o 0 o 0 O OKEGOA CITY, OKEGOS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1866, No. 9; Tol. 1. OREGON Enterprise. City Ss k )lEt)clUcciil tentcqmsc. - rrtiT SATURDAY MORNING p. BLISHfc" q f By D. - IRELAND, ' "' tarn PF outb. east corner of Fourth and i M.ix -streets, in the building lately known i the Court'Uouse, Oregon City, Oregon. I T?rms of Subscription. advifnce $3 00 n nr- nnc Year in advance. r ZJ' " il delayed 4 00 Terms of Advertising. Transient advcrtisenfents, one square (12'linesor less) first insertion . . .?2 50 For each subsequent insertion 1 00 Business Cards one square per annum payable quarterly 1- One column per annum One half column " ..- Leal advertising at the established rates 100 00 50 00 30 00 D. M. McKEflNEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Laic. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL business entrusted to hi3 care. O fice One door north of Bell & Parker's Drag store, Oregon City, Oregon. 3:ly W. A. ALDRICH. J. C. MERRILL. JOHN m'CRAKEK. M' CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet Linei. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved ; Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDRICH, MERRILL & CO., Nos 204 and 206 California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., 16 North Front Street, Portland. J. H. MITCHELL. J. X. DOLPH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Laze, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty . Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. 0 (ly) REST. w. c. joiisson. F. O. M COWN. TnTTwTrfn'M ft TVTfmiTTVT OREGON CITY, OREGON. 4f Will attend to all business entrusted to"our care in any of the Courts of the State, v-iwt. mmipv. erotiate loans, sell real es- uv.. j , o tate," etc. l.vl JAMES M. M00RE, Justice of the Peace & City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all other duties appertaining to the office of Justice of the Peace. 2:ly W. LAIR HILL. M. F. MCLKEY. HILL & MULKEY, ATTORNEYS ?and COUNSELLORS "VTTILL both be found hereafter at their V V Office on the corner of Front and Alder Streets, Porttand, Oregon. lyr. FERRY & FOSTER, BKOKEES t Real Estate and Collecting Of all the sweet sad words of life, Whose very sound seems soft and blest, The one most like abenison, Is that sweet lore word, rest. We g:-ow so weary on life's road, Climbing its rocky heights and steep, That it will seem so blest to seek That shadow land of sleep. E'en the sweet valley of the world The happy land of love, When we have walked awhile therein, Doth full of sadness prove; And wary souls pass from the vale, Sighing with hearts oppress'd, The saddest thing of life's love - " The sweetest thing is rest." The sweetest spots along life's road Are where low billows weep, And the one place for smiles should be Where our beloved sleep ; And if our friends would breathe a prayer, That one be truly blest, Let them but pray our God that we May have eternal rest. London Paper. From the Golden Era. THE CHALLENGE TO FATE; IMOGEN'S DREAM. OK, BY FRANCES FULLER VICTOR. Dr. F. Barclay, M. R. C L. (Formeny Surge u to the Hon. II. B. Co.) OFFICE, Main Street. . . At Residence, .(52) Oregon City. No. 86 Front Street, Corner of Washington, .fj PORTLAND, OREGON. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS, Bonds, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. Portland, Oct. ISM 3:ly. Dr. H. Saffarrans, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OFFICE In J. Fleming's Book Store. Main street, Oregon. City. (52 H. V. ROSS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEQN (Office Sver Charman Bros., Mainst.,) Oregon City. 1 y E. G. RANDALL, IMPORTER AN'u DEADER IS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, yheet Music, and Musical Merchandise ot Lull kinds. Sole A cent m Oregon tor Mu so si Si 1 1 j m. iii's CELEB1UTED OAKiJVET OIIGAX I AND "stciiiway & Son's GOLD MEDAL PIAXO FORTES I First street, next door to the Post Office, Portland OregoB. 4:ly Dreams in their development have breath, And tears.and tortures, and the touch of joy ; They leave a weight upon our waking tho'ts ; They take a weight from off our waking toils ; i hey do divide our being, i hey become A portion of ourselves, as of our time ; And look like heralds of eternitv. They pass like spirits of the past they speak Like spirit of the future ! -f Byron. . f.,rtT-Uo in iho -whole 1 breakfast. 