t f 1 o o ' ! - I -! if f O o O 4 1 o O k A. 1 1 SljCciUccklnntcvprisc. 0otlcii4T6jEe. will .be. a'aeetiagoi fbei gubscribers to the capital- stock of the Oregon City ifn3ti nMJTlMMMiOwMnsJat the County Clerk'.,, ofiica, ou Saturday, the S9tb of eeenabf r f 66 -at 7,o'elpekP.;M - ?H .. . By order of the ..IXCQUPOHATOR:! t Bluff Street. t At apeciul meet ing of the City Council', Tacd ohM6uday eve- nioz," an" ordinance was passed providing foe tie establish meat of the grade ot Bluff street, from :SeeorVd" street ''to Seventh street. ; ' Dip ft s; ret ' "runs ( n qrth .and south parallel with, and east of .Maiui stroef.- -It is; very desirable tuat 'it suoukt oe graced ana improved,' to conform with. th6 '.Maui street of the City.; Ati- property .'-ilc,ng the; street; will receive its proportionate increase of value by such a movement ' The"aI"Iey '.ruhr n i b g thro ugh v,bioc k , '2A w as ordered . to a graded and McAdamized, and eventually alb streets aud alley-way- - leading 'o""' Bluff street, will be "similarly improved.-.' By these indicationiJ.it will be seen that capital is ac cumulating, and population increasing, in Oregon City. The imprpV'eojeut 'of '' streets O if.', a .consequent ..sign , of prosrK'rity, and where a community is found t improving its streets and highways, inquiries ait' more frequently made regarding the oppoituuiues to invest money, .Oregon City h&s- done very well, since the time it was settled, with one street,, but now it is found that we, want more streets even, . than there is accomoda tion for on the lower "bench." Very many sites for residences have been selected upon the .bluff, and. High street ; has of late ob tained quite noted popularity. When we re moved our household goods to this city from Poit!and,a short time since, we were unable to obtain any kind of a tenement in which cu Jive, Mid allowed bur '.'freight" to remain in the P. T. Company's warehouse until si house was built jbr.usV' Since, then at least a dozen houses, some of which are equal in polntof style to the best, have been started, or finished, on the bluff. In every, case they are owned by the parties who reside in thorn, or contemplate residing in therm; The pop ulation of Oregon City is of that class gen erally which may bo, considered permunent. They arc at home, and . realize that come what may, no change in human affairs can more their support, the manufacturing in terests, away from Oregon City, hence they are at nome. As these new streets are open ed; and their grades become ' established, ciea will see tlmt the best . investment they tad make is the purchase of a lot for' home stead purpose's, 'and when this is done" they can the better consider , themselves pei dil uent residents here. P ; Passing Awav. The Cinj.nittoe on streets, at the last meeting of the Coun cil,' were ".instructed to have the. fire c:tern3 ion Main street filled with earth. These fire cisterns were constructed years ago, for the i30 of the city, when M'Luughlin Engine Company No. i. was in its glory. Now, not that the cityis any less exposed to fires, but that the engine company has long since ceasqd to exist, aud the cisterns arc becom ing dangerous, they are ordered to be liiied w'th earth. ' M'Laughlin Engine Company: No. 1. w-as org inized in .the year 1 S"5. The . Department .then .had for; Chief Engineer James O'Neil ; Assistant Engineer, John M. 'Ooodwin. On the' 19th oi January, 1CC.," the .'Department was re-organized,-' and E. Mil wain was' elected Chief Engineer. Capt. Wm. Dierdoiff was at the same time elected "Foreman of McLaughlin Company No. 1 ; Lew. Day 1st Assistant, and Arthur Warner -d Assistant; W. C- Johnson Secretary, and Thos. Charman Treasuier. During lift time of these organizations thejenginc prob ably f?iore than paid forTtself by confining a ,lire on two separate occasions, to the build ings in which it originated. The engine is n rehc of its dav, and is vet in the citv, but it is of such old fashioned construction, and requires such a large number of men to work it, that very piobably it will never see ser- " viqe 'again. It is hoped, that the city win soon procure an engine of modern build, and encourage the organization of a new(fire de partment. : .'",' CoTTNvboi'. Paper. We ore itj for;ned by a gentleman of Portland, that a company with' a" casli capital of $73,000' 'are about organizing for the manufacture of papsr in Oregon,' from Cottonwood. The locality of the works; bur informant under . stand-1, .will'0 he Portland, ..'