Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, December 08, 1866, Image 1

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Yoi. 1.
IjeiDcckiij Enterprise.
tFf lfcE: South east corner of Fourth and
Maitt streets, inthe buildintr lately known
as the Court House, Oregon City, Oron. 0
Terms ofjitilscription.
t?ne copy, one year in advance.,, ?3 CS)
" " " il delayed. V.' . . . t 00
C") Termsxf Advertising.
Transieht advertisements, one square
(12 liuesor lessjrst insertion . . .$2 50
For each subsequent insertion. . . 1 00
Business Cards one square per annum
:" payable qar'fcrly 12 00
One column per annum. 100 00
Ontfiialf cok " .QiD00
Onequarter " SO 00
ljeal advertising at the established rates.
Attorney and
QounsiBr at Law.
business entrusted" to hi care, I
Okfice One door north of Bell & Parker s
D-ag store, Oregon CTy, OregnT)
n -A - -.
T Will attend to (3 business entrusted
to our care in jfy of "he Courts of the Sta te,
collect monevMieirotTate loans, sell real es
tate, etc.
justice of the Peace(& City Recorder.
MuuMiMju-MUMiiiilfiniiiii 1 m 1 11 i 1 11 Tmii'iii1 f 1 u 1 i l i'mi iiouiil- "
OfTice In the Court Houfg and City
Council R om, Oregon City.
Will attend tothe acknowle4ginent Of
deeds, aigj all other duties appertaining t
o 'the ollice of Justice of the Peace. i:: ly
Dr. F1(BarcIay, M. R. C L.
C (Formfrly Sjirgeon(T thclion. II. B. Co.)
OFFICE: At Resident,
Main Street.
..Oregofi City.o
Dr. H. SafFarrins,
OFFICE In J. Flying's Book Store.
Main- street, Oregpyi City-
H. W. ROSS, M. D.,
(Office over Charman Bros., Mi. in st.,)
o Oregon dity. 0 ly
5 6 6 c f
c , c John Fleming,
Thankful for'the par?yiagfc ercfof9c fe
ceived, respectfully solicit'sj'a cpntinSLafigsi'
of the favors of a geoerou pflblicO
His store is between Jacob
aud Ackt'p-
man's bricks, on the west sHepf Main Street. 1
rnrrnn fit,- "lftrVjr.f - U 'iXR ( tf
1 n 0 Qj.
Professor A. J. Rutjes,
WILL be glad to receive a number o
Pupils at his Music .Boom, at the pri
vate residence of Mr. C Varies Loirua Ile,
will also continue to cive instructions at
No charge lor the ue
of the piano. Mv pupils will please giv jjie 4
notice when ready to commence. o: is,
-BlaQ Smiths andr Boiler Makers.
Corner of Main and Third streets,
OregoQCity Oregon.
Q .
Blacksmithing infu)l its branches. Broiftri,
o rnakmg and repairing. All wont -warrantsa
to give satisfaction. r O
SAHL0W house,
Main Street, one door,north of the' "Woolen
Oregon City V. .... Oregon.
Wm.,Barloir, Proprietor.
The proprietor, thankfu.l for the bontinued
patrou:ige he has roceivcf, would inform the
' public thatfiae will continue his etlbrts to
pleast hisQluests. (5
. . M
William Broushton, , J
Main street, Oregon City.
Will' extend , to all work in his line, con
sisting in part Of Carpenter and Joingr wfirk
framing, buildinetc. JoOblng pmeiptlv
attended to. O (b
Fashion Billiard cSaloon.
Main street, betweeT Second nd Tklrd,
O - cQreejon City.
J. C. IVIann, Proprietor.
' l MIL above long estaons va ana popular
JL Saloon "is yst a favorite resort, and as
Only the choicest brands of Wines, Liquorf
'and Cigars are dispensed to customers
hare of the public patronage is solicited,
(lv) J. 0. MANN.
fast Side Main Street, letivecn Second and
t Third, Oregon City.
GEORGE A. HAAS - -a - Proprietor.