1 rp;:tj fnr t)ii rnicn nn1 me. fclie was my imu""- - - - school, though a delicate, reserved and in- now comes the important part of it tellectual girl while I was all tire ana un- nen i arrived at the Dales place, l was pulse. There was something very appeal- ushered into a handsome ante-room, where, ino- cline-inf and devoted about Imogen, alter laying aside my bonnet ana snawi, I ' " " . and she took hold of my enuiusiafeuu ouuj was mvuea oy my escorwu itpau- wu a3 no one else ever did. him to the fruit grounds, where his aunt I loved her and I think I may safely say, and brother were awaiting me. As we after a life of feeling, 1 never lovea any waiKea aiong, my companion poimea out one more than I did her--differently, per- to me the beauties of the different views, ham but never more. The reason for and explained to me that the affection of this was I have since thought, that she his aunt for Philip, and the concern she helped me with her deep poetic nature to had for his happiness, prompted her to fashion mv elorious ideals : and insensibly gratify all his wishes to any possible limit. I had identified' her with the qualities I Happily, he said, his brother swishes were I -i i i i i.i TT .was vowed to adore. generally sucn as sue uoum uppiuvc. " Girls " said Julia Wvland, " this is the hoped the last ana greatest uesire oi ui first time any of us have slept in he chain- brother's heart might not be disappointed ber let us all remember what we dream Such an aunt, such a brother! thought I this ni"-ht, and i? shall be our fortune." I came very near laughing at him, and " It will be certain to be about love and longed to ask, as Miles Standish's sweet mnrrino-p 'T answered: "so it3 agreed, heart asked his proxy, John Alder, ;Why girls." " Heaven send us pleasant dreams then," responded Marian Northrop. "he dream can never be dreamed that can make or unmake my fortune," quietly remarked Imogen ; " nevertheless may we all have happy ones ;" and composing her self to eleep with her fair sweet face nestled clo?e to mv bosom, she and all of us soon slumbered profoundly. dost thou not speak for thyself, John V ' And so we came on to the orchard where his aunt and brother were, who immediatelv advanced to meet us. She eemed to know what Ernest had been saying, for she came up to take my hand, adding as if she had overheard his last re mark. ' Yes, my dear young lady, if you would not break the tenderest heart in the world, and mine along with it, listen with What listening spirit was abroad on the a kindly disposition to the proposal which onn,ui oUf fhof Afnxr muinmiif. T Vnnw has been niaae to you; ior lue Deist ui F H t. till VA C. U Mliwim J. A..v I ' not : but if a prophecving angel had an-1 husbands, and all this beautiful estate will ...,..i honnni.i nntimiro piifwoii become vours if vou accept him V I cast CHAPTER I. The examination was over ; we had our diplomas, tied each with a yard-and-a-half of blue riblKm ! It was the last ofIay. What circumstances more favorable to our happiness could there be? All our hard studies and irksome school forms behind a summer of freedom, novelty and visions more full of portent than those which visited our sleeping thoughts be tween three o'clock and seven that morn ing. When the dressing-bell rang we were still fast in the bonds of slumber : but Julia Wyland's loud and merry lnughter roused uS at last from our stupor of fatigue. Come girls F she exclaimed, springing my eyes upon the young man by her side -and oh, girl3, 1 wish I could paint him to you! a softer copy of his princely broth er such glorious eyes ! such a mouth ! such an expression of countenance as re minded me of Narcissus, and the honey of Hymettus and Apollo's flute, and I know not what. Enraptured I turned my eyes to the floor and sitting down on the carpet for sympathy upon Er but no, he was John Fleming DEALER U ROOKS and STATIONERY -Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived, respectfully solicits a -continuance of the favors of a generous public. His store is between Jacobs' and A over man's bricks, on the west side of Main street. Oregon Citv, October 27th, 'Gi5. (tf Professor A. J. Rutjes, TEACHER OF MUSIC. VTTILL be glad to receive a number ot VV Pupils at his Music Room, at the pri vate residence of Mr. Charles Logusv He will also continue to give instructions at private residences. No charge for the ue of the piano. My pupils will please give me notice when ready to commence. S:ly Removed ! Removed ( The old and well known Joitla,nl IosasEaay, L). MOSXASTES, Proprietor, PORTLAND OREGON, DISCONTINUED WORK! hut has been removed to Second street, between Alder and Morrison streets, where business wiil be conducted on as large a scale TTAS NOT JLjL as in years past. 2:ly Sli CROCKERY o AND GLASS-WARE, JIAVID SMITH W- H. MARSHALL. SMITH & MARSHALL, BhcllSmiths and Boiler Makers. Comer of Main and Third streets, Oregon City . Oregon. Blacksmithins in all its branches. Boiler making and repairing. Allwortt warranted to give satisfaction. 