Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, December 08, 1866, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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jFcirvT 1)KCEMBES 8, 1SCC.
: .. ...:... .f fWwnlter Cth. 1SC6.1
From the lauy wp1'""
Cltlz.uH of the Senate -
7 it I?m;vfRr1ltrttlFei '
After a brief interval the Congress of the United
PUteVrcsuinea its annual legislative labors An
all vU and merciful providence has abated the
pestilence which visited our shores, leaving its ca
Luuitous traces upon some portions of our country .
Peace, order, tranquility civil authonty have
been formally declared to exist throughout the
whole of the United States. Civil authonty has
-uner-eded the coercion of arms, and the people
bv voluntary action are maintaining their govern
ment in full activity and complete operation.
The enforcement of the laws is no longer obstruct
ed in any place by combinations too powerful to
be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial
proceedings. The animosities engendered by the
war are rapidly yielding to the, beneficent influ
ences of our free institution?, and to the kindly
efforts of unrestricted social and commercial inter
course ' An entire restoration of fraternal feeling
mut c the earnest wish of every patriotic heart,
aud we will have accomplished our greatest na
tional achievement when, forgetting the sad
events of the past and remembering only tTieir in
structive lessons, we resume our onward career as
tf'ree, prosperous aud united people.
In my message of the 4th ofDccejnber, 1865,
Coneress was inSrmed of the measures which had
been instituted by the executive with a Vew
t' the gradual restoration of the States in which
the insurrection occurred, to their former relations
with the General Government. Provisional Gov
ernors had beeif appointed, Conventions called,
Governors elected, Legislatures assembled and Sen
ators and Representatives chosen to the Congress of
tho United States, and Courts had been opened for
the enforcement of laws long in abeyance, the
blockadead been removed, custom houses reestab
lished, and the internal revenue laws put in force
iu order that the people might contribute to the
internal income. Postal Operations hadbeen re
newed and efforts were being made to restore them
to their farmer condition and efficiency. The
State themselves had been asked to take part in
the high funcCio-i of amending th&Constitution and
thus sanetiouiug the ex fiction of African slavery
as one of the legitimate results of our struggle.
Having progressed thus fat, the Executive Head
found that it had accomplished nearly all that
was within the scope of its Constitutional author
ity. One thing, however, yet remained to be done
before the work of restoration could bo aecoin-T.li-jht'd.
find that was tbe admission to Con
gress of loyal Senators and Representatives
for the States where tho people had rebelled
against,? the lawful authority of the General
Government. .This question devolved upon the
respective houses which, by thief Constitution,
fere made the judges of the election rotuxns anf
qualifications of thjr own members, andnts con
sideration at once engaged the attention of (Con
gress. In the mean time the Executive plan hav
ing been proposed by Congress (?) continued its
efl'orts to perfect as far as was practicable the res
toration of the proper relation between the citizens
of the respective States and the Federal Govern
ment, extending from time to time what the public
interests seemed to require to the judicial, revenue
and postal systems of the country. With the advice
aud consent of the; Senate the necessary officers
were appointed, and appropriations were made by
Congress for the payment of their salaries. The
proposition to amend the Fedjerji'l Constitution so
as to provide for the abolition of slavery within
tho Unitodi States, or any place subject to their
jurisdiction was ratified by the sufficient number
of States, asvi on the 18th day of November,
18t5, it was officially declared to have bfeome
valid and a part ot the Constitution of the United
States. All of the States in which the insurrec
tion had existed, promptly amended their consti
tutions so as to make them conform to the great
change this effected in the organic law of
the; land. They declared null and void all
ordinances and laws of secession, repudiated all
pretended debts and obligations created for the
revolutionary purposes of the insurrection, and
proceeded itfgool fnith to the enactment of meas
ures for the protection and amelioration of the
condition of the colored races. Congress, howev
er, yet refused to admit any of these States tit
representation, and it was not until towards the
close of the eighth month of the session that an
. exception was made in favor of Tennessee bythe
admission of her Senators andJlepresentatives.
