Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, December 08, 1866, Image 2

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iDcckln (Enterprise.
G Oregon City, Oregon :
Saturday, December 8, 1866.
The Thirty-ninth Congress. The sec
cond session of the thirty-ninth Congress
ha assembled. In our supplement to-day
we give the annual message of President
5 Johnson. If we except the "buncomV
portions it iaa very satisfactory State
paper. "We are pleased to . note that he
takes the view that there is no good rea
son why taxes may not be reduce? and
the country advanced in population and
wealth that the debts of the country may"
be extinguished within the next quarter of
a century. Therefore, while we demand
of Congress retrenchment of expenses, we
claim elso that it lighten up a little the
burdens of the Internal Revenue law. It
must and will be done soon. antLCongress
will do well to give
it their early consid
er 0
The Idaho Counterfeiters. Since the
date of our Idaho letter which appears on
the nrstpage, we have received theoise
Statesman of November 24th, hich sas :
. . . (O f
last night irota Idaho City
brought the news that six other persons
had been arrested upon evidence given by
Murphy ,.jwho, it is said, proposes to dis
close the whole bogus plot, names o par
ties and all concerned. This bogus busi
ness promises to make some rich develop
ment before it is finishedo The Times
says that) business men of Idaho City
have handled bogus dust for the purpose
of preying upon their fellow-men.' It has
been the current report herefor over a
week that Murphy sold some o dust to
business men in Idaho City for eight dol
lars per ounce. Does anybody suppose
they ever paid it out at less 'than sixteen
dollars per ounceV"'
Extensive Improvements. We observe
that at the.J.ast meeting of the Fortland
Board of Councilmen, Mr. G. W. Vaughn
petitioned fornd obtained permission to
use, Front street for building purposes,
O from Salmon to Columbia, a distance of
about 1,000 feet, anCJalso Taylor, between
Front and First streets. The nature or
character of theaimprovements to be made
are not mentioned, but knowing the ability
j of the gentleman, and his liberality in such
matters, expect that whatever is done will
be extensive. O
Another Head OFF.The Marys ville"
Appeal says that Fostal Agent Q. A. Brooks
has been removed to give place to a tool
of the New York Times. The report needs
confirmation to make us beeve it. Brooks
has been very industrious in the perform
ance of his duties, Old ha$ held the goice
but little over a vear. If lie has been re
moved we shall then have good and suffi
chSnt reason to charge the admingtration
with rotten, and pernigious tendencies to
ward this-a very important branch of ser
vice upon the Pacific Coast.
Mutilated Currency. The Treasurer
(Of the United States calls the attention pf
those forwarding mutilated and defaced
fractional currency to the treasury for re
demption to tho necessity of forwarding a
communication with the same, stating the
amount forwarded and the name and post
office address of the writer. The redemp
tion division is now in the possession of a
considerable amount" of currency to the
ownership of "hich no clue can bff ob
tained, in consequence of the caTelsness
of the persons by whom it was forwarded.
A Fet Scheme.'.! pet scheme to raise
the wind, and keep the am Victoria in
operation, is that of taxing every person
a dollar every time he enters the port. It
does not meet with favoj, even at home.
The Colonist says the collection of the tax
is attended with considerable difficulty, and
is bitterly denounced by those wlp come
under its operation's downright robbery.
.ana n is nuie Deuer.
A.D. RiCHARiSbN. Tirts pleasing corres
pondent is yet sight-seeing. The last
heard5 from him he wast Leavenworth,
Kansas, lie vibiied Lawrence, " the his
toric town, twice destroyed for its fidelity
to Freedom." and found it so changed in
appearance that he felt he was a stranger
in a strange land.
O Life Insurance. We have received the
calendar card and prospectus of the New
York Mutual Life Insurance Company for
1867. The agent. W. S. Oildwell, of
Portland, will eoon visit Oregon City, and
we can recommend both him and the
Company to those of our people who maj-j
Steamers. The Cbina
steamers wiU.e&H as follows
The Colora
do, January 1st ; tite,Co?istUution, February
r-lst ; and the. Great Republic, Mgrch 1st ;
the Herman, a relief ship, ?in case of acci
dent in the regular line, (will salt on or
about the middle of January.
Fort Vancouver. The Dalles Moun
taineer tays that Fort Vancouver" is to be
flbandonedrand the reservation, with all
the buildings and improvements are about
to b turned oveeto the Catholic Mission,
who. it appears, is the rightful owner of
the land. .
, o '
A rumor has reached Boise Clty from a
source that is entitled to some credit, that,
parties have prepared a large3am.ount of
counterfeit greenbacks, stated &t million
dollars, with which to flGbd the Territories
of Idaho and Montana.
The Sas Frasciscq MAMTS.-Froja
dispatches to the Portland papers we are
Informed that Bodega potatoes are worth
90 cents. No mention is made, of fruit,
etc., from Oregon,
Ordinance No. S34. This "bone of con
tention" divorcing whisky and womn in
Portland, will, it is thought,-" be repealed
by the present Board of Councilmen in
that city.
The Telegraph Again. The Oregoqjan
jgave the telegraph auother dig on Mon
day. Keep it up in that way many of
iie exif tinr evib may be remedied.
The National Finances.
Last week we gve an extract from the
letter of Ilugh McCulloch, Secretary of
theTreaalry, to the monied men of Bos
ton, upon the subject of the National
finances, and also a well written article
from the New YorkgJerafcZ regarding the
movements of bondholders and the pres
sure being brought to bear toward bring
ing about a resumption of specie pay
ments. Below will be found a statement
of the Federal assessment in the district of
Oregon for the fiscal year ending June
$)th, 1866 :
Total assessment, j
Dgrided as follows iC
Income tax for the year 1S6.
