Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, November 24, 1866, Image 1

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Tol. 1.
I 1 - t . l .:. ; . v ' , -;j
Qtljc lUeekln (Enterprise.
OFFICE; South east corner of Focrth and
Main streets, in the building lately known
es the Court House, Oregon City, Oregon.
Terms or Subscription.
One copy, one year in advance. .'. . . .$3 00
" V " i delayed..;... 4 00
Terms of Advertising.
Transient advertisements, one square
(12 lines or less) first insertion . ..2 50
For each subsequent insertion. ..... I 00
Business Cards one square per annum
payable quarterly. 12 00
One column per annum 100 00
One half column " 50 00
One quarter ' . " SO 00
Legal advertising at the established rates.
X Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
business entrusted to his care,
OrricK One door north of Bell & Parker's
Drag store, Oregon City, Oregon. 3:ly
Will attend to all business entrusted
to our care in any of "the Courts of the State,
co'lect money, negotiate loans, sell real es
tate, etc. l.yl
Justice of ike Peoce fc City Recorder.
Office In the Court House and City
Council Room, Oregon City.
Will attend to the acknowledgment of
deeds, and all other duties appertaining to
the otlice of Justice of the Peace. 2:ly
Dr. F. Barclay, Dfl. R. C. L,v
(Formerly Surgeon to the Hsn. H. B. Co.)
OFFICE: At Residence,
Main Street. ... .(52), . Oregon City.
Dr. H. Saffarrans,
OFFICE In J. Fleming's Book StoTe,
Main airtety Oregon City. ' (52
H. W, H0SS, 1YL D.,
(Office over Charman Bros., Mainst.,)
o Oregon City. ly
John Fleming,
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, respectfully solicits a continuance
of the favors f a generous public.
His Sftorc is between Jacobs' and Acke
man's fcric Ics, on the west side of Main street.
OTegenCity, October 27th, '66. (tf
Professor A. J. Rutjes,
WILL be glad to receive a number ot
Pupils at his Music Room, at the pri
vate residen-ce of Mr. uharles Logus. lie
will als cont4ne to give instructions at
private residences. No charge for the use
of the piano. My pupils will please give me
notice when ready o commence, Jfcly
Black Smiths and Boiler Makers.
Corner of Main and Third street
Oregon City Oregon.
Blacksmithing in all its branches. Boiler
making and repairing. AH work warranted
to give satisfaction. , , (52
; Jilain Street, one door north of the Woolen
j Oregon City Oregon.
IVm. Darlvr, Proprietor.
I The proprietor, thankful for the continued
I patronage he has received, would irform tJie
public that he will continue his efforts to
I pi east his guests. (52
William Broughton,
Main street, Oregon City.
Will attend to all work in 'his lire, x&n
sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work
framing, building, etc Jobbing promptly
attended to. (52
Fashion Billiard Saloon.
Main street, between Secod ad Third,
Oregon City.
I. C. Mann, Proprietor.
HE above long established and popslaT
Saloon is vet a favorite resort, and as
"Onlv the choices, kranilj nf UT inAe f,innnrs
nd Cigars are dispensed to customers a
Udr i tne public patronaee is solicited.
1J) J. C. MANX.
West Side Main Street, between Second and
' Third, Oregon City.
GEORGE A HAAS Proprietor.
The proprietor begs leave to inform his
friends and the public generally that the
bove named ppu!ar saloon is open for their
accommodation, with a new and well assort
ed supply of the finest brands of wiaes,
liquors and cigars. 52
Main Street, opposite th Poet OJice, Oregon
& PAYNE. . ; . . . . .Proprietor.
, The undersigned taVes this method of in-
ttTn'Lngthe Public that he has purchased
i VBC above Saloon nnn note nfTr. a aA
w,n 86 ted 8t0ck of foreign and domestic
toW .rquers' etc-' which cannet fail to
e.? wl nay extend their patron
ia th. ,best LaSer Beer, Ale and Porter
we btate.nl yays ?n draught.
b; patnb.
