilinger of Oswego, Cm this county, was tried as to its capacity, at that gjtace. The test shows the wheel to be in the United States, and it is possible that it niay9 yet be the means (Of awakening a great interest among manufacturers throughout the world. The wheel tested at the Oswego Milling Company's mill, we have belore described as oeing out ten inches in diameter With the quarter crate hoisted and the wheel using 2y cubic inches Ojf) water, it raised 219 lbs. on a shaft of 1 A inclies, eight feet in two sec onds. . (rWhen the full gate is hoisted the wheel uses 101 cubic inches of water, with a 'head'' of '30 feet. The same wheel, un der full gate, raised 219 lbs. on a pully of ten inches diameter, and to start the wheel back when dead still, required a heft of 319 lb. TheOtest shows the effect of power for a ten inch wheel to beSj horse, or proved satisfactory enough, that 90 per centageof the water consumed was saved, ' O Q a The Linn City Railroad. The P. T. Company as we learned yesterday, havei began the work of constructing a railroad around the falls of the Willamette, on the Linn City side. The lower terminus will be at the extreme lower end of the plateau and nearly opposite the paper mill. The upper terminus will be opposite and a little above Canemah. The lines of the track and the grade have been determined, and. should the weather permitT out door work, portions of the rails will be laid im mediately. The lower terminus will be bmlt with an inclined gradj like the one at the Dalles, so that freight can be landed at all stages of water, from the boats into the cars. We understand that the com pany has resolved to construct locks for the passage of the boats on theJ.)regon City side and that thev -will probably be gin the work next spring, or as soon as possible after finishing thO Linn City railroad. 5! Good Templars. (We rejoice with the Good Templars of this city in the posses sion of their new carpet, etc. They now have the most attractive place in the city fact I and young ladles and gentlemen can enjoy their socials as pleasantly as anywhere in the State. By the middle of next week, owing to the zeal of Mr. Clifton and Mr. Spooner, and3he liberality of the citizens in general, the lodge will be in possession of a fine Cabinet Organ, valued at atop ut SlO. Post Opie at Oswego. Upon the re- cbhr.nenda.tipn of Postmaster Randall of Portland, and the petition of the citizens of Ojswego, that place will soon enjoy the privileges of a Postoffice. Mr. McDonald ha.1 been recommended as Postmaster, arid1 will oonreceive his commission if is ex pected. A weekly mail will be received at first. Pioneer's A ssociation. There is a large number of the i ,toneers of Oregon living in and about this ciT, fQme of whom can date their" residence hcS from twenty to twenty-three yj)ars. It sbeen suggested tO in th:it n t'inmiaK Ao..nillin1 rr. i rr V. I . .-. ing. as well as profitable. It iiQi good suggestion. Thanks. The secretary of our interior wishes to express her acknowledgement to gentlemen L;. Piller, E. D. Kellj-. and E. B. Kellys alsSVjto Mrs. White, of the Cliff House, for favors dune the holidays Of tbC p-ASt Clf. O AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. 1$. Rieiftsirdsoii, AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General MercJian- dise and Morses, EVER I A WEDS EH U A AXD SATURDAY ! B. Richardson, Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English Refined Bar and Bundle iron; " Square and Octagon Cast stetl ; IT&tse Shoes, FiUs, Rasps, "taws: Screws, Fry-Pans, Sheet Iron, R. G. Iron; also : A Large assortment of Groceries and Liquors. ' A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. 0 WORK BOXES, A'SD GREAT VARIETY op fancy Gjods for the Holiday Z Just received and for sale bv WASHERMAN d- CO. 4-2mJ 77 Front street, Portland S. HUELAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. Office over Charman & Brother. G 8:tf FIRST CJLASS "Family Gtrocery Store ! Nearly opposite the Enterprise Office ureiron Uity. O O E. D. KELLY o IT AS IN STORE. IX GOOD ORDER, and for salethe following articles to-wit : Coffee, Japan Tea, Black Tea, Chocolate, Corn-starch, Usweiro do.. Tea, Golden syrup, Green Tea, Sugars, Crush' d sugar,Satin-gloss do Salaratus, Pu'venz d do., Chemical soap, Packing salt, Colfee d(Q Castile do., Fancy-toilet do Dairy(salt, Leinon syrup, Table salt, Flavering ext. Cooking soda, Kerosene oil, Sal. soda, Olive" do., Rtrpe, Clpthes pins, Corn Meal, Cream tartar, Brooms, Snuff, Blast' jr powd'r,Gun-caps, Candles, Ground