02 BARLOW HOUSE, Main Street, one door north of the Woolen Factory, Oregon City Oregon. Vm. Barlow, Proprietor. QueensWare, Lamps, etc J. MclSE Importer of articles in the above line would invite the attention of purchasers to his large 3toCk now on hand. o i Promt street, 2;iv Portland, Oregon. o L. T. SCHULTZ, Importer and dealer in - , r a & I - o giggly MIC LOD EONS; Musical Instruments, Stationery, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, .etc. 106 Front street,. . .o. Portland, Oregon. Pianos and all other Musical Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. 2:ly The proprietor, thankful for the continued patronage he has received, would inform the public that he will continue his efiortsto .pi east his guests. " William cBrougliton, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Main street, Oregon City. Will attend to allvork in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly sttended'to. Fashion Billiard Saloon. Main street, between Second nd Third, o 'Oregon City. J. C. Mann, Proprietor. T i MIE above long established and popular Saloon is yet a favorite resort, and as Xnlv the choicest brands of Wines. Linuors 'and Cigars are dispensed to customers a harc ct the public patrouage is solicited, (ly) J. C. MANN. SHADES SALOON. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner of Washington and Front sts., Portland, Oregon. N. C. 3LVTTH1EUSF.X, Of the St. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Victoria, having taken, the ahoiye house, Irishes to an nounce to the public that he is now prepared to accommodate guests in, a satisfactory manner. Xeithina will he left vndoite, which is in, the power of the proprietor do do, to render guests fr.rt.lhl 2?lv ... o , CECO ."3 3 OT QT JOHN NESTOR, AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Plans, Specifications, and accurate working drawings prepared.on short notice after the latest approved style. (ly) West Side Main. Streit, hi tween Second and Third, Oregon, City. "GEORGE A. HAAS Proprietor. The proprietor begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that the tibove named popular saloon is open for their accommodation, with a new and well assort ed supply of the finest brands oi wines liquor, and cigars. 2 THE GEM. Main Street, opposite the Post Office, Oregon City. . E. PAYNE d Proprietor. The undersigned takes this method of in forming the public that he has purchased Ihe above saloon, ana now olfors a choice and well selected stock of foreign and domestic wtnes, liquors, etc., which cannot fail to please those who may extend their patron age. The best Lager Beer, Ale and Porter iu the State, alwavs on draught. 3:1 r J E. PAYNE. A. G. BRADFORD, 39 Front Street, Portlaiii, Oregon, IMPORTER AND DEALER INQ Wines and Liquors, also : Sole Agent in Oregon, and Washington Territory, for the Golrex State uuampai manufactured by Hoffman, liuke -. yo., from California grapes. l:y R, HENDRIE, Importer rttl AVliolesale Dealer in FINE WINES ! BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, 51 Front Street, lm3 PORTLAND, OREGON. MARBLE ANDSTONE YARD WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 38 Front street, Portland Oregon Keep constantly on hand a good stock of ;uanue anu ouuaing stone, suitable for e ery description of work. Mantles. Tomh stnna and monuments cf every style, executed and set to crcrer. :gm us pleasure before us, coming to be enjoyed. I had invited three of my shoolmates home with me for that night, I having been a day schfilar, and my friends boarders, who were to leave for their homes in dif ferent directions on the following day. Wejiad got a little taste that evening of what we were anticipating on a larger scale son, in the reception which the Principal had given to the patrons of the school generally, and to the brothers and sisters of the pupils, besides a a few others invited to give the affair a sparkle. After it was over, we four girls, Imogen Ray, Marian Northrop, Julia Wy land, and myself, Fanny Birdenn. retired to the best Chamber in my father's country-in-town residence. With more forethought than usually dis tinguishes American gentlemen, my lather had reserved for himself when property was cheap, a whole block in one ot the finest locations of the pretty town of Bir dennburg ; and now, in the autumn of his life, and the spring time of his children's, the grateful result of his forethought was abundantly enjoyed. The scented winds that tossed the curls from fair young brows bared to their caresses in the little forest of greenery around Birdenn Villa, toyed just as softly with the thin gray locks of older and wiser heads that dreamed they were forgetting care beneath the magnifi cent trees whose leafy screen interposed alike