Tax from licenses
Carriages, watches, pianos,
and silver-plate
..t2M,120 91
. .$155,805 18
. . 44,220 00
2,457 20
Monthly returns of manufacturers, 113,317 05
Amount paid direct to the Com
missioner by bankers and
depositors 2,291 43
Total .$21-?,! 20 yi
.Columbia. . ,
"CMacka'mas. .
Douglas. . . .
Jackson ...
Josephine. .
.$2,500 15
. 2,322 20
.. 237 25
.. 2,457 41
.. 8,172 55
453 75
... 1,793 30
. . . 1,053 15 f
. . . 6,055 55 1
. -. S93 00 j
9,215 73 I
. . . SO
...62.5S9 70 I
....12,489 11 J
. ... 1,903 85 !
20 00 I
o. ,
Tillamook . .
Wa snington.
3,790 20
550 40
. . . 2,133 15
. ... 7,709 26
. . . 4,821 07
Total. . $1S5,305 IS
Total amount assessment tortha
fiscal rear ending JuneSoth, '65. $ 302,151 17
Divided as follows :
Special income tax of 1S6S 5S.414 10
Income tax of 1864 2,7u4 30
From licenses. manufacturers.etc. 150,131 24
Amount paid direct to Com's'ner
o by bankers and depositors 901 53
.$u2,151 17
Deducting irom the above the special in
come tax for 18g3, (53,414 leaves $243,
737 07, showing an iucrease in the assess
ment for the fiscal yar 1S65, ending June
SO, 1 St, of $54,3S3 64, and an increase of the
income tax forelS?5 over that of 1S64 of $43,
100 S3, and u increase on the amount paid
by banker and depositors direct to tho Com
missioners, of $1,339 95.
Total amount of assessments for the fiscal
years of 1864 and 1865, is $600,271 08. Re
maining uncollected ot tin amount isovem
ber 1, lb6tJ. 5,754 74.
Amount of bullion assaved during the fis
cal year efiding June 3o, 1 866, value in coin
$3,93,912 5o ; value in currency $4,o31,-
49S 72.
Amount of Lager Beer manufactured and
saldUuri. g 'the fiscal year 1865, 4,552 bar
rels ; jate of tax on same, $1 Der barrel.
No little astonishment is expressed at
the continued magnitude of the receipts
of the Internal Revenue Bureau. Not the
least amaztifd are. the officers of the Bureau,
and the Secretary himself. His experiences
go far beyond the previous estimates year
by year, and this steadiness is so far differ
ent from his anticipations that he can only
account for it by the great maxim that we
are a wonderful people indeed. The work
ings of this system of raising a revenue
have proven most excellent, and no doubt
"Congress should dispense with any par
ticular tinkering with it, but while it may
be a matter of great pride to the people of
the United States to know that such an im
mense pura of money can be raised in so
short a space of time it is very question
able whether there is exact iustice in it.
Whether it is proper that the generation
which bore the strain and felt the shock of
the war should pay the entire burden im
posed by it. Upon the point assumed by
Mr. McCulloch that : Great as this tax is
the people do not complain of it, but bear
cheerfully their burdens ; there is a wide
difference of opinion. While he may ex
ample the people of America as making
Republicanism illustrious among the na
tfins by establishing the fact that the se
curities of a Republican government are
the safest of all securities, and that the
people who impose taxes upon themselves
are the most jealous of their National
credit? it is nevertheless a fact that the In
tergal revenue tax is complained of by al
most every citizen of the Republic. It is
jiof complained of in a fault finding way,
nit as a dire and unavoidable calamity.
Th imperative necessity of the system to
preserve the national existence, has been
0the only- consideration that made its bnr-
der at all tolerable. No other event but
the war of the rebellion can be conceived
that wouH make the American people
bear so unflinchingly such taxation. It
taxes every necessity and every luxury,
every article of clothing, and e very mouth
ful of food. It is felt both by the poor
and the rich, but by far is it the most bur
dj?nsor&? ilpon the poor. It tends- to crip
ple manufacturers and mechanics, espe
cially in new countries like this. Let
what may be said, the Internal Revenue
tax is burdensome to the people, and as
before stated, these facts are not men
tioned in a complaining way. of what has
ben done, but w3th the thoughts and feel
ings that the time has come when a reduc
tion of the tax can safely and appropriate
ly be mad The next generation will be
better able to bear a portion of the pecu
niary liability which has arisen from the
war, and will say that they should
not do it? We bold that it is not necessary
to pay off the nafSonal debt at the rate in
dicated by the figures of the Secretary,
acdif we are to show that Republicanism
illustrious by establishing the fact that
tfcg securities of the Government are the
Safest of all securities, it can be done just
as well, by paying .the debt our nation
owes in fifty years, if not better than by
paying it in twelve years. It is therefore
the dutg of Congress to so modify the law
as to partially relieve the people and pro
vide for the payment, with interest annu
ally, in such proportion as to make it less
burdensome. Q
The laws governing the revenue and
customs, will, in future, yield an increas
ing return, because the country will in
crease in wealth and population. The
fiscal year ending June 30th, saw $220,
000,000 raised, to be applied to the cx-
tingniabment of the debt. This is really
one hundred and twenty millions, beyond
what Che people are able, or even, willing
to pay, for that matter. It area about
four dollars "pr ne-ad for every man,
woman and chdd of th entire p.o.pxilation
of the United States. A reduc&ra of that
amount auuxually in the revenue tax would
be sensibly felt, particularly'; by those
communities that are not producers in
proportion to,-their rate of consuming.
One hundred millions per annxua, is a
pretty handsome sum to apply at the pres
ent time to the extinguishment of the pub
lic debt it is quite enough for us to pay.