The proprietor bejrs leave to inform his.
frienjs and the public generally that the
above named popular saloon is open for thir
0 accommodation, witha new and well assort-
fed supply of the finest brands of wines,;
liquors and cigars. 52
Main Street, oppotiteie Post Office, Oregon
E. PAYNE. . . . . f. .O. . . . . .Proprietor.
The undersigned takes this method of in
forming the pugic that he has purchased
-be above saloon ana now offors a choice and
- el1 selected stock of foreign and domestic
"wines, liquors, etc., which cannot fail to
please those who may extend their patroa
f g!'w Ihe best La3er Keer, Ale and Porter
o o O n
oFonvariling Merchants,
JLJL Hawaiian "and OiegOn Packet Lines,
Importer? oi fesan Qufntin and Carmen
Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee,
Rice, and Puiu.
Agents for Provost's & ' Go.'s Preserved
Fruits, Vegetables Pickles, and Vinegar. ;
Dealers in Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard &
Fruit, Lime, Cgmfjit and Plaster.
"Will attend iB th'd Purchase, Sale or Ship
ment of Merchandise tr. Produce in New
York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland.
Nos 2Q4 and v20' California Street,
San Francisco, .
North FrtmtSlreet, Portland,
Mitchell, Dolph & Smith,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Lath,
"L ""'"-'1
tors ill Admiralty .
Office over the eld Post Office. Front
7"l(L both be found hereafter at their
Office on th: coiner of Front
Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon,
If I.Q O C ft i
Real Estatej and Collecting
S8. Front Street, Corner of Washington,
jT Bbadjss, and Real Estate bought and
gold on Commission.
Portland, Ogt. 1.SG0. 3:1 r.
S Q g--S
S?heeJ,AIufie, and Iuical Merchandise of
all kinds; Sole Agent in Oregon for
y 'iT.j.S.. ,L- II . ...I!..'.. "
'Sirliiwny & You'll
cFirt street, next door to the Post Office,
Portland Oregon.
4:1 V
What Cheer House,
Fr&ritj(treeix heiiveen Morrison and Yamhill,
Port in ml Q , Q. . Oregon.
31. O'COXXOR, Proprietor,
"T"Vj"P0LD respectfully inform his patrons
W andjthe public, generally that having
nioved into his
He is now prepared to accommodate any
Sumbiqr of persons with Board and Lodging.
Each Boom is furnished with entirely
N E W v F U li N I T U R E , Carpeting, and French
Spring Mattresses.
Z- ci he 1 ao5e is lurnislied with LY Hi t -Till
The, Proprietor would express himself
thankful for the continued patronage of the
rrS'ffple fof years, lie would solicit the further
I, ptat ram age bf the public, assuring them that
no expense r labor will be spared in making
trus house the most desirable and agreeable
Hotel in Oregon.
(ictoa i ire I root Ja'e l?r keeping i reasurc.
$ Valuables,- &e. This House is OPEN AT
ALL 110 EES. Raggage
brought trom
-,6'teamra Free of Charge.
(if AND
Queens- Ware, Lanqys, etc
93 o WSL -113- M.-Jt -L ja. m
Importer of articles in the above line,
Qvould invite the attention of purchasers to
his large stock now ou hand.
9-Jt Front strct t,
) 2:3y - Portland, Oregon.
' : - Importer and dealer in
I Musical
Irsegtrtt men ts, Stationery,
e Ft i icy Goods, vtc.
106 Front street. . . Portland, Oregon.
Pianos and all other Musical Instruments
'carefully tuned 'and repaired. 2:ly
Corner af Washington and Front sis.,
Portland, Oregon .
VftTm. St. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Victoria,
&'H L?i(j taken, the above house, teisTies to an
fjrmce to the. public that he is noic prep&re-l to
i accommodate a nest in a satisfactory mann
I, sA'otAina iMlLibe left undone, which -is in the
g&iver of the proprietor to ao, io rensr yuct
comfortable. 2:ly
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
lT Plan?, Specifications, and accurate
jvgrking drawings prepared on short notice
after the latest approved fetyle, ' (ly)
39 Front Street, Portland, Orcf on,
, also : ....
Sole Agent i.a Oregon," and Washington.
Territory, for tjits. Uonew Htatjc GB&urjjeH,
malufacturfd by Hoffman, Finke & Co.,
from California grapes. r a. &.j
g 1 : -r b" '
R, SHE NDRIE, . .-'
Importer dhd Wliolesale Dealit in,
5J Front Street,
fines and Liquors,
Tlianltsgiving Sermon.
Oregon Citt, December Zd, lSGfi.
