She At*ick) An Attendant and BmaluOut of Her Cage’ I. \ After Juno was caged it was noticed the medical world has no certain remedy for terrible disease let them acknowledge it that one of the blauw lioks was ' I this ami seek for one outside the pale of their pro- trembling like a leaf, and tears ¡ fession. For the discovery of this remedy and trickled down the frightened beast’s I for its application to this disease, the people this city, the people of the whole land, not face. Ten minutes later it was dead. i of only those who are suffering, ^but those who | Philadelphia Times. have friends in danger, are earnestly and long­ •If you are a woman ami want both health and beauty, remember that all superficial effort« to increase your personal c «arms are vain. Freshness and beauty accompany health, and to secure this Mrs. Lydia E. l‘i .’.¿ham’s remedies for all female weaknesses o .er the surest means of renovation. The highest intelligence loses its lustre when it must find expression through a bilious complexion. Good for either sex. • ■» When any druggist or dealer tries to »ell you, or tells you that some other remedy is as good or better, when you for Ammen’s Cough Syrup, look in his face ami you willsee that Goecific for the evils above described wo 11th St., Oakland. us, and the talk turned on rats, as we have come to fully believe. Within the past G enoa , Nev., Dee. 12th,1881. heard ours galloping in the ceiling two years we have frequently seen statements Our Druggist. Dr. C. B. Luse, ke ps your Cough Syrup. He says it has a good side and ami scampering up and down the <>f parties claiming to have been cured of gives general satsifaction. G . W. S.M 'ublisher Genoa Courier. walls. The young lady said that serious kidney troubles even after hojie had none had ever been in her house, and been abandoned; but in common with most she did not think there was any people we have discredited them. Quite re­ point at which they could enter. My cently, however, a number of prominent ami eldest daughter, a great wit, said: well-known men have come out voluntarily ‘■I've heard that, if politely invited to and stated over their signatures that they do so in writing, rats will leave any wore completely cured by the use of Warner’s house, and go to any other to which Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Most people they may be directed, and I will tell have been aware that this medicine has an ours that at your house they will find unusual standing an i one entitling it to be spacious quarters ami an excellent classed above proprietary articles generally; commissariat.’’ but that it had accomplished so much in check­ At the moment, before us all, she ing the ravages of kidney disease is not so wrote a most grandiloquent letter to generally known. Its great worth has been the large family of rats that had so- shown not only by the cures it has effected, long favored 11s with their presence, but also because a number of base imitations pointing out to them that at No. G5 have appeared in the market, fraudulently Pearl street was a large, tine house claiming the valuable qualities of the original which had never been favored with Safe Cure. If it were not valuable, it would the residence of any of their family, not be imitated. where they would find ample quar­ The above may seem like an ultra endorse­ ters and a fat larder. When finished, ment of a popular remedy but it is not one slit* read the missive to the company, whit stronger than the facts admit. Whatever and we had a great laugh over it. assists the world toward health and consequent As an old superstition, she then put happiness, should receive the hearty endorse* lard upon it and carried it into the ment of the press and all friends of humanity. attic, where it would probably lie It is on precisely this principle that the fore­ Unscru- found by those to whom it was di­ going statement is made and it merits the PUIOU! parties rected. A few days after, the careful consideration of every thinking reader. get:- A mo lister lioness, belonging to J. i R Doris’s Inter Ocean circus created fes^the sensation of the year in tho win lg.,,«r qLrters of the show in l’rnnk- •¡ble 'ord. Peter -Marvin, an animal id jrainer, was frightfully injured by intj.he ewagisl beast, and an African i jMt Jauw bok, one of the pair Mi'. Doris >aid »1,01)0 for, died of fright during tin ■ he pandemonium. Numerous addi ej'in ions have been lately made to the lenagei ■> of the Inter-Ocean show, ^In'nd the animals occupy several laDg uildittgs on Harrison street. The hjl ropical animals are kept in a room bet « themselves. This apartment is 50 , >et square, and three of the walls tlii-l’ masked in by heavy, oak and iron tile Igoe, i There aro three tiers of these 3 ca inssive dens,’ and behind the bars of cuuinih are from one to three specimens mot J rare wild animals. The lion, > tin gers, leopards, panthers and by esinlas are imprisoned in the lower trit >ns, while the smaller animals and ipical birds occupy tho upper tiers. ’ not« the center of the room is an ini botnLsnse stove, which is kept red hot ch s-ght and day. i a A tame pelican, a flamingo, three icers sated cockatoos. half a dozen lose ¿nkeys, :uul a family of jierforming as gs forn.ed a drowsy circle around itivein glowing stove yesterday after r sigtbn. A row of elephants along the of a:v(t wall stood upto their knees in for ■ igrant hay, and in stalls near by neit: re a «core of other herbivorous an- lick, als Krom South Africa. High young lady was at our house again, lnaaove tli<> tiers of cages aro and burst into a laugh, exclaiming: There are many people whose : with» sleeping bunks of the at "Our house is overrun with rats!” whole wisdom consists in hiding >ta idants of the animals. The That recalled to us the fact that we their want of it. —----- pki sen lions in the collection are as had heard none in our walls. My Figures are not always facts,” but the as a b speci mens as have ever been seen daughter went to the attic and the incontrovertible facts concerning Kidney-Wort t of captivity, and they form one of tlie letter was gone. While we were are better than most figures. For instance: mtsast notable features of the Inter talking and laughing over the curious “It is curing everybody” writes a druggist. “Kidnev-Wort is the most popular medicine