Ten years hence we can well afford to pay
twice that amount, and do it very much
easier than we pay what we dq,Dow.
The population of Oregon according to
the census of last year was 65,090. As
shown above we paid revenue for the past
fiscal year $298,120, being a fraction over
S4.27 per head, for every man, woman and
child in the State.
Telegfufstc NEWi. In addition to the
telegraphic news which appears in our
supplement form to day, we extract the
following dates to December 5th, irom dis
patches to the Oregordan ;
The Herald? 8 Washington special says that
BouHvell of Massucbubetta, nt the Bep-ab'i-can
caucus, said a special committee snould
be appointed whose duty it woild be to in
quire into the subject of impeachment of the
President, and that the suggestion met with
the hearty co-operation of all. EU will in
troduce a resolution at the eat best opportu
nity after the assemby of Cougress for the
appointment of joint committee to investi
gate the conduct and course of the President,
and report what action it will be necessary
for Congress to take. It ia also stated in
Washington that Scfcenck of Ohio will intro
duce a bill soon to asemole the Fortieth
Congress on the 5th f Marca.
In the Senate on the 5th, Mr. B room all of
Pennsylvania offered a resolution. Tuafc the
Committee on Territories be instructed to
enquire into the expediency of reporting a
bill providing territorial governments for
several districts of country within the juris
diction of the United States, formerly oc
cupied by the once exisiiug fetates of Vir
ginia, North Carolina, Jguth Carolina,
Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama,
Loui&iaua, Arkansas and Texas, and giving
to all adult male inhabitants born within the
limits of the United states, or duly naturalis
ed, aud who did not participate in the late
reoelliou, full and equal political rights in
such Territorial governments. Adopted ;
ayes, ltf7; nays, 27. A joint resolution for
amending the Constitution, so as to make
ttie President ineligible for a second term,
was also offered.
Fremont's Atlantic and Pacific Railroad
Company has been organized with J. C. Fre
mont as President, Levi Parsons Associate
President ; W. H. Garrison, First Vice Pres
ident ; L. L. Robinson, Second Vice Presi
dtut, J. P. Robinson, Treasurer; F. C
liowlai.d, Secretary. This great enterprise,
for completion of which, i;5,0u0 acres per
mile have been granted by Congress, or a to
tal of 46,t:00,000, will soon, it is presumed,
be forthwith commenced.
It is believed in Montreal that the British
Government has refused to pay the Afahama
claims, and that Canada will' have to look
out for trouble with the United Slates. It
is further believed taut France has express
ed a willinguess to assist in defense of the
Canadian Provinces, provided tne British
navy will co-operate with her iu tbe Gulf of
A bill is uudtr consideration in the Geor
gia Legislature looking to the establishment
of common schools for whites and blacks
throughout the State, and it is probable it
will be paused. Emigration from the North
is encouraged, and much capital has already
flowed in from that section.
The He rail s Millcdgeville correspondent
states the reasons for rejecting the Coustltu
tional amendment by tne Georgia Legisla
ture were that no guarantee wa given that
even the restoration of the State to the Union
would follow the ratification. They have
beguu to look calmly at the possibility of
negro suffrage as a means of re-admission.
Rumors are beginning to circulate again
of a change in the State Department. It is
now taid that Reverdy Johnson ia likelv
soon to take the portfolio of Secretary of
State. At all events it is pretty certain that
something ham gone wrong recently, for it is
generally whispered in diplomatic circles
that Reward will soon retire.
Tbe House of Representatives met at
Washington December 3d at noon. 146
members being present. Three new mem
bers from Tennessee and twe from Kentucky
were sworn in. The principal business yet
transacted has been political.
Montreal papers say that a mass of Feni
ans are concentrating on the Vermont bor
der opposite Stanton county, and troops
have been sent there.
A San Francisoo dispatch says that an ar
rangement has been approved by Postal
Agent Brooks, by which the steamers will
hereafter carry the mail between Portlaud
and San Francisco.
J C. Breckinridge petitioned for a pardon,
claiming that the terms accorded to Lee and
Johnson included him.
Soulless" Monopolies. The Albany
Democrat is very hostile to the People's
Transportation Company. We remember
that less than two years ago the Radiator,
of Lewiston, took a similar course in op
position to the Oregon Steam Navigation
j Company, and literally prayed that all the
j boats of that Line might be sunk in the
Columbia, to give place to a new Compa
I ny. This was a Favorite plea of the peo
j pie. Now those same people are soliciting
aid from the O. S. N. Company, for local
enterprises. It will be observed, invaria
bly, that when a wagon road, telegraph, or
like improvement is to be made, the "soul
less'' monopolies of Oregon u come out"
liberally. Some men are found unreason
able enough to express a belief that the
monopolies ought to do it all. Let us ask
the Democrat if it candidly believes that
any company could have been formed
that would have done or would now do
any better for the Willamette valley than
that u soulless' monopoly, the Transport
ation Company ? We fear, Milt, that you
are prejudiced."
Cntcrrr ContT Marion 5ountt Hox. R.