Ikv. P. S. KrdqJit:
Dear Sir We, the undersigned, believing
that your Thanksgiving Sermon, delivered
iu this city November li&th, would interest
the reading public, respectfully request a
copy of the same for publication.
Yours, tc,
J. W. Roseberry, Fred. Charman, Thcmoa
Charman, A. H. Bell, E. B. Kelly, L. Diller,
J. M. Moore, D. C. Ireland.
Okego:; City, Dec. SJ, 1SC6.
Ma$r&, Miiielerrg, Charman a?id others:
Gerptlengen In accordance with your re- i
quest, I furnish a brief outline of the dis
course alluded to. It was prepared without
the remotest idea that any such use would
be made of it, and nothing but the respect I
have for your judgment lead me to place it i
at your disposal. muv yours. l
j .KNIGHT, j
. .Act;V. 17,: Nevertheless he left uo
himself Without vritness, in that he did good, i
and gave us. rain from Heaven, and fruitful
seasons, filling our hearts with food and
gladnefeS. !
, ,r
own grounu. vnen ne ioou on jars
Hill to reason with the wise Athenian ho
referred him to his unknown "God Vvhom
he ignorantly worshipped. When lie rea
soned with the Jew he spoke of the law,
and the prophets, and the temple, ind the
sacrifice. When he reasoned with the Ro
mans he referred them to ' visible things'
which he claimed were sufficient to give
an understanding of the " iKvisibt;" and
he declared that with these visiUe things
before them, though they possessed no
written revelation, the heathen world
were " ' iciihout excuse''- in their wicked-ne&B.--Bom,
So here, when Paul reasoned with the
people at Lystra, he referred them to God
as revealed in '-heaven and earth, and tho
sea, and all things that aro therein," de
claring that he in times past had not " left
himself without icitness, in that he had given
rain, and fruitful s'ecsons, and food, and
gladness'' to the world. Vnd if the heathen,
who possessed no revelation, were without
excuse when they neglected theso evidences
of God's goodness, how far from blameless
shall we be if we neglect them when we have
them all so fully and beautifully explained
in the key of Kevelation. The gre!at ques
tion at which the students of the ancient
world toiled as at a hard problem, is for
us worked out in clear and simple demon
strations. If they were without excuse in
failing to work out the problem, how
guilty shall we be if we fail to read it as
it is worked on the spotless tablets that
God has given us !
Now, what the text suggests to my mind
is simply this : an examination of the mu
nificent gifts of Providence," the rain and
sunshine and the fruitful seasons that have
filled our hearts with food and gladness,
as witnesses for God. And before pro
ceeding to an examination of these, wit
nesses, a few words touching their charac
ter and qualifications may not be inappro
priate. And the proposition to
which I ask particular attention here is,
that the testimony which these works or
developments of nature bear to the good
ness of God is direct testimony ; or, in
other words, that the evidence here ob
tained cannot be called either hearsay or
circumstantial evidence. Some recent
readings have made me feci that there is
too much of a tendency among writers
and even theologians of the present day
to speak of what they term the laws of
nature without qualifying or explaining
the terms used. The impression which
they tend to leave upon the mind is, that
natural laws are abstract in their charac
ter, independent or self-exiatcnt. And
while they always keep the law in view,
they rather tend to keep tho latb maker
out of view. When the rain falls, or the
sun snmes, or the plant grows, or the
flower blooms, they say it is in accordance
with natural uws. Thus the law is re
membered while the Being who enacted
it, and whe executes it, is forgotten. Now,
would it not be just as well to eay that all
these things occur in accordance with
God's lawr or God's will, or God's all per
vading and never varying providence,
thus keeping ever before the mind the
substance as well as tfee shadow, the cause
as well as the effect :
Natural law, forsooth !
men call natural law,
ural law ?
What is it that
unvarying nat-
Is it anything more or less than the will
of God? If these la wd , as we . call them
are unvarying in their operation is it an
evidence of any thing more or less than
simply the immutability of that Being who
changes not? Speaking abstractly, is
there any such thing in nature as a law ?
If there is, suppose it to be exhibited in
the blooming of a flower. The flower
blooms, you say, in accordance with law.
Well, suppose Gads power in entirely
withdrawn, will the flower blood? No!