I deem it a subject of profound regret that Con
gress has thusir failed to admit to feats loyal
Senators and Representatives from th other
States whose inhabitants withcthose of Tennessee,
had engaged in rebellion. Ten States, mare
than one-fourth of the whole number remained
without representation. Thg"sats of fifty mcax
bers in the(4louse of Representatives, and of
twenty miiubersn the Scuate, are ,yet vacant,
fnot by their tovn consent, not by a fractiousuess
of Electors? but by the refusal of Congress to ac
cept their credentials. Their admission, it i be
lieved, would have accomplished much toward
the renewal and strengthening of our relations as
one people and removed a serioflDs cause for dis
content on the part of the inhabitants of these
States. It woiild have accorded with the great
principle enunciated uf the Declaration of
American Independence, that no people
ought to bear tho(h-urden of taxation and yet be
u.gniea tue ngnt ot representation. It would
hffcvobeen in consonance;) with the express provis
ions of the Constitution that each State shall have
at least one representative, and that no State with
,Qout its consent shall fcd deprived of its equal suf
frage in the Senate. Those provisions were in
tended to;,,sel-ure to every State, and to the people
of every State, the right of representation in each
House of Congress; and so important was it
deemed by the frames of the Constitution that
the equality of the States should be preserved,
that; not even by an amendment of the Constitu
tion can any State without its consent b& denied a
voice i that branch of the national Legislature.
U is truo that it hat been assumed thaUhe exis
tence of States was terminated by rebellion and
the acts ofdheir inhabitants, and that the insur
rection having beensuppressed, they were thence
forward to be considered merely as conquered ter
ritory. The legislative, executive and judicial
i.Fiiwcuis ui tue government have, how
with jrreat distinctness refn
. ? - ' coumvjiu as
sumption so incompatible with the natureof our
republican system and the professed objects of the
Throughout the reecnt session of Congress the
undeniable fact makes itself apparent that the ten
political communities are nothing less than States
of this Union. At theory commencement of the
rebellion, each house declared with a unanimity
as remarkable as it was significant, that the war
wai not waged upon our side in a partisan spirit
of oppressionjonor for any purpose of conquest or
subjugation, nor for the purpose o overthrowing
or interfering with the rights or established insti
tutions of these States, but to defend and maintain
the supremacy of th constitution and all laws
made in pursuance thereof, and to preserve the
Union with all the dignity, equality and rightsf
the several States.unimpuired, and tBat as soon
as these objects were accomplished the war oVht
iu 'cease, in some instance Senators
were per-
muiea to Continue their
while cin other instances
legislatiye functions,
Representatives were
elected and admitted to seats after thr States
had formally declared vVncir rights to withdraw
from the Union, and were endeavoring to main
tain that right by force of arms.
All of the States whose people were in insur
rection as States, were included in the appor
tionment of direct tax" twenty millions of dol
lars annually laid unporTthe United States by an
act approved on the 5th of August, 1SC1. Con
gress by the act of March 4th, 1S62, and by the
apportionment of representation thereunder, also
recognized their presence as States in th$ Union,
and they have for judicial purposes been divided
into districts as States alone can be divided. The
same recognition appears in the recent legislation
iu reference tb Tennessee whifh evidently rests
upon the fact that the functions' of the State were
not destroyed by the rebellion, but merely suspend
ed, and that principle is of course as applicable to
these Statas which, like Tennessee, attempted to
renounce Their placeJn the Union.vThe action of the
Executive Department of the Government upon
this subject has been equally definite aud uniform
and the purpose of the war was 3tated in the proc
lamation issued by my predecessor on the 22d day
of September, 1862. It was then solemnly pro
claimed and declared that hereafter, as heretofore,
the war will be prosecuted for the object of prac
tically restoring the constitutional relations be
tween the United States a&l such of the States
and the people hereof, in which States that rela
tion is or may be suspended or disturbed. The
recognition of the States by the judicial depart
ment of the Government has also been clear and
conclusive in all its proceedings affecting them as
States aud in the Supreme, Circuit, and District
Courts. v
In the admi?sion of Senators and Representatives
from any and all tho States there can be no just
grounds of apprehension that persona who are dis
loyal wil&be clothed with the powers of legisla
tion, for this could not happen when the Cousti
iution and tho laws are enforced by a vigilant and
lait&ful Congress. Each House is made the judge
of the election,? returns, and qualifications of its
own members, and may, with the .concurrence of
two-thirds expel a member. When a Senator or
Representative presents his certificate of election
he may at once be admitted or rejected ; or should
there be any question as to his eligibility his cre
dentials may be referred for investigation to the
appropriate committees, and if admitted to a seat
it must be upon evidence satisfactory to the house
of which he thus becomes a member, that he posses
scathe right Constitutional and legal qualifications.
