Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, December 15, 1866, Image 2

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    Sfjc tOcckln (Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon :
Saturday, December 15, 1866. ;
M Mi
More op Tillamook. From Mr. J. J.
Dawson, of Tillamook Bar, we are in
formed that the schooner J. C. Champion
has more than she can do, to bring out the
products of that region his season. Tons
of prime butter are there now awaiting
shipment He is confident that one of the
late discoveries in that vicinity is of a lead
mine. With coal, tin, lead, and other min
erals, as well as a most excellent quality
of farming land, Tillamook is truly a prom
ising part of our State for settlement. The
salmon fishery there will be improved
largely next season, as the catch will show.
The road from Grand Iionde agency to
Tillamook i3 to be opened, another year.
Chaxce for Philanthropists. The
Unionist says the Library of the State
Penitentiary consists of four or five greasy
backed Bibles, about the same number of
hymn books and two or three miscellane
ous religious works, all of which look as
though they had descended in a regular
line through generations of tallow chand
lers since the time of King James' transla
tion. Here 13 certainly an opportunity for
the exercise of a little genuine Christian
charity. The State should furnish a libra
ry of suitable books for the Penitentiary
but it has not done so.
Change in the O. S. X. Co. It is report
ed that Col. A. Hayward, of California,
who visited Oregon and Puget Sound last
summer, has purchased a large interest in
the Oregon Steam Navigation Company.
Col. Hayward is as noted for the judicious
distribution of his wealth, as is tne worthy
A. T. Stewart of New York. We want
thousands like him in Oregon, and con
gratulate the State upon his appearance
in financial circles here.
Sleepixo Around Loose. Previous to
the departure of the California steosners
from Portland, on Tuesday, it was said
that the hotels could not accomodate the
people that hundreds of men slept in arm
chairs about the different hotel fires. We
recollect that in the early days of Minne
sota it was customary with hotel keepers,
when the rush was so great, to take sleep
ers from their horizontal positions, when
under the influence of the first nap, and
hang them up to make room lor new com
ers I " We can show -the papers."'
A Public Promenade. In the original
plat of Oregon City, all the open or va
cant space fronting on lots and blocks
west of High street, have "been donated for
the use of a public promenade. This was
truly a wise provision. The principal por
tion of residences in Oregon City will
eventually be upon the blult, and the view
is most commanding for miles up and
down the river. Even now, in its primi
tive state, a grand sight is presented to the
public from this promenade.
New Hose Carriage. We are pleased
to know that the experiments with a paid
fire department at San Francisco results
in good somewhere. "It's an ill wind that
blows nobody good' The disbandment
of Rincon Hose Company has placed .Wil
lamette No. I, of Portland, in possession of
the finest four wheeled. Silver Mounted
Hose Carriage upon the Coast, at a nomi
nal figure. No. 1 deserved it, if we do say
so from experience.
NotSo. The Bulletin of the 3d inst.,
noticing the arrival of the Oregonian at
San Francisco, says. "Owing to the de
cline in the Oregon" trade, it is stated that
the ship will be offered lor sale." If there
is any decline in the Oregon trade, from
w-hat it was when the Oregonian was put
upon the stocks, we don't know it. Prices
have declined, but business has more than
Coal. We have at least twenty times
noted reportedodiscoveries of coal in Ore
gon during the past four years, and yet
we get our supplies by importation. Mr.
Foley, a prospector, assures the Oregonian
that coal has recently been discovered in
Tillamook county. These mines should be
worked, tor show to the world practically
that Oregon can produce coal. From Mr.
J.J. Dawson, of Tillamook, we are in
formed that the Nehalem company have
commenced operations.
New Branch Mint, The Secretary of
the Treasury has purchased, at a cost of
$100,000, a lot iu San Francisco for the
new. branch Mint. Poor Oregon is left
out in the cold again, to shiver and freeze
for the want of just action to place her in
proper garb for an appearance before the
world. When will Oregon be attended
to ? That's the question.
Bellixoham Bay Mixes. The Pacific
Tribune is informed that operations are
stopped at these mines and will probably
not be resumed until spring. The fires
are still raging below and the waters of
the bay are being turned in to drown it
out It is the intention soon to sink anoth
er shaft on the same lead.
SrciAL Agext. The Oiympia Standard
pays that the appointment of B. O. Truman
does not deprive Mr. Q. A. Brooks of his
office. The duties of the two offices are
distinct and separate. Those of Mr. True
man are supervisory, while those of Mr.
Brooks are active and general.
Gorxo East. Governor Geo. L. Woods
ia intending to start next week on a visit
to the Eastern States. The principal ob
ject of the Governor's visit will be to look
after the interests of the State in the suit
between the State and Lane county, to be
determined in the U. S. Supreme Court.
The Astoria Suip Yard. The Herald
learns that Mr. John Bruce, who has now
a. Bchooner in course of building at his
yard in Astoria, has contracted to build a
much larger vessel for another firm: "We
aro glad to learn that Mr. Brace is meeting
with such good success in his new home.
TJfset Agaix. The telegraph yesterday
upset all that was reported previously of
Mcx. and Max. It is said now that Max
will not leave Mex. Let us see what it says
to-morrow. Great 'are the uses of the
To Be Hcxg. Patrick Brown, tried for
murder on the 22d ult, at Umatilla, was
sentenced to be bung on the 17th of Janua
ry next. The circumstances of the case
are omitted in the Columbia Press.