Then what becomes of your iaw? "0,"
you say,' God not only enacts the law,
bui also emuies it." Well , then, what you
call a law is nothing more or less than
the power of God exerted in the blooming
Of tbe flower ? Wis all. then what is
job uw but simply another name for
God's Providence! Why this everlasting
talk about the insb-wnent, and no word
about the baud that, wields it ? Why, these
teflioias volumes about natckal law, containing-
no' direct reference to Him whose
supreme will is the only law in tb uni
verse? God gives laws to intelligent
beings, aud even of these it ia said " God
worketh in them both to will and ta do
How truly may we say then, of all the
developments of feammato nature.
Wltat I mean, ihm, hen I sajr tiiat
these developments tfear direct 'testimony
to Gods goodness i tt.t tlijey are, tie imr
mediate effects of His omnipresent working
power. They do not speak bj- a system
of cirenmlocutioti and bear their testimony
in behalf of a ur, leaving the Icvrt t3
speak of Him who made it The fruitfel
season and plentiful harvest speak to" us
dlredly of the God wbrings them J
Aaid there ia eatis-fiicti-on m this. Suppo"so
yon were a wanderer from home and your
father resided 'm a fSr distant eoiuitrjr;
You wovild be intereidin harrng messa
ges from, that fati-s g 3ut suppoeg oniJ
ehouid come to you and say : "A told
me that told Mm thai somebody eke
, , t. , x, . . , . ,
had eoen your father and that ho desired
such and such a message to be delivered.'"
now vague and uusatislactory Woaldeacb
a message bo. But if onO should eomo to
yoU and Bay, " I saw your father, ?hook
his hand, and conversed with Lim, and he
desired ino ta deliver this message.' That
Land of a, communication would bo djjroct,
satisfactory, joyful! Now, it ia go here
When we go forth and commune with na
ture, pondering her worts and iter devel
opments,, we stand face to face with wit
ness3 that bring to U3 direct mc-H3age3
from onr Father m tho slry.
With this view of our witocesea before
us. it only remains for us to hear their tes
timony, and apply it. Gno'of the Witnesses
Paul refers to for evidence of God's prov
ident goodness, is tho rain which Ho had
given-iho rain from heaven. Elsewhere
it is said of Hirs : " He sendeth raiii upon,
the just and the tinjustv' Ho is impartial
in the distribution of his gifts. lie sends
tho ehowcr on tho tortile valley that bears
much He sends It on the stony place that
bears but little. Arid what a blessing is
the rain! Let the ehowera of heaven bo
sent no move, and the merry ripple of the
ittle broolc would eoon bo hushed- the
thunder of the cataract would ceaso the
floods of the great river would be exhaust
ed tho hum of the factories would be
icard no more steam boats would lie
rotting at their docks the green hills
would become barren wastes the blossom
ing wilderness would be desolate tho
seed planted would produce no harvest-
there would be no grinding in the mill
there would be lio ships bearing the fruits
of industry over the high waysof. tho ocean
there would bono more bread for the
twellera ou the land and following these
there would be a giving up of all joy and
mirth, a yielding of all energy and hope,
a sitting down in sorrow and despair, and
to complete the general gloom, gaunt fam
ine would appear with a'univen-al harvest
of death that would sweep all life and
beauty from the world, a3 the frosts and
the wind-s of autumn sweep the decayed
foliage from it3 branches. What untold
evils, what nameless calamities, are kept
away from tho world just by these simple
showers ! And who sends the showers so
regularly, eo opportunely, ho impartially?
Have we ever thought what blessings they
are and to whom wo should be thankful
for the blessings ?
Now it may seem strange, but I believe
it to be true, that in order for men to falty
appreciate any blessing they must be for
a time deprived of it. Why, we never
fully appreciate home till we get away
from it And it 13 more especially true of
the simpler blessings of life. " A cup of
cold water" ' was considered Worthy of
mention by our eavior. But what does a
man who lives beside a mountain stream
care for a cup of water ? He may sit down
beside the fountain, where it babbles clear
as crystal from the earth, and there 13 no
music in the sound to him. "But take him
out on the sandy deseft--leave him there
to tread his weary way without a drop to
cool his tongue and how different will he
fet! Ilis thoughts will wander back to
tho crystal fountain theix there will be
music in its sound, though he hears it only
in memory. His soul will rovel in visions
of moss grown wells, and " old oaiitin
buckets,-' and generous tin-cups, with their,
dripping coolness. And let bttn but bear
these 8iraplo Avords uttered by a human
tongue a cvrr of boLn water; and a etrain
of heaven's own harmony would not be
sweeter music in- his ear ! So it is with the
showers that do go much for the world.