If refused admission as a member for want of due al
legiance toihe Government and returned to his con
stituents, they are admonished that none but persons
loyal to the United States will be allowed a voice
in the legislative councils of the nation, and the
political power aud the moral influence of Con
gress are thus effectively exerted in the interests
ojf lliyalty to the Government and fidelity to the
Union. Upon this question so vitally effecting
tie restoration of the Union and the permanency
I of our present form of government, my convic
tions neretotore expressed nave undergone no
change, but on the contrary their correctness has
been confirmed by reflection and time. If tho
admission of loyal members to seats in the respec
tive Houses of Congress was wise and expedient a
year ago, it is no less wise and expedient now. If
this anomalous condition is right now, and if in
the exact condition of these States at the present
time it is lawful to exclude them from representa
tion, I do not see that the question will be changed
by ttas efflux of time. Ten years hence, if these
States remain as they are, the right of representa
tion will be no stronger, the right of exclusion
will be no weaker. o
The Constitution of the United States makes it
the duty of the President to recommend to the
consideration of Congress such measures as he
shall judge necessary or expedient. I know or
no measure more imperatively demanded by every
consideration of national interests, sound policy
and equal justice, than the admission of loyal
members from the now unrepresented States.
This would consummate the work of restoration
ard exert a most salutary inlluence in the re
establishinent of peace, harmony and fraternal
feeling. It would tend greatly to renew the con
fidence of the American people in the vigor of
their institutions. It would bind us more closely
together as a nation and enable us to show to the
world the inherent and recuperative power of a
Government founded upon the will of the people,
and established upon the principles of liberty,
justice and intelligence. It would increase our
strength and enhance our prosperity. It would
irrelragably demonstrate the fallacy of the argu
ments against free institutions drawn from our
recent national disorders by the enemies of Re
publican government. The admission of loyal
members from these States now excluded from
Congress, allajing doubt and apprehensions,
wauld turn capital now awaiting an opportunity
for investment into the channels of trade and in
dustry. It would alleviate the present troubled con
dition of these States, and by inducing emigration
aid in the settlement of fertile regions now uncul
tivated, and lead to an increased productiveness of
those staples which have added so greatly to the
wealth of the nation and the commerce of the
world. New fields of enterprise would be opened
to our progressive people, and soon the devasta
tions of war would be repaired and all traces of
our domestic differences effaced from the minds of
our countrymen.
labour Efforts to preserve the unity of the gov
ernment which constitutes us one people, by re
storing the States to the condition which they
held prior te the rebellion, we should be cautious
lest having rescued our nation from the perils of
threatened disintegration, we turn to consolida
tion and in the end finally absolute despotism as
a reward for the recurrence of similar troubles. (?)
rul i i .-. .....
j.w war iiaving rerminatea ana witn it all occa
sion for the exercise of power of doubtful constitu
tionality, we should hasten to bring legislation
within the boundaries prescribed bycthe constit
tion and return to the ancient land marks estab
lished by our fathers for the guidance of succeed
ing generations. Tho Constitution which at any
time exists until changed by an explicit and au
thentic act of the whole people, is sacredly oblig
atory upon all. If in the opinion of the people the
distribution or modification of the constitutional
powers be in any peculiar, wrong, let it be cor
rected by af amendment in the way in which the
constitution designates; but let there be change
by usurpation, and forms are destroyed. Wash
ington spake these words to his countrymen when,
followed by their love and gratitude, he volunta
rily retired from the care of public life: "Keef all
things withfn the pale of our constitutional pow
ers, and cherish the general union as the only
rock of safety." This was prescribed by Jeffer
son as a rule of action to his countrymen. He
enjoined them to study the true principles of their
constitution, and promote a union of sentiments
and action equally auspicious to their happiness
and safety. Jackson held that the action of the
General Government should always be strictly
confmed to the sphere of its appropriate duties,
and justly and forcibly urged that our Govern
ment is not to be maintained, nor our union pre
served, the invasion of the rights and powers
of the several States. In thus attempting to make
our General Government strong, we make it weak.