.There is 'more . i oon here, we would suggest, for such es - tablishments than at Portland. ' Will not ; the hicorpo?ators of that compauy be kind . enough to visit . Oregon , City: before they build?, We arc not "bound up" by petty local jealousies,' but it is a fact, of which aM " ae familiar, that the largest fortunes to be made in nianufactuiing pursuits iu Oregon, will be made here. ,'We might cite columus of examples to prove that the most notable ; eases of losses in' enterprises of this nature have been thrqugh neglect to select proper localities, butihey .cau 1j found on every side, and are well known by evervbbdr. : ' o evening last, at a preliminary meeting, held for the purpose of organizing a Lyceum in this city, a committee consisting of six gentlemen were iippoiu ted to take the necessary steps, ami report at a meeting to be held at the Court 'House ort Tuesday evening next. ' An 'association pf t.h'i character ought to be very autotsrau-miuis tar... e liav c timoug um : . 1 . Hi-.. ! .. citizens numerous gentlemen who are able -. to .instrxtct'an' audience by " lectures or' dis- . quisitious upon scieutilig aud , practical-subr iectsand Ahe discussion of' qoostions likely to be'lirought up;'cau .b made very interest - ing nd pioUtable -.during '. the Teugthy .eve- ningsef the winter.: - - -f i V-' s To Donation Land Claimants. Persons holding Oregon Citv donation cer- titieates bearinr date nrior b-firt"nf .lno :6t w'iif 'reOeive '.their Patents on siii-Wnd-.A ing their ,.cei uheates to tne Kegister of the .Land Office, except in a few suspended eases. Donation"' certificates are ready for-delivery ::.to'those whohave not received them,; aud I. ..V.", ?S " V '0 vwiio paid the trequired certificate lee, priori Marshall have commenced theconstruction--Ho thefirst 6f August1 o,' except W a few 'f new, y agon shop adaoi-pt to their black asei 'suspended bn" account of cooflkts,:or. rrP; 'treetin thiVcty. Tue .impelfcot pap"er5, y tw. builLajg willo.e Uby j-4 jeet.in siaef WttVOSEU lMPIfiTEMKNTV-AS SOOn I3L.Th: i.eW .bell which ; lt -!- -. - ' - V. ? n, : Was' procured, by the ladies, about a year -,as the weathex will permit, .the. JJamifactur-. , , " ' - V ' , , ,'.-'- ,'t' ' ' t yt ' since,' for the Episcopal vuurch iu this cur, -jug. Company-propose ;McAdamizing Main- s1- i ! , f n -j-''wi.was erectd oo Wednesday last.- :Ita tone is street,7 and putting down sidewalks, adjacent ",.. ,? . - - - . - - oJh'j I actorr prcperry.. ... -f- ,:t u' II. Duncan, Superintendent of the Oregon 1 City 'Manufacturing Company's 'large ! fae t bryVjVp. ayi u g .'tendered " .his ' re sign at jbh 'pre paifatdry to;, leaving for, .another portion of J the State, was 4last Saturday afternoon pre seated Ewith 4 ntdgnifi'cent goldheaded pane,, appropFiateiy: inscribed, ; aa a testimonial pf ,the esteem of the employees of the Company iui uiui. x utr pi escutatiuii was inaae uv jir. Ja.mes; A. Smith, who in the cou. se of his re marks said that the employees hud learuedi with regret that it was Mr. Drfncah's inten tion to retire from the position of 'Superiri teudfint, and they, felt that" ia" View.-ot the pleasant relations which had alvrajB existed between Mr, D.J and themsejyes .during tLij time he liad exercised authority, here" they.' could not allow hich .1 to depart from among1 them without some token of their respect and esteem. Mr.X Duncan" ;' feelingly ' respond-, ed, and accepted of the testimonial. Many of ooV' citiztus who ; have learned to; regard JMr. : Duncan' ery; lighljv Wiir deeply; regret th-it he "lias resolved, upon? leanug us. He " has been , very active member of the Young Men's Associa tion, and on tending his resignation as ii member of the Clackamas Club, his compan ions unanimously resolved not to let him so, but transferred his name fiom the roll' call to the honorary lit. Hon. W, Carey John son was elected to fill his pla'je as Vice President of the Ciub. We believe his suc cessor as Superintendent of rthe factory has not yet been appoiuted, as his resignation does not take effect until December Oth. J dissolved. Tht' Clackunias Base Ball Club ; dissolved their organization; for the winter on .Monday evening last, by ad journment until the Cth 'day of May, 1B67. A feeling-of exceeding regret was manifest ed on account of the inability of the Club to play the proposed retcrn match at Portland, with the Pioneers of that city.' The " boys" were in fine trim two weeks ago to-day to perform lhe feat with credit to themselves, and, m tacthave been prepared on several occasions since, ; to go and meet the Pioneer Club, but some obstacle has each timo in terposed to render them disappointment. The organiz.atioir was kept up longer than it othemvise would h ive been, merely to close that contest, but having done all that was In tht'ir power ttiey feel that the match mu remain in prospect. The organization will be r enewed with increased vigor next season, and we understand that a ciub will also be organized at Salem eay ia the Spring, thus giving iu this State - three Base Ball fields for contestants. ..'i pAZE . Tli fl ,g tal' ill front of G; M. Kesier's clothins establishment," in this city, was laid level with the ground on Tuesday