We do aot appree-iato thenl because we
have never been deprived of them 1 Ah,
the strancro wexverseness of the human
heart i How iaconsisteritj bow terrible it
seems, when, we look Squarely at it i One
of the moat agonizing prayers ever offered
was that which wont tip from C-armel'd
hights, when Elijah, the man of God,
prayed for rain ! And let this land be de
prived of rain, aa was that land, in the
wicked reign of Ahab, and how would
every eye be turned up in thankfulness for
the fltst ehower ! But why not be thankful
now for the blessed showers of heaven?
Why wait inconsistently and wickedly for
God to teach m the value of oar blessings
by depriving us of them f
Arid the rain is not tho only witness Of
GocVs provident goodness. M tenet
aim to enumerate them. ill. 'He points i
out this one as peouligj-ly striking, and
then indicates where numerous others may
be found. "What a long array of eloqu&nt
testimony may we find by -a proper study
of this expression : fruitful se&song I
t'hiak first of the seasons 1 JIgw regu
larly they foiled each otb&r 1 'Scrwner
cifuUy gradual gyre the changes from ona
into, ajio'ther ! "WJiat an unbroken cb-aon of
varied expexieiiees is woven into -par. lives
BECEMBJpil 8, 18C0,
and harvest, cold ansr&eat, summer and
winter, day and night," that never ha3
ceased since Noah looked up and saw the
golden bowof premise, the token of God-a
eternal covenant, spanning the?ky ! And
then they are fmitftd season? 5 seasons
that com and go not without an object !
Go forth in the merry Spring time and
see the gowerg blooming and the grass
growing, and the flocks skipping and feed
ing over the , hills. See all nature spring
ing into life agaia, after the long death-like
sleen of Winter. And then remember this
is a fruitful seaman a season freighted with
blessing for aoh tingraAefui world. 0
Go forth again in summer arid gee all
coming to perfection, the blossom giving
place to fruit, the seed that man has plant
ed ripening into golden harvests. Is -not
this also a fruitful season? Filled with
toil it is true, bat that toil i crowned with
promises of rich reward. 0
G-o forth in autumn and gee the 'world's
bread gathered in. See the rich clusters '
hanging in the trellked vineyards. Hear
the ripe fruit dropping in the orchard, and
then remember this 4b a fruitful season, thfej
harvest of the year, the Eea9on.of accounts
and ot reward?.
And ghali w stop here and say that
winter io a barren geagou ? See ! there1 is
a bom of plenty in every home. There s
a bright fire on every hearth. Each home
is n, little world. Each hearthstone is a
sacred altar around which the inmates
gather. There' ia a smile ,on every face,
there is a merry word on every tongue,
there 13 a beam of hope in every eye.
Why 1 0 because their kind Father in the
eky his given " rain from heaven, and
fruitful eeasons, and filled their hearts with
food and gladness." Would that there
were' a song of praise on every lip and a
feeling of thankfulness in every heart !
Oregon City, Nov. 23, I860.
Why am I not a Christian- ? The fol
lowing questions, and responses are given
by the Young Men's Christian Association,
of San Francisco :
1. Ls it because I am afraid of ridicule,
and of what others may say of me ?
"Whosoever sbn.il be ashamed of Me, and
of my words, of him shall the eon of Man be
2. Is it because of the inconsistencies of
professing Christians ?
" Kverv man ehall give an account of him
self to God."
3. Is it because I am not willina: to give
ww all to Christ?
" What shuli it protit a man if he gain
the hole world and lose his own soul?"
4. Is it because I am afraid that I shall
not be accepted ?
" Him that, cometh unto ra& I v,ill in no
0. Is it because-1 fear I cm too great a
sinner ?
" The blood, of Jesus Christ clean30th from
all sin." . '
"6. Is it because I am afraid I will not
- hold out" - c
" lie that bath begun a 'good wprk in yoo;
Vrill perform it unto the day cf Christ Jesus."
.7. Is it because I am thinking that I will
do as well as lean, and that Qod ought to
be satisfied with that ?
' Whosoever shall keei the whole law aid
yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.'
$. Is it because I am postponing the mat-
' ter, without any 'leflnitif reason ?