Its true strength consists in leaving individuals
ana states as much as possible to themselves: in
making itself felt, not in its protection; not in
binding theStates more closely to the centre, but
""'".'s -o move unobstructed in its proper
vuiiimuuuuai oroit.
Wise are the teachings of men whose deedsand
vI "iu; mem illustrious anaiongsince
withdrawn from the scenes of life have left to their
country the rich legacy of their example, their
wisdom and.their patriotism. Receiving inspira-
iioui ineiriessons le us emulate them iu
love of country and respect for the Constitution
and the laws.
The report of the Secretary of the Treasury (af
fords much information respecting the revenue
and commerce of the country. His views ' upon
the currency and with reference to a properad
justment of our revalue system, infernal as well
as external, are commended to the careful considera
tion of Congress. In my last annual message lex
pressed my general views upon these subjects. I
need now onlv call attention to tho rrfo..-;tv r,f
carrying into every department of the government
system of a rigid accountability, retrenshment
and wise economy with no exceptional or unusual
expenditures. The oppressive burdens of taxa
tion can be lessened by such a modification of our
revenue tax as will be consistent with the Dunlin
faith and the legitimate and
necessary wants of
the government. Ihe report presents a much
more satisfactory condition of our finances than
one year ago the most sanguine could have an
ticipated. During the fiscal year en'ding the CUth
of June 1SC5, the last year of the war, the public
debts was increased $911,902,537, and on the
31st of October, 4865, it amounted to 82, 740,854, -750.
On the 31st day of October, 1SGG, it had
been reduced to $2,551,310,060. The diminu
tion during a period of fourteen months, com
mencing September 15th, 1S05, and ending Octo
ber 31st, 1S0C, having been $200,379,505. In
the last annual report on the state of the finances,
it was estimated that on the 30th of June last, the
debt would be increased $112,191,947. During
that period, however, it was reduced $31,190,380
the receipts of the year having been $89,905,905
more, and the expenditures 2l)0, 529, 235 less than
the estimate. Nothing could more clearly indicate
than these statements the extent and availability
of the national resources and the rapidity and
safety with which under our form of government
great military and naval establishments can be
disbursed and expenses reduced from a war to a
peace footing. During the fiscal year ending the
30th of June, 1SG0, the receipts were $55S,032,020
and expenditure $220,750,940 leaving an availa
ble surplus of $327,281,080. It is estimated that
receipts for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1807,
will be $475,001,380 and that expenditures will
reach the sum of $516,428,07S, leaving in the
Treasury a surplus of $158,033,308. For the
fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1808, it is
estimated that the receipts will amount to
$430,000,000 and the expenditures will be $350,
207,641, showing excess of $85,752,359 in favor of
government. These estimated receipts may be
diminished by a reduction of excess on import
duties, but after all necessary reductions have'
been made the revenue of tho present and of fol
lowing years will doubtless be sufficient to cover
legitimate charges on the treasury and leave a
large annual surplus to be applied to the payment
of the principal of tho debt. Thero seems now to
be no good reason why taxes may not be reduced
aud the country advanced in population and
wealth, and its debts be extinguished within the
next quarter of a century.
The report of the Secretary of "War furnishes
valuable and important information in reference
to the operations of his department during the
past year. Few volunteers now remain in the
service, and they are being discharged as rapidly
as they can be replaced by regular troops. The
army has been promptly paid, carefully provided
with medical treatment, well sheltered and sub
sisted, and is to be furnished with breech-loading
small arms. The military strength of the nation
has been unimpaired by the discharge of volun
teers, the disposition of unserviceable or perish
able stores, and retrenchment of expenditures.