last, by Street Commissioner Slover and Muishal Rj an, by reason of its tendeney to drop misceilaneoush, some of these windy; days or nights. "The "royal hand that razed unhappy Troy" did its work no more eil'eciiveiv than this was done R was remaiked. that when that h.tg staff went up, two kegs of lager assisted it. We didn't see any. of 'the- beveiages about when it come down, but our friends .across the way, Messrs. Ralston, and J. Myers fc Bro., found an abundance of earth and water " mixed,"'; which adheared to the wall of their building after the sphth of the staff iu the street. . COUUT Plt'jpKEDXNG s. U fore J.; M Moore, Justice. State of Oregon vs. D. TIarvey ; action on. conrplaint lor; peijury in regard to the colleciiouof taxes from defend ant. Iluelat for prosecution; Wait for the defendant.. Defendant held to answer in bonds of 2,00'J State vs. A. II. Anderson; assault and b-ittery. Johnson & JleCown for plaintiff; McKenney for defendant.. De fendant .fied So am? cost-, which was'paid. State vs. A. IL'Anderson; arrested for using threats to inflict personal injury, upon Thos. B'uchman. Delendant was held to answer, and to keep the peace, in bonds of $250.'-'-- ' KfpoRTAKT Land ;Scit. Messrs, Wade and Warren, of the Land Office in this citv, bave had much of their time occupied during the past Wo weeks, in the trial of au important Land sait. Isabella Fay appears as" plaintiff .' : in the case, ' against t John ilc Lnughlin, Robert iL -Moore, and Wm. M. Hoore defendants. The contest is for lmds in Umatilla county. The testimony lias all , been taken, . aud3 the case submitted for de cision. , ''Dangerous Undertaking Oar fellow townsmen S Iluelat,' Esq., started for Salem on Thursday morning ' on horseback. .We promised, in case We never heard from him again, to write our1 regards in his Obitu ary. I It is d dangerous unde? taking to ride a horse over those rosuis now. But, may success attend your efforts, friend Iluelat.- IIf.avv l. -Mr. T. J. TTun saker, of this county has laid upon our table four Pears, the aggregate weight of which is electa pounds and eight ounces. They ? were grown in his orchardaud were left with us as a sample of the" size f ruit will attaini.i Clackamas, cou ty. For cooking, purposes this fruit is excellent. : '- 'Taxes. S her iff W . P; B nrn'h vr "swung ground the circle," and visited all thb'pfecincfs of tBis coiuity as required to do by law for the collection of taxcs,"is now 'to be found "at his5 office in the 'Court Douse, where tax-pu vers" may call un'ttJ ' Dece'rnijeV and pay without extra cost to themselves. j See adviu tisement. ,1 ,i? 1 M . f ConE, thu.allegwl fiiiuister, visited j .us. yostci-day to have; the-ia,lhyjioa of - the ,U'; ionit in .reference, to. him .suppressed " Ills call tended to cbrroljorate yhat the S.ilem 1 paper said of him, and from the Iraterpity of Which die claim to be a' member, ' we learn 1 that be is a noted' 'sehem'ef' ' 1; : ' i i ; CQi!iNO.n;AT : Eighx I'oe i mer chants -of our City haye adopted the plan 1 of i closiug their stores at 8 o.doe p. m. 'on ail but Saturday , evenineri of tiie. business days. T'lis cannot but be renumerativej to then), and satisfactory to their, emjdpyecs. s : . . . ; o o A. 11 iclaar d.o sa 11 ! I--r'A V CT J ON R K R !r 1 Corner of Front and Oakf$treets", Portland- AUCTION SALES ' 4 r liml isfote., Groceries. General JlercJuin- E VER T WEDSE&UA Y " - A SD SATURDAY! At 1 Private Sale. - also : A Large assortment of Groceries and Liquors. Wi A. ALORICH, J. C. MESEILL. JOHN il CRASEX. M'GRAKEN, MERRILLS CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND J Forwarding Merchants, A GENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA. Haw aiian and Oiegon Packet lines. Importers of San Quentiu. and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. .Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Frhlts. Vcgt-tables," Pickles and Vinegar: " Dealers in Hour, Otair , Bacon, Lard' & Fruit, Lime',. Cement and Plaster. i Will attend to the 1'urchase, Sale or Ship ment of " Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Hbhojuju, or Portlaud. ALOIUCH, .M KKIIILL & CO., Nos and 2 Caliornia Street,., Tl - -anFrtmcisco. I ; M'CRAK EN, MFRRILT & CO:, J 10 North Front Slreet, Portland. '"FERRY & F JSTER, V BROKERS ! r Real Estate and Collecting r- jsi: aj" rmr No. 56 Front Street, Corner of Washington, PORTLAND, CKEGOX. OVERNMENT SECURITIES. STOCKS, JT Oonds, itnd Real Estate bought aud s-.ly to.d on Commission. Portland, Oct'. -ISO'S.' What Cheer. House, Front Street, Leiueen Harrison and Yamhill, Poryntid . .3 . ..... . O't'gon. ,0 . M. O'vO i.ViJlt, P.oprij tor, "T'TTOULD respectfully inform his patrons V V and the public generally that . having moved into his NEW AN1 SPLENDID HOTEL, : II o is now prepared 10 accommoaate ny number of oersons with Board and Lodijin ' Each Room' is furnished twith . entirely NEW FURNITURE, Carpeting, 'and French spring .Mattresses. rsr The Table is furnished with EVERY THING THE M ARKLT -AFFORDS. The Proprietor would , express hirnseW" thankful fir the continued patronage of the people for years, he would Cihcit the further patro'iaga of the public, assuring them that iio expense-or labor will be spared in making this house the most, desirable and agreeable Hotel in Oregon. i ! ' . ' . Good Fire Proof Safe for keeping Treasure, Valuables," &.v. , Tins House is. OPEN AT ALL HOURS. ! Baggage brought from Steamers Free of Charge.? t.; -S."y.