The Old Love.
I met her; she was thin and old ;
She stooped and trod with tottering feet;
The hair was gray that once was gold,
The voice was harsh that once was sweet.
Her hands were dwindled, and her eyes,
Robbed of the girlish light of joy,
Were dim ; I felt a sad surprise,
That 1 had loved her when a boy.
But yet a something in her air
Restored to me the vanished time ;
My heart grew young and seemed to wear
The brightness of my youthful prime.
I took her withered hand in mine
Its touch recalled a ghost of joy
I kissed it with a reverent sigh.
For I had loved her when a boy.
Law. Law properly understood,
is no ether than right reason, agree
ing with nature, spread abroad among
all men, ever consistent with itself
eternal; whose office it is to summon
to duty by its commands, to deter
from vice by its prohibitions, which
however, to the p-ood. never onm.
niands or forbids in vain, never influ.-
erces the wicked either by command-
ing or forbidding.
In contradiction to this nothing
can be laid down nor does it admit
of partial or entire repeal. Nor can
we be released from this law either
bv vote ot the Sermte or deprep. of
the people. Nor does it require any
commentator or interpreter besides
itself. Nor wil there be one law at
Athens and another at Romp on
now and another hereafter ; but one
eternal, immutable law will embrace
all nations, and at al times. And
there will be one common Master, as
i were and ruler of all, namely, God,
the great Originator, Expositor, En
actor of this Law ; which Law who
ever will hot obey, will be flying from
himself,and, having tteated with con-
tempt his human nature, will in that
very fact pav the greatest penalty,
even if he shall have escaped other
ounishments. as thev are commonlv
considered. Cicero.
Esq. or Mr. The Galaxy dis
cusses, in a pleasant paragraph, the
meaninglessness of styling such a
crowd of men Honorable, and esti
mates that, all told, we have two
millions of onr population out f the
existing thirty, already dubbed by
that sounding title. Being so com
mon, its meaning is worn out. SU
is getting to be with D. D. Btween
thiit and Esq., is a long step, yet
practically a short me, sice every
body of the male sex, says the Kxal-
oxy, who ie not a D. D. is an Eq.
Now what sense, need, courtesy, or
specical grace can there be in that
caudal asDendssre t every man's
name1. An Esquire is nobody at all
in this" country. Mr. means master-;
the rhn who controls his own life,
and accumulates iiis -own character.
It is graceful, pertinent, without van
ity or presumption, and expresses
merit. Write d"wn for most of
your male acquaintances and friends
the plain prefix to their meaus of the
brief Mr.
oinceritt. "io way wnatso-
ever '' says Locke, " that I shal 1 walk
in, against the dictates of ray con-
science, wiirever nnng me x-o ine
Ml . 1
mansions of the blessed. I may
arrow rich bv an art that! take no
deliirht in: I may be cured of some
disease by remedies i have no faith
in; but I cannot be saved by a reiig-
ion that I distrust and a worship that
I abhor It is vain f ran unbeliever
to takft nn the outward shadow of
another man's profession faith only
and siucertty are the things
procure acceptance with God."
Fitly Spoken Truth. The mod'
est virtrin. the orudent wife or the
careful matron, is much more service
able in life than petticoated philoso
phers, blustering heroines -or virago
queens. She wfro makes her child
ren isappy, who reclaims the one
from vice and trains up the other to
virttre, ts a much greater charjicter
than ladies described in romance,
whose whole occupation is to murder
mankind with shafts from their
quirer, or their eyes.
Nature's Book. It is very well
a,i.,h ot KAi!r students of natnrcL
,hHt.flt thm which
Ufc"y ;Z'l t avor flWPP
g e, , Vi,avcol
?ran :ZVC7;:i SC;?