Ordered Back. Capt. Kelly with his
Cavalry have returned from the southern
part of the State. They did not reach
Fort Klamath before orders countermand
ing the march was received.
Smoking. Mount Hood, and Mt. St.
Helens have both issued forth smoke, in
black stacks, during the past week. These
have bc?n eecn by various persona.
. , . - W 1 1
: ... , "
Trip to Portland.
A trip to Portland is a mere bagatelle
now while it lasts, but were the boats run
ing twice a ofay, regularly and constantly,
it would increase travel and possibly add
to the profits oP the company. Two or
three new sights there strike attention.
The Court House and Carter's Block are
fine monuments of publie spirit, skill in
architecture, and show the existence of
piles of money for such use. The situation
of the Court House is superior ; the plaza
in front is now "we cared for by tasty im
provements, and both have a beauty and
freshness quite equal to the most prosper
ous and ambitious little cities. The out-
side of the Court Ifyuse has the effect of
simple grandeur, but tfiat order re in
tended In its structure-it is needless to in-
quire. In building now everywhere, all
orders are used and made to constitute,
each its share, both in general shape and
deails. The dome is odd in form and or
nament, looking like an inverted goblet
The bulls' eyes or port holes, may be ac
counted for by men's hejids of late having
run so much on war and turretted moni
tors. The color seems intended for brown
sandstone, but as no such material exists
in tbjis country any lighter1 neutral tint
would have been neai good taste. The
building was inaugurated b the last Cir
cuit Court. The court room is immense,
the dome absorbing: all sound, so that
moderate tones and voices pitchedKfor
other places, can scarcely be heard close
by. The judge's seat is formed after the
inevitable pulpit of a Presbyterian meet
ing house : the bar is perhaps large enougrh
for those engaged at any one time, but the
furniture is quite beneath the place and
the structure. The tables and chairs are
such as the meanest whisky shop in own
afibrds, but possibly it was intended to
save the shock of the too sudden transition
to the practitioners, from such places to
one of decency and comfort. Father
Jackson's raw hide seats on maple frames
would be a decided improvement. The
County Court room is ornamented with the
dirty broken debris of the old court room,
the whole of which would scarcely sell for
six bits at auction. All the rooms are
spacious, elegant, well ventilated, and
quite sufficient in number for all the offices.
The building and all finishing outside will
cost over eighty thousand dollars. It is
principally built by that spunky little city,
and yet is owns no place for the transac
tion of its own municipal affairs. Some
day a Town Hall will be adopted in a
spasm, and one erected in duplicate of
this or of grander dimensions. Brick and
mortar are becoming popular, and tjoard
houses must measurablv cease. Two
beautiful streets run the length of the
place, beside quite a number fsom the
river oacic au wen paved clone in a
a hurry, on contract, and many of them
requiring repairs already. Before leaving
the Court House we ought to say that the
plan is Burton's, but he was underbid at
the letting by Clark & Goodenough, who
became the architects. The basement is
the prison, an arrangement that may do,
although it is a queer feature in a building
devoted to justice or religion. Some wag
said it was modeled after some of the old
Spanish Inquisition establishments. It is
to be hoped there is no trap door in the
floor of the bar. A virtuous profession
might lose some of its brightest ornaments
with most sudden and inconvenient dis
patch. Carter's Block is the beauty spot
in Oregon, and would grace any city in
the world. The architect is Mr. Nestor.
He will not soon be called on for a similar
one, but the style can be adopted in plain
er structures.
A Valuable Ixstitutiox. "We are told
that as" college'' is an establishment or
edifice appropriate to the use of students
who are acquiring the languages and
sciences. We recollect, in year gone by ;
Bryant and Strattoiw chain" of Commer
cial Colleges in Eastern cities and we
remember the benefits conferred by that
" chain," extending from St. Louis to New
York. The National College of Business
and Commerce, lately established in Port
land is just such an Institution. It has
long been wanted in Oregon, and we are
pleased to note that its success is sure.
Its establishment is one of those great en
terprises which are not only of incalcula
ble value to the young and risiDg gener
ation, but it affords facilities for men of
mature age already engaged in business,
to acquire knowledge without which mer
chandising is simply agame of chance.
The Portland Business and Commercial
College is being well attended by students
from every part of the State. Persons de
siring to be informed regarding terms of
tuition, are referred to advertisement in
this paper, and for further particulars ad
dress the President, Mr. M. K. Lauden-
Tillamook Products. Capt. Hedges of
this county, formerly Indian Agent, used
to tell a story of a Tillamook cabbage
which was so large that it could note
taken whole through an ordinary door.
This story, says the Oregonian, is no ex
aggeration, as Mr. Foley informs that paper
that he has seen this year quite as large.
The rAFEIt Mill. Maj. Davenport of
this city has been employed as foreman of
the work at the paper mill at Oregon Citv.
His termed expired on the day follow
ing. The " Coming Man" has not yet ar
rived from San Francisco.
Received. Xhe first number of the Co
lumbia Press, published at Umatilla by
Dow & Avery, has reached us. It is the
same size as the Enterprise, is a neat
looking sheet but bitterly Democratic in
Specie Payments. It appears that the
majority of the Senate Finance Committee
and the House Ways and Means Committee
are favorable to Secretary McCulloch's
recommendations", excepting the early re
sumption of specie payment.