between sunstrokes and wrorld- weariness. On this particular night in the last of May, the air vas full of sweetness extract ed by the dew from the honied Balm of Gilead, the full flowering Lilacs, and the intoxicating Narcissus-flowers. The moon was at its full, and not a breeze stirred the slumbrous drooping plumes of the half blossomed locust trees, or made moon-lio-ht and shadow change places even once during our long midnight talk. Two beds had been made up in the great southeast chamber, in which it was my be loved mother's intention that we should stera. And so we did at last, after weari ness had fairly overcome our physical en- durance ; but long and conimmgiy we conversed together first, leaning in pairs upon the casements, and cooling our rather feverish brows occasionally with dew from the lilac trees under the win dows. We talked as what youths and" maidens do not? of love. We probed the mystery of the future eagerly, but hap pily in vain. Oh, girlhood ! Eden of woman's life, why must there come the temptation which casts us out of paradise, whose gates are evermore defended with the flaming sword! No bud of love, no rose of wedlock, can ever equal the exquisite ideal loveliness of girlhood's conception of either, while yet the dewy bloom of existence is undis turbed bv contact with the actualities of life. Different and more ambitious dreams may come to us thereafter, but never again those airy creations of nre ana aew our w.is build ere ever lover's lips have whisnered in our ears . it We had laid aside our party aret, and clothed in our white robes de nuit, let down our braided, curled or bandeaued bnir : and while we thridded our own or r,anion's tresses with soothing fin- J v. r. , said over and over again our v ow a t everlasting friendship, and promised to visit each other on the occasions of our several betrothments and weddings. Other school girls have done the same, time out of mind. Tired at last by talk, excitement and late hours, we forsook the moonlit window seats and betook ourselves to our coizclss. Imogen Ray aa to sleep who to put on her stockings and slippers. I have found my fate, and if you are enough awake to have a realizing sense of my rrr.rrl fnrtnno T will tfll it Vnil Pfinnv! Imogen ! Are you awake there ? fiThus roused to an interest in our mutual speculation upon superstition's sea, we im itated her livelier example and betook ourselves to the duties of the toilette, while Julia related her dream " I thought." said she, " that I was in a not there. I looked back to Philip, and Philip was Ernest, and Ernest was Philip ; and bewildered and delighted I only re member that I was clasped in his arms, and that he pressed his beautiful mouth to mine Here Julia laughed out so merrily that Marian turned half indignantly away. " Ilis 'beautiful mouth," cried Julia, pinching Marian's, now blushing cheek. Indeed, my dear, it was my beautiful. large hall, filled with great numbers of my m0uth that kissed you, to make you wake was my duty to cast into the stream in such a way that it would surely be borne to the sea beyond. I feared to make the Venture, lest it should sink there, when it ought only to sink in the sea.- The twi light seemed to deepen, and I did not like to debate the chances any longer ; so I loosed the boat from it moorings, and stepped into it with my little burden, re solved to glide down the sluggish current to the lake which received its waters and whatever was cast into them, and there to drop the babe beneath the waves myself. Laying it in my lap, I tried to hasten my voyage with the occasional stroke of an oar ; but as I passed my own body lying 85 still at the water's edge, I became possessed writh an anxious fear that even should it reach the willows in good time, it might be caught and lodged in the pro jecting roots and so fail to reach the sea where all from that river were expected to find rest. Taking hold of the skirt of its dress with my left hand, I paddled the boat slowly with my right for so sluggish was the current that it scarcely moved the boat at all. My last thought before wak ing was that it would be quite dark before my strange duty was performed, and a shudder of horror sent a chill over me that I felt after I awoke ; yet, in my dream, nothing appeared to be unnatural, bufe only repulsive from gloomy associations." Imogen gave a little nervous shiver as she concluded, and her hand, which I held, was as clod as snow. Julia and Marian looked at us for a mo ment with an evident dislike of. making any comments ; but feeling the silence irk some and painful, and wishing to break up the restraint, Marian began humming a waltz, at the same time whirling Julia around the room. " You must have been