P. Boise J. December term, 1866. State
of Oregon vs. Howard - indictment for
J murder. Defendant found guilty of mur-
der in secpnd degree. Messrs. Williams &
Mallory were appointed by the Court to
defend. District Attorney Sullivan prose-
pcuting. The fnmrder was committed some
months ago at Champoeg. . . .Eight indict
ments were.returned against parties charg
ed with removing a corpse from the Catho
lic burial grounds at St Louis. This will
be an interesting case, as it promises to
show the extent of the powfcr of a sect to
control a Cemetery. Deceased was a non
communion Catholic, who was buried in
the grounds of the Church, in violation of
Church articles, and was subsequently re
moved, by direction of a- worthy clergy
man, Ker. Tathcr PeLcrn,
Uttdsr-fcteoftbe d of NSvemben atFort
Klamath a correspondent oT the Jackson
ville Reperiir jriveu the following summary
of an' 'engagement." Ou the rrturomg of
the 15th ot October, Lieat. O&tman, 1st
Oregon Jpfantrv, with tweetr-two men aud
fivelUaJWih Io.dfcD3 as scoots, tefttbis post
for Gamp Bidwell, tJalifomia, for the purpose
of receiving' reinforcements, and replenish
ing our supply of provisions. We arrived
thre on the 31st, and, completing crar b'us
itess, on th 22d-tbe cotemn, in all a total or
fifty -six rank and file atarted iu the direc
tion of Warner's Da$n, id to be a great
stamping ground of the Snakes. On the
morning of the 25-th we started .from War
ner's Basin with the intention of taking a
direct line, by hunting a pass over the Sier
ra to JLakd Abbott which lays at their
western baee ia the valley -of the Chewa
weao ; but after traveling about sir miles we
weie brought to a sudden halt by a deep
canon, with v emend icular bluffs about eixh-
,ty feet nihi&ht, running directly across our
intended route. Tins somewuat ptrpiexeu
us, but after following its many windings for
a distance of about ten coiles, f.n opportunity
was offered us to cross it ; after eroding we
commenced the ascent of the proud Sierras,
and that night (&th) camped in a beautiful
1 ttie valley about fife uuies from the sum
mit. At 3 o'clock the next morning every
man was urousea punsuuut to Lieut. Smuil's
orders, and again commenced the ascent of
the mountains. vVe crossed the summit ut
about iJ:3u a. h. on the morning of the rtith,
and cootiuued traveling until joiS", when
we hrrived at the briu$t''f'tue Western tdopv
of the Sierras, and looking beneath ua our
eyes were feasted by the sight of L.ke- Ab
bott and the lovely Valley of the Chewawean.
After a fvw minoies spegt in admiration and
awe at the sublimit? and grandeur of the
scenery, we comrmmeed aeareuing for n gup
throiigii which we might descend mto the
valley. After a few nuuotess thus spent &
pljce was discovered by our chief guide
"Blow," of ttve iLIamatb tribe.
At ll o'clock a. N.rtb6 command reached
the valley, and for afow minutes awaited the
arrival of the pack train, after' which it was
understood that we would make a start to
scout tho eastern shore of the lake. Every
man sinched his horse aud inspected his fire
arms, and the command ws given, ' For
ward," which was obeyed with u will. After
fro;eediog about two and oue-haif miles
rotn where we first struck tUe val-ey, our
atteutiou was drawn towards the mountain
on our right, whcr; we beheld at the mouth
of a very rocky cjnon. several ludinus
skeJaddiiagujj towards the iimuntaMi. We
were ordered forward in double qu.ck time
to within ah-ut five hundred yaraa of their
position. Unable to proceed further on our
horses, ou account of huge boulders, we dis
mounted, leaving some to take charge f the
hordes. Lieut. Binall, witb the principal
part oi the command, advanced i a ridge
on their riht keeping up u continuous fir
ing. The left, being left unguarded except
bv three or four men, Lieut. Oatman sug
gested the propriety of detailing some nn.-n
for that s;de, and, in conjunction, advance
up both ridges right and left, with some tu
guard tbe uwntb, aud pour in upou the led
skins an etifalading hie that would soon
cause many of them to bite the dust. Iu
this manner, at piciseiv Pi o'clock p. m , tho
engagement commenced, and for .ibout an
hour and a half the scene was sublimely
grand ; to hear the ells of the men, white
ajd red, the barking oi their haif wolf dws,
the weeping, w ailiugund siii ieKing of their
women onu childreu, the booming of one
hundred guns, tired a la, minvttte, reverbera
ting amiong the mountain fastiies-ts, wu
indeed grand. Thus the ball rolled until .
o'clock p. m., when there was not an lnditin
to be seen, except fourteen kilh.d, aud, 1
hesitate not to .say, twice that number were
wounded ; for we saw them packing them off
as tne full.
Too much credit cannot be given Lieuts.
Small aud Oatman fo the vigilance and en
ergy displaced upon this occaiun; aud to
give honor to whom honoris due, Cataiu
Sprague must not be forgotten ; as tie oni-
auieu iue wnme autur, una appueu 101 per- j
mission to execute it. j
The Unionist thus freaks of the deserved
promotion of Liut. George Williams ofrSa-
lem. e are pleased to learn that Lieut.
George Williams, lias received a cotiimiion
as Brevet Captain of Fourth lufautry, regu
lar army, given for bravery and me itorinus
conduct ou the field of battle at Gettysburg
On that field George was severely wounded
aud lost his right leg. He wos the only
Oregonsan in that battle, and had been in
the b.ittles from the second fight at Bull Hun
until wounded at Ge;tyhu;g, four "great
battles, and a number of skbmishes. This
promotion is due in part to the good will of
the otIicTs of his regiment, who kept him in
mind. After the battie he was promoted to
Fh'st I i-utenaut ; on his discharge Irom the
hospital, he was letired from the army hon
otulily as disabled for service. fciiice then
be has been principal mustering otticer of
Hancock's veteran corps, where he astonish
ed the bounty brokers by proving himseif
an honest man, but thereby gaiia-d the re
spect aud confidence of his superiors, and
was trusted with very respoiiMbie duties.
An Act of Congress can place him agaiu in
the line of promotion, and he is abie To peg
around lively enough to answer all practical
purposes of war or peace.