coffee, Farini, Sardines, Mackerel.O Cod-fish, Lead. Vu!le Mills " G-Shooterballs,Shot, Pacific sportngVShooter " White beans, Yeast powe rs, Vinegar, Buckets, Washing Cheese, Pails, o Liquorish, Hominy, Dried apples, Blueing. Bice, TOBACCO OF All Kinds ! Borax, Nut-megs, Kaisins, Zante currents Dried peaches, Soda crackers. j -rungs, "Maccajoni, CANDIES OF O All Kinds ! Butter crack' rs Blacking, O NUT5 OF All Kinds ! With the following articles a splendid STEEL ENGRAVING OF GEORGE WASHING-TON 53 obtained free gratis, with each article pur chased : q Canned fruits, Oysters, Gr. spices Cranberry see. Lobsters, Cinnamon, Tomatoes, English pickls,CloTes, Peaches, American do. Ginger, Green corn, Pepper sauce, Mustard, Jellies, O. Catsup, Pepper, Block matches,French mstardWorc'stershire &c , Ac, (J q &c. f 5?" Cash, and one price to every bodv. No goods misrepresented) to effect sales. A etiild can buy as much for its' money as any other man. Money refunded where an article fails to give satisfaction. Sink or swim, lair dealiii'' is our niottcv1 :iyT O E. D. KELLY. LINCOLN BAKERY! AVcst Side Main Street, Oregon City Oregorv L. DILLER Proprietor. o HAVING REMOVED INTO Mi NEW BUTLDINGi I am now prepared to serve PERSONS INDIVIDUALLY, Q GENTLEMEN AND LADIES, OR PRIVATE PARTIES AND BALLS, O WITH OYSTER SUPPERS ! On short notice. O O ' I would also inform the public that I still continue the manufacture of Bread, Pies, Cak, Pilot Bread, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Sjda Crackers, etc. In addition to vhich 1 will keep constantly on hand a large stock of the best staple and family groceries, provisions.Qtc. l:lyj L. DILLER. PEOPLE'S o Transportation Company. AVIXTEU ARRANGEMEXT. Until further notice O THE STEAMER A JL E It T B3 3 O Will leave Portland dailv at 7 o'clock A. M. for Oregon CityPconnecticgwith the STEAMER RELIANCE, On Monday and Thursday of each week for Corral lis. WITH THE Str. FANNIE PATTON, o O On Tuesday and Friday of each week fir Corva'us. O "WITH-THE o o. STEAMER ACTIVE, On. 'Wednesday of each week, for Ilarrisburg, Lancaster and Eugene and with the STEAMER UNION, On Monday. Wednesday and Friday, of each week, for Dayton and La- Fayetle. Returninn- the Str. ALERT will leave Oregon City for Portland at 1 o'clock P. M. A. A. McGl'LLY, President P. T. Co, SAEEM, December 1S66. (l?tf AXKS or EVERY DESr.RlFJ lur , Neatly printed at the FDtcrprise ofEce HIGHLY IMPORTANT-! To all wishing Wagons, Carriages, UORSE SHOEING, BLACK SMITHING, IRON, ETC. John W. Lewis, Corner of MA IX and SECOXD streets, OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform his old customers, and the public in general, that he now has on hand q THE CELBBRATED UNION PLOW! o And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. 'The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture "- Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability C7 EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED! Having constantly on hand for sale a large assortment of material, consisting in part of WAGON TIMBER, IRON, STEEL, ETC., o the proprietor 13 O Enabled to fill all Orders! o o For such Articles on O O The Most Favorable Terms o All work from this establishment and all material sold on order, is warranted to be as represented. O J. W. LEWIS Oregou City. De". 1.18B0. l:ly EW GOODS A o N D o LOW PEIGES. I. SELLING, o o .Corner of Main U o and Third streets, OREGON CITY, 0 rpiIAXKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, AND JL hopingbr a continuance of the same, would invite the attention of the public to his large stock now in store, consisting of fancy and staple DRY GOODS, n FURNISHING GOODS, AND MANY HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, YALICES, TRUNKS, AND UMBRELLAS! Groceries, Crockery,Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, vCJhirrjneys and Burners O Ilardicore, Cutlery, etc.. etc. Being Handreds of Other Articles 'Too Numerous to Mention! O 'ZW Call and examine for vourself. I take pleasure in showing goods, "and customers will find the articles at reasonable figures for cash or produce. I. SELLING, Corner store, opposite the 5:Iy Tm and stove store. iew York Bakery! F . C . II O R N U N G , AVp Xorth Front Street, Portland Oregon, IEEPS ON HAND a large assortment of V all kins of Groceries and provisions ot superior oualitv. at. low rates. Also, of Disown manufacture, a 1 kinds of CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD, PIES, CAKES AXD BREAD! Also, a choice lot of Russian Caviar, by the package, to suit purchasers. Also, a fine lot ot OLD OTARD B HA XI) V. bv the srallon. ?