' Boast not thyself bf tq-mdrrow) fur thou
knowest not, what a day m'ay bring forth."
O-' 11
The Secret of Success. The basis of
success in fell occupations which involves
the relations of employer and Chiployed is,
that tho employer should have an accu
rate knowledge of the work to be done,'
wlir.t it consists in, liow to do it, and -liow
long it should take. A man of business
who neglects this, places his interest entire
ly in the keeping of irresponsible agents,
and, human nature being what it is. ar
rives in -duo time at insolvency. This is
why the self-xaadt? man, who ha3 been
sternly initiated into the whole mystery
by having himself stood in the ranks of the
employed, 0u.tat.rip3 those who seem to
start so fair from the vantage ground of
education and capital, and builds a for
tune where those kick one down.
And the mistress of a household, who
neither understands what a servant's du
ties are (except, perhaps, these which, af
fecting her immediatii comfort, force them
selves upon her notice-,) still how and
vvheu they may be best fulfilled, will cer
tainly jiot get them fulfilled in the best
manner, or by the emallest number of
hands, and Jaence will manage, or mis
manage lier income in a wasteful, ineffect
ual manrte.r,. This is inevitable-,
s o
SPREAWrsd tse fJ-osiPEi.. A 6'orrespon
dent sends us the following: "While a
young minister was recently preaching a
written discourse in Andover, the wind,
entering through an open window, whisked
tho sermon off the desk and the most of it
out of m opposite window, scattering it
through a field df grain. Xo one going to
hb aid the young Eeverend was obliged to:
leave the desk and the church and hunt
up big flying snSott, which, with its re-
artaugementj tqok about a quarter of an
Waj of spreading ibe
GosjJcl,' as may be imagined, was any
thing but a serious matter td the congre
gation." .
1 . o
.Why should underwriters realize large
fortunes larmg the reign of the. Queen.
B$caas$ whBs-t Rj?!ina reighs.there will be
no ,Rex (wrecki.)
' l -- -
s"??hydoes ihe railway clerk cut a liole
la-yur fiMet? "To' let you pass through.
. Why is love lilte a Scotch plaid ? It is
Q Gtiet often ' exct re d;
o G
Our Idaho .ettr.
, . 1 .
0 BqiSS Off. IS'ov. 20th, 1866. c
FriexId IpjexanT :
Hearing that ytm had embarked in a
newspaper Entkr-ri.-;b en your own ac
count, I thought a- line ff om our inountain
City might be acceptable.
The business of-this place has been vert
active 'cince the latter, art of ?ummcr.
Our merchants have found it difficult to
keSp up their stocks, there being so con-
stdnt a demand for goods from the differ
ent mining camps adjacent to, this plaCe.
At present everything is ia perfect whirl
of excitement The tow is filled with
persons of every grade, of character, who
have comej in to purcha;a their winter
supplies or spend the tjf inter. . You can
meet tbe merchant miner, Quartz specu
lator, gambler, and man of no occupalion
on every corner of tbe street. Ia Iheeve-
riings the: different saloons and public
places df resort present .a perfect Babel of
Confusion 5 on every sido- is btard battery
dust, quartz, placer diggings, greenbacks.
the rattle of faro, moute, and poker checks.
-all combined requiring' one fresh from
the land of Web-loot to keep his wits,
around or be lost in the confusion of talk
and excitement. Now there i$ not a va
cant hX5use to be obtained in the town ;
eyery eld cabin is filled, and . demand for
more buildings. In prtlcr to procure a
bed at the hotels it i necessary to register
your name, in the rafirning, or sit up all
night by the stove of some, gambling hell.
However, this week Mr. T- B- Hart, late, of
Placerville, opens a new hotel, and will be
able to accommodate twd hundred per
sons. IIi3 house vrill be one of the finest
this side ofiSan, Francisco. All the fixtures
are of the most araplfe character for the
entertainment of guests. This with the
gentlemanly character of the proprietor
will doubtless render "TIart-s Exchange"'
a favorite resort for travelers.