reading, Moore's ' I wish I was by that dim lake I said, shaking off a sympathetic chill, and kiss ing my darling on her pearly white brow Imogen shook her head. " Dn't let us be superstitious," cried Julia at last coming to a stop in her waltz ing. " Imogen ought to have had a plain common sense dream 1 ike ours, hadn't she Marian?" That comes of her studying Tlie Bird Play House. You all know what pretty houses birds build to lay their eggs and rear their young in, but did you ever know of a bird going to quite as much trouble just to. make a play house ? The Bower bird of Australia i3 not content with the magnifi cent forests and orange" groves he has to spott in, but he must go to work and make a house more to his mind. It does not use it for its nest, nor has its nest ever yet been discovered. One would imagine, from its little ball-room, that the nest itself must be quite a fanciful affair. The first thing to be done in their little assembly room is one of the last in ordina ry houses. Mrs. Bower puts down her car pet. It resembles a tolerable mat, woven of twigs and coarse grasses. Then other twigs are collected and arching sides are arranged, making a little alley, large enough to accommodate several friends at a time. Such romping racing as goes on while Mrs. Bower makes a party? Up and down this.curious hall they chase each other, uttering a loud, full cry, which is no doubt meant for laughter. It is no sort of protection from the weather, and, as far a3 any one can see, it is good for noth ing but to play in. But as fhe bird has nothing else in the world to do but to en joy itself, it is very well to make that the business of life. These little Bowers think quite as much of amusement as some silly people we have seen in our lives. They gather to gether just before the front and baek: door of their homes a great collection of shin ing things' ; nice white pebbles, pretty sea shells, gay feathers, bits of ribbon, (when they can steal any.) even bright colored rags, broken tobacco pipes, and. any shining scraps of metal they may chance to espy in their travels. Gold and brass are all the same to them. . If the gold was dull and the brass bright, they would much prefer the latter.. When the natives lose any little articles about their homes, they are pretty sure to rummage over the collection of the nearest Bower birds, and very often succeed in recovering their oods. own sex, all newly-married. We sat in solemn silence while an old crone went round touching the lips of each with a goblet filled with the extract of the bitter ness of marriage ! I watched the hag with up. So I am your double lover, after all!" We teased poor Marian so much about being cheated out of a kiss from her future husband, and laughed and prattled so anxious foreboding, dreading the ugly much, as girls are wont to do about little draught with all my soul but she went nothings, that we nearly had forgotten to right by me without perceiving me at all ; and as she passed down the hall I awoke. What do you think of that, girls? A mar riage without one drop of gall in my cup of felicity !" and she laughed again as she adjusted the ribbon of her left slipper around the pretty ankle, and sprang up from the floor. Why. that you will be the happiest of mortals, if your dream does not signify that you are to be an old maid," said Marion, rubbing her pale cheeks violently to get up the laggard color. " But,your dream was nothing to mine, for mine Was quite circumstantial. I have all the particulars of my courtship, which I confess are fully as amusing as senti mental. But that's my style, you know. No nonsense about me, as Edmund Spark ler hath it. I dreamed" pulling the comb through her magnificent black hair, with a half scowl at the pain marring her radiant looks " that I was stopping with an old lady friend, in a pretty country village, and that I went to church on the first Sabbath of my visit. It seemed that ask Imogen what had been her dream, or if she had not had any. But beng now ready for breakfast, we sat down in the windows where we had been the night be fore, and I broke off a little spray from a cluster of lilac blossom, and fastened it among Imogen's auburn curls. 