-!f Ord-rs from the iuterior solicited. and promptlyCuttended to. 2.1y Valuable Land far Sale. 100 ACRES situated on the East side of the Willamette river. 2-1 -i miles below Oregon Citv. and nearlv onnosite the ne Iron Works. Aiso: 141-2 ACRES adjoining Oregon City on the south, and : 87 ACRES lying north east, and adjoining the Oregon City Claim. Also : Two Desirable Lots for residences, with newly built dwelling houses thereon, situated in Oregon City. Any and all of the above tracts of land can be purchased on easv terms, bv applying to . :ini Air-ij nuui. Or Johnson & McCown, Oregon City. 10,000 SOLDIERS WANTED: IMMEDIATELY ! TO MAKE APPLICA tio n for Bounty due them under Act of Congress, July 2Sth, 1866, and now about to be adjusted. (T) To Secure an Early Return, Those entitled should make application to me at once, as the claims " tiled within the period of six months from Oct. 1, 1S6). will receive the first attention, and none other shall be paid or considered until all these are satisfied." 'O All Soldiers who entered the serviceTfor two or three years, or the war, and have re ceived only"$r;o or $100 are entitled to another similar amount. On or about the 25th day of December, I will dispatch a Special Agent to Washing ton, D. C, to secure the earliest possible payment of these claims. Pensions, Prize Money, Bounties Patents. Pay for Vouchers, Scrip, Back Pay, Lost Horses and other Claims will be collected promptly by applying at Oregon Herald office, or addressing ALBERT M. SNYDER, Government Claim Agent, Portland, Oregon. Information given by mail gratuitously. December 12, 1866. (3:3ro WILLAMETTTE IRON WORKS COMPANY! North Front and E sts., Portland! Oregon. Iron Founders, STEAM ENGINE AND B O I I.E R BUI LDERS. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the "bank of the river, one h! Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and etIJcientlv. e nave secured tfie services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years giv,-s him a thorough knowledge of 'the various kinds of machinerv reauired for minine- and ii milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MIXING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS 1 QUARTZ MILLS I ! MINING PUMPS ! 1 Repair MaeJtinery of all J TIER WORK at San kinds. IEOX SHUTTER Francisco cost and freight. Wheeler Ran dalls Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Dunbar's and Steven's Self Adjusting Patent Piston Packing, either applied to old or new steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and aies, ij the best hard iron. Z:y PORTLAND PLUMBUG, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, No. 110 Fiist SUcct. HAND AND CONSTANTLY RE- ceivine from the East Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Cop per, Tin and Planished Bath Tubs; Square and Angular Black Walnut Counter Sunk Marble Wash Stands ; Cold, and Hot and Cold Water Showers; Silver-Plated Basin Cocks ; Marble Wash Basins ; Force and Lift Pumps; Hydraulic Rams; Non-Freeziug Hy drants; Water Closets, &c , kc. fsitT' Persons wihing to introduce Cold, or Hot and Cold Water into their premises, either Plain or Ornamental, would do well to give me a call. Portland, October, 18(50. S:ly C. H. MYERS. Engineers and Others, O TAKE NOTJCE. JUST!;received, a small lot -of the cele brated Scotch Tubes for Water Guaces. Also, '-the Largest Htock ever oflered be fore in this citv of all sizes Wrought Iron Pipes fron 1-S to 4 inchdjiside diameter; Brass Cocks, T's, Elbows, Return Bends, Nipples, Bushings, &c. Constantly on hand, bteam Whistles, Steam Giiages, Water Guages, Governor and Stop Valves, Throttle, Angle and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds of B&ASS WORK, FOUSTEAM, WATER AXD GAS. Persons wishing any thing S the above line, will ido well to examine arid price my stock before sending to San Fran cisco. 