A few weeks since I was down the Boise
valley some thirty miles and muit confess
was taken by surprise fat the extent of
farming land under cultivation, and the
quantities of oats, barley, corn, wheat and
vegetables of every kind produced. From
personal observation, standing by the
thresher when working, I'saw sixty-five
bushels of barley and sixty-two of oats
threshed from the acre. What do you of
Web-foot think of thai? Sixteen years
since I traveled down this same valley a
weary emigrant with eyes turned toward
Oregon as the mecca of my hopes. Then
it was a wild, barren, uncultivated waste,
inhabited by Indians; cayotes, ana big
rabbits. T 9-day I find it filled wiili farms
and a people of intelligence and wealth,
surrounded with all the comforts that
make a home pleasant j school, churches
and society organized, and all the appli
ances that tender to the happiness and
pleasure of any community.
We are just now having a hicg little
time with tho counterfeiters. The Siates
man. treats tjpon the subjeet at lang-tb, ex
tracts from which 1 annex :
The public are already avfare of the arrest
last week at Idaho City of Thomas Q. I.lur
phy upon a charge of parsing counter&.'it
gold dust. We learn that ha has sines been
dischargcd, though whether upon recogniz
ance to appear or upon failufft to Eustilm
any charge against him, we lmva not learned.
"uia uucu ucuLvcuj, a mwi, iitu? vtn
known for some time to the officers qi thss
law, that a considerable gang of GOfinterfeit-
ers were operating in Our midst The arrest
of Murphy gave, a- new sle to the prosecu
tion of further inquires. About f'jnr Weeks
ago Mr. Geo. XL Chick was called upon -at
his tin shop to make a sheet-iron fyrnace,
which so muth rtQembled a coftceiti for
melting gold, and ff6m ther suspicions cir
cumstances, he wfi5 lod to believe tllat it was
designed to be used for eauEterfeiting dust.
Mr. Chick acquainted sheriff Uut&l of the
facts, aid a sharp lookout has been kepj for
Jho a,entlerun ever siuce. Lividerice has
been accumulating for sotn time pastj the
nature of which ife i.s uvnecessarv to state,
until yesterday mowing it was determined
to make &raid upon &. log building fronting
the publio, square, and formerly used as
county hospital. Tht result was thecapture
of John C. Page and John Watson, just after
they bad goi up in the 'morning. A third
hombrc having gone dowif to Main street in
the meantime, somehow got wind of what
was going on and secreted himself, so that
he has1 notCyet been arrested. An 'examina
tion was had before Justice I,indsay yester
day, during whicb it appeared that the fur
nace; described by Mr. Cbick was set up in
the house above referred to, lnied with clay
aud a grate in the bottom, all giving indica
tions cf having been used; The room was
made very dark, had a bed in one corner
and a pile of charcoal Dearly iised up, in
another. There were also two crucibles
uSed and cracked; a pair of tongs td lift them
with, tin sieves and three jars of chemicals.
So far as finding dust, good or bad, or in
fact any kind of currency whatever, is con
cerned, th3 raid is a failure at present.
A "Whether the treasurer of the concern il still
at large with tha "funds, or whether they are
absolutely and totally impecunious, is yet to
be ascertained. The only H currency" found
about the "establishment" was a small sack
of Mack sand in the bed. The fact cf
Murphy being up at Idaho City on a ' mis
sion" with, about tiro hundred ounces Cf the
" Spelter" may account for the" absence of
funds at the man lfactory. Judge Heed ap
peared for the prosecutioh knd Judge George
for the defense. The result of the examina
tion was that Page was held to appear at the
next term of the district court in the sum of
13,000, and Watson in the sum of 5000.
!Not behig able to respond, they have taken
board and lodging at DuvaPs hotel, ia one of
iti dark r:?c:3. A .rich zd irtcrwtiug lat-
No. 7.
ter from "Captain" Murphy was introduced"
and read as evidence. What was in it, 0
how it came in possession of the officers, is!
none of our business; but it has, we doub
noi,, had the effect before now to , get the
''cad centre" again into durance vile. The
proceedings m the case promise to be intex-
csting, and it is hoped the whole gang will
be secured. The prisoners', appearance in
court yestrcGy.was as much as to say"0,
yes, we are caught, but no jury will convict
us; audif we escape hanging by an outraged
pubc, will bid the law defiance." it ap
pears that the arrest was" not made too soon,
as Murphy advised his correspondents td
"kick the furnace to h 11." A day or two
laUy and they might have destroyed much
cf the evidence there is against them.