Florida has unanimously rejected the con
stitutional amendment, and Alabama did the
same thing, by a vote of 69 to 8 in the House
7 to c ia the Senate,
We take the following telearanhic news
from disnatehes to the TiTmmi&n fifnnn
Dates to December 13tli.
Herschel T. Johnson has been elected to
the U. S. Senate from Georgia.
It is said that Colorado and Nebraska will
be admitted a9 States of the Union early
next week. 4
The South Carolina and Georsria legisla
tures have passed bill3 to encourage foreign
Gen. Robert Allen has been assigned to
the command of the military division of the
The English government have offered a
reward ot 5,000 for the Fenian Chief, Jas.
Stephens " dead or alive'
A statement of tLe public debt 011 Dec. 1st
shows a decrease of $10,000,000 during No-
vember.(Q)The cash in the Treasury has iu
creased $3,000,000.
It is reported that the physicians of the
Empress Crlotta f&ir the absolute loss of her
reason as well as her life. Of what use the
former without the latter ?
At the Bogtn municipal election, held this
week, a copperhead darky was beaten for the
council bysa radical cuss" named Merritt O,
Massa en usetts.
The Canadian Parliament has been pro
rogued until January 19th. Lynch, McMa
han, and other condemned Fenians, have re
ceived respit until March 30th, m order that
their cases may be referred to the home gov
ernment as a result of American influenca
in their behalf. & (g ()
A prospectus has been issued in London,
for subscriptions of capital for establishing
a transit route through Nicaragua. A miL
lion and a half will be required. The Times
proposes that France and America will join
in the work. America can do it alone if she
The-Southern Republican Association, o
which I nomas J. Durant is .President, is al
most daily in session preparing to bring
plans for Southern re-6rganization. Among
the active members j;e Hamilton, Sherwood,
Sabine and Judge Purple, of La., Godlove,
ofN. C, and Hall and Davis, of Va. These
Southern loyalists favor the territorial plan.
A special Boston dispatch says that a
Fenian privateer is stated to have success
fully eluded the Federal authority and sailed
frqm NewburypoTt several days ago for the
Irish coast. The vessel in question is alleged
to be the schooner Patella, of 700 tons bur
den, and she is said to be armed with a most
improved destructible ordnance, and to con
tain a picked crew of more than 200, who
have seen service in our ironclads. Her offi
cers are all men of experience, (g,
"Washington dispatches andLondou reports
say that France has not changed her purpose
of evacuating Mexico but for military con
siderations it was deemed, expedient to sub
stitute complete evacuation, for evacuation
in separate detachments. All the troops will
leave Mexico in March. This is in accord
ance with the correspondence between Sew
ard and Bigelow, and is confirmed by the
news of the Continental from Mazatlan.
The steamship Continental brings news to
San Francisco on the 12th, of the evacuation
of Mazatlan by the French under flag of
truce, November 11th. Duranzo andSan
Luis Potosi were evacuated on the ISth of
November. According to the ContlnentaVs
news, Maximilian was yet at Orizaba, but
would leave Mexico for Austria in a few days.
The French troops will concentrate in the
city of Mexico, and prepare to leave the Re
public in March,
A New Orleans dispatch to the Sth, says
that both the Ortega and Juarez factious in
Mexico condemn Sedgwick's occupation of
Matamoras. Several officers belonging to
the United States were insulted, in Mata
moras on Dec. 2d, and one belonging to a
Colorado regiment was beaten to death by
some of Cortina' s men. News from the Rio
Grande is thought to indicate implacable
hostility to American intervention in the af
fairs of Mexico, and that any effort of the
kind would cause more united opposition
than was made against French intervention
or the Empire.
A dispatch received from Sheridan, dall
at New Orleans, speaks of matters being in
of Sedgwick gave rise to no complication :-
uuu.nvu wu iuv; Alio irruuutt. x lie act
"Infant," says Sheridan, "Escobado called
on me to ask me not to hold him responsible.
The Canales faction has been submerged and
I was enabled to release Ortega, Escobado
promising,he would look out for him. There
is not a city or State in Mexico that takes is
sue against the Juarez government. On my
return I me Sherman at Brazos, en route for
Metamoras, with Campbell.
The House resolved to adjisurn on the 20th,
until January Sd.
Bidwell offered a bill for the maintenance
of the Indians of northern California.
Congress will appoint a committee to visit
New Orleans, and investigate the riots.
The House tabled by a decisive vote the
resolution in favor of increasing the cur
rency. Conness offered a bill to grant land to aid
the construction of the San Francisco and
Central Pacific Railroad. e
The credentials of representatives from
Alabama, were presented in the House, and
referred, on the 12th.
A joint resolution has been called up in
the Senate, to disband and prohibitnihtia
in the South.
The committee on Foreign Affairs have re
ceived instructions to inquire what measures
are necessary to secure foreign recognition
of our naturalization principles.
The Senate Judiciary committee have re
ported favorably on the House bill to repeal
the amnesty act, and asked immediate con
sideration, j.
In the House on the ISth, Stevens intro
duced a bill to establish a civil government
in North Carolina which was referred to the
committee on territories.
The nousecommittee on banking) has
agreed upon a bill to limit the issue of any
one bank to 1,000,000, cutting down the cir
culation of existing banks nearly 30,0ou,t)00
which will be distributed among banks
whose circulation is below the average.