0 (11. MYERS, Plumbing; Gas and Steam Fitting Estab lishment, o. 110 l-'ust dlreet, I'urilautL October, 1S66. S:ly. 0 Fifteen Years in Oregon, S. J. M'CORMICK, NtMUSIcj the Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher e Of this State, desires lo inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may not be acquainted with the fact) that he still continues to operate at the ) 0 FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland. r (exactlt opposite mocnt hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, 3 STATIONERY. SHEET MUSIC, TXSTRUC'JlOX BOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. -CHUUCii M' IC BOiK5, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, -MAGAZINES, GLOBES, O PRESSES, lyr.J PENS, P hot o g r a p h i c eA 1 b u m s. And every other article in the above line. : TN J 1 Cc COUNTY COURT OF CLACKAMAS County, State of Oregon : o f5o cent Revenue stamp. J A. G. Bradford Plaintiff, vs. Margaret Mitch ell, defendant. Action at law for the re covery of money only. (j) lo Margaret Mitchell, said defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above en titled action, in the County Court of Clacka mas county, State of Oregon, and if vou fail to answer said complaint by the first Monday of January, 1S67, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of 77 dollars and fto cents, with cost and disbusemeuts of this action. S. HUELAT, 5:6wJ ,T Att'y for Plaintiff. W. 13. PARTLOW'S Livery, Feed & Sale Stable, 0 (ESTABLISHED 1652.) Main Street . . Oregon Cily rIHE proprietor, after an experience of JL fifteen years feels his ability to serve his customers iu a satisfactory manner, and still continues to let horses aiid carriages on fa vorable terms, also to feed, buy, sell or ex change horses. (3m WOOD ! WOOD ! WOOD ! WOOD ! WINTER ! WjNTER ! JAMES II. GIST IS PREPARED TO DE liver Hard Wood, Dry Fir Wood and Bark, to order and warrant satisfaction. Or ders left at Smith & Marshall's shop prompt ly filled. JAMES II. GIST. Oregon City, December 1st, 1S;6. 6tf TO SUBSCRIBERS. "T"TT00d WANTED. Cord Wood taken V V in payment of Subscriptions to the Oregon Citt Enterprise. Delivered at the office, or on the bluff, corner of Center and Seventh streets. REDIXGTOX & COJS COLUMX. KEDINGTON & CO.'s Essence of Jamaica Ginger. THIS VALUABLE PREPARATION, CON taining, in a highly concentrated form. all the properties of the Jamaica Ginger, has become one of the most popular domestic j-emedies for all diseases oi the stomach and digestive organs. As a toDic it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise, for whilst it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary effects that follow the use of spirits of any k'ind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to nausea, caused by sea-sickness, etc. It is al?o valuable as an external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. RED1NGTON & CO. 6mar3uJ Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. MARTHA WASHINGTON" HAIR RESTORER. Trust none other, howe'er pleasant,- . None can do what this has done Try it always keep it present tTse the Martha Washington. IT IS NOT A DYE It will keep the the Hair soft and glossy : change it to its Original Color; prevent the Hair falling out; make old heads look young ; and do all that is expected of a genuine Good Hair Restorer. REEING1W & Co., Agents, San Francisco. ii MARTHA WASHINGTON" HAIE BESTOEEE Is a wonder of the world, and stands above comparison with any other article for the hair ever brought before the public, bold every where. Q 0 REDINGTON'S Flavoring Extracts. Are made from FRESH FRUITS. Each bottle holds twice as much as any other brand in the market, consequently they o are thej cheapest and the best USE NO OTHER. O REDINGTON & Co., Agents for the Pacific Coas O 0, o o GRAEFENBEHG 7A Uterine Catholicon. If taithfully used according to directions Will cure every case bf Diabetes, and greatly miti gate the troublesome effects caused by a re laxation of the outlet of the bladder. It is a most successful remedy for Gravel r.nd other diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and for Female diseases is unequalled. The Catholicon uniformly cures Prolapsus Uteri, Whites, all Irregularities of the Month ly period, Suppression, Incontinence pf urine, Bloating and Dropsical swellings, and all diseases of pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is immediate and certain upeu the Uterine and abdiinal muscles and liga ments restoring them to as healthy a state as those of childhood and youth, so that pa tients who have used the GraefenberCe.nipa n's Uterine Catholicon cannot sutllciently express their gratitude for the relief afforded. REDINGTON & Co., Agents, 410 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. w 111' WILL Y'OU DELAY ? O O We are sorry that Aftercare persons who sufTeVon day by day.O month after month,- and year by Q 3ear, when friends and neighbors have been cured of the same malady that afflicts them. Now Git has) been proved by substan tial evidence that SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER SYrRUP will cure the worst cases of scrof ula, Causer, Rheumatism, Neu o o Q o ralgia, etc.; yet stilPthere are O those who neglect this sure and neglect O valuable remedy. o To such wo 0 say, try the syrup be convinced. O REDINGTON & Co., Agents, 416 and 41S Front street, O O San Francisco. 