44 Did you have no dream, dear ?" I asked., "res, but not an amusing one," she answered, looking out at a glimpse of blue sky among the trees, with a far-away kind of look in her hazel eyes. " Oh, it was not agreed that our dreams were all to be of an amusing character," said Marian, as she and Julia, with arms about each other's waists, came and stood by our window. " It was not agreed either that we should tell them," was it? I asked, seeing that Imogen was loth to comply with their de sire to hear what else fate held in store for nnv of us. " Come now, Miss Fanny Birdenn, that's not fair!" persisted Julia. " You haven't told your dream either ; and as for Imo L.ogic and Karnes, and reading Moore and Byron, and other visionary mar-wits." She however softened her censure by a very affectionate squeeze of Imogen's dis engaged hand. " There's Fanny, now, has some flesh and blood about'her. . I'll lay a wager of mv newr bracelets against that little curl over your temple, Imogen, that Fanny dreamed something funny enough to dissi pate that solemn dignity of yours with a good hearty laugh. Come, Fan. blow us' a little breeze of fun won", you?" There came a rap at the door : "Missus like to know ef Miss Fanny and de young ladies do not wish der break fuss ; been waitin' long time." " Certainly, Shade ; coming directly, tell mamma." Other topics for the time put the re membrance of our night-talk and morning dreams quite out of mind ; and in the hur ry and agitation of parting we forgot to refer again to the subject. Our adieux were warm and tearful. It was the breaking up for us of a pVasant circle, and the sundering of tender bonds of friendship. Imogen was the last to go, and when I caught the last glimpse of her pale face from the carriage window, I ran to the deserted chamber, and indulged in a " good cry." Concluded next teeefc ' I was renowned for something my beauty ej j know ghe nas something good to tell probably! and that everybody paid me he . go ,)CCUiiar extraordinary deference. The day after my attendance at church, I received a visit from a gentleman I had never seen,.but who w as known to my hostess. He was tall, splendidly formed, with dark eyes, a clear brown complexion, a beautiful set of teeth, and altogether, very handsome and very dignified.. " He sat beside me on a sofa, and told " Don't teaze, girls," said Imogen, half- annoyed. " I shall tell my dream, it you really wish it." I stroked her curls as she leaned against my shoulder, and she began in a subdued tone of voice to relate the following strange fancy : " 1 fancied a scene where uot a tree or hill was in sight, but only an immense ex- me that his name -was Dale Ernest Dale tent of fiat, grassy plain, through which that his familywerc highly respectable; ran a narrow, deep, and sluggish that I must have heard of his aunt, who stream its banks hidden in the rank grass owned a fine estate in the neighborhood ; toward its outlet a stagnant lake two or and that he had come to invite me to spend three miles awav. About a mile from the following day with her at her beauti- where I stodd by this mystical river, and ful place ; and moreover referred me to m the direction of the lake, I could dis- the friend I was visiting for vouchers. cern a clump of willows, the only shrub- " But the occasion of the visit and invi- ,cry in the landscape. There was a sort of tation were the kernel in this precious nut. jrrayish, gloomy twilight over the whole He came to propose his brother in marriage scene which gave me the impression of to me ! The vouth for he was younger nicht-fnll. A short time I gazed on this - -a than himself, he said had been hopelessly singular scene, and then I thought its stricken by the god of love at church the meaning became apparent; A little boat day before, and not having the boldness was m0ored close to my feet, for the to address me in person, had entreated banks were full of Avater. Myself just him to come on the errand. as I look to myself in the mirror that is, I could not help laughing at this my body, dressed and cared for just as strange Avay of wooing, any more than I usual, my hair in ringlets which did not could help thinking that if Mr. Ernest Dale peem in the least dampened by the water had been the suitor instead of his younger laid floating, face upward, the dress urt- brother Philip, I should have surrendered disturbed, upon the surface of the stream, unconditional! v. But keeping this thought T that is. another self, stood riveted to the prudently to myself, and making all the shore, unpleasantly conscious that my excuses I could, I at last reluctantly con- body was not obeying the law of that sented that he should come in the carriage lonely river, which was that everything A Lawyer's Defense. Among the tra ditions of Westminster Hall is one of a cer tain Serjeant Davy, who flourished some centuries back, in a darker age than the present. He was accused, once upon a time, by his brethren of the coif, of having degraded their order by taking from a cli ent a fee in copper. On being solemnly arraigned for his offense in the Common Hall, it appears, from the written reports of the Court of Common Pleas, that he de fended himself by the following plea qf confession and avoidance : " I fully