I-."?? r. :" rt.r fitness,
ass.ut, - -JAonthe majesty and power ut law and
n.stoiy, wn.cu -------
pany it revea
or a bird is out a texier . t
.Jr. I' tr"hrti;
w .u u Fw ;.f.n'
ham thft tAfllltV OI aSSOCiatlOD.
Faithful Tray.-I" clearing away
t AiTHFLL 1RAY. i c fc j
rrtS J few iek se hi
Si cL remains
eave toe oansiug iuuw w.v
ftpn keiit uara wuo more inu
O V w i U
were al
t?ol if the" fire Tray master His earliest years had been spent in seemed 'as if a mighty thunderbolt
themgofih hard labor with his hands on the had been launched from the hand of
ofTHrS Suto farm, in the forest, and o, the waters the Omnipotent. ad sent crashing,
.uSJrLmlherehehad of the Mississippi. His lattery ears with fearful destructives, through
fidelity, clxjaxtngano mreats prwwwunv! - - - - 7 rt--i
itro nnavjii inf and tne iaiiu- wmcn o - s"-' ' ... .
lke Unavailing uu trxe i wu difficuU in hiVk frm t.hnnoht' nr1 frAft
fwl brnte pens
Lossmg's Hiitory of the War.
The first volume of the Pictorial
History of the Civil War ; by Ben
jamin J. Lossing, has made its ap
pearance from the press of George
W. Childs, Philadelphia. The au.
thor has been employed in the col
lection and Dreparation of the mate
rials during the past four years. He
has personally visited all the princi
pal battlexgrounds and taken careful
sketches ot the same; had access to
original documents; put himself in
communication with many of the
chief actors of the great conflict on
both Mdes ot the lines; and obtained
much curious information touching
the initial stages of the rebellion not
hitherto made public. The general
plan of the works is intended to be
similar to that of the Held Book of
the Revolution, by the same author
a work whicn has become classic in
American historical literature.
The volume brings the narrative
f evects duwn to tne c,ose of lhe
"rsl batUe oI.du." nun. It contains
a ViVlu picture, oi me secession move
rnenis in ine aouiu ana me counter
union movement m tne iNortn cui
nual'g m the outbreak of hostili
ties by lhe seizure0 of Federal forts,
arsenals and custom-houses, the at-
tat on the ar of the West and the
uw,"ua' U4 i-un. oumiei. an
ine prominent actors in me counsel
are introduced, and briefly but relici
i"siy sKeicnea; ine pr ceeu.ngs or
coventions, public meetings and State
gmiures uunng me inception or
me confoversy, are crystaiized imo
a narrative remarkable for clearness
and succinctness of statement: and
the germinal causes of the conspiracy
that threatened the lite ot the nation
are satisfactorily traced Mr. Loss-
inS is as accomplished with the pen-
uu as ne 18 W,UI ine Pen- t,e nas
daauerrotyped all the prominent cites
and personages of the conflict with
siriKiu viviuuess ano nueiuv. iuis
volume alone contains no less than
400 engravings illustrative of the
text, of which about 130 are por-
traits of prominent men North as
well as boulh, including governors
of States, generals in the field, and
statesmen and conspirators in council.
The work is no less admirable in
spirit than in artistic execution. The
author is no theorist. He indulges
in n special pleading and partisan
chip'trap. He has no favorite gener-
als or statesmen whom he thrusts into
otiensive prominence. J lis aim is
rather to present facts than advance
opinions, ne seeics to maite tne
work a chronicle of events, present-
ing the stupendous drama ot the re-
teellran with the fidelity of rigid and
impartial truth.
We cannot speak in toochigh terms
of the mechanical execution of the
woik. xe paper is supero; ine
binding is rich and substantial; the
illustrations are iu the best style of
the art. Ihree more volumes are to
follow each of 600 pages and the
toiai nnmoer oi engravings wiu oe
ovor 2,0.0. In addition to these
eacn voiume win contain maps ana a
fiue steei engraving, representing
some appropriate nisu ncai iact. it
the design ot the author and publish
er are carried out, as they doubtless
win oe, mis nisiory win oe dv rar
the most complete and accurate record
of the war and its causes that has
een given to me puouc.
we have already given liberal ex-
tracts irom the hrst volume, lhe
toiiowing will serve sun turtner 10
illustrate the style and temper of the
woiKjsays ine oaurraiicicoxcrttt.
davis and Lincoln.