Sufficient war material to meet any emergency has
been retained. The disbanded volunteers stand
ready to respond to the Presidential call. Large
armie3 can be rapidly organized, equipped and
concentrated. The fortifications on the coasts and
frontiers have received, or is being prepared, for
more powerful armaments. Lake surveys and
harbor and river improvements arc iu course of
energetic prosecution.
Preparations have been made for the payment
of the additional business authorized during the
recent session of Congress, under such regulations
as will protect the Government from fraud and
and secure to the honorably discharged soldiers
the well earned reward of his faithfulness and
gallantry. More than six hundred maimed sol
diers have received artificial limbs or their surgi
cal operations, and forty-one national cemeteries
containing the remains of 1 03,520 union soldiers
have already been established. The total esti
mate of military appropriation is $25,205,099.
It is stated in the report of the Secretary of the
Navy that the naval force at this time consists of
27S vessels, armed with 2,351 guns. Of these,
115 vessels are divided among seven squadrons.
The number of men in the service is 13,f00. Great
activity and energy have been displayed by all
squadrons, and their movements have been judi
cious and efficiently arranged, in such manner as
would best promote American commerce abroad.
The vessels unemployed are undergoing repairs,
or are laid up until their service may be required.
Most of the ironclad fleet is at League Island, in
the vicinity of Philadelphia a place which, until
decisive action shall be taken by Congress, was
selected by the Secretary of the Savy as the most
eligible location for that class of vessels. It is
important that a suitable public station be pro
vided for the ironclad fleet. It is intended that
these vessels shall be in proper condition for any
emergency, and it is desirable that the bill
accepting League Island for naval purposes,
which passed the House at its last session, should
receive its final action at an early period, in order
that there may be a suitable public station for this
class of vessels, as well as a navy yard of an area
sufficient for the wants of the service in the Dela
ware river. The naval position fund amounts to
$11,750,000, having been increased $2,750,000
during the present year. The expenditures of the
Department for the fiscal year ending 30th of
June last, were $43,321,520, and the estimates for
the coming year amount to $23,508,430. Atten
tion is directed to the condition of our seamen and
the importance of legislative measures for their
relief and improvement. The suggestions in be
half of this deserving class of our fellow citizens
are Earnestly recommended to the favorable action
of Congress.
The report of the Postmaster General presents
a most satisfactory condition of the postal service,
and Submits recommendations which deserve tne
consideration of Congress. The receipts of the
year ending June 30th, 1800, were $14,380,980,
and the expenditure $15,353,079, showing an ex
f the latter of $905,093. In anticipation of
this deficiency, however, a special appropriation
was made by Congress in the Act approved July
2Sth, 1S00, including the standing appropriation
of $700,000 for free mail matters, which, as a le
gitimate portion of revenue, yet remains unex
pended. The actual deficiency for the past year is
$205,093, a sum within $51,141 of the amount esti
mated in the annual report of 1800. The decrease of
revenue compared with the previous year, was one
and one-fifth per cent., and the increase ol expen
ditnres. owincr principally to the enlargement of
the mail service in the'South, was twelve percent
On the 30th of June last there was in operation
0.930 mail routes, with an aggregate length of
1nO?1 mi Ifis. with an acsreerate annual trans
portation of 7,183,794 miles, and an aggregate
annual cost, including all expenditures, of
$S,401,1S4. The length of railroad routes is 32,
092 miles, and the annual transportation 3,000,907
miles. The length of steamboat routes is 143,400
miles and the annual transportation 3,411,902
miles. The mail service is rapidly increasing
throughout the whole country, and its steady ex
tension in the Southern State's indicates their con
stantly improving condition. The great impor
tance of the foreign service also merits attention.
The I ost 0cc Department of Great Britain and
our own have agreed upon a preliminary basi
lor a Postal Convention which, it i? believed, will
prove eminently beneficial to the commercial in
terests of the United States, inasmuch as it c,v
templates a reduction of the international letter
postage one-half the existing rates, a reduction of
postage with all other countries, to and from
which correspondence is transmitted in tb, Brit
ish mails, or in mails through the United King
dom, the establishment of a uniform and reasona
ble charge for tEese, a territorial transit of cor
respondence, inclosed mails and an allowance to
each post-office department of the right to use all
mail communication established under authority
of the other for the dispatch of correspondence
either in open or closed mail, on the same terms
as those applicable to the inhabitants of Ihe coun
try providing inear of transportation.