admit that I took a fee from him in copper 5 and not only one but several and not only fees in copper, but fees in silver ; but I pledge my honor as a serjeant that I never took a single fee from him in silver until I had got all his gold, and that I never took a single fee from him in copper until I had got all his silver ; and you don't call that a degradation of our order ?" o The Soul, Made Visible. Every one knows that in every human face there is an impalpable, immaterial something, which we call " expression," which seems to be, as it were, " the soul made visible." Where minds live in the region of pure thought and happy emotions, the felicities and sanctities of the inner temple shine out through the mortal tenement and play over it like lambent flame. The incense makes the whole altar sweet : and we cart understand what the poet means when he says " Beauty born of murmuring sound Shall pass into her face." On the other hand, no man can lead a gormandizing, sordid or licentious life, and still wear a countenance hallowed and sanctified with a halo of peace and joy. Horace Mann. It was in Dublin city that a good hu mored nYaid-of-all-work, Molly, once re lated to her young mistress a most marvel ous dream she had had the night before. " Pooh, pooh I'J cries the latter at its con clusion, "you must have been asleep, Molly, when you dreamed such nonsense." " Indeed I was not, then," replies the indignant Molly, " I was just as wide awake as I arri this minute." - Far Advanced. " How do you get along with your arithmetic ?" asked a father of his little boy. " I've ciphered through addition, subtraction, distraction, abomination, justification, hallucination, darnation, amputationcreation and adop tion," was the reply. A young Illinois lover procured a li cense without consulting his inairiorata. Explanations being made, she grew very angry and told the young man " that the County Clerk couldn't sell her for a dollar, neither could anybody else." She re mains single. next dav and take me to his aunt's. But the truth was, it was for him I went, and not for his aunt or his brother." "And did you go ?" asked I in a breath. " Y'es, I tceni," she said, flashing her thrnwn rntn it should float onward to the silent lake beyond. I became troubled, and stepped a little nearer to the margin of the water, intending to touch the im movable form, that once was mine, with great dark eyes at me, as she tied the cord my f0Qt to impel it onward ; but as I did of a very becoming robe de cliambre of my so 1 became conscious that I was carrying 0?ra-for I tad to furnish my friends jn mj ams a little dead babe, -which it It is announced in England that an ex tensive business is carried on there in hunting up portraits for Americans, in or der to make galleries of ancestors. An American agent, recently in London, ex plained that his business was to collect ancestors," and that he had been quite successful, having picked up many good portraits, and that, " with proper attention to costume and age, and some little her aldic additions, he had matched suitable husbands and wivegfor two or three gen erations, and had exported several very well assorted families, which, being pro vided with full credentials, were most fili ally adopted, and that he was continuing his highly remunerative researches. ' The Wolfboro Xews says there is a man in Tuftonboro who strives to carry out one injunction in a literal sense being merciful to his beasts. He has been ob served, when going to mill and coming to a hill, to get out of his wagon, take his grist upon his shoulder, ai4 p- at the ' Does the razor take hold well?"' in quired a barber who was shaving a gen tleman from the country. " Yes,'7 replied the customer, with tears in his eyes, ' it takes hold first rate, but it don't let go worth a cent." A pretty "Jewess on board a Cunard steamer, w hich recently arrived at Jersey Citv, had on her person $10,000 worth of human hair, jewelry, watches, ana otner costly articles, which she was trying to smuggle. She was arrested. mt lt A Printer's Toast. Woman the fair est work in creation. 1 he edition is large, and no man should be without a copy. " What is the plural of cent ?" inquired a schoolmaster. "Two cents!' shouted th sharpest in the class. On a child being told that he must be broken of a bad habit, he honestly re plied, " Papa, hadn't I better be mended ?"' . How to make time fly borrow money and give a short note payable at bank: -- The largest room in the world " Tho room for improvement." - A man winds up his clock to make it run, and his business to make it stop. 1M Scared. (John Bull, smiting his breast) " 'Erin is my trouble." Misery loves company, and so dees a a marriageable young lady.