-; W. LAI1I LIILL. M. F. MfLKET. V HILL Ei ltlULKEY, . ATTOUNEYS ' and CQTOSELLOKS AT LW.' : : ' - . -v- . :TT7"ILL both , be found hereafter at their VV Otiice on the corner of Front and Alder Streets,-Portland, Oregon.' ' lyr. J.'H ;MITCn.ELL. . J. X. DOLPH. A S5I1TH. '' Mitchell, Dolph t Smith, Attorneys' and Counse'lors at Lmc Solicitors in Chaitccrii. and Proc- tors in A'tmirottu .... Office over the old Post OiTice, Front streetPuraiidj Oregon. , r,5 . (ly) , CROCKERY, - . ' AND ; " , . GLASS-WARE, Queens- Wore,' Lampictc, I,.:'. '.3I c II 11 o. Importer of articles in the above line, wQ'ld invite tlie: attention of purchasers to his large stock now ou hand. . , , Jl Front sired. 2:ly" ". ..Portland, Oregon. L T. SCHULTS, -Importer and dealer in ' '. PIANOS, MK'LODfciciNS, ... llusieul ' 'Instruments, Ration try, , " Fancy Goods, et-c. CutUry, tOU Front street:. ; Po-tland, Oregon. Pianos and all other Musical Instruments carefully tuned' anil repaired.' ! '? Si: 1 y LINCOLN HOUSE, ; ; - ; Corner of Washitigtoii and Front 56., Portland Oregon . " ; ".Jff, C. pIAiTILElSEX, ' Of the St. NICHOLAS HO TEL, ' Victoria, HdvirUf- taken the above hvue, nishes to an no nee to the public that he is nmc p accciimh'aic ti het ifi a satitactcr Xvtiiiiiq wiU be I-ft undone, which power (f the proprietor to do, to rend.-r guests vrmif art able.' '" '. ' ' 2:ly ; JOHN UESTORj u , . AM) UUA U If IS. MAN. i v iljyiit trcetf. Portland, Oregon'.1 ... Flans, Specifications, and accurate Y kia li';t-v o (rsHtvl oi s i jrt: n tic j after the' latest approved stylet v '(ty) ; :i i Al G. ERAEFORD, V- 39 Fioi.t Sti t'CtPorti;iml, Orrg m, IXlPi)RTEUlAND DEALEU IS Wines and Liquors. ; also' : . ;.""'";; -':' : Sole - Agent, in Oregon, .and -Washington Territory, for the Coi.rKK Statk CiiAMPAig.y, manufactured by Hoffman,.. Finke .& Co., fcouv CaJifornia irrape-, i, , . .. r. . t 4:lj ; - R, HENDRIE,;' XijnjjorU r and. Wholesale Deader .iu - EEAIJD1ES AND LIQUOxlS, '.'! i 1 -'': 51 P ont Sir t, ImV j .POIITLANDORCGOS. JvSarrkitg".- C cl i tcy, an essay, Gf Warning,' and Instruction for Young Men. Also, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate the vital powers, withsure means of ilief. Sent free of cbarg- in f-ealed lettfr envelopes I Address: DrJ. iiKlLLIN HOUGHTON, ; TI ) ... Howard Veoci-ition, Philadelphia $ Pa. Ennlish Rr fined Bar and Bundle iron; M TL'i'i'uore'i artS. pbbigon Cast Ud : ; IF'si se Slioes, I'ihs, Ja-ps, . awe; Screws, Fry-Pan, Sh tt Iron, R. G. Iron; OF 1 Tmr ooDiDsr1 fcitfi Iff 1886 null !&. t 1 : n-'-tx I JH.-.-.'-'T. . A f TOM RALSTCNg O- :& - JUST OPEXING AND EE CBlVJSlai frhliUSaft B-ahUQo g splendid asortmenf of STAPLE TANCY I w .1 , v -oi The stock comprises -all ' t he -1 s Vj : .NETYLES, INGRESS COpDS. rr'- tixtol artsl 'Bronte ShaMs, Lonrf and quavf Wool Shawls' CliMik; ttaMti, (faU- mere, aud SiAs, Fiannei, Linens, and Cot- tuns in great caritty. ' Jlbvsek-teptvg 'Goods, Curtain's, ' Fixtures, Mats Aj?fKd-6',- dxotwiis.atid tancy (Jvods, A'jw Dre s Triiuin.ngi siitl lu;tois, y?w Tiead Xets and )risses,Xeio Wool Xuhias, Ipjf'ds, etc.; Bonnet avd-1 mnminf. Ribbon, Xeio Kmhroideries-and Laces, Lvilrcll-as, d'ortmonlbs, FrenJi Corjtis., l'C , Xeio Bui mo r it and Hoop Ski it.. E,'. " (icnthmcn's Furnishing Co7.tls. " i Boot tf Shoes, Hats d- Caps, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints, Oils,- DoorsSask Blijuis, - etc., etc . tou'Jurh the ' vndersUjnd wouM invite the att-ent on- of 'the puhlic in yeneral, and the old patrons of tie fatiM t pdtictfafi Thifijtpckll-ill'be l?jt fatly, erya tothat,, qfA any$ an.b eaves iQuifoe w"?p(i f i ' v.jiji. ma Ls;rox. Oregon 'City v1.5 imhM 8iH8.Ud!i f3:ly. WOSTMAN & SKEPPARD! . CUY BAKicY ! JfAlX,iSTRLET,OREGOX'CITY. ; Keep consiatilly oil hand' C A KES! P I ES! B RE A D! yl??( Cracker of all kinds ! Orders in thi Line will meet with PEOMPT ATTENTION ! ' V WOBTMAH&SHEPPARD Also keep oh; hand all kinds of FAMILY GUOClAlIES ! - v-.;Df '", A N D r lib vi S IONS i-t , bTEA M BOAT STOliEsi ; - : r .