While Jefferson Davis was on his
9V frmn hN home in MississiDDl to
,( M,,iMmirv nour f.h
souther., Ptremitv of the Reoublic.
thoro m ha hran.rnrat.ed leader of a
fa,.d of consoirators and the chief
mils fnrther north, on his way to-
ward the National Capital, theTe to
be installed in oflBce as Chief Magis
trate of a nation. l ne contrasts in
the, characters and political relations
of the two men was most remarkable.
One was a asuper, prepared to up
hold wrong by violence and the ex,
hold wrong by violence and the ex
ercise of the gravest crimes- the oth
er was a modest servant of the people,
er was a modest servant of the people.
appointed by them to execute their
will, and anxious to uphold right toy
the exercise of virtue and justice.
M, Lincoln was an eminent rep
rcsetlUti?e American, and in his own
career illustrated in a most conspicu.
ous aBd distinguished manner me
I " , , - r
beneficent ana oievaimg iusuiuihhis
He was born in comparative obscuri
e q Kentucky eary in
Se year 1 809; and when he was in-
augLted President he adjust
. . ln tha
nister of a despotism, Abraham piy. ui8w.w..ihii.hiu
n wasiK4rneying from hishom "lsu,"ls.. l" iugeu ur me.
in aurinirneia' Illinois, nuuureus oi j j
. . - i i j e ii nrv fir virr.irv ftirpr rfisistaticft f
V I s-M W ma Jill V BA-I ml I I T m 1 lVlfr CS JT1 I J IT f . 1 1 Vlfl MJ MJ r I II I I J J I IHUU'I
.i . - : jf lha law A irnOWieUSZC in tietn ura ftata-oon rifdlt !f:4l H.rn r
ties. In the profession he had ad
vanced rapidly to distinction, in the
Slate of Illinois, wherein he had set
tied with his father in the year 1830.
His fellow-citizena discovered in him
the tokens of statesmanship, and they
chose him to represent them in the
National Congress. He served th m
and his country therein with great
diligence and ability, and, as we have
observed, his countrymen, in the au
tumn of 1860, chose him to fiil the
most exalted station in thtir gift.
How he filled that station during the
four terrible years of our historv.
while the Republic was ravaged by
the dragon of civil war, will be re
corded on succeeding pages.
Patiently, firmlv, almost silently,
the little band in Fort aumter await
ed the passage of that pregnant hour.
.bach man could hear his own heart
beat a the expiring moments brought
him nearer toinevitable but unknown
perils. Suddenly the dull booming
of a gun at a single battery on James
island, near i?ort jnnson, was neard
and a hery shell sent trorn its broad
throat, wei.t flying through the black
night and explodfd immediately over
Fort Sumter. It was a malignant
" shooting star." coursing thronph
the heavens like those, in appearance,
wmcn in me oiaen time nungntea
the nations. It was otie ot learlul
portent, and was the " f)rerunner', of
terrible calamities, o 7 Am, no man
was wise enough to interpret, its full
The sound of that mortar on Jams
Island was the signal for battle. It
awakened the slumberers in Charles
ton. The streets of the city were
again thronged with an excited popti
ace. After a brief pause, the heavy
cannon on Cumrr.ing's Point, com
prising Buttery Stevens (sonaimd in
honor of the inventor,) opened fire
upon Fort Sumter. T the late Ed
mund Kuffrt, of Virginia, belor.gs the
infamy of firing its first shot, and the
first hurled against that fort, the
mute representative of the national!
ty under whose benign overshadow-
ing he had reposed in peace and se-
curity tor more than seventy years.