News has reached headquarters of the De
partment, that an attack by the Indians upon
Fort Klamath is feared. The Indians intend
to capture if possible the winter supplies of
that post. T; e inhabitants have petitioned
the General to allow Captain Sprague's coin-
Jiaiiy of Oregon Volunteers to remain then;
or the winter to operate in connection with
Capt. Kelly'scompany, IT. r?. Cavalry, against
the Indians. In respone to the petition, a
telegram was sent to the Chief Commissary
ofthe Division, inquiring whether he can
supply provisions for two companies during
the wiuter. If the reply is favorable, it is
probable that the General will retain Capt.
aptague's Company m service un il spring ;
otherwise that eompa' y will be inu.-teted
out by Capt. Kelly either at Jacksonville or
Fort Klamath, at the option of the gentle
man, says the Vancouver Rej utter ol Satur
day. The Democratic Review of Salem, expire i
on Monday last. r. Noltncr bids hi read
ers farewell, probably neer again to address
them as au Lditor and Publisher. He sa::
"The business of our oliice, had our patrons
paid us promptly, would have been sullicu'iit
to not only mike the paper a success, but a
paying concern. We have lost, during the
time we have published the paper in bad
account not less than four ihouand dol
lars, and have now standing ou our books
upwards of six thousand do.lais that we be
lieve most;v good. Had we one I alf of the
latter sum there would be no trouble iu us
couiniuing the paper. This is siio ig enough
proof that u Printer cannot live upuu air.
The iSeHtinel says much attention is be
ing given by the farmers of Jaeksou county
to repairing thVir farms and enlarging the
area of their cultivated lands. The town of
Phcenix is reported to be more lively in busi
ness than U has been lor many months. Jus.
H. Pool has surveyed off several block. of
land and subdivided them into lots conveni
ent for building purposes on the east side of
the town of Jacksonville. The Odd Fellows'
llall in Jacksonville is undergoing extensive
repairs. The Lodge of that place own a
large two-story brick building. v
The Vancouver Register says that Williams
Bros , who have lately invested considerable
capital at St. Helens in mercantile trade and
who are active and enterprising men will
undoubtedly do a good business, i hey have
adopte ' a system, that ouht to be imitated
by every country merchant, and winch will
generally insure success; that is to buy
everything that a farmer raises or, produce's
for cash ut a fair market price and not com
pel him to take it out in trade
T'le State Rights Democrat, sp aking of
opposition steamei s say. When the steam
ship Jlont-. na first made her appearance at
Portland, there were those who prognosti
cated that she would s nn be h.uied off for
want of sufficient eucouragemeut. But she
still contiuues iu the traue, and there is
scarcely a citizen of Oregon but is either di
rectly or indirectly benefitted by the Mon
tana. Long may she wave!"
Hon. J. H. Mitchell of Portland, bv invi tation,
will deliver a lecture before the Gem
ma Sigma Society of the Forest Grove Col
lege, on the evening of Tuesday Subject :
" Tto Nationality of the United States."
City electi&Tis were held at Albanv. Iu- j
cene. aud SuJa ify otrMond ir Iait. The re- j
suit has not been telegraphed. We will bet ;
a big red apple' tbjat had ildls Hollow, Red
i)og and You Bet, iu California, held elec
tions on the samo day tUe Portland paper
w mid have had it in our Ban Francisco dis
patch." However tc learn that the follow
ing officer were leeted at A banv: Mavo.-,
F.'Hus e'lj Record -r. . C. Pow tf-'j'Tnra&ui, J.
Barrows; Marshal, II t'ox : Altlerman, Thos.
Montfcith, O. M. Thompson, M. W. Mack, D.
rW. Wakefield and W. Kftchum all Union
"men, and elected by majorities ranging from
six to thirteen. This is a Union gain Ovet
the last election. The number of votes cast
was 249.
It has now been eighty-six days stnc Jlar
bangh & Stitael's saw mil was burned, and
yet there is fire under the ashes where the
street ran over pilejs of saw- dust. Observ
ing smoke to issue from the debris, yester
day, we Were Curious enough to make an
opening with a stick when live coals were
turned out, apparently as well to do and as
cheerful as if carefully nursed by the tender
ed fireman, saya the' Oreg-jKiar, of last Tues
day. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Stark, the
wife of the proprietor of the New York Hotel,
at -Portland attempted to take her own life by
cntt-ing her throat with her husband's razor.
There had been some serious domestic
troubles fur several days previous, i which
herself, liu-band aUd a Dr. Vsindi-borg were
mixed up. The wound wes ewed up, and
there in no doubt of her recovery.
The Vnionift states that a petition is be
ing circulated asking for the establishment of
a mail loutufroin .Saleiu to Lafayette via,
Mathfiiy' Ferry, "n the Willamect". The
.petition also a-ks for u J'ojitoffice at Wheat
land. Tht proposed route has come. to be a
necessity, the want of which seriously inter
files with ti e enterprise and convenience of
the people inhabiting the section of country
through which it wiil pass.
The (iregnnhzn. savs that at the sole of real
estate in Portland on last Saturday by auc
tioneer Kilbourn competition was not re
markably sharp, though the property sold is
acknowledg d to be in a very desirable lo
cality. The building and ground on which
it stands, lately occupied by R. Q. Sneatb,
was bouarht bv Mr. Field at $7,550 a good
bargain for the buver.
;Mr, William Graves. onefthe proprie
tors of the carding machine on Oak creek,
Benton county, met with a very serious ac
cident on Wednesday last. His left a'-m
was ctuight in the machinery and terribly
crushed; being broken twice below the el
bow and once above, and dislocated at the
Thp following Lodgfts of the Order of
Grand Templar have bfen organized in
J,mn count v : nanner Lodjre, at Uruti
Creek, October 25 ; Oak Point Lodee, Oak
Point November."; Peorbi Lodge. Peon a,
November 7; Diamond Lodge. Diamond Hill,
November Is; Samaritan Lodge, Hayes'
neighborhood, November 22.