- ,- ''. - ; " - - y And all Articles - u:-d for Culinary ' ' -'' '; Purposes ! ' '' W0RTMAH & sheppard v f Sell a. fine assortment of , LlQTjbjls fAXDTtBAddd ! By the Case, or at retail ! . Attetition i : "si Ism ilirceted fo the ftct tlmt. lH)ii(i(ly .else sells, the . FAMOUS G LEA SON CIIgESE ' -;-;,;JN"SH0RT!. iVl. r ' Farrrrers' fin'd'thl ; public gereralryt are in-' vited to call at the City L'akerv, w here the truth Wjll5be,madtppiienttii it pur stock is cotupl6te aiui -our pnet i . reasonable All kiuus of produce taken in - exchantre for goods:- -. WOUTMAN & SaLI'PAltD.i - Oregon City, Oct." I SOU. ' " Xf,2 ' silElilFF'S SALE BY YULTUC OF A DECREE OF FORE closure ot mortg ige, and execution duly is-ued thereon in favor of Owen Wade and against John B. Nelson and Clarissa Nels'n, for the sum of two hundred and eighty-four dollars and eighteen 'cents, burins' interest at the. rate of tw-Hre pericoi)t.r periiijnuni, and tlte'siim oTYhu tnihe"dol!ars and thirty ct nu .csstjp of suit, I- have, levied U)J0n the fdfto wing ' djfcribt-d t fact of ' parcel of land situated fartly.in ClackamdH county and partly -in Malign countv. State of Oregon, to wit : The east haffbf the south 'west quarto aim tne south , eat .quarter, of ..sec tion thirty ono,'- ,; -sind ' the ' west half of the ySouthVy west; quarter of section ihiw.-two4- iavTv S. li 1, E. of the Wallarriette fh frdiah, containing 320 acres, together with the appurtenariceiOht-re unto belongini; or iu any wise appertaining and I wil sell, "the same at public, auction Jo the highest bidder on Sat'Urd'ay' the' loth day of December, A. A), lbtjfi, at i: o'clock a. m. of said da-, at the .Caurt House door in said county, 1o s itisfy the above amounts and coats orsaier) C VI V ! ! f"3 ' " " " 'Wi.'P. BUHN, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon City, Nov. 1 ath, 1-83(5. - - 4:4w FOR SALE. ONE SET OF, FIRST "'J LASS SAW W LL Irons, f tr Circular Saw .Mill, complete, made at lhe 'Vulcan Iron Works, San Fran1 cico, which is a sul&eieut gu anty for the wor k, . Ch macliinVrv isiiu store-at Mc Craken' Merrill " Co.'s, Portland, "and the bills can be seen at AlcLernn Brothers, on Second Street. It is vell boxed up just as it came from. the. shop, and will be sold at low rat-.-s for cash. For particulars enquire prepared to a ds office, or at McCiaken, Merrill A Co.'s, , y manner, i Portfand, o.r.thSttbcjrib'"''at Albar.yv Linn -ich is ? the Coj'Oregorr.-- tliiiHM'S. MeLtCtVN. L I X CO LN - BA K EUY, j Vcst Side Main Strtct, L. mXLEK,TjV - Proprietor.; Tbft.???3I? 'y).rwQ tiafonah-. public tnat ue still coiitiiiues tne .mann tact tire ot Bread,' P5s," .alcw Prmf Ufread", Boston, lint ter, Sug-w-niid Sodtt Oaekers. In addi tion to which he-wtU keep constantly on hand a large stock tit, tie":bctrstapl'.ftnd family gi'Kceiies provisions, e.ta, ff u , .is A, LEVY, r'-.-L-:i Main Street, at' the Telegraph Office, ;r Otvg"ii (Ji.iv.!. . ',;.!. J l .Oi- gnn Dealer. in . , . ; ' ; Kes terms' Ready inu.de Clothing, CiffC rs. 'J7'obarc?: " 'Pipes', Slfitnncry, Cu ll"ry, I Villnio n n'd. II oodeix iilVm:e,'t Yankee Nutiuns. Fancy-and staple G-rocei ies, O-indies, Nuts, . toys, etc. h v-. ?J s ;iAt .11 . v IMPOKTFR ANU' DEALEIS IS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ... . . . . . 7. Sheet Music, --'and MusicaL Merchandise of all kinds. Sole 'Atrent in Oregon for ' ' CELEBRATED ( ABi X ET ORGAN I COLD 3IEDAL ; PIAXO FOTOS X First street, next door to the Post Office, . t -'-'-sf , - Portland Oregon., - f-ly 1 . . , mm4m PUADWAM f DDHTUCD ! SlLLON II A' Ufa? 'yaaAr.- After Thirteen Vears Experience ! IN BUSINESS WTHIS CITY ! Under the ofd'Motto t .? BXGJ l,VyiTf;iFFpRM TnEIR Nu merous customers that thev have just received froth San Francisco one of the larg est and best selected stocks ol goods ever offered in this'market. consisting of - t ,' dry goods; czornrxG, '-' GROCERIES, HARDWARE, , . . SJlUJXl ,(! queexs-waRE, - t. - r. , also:., v T 'getTier-'-vf ilhi l :pie'u Uid.it&Kt rl m t O F BOOTS AND SHOES ! Of every rl scripiion, ail h bi-st quiilit v and Iatfsttvlrs;f ' Ajo ' r 1 t x-T n -ne t 11AIO XJ Kjd . .O i Of all qualifies; ardift"lf'f besides many utlier g-'Ods; ! tod nuuif rous to Gsnts ; and Ladies Furnishing Goods Kent C nstantly on hand ! All of which we will sell at the very low est pricw for cash, aud we warrant satisfaction Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods! Particular attention paid t Ordert Also; to Consignments of.Uoods, and prompt - -I ..-Returns Made far the Same ! h .-: .,--: It isonr int 'ntion to deal with those who favor us with their trade, in such a manner as to secure their confidence and continued patronage Please giye us a call at our new store, ou Maiu street, Oregon Cit ". lvi : . ' C1IARMAN & CRO. I ATENT MEDICINES nfCH kinds, kept I by s ' CI1 A R MA X & 1,'RO. ' 'A...L PAPER. -Window Curtaius and ; Paper stDtdos, kept bv v.: - CHAR A) AX G BRO. IT'ULL Assortment of rope, nails, etc. for J , -sale by . CM A RJJAX & BRO,, pUiiS, Buckets.. Wash-boards, Keeler's X seives, etc.... CIIARHAX d -BRO. JOHX MTERS. 