He hastened to Morris Island when
hostijities seemed near, and when
asked there to what company he be
longed, lie replied, ' To that in which
there is a vacancy.'' clle was assign-
ed to duty in the Palmetto Guard.
ad implored the privilege of firing
th? first gun on Fort Sumter. It
was granted, and he at once acquired
jsphesian lame, lhat wretched old
man appears in history only as a
traitor and a suicide a victim to the
wicked teachings of stronger and
wiser men.
That first shot from Cnmraine's
P.,int was followed quietly by others
from lhe Floating Battery, which lay
beached on Sullivan's Island, under
the command of Lieutenants Yates
ad Harlpstont from Fnrt. Monltrif?
commanded by Colonel Ripley; from
a nowertul masked battery on Su'li-
van's Island, hidden by sand hills
and bushes, called the Lfahlgren Bat.
tery, under Lieutenant J. R. Hamil
ton; and from nearly - nil the rest of
the semicircle of militarv works ar-
rayed around Fort Sumter for its-,
reduction. Full thirty heavy guns
and mortars opened a
once. Their
fire was given with remarkable vigor,
yet the assail d fort, made no reply.
The tempest of lightning, wind, and
rajn thaf had just been skurrving
through the heavens, leavimr behind
-,t heavy clouds and a drizzling mist,
anci the angny storm of shot and
shell, seemed to make no impression
n that M Bastion of the Federal Un
ror lwo nour3 ana Inre
'Fort Sumter seemed to the outt-ide
worW al1 si,ent as th grftVt. bravely
bearing the brunt of assaults with
wonderful fortitude or the stolidity of
cntempcrary poet sang:
"The morn wm cloudf, anJ idark, and gray,
When the first columbiad blazed away.
Showing that there was the devil to pay
With the braves on Morris Island :
Tnev tired their cannon again and again
Hoping that Major Anderson's men
Would answer back, but 'twas all in vain
At first, on Morris Island.
the great uprising.
The attacK on Fort Sumter had
been 0)ke(j fi.r. and yet, tidings o
t.he tact fell 0I1 the ea'rs o the loya
people of the country as an .marine
surprise. It was too incredible fin-
be,ief. h was thought to be a "sen
s;llion storv ol the newsoaoers
The sto' was true; and when the
telegraph declared that the old flag
had been dishonored, and that
I. . . ' .
banner, with a starnge device," was
floatinK over lhitt fortresSi which
fcveryb)dy lhought was impregnable,
and lhe story wis believed raud the
patriotism of the nation was
every party platfbnn every parti
i . ... . - i
peech had been restrained, demoL
shing them utterly, and opening a
way instantly for the unity of all finally considered a proposition to re
hearts in the bond of patriotism, and peat all laws for the collection of
of all hands mailed fnr great and holy
deeds. Heart throbbed to harl; lip
poke to lip, with a onenessof feeling
hat seemed like a Divine inspiration;
and the burden of thought was,
"Stand by th Flag ! all doubt and.trea-
son scorning, v, .
Behere, with courage firm and faith
That it will float until the eternal
Pales, on its glories, all the lights of
lime :
The Sabbath day on which An
derson and his men went out of Fort
Sumter was a day of wild1 excitement
throughont the Union. Lovalistsand
disloyalists were equally stirred by
he event the former bv indigna-
ion, the latter by exultation. The
streets of cities and villages, every
place of public resort, and even tne
churches, were filled with crowds of
people, anxious to obtain an answer
to the Question in everv mind. What
nett? That m-.pst.win w tint, lnmr
urirtnswererl. Within tweitvf.iur
. - -
hours from the time when theSrripes
and Stars were lowered in Charleston
larbor. the President of the United
States had filled every loyal heart in
the land with joy and patriotic fervor,
by a call for troops to put down the
rising rebellion. That call answered
the Question
A. Roman is Co.. of San Francisco
are the agents for the Paeific coast,
A Fact Worth Printing. AtP a
second-class hotel, at Frankfort, Kv..
a few days since, a little girl entered
the bar-room, and in pitiful tonts
to d the bar keener that her mother
sent her to get eight cents.