Up to Dec. 1. there havebefn stored in the
Lafayette wm house, 8.;Hl2 bushels of wheat,
73 ton; of flour, IK 1-2 t ms "of apples and
2.liti lbs. of tun thv seed. Mr. Sampson,
the prompt and energetic proprietor, has
had hi hands full for a while past. We
quote from the Couritr.
Accidents, manv of thorn Adal. nre getting
tn b of firqiitMit occurrence in this State.
Mr. King, of K'n'.vR!ley. a few days sine
shot himdf by the accidental dischare of a
pistol, and oil d on the spot, from the effects
of the wound".
The proprietors of th different saw mills
in Salem have formed a joint st ck com
pany, under the syle of the Capital Liwr-ber-n-x
Company. There will b" no advance in
the price of lumber, but the old rates
will be adhered to.
The new steamship Ortouian arrived at
San Francisco December 2d, sixtv-seven
davs fiom New Vork City, having sailed o-j
the 2."th ot September. This i the quickest
time ever made from New York to San
The shock ot earthquake that was experi
enced at the Dalles was also very senidv
felt at Fort Simeoe, W. T. It seems to have
been much more severe at the latter than at
the former place. We hav thU information
from a letter published iu the Advocate.
1 he Statesman learn that there lias been
some commotion recently arming ihe ele
ments nf aboriginal society at Grand Ronde,
Yamhill county, canned by the refusal of a
farmer to pay an Indian for services.
The Courier reports that all the carpenters
in and about Lafayette have been unusually
busy tor the p.sst few months, and the dc
mnnki is quite in advance of the supply of
that Kind of labor yet
Wc learn that a movement is on foot to re
vive the Journal newspaper at Albany, Linn
countv ought to hare a Union paper, and
the Union 'men there ave well abte and we
believe willing to support one.
The Jacksonville Rej)nrter says that one of
the parties who obtained divorces at the late
teim of Court, in that county the same day
apphed for a marriage license, and was mar
ried on the next. Twice a wife and once a
widow inside of a week.
Messrs lloyt and Wortlcy. of the Wil
iamette Woolen Mills, have shown the Edi
tors of Salem, a machine of their own inven
tion for twisring yarn. It is a happy con
trivance, and will undoubtedly be of great
benefit to the manufacturer: They propose
to have it patented. 7
The farm of Green C. Davidson opposite
the mouth of the Yamhill rier, was sold
lately to C M. Rohr and brother for the sum
of $:J,4oo. This is one of the oldest farms in
The Register learns that Gen. Jeff. C. Da
vis, Colonel of the 23d Infantry U. S. A , has
sailed fr- in New York for this Department
with hi regiment. His headquarters will
be at Fort Vancouver.
The AloantainttY is informed on irood au
thority, that Mr. Davidson, late of tne Ore,
oonian, has been appointed U. S. Assessor
for Oregon.
The Pioneer,
German piper of Portland
savs a number ot th- uernian
in co- tetmdutioti to organize
citizens have
a German Lit
erarv Club.
The "bos" and boys of the UnioniH office
gave a supj er at the Capital House, Thanks
giving evening. All brother craftsmen in
town were invited.
The i'nionht asks : whether the Oregon
City Paper Manufacturing Company pur
chase cotton and linen rags, old paper, etc.
We answer: of course they do.
Mr. Foley, who has recently returned from
several weeks' explorations in Tillamook
county reports the discovery in the moun
tainsof tin, copper and silver ore.
The steamer Owyhee in coming down the
Columbia on Monday, broke her shaft. The
accident occurred just below the Umatilla
Rapids, but was not very serious.
At the Fireman's election in Portland on
last Monday Tho-. G. Young was re-elected
Chief hnatneer ; and . 11. "A eea 1st As
sistatn ; W. H. Wetsed 2d Assistant.
Diptheria is prevailing at Salem. Several
childreu have died therj duriug the last few
A brother of A. Bush died at Salem on
Monday. His death was sudden hi illness
being of less thau 2-i hours continuance.
The debt of Dalies Citv is $3,903, Last
April it was f'.,'.18. By June it is expected
that the cityr will be entirely free from debt.
Mr. D. M C. Ganlt. has assumed tbe chair
editorial of the Jackt.ouville Sentinel.
r. T. Company's Election. On Thurs-:
day last the annual election of directors
for the People's Transportation Company
totik place at Salem. Messrs. A. A. Mc-
Cully, L. E. Pratt," J. Kellogg, GeorA.
Peas', and E. X. Cooke, the former board
of directors, were re elected.
Levy and Fecheimeil This firm
among the enterprising dealers
of our
city. They are dealing largely in first
class furniture, as well as dry goods, etc.
Their place of .business is on Main street,
corner of Fourth. r. )
Significant There ;tre six exchanges
received at this office which never utter a
word of commendation of the officers and
men who fonsrhf in the Union ranks, and
rendered efficient service to the govern
ment in prominent civil positions during
the war. The names of many of the truest
and the bravest are maligned without
stint, and vile epithets are heaped upon
thvm. and there seems to be no bounds to
the bitterness that is cherished toward
them. And yet these-same papers never
give expression to one disparaging, word
in regard to the prominent leaders and
officers of the rebels. Davis. Lee, Beaure
javd, Johnston, Taylor, Trice, and the
pirate Semtues, are only remembered as
dbtin-uished gentlemen. Their names
are uniformly mentioned in terms of re
spect and svmpathy. Observing people
notice these: things and thinking persons
sometimes ask why it is.