1866. n. C. MTEES. " 'J.JMYEI &' BROTHER, C-Iacsp Caasli Store ! ? Under the Court House, in Oregon .City. DryGoods; Boots aud Shoes. Clothing,, Groceries, Ilaruware. etc.j etc., ', W Jiich 'hey propose to sell as cheaj) as 'any House in Oreaon. " Oregon City October 23, 18GG. 2:1y LCGUS & ALBRIGHT, (CELSIOR MARKET ! Comer nf Main and Fourth sis , ftngpnJJity . , . , . S.OFeyop, rVA K fe tTils' rrt cth od o f nfoY'rh iri ' tffepob JL: lie 'that they, keep constantlv on hand all kindCof fresh and salt meats, such as - B ERF, P OR K, AI UT'l OX, VEA Z, .-CORXED- B EE F, l'ICKLED- P O R K, -. :. II A. US, -LARD, . .. And evei thiug else, to . be. found in their line of business. LOG US At ALBRIGHT. Orrgon t'ity November, I, 16t. 2.ly CHARLES HOPKINS, Successor to G. W.. Vauglin, Qt t i ! " , I ' i DEALEIt IS ' - t - ; o's "V ; ; lit 3 ... AND !C U T L E R Y . i! O i' i. , it wMjiZm t IRON AND STEEL, v Blacksmiths , Miners'' and Mechanics '" Threshers and Aerficutlurai ' Impl-mtuts General. y. ; . t Nil lid Front. S:l CorQr of Morrison st., Portland. eW York Bakery! F. C. 110 UN u X C , 9ioV Street, i rfland . :. . . . . , . .;. .... Oregon, T J"EEPS ON HAND a large assortment of .all kinOs of .Groceiies and provisions os superior qualify; 5 at low rates. Also, of his own manufacture,"' all kinds of 'i ', CRACKERS,- PILOT BREAD, PIES, CARES AXD BREAD! ? A lso, a choice lot of Russian Caviar, by the package, to suit purchasers. Also, a fine lot 'of, tfulTA QLl&Sl&iy&n byitfidSlfdn. Oi'd Vs-trt5m l.e ihte'rior"s.ii-iiT'ed, and promptly attendee! to. . 2.1y v Removed6! - Removed ! Thn .!d and WhII kllOVMl siiad, Foil ie 4 ' P. 'AfOXXASrrS, "Prbprieicr, - 1 T" PORTLAND . : "! . . .'I OREGON, i TTAS - NOT' .DISCONTINUED -.WORK! , JLX but hAs been .'removed to Second street. between Alder and Morrison "streets where business M jfllba conducted oil as large a scale as in years past. 2:ly People's Triiiisportatioii to. ; .notice. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FREIGHT ou the "VViLamfctte Uiven will be as fol h'ws : . . . . . ; : : ,. . - ' Poriland to . ' ' . 1,. -, -..S-. Up. '. Doun.' Oregon Cify ....i.-.-..'v.$2o0 . $hk Fan tiuJd. , ; 8 i") ,: , ft OO V"heatland s;.nd Lincoluiv , . . .:. 9 00 i ( Satemi . . Ci-... .. . . iM.t. .ri.'4.'..l' OO 7 W -H';iJ"d Inaependciice A,1LM ' 7 50 i Corvuihs ... 13 00 J'eoria. T. . ..... ...., . ). oo 10 00. Hai rbbiirg.V: J. . . . j '. - A. : 17 00 1 1 00 Lancaster .'.c, ....... . -18 ,00, ,12 00 Eugene Citv.;. . ;. 20 oo' '"i4 00 WHEAT. FLODR and; APPLET at Re ' duced: Rates.-.- r;c:'r-ii rnl tMf'ie!-' 1 ' -'-...'. 3:4 w. ': a-3;i,'". A. A. McCULLY, i Nov. Ist 335.f ' t Pr6idriT P: T. Co. NOl ICE,-- ; " THE? ?.4NNUA b EEmGf i sOP f 4TflE stockholders of tile PEUPLE'A TTtANS--PORTAT10.Voet.--will be held at their office, in Sulein on-Thursday, Dec5,. 163.. t Salem, Oct. 29, 166. ; r.-S .! U A: A. McCULLY, President. . i S- T- CHrarrl, Secretary : ?:jtr, i . ' ; .:'--. .'-' '.- -. t il'HjJ -i i : 1 1 -wtija .3 eft ,.s;-i : 01 ,!ff!iiifiioa 1jo in 0fi tri!l JtOfc t shed, at lOLdTiLmaMFACTOBT! 'daptei to ih purpos of 'Sbpplyin 1 ' the Trad itfY ' v 1 tpnv' MiVrrirrrRrn 1 ttnf!Til - ::"! '' ;ri qo-5 ,-.'.; r.T -trfi .:h..v -tfl tn ' f; 'Inthe hneor 1? .". fci . READY MADE CLOTHING ! TTTIIlCH WILL be furnishedfin Lots' bt i . wholesale or retail, to suit customers. llavitfgtacuities to keep employed Irani . Thirty to' Forty, OpeikUyes ! All orders can be tilled on short notice. . 'A L j: ii . ,-C.M. KEsTER." ; vrecon uuy, vjciooer, ,'po." rjtv ad 'M Win. ! Dealer in ..J DRY GOODS and GROCERIES Boots and1 SIios. "d s 1 1 Huts' and Caps, ': v . . .... : j Crockery and Glassware . -a Provisions, Cutlery, Stationery ! Tobacco, niik e ; JVutioiis,-;. nnd nil ' tt .ixds of Conn ry - Produce ! At the old stsmtl 'Main street, two -"''"doors below the Woolen Factory ; ' ' Oregon City 1 - ;' t ? s- - '-"'';- rpiIE PROPRIETOR -begs leave to-call, JL the attention of hisbld frieuds and cus-J Joniers, as 'wellas'new ones," to his' extensive ' assortment of goods, Suitable to the require ments of this market : v! I iU.m.i ,z-vS, r- FA iiMFJlS , ': ; Will find him supplied - with Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Shovels, Spades, and Hoes, Salmon, etc. - ; !; mfchajvicsi i: ' Will find Saws, Hammers Nails, 'and tools' of all kinds. ..;, ;,::;; .:'' ahs LUMBERMEN. :M Will fini Mill-saws, Cross-cut-saws axes, etc. - I -LADIES x : .--; ; Will find ;Dress Goods, Trimmings, Hoops, ; balmorals, shoes, and those beautiful buttons. ":; r: CHILDREN . Will find Toys," :'and EVERYBODY will find, something to charm the eye, to minister to their wants, and aflord them an opportunity to speud their money to good advantage; . PARTICULAR ATTENTION Given to" the . requirements of the Country 'trade. 'y facilities enable me to trade with farmers "oi-liberal principles. Please, cire! me a call, before purchasing elsewhere. ; ( Ayl) r ; . , , WM. BAILOyV. ' ' !