0 STOP THAT COUGHING CJ 0 o SOME OF YOU CAN'T, AND WE PITY you. You have tried every remedy but the ONE destined, by its intrinsic merit, to supersede all sim ilar preparations. It is not surprising you should bo reluctant to try somethins else after the many ex periments you have mado of trashy compoundi foisted on the public as a certain cure; but NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compoundedQ lOr WIG Cine OI VOUgU, OUlf l"IUi, txamii-a., Whooping Cough.Bronchitis and Consumption. Thou sands of people ia California and Oregon have been already benetitted by the surprising curative powers of o NEWELL'S c Pulmonary Syrup o and with one accord give it their unrialifiM appro, bation. We now address ourselves U all who are un. acquainted with this, the greatest Tanacca oi tue age for the he.itinff of all diseases of the Throat aud , Lungs, assuring you that Q NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands and it will euro YOU if you try This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste: Booining, healing and strengthening in its effects; en tirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drugs, and perfectly harmless under all circumstances. Certificates from many prominent citizens of San TFrancisco uccompanyevry bottle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup 0 TtEDINGTOK t CO. Ka!?, San Francisco. WA TERiCURE LSTA BLI SMEXT. TO THE SICK Cares Without the use ol Medicines t Fourteen 2'ears in Sax Francisco. Pioneer Water AND Cure, "Dr. Bourne's Baths!1' Perfect Cures Guaranteed, according. to agreement in all cases. For the Cure of Neuralgia, Paralysis. Rheumatism. Bron chitis, Consumption, (incipient) j-ieuriy,. Fever and Ague, all other., Fevers, Dropsy,. Erysipelas, Colds, Coughs, Oak Poisoning, (for which Dr. Bourne discovered the onlv scientific and cure,) Dyspepsia, "Dreams, ' Sexilal Weakness, the'removal of Mercury and all other Miueral Poisons, etc. The methods adopted by Dr Bourne ara the irost pleasant, the safest, quickest and most reliable ever devised. SAVE YOUR TIME, Confort and Money; by employing Dr. BOURNE. Consultations FREE, by Mail or Express, or personally. Send or call for a circular of recommenda tion, references, certificates of cures, etc. which are not bogus, but given by well known and responsible individuals. No. 10 MASONIC TEMPLE Corner of Montgomery and Post Streets SAN FRANCISCO. Jf Entrance on Post street, adjoining, the Grand Portal. RHEUMATISM Throughout this Coast a great deal of suf- fering is experienced from Rheumatism. Weeks and even months of protracted -and aggravated misery is endured by the victims of medical inefficiency and ignorance, which could be cured just as speedily as was Mr. SrAituow, whose testimony is given be'.ow, and is only the echo of hundreds of other cases. Dn. Bourne cares without medi cines, which accounts for his extraordinary success. No, 10, Masonic Temple, Post street entrance : San Fhaxcisco, Sept. 6, 1561. Dr. Bourne: Last Winter 1 was nearly dead, bv an actack of inflammatory rheuma tism. "I suffered the most excruciating pains for about five weeks, without anv hope of relief, when a friend hearing of my illness, called to see me, and assured me that if I would stop "drugging and dosing' and go to vou, that you would have me walking about the streets i n three days. Sure enough, although I was utterly helpless, and con veyed to vour house in a carriage, and car-, rie'd into "it by three stout men, and by them lifted into the bath, yet, on coming out of it, I largely assisted myself, doing much to wards dressing, and", without assistance,, walked from the bath to the carriage. On the fourth dav I discharged my carriage and walked, with a friend's aid, the entire dis tance to your house (nearly a mile) and home again, and so on until cured. I felt myself a well man. And now I am happy to do you this litile service, of publicly cer tifying to the simple truth, leaving it to do its" work among my friends and acquaint ances as may chance to sec this. Y'our friend, o JOSEPH SPARROW. o CONSUMPTION An Interesting filler. : Very few persons, even among physicians,, would have been willing upon any terms to Save been in the condition of the writer of the following letter on the 14th of February last. I wilf anticipate somewhat his report of the facts by saying that on the loth of August he made ine a visit, " the