Maj. Gen. Dixhas been confirmed as Min
ister to France. The following nominations
were sent to the Sonate on the 12th : A. S.
Williams of Michigan, Minister, resident at
Sau SalvadorgJ. S. Eyre of Ohio, Minister,
resident at Liberia ; 11. S. Peck of Ohio, resi
dent at HaytirJohn McGinnis of Illinois, at
Stockholm; A?0. Lawrence of Rhode Island
at Costa Rica; Wickam Hoffman of Lousiana,
Assistant Seeretary at Paris: II. Ewinjr of
jansas, Minister, resident at the Hague ; J.
f5J. Campbell, Minister, resident tt Bogota.
In the Senate on the 10th, Edmunds, of
Vermont, reported a bill regulating the ten
ure of office, and prohibiting removals with
out the consent of the Senate. The Presi
dent is empowered to suspend the functions
of officers in cases of misdemeanors. Ed
munds c'isclaimed on behalf of the commit
tee hostility to the President. The bill was
made the special order for the ISth.
To convene the Fortieth Congress on the
fth of March requires special elections in
California, Kentucky, Connecticut, Rhode
Island, New Hampshire and Tennessee. The
bill passed the llot&e on the loth by 127 to
SO. Pending the vote, Higby of California
explained the impossibility of electing Ci
fornia members. Bidwell offered an amend
ment empowering the Governors of States to
fix elecljons prior to the 4th of March. The
amendment was not accepted. The Califor
niadelegatibn propose to get Congress to
authorize the calling of special elections i$ior
to February.
The leading members of Congress are in
favor of making an experiment to see if the
Postoflice department cannot advantageous'v
mauage the telegraph. The proposition is
to build a line from Washington to New
York, and declare it a post route, put it un
der the control of the Postmaster General,
and require each message to bear a cent
postage stamp for every twenty or thirty
words. It is believed the line would yield a
handsome revenue. The present Postmaster
General is understood to think the scheme
entirely practicable. What has been done
in other countries can be done in this.
, The following account of financial matters
and history of Oregon's first and last mint
will be read with interest: It is from the
ten of Mr. J. G. Campbell of Oregon City,
under date of August 4th, 1S66, and may be
found in the report of the Secretary of
State: "Sir In reply to yours of the 17th
ult., requesting a history of the mint estab
lishment in 1849, I give you a brief account.
Upon the discovery of the gold mines and the
consequent rush of miners, for nearly every
man that went to California at that time be
came aSiiiner, and the great demand for sup
plies to clothe and feed them, Oregou very
naturally sent a great number of her popu
lation, together with all the supplies that
she could spare from her immediate wants,
receiving in turn a large amount of gold
dust of the most superior quality, taken from
the Feather and Yuba rivers principally.
Nearly every man brought gold dust with
him on his return to Oregon, and, finding
that great annoyance and waste accompanied
the payments of small sums in dust, was
naturally anxious to dispose of sufficiency of
dust for coin f& meet their demands. There
being but littIe9eoin in the country at that
timefcaused an influx from the nearest ports
where it could be obtained, viz: South
America; and as the debasement of the cur
rency of nearly all of the South American
States was great and notorious, so much so,
in fact, that upon my return from the At
lantic side in the latter part of 184", before
the gold mines were discovered, they did not
ma, twenty-hve of their nominal quarters of
a dollar iu exchange for a United States half
eagle command when you take into consid
eration that a very large amount of gold
dust, the intrinsic value ot which was between
eighteen and nineteen dollars per ounce,
payable in this debasedfcouth American coin
at the rate of four of these nominal quarters
of a dollar to the dollar, you wil see at once
the enormous loss Oregon wasuffet ing
the double discouilfPon the gold and coin. A
small party of gentlemen met at the count
ing room &f Campbell & Smith to take the
foregoing matter into consideration, and
concluded, for the general benefit of the
country, to form a company fo.he purpose
of coining the dust into a shape that would
be otpar value at any place where gold coin
was used. The names of the parties that
paid for the machinery, dies, etc., and that
incurred and lost the whole expenses of the
transaction were Kilborne, Magf-ude.-, Tay
lor, Rector, Campbell & Smith. xhe design
of the dies was drawn by myself at the first
meeting of the company, and immediately
adopted as being appropriate. The tariff
on goods exchanged by the Hudson Bay
Company for furs (of which beaver money
was the main item in Oregon(J)being much
less than for coin, beaver orders on the Hud
son Bay Company were considered the best
money in the country. As soon as we com
menced making the coin, gold dust rose to
sixteen dollars per ounce, "at which rate we
exchanged our dust for coin, wt.n so re
quested. After having issued some ten
thousand dollars, and broken both our cruci
bles (we had with much trouble only been
able to procure two), and having effected
our influx of South American currency, and
every piece that we coined beinyr at the ex
pense of the company, we concluded to cease
operations, and did so. I send you an assay
madefor mo at the U. S. Mint at "Philadelphia
m j ou ; me nrst mentioned on the memo
randum was the clippings of the last coining.
and tSe- contents of our last crucible when It
broke, together with some very heavy fine
Yuba dust ; the second is our Oregon beaver
coin, and I assure you that every coin in this
assay was so abraded, that the design was
ahnost(ibdistin:ruishab!e, from tho wear by
contact with alloyed, and, of course, ha' der
coin. I also seud you the dies, which, if
yon see proper, I would like to have deposit
ed with the $10 piece you alluded to. They
were made by W. II. Rector d Hamilton
Campbell in Oregon."