' Eight cents?' said the bar-
"Yes, sir.
" What do?s your mother want of
eight cents I don t owe her any
thin "
"Well," said the child, " father
spends all his money her for rum,
and we have no bread to-day. Moth
er wants to buy a loaf of bread'
A loafer stiiiiiehted to the bar
kaeper to kick her out.
"No' said the bar-keeper; ' I 11
give her mother the raony, aud if
her father comes back here again, I'll
kick him out. '
Such a circumstance never happen-
ed before, and mav never batmen
- j - - - I
again. Humanity owes
that bar-
keeper a vote of thst ks
Johnson's Policy not Lincoln's
Policy A localTUIiiiois paper sas:
President Johnson manifests his re
spect for the personal and political
friends of his predecessor by striking
at them wherever they are to be
reached. lie has just removed an
intimate personal friend and neigh
bor of Mr. Lincoln, John W. Bunn,
of Springfield, Illinois, to make room,
as Pension Agent, for the Editor of
the Springfield State Register, who
has been a known, virulent, rabid,
pace Copperhead. The State Reg
isler lias been, throughout the war, a
weak but malignant enemy of the
Union. It has never failed to dis-
charge its venom at the late Presi-
dent, and to keep up its" fire in the
rear' at every man ancl measure cal-
culated to maintain th Union.
The Pnoor0 Tin- Sail Lake Citv
Telegraph Mormo.i organ of Oct.
22d, took us to task in a whole col
umn article for having remarked that
the mormous are resolved that no
Uenttle shall own a toot of their bait
iake country sou, save in tne way or
graven." The Telegraph retorts that
the Mormons are not always disposed
to sen tneir lanos, out tney ao permit
Uenttles to "enjoy the possession ot
"landed property" in some cases. Yes,
so we learn from recent events trans
jjmcvi nine xjr. uuinirsmi s ueau
body is now permitted to "-enjoy the
possession of such property," we pre
sume. "Gentiles" generally prefer
to enjoy the possesion of landed pro
pe-ty in 1 r. -
Inho World.
country, says somebody, where roses
nave no fragrance and women no
petticoats; where the laborer has no
Sabbath and the magistrate no sense
of honor; where the roads bear no
vehicles and the ships no keels ;
where old men fly kites and the
needle points to the South ; where
the place of honor is on the left hand
and the Reat of intellect in the stom
ach ; where to take off your bat Is an
insolent gesture, and to wear white
garments is a sign of mourning ;
which has a literature without an
alphabet and a language without a
A letter dropped imo the post
o&cef was addressed as follows.
After a good deal of study, one cf
the clerks managed to make oat that
it whs intended tor VA. Ui.derhill,
Andover, Massachusetts." Does the
! reader eee the point?
The Uncertainties of Law.
The Wisconsin Legislature has
debts. The mover of the bill, Mr.
Llmore, is a great wag, a is evinced
by the following extract from a
speech on that subject:
The speaker proceeded to review
the present system of collecting debts.
It was all a humbug and a cheat, a
u ?. j i t
matter of technicalities and legal
shuffling. ' Lawyers gave advice to
obtain fees and encourage litigation,
Judges made blunders and mistakes.
He had a little experience in law and
that was rich. Laughter. He
would give a history of it. The
speaker then related how he had
purchased a yoKe oi oxen, about hi
Jears ago paia fcou :r inem.
A few days after, the. son of the man
he had bought the. oxen of. came to
him and said the oxen were his. He
insisted on havit g pay over again,
and commenced a suit before a Jus-
tiee- The jury didn't agree. Finally
through a baSSWOod Ju-tlCe of the
r . . . . i
reace, ine case went agauist nun.