Two days alter the above appeared we
were informed) that Murphy had been ad
mitted to bail by a J ustice of the Peacg at
Idaho City, in the sum of $1,000, to answer
some charge corrected Avith the bogus
business, commenting upon which the
Statesman again says :
; That order of the justice certainly was not
well considered. It would seem that hi3
bonds should have been more or nothing at
all. "If there is probable cause to Relieve
the defendant guilty," a thousand dollars
will hardly secure his attendance upon courtj
and if there is not probable cause, he should
not have beeii field at alL If JIurphy will
commence the," practice of his profession"
in Boise City we will warrant him a higher
figure. e , r i,
In view of the past' history of crime in
this Territorv, and cf recent disclosures in
the bogus dust business, it becomes a ques
tion of serious importance whether adulter
ating and counterfeiting dust shall be sup
pressed and punished as a crime against thee
laws, or whether it shall be winked at by the
community and considered a legitimate
business and sharp practice. The business
is carried; 0.3 to an extent much greater than,
is generally supposed, and we believe is in
creasing, f it is a well known fact that the
dust in gene-al circulation at th? present
time will not coin as much on an average cs .
it did two yearg ago, by from two to fou
dollars per ounce: Every merchant knows
that to be the case; no matter hw well he
cleans his dust it falls several dollars below
what he coul5 realize for the same class of
dust when the mines'was first opened. This ;
we believe, is attributable for the most part
to the1 greater or less quantity of bogs that
is mixed, with it. It is, u fact, difficult to
find half a dozen ounces in circulation that
does hot lejse in weight upon application of
acids' But worse than that, the art of coun
terfeiting" has reached that perfection by
which silver dust may be so effectually coat
ed with gold as to avoid detection by the
common tests of acid. The boldness and
defiant manner of the " operators" are fur
ther proof of their strength. The two "birds"
now in the county jail, notwithstanding the
weight of evidence against them, boast that
they can easily give the required bail fBr
their appearanc&at the district ftourt, large
as it 1,3, as scon as they can communicate
with their friends in Owyhee. Murphy ha3
given one thousand dollar's bond to answer
the charge that was preferred against bini
at Idaho City last week, and boasts of hav
ing tooney and influence enough to buy or
crush the Statesman, Reynolds, or any one
else who dare insinuate that he is a-counter-feiter.
Tbe very terder manner in which
he is treated by the Idaho press is suggest-
ive of an indisposition to incur the dispfeaa-
ure of his gang. We are also told by one of
the gentlemen who took a part in tbe trais-
action, that about a year ago a scamp yaS
. ueteciQ-a in passing oogus uust in ioisa
county ; that upon promise bf money he dia-
closed the names of his gang, when to the
astonishmetltof his captors they found Tthe
concern so numerous and influential, and
including so many desperate characters, .
that they deemed it best for their personal
safety to drop the matter, which they didi
and no legal proceedings were instituted.
These fJkits give sme idea of the extent t6
which the business is carried, on, and the
influence of its organization. One of twd
things must be doue in the premises. Not
only the officerSj but every good citizen
must make it a personal matter to lend his
influence tc the ferreting out and punish
ment of these villains rho are too lazy td
earn an bonest living but not quite despe
rate etiough to get it by highway robbery,
or they must be indirectly supported by tbe
laboring portion of the community by al
lowing them to " expand the currency" as
much as they choose. Our Territorial stat
utes make counterfeiting dust or knowingly
passing it a crime, and provides punishment
as severe as for counterfeiting Coin. Ia
Ada county we have afficers who will spare
no effort to make the busintess both unprofit
able and unpleasant t,o those engaged in it;
while it will be our pleasure to expose to
public execration and contempt every0 one
connected with the business, no matterwhat
o ...
pis wealth, influence, or position. We ven
ture the opinion that Murphy and his con
federates will, before many days, assume a
less defiant attitude, and that the bogus
business will nci become respectable, even
in Idaho.
When our Legislature convenes T will
write you agairi, from . Boise.
" I have great confldentie," says a writer
" in young men whobelieve.d in themselves
and are accustomed to rely on their own
resources from a early, period; When a
resolute young fellow tip. to tho
great bully, the world,.and takes him bold
ly by the beard, he is often surprised fij
find it comes off in his hand, and that i t
was only tied on to scare away timid ad
venturers." Why is an anthor the most peculiar of
all animals ? Because his tail (talti) comes
out of his head.
" f
Why ought the stars to be the best as
tronomers? Because they have studded
tie iearerc-for 9g$t-