One prolific source of Chinese crime, says
the Oregonian, arises from the existence
among them of a system of slavery, quite as
oojeciionaole rs the African svstem any
where. Men and women arc bourht and sold
in Portland hundreds of dollars beiug some
times paid for a slave of commonrade, and
as high as perhaps a thousand dollars for an
extra one. Quito a large proportion of the
Chinese prostitutes are the slaves of men
who compel them to follow that degrading
vocation for the enrichment of Celestial aris
tocrats. Men of money among them who
ownIavcs, require them to produce a stated
amott'nt of money for a stated period and
the fear of punishment for failure often in
duces the slave to resort to larceny and
other crimes. Our public authorities should
see to it that the system be ruest thoroughly
broken up.
Lambert, thc robber of Collector Adams,
escaped from the New York Toombs on the
night of November 1st. The says he
was kept in on e of the comfortable rooms
on the main Uoor of thej)building, a species
of reserved apartments for respectableper
sou s under arrest. AVhy hC) was thJe is
strange to us; as from what we have been
informed he was a most perfect loafer, and
in no way entitled to such distinction. There
is something rotten about his escape.
The Oregonian says that the assessed value
of property in Multnomah counj) for 1S6-1,
was 4v331,9S0 on which there was paid a
property ta3of $12,905 7'.). In 1865, the as
sessed valuation was 8-1,517,201, on which
the tax paid amounted f) $24,845 10. Mult
nomah has the largest property valuation of
any county in the State, nd in 18(55, was
the third county in population, Marion ex
ceeding her UtPjOSS and Linn by 1323. The
property valuation of Multnomah was last
year greater than Marion by SI ,572,603, and
greater than Linn by $2,031,475.
The Herald is informed that the O. S. N.
Company have men employed running wood
down the Payette river, to be used next sum
mer by the steamer Shoshone. The loggre
now nearly all down, and workmen are en
gaged splitting and cording the wood at the
regular landing place. The coal at Olds'
Ferry will also be used on the Shoshone, and
workmen are engaged developing the mine
so as to reach the natural and perfect strata.
The steamer can go to,vthin a few miles of
the Salmon Falls.
The stage from Canyon City arrived at the
Dalles on Friday evening. The Indis are
still committing degradations on the road.
Last week a pack train was stolen about one
mile from Camp Watson. The men did not
at first believe the Indians had stolen the
animals, owing to their close proximity to
Camp Watson, but were soon (bnxinced of
the fact from the signs in the neighborhood.
Col. Baker, as soon" as the robbery wa re
ported to him, sent a detachment of soldiers
m pursuit of the Indians.
The Herald of Sunday "noticed" one hun
dred barrels of flour at McCraken, Jlernll fc
Co.'s, which had been put up iu good oak
barrels, hooped with wooden hoops. That
really begins to look like civilization. For
home use there is not a family to be found
in Oregon, who came from east of the Mis
souri, who will not prefer barrels to sacks.
We regret that the Herald did not finish the
item ancLteil us where those barrels came
from vlf?i lipr "rnuntl lir(f)' fl.,f ' .1
(jAvhat " 106 superfine" costs.
The great number of merchants in this
State who are endeavoring to "sell otF' and
"close up," reminds us of an anecdote: A
shopkeeper who had stuck up a notice in
glaring capitals, "Selling off; must close on
Saturday," was asked by a friend, " Are you
selling off?" " Yes. all the shopkeepers'are
selling off, aint they?" "But must vcu
close on Saturday?" "To be Sure; vou
wouldn't have me keep open on Sunday !"
The Portland Iron Works has commenced
the-manufacture of Iluie's patent gang plows.
The Oregonian leari that the proprietors
Itave been in Cfg-respondence with Mr.
Douthitt of Linn county, with a viewto mak
ing an arrangement with him for the manu
facture of his patent, should it be found su
perior, as is claimed, to the other gang plows
uow in use.
Notwithstanding the immense freights
taken by the Montana, Orijlamme. and Pacific,
there is a large amount yet in store enough
it. is said, to load two steamers which must
wjt for the return oLthe steamers. By that
time freights of the Upper Willamette will
have accumulated so as to create another
grand jam at Portland.
" Capt. Adams" who is he ? the He rail
says: on Friday afternoon last robbed his
employers' till at Portland, of Rbout 200
and skedaddled for parts unknown. '
In the future, says the Unionist Oregon
will be a manufacturing: State the New
England of the Pacific. Commerce will
come to our wharves laden with the prod
ucts of distant lands ; bearing to them the
fruits of our harvests, the wealthof our
mines and the products of our industry.