The report of the Secretary of the Interior ex
hibits the condition of thosbranches of the pub
lic service which are committed to his supervision.
During the last fiscal year 4,029,312 acres of pub
lic land were disposed of, 1,892,510 acres of which
were entered undethe homestead act. The pol
icy originally adopted relative to the publu? lands,
has undergone esstxi-lkl modifications. Immedi
ate revenue, and not the rapid settlement was the
cardinal feature of our land system. Long expe
rience and earnest discussions have resulted in
the conviction that the development of our
agricultural resources and the diffusion of
an energetic population ovgr our vast terri
tory, are objects of far greater impeg-tance
to tho national growth and prosperity than
the proceeds of the sale of the land to the
highest bidder in open market. The preemption
laws confer upon the pioneer who complies with
the terms they impose, the privilege of purchasing
a limited portion of offered lands at the minimum
price. The homestead enactment releases the set
tler from payment of purchase money and secures
him a permanent home upon condition of resi
dence for a term of years. This liberal policy in
vites from the older, and from the more crowded
portions of the new world. Its propitious results
are undoubted and will be more signally mani
fested when time shall have given to it a wider
development. Congress has granted liberal
grants of public lands to corporations in aid of
the construction of railroads and other internal
improvements. Should this policy hereafter pre
vail, more stringent provisions will be required to
secure a faithful application of the bonds. The
title to the lands should not pass by patent or other
wise, but remain in the government and subject to
its control until some portion of the road aas been
actually built. Portions of them might then from
time to time be conveyed to the corporator, but
never in a greater ratio to the whole quantity em
braced by the grants than the completed parts
bear to the entire length of the projected improve
ment. -This restriction would not operate to the
prejudice ef any undertaking conceived in good
faith and executed with reasonable energy. It is
It is the sett'el practice to withdraw from the
market the lands falling within the operations of
such grants and thus. to exclude the inception of
subsequent subversive rights, or abroach of the
conditions for which Congress may deem it prop
er to impose upon such works a forfeiture of claim
to the land so withdrawn but uncouveyed, and of
title to the lands conveyed which remain unsold.
This part is, unintelligible. En. Operations on
the several lines of the Pacific Railroad have been
prosecuted with unexampled vigor and success.
Should no unforeseen cause of delay occur, it is con
fidently anticipated that this great thoroughfare
will bo completed before the expiration of the pe
riod designated by Congress.
During the last fiscal year the amount paid to
pensioners, including the expenses of disburse
ment, was $13,459,970, and 50,177 names were
added to the pension rolls. The entire number
of pensioners in June 30, 180G, was 126,722. These !
acts furnish a melancholy and striking proof of
the sacrifices made to vindicate the constitutional
authority of the Federal Government, aud main
tain inviolate the integrity of the Union. They
impose upon us corresponding obligations. It is
estimated that thirty-three million will be required i
to meet the exigencies of this branch of the ser
vice during the next fiscal year.
Treaties have been concluded with the Indians
who entered into armed opposition to our Govern
ment at the outbreak of the rebellion, and have
unconditionally submitted to our authority, and
manifested a desire for a renewal of friendly re
lations. PATENTS.
During the year ending Sept. 30th, 1S6G, 8,756
patents for useful inventions and designs were is
sued. At that date the balance in the Treasury
to the credit of the patent fund was $228,297.
A3 a subject upon which depends an immense
am mint, of the nrodnctionarv commerce of the
country, I recommend to Congress such legisla
tion as may Ul3 liei-tssa; y I'Ji iuc jjicccnauuu ui
the levee of the Mississippi river. It is a mat
ter of national importance that every step should
be taken, not only to add to the efficiency of these
barriers against destructive inundations, but for
the removal ot all oostructions to mo iree ana
safe navigation of that great channel of trade and
under existing laws, is not entitled to that repre
sentation in the National Councils which from
our earliest history has been uniformly accorded
to every other territory, established from time to
time within eur limits. It maintains peculiar re
lations to Congress, to whom the Constitution
has granted the power of exercising exclu
sive legislation over the Seat of Gorerncnt.