- '- .. . , . j RETURNED : 'T " ' ""' RETURNED! . ; to the . , '-J ; OLD STAMPING GROUND. S. ACZEEMAN ! .','; i -. ? i V.''' i'j" '': WistieV to inform his" Old FVtexds, ' s td lhe pil hi ic : gene rally tliat he ' ; ''" has returned nir-titi . 0reg0tr, J ; u i i City', where has-J i; T 'i j 'Just opexed oxl4 of the largest ? STOCKS jOEDRV GQobs ! m tfp i: i: CU'.'Si-- ' HA :.:7j',- Z: II ClotlutJ": ! ' Boots and Shoes ! ; HATS AND CAPS! t t - t i . : -. ' ' ; : : ; : - : Also a large and. wel.l selected stuck of " X: groceries V ; I Please give ine a call. No trouble to Q 'SHOW GOODS r "?- will sell as cheap as the cheapest. OT.r.,- q s.A"ckKn31 AX; I Charman & Warner's ' Id brick store, - lyl) i ' Maiii st.jOieg. n City N B.-A11 kinds of I-'rodu'ce, bought, c, w.;poe Vfeo! I - DEALERS IK , jr Pumps JLea-.l Pipe," Hose, f;tc. . ii "iSl ' ' AND MANUFACTURERS 'OF''1"' i "iyJt -;3v-ni. ;u .f;,. . ,-i ton f ' . "i , . f . j Tin,' Ccpper, ' and Sheet Iron" Ware ! (j."ijs.'i,i , . . . ; i: .hi at -t-"-" j iswoi i.y'Main. Street, Oregon .City. 'h.X-.U:. . r- The flubscribers ; would v respectfully, aij-' no'unce'that they' keep constantly on hand a F grmd assortment of Cooking, Pati0r,. Air, Tight; tj and. otner stoves,, suitable to this mai ktt. which are Dting if, i .0 7 i 4 t' vl OFFERED AT PORTLAND JUICES I i 4 t . !L i i ' r ; . . -jj- ; - -. , .- .n-ii-n -,-) f - " Our .assortment irt this line if- targe, , and will befouoJ toenibriiceiaimo-jf any desired patteruinciudingthe,(vfiJa 10 . I 'i Silt A- i Mr, BTJ.C'Iv, .,--r . ' , ,, HENRY CLAY; f 1 :-n: - HEARTHSTONE, - ; WESTERN E PIRE. GJiLAT.REI'UBLlC, . . BLACK KNIC i rs (jf. ..t . -f j . KNIGHT ic. I 'HP' Roofing and Jobbmgbf every description t is done to order, jn. j manner, that canot fail. to suit patrons. r Jn f audition to the above may be found a good assortment of. Hard ware, Woodeuware, etci : ' . 'in ' i urn o-i V u-ji f.,-p.-W. POPE iCO.i Orc-on City, Oct. 1255. - llly -won. aSS2 ICares TTit,hflQMhe ue prAIedlcines I t Fovrttsri Yqir$, ii gn )rancisco.Q a A, i"Dr, Bourme's Baths !" ?tEf?S'if'$?: 9t!araPeed, according) 10 ugiefiQjpf m all cases. ;nm' For ike, Ca r, o Neuralgia, Paraljsi: Rheumatism, Bros- chitts, Consumption, (incipient) Fleunsy, 1 Fever and Ague; llotbe,r. Fevers, propsy, Erysipelas, CodsCougha, Oak Poisoning, (for which Dr. Bourne discovered the onlr scientific? and ture,) Dyspepsirt',aI)reams,'' Sexual W-aknes9, the'removal of Mercury and all other. Mineral Poisons, etc. The methods adopted by Dr' Bourne arf the rrost-. pleasant, jtkc safejt, quickest and most reliable , ever devised." SAVE YOUR TIME;' "Cot ifort 'and Money, by emM-ttft." Or: BOURNE?" Consult at ion a FREE, by Mail, or. Express, or: personally. Send or call for a circular of recommenda tions, rejeretices.certifirates ofcures, etc. which are6Tl5og by. yell known iifid resfMmsible individuals. u. . No.'lO HASOXIC TEMl I.E ' o Corner of Montgomery apd Post streets1 ' M ;HW, ;(SAN FRANCISCO. ; Entraoee on Post street, adjoining the Grand Portal!' 1 ' 1 " ; ; 7 WiEUMATisM! ; e' Throughout this Coast a great deal of suf fering is experienced from Rheumatism. Weeks and even mpnths of protracted and aggravated misery'is endure d Dy ths victims of medical inefficiency and ignorance, which could be cured just aa speedily as was Me. Sfakkow, whose testimony; is gien below, and ls oidy the echo rof 'hundreds of other cases. Da. - BoCRNe (cures without medi cines, which accounts for his extraordinary success. No. lo, Masonic Temple, Post street entrance : ' '-'" ; ;t : San Francisco, Sept. 6, 1861. Dr. Boceke: Lat Winter 1 was nearly dead, by an attack of inflammatory rheuma tism. T suffered the most excruciating pains for about five weeks, without auv hope of relief, when a friend hearing of my illness, called to! see me, and assured me that if I TAOuld stop "drugging and dosing" and go to vtm, that you would have me , walking about ihe.streets mi three days. Sure enough, although 1' was utterly helpless, and con veyed to your house in a ;carriage, and car rie into it by three stout men, and by them lifted into the bath, yet, on coming out of it, I "largely assisted myself, doing much to wards . dressing, and, without assistance, walked fiom the bath to the carnage4 . On the fourth day I discharged my carriage and "walked, with a friend's aid,' the entire dis tance to your hoase (nearly a mile) and home aiiafn, and so on until cureo". I felt myself a well man. And now I am happy to'do you this little service, of publicly cer tifying to the simple truth, leaving it to do its" work among' my friends and acquaint ances as may chance to see this.. Your friend, - , JOSEPH SPARRpW. CONSUMPTION! ' ii i An Interesting Letter. " ': Very few persons, even among physicians, would have been willing upon