That tiine will be hastened as the faciht-es
for communication improve. The Pacific
Railroad will bring the world much nearer
us, and in ting another trans -continental
road will be built, bringing to our' waters
one of the greatest possible openings for
commerce and enterprise. The census of
1SG5 shows that over two-thirds of the nonn-
lation of the State reside in the Willamette
Valley, which is the most extensive bodv
of farming land upon thfcPacific coast, and
not second to any in crfmate and produc
tions. It contains over three million noa
of rich aratteland. and if diride.i
of one hundred and sixty acres each, wnmd
easily accommodate a rul community of
onehSndred thousand souls,- Add to'thii
the number naturally engaged in other pnr-
suits, either professional or meclnical, and
the residents of cities, and wevould find
this Valley may naturally maintain a popula
tion of two hundred thousand, dependent'
entirely upon its own resources. LetMt
achieve progress in manufactures, as we be
lieve it will, and eventually it will contain a
much larger number than that, and the child
is born that, shall live to see it. Referring
to the census of 1863 again, we find that
even the richest agricultural counties, such
(Fas Ling) Lane and Marion, have not over
one acre in hlteen in cultivation, and the low
price of land through thi Valley enables
any man with very moderate "means to
purchase a good farm and make a pleasant
home. It is a fault with Oregonians that
they generally own too much land. Forty
acres well improved can be made more valu
ab'e and productive ian a mile square of
land not properly cared for, and in many
countries forty acres is considered no mean
farm. The prospect of the completion of
the Central Pacific Railroad introduces a new
era one ofJ progress ; an era when rail
roads will begin" to be appreciated, their
necessity felt and their construction beeun.
This will extend eVh to us bring the iron
horse fioui the Sacramento to the Columbia.
We have particularly cited the Willamette
country and its census returns to show that
it can accommodate with ease a large popu
lation, not that it is the only region of value
in the State. Even here, where its popula
tion is most dense, it might increase four
fold and not occupy the territory, and the
cultivation of four times the (Soil now tilled
would leave nearly three-fourths of the val
ley unproductive. We wani the outside
world to see there is room among us, even
in the best settlements, and we desire to
show them inducements to come here and
help build up our State. Outside this val
ley can be found as much more valley land,
fuily as productive, sind neither so well
settled or cultivated. To the south sire the
fine valleys of Rogue River and Umpqu ;
along the coast and on the Columbia river is
a considerable extent of good agricultural
land, and east of the mountains are the val
leys of Umatilla and Walla Walla, Grand
Rondo and J'owder River, besides many
smaller spots and much more not yet open
ed to the inarch of civil zr.tion. These dif
ferent sections are more valuable because
separate. We of the Willamette have the
advantage of a comim rce that can use our
surplus product.?, while to the south and
east are rich mining districts that require to
be fed, and these other agricultural lands
lie contiguous to ihem. "Eventually this
State caii and will contain, a m&lion inhabi
tants not in our time, but inur children's.
Then railroads will traverse over valleys
and span the continent on the Northern
route ; then every water-fall will cause the
hum of spindles; the timber of our forests
be made useful in many ways, and the in-
ventive genius of our people vie with the
ingenuity of Yankee land.
The recordpf the Circuit Court will fur
nish evidence of what the Chinese popula
tion is costing the county of Multnomah.
There have been a great number of Celestials
tried for one crime and another, occupying
the time of the Court for not less than nine
days already. Without saying anything of
those cases in which the defendant has been
discharged and iu which the county has to
pay the ccsts of trial, the time of the Court
in Chinese trials at this term alone has cost
not less than $000, and if the approximate
costs of trial be added, we will have not less
than $1,500. Tin's is likely to go on increas
ing instead of diminishing, and we submit
that it is a matter vhich calls for serious
The farmers tf Birch creek, says the Press
of Umatilla, have threshc 30,000 bushels of
grain this year, and am trying the uplands
for fall wheat, and if it produces well, which
there is every reason to believe, they can pro
duce 300,000. The samejpaper says there is
sufficient water power a mile from Umatilla,
for driving any quantity of machinery.
The letter instructions from Postal Agent
Brooks to Postmaster Randall of Portland,
directs that all mail matter, whether papers
or letter, to be delivered South of Portland,
marked to go by steamer," will be seut
that way. All through documentary and
paper mail is incluacd ia the arrangement
for steamer carriage.
The offices and rooms of the Oregonian
establishment are nov heated altogether by
steam, forced from theboiler situated on the
ground floor, through coils of iron tubes.
The arrangement is an invention of Mr. C.
II. Myers, proprietor of the Portland Plumb-
rUg, Gas and hteam-htting Establishment.
Messrs. McCormick and Bushwiler have
got a now map ot toe city ot 1'oitianct, as
surveyed b- C. W. Burragc, City Surveyor.
It shows everything within the corporate
limits except the grades Oregon City ought
to be getting a new map to send east, that
people may judge of the shape of things here.
Portland, says the Oregonian, has got the
Chinaman disease in a little worse form than
most California towns will consent to have
it. In that State, it rarely occurs that a col
ony of them is permitted to occupy either
the heart of aJown or any quarter ot'it.
One of Linie's patent safes, large size,
passed up the river a few days since, for the
otlice of the Secretary of State, at Salem.
The Herald saj-s this safe Ans long been
needed. Democratic papersdo speak the
truth once m a while.
Dr. W. A. Kelly, of Lewiston, intends
erecting a saw and llonr mill at Lewiston, to
be in readiniSfc for work as soon as possible.
The Willamette Iron Works of Portland,
have the contract to manufacture the ma
chinery. (S)
The weather since last Friday has strongly
indicated a freeze upon the Columbia. The
steamer Fannie Trovp, and others, have
been shod with iron around the bows, to en
able them to pass through floating fields
free jf danger.
Returns from Rosc-burc and Oregou City,
shows that during September la"st. 7,7oS
acr es of the public lands were disposed of
in Oregon the greater portion for actual set
tlement. Eastern papers say that Senator Williams,
ui una otaic, man
in 2s ew York and c
i . i . a. i ii' . tt.. : i.
sniatc. mai eliecrive union speeches
-tier States during the late
campaign. There is no more earnest advo
cate of the principles of the Union party
than Senator Williams.