He appealed to the Cireuit Court of
Milwaukee, lhere 1 lost again, and
su,d to n,V Iwyer : I will give you
ten dollars to quote Pennsylvania
law o Juage lunier, ana get a new
iriitl oru.-rea. jureat ljiiugiiter.j
le l.0oK l,,e ten collars aa pei torm
n,s duty. A new trial was grant
ea. ar,d venue changed t( w .-awortn
county Judge Irwin was then the
judge. Any man who wants to gun
cause m his court, had either to jr
hunting with him and let him claim
the gam- that was shot, or pat
his d-g. Laughter. I fed that
aog. ivuewea daughter. lhe
i w i. . j
case was decided in my favor. W hen
1 heard the decision, I thought the
uosr naa inoweu me anoui long
enough so I turned and gave him a
kick. I Laughter. J lhe yelp of the
dog had hardly subsided, ere 1 heard
tne judge say : -Mr. tjierk mis
judgement is set aside, and a new
trial granted." Laughter. Mr.
speaker mat Kii k cost me $auu i
Convulsiye Laughter. You have
doubt seen suits in a Justices
Court m the country. 1 here is spent
y jurors and hangers on, besides
other costs, at least $50, besides the
Hi-leeiing- and dissensions caused by
it. It is all a cheat, lhe litigant
had better sit down and play a game
of old sledge to decide the case. It
would be more sure to settle the dis
pute justly.
A most curious and interesting
point of law has recently furnished
matter for trial in the French courts.
A lady in good position in society
had long been legally separated from
her husband ; but she res-Ived lo im
prove the separation which the law
had pronounced entire by making it
eternal; Accordingly, she sent her
husband in early spring, as from an
unknown hand, a little basket con
taining all kinds of rare and delicate
hot house fruits ; among others, seven
nperb strawberries. The husband,
never thinking the gift came from his
w-ife, devoured a part of the fruit,
when he was suddenly taken violent-
ly ill. The residue of the straw ber
ries being analyzed, was found to con-
tain oil of creton tiglium. Accord
ingly the lady was arrested. The
basket was proven to have been dis
patched by her. She was duly tried.
and, of course, acouitted of the" h am-
of an attempt to murder. But the
husband drags her once more before
the tribunals, determined to have her
condemned for somethirg,and charges
her with the administering ot noxious
drugs calculated to cause disease and
danger. The lady having been al-
ready tried for the murder and ac
quilted, her advocate must now prove
lnat she admuiistered poison in suffi-
cient quantity to causeeath. or she
will certain iy . oe condemned toi the
serious offense above mentioned,
Debates run high. A maximum is
fao-d. and it is declared that the. ad-
ministering of one gramme of oil of
creton tiglium may constitute mur
der. It is estimated that the seven
strawberries contained one giatiim
and 'forty, centigrammes over. So
the intent to murder being fully
proved, the lady is acquitted, and
goes on her way rejoicing.
Commemorative Weddings. The
following is a list of commemorative
weddings: Two years after the wed
ding is the paper wedding; the fiflh
anniversary is the wooden wedding;
the tenth the tin wedding; the fif
teenth the crystal wedding; the
tweatieth the china wedding; twenty
fifth the silver wedding; fiftieth the
golden wedding ; seventy fifth the
diamond wedding.
Life and Death. The birds of
the air die to sustain thee; the beasts
of the fields die to nourish thee; the
fishe." of the sea die to feed thee ; our
stomachs are theireommon sepulchre;
with how many deaths are our poor
lives patched up; how full of death
is th life of momentary ruau.-
i urates.
A Philadelphia Alderman, i
There is in-this city a kind hearted J
Alderman, known to everybody for.
his geniality. Business with the;Al-i
derman yesterday was dull,' A rainy I
day tells as emptiiy to the exchequer "
of an alderman as it does to the
keeper of a bonnet shop. About'
tour o'clock in the afternoon a couple
bent upon connubialism entered the !
office and stated their desire. -The
Alderman invited them to stand up,
nd, with a face whose gravity of ex
pression would have reflected credit
upon a Bi-hop, began to deliver to
thera an address on the general sub-,
ject of matrimony.'. A number of
people had dropped in about that
time and got the full benefit of it.