Is patriotism ocfians ? and is it a crime
to light Kr our country ? And is it honor
able for men. who hare sworn a score of
times to support the Constitution of the
United States, to plot and fight for its
overthrow ? Are rebels to be esteemed
more highly than patriots?
These are, probably, very impertinent
questions, and some one without brains,
but amply endowed vith putty in his cra
nium, may say that we are " meddling
with politics' P. 0. Adcoccde.
The TjsXEGKAru. The Portland papers
are beginning to speak out against the un
merciful ' bilk' that has been and is being
perpetrated upon them in regard to the
telegraphic dispatches for which they pay
ten or twelve thousand dollars yearly. A
drunken row or a dog fight in ;-an Fran
cisco is immediately transmitted to Oregon,
while items of interest from Oregon seldom
find their way into the columns of Califor
nia papers in any way. California dis
nareht'x and much of the matter transmit-
the continent is dimply
- i
tea acros
'apers paying for them are virtually buy
nar the privilege of publishing California
.c . , " . i t r ....... i
advertisements gratis.
Un ionist.
Steamkks to Cai.ifokxia.
and Onjiamim from San
now due at Portland, and
leave on Tuesdav next.
The .Montana
Francisco, are
will probably
Indiitii itoublc lit O t-goii !Frm
reports received here our gallant soldier's
are fighting bravely to subdue all the out
rages the Indians have, committed and nre
likely to commit, for which they deserve
great credit and a handsome reward. Men
that remain at home and wear good clothes,
will be equally as well rewarded by buying
all their clothing at Kohn fc Fishol's No.
Ill Front street Portland, as they have the:
faci'ities and sell cheaper than any other
house in the State.
Condil.on of the South. Some neonl e L
., , . , . . I
nuns u is extremely anucuii to live at pe:
inanent peace with the South. This opinion
i-i everywhere gaini g ground, but whether
t u-.' or not Barman Bros., I'o t'and, i ever
cease to give good bargains in their deaii is
with the public At home there is nothing
which points to a closer union among men
of all parties, than to witness their .tenden
cies to patronize Barman Bro's., riversideo'
Front Street, between Arrigonis, ancPtbe
Lincoln House.
There wi 1 be an election of oiheers A. F.
& A. M. held at their Hall in Oregon City,
on Saturday evening.
15th, ISlm.
invited to
Brethren in good
tanding are
Attest : T. J. McCarver, Secretary
Oregon Citv. Nov. 2oth, 186i;. .':iw
Marring;- utul ei:iat-y, an cssav of
Warning and Instruction for Young Men.
Also, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate
the vital powers, with sure means of relief.
Sent free of charg- in sealed letter envelopes
31) Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Perry OavU'VcftahlePaiii Killer.
The great family medicine of the age!
Pain Killer, taken internally, shoiild be
adulterated with milk or water, and sweet
ened with sugar if desired, or made intoi
syrup with molasses. For a Cough, a few
drops on sugar eaten will be more effee
live than anything else. For Sore Throat,
gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain
Kilbr and water, aud relief is immediate
and the cure positive.
It should not be forgotten that the Pain
Killer is equally as good to take internally,
as to use externally. Each bottle is wrap
ped with full directions for its use. Please
read the printed directions.
Sew Advertisements.
X Oregon City, on Saturday, December
Nth, at 7 o'clock P. m , upon the subject of
Politics and the Pre iching of the Gospel
Ladies are particularly invited to attend.
4:w4 W. W. HARPER.
TRIX of the estate of William Smith
deceased, by the Hon. Countv Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, all "persona having
claims against the said estate, are required
to present them, with the necessary vouch
ers ut my residence in Oregon Citv.within ids
mouths from this date, and those owing the
estate are required to make immediate pay-ment-
'"' Executrix.
uregon City, Dec. S, 166fi. 7:4w
pecially of Canmah, that thev have
established a Store at that place, where thev
will keep on hand a well -assorted stock" of
Merchandise and Groceries.
which w'tl be sold at reasonable rates. forthi
i purpose of establishing permanent!? such a
- necessity at Canemah. Try us. ." (7:y
. (5)
Main street, Oregon City, adjoining the brick
Store of S. Ackurman.,
JAMES MANX, Proprietor.
This popular saloon is alwavs suppliedf
with the very best quality of 'Wines and
Liquors, Ale, Porter, lieer and Cider, Cigars
and Tobacco.
(iivejne a call.
Valuable Land is Sale.
ACRES situated on the East side of
thei Willamette river. 2 l-2 mile
teto.v Oregon City, and nearly opposite theg
iie iron oiks. Also:
ACRES adjoining Oregon City
ou tue soutn, ana :
Q"T ACRFS lying north east, and adjoining
Ol the Oregon City Claim. Also:
' S
Two Deiirable Lots
for residences, with newly built dwelling
houses Hiereon, situated in OretfonXitv.
Any and all of the above tracts of land can
be purchased on easv terms, bv applyins to
:3m I
Or Johnson A McCo-n, Ofrron Citv.
jcw Advertisements.
Family Grocery Store I
Searlv opposite the Enterprise Office,
"Main street, Oregou City.
and for sale, tbe following articles
to wit: "
Cofi'ee, Japan Te, Chocolate
Tea, cBiack Tea, Cornstarch,
Golden syrup, Green Tea, Oswego do.,
Hufars, Crush'd uirar.Hatln-jjfoW- do.
Halaratus, Pulveriz'd do., Chemical soapr
Hackiug salt, Coflee do:, Castile do., .