Sutton & Co., of Por tland, have an estab
lishment which dries lumber by a process of
super-heated steam not machinery as some
have reported. It is ot sufficient capacity to
take care of fifty thousand feet per dv.
The number of liquor establishments in
Oregonin 1S6' where malt liquors were
brewed, was eight, yielding 4,152 bbls. per
annum, valued at S3,750. We now have
the same number of establishments.
2) TllO ITrrn'.jl. rpiuirtur h:ia Ki'PIl. in MrS.
Frush's garden, at East Portland, a turnip
weighing 30 pounds, and a beet0veighing 10
The Oriflamme on Tuesdsr morning took
475,000 in treasure.
With the exception of the bark Golden
Gate, the Russian telegraph fleet is now, all
in San Francisco harbor. It is supposed
that the missing bark has been frozen in at
the Arcadian river, as cold weather comes so
quick and without warning that itwas almost
impossible for her to have got away. She is
the store ship of the expedition. She has
plenty of provisions, and her crew are per
fectly safe, though the position may be a
cold one. The fleet will remain in harbor
during the winter, and resume operations in
Clackamas County Exhibit, from
" July xaao 10 f uiy j.to.
State Property Tax.
To amount collected for 1865 $S,830 75
By State Treasurer's receipt... 8,830 76
State Poll and Military Tax.
To am't on hand last year $ 427 26-
collected for 1865 - 1,059 05
paid from county funds. . 234 69
f 1,721 00
By State Treasurer's receipt...? 1,721 00
To am't on hand last year $ 723 49
" collected, interest, Ac... 4S3 00
" " fiiies and licenses.. 49f S5
" taxes collected 1865 3,045 73
r 4,704 07
Bj am't paid Supt. order 3,196 72
hand 1,501 So
$ 4,704' 07
County Fund
to am't on band las year $ 963 tf3
Land redeemed SO OO
Trial and Probate fees. . . 143 50
Taxes collected, 1S65.... 11,939 92
" collected on judgment... 100 00
$13,231 35
By County orders paid $ 8,704 55
" Discount on legal tenders. . 115 75
" Deficit p'd State Milt'y tax. 234 69
" am't on hand. 4,176 30
$13,231 35
For roads and bridges
" Printing and stationary ,
" Criminal cases
" To County court expenses. . .
i Commissioners per diem
" Judge salary ,
" Assessing aud collecting rev,
" Salary Sup't. of Schools. . . .
Court House rent, &c
223 50
83 88
529 00
2,703 25
99 20
600 00
1,243 00
.150 00
516 66
453 95
822 40
192 50
500 00
140 57
12t 45
Expense of Jury
do Qilection ,
Prosecuting Attorney's fees. .
Salary County Treasurer
Paupers. (gi
Miscellaneous, wood, c
$ 3.2S4 36
Judg't against D. B. Hannah $ 76 00
Certificates land sold 1864 & '65. . 581 36
Balance in treasury 4,176 S6
$ 4.S33 72
.$ 2,673 32
. 1,12S 00
. 1,038 00
Out-standing County orders.
Miliary tax, 1863
" 1864
4,839 32
$5 60
$ 963 97
. 25,674 89
Balance on hand last year.
Received from all sources..
$26,643 S6
To pd. State taxes $10,551 76
" Co. orders cancelled, 8,704 55
' pd. School fund.... 3,211 19 22,467 50
In treasurv
$ 4,176 36
J. M. BACON, Clerk.
Death of Mr. S. II. Culver. Samuel
II. Culver, Esq., who was well and favora
bly known in Oregon, died at Janesville.
Wisconsin, on the 2Gth of October. He
was a brother-in-law of Hon. O. C. Pratt.
The markets of San Francisco for Hour,
are reported gradually dropping. Holders
say it is not possible to sell wheat at any
price, the range is from fl.So to $1.90 per
100 lbs. No mention is made of fruit.
War in a Sew Quartcr.Frauce has
declared against Corea, This last is not a
familiar name to readers of newspapers, but
the name of Barman Bros.,riyer side cf Front
street, Portland, is as familiar in Oregon as
household words. They are still at war
agaiDSt high prices, and continue to sell
Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing goods
cheaper than any other house in Oregon.
Tlie Pacific Railroad is progressing
well on the other side of the Rocky Moun
tains, as well as on this side, and the suppo
sition is that in a few years the Iron Horse
will connect the Pacific Coast with the At-
lartjtic, which will be very beneficial to Ore
gon. Kohn & Fischel, of the St. Louis
Clothing store, Portland, do not wait for the
Railroad, but already receive their fine Cus
tom made Clothing direct from manufactur
ers, hence they are enabled to sell cheaper
than any other house in the State.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the Rer.
J. W. Sellwood, pastor. Services on Sun-
uay afc iu l-s a.
school at 2 p. m.
M. and 7 e. m. Sunday
Congregational diurcli.- Morning
services at 10 1-2 a. m. Evening services at
7 p. m. P. S. Knight, Pastor.
3I. K. Clturcli. Morning services
10 1-2 a. m. Evening services at 7 p. m.
D. Driver, Pastor.
Oregon Lrfulge STo. 3, I. O.
ofO.F. Meets every Wednes
ft,iv evenjng at i o'clock in the
Masonic Hall. Members of the order are in
vited to attend.