Our fellow citizens residing in the District,
whose interests arc thus confided to the real
guardianship of Congress exceed in number
The population of several of our Territories,
and no just reason is conceived why a Delegate
of their choice should not be admitted to a
seat in the House. No mode seems so appropriate
and effectual of enabling them to make known
their peculiar condition and wants and of securing
the local legislation adapted to them. I therefore
recommend the passage of a law authorizing the
electors of the District of Columbia to choose a
Delegate to be allowed the same rights and priv
ileges as a Delegate representing a Territory.
The increasing enterprise and rapid progress of
improvements in the District are highly gratifying
and I trust that the efforts of the municipal au
thorities to promote the prosperity of the national
metropolis will secure the encouragement and gen
erous co-operation of Congress.
The report of the Commissioner of the Agricul
hnwi the operations of this depart-
t i. . tu. raf vpr. and asks tne am ol
menu uuriug mo 5
Congress in its efforts to encourage those states
which were scourged by war and are now earnest
ly engaged in the reorganization of domestic in
dustry. f-.atJon that no fur-
it 13 a Elf-ojcct ui ""o' . .
ther combinations against our domestic peaee and
safety or our legitimate innuence uufe
tions have been formed or attempted while senti
ments of reconciliation, loyalty and patriotism
, - ,i .,( t,nm(i A more lust consuier-
ation of our national character and rights ft as
been manifested by foreign nations. The entire
success of the Atlantic telegraphic cable between
the coast of Ireland and the Province of New
foundland, is an achievement which has been just
ly greeted in both hemispheres as the opening of
an era in the progress of civilization. There is
reason to expect that, equal success wiil .ttend,
and even greater results follow, the enterprise for
Connecting the continents through the Pacific
Ocean, by the projected line of telegraph between
Kamschatka and the Kussian Possessions, in
America. The resolution of Congress, protesting
agaiast pardons by iV.reign Governments, of per
sons convicted of infamous offenses on condition
of emigration to our country, has been communi
cated to the States with which we maintain inter-
course, and the practice, so justl- the subject of
complaint on oua part, has not been renewed.
The congratulations of Congress to the F.mper
ror of Russia upon his escape from an attempted
assassination, have been presented to that hu
mane and enlightened ruler and received by him
with expressions of grateful appreciation.
The Executive is warned of an attempt by Span
ish American adventurers to' induce the emigra
tion of the freedmcn of the United States to a for
eign country. He protested against this project as
one whichif consummated, would reduce them to
bondage more oppressive than that from which they
had just been released. Assurances have been re
ceived from the government of tire State in which
the plan was matured, that the proceedings will
not meet with its encouragement or approval. It
is a question worthy of your consideration wheth
er our laws upon this subject are adequate to the
prevention or punishment of the crime thus medi
In the month of April, as Congress is aware, a
friendly arrangement was made between the Em
peror of France and the President of the United
States, for the withdrawal from Mexico of the
French expeditionary military force. The with
drawal was to be effected in three detachments,
the first of which it was understood would leave
Mexico in November, the seeoud in March, and
the third and last in No-ember, 1807. Immedi
ately upon the completion of the evacuation, the
French government was to autue the same attitude
of non-interference in regard to Mexico a is held
by the Government ot the United States. Re
peated assurances have been given by the
Emperor since that agreement that he would
complete the promised evacuation within tho
period mentioned or sooner. It was reas
onably expected that the proceedings thus
contemplated would produce a crisis'of great po
litical interest in the republic of Mexico. The
newly appointed Minister of the United States,
Mr. Campbell, was therefore sent forward on the
9th day of March last to assume his proper func
tions as Minister Plenipotentiary of the United
States to that Republic. It was also thought ex
pedient that he should be attended in the vicinity
of Mexico by the Lieutenant General of the army
of the United States, with a view of obtaining such
information as might be important to determine
tho course to be pursued by the United
States iu "re-establishing and maintaining tho
necessary and proper intercourse with the Re
public of Mexico. Deeply interested in the cause
of liberty aud humanity, it seemed an obvious