any terms t : have been in the condition of the writer Cf the following letter on the 14th of February last. I wilf anticipate somewhat his report of the facts by saying that on the 15th of August he tnade me a visit, " the very pic tureof rgood liealth " Time, which .tries and proves all things, has sufficiently tested this case, "atid shown that neither relapse r.or 9 collapse hure followed the cm e is perfecf , and can be cited anion c the scores of similar cases the result of my improved mods cf treating diseases without medicine. -'-; G. M. P.OURNE, . : : .Water Cure. Physician, - ' JIo. 20, 3Iasonjc Temple, Post strect.l' e. Sacramexto, April CO, r Dr. O.1 M. Bot-RNE Dear Sir : D is with pleasure and satisfaction that 1 now let you know of. my good, health. Looking back upon what I have passed through, it seems as if I had been lilted from the grave, and I think it my duty to ackuowledg to you and the world the benefit I derived fro a water treatment as administered by you in your celebrat'e.l' baths.' It was in August when disease developed itself with a severe cough. 1 then took medicines, getting worse withfc!.. ills, fevers, loss of strength, and" was pronounced consumptive. This get me fp hiuking, and tinally 1 determined to leave my business and gb o" the Sandwich Is :ands, having been informed that I could not be ct.'red here. I went to San Francisco, and while waiting . for a ship called upon Or. Bournewho stated that a trip to the island would probably 'resxilt disastrously, wa3 w holly .unnecessary, as I could be speedilr cured at his establishment. I placed myseJT under his treatment, and in one week' was feo un ach improved 1 thought I ould riskre turuiiig home and dfb my duty aa Engineer on the Central Pacific ltailroad. The Doc tor objected; but I thought 1 knew better, aud returned to . duty, in about two weeks my cough returned, and I kept getting worse, and contrary to Dr. Bourne's injuue tion never to take medicine again, committed that folly, and soon was so completely - ran down that I could scarcely walk; so, as a last resort, I concluded once more to try thn Water "Cure. I went' to San Francisco few of ray friends expecting me to; return; in fact i thought my "return doubtful. On ar riving at Dr." Bourne's establishment (Feb. 14, "la'ioj I was not able to get into the bath without assistance, but in a few days I began to recover myself again. I remained, with lnm only six "weeks, when I felt a " wiser and better man,'., without the aid of medi cine I have now. been at work several week?, and find that I am gaining every day and at present bid fair to be stouter than ever betore. Persons visiting the doctor's establishment find it just what it should be, both in the Ladies' aud Gentlemen's Depart ments, and I cannot say, too mucn in prds of the Doctor's . kind attentions to his pa tients. This letter I w.tte for the benefit of all the aiSicted; :-to be . used G3 the Doctor decides, and should it be the means ot directing any to his care and treatment who (us they ' as surediy will) fi'ffof "fcTief, I witt fce paid for my trouble.- '. Y 3 JAMES CAM PBELL, , a Engineer Central Pacific Railroad. . ?-4. Sax Francisco, Aug, 22, 1d5. Advised bv the undersigned, Mr, James Campbell, of the Central Pacific Railroad, (who was then in a most deplorable state of ill health) placed himself": ynder the care of Dr. "Bourne, the Water Cure Physician. Some fdx months afterward he visited the city,c whenL accidentally met him at Dr. Jiuu rie's,establ isli m en t, and am h appy to sav, restored 1 to '"the enjoyment of good :hcalth,und in finef.Tjirit.s.1 -'-i s - ... . .JOHN SULLIYA. 5r- Bourne treats all diseases' of the throat; eh est aiid lungs which-includes di p tberia bronchitis, ; incipient consumption, pleurisy,, croup, etc,4 with great success. Great "re adf is atfordect in advanced stages of consumption Rheumatism, paralvsis. nen ralgia,taver aiwkag4i(4iii'oiisy. etc , etc., are also curet quickly-;; pleasantly and ecouom- 'icairy. ' No medicine whatever. " ; " " . . it 7.'.' ''Dr. Bourne takes the librtr to publish tha above..! isnSny; persons' hiKl prophesied hi rclapse.itjto his iormer condition, on return 1 innr-trr "' ri n rt (: nf thp'Writcr of an "Inter esting letterwhasetatements concerning .the cure of a well; defined case of .consump tion have recertlv attracted o much atten tion to1 the 'Water Cnre," as improved upon jand; practised.byr Dr. . JJourue. nThis aadt iinnal testimony, re ust prove .satisfactory tot all reasonable ihfnds ". It should be rcmem--bfed'that ' Dr - Bourne use; no medicines whatever, and that his patients, almest uni versally are those who tailed to receive re-: t lief from the medical praetitiouers ; yet they are cured with great rapidity, and in a.pienR antano azreeapie manner. ior,t.vn Temple Pest strot catr-?.rr T?ri- o o if i-l - i - 4 i 1 ,