Bv order N. G.
E. B. Fellows, R. S.
?iultnoraah Lirlgc Ho. 1. A.
F. & A. M. Holds its regular l1
communications on the first and third Sat
urdays of each month, at half past six p. m.
Brethren in good standing are invited to
attend. Bv order of W. M.
Oregon City, Nov. fcth, 1666. 3:ly
There will be au election of officers A. F.
& A. M. held at their Hall in Oregon City,
on Saturday evening, December loth, 1866.
Brethren in good standing are invited to
Attest: T. J. McCarver, Secretary.
Oregon Citv, Npv. 2oth, 1866. F:ivr
Tlie I'est Remedy lor Purifying the
Blood, Strengthening the Nerves, Restoring
the Lost Appetite, is FRESE'S HAMBURG
TEA. It is the best preservative against al
most any sickness, if used timely. Composed
of herbs only it can be given safely to infants.
Full directions iu French, Spanish, and Ger
man, with every package. TRY IT I
For sale at all the wholesale and retail
drug stores and groceriej. (31
EMIL FRESE, Wholesale Druggist,
Sole Agent310 Clay street, San Fraiicisco.
Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer."
The great family inedicine of the age!
Pain Killer, taken internally, should be
adulterated with mjlk or water, and sweet
ened with sugar if desired, or made into a
syrup with molasses. For a Cough, a few
drops on sugar eaten will be more effec
tive than anything else. For Sore Throat,
gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain
Kilh-r and water, and relief is immediate
and the cure positive.
It should not be forgotten that the Pain
Killer is equally as good to take internally,
as to use externally. Each bottle is wrap
ped with full directions for it3 use. Please
read the printed directions;.
New Advertisements.
Oregon-City, Oregeuv
Office over Charman & Brother. 8:tf
their City Road Tax, are hereby notified
that after the 22d inst., the same will be col
lected as provided by law.
D. J. SLOVER, Street Com..
Oregon City, Dec. 12th, 1866. (8:2r
Justice's Blanks Just Printed,
We haveIust printed ik"
good form, with clear type, upon
the best quality of paper, afull set of Justice's
Court blanks, which will be sold as low as
the same cart be procured elsewhere in thia
State. D. C. IRELAND,
Publisher Oregon Cdy Enterprise.
tel fixtures of the Willamette House, ia
Oregon City, will.be sold at "Public Auction
On Saturday, Secfcmfcer 22d, 18 S6 !
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
This sale will include a fine lot of beds and
bedding, nearly new. A large lot ot kitchen
furniture and household goods. Also: one
of Buck's splendid No. 10 Cooking Stoves,
rfppt Steam Tanks attached! Two
very excellent Milch Cows, and a large lot of
earthen ware, tin ware, etc., to numerous to
Terms :
Payment in U. S. gold or silver coin, upon
.i s. Mcdonald.
Corner of ALDER and FRONT streets,.
Coast, and offers advantages for acquir
ing a Practical Business Education, superior
to "any other school.
The Course of Inst ruction
Is conducted on the plan of th best Com
mercial Colleges in Emope and the Atlantic
States, combining
Theory and Practice,
By means of Banks and Business offices, thus
familiarizing the Student with all the dif
ferent kinds of Business in the shortest
possible time, and least expense.
The Business Course
Embraces Book-keeping, by single and double
eotry, 1'enmanship, "Commercial Calcula-
tions, Co-respondence, Commercial Law,
Actual Business, Lectures on Accountr
Busir.ess Customs, Mercantile Ethics, fcc.
Terms :
Scholarships, embracing the whole Busi
ness Course, ltegular and Special Lec
tures, time unlimited, with privilege of
reviewing at any future day $50
Students enter any time. There are no .va
cations. For further particulars address
the President," or call at the College.
M. K. LAUDENS LAGER, President.
II. M. DeFRANCE, Secretary. 8:3m
Transportation Company
Until further notice
Will leave Portland daily at 7 o'clock A. M
for Oregon City, connecting with the
On Monday and Thursday cf each
iceekfor Corral lis.
jOn Tuesday and Friday of each tceek
for Corva'lis.
On Wednesday of each iceek, for
Ilarrisburg, Lancaster and Eugene
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
of each week, for JJaylon and La
Fayette. Returning the Str. ALERT will leave Oregon
City for Portland at 1 o'clock P. M.
President P. T. Co.
SALEM, December 1866. (l:tf
tio n for Bounty due them under Act of
Congress, July 23th, 1866, and now about to
be adjusted.
To Secure an, Early Return,
Those entitled should make application to
me at once, as the claims " tiled within tho
period of six months from Oct. 1, 1S66, will
receive the first attention, and none, other
shall be paid or considered until all these
are satisfied."
All Soldiers who entered the service for
two or three years, orth war, and have re
ceived only " 50 or $100 are entitled to
another similar amount.
On or about the 25th day of December, I
will dispatch a Special Agent to Washing
ton, D. C, to secure the earliest possible
payment of these claims.
Pensions, Prize Money, Bounties Patents.
Pay for Vouchers, Scrip, Back Pay, lt
HoVses and other Claims will be collected
promptly by applying at Oregon Herald
office, or addressing
Government Claim Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Information given by mail gratuitously.
December 12, 1666.
(8:3 m
Neatly printed at the Ent-erpris ciM-