They occasioually snorted out into a'
laujih . . V-
The Alderman was as immovable
as Gibraltar. He began his discourse
by a description of Paradise, and
conclusively. showed v tha., if Eve
hadn't strayed away from Adam into :
a ditaut part of the garden, he (the
Alderman), as well a- other people,
would never have sutTei ed from illicit
pippins. The worthy Alderman
made a. running survey upon the
prominent married ladies named m'
;.he Scriptures; touched lightly upon
the mother, of the Gracchi, Lady
Blessington and Mrs. Stowe, and
then switched oft' the track to the
ladies of Afr ca who entertained
Mungo P.nk, - and the Esquimaux
women, who wean their infant pro
geny upon blubber tea.
He had spoken about twenty min
utes when the bridegroom, who wa3
a German, interrupted. :
"Dat i fine," said he, pulling out
a very greasy greenback of the des
nomination of five dollars, and htind
ing it to 'ih.e Alderman, " but dere
ish all de money vot I pays. I tell
you dis 71010.''
The Alderman crumpled the nota
in his vest pocket. The groom was
apprehensive that for such an address
a sum might be asked that would
" ?ize his pile." Some of the auditors
stepped outside to . laugh.. The AN
derman's face was as immobile as
the pippin upon which he had been
" After what you have heard,"
asked the Alderman solemnly, "are
you willing to proceed!1'
" Yes, yes, you shust hurry up,"
said the impatient groom.
" No levity, my friend," said the
Alderman, ' this is a very solemn oc
casion. This is a civil contract, never
to be abrogated or "
The bride here interrupted, and
rather loudly whispered to her swain
that the quicker they got out the bet.
ter. The groom evidently assented,
for just as the worthy Alderman was
ibout to continue his lecture, the
stolid groom interposed with a re"
mark that he wanted one of two
things, either to be married within
the nxt two minutes, or a return of
the wedding fee. ,
The day had been too dull for the
return of any money whatever. The
worthy Alderman brought the cere
mony to a close, adding, 4 I therefore
pronounce you man and wife, and
may God have mercy on your souls'"
The newly married couple depart-
ea highly pleased. As the groom
went out he said in an undertone to
the blushing bride, " Repecker, dat
was a got sbeech, it was wort more
as ten dollars." Philadelphia North
i m ,''"
Got tiiAi xu iiinusing debate
took place 'between a skeptic in res
ligious matters and a German Luther,
an. The skeptic, ridiculing the truth
of certain passages in the Bible, and
supposing his antagonist about cor
nered in argument, asked him if he
believed Balaam's ass spoke like a
man. The Lutheran was silent for
a moment, and then said : "Me read
tnit to Bible dat von Balaam's beat
his schaekss, and she speke chust
like a man. Me believe dat me never
hear a schackass speke like a man,
myself, but me have hear a great ma
ny men speke chnst like a schackass."
A Miser's Bank. Old Mr. Yon
dr-m Busch, of St. Louis, having
died, his landlord gathered together
his rags for the purpose of selling
them. An unusual stuffing about
the breast of a coat suggested tt in
vestigation, which result d in the dis
covery of S9,0u0 in Government
bonds and coupons underneath the
lining The landlord deposited the
money in the bank and notifitd the
friends. -. o .: : "
Strange Sights. A countryman
who attended a fashionable party
where the ladies wore their dresses
cut very low in the .neck," was a.-ked
by the hos. if ever be had seen such
a sight before. "No !" said he mosc
empbaiically, ' not since I was
weaned !" , - . ,
Their Work is Never Finished.
A Maine editor says,- he cannot
imagine when editors have a leisure
time, uunlest it is aftrrthe feriyman
carries us . oyer Si x, and then we
have no doubt the old fellow would
besiege us Jbx a putt, on his boat," r .