iA,- o o 0 O O o .&?.- An is I)c lUcckln Enterprise. TOAVN ANI COUNTY. NoticeThere will be a meeting of the subscribers to the capital stock of the Oregon City Printing and Publishing Company, at the County Clerk's ollice, on Saturday the 20th of December, lS6Gj at 7 o'clock P. M. By order of the INCORPORATORS. Oregon City, Nov. 24th, 1SCC 5:4w Bctxetix Correspondence. An occa sional correspondent of the San Francisco Bulletin, writing from Oregon recently, paid our city the following tribute: "ThePuext town in importance to Portland, iu Oregon, is Oregon City, which is situated on the right bank about 25 miles from the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia, and just below the falls. This is the oldest settle ment in the State. Being situated at the ex treme limit to which vessels from the ocean tiould ascend, it became very early a trading "point with the natives. The romnntie and the practical are finely blende! m the ap pearance of the town and its environs. The falls of the Willamette, an excellent view of which may be xbtitaed from a bluff over looking the city east, are about 40 leet in height. The water descends into a narrow chasm, through which it boils and surges "with a violence nothing can withstand. Oregon City has net until recently been of much promise, but a fine wooleu factory, lately established there, has had a wonder ful effect upon the condition of the town. A machine shop has been started, and another, as well as, a paper mill, are being erected, and considering that the water power is equal to any on the continent, the conclusion Is natural that the place will sooner ocjater become the Lowell of Oregon, if not of the coast. One of the most interesting features here is the basin, as it is called, of the Trans-' portation Company a reservoir constructed X)f wood, of sufficient size to contain a lare number of steamboats. Formerly the up river steamers landed some distance above the fulls, and passengers and freight were conveyed from one boat to the other on a railroad about three-fourths of a mile in length. By building this basin just below the falls, which do not extend the entire width of the stream, the necessity for the portage is obviated, and a warehouse spans the distance between thStwo landing places. A lockicin contemplation which will enable them .to run the same steamers the whole length of the river." The Avror.v Colony. The practical benefits arising from the well directed efforts of a colony of people in Oregon, may beob served by the workings of the colonj- in the southern part of this county and the north ern part of Marion county at what is known as "Dutchtown" Aurora, proper. The main body of Slhis colony was loft in the State of Missouri, but they are soon expected to join their fiiendsiiere. During the war they were situated in the midst of the ctroublcs, and suffered much during its con tinuance. This induces them to move to Oregon, where their associates have been lont, settled and are perfectly satisfied. The coming emigration will bring an accession to the wealth and increase the number of our German friends to fifteen hundred, and more sociable and worthy inhabitants can not easily be found. The chief factor of the settlement, Dr. Kile, received a fine planing machine from SanoFrancisco, on the last trip "of, the steamship Montana. The people ate in a their very thriving condition and pursue uiuwiuuua iv nil becomings industrv .There is nothing more valuable than their saw mill and sash and door factory attached. J)r. Kile, since his residence in Oregon, has shown himself nn able business man as well 'tis a good physician and governor among his people. o O Woolen Mills op the Pacific Coast. There are six woolen mills in operation in Oregon, which consume annually about 3, 02.r,000 pounds of wool. The Trullinger 'factory of this county, and a small factory in Douglas county have never before been taken into estimate. They will work up about 50,000 lbs- f wool annually. In California two large mills are in operation now, one is in process of erection, and another contem plated. We have no accurate information of the amount of wool annually consumed in California, but it will probably equal no more the amount consumed in Oregon. This would give 2,050,000 pounds of wool, made into blankets, casimeres, flannels, &c. These goods command ready sale, and are considered superior to the Eastern manu - tacture. A Genvink Impostor. When Cook, the man on crutches, was here, he visited us, aS was stated last week. While in our presence he told at least six lies