Dairvsalt, Lemon syrup, Fancy-toilet do
Table salt, Flavering ext. Candles,
Cookiucr soda. Kerosene oil. Ground COfleev
Sal. sod Olive do.,
Rope, Clothes pins,
Corn Meal, Cream tartar,
Drocms, SnutF,
Blast' tr oowd'r.Gun-oaps, Lead,
Pacific snortng.VShoofer "' White beans
Yeast Dowd'rs.Vinegar, Buckets,-
Cheese, Fails,
I'orax, Nut-megs,
Kaisins,t Zazi,te"current3
Dried peacbesfSod crackers.
Prunes, t Buttercrack'rs
Maccarooi,v Blacking,
Dried ilpples,
All Kinds!
All Kinds !
All Kinds !
With the following articles a splendid
is obtained free gratis, with each article pur
chased: Canned fruits, Oysters, Gr. spices,
Ct iuibejry gee. Lobster?, Cinnamon,
Tomatoes, English pickls, Cloves, e
Peaches, American do., Ginger,
Greenhorn, Pepper sauce, Mustard,
Jeli'us, Catsup, Pepper,
Block match?s,Freuch mstardWot c'stershire
Ac , Ac, SiC:
"sf"Uash, and one price to everybody. No
goods misrepresented to Effect' sales. A
cnild ca-i buy as much for its money as any
other man. Money refunded where an article
f.uls to"give satisfaction. Sink or swim, fair
deulintr is
our mono.
- A
iAi at Oregon City, December 2, 18(JG.
Aooerson Rev C Jaquette, Jas 2
Arnold Chas II Janes, Alfred
A rant .1 T Lciifs, David
Allen ll Larkins. Mo-nr
Backus Wm K Lfcabe,' Miss Sarah E 2
Bandeau Jgg
Linn, Win T '2
Uouton .tnanda J Mrsl.ibby, John M
Longare, Joli R
Bro.n Christ v AMrs
Long, Samuel
Buttv Lorendo Mrs Lebo, James H
Bell William R
Lutes, Joseph T
Low, Bengamon
Bowen Timothy
Brioda Barney
Bi igg Isaac
Chffo-d Samuel
(Mason, James T
Moody, Ira
Miller, C
McAlister, Miss MA 2
Mack, N P ii
Mosier, Mrs Sarah L
Minuet, W 11
Mitchell, Mrs Marv
Criss G W
Chace Chas
Carv James T
Carmichale A
Cavit. Martha J Mrs
Ne.well, ("eo P
Crawford Mary J Mrs Oliver, R L
Calaran Clifton
Oaertield, M
Co' man S Di
Chandler G C
Col lings A
Carreu C Mrs
Cornel iusoJ E
Perkins. L I) si
PelhuirCi.urle O
Poteetf-A J
Price, Owen
Pickering, Mrs Lucy A
Prebaftiet, P
Perkins, A r-'
Collins W
Doiiriihue George O
Duffv Hugh S
Duke., Martin
Diog:ffiin John
Deaullariet Mrs
Detain .John or Hugh
Fgiiieston, David
Fisher. T T
Fi.h. VarrencC.tpt
Foster J T
Fmner.m, Michael
K.M-quar, D I Mrs
Rough, Miss Mear Ilet
Rusell, Ceo
Robbitis, Alner c
Russell, Wales
liot-kweli, Anthony 2
Robinson, George
Rus.Cll, O
Savage, Mrs M
larr, .tohn J
Shuck 1 in, A J
Est. John, Chas
Smith, Chis A
Suatikes, Wm
Tetcrs John
Tucker,- Mrs Sarah
to Fleming, Geo W Si s
r lunk, John
Fresh, Joseph
Oage, John
Gordon, Mary E Mrs 2 Thompson, James 2
(J arret t, E P
Turner, Joseph
(jrarou, Hugh
Goodwin,.! ames
Gaston, W L
liamessly, Wm
Humiston, Besley
Havnes, Jagib
Hayes, Mrs Capt
Hatfin, Eaber
Halierard, Jas C
Heald, AD e
Thompson, J T
Tavour, Charles
V.ickers, A 2
A .nice, Samuel
2 Welch, Miss A M
W o ihall, J 2
Wolf, E
Wen field, Miss II M 2
gW illis, E N
Verncs, A f
Hare, Isaac
Wright. C
Hall, Amelia Jlr 2 Wright, Joseph A
Hamilton, J K Wood, Hon J R
Hunter John U Warnland, Edd
Hull IW n Wvland, Aaron
Hannah. D B Welch, Anna
Harvey, Melissa Miss Wensiield, ,G W r
Hase, HarrietAliss Young, John K
Jones, Chas 4
West Suie Main Street.
City . Oregon.,
I am now?prcpared to serve
On short, notice.
I would also inform the public that I
still continue the manufacture - of Rread,
Jhes, Cakes, Pilot liread, Roston, Butter.
Sigar and .oda Crackers, etc. In addition
to which 1 will keep coustantlv on hand
targe stock of the beVl
staple and family
groceries, provisions, etc.
1:1 J-l L. DILLER.
-.w1 tcfeincor,,inSstear"er, a large vanetv
. litlay Good, suitedjto the wants of
tins community.
Persons cont'emplatinsr purchasing will do
well to wait uutil they can inspect my stock
t Aw SA.t tbe Lincoln Rakerv. '
1866. 1867,
tng it is a fitting time to settle accounts.
Ad those mvinsr me Dook Accounts
are earnestly requested to make im
mediate payment, as I need money
and cannot do business without
it. All who settle by the first of
January next, may save them
selves trouble, as I propose
to open a new set of books
at that time and do business
P. S. Any person having any of my feed
sacks, are hereby notified to return the sam
immedi atei y. WM. BARLOW.
Oregon City, December oth, 1866. (7:w
Return that Gnu
Shot Gun, is requested to return it with
out delay. WM. B A II LOW.
Orn City, y0v. e?d, L, u