vervpic ture of good health." Tjme, whichMriea and proves all things, has suflicierdly tested, this case, and shown that neither relapse nor collapse have followed, the cure is perfect, and can be cited among the scores of similar cases the result of my improved mod of treating diseases without medicine. (.. M. BOURNE, Water Cure Physician, r No. 10. Masonic TetnTde, Post street. O O q Sacramento, April GO, 1S65. Dr.. G. m. Bourne Dear Sir : D- is with pleasure and satisfaction that I now let you know of my good health. Looking back; upoii what 1 have passed through, it seems as if I had been lif ted from the grave, and I think it my duty to acknowledge to you and the world the benefit iGderived froji water treatment as administered by you in your celebrated baths. It was in" August 1864, when disease developed itself with a severe, cough? I then took medicines, getting worse with chills, fevers, loss of strength, and wa3) pronounced consumptive. This set me to thinkjuggand finally 1 determined to leave my business and go to the Sandwich 0 Islands, having been informed that I could not be cured here. I went to San Francisco, and while waiting for a shipilled upon Or. Bourne, who stated that a trip-to the Islands would probably result disastrously, was wholly unnecessary, as I could be speedily cured at his establishment. I placed myself nnder his treatment, jind in one week was so much improved I thought I could risk re turning hyme and do my duty as Engineer on the Central Pacific Railroad. The Doc tor objected, but I thou git t 1 knew better, and returned to duty) In about two weeks my cough returned, and I kept getting worse, and contrary to Dr. Ronnie's injtinc tion never to take medicine again, committed that folly, and soon was so completely run down that! could scarcelv walk; so, as a lasrresort, I concluded once E;ceto try th San Francisco few Water Cure. 1 went to of my friends expecting me to return; in factrl thought my return doubtful. On ar riving at Dr. Bourne's establishment (Feb. 14, lbt5) I wj.s not able to get into the bath without assistance, but in a tew days I began to recover myself again. I remained with him only six weeks, when I felt a "wiser and better irtah," without the aid of medi cine. I have how been at work several weeks, and find that I am gainiifg) every day and at present bid fair to be stouter than ever betore. t'ersons visiting tne woctor's establishmenWind it just what if) should be, both)in the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Depart ments, and I cannot say too mnoti in praiso of ibe Doctor's kind attentions to his pa tients. This letter I wnte for the benefit of all tho. afflicted, to be used as the Doctor decides, and should it be the means of directing any to his care aud treatment who (as they as suredly will) find relief, I will txr-pafd for my trouble. J A M ES CAM PirELL, Eugiucer Central Pacific Railroad: Sax Francisco, Aug. 22, 1665. Advised, by the undersigned, Mr. James Campbell, of the Central Pacific Railroad, (who was then in a most) deplorable state of ill health) placed himself under the care of Dr. Bourne, the Water Cure Physician. Some six months afterward he visitedHhc city, when I accidentally met hiiix at Dr. Bourne's establishment, and am happy to say, restored to the enjoyment ot good health, and in finespints. JOHN SULLIVAN. Cj5F Br. Bourne treats all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs which includes dip theria, hrtmcbitis, incipient consumption pleurisy, croup, etc., with great success.. Great relief is afforded in advanced stages of consumption. Rheumatism, paralysis, neu- ralgia, fever and ague, droDsv, etc , fete, arc- also cured quickly, pleasantly and ically. No medicine whatever. ccouom- 'o Dr. Bourne takes the liberty to publrsh thfe above as many persons had prophesied his relapse into his former condition, on return ing to his duties, of the writer of an "Inter esting Letter," whose statements concerning. the cure of a well defined case of consump tion have reeentlv attracted so much atten tion to the Water Cure, as improved upon and practised by Dr. Borirne This ddi-. tional testimony must prove satisfactory V all reasonable minds. It should be remem bered that Dr. Bourne uses no Eiedicines whatever, and that his patients almst vipi versally are those who failed to receive re lief from the medical practitioners; yet tbey are cured with great rapidity, and in'a pleas ant and agreeable manner. " No. 10, Maonio Temple, Post street entrance. - -;5rc. " c o O o O O o o o o G 0 o O o O o o o o O 0 o O o