duty on our part to exercise whatever influence
wo possessed for thcercsforation and permanent
establishment in that country of a democratic and
republican form of government. Such was the
condition of affairs in regard to Mexico, when, on
th22d of November, official information was re
ceived from Paris that the Emperor of Franco
had sometime before decided not to withdraw his
forces in the month of November last,. according
to his agreement but that this decision was mado
with th purpose of withdrawing the whole of the
force in the ensuing spring. Of this determina
tion, however, the United States had not received
any notice or intimation, and as soon as the in
formation was received by the Government, caro
was taken to make known its dissent to the Em
peror of France. I cannot forego tho hope that
France will reconsider the subject and adopt sonio
resolution in regard to the evacuation of Mexico,
which will conform as nearly as possible with the
existing engagement and thus meet the general
expectation of the United States. The papers
relating to the subject will be laid before you. It
is believed that with the evacuation of Mexico
by the expeditionary forces, no subject for serious
differences between France aud ihe United States
would remain. Theexpressious of the Emperor and
people of France warrant a hope that the tradi
tionary friendship between the two countries
might in that case be renewed and permanently
restored. A claim of a citi;en of the United States
for indemnity for spoliations coinmittedgon tho
high seas by the French authorities in the exer
cise of a belligerent power against Mexico has
been met by the government of France, with a
proposition to defer settlement until a mutual con
vention for the adjustment of all claims arising
out of the recent wars on thif continent, shall bo
agreed upon by the two countries. The suggestion
is not deemed unreasonable, but it belongs to
Congress to decide the manner in which claims
for indemnity for foreigners as well as by citizens
of the United States, arising out of the late civile
war, shall be adjusted and determined. There isH
no doubt but the subject of all suchs) claims will
engage your attention.
Tt is a matter of regret that no considerable ad
vances have been made towards an adjustment
of the differences between the United States and
Great Britain arising out of the depredationsupon
out national commerce and other trespasses com
mitted during ourcivil war by British subjectsin vi
olation of international law and treaty obligations.
The delay, however, may be believed to have re
sulted in no small degree from the domestic situa
tion of Great Britain. A naw change of ministry
occurred in that country during the last session of
Parliament. The attention of tho new Ministry
was called to the subject at an early day, and
there is some reason to expect that it will now be
considered in a becoming and friendly spirit.
The importance of an early disposition of
the question cannot be exaggerated. Whatever
might be the wishes of the two governments,
it is manifest that good will and friendship be
tween the two countries cannot be established un
til a reciprocity in the practice of good faith and
neutrality shall be restored between the respective
nations. On the 0th of June la?:t, in violation of
our neutrality laws, a military expedition and en
terprise against the British North American Col -nies,
was projected and attempted to be carried on
within the territory and jurisdiction of the United
States. In obedience to the obligations imposed on
the Executive by the Constitution, to see that tho
laws are faithfully exeeuted, all citizens were
warned by proclamation against taking part in
or aiding such unlawful proceedings, and tho
proper military and naval cfiicers were dirreetcd
to take all necessary means for the enforcement
of the laws. The expedition failed but is not
without its painful consequences? Some of our
citizens who it was alleged were engaged in tho
expedition were captured and have been brought
to trial for a capital offense in the province of
Canada. Judgment and eentence of death have
peen pronounced against some, while others have
been acquitted. Fully believing in the maxim of
Government, that severity of civil punishfhent for
misguided persons who have engaged in revolu
tionary attempts which have disastrously failed,
is unsound and nnwise, such representations
have been made to the British Government in be
half of the convicted persons as being sustained
by an enlightened and humane judgment, it f 3
hoped, will induee in their cases an exercise of
clemency and a judicious amnesty to all who we?re
engaged in the movement. Counsel has been
employed by the Government to defend citizens
of the United States on trial ffr capital of
fense8 in Canada and a discontinuance of the.