one of which Was that) the Unionist of Salem would " taEe Tiack" on Monday last what it had said about "him the previous week. , " The poor ye al ways have among you," but as to this poor fellow, we warn the public against him. No doubt he is a cripple, but that need not be an excuse for his forever beginr, lying, and deceiving people, lie no doubt has much o more solid cash than many upon whom he 'calls for aid. Winter is Upon Us. Our friend J. H. Gist, of Canemah', has reminded us in the pleasante'st manner possible, that Barren winter, wi h his nipping cold, 5s upon us. From this dav henceforward tipfil the vernal equinox, the days will b urear, and to add protection to shelter it will to "necessary to have wood. This, Mr. Gist ia prepared to furnish He will bring thee this) Yea, and furred moss beside, To winter thy corse. See advertisement. SrnccE Pails. Our whilom friend 11. G. Aldrich, formerly of St. Paul, Minne sota, we found recently Bt Astoria getting out timber for a large and extensive pail and tub factory at Sau Francisco. The thought occurred to us that if California must call on Oregon for the raw materials in this branch of business that it would be just us well to start a factory at home. California Is now old enough to take care of herself, and Oregon ought to do better than to ship raw "materials even for the making of spruce tubs, when she has such valuable facilities for thfeTpurposescp? manufacturing as mav be obtained at Oregon Citv. Paper -Stock. The Paper Manufactur ing Company of this city now have on hand abont 400,000 pounds of material with which to begin Operations. A portion of the ma chinery has been fitted and tried. It works in the most satisfactory manner. City Councii The regular monthly meeting of the City Council will be held vs monday evening. - . . Oregon City Merchants. There are few places of the size0of Oregon City that can boast of more enterprising merchants. Commencing at the upper end of Main street, we may enumerate, in lie dry goods trade, six firms with whom the public can deal on as favorable terms as any in the State, not excepting Portland. These are : Wm. Barlow ; Charman Bros. ; S. Acker man ; I. Selling : J. R. dlalston, and J. Myers & Bro. Their purchases are made in the best markets of the Country, and as corroborative of our statements, let the reader but give them a call. For grocer ies call upon Wortman & Sheppard. E. B. Kelly, L. Diller, E. D. Kelly, or like en ergetic citizens. For stov es and tin-ware, look at the stock of C. W. Pope & Co. For books, etc., don't forget that pioneer of the "craft,' ' Mr. J. Fleming. Our assur ance to our readers is, that if they will fol low our directions we will nevermisguide tb?m. We are posted. o . Lvcecm Organization. The projected Lyceum in this city was orzanized on last Tuesd ay evening, by the election of officers as follows: Thomas Charman President ; Maj. Magoon, II. Foster Vice Presidents : B. Killen Secretary. A question wtaa pro posed by MrfDuncan, viz : Resolved, That Chinese labor is beneficial to Oregon who also surprised his friends by taking the lead enthusiastically in support of the ques tion. Mr. S. D. Pope assumed' the lead in the negative. The subject would be con tinued last evening. From the fact that there were present some who do not take a general interest in the affairs of this city, or encourage societies of this character very greatly, it was surmised that the springing of this question was intended more particularly as a 'feeler' in this com munity, than for argument time will tell. Public Houses The card of the " Bennett House," Salem, appears in our columns to day. The proprietor, Ex-Gov. L. Jay S. Turney late of Washington Terri tory, is now proprietor of the " Bennett,' and he will most undoubtedly feed and treat any hungry traveler or pleasucc-seeker tip-top, who visits Salem, by calling at lhe "Benhctt." We would also invite the at tention of our readers to the card of M. O'Connor, the popular host of the What Cheer, at Portland. This House is go well known that not one word of comment is necessary from us, to induce any who have ever called there to go again. The Lincoln House at Portland, is also a Very desirable Public House. The new proprietor, Mr. Matthieusen, late of Victoria, is quite atten tive to his guests, and we recommend his house to the patronage of the public. Oregon has some really welt kept ''hotels, and the above enumerated are three of them. Chop House. If any of our friends should ever be so unfortunate a3 to be left behind at Portland, sometime when the steamer starts for Oregou City precisely at the hour, we advise them to seek the chop house of Mr. Wm. Ilickards, one door smith of Washington street, on First. He can "stav your stomachs" with an excellent meal. And he will "do" you equally as well before starting for the boat in the morning, if you will call upon him. C His place is kept open all niht. TnE River. The Willamette is now in excellent boating condition. The Fannie ration, Active, and other steamers of the Company, now leave Oregon City regular ly for above, every morning except Sun days, going up as far as Corvallis at least. The fine new steamer Alert, Capt. Kellogg, made a special trip to Portland on Wedne; -day, and we hear will take the place of the Senator next week." The boat how leaves Portland for Oregon City at 7 o'clock a. m. Starr Whisky. Messrs. L. M. Starr & Co. of Portland, having passed the minutia, and at great expense refitted their establishment for the manufacture of the celebrated brand of Starr whisky, are now engaged largely in the making of an article which, if people wiU drink," is recommended for us. Being home made aild from a firm with the reputation of the one referred to, Starr whisky certainly ought to be looked upon in a favorable light. Q Tiianksgivlng I) at. Thanksgiving day, the 29th, rraj observed in this city with, one accord. There3 were services in most of the churches, and the attendance was large. Business throughout tWeitywas generally suspended, and the family hearth and festive board were both duly regarded. Something Nice. The lady readers of the Enterprise will find something really nice by calling at Ackerman's. He has 'e. .lust opened a case new style cloth cir culars, imported expressly for the ladies who desire to appear well". Good Templars Festival. The Lodge of Good Templars in this city have recent ly held two festivals at their hall, the prc- ceeds will be devoted to the furnishing of the hall in excellent stvle. v-, OVVgoii I.ocle No. SC I. O. ri'j5: ofO.F. Meets pvprv Wp.1i-.ps- "''"vx day evening at 7 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall. 3Iembers cf the order are in vitcd to attend. By order N. G. i:lyj E. B. Fellows, R. S. DJiiltnomah Iivlg e No. 1. A. F A A. nr. -Holds its regular tik communications on the first and third Sat urdays of each month, at half past six r. sr. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. Bv order of W. M. Oregon City, Nof. 6th, ISCo. o:ly There will 'be an election of officers A. F. & A. M. held at their Hall inOregon City, on Saturday evening, December 15th, 1S65. Iirethren in good standing are invited to attend. O Attest: T. J. JlcCarver. Secretaf. Oregon Citv, Nov. "nth, lSGti. o:4w St Episcopal Church, thtfRcv. J. W. Sellwood, pastor. Services on Sun day at 10 1-2 a. m. and 7 p. m. Si Sunday school at 2 r. m. Congregational church Morning services at 10 1-2 Al m? Evening services a"t 7 p. m. P. S. Knight, Pastor. DI. E. Cliureli. --Morning services at 10 1-2 A. m. Evening services at 7 p. m. I. D. Driver, Pastor. E LAXKS OF EVERY DESCKIl'TIOX, rvcauy printed at the Enterprise ofScc. KEDINGTON & CO.'s Essence of Jamaica Ginger. THIS VALUABLE PREP All ATI OX, CON taining, in a highly concentrated form, all the properties of the Jamaica Ginger, has become one of the most popular domestic remedies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic it will be fond invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by feve-r or otherwise, lor whilst it imparts to the system all the glow and.vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary effects that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to nausea, caused by sea sickness, etc. It is also valuable as an external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. RED1NGTON & CO. GmarSOj Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. " MARTHA WASHINGTON" HAIR RESTORER Trust none other, howe'er pleasant, None can do what this has done Try it: always keep it present Use the Martha Washington. IT 18 WOT A DYE It will keep the tile Hair soft and. glossy ; change it to its Original Color; prevent the Hair falling out; make old heads look young; and do all that is expected of a genuine, Good Hair Restorer; REEINGTON & Co., Agents, San Francisco. " MARTHA WASHINGTON HAIR RESTORER. Is a wonder of the world, and stands above comparison with any other article far the hair ever brought before the public. Sold every where. REDIKGTON'S Flavoring Extracts. Are made from FRESH FRUITS. Each bottle holds twice as muchis anv other brand in the market, consequently tiey are the cheapest and the best. USE NO OTHER. REDINGTOX & Co., Agents for the Pacific Coast. GRAEFEKBERG Uterine Catholicon. If faithfully used according to directions will cure every case of Diabetes, and greatly miti gate the troublesome effects caused by a re laxation of the outlet of the bladder. It is a most successful remed- for Gravet; r.nd other diseases f the kidneys and bladder, and for Female diseases is unequalled. The Catholicon uniformly cures Prolapsus Uteri. Whitesall Irregularities of the Month ly period, Suppression, Incontinence of urine, Bloating and Dropsical swellings, and all diseases of pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is immediate and certain upon the Uterine and abdominal muscles and liga ments restoring them to as healthy a state as those of childhood an4 youth, so that pa tients who have used the Griiefenberg Compa ny's Uterine Catholicon cannot sufficiently express tlieir gratitude for the relief affordeu. REDIN'GTON & Co., Agents, 41fi and 418 Front street, San Francisco. -yyiiY ?ill you delay ? We are sorry that there are persons who suffer on day by day, month after month, and year by year, when friends and neighbors have been cured of the same (omalady that afflicts them. Now it has been proved by substan tial evidence that SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND L1VEB0 SYRUP will cure the worst cases of scrof o ulu, Canker, Rheumatism, Neu ralgi?, etc.; yet still there are thosg who neglect this sure and valuable remedy. To such we say, try the syrup be convinced. REDINGTON & Co., Agents, 41 6 and 41S Front street, San Francisco. Q STOP THATJJOUGHING COME OP YOU CAX'T, AXD WF1 PITY 13 you. YoiAiave tried every remedy buf the ONE destined, by its intrinsic merit, to supersede all sim ilar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluctant to try something else after the many ex periments you have made of trashy compounds foisted oa tho public as a certain cure ; but NBWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup Q' is really tho VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, Colds. iSore Throat, Asthma, AVhooping Cough. Bronchitis and Consumption. Thou fands of peopUi in California and Oregon have befn already beueiitted by the surprising curative powers NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup and with nnc accord give it their unqualified anpro. bation. V.'e now address ourselves to all who are un. acquainted with this, the greatest Panacea of tit age, for the bealins of all diseases of the Throat aud Lungs, assuring you that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup lias cured thousands and it will euro YOU if you try ''"This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste; soothing, healing and strengthening in its effects; en tirely freo from all poisonous or deleterious drugs, and perfectlv harmless under all circumstances. . Certificates from many prominenrTutizeiis of San Francisco accompany every bottle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup o KEDIXGXO:; & CO. As'nt?, Saa Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. H Kicliailsoift AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Heal Eat-aU, GrocerU, General Merchan dise and Iarses, EVERY WEDXESUAY ; - AND SATURDAY! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English Refined Bar and Bundle iron; ' " Square and Octagon Cast &Ul ; Jlorse SJioen, FiUs, Rasps, Sau-s; Screws, Fry-Pans, Sheet Iron, li. G. IrOn; also : A Large assortment of Groceries and Liquors. A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. NEW COODS AND LOW PRICES. I. SELLING, Corneipf Main and Third streets, OREGON CITY, THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, AND hoping for a continuance of the same, would invite the attention of the public to his large stock now in store, consisting of Taiicy and staple 0 DRY GOODS, FCRXISHISG GOODS, AND MANY riOLIDAY PRESENTS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND 0CAPS, VALICES, TRUNKS, AND UMBRELLAS! Groceries, Crockery, Glass and' Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Being Hundreds of Other Articles! Too Numerous to Mention! vgr" Call aud examine for yourself. I take pleasure in showing goods, and customers will lind the articles at reasonable figures for cash or produce. I. SELLING-, Corner store, opposite the o:ly Tin and stove store. SUMMONS. IN COUNTY COURT OF CLACKAMAS County, State of Oregon : 50 cent Revenue stamp. A. G. Bradford Plaintiff, vs. Margaret Mitch ell, defendant. Action at law for the re covery of money only. To Margaret Mitchell, said defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled action, in lhe County Court of Clacka mas county, State of Oregon, and if you fail to answer said complaint by the tirst Monday of January, 1867, the plaintiffwill take judg ment against von for the sum of 77 dollars and 50 cents, with cost and disbusements of this action. S. II L FLAT, 5:3w Att'y for Plaintiff, STRAYED. A LARGE RED DURHAM COW, white spot in lace.white on breast, white feet, and tip of the tail white A n V riprAn V ri n rrl n nc aoir) nAnr to me, in Oregon City, or who will furnish information where she maybe found, will be liberally rewarded. E. B. KELLY. Also i A Large Red Cow, muley with a strip of wuue miaer ner 0003'. 1111s cow strayea away about four weeks since, and who ever will give information where she may, be found will be suitably rewarded for their trouble by calling at the Enterprise oflicC: Or upon JOHN MELDRUM.. Oregon City, Nov. 22d, '6(5. Ordinance No. 65. BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED by the City Council of Oregon City: That the grading and McAdamizing of the Alley, running through block No 28, twenty eightj, is hereby authorized, the said work to be let bv contract tn iVm Inwpst nnnniTOfl bidder. The property owners adjoiningsaid Alley to pay two-thirds, and the city one third of the amount for grading and McAd amizing the same. Proposals for grading and McAdamizing the Allej' will be received by the City Coun cil until the 15th day of December, 1866. By order of the Citv Council. JAMES M. MOORE, City Recorder. Dated, Oregon City, Nov. 10, 1866 5:3w HOME MANUFACTURE ! THE CELEBRATED WHISKY ! (KNOWN AS STARR WHISKY,) Is again being manufactured from Oregon Wheat, at Portland, by o:tf J L. M. STARR & CO. A. LEVY, " Main Street, at the Telegraph Office, Oregon City Oregon. Dealer in Hester's Ready-made Clothing, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Stationery, Cutlery, Willoio and Wooden Ware, YanJcee Notions, Fancy aud staple Groceries, Candies, Nuts, Toys, etc (52 Tax Notice Fair Warning! fTMIE time for paying taxes without cost jL in Clackamas county, will expire on The 20th day of December, 18GG. And all taxes not paid on or before that date will be collected as on execution. n W. P. BURNS, Q Sheriff of Cl'i(btr.Ots (inmty. Oregon City, Nov. 16th, ISM. (4:6w A CALL FOR THE PEOPLE. I PROPOSE TO Oregon City, GIVE A LECTURE AT on Satufdav. December 8th, at 7 o'clock p. si., upon the subject of Politics and the Preaching of the Gospel. Ladies are particularly invited to attend. 4:w4 w. VY. HARPER. ; Return that Gun. TIJEFpERSON WHO BORROWED MY Shot Gun, is requested to return it with out delay. WM; BARLOW. Oregon ity, Nov. 22J, 186(3 5-tf The Uest Remedy for Purifying the Blood, Streiigthets-ig t Serves, Restoring the Lost Appetite, is FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA. It is the best preservative against al most any sickness, if used timely. Composed of herbs only it can be given safely to infants. Full directions in French, Spanish, and Ger man, with every package. TRY IT ! For, sale at all the wholesale and retail drugstores and groceries. (31 EMIL FRESE, Wholesale. Druggist, Sole Ageut, IP) Clay street, San Francisco. Fall and Winter Importation -OF DEY GOODS FOR 1886 and 18G7 At the old stand, Main Street, Oregon City, BT J, R. RALSTON. JUST OPENING AND RE CEIV1NG from San Francisco a splendid assortment of TAfLE &. FANCY DRY COODS. The stock comprises all the NEW STYLES IN DRESS GOODS. Wool and B-roche Shawls, Long and Square Wool Shaiels, Cloaks, Basques, Cloths, Cassi mere, and Silks, Flannel, Linens, and Cot tons in great variety. , Housekeeping Goods, Curtains, Fixtures, Mats, Rugs, ti-c, Motions and Fancy Goods. New Dress Trimmings ami liultons, JYew Head KeUtand Dresses. JYew Wool Nubias, Hoods, &c. Bonnet and Trimming Ribbons, New Embroideries and La-ces, Umbrellas, Fort monies, French Corsets, tve , New Bal moral and Hoop Skirts. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Baots tfr Shoes, Hats d Caps, Hardware, Gro ceries, Faint. Oils, Doors, Sash Blinds, etc., etc., to which tluz undersigned would in vite the attention of the public in general, and the old patrons of the house in particular. This stock will be kept fully equal to that qf any, ana, sauswulOe maoe cheap. J. R. RALSTON. Oregon City, Nev. 10th, I860; 3:ly. WORTMAN & SHEPPARD ! CITY BAKERY ! MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers qf all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! WORTMAN & SHEPPARD Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes ! WORTMAN & SHEPPARD Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SH0&T! Farmers aud the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds ot produce taken in exchange for goods. WORTMAN & SI1EPPARD. Oregon City, Oct. 1860. (52 (S) . EEMO The subscribers have REMOVED THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE! TO THEIR. OWN 3Vcw and CoirimoclIoMS Sales Rooms, 67 First street, near Salmon street, . POBTLAxb, OkegoS. WIIEtlE, WITH AMPLE ROOM, THEY they how invite the attention of the public tO a LARGER AND BETTER ASSORTMENT than ever presented before, and, although situated a little away from the center of trade, still, w3th lessened expenses, and goods from eastern manufacturers direct, they feel confident that it will repay purchas ers to give thera a call. IIURGREN & SlilSDLER. Portland, Nov. !5th, I860. 4:tf TOYS 9 o WORK BOXES, Bmmim gmes, AND A GREAT VARIETY OP FANCY O Goods for tlie Holidays! Just received and for sale by WASSERMAN & CO. 4-2mj 77 Front street, Portland. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned is this day dis solved by mutual consent. November 7th, ISfif?. D. M. McKENNEY, 3:4w. S. HUELAT. S. HUELAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. Office over Charman & Brother. 3:w4. Manufacturer and Dealer in ; SADDLES, HARNESS, d'e, dc, Main street, between Third and fourth, Oregon City. THE attention of parties desiring anything in my line, is directed to my stock, be fore making purchases elsewhere". (ly) JOHNSCURAM. LINCOLN BAKEG f "West Side Main Street, Oregon City ; . . . -4 . . Oregon. L. DILLER Proprietor. The Pr6pnetcr would inform the public that he still continues the manufacture of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Pilot Bread, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers. In addi tion to which he will keep constantly on hand a large stock ot the best staple and family groceries, provisions, etc. b; .YRPET, Matting, Rugs, Ac., CHAR MIS' d- BRO. 1866. CHARMAN & BROTHER ! STILL CfN II A 3s D ! ! Aftei- Thirteen Years Experience ! IN BUSINESS IN THIS CITY ! Under the old Motto ! ..... . . . f BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR Nu merous customers that, they have just received from San Francisco one of the larg est and best selected stocks of goods ever oflered in this market, consistin g of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES', HARD WARE, o QUEENS-WARE, also : PAINTS, OILS, &i , Together with a splendid assortment COOTS AND SHOES i Of every description, all of the best quality and latest styles- Also: HATS AND CAFS ! Of all Qualities and styles, besides many other goods, too numerous to mention. Gents and Ladies Furnishing Goods Kept Constantly on hand ! All of which we will sell at the very low est price for cash, atid we Warrant satisfaction Qyunlry Produce taken in exchange for Goods! Particular attention paid to Orders From the Country ! Also; to Consignments of Uoods, and prompt Returns Mad-e for the Same ! It is our intjntion to deal with those who favor us with their trade, in such a manner as to secure tneir confidence and continued patronage. Please give us a call at our new store, on Main street; Oregon Citj. - - 2.1 y r, CHARMAN & BRO. ATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, kept by CHARMAN rf? BRO. ALL PAPER. Window Curtains and Paper shades, kept by CHARMAN ct BRO. T?ULL Assortment of rope, nails, etc for X1 sale by CHARMAN db BRO, rpCBS, Buckets. Wash-boards,. Keeler's JL seives, etc., ' CHARMAN if; BRO. 1866. H. C. MYERS. JOHN MTEItS. J. MYERS & BROTHER," C flic sip Cash Sloiac ! Under the Court House, in Oregon City. Dry Goodsp Coots and Shoes, Clothing) J Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc., Which they propose to sell as cheap as any House in Oregon. Oregon City, October 23, 18C6. 2:ly L0GUS &o ALBRIGHT, .EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Main and Fourth sts., Oregon City Oregon TAKE this method of informing tne pub lie that they keep constantly on hand all kinds of. fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED- B EEF, PICKLED- PORK, HAMS, LARD, And everything else, to' be found ih their line of business. LOG US & ALBRIGHT. Oregon City, November 1, lS6tJ. 2.1y CHARLES HOPKINS, Successor to G. W. Vaughn, DEALER IN IIsiiMlwarc AND 0 UTLERY, IRON AND STEEL, Blacksmiths', Miners' and Mechanics Tools, Plows, Reapers, Mowers, QcThreshers and Agricultural o Implements Generally. No. lift Frnnfi S:ly Corner of Morrison st., Portland. Sew i'orfe eBakcry ! F . C. IIORKUNa, 3 No. 9 North Front Street, Portland Oregon, KEEPS ON HAND a large assortment of all kinds of Groceries and provisions of sup' rior quality, at low rates. Also, of his own manufacture, all kinds of CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD, PJS, CAKES AND BREAD Also, a choice lot of Russian Caviar, by the package; to suit purchasers. Also, a fine lot of OLD OTARD BRANDY, by the gallon. Orders from the interior solicited, and promptly attended to. 2.1y Removed ! Removed ! The old and well known Fortlaiicl Foundry, D. MONNASTES, Proprietcr, PORTLAND OREGON, HAS NOT DISCONTINUES frORlv! but has been removed to Second street, between Alder arid Morrison siieets, where business will be conducted ii as large a scale as in years past. 2:ly People's Transportation Co. NOTICE. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FREIGHT on thfe Willamette River will be as fol lows I Portland to Down. $2 00 6 00 7 00 7 00 750 8 00 8 00 9 00 10 00 1100 12 00 . 14 00 at Ro- Oregon City ? Fairfield ... Wheatland and Lincoln. , Salem Eolaand Independence. . Buena Vista Albany Corvallis Peoria Harrisburg Lancaster Euarene City . . .. S 90 ... 9 00 ...10 00 ,...11 00 11 50 ...12 00 IS 00 15 00 ... 17 00 I S 00 . ..20 00 APPLES WHEAT. FLOUR duced iiittes-. ff?:4w Nov. 1st; SC6. and A. A. iindutLY, President P. T. Co. NOTICE. The anndaC Meeting of the stockholders of the PEOPLE'S TR AS PORTATION CO. will be held at their'effice in Salem on Thursday, Dec. 5, lSCS Salem, Oct. 29, is3ii. A. A. MeCULLV, President. S. T. Cuiiicu, Secretary. 3:Jw. v. WATER CURE LSTABLIMFNT. TiOTHlSlVK Cares "Without the use of Medicines ! Foureeen Years in San Francisco. Pioneer Water Cure. AND Bourne's Baths !,J "Dr. Perfeci Cures Guaranteed, according to agreement in all cases. o Ear the Cure of NeuraJgia. Paralysis, Rheumatism; Bron chitis, Consumption, incipient) Pleurisy, Fever and Ague; all other Fevers, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Colds, Coughs, Oak Poisoning, (for which Dr. Bourne discovered the only scientific and cure,) Dyspepsia,"Dreams, ' Sexual Weakness, the removal of Mercury and all other Mineral Poisons, etc. The methods adopted, by Dr Bourne are the rrost pleasant, .the safest, quickest and most reliable ever devised. SAVE YOUR TIME, Coififort and Money, by employing Dr. BOURNE. Consultations FREE, Cy Mail or Express, or personally. Send or call for a circular of recommenda tions, references, certificates of cures, etc. which are not bogus, but given by well known and responsible individuals. O No. lO MASONIC TEMPLE Corner of Montgomery and Post Streets SAN FRANCISCO. jT Entrance on Post street, adjoining the Grand Portal. o RHEUMATISM! . Throughput this Coast a great deal of suf fering is experienced .from Rheumatism. Weeks and even months of protracted and aggravated misery is endured by the victims of medical inefficiency and ignorance, which could be cured just as speedily aswasMii. Sparrow, Whose testimony is gien below, and is only the echo of hundreds of other cases. Dr. Bourse cures without medi cines, which accounts for his extraordinmy success. No. 10, Masonic Temple, Post street entrance : Sax Fraxcisco, Sept. 6, 1SC1. Dr. Borp.Nf:: Last Winter 1 was nearly dead, by an attack of inllammatory rheuma tism. I suffered the most excruciating pains for about five weeks, without an v hope of relicfj when a friend hearing of my illness, called to see me, and assured me that if I wculd stop "drugging and dosing" and go to you, that you would have me walking about the streets Tn three days. Sure enough, although I was utterly helpless, and con veved to your house in a carriage, arid car ried into it by three stout men, and by them lifted into the bath, yet, on coming out of it, I largely assisted myself, doing much to wards dressing, and", without assistance, walked from the bath to the carnage. On the fourth day I discharged my carriage and walked, with a friend's aid, the entire dis tance to 30ur house (nearly a mile); and home again, and so on until cured. I ,felt myself a well man. And new I am happy ;to do you this little service; gf publicly cer tifying to the simple truth, leaving it to uo its work among my friends and acquaint ances as may change to see this. Your friend, o JOSEPIISPARROW: CONSUMPTION! .. An Interesting Lcl ten .... Q Very few persons, eyen among physicians, would have been willing upon any terms to have been in the condition of the writer of the following let&r on the 14th of February last. I will anticipate somewhat his report of the facts by saying that on the 15th of August he made me a visit, " the very pic ture of good health." Time, which tries and proves all things, has sufliciently tested this case, and shown that neither relapse rior collapse have followed, the cure is perfect, and can be cited among the scores of similar cases the result of my improved mod of treating diseases without medicine. G. M. BOURNE, o Water.Cure Physician, c JTij. 10; ilasbnic Temple, Post street! Sacramento) April SO, 18651 Dr. G. M. Bourne Dear Sir : It is with pleasure and satisfaction that 1 now let you know of my good health. Looking back upon what Fhave passed through, it seems Q as if I had been lilted from the grave, and I think i my duty to acknowledge to you and the world "the benefit I derived froji water treatment as administered by you in yourQ celebrated baths. It was in August .istf4, when disease developed itself with a severe Cough. I then took medicines'; getting worse with. chills, fevers, loss of strength, aiid" was pronounced consumptive. This set me to thinking; and finally I determined to leave my business and go to the Sandwich Islands, having.been informed that I could q not be cured here. I went to San Francisco, and while waiting for a ship called upon Dr. Bourne, who stated that a trip to the island would probably result disastrously, wa wholly unnecessary, as I could be speedily cured at his establishment. I placed myself nnder iis treatment, ,and in .one week wao so mucli improved I thought I could risk re turning hbirie and do my duty as Engineer on the Central Pacific Railroad. The Dor tor objected, but I thought I knew better, iind returned to duty. In about two week my cough returned, and I kept getting worse, and contrary to Dr. Bourne's injunc tion never to take medicine again, committed o that folly, and soon was so completely run down that 1 could scarcely walk ; so, as a last resort, I concluded once more to try iftb Water Cure. 1 went) to San Francisco few of my friends expecting me to return; in fact I thought my return doubtful. On ar riving at Dr. Bourne's establishment (Feb. 14, lb5) I was not. able to get into the bath without assistance but in a few days I began to recover myself again. I remained with him only six weeks, when I felt a "wiser and better man," without the aid of medi cine. I have eow been at work several weeks, and find that I am gaining every day and at present bid fair to be stouter than ever before. Persons visiting the Doctor, establishment find it just what it should be, both in the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Depart ments, and I cannot say tOo much in praise of the Doctor's kind attentions to his pa tients. This letter I wiite for the benefit of all the afflicted, to be" used as the Doctor decides, and should it be the means of directing any to his care and treatment who (as they as suredly will find relief, I will be paid for my troobie- JAMES CAMPBELL; Engineer Central Pacific Railroad; Sax Francisco, Aug. 22, 16(55. Advised by the undersigned, Mr. James Campbell, of the Central Pacific Railroad, (who was then in a post deplorable Mate of ill health) placed himself under the care of Dr. Bourne, the Water Cure Physician. Some six months afterward he visited the city, when I accidentally, met him at Dr; Bourne's establishment, and am happy to say, restored to the enjoyment of good health, and in fine spirits. JOHN SULLIVAN. Dr. Bourne treats all diseases of the throat, (;hest and lungs which Includes dip theria, bronchitis, incipient consumption pleurisy,, croup, etc., with great success. Great relief is afFordcl m advanced stages of consumption. Rheumatism, paralysis-, neu ralgia, fever and ague, dropsy, etc , etc., arc also cured quickly, pleasantly and economy icaBy. f6 medicine whatever. . Dr. Bourne takes the liberty to publish thd above as many persons had prophesied hia relapse into his former condition, on return ing toliis duties, of the writer of an " Inter esting Letter," whose statements concerning the cure of a well defined case of consump tion have recently attracted co much atten tion to the Water Cure, as improved uporl and practised by Dr. Bourne. This addi tional testimony must prove satisfactory to all reasonable minds. It should be remem bered that Dr. Bourne uses no medicines whatever, and that his patients almost uni versally arc those who failed to receive re lief from the medical practitioners ; yet they are cured with great rapidity, and in a pleas; ant and agreeable manner. "No. 10, Masonic Temple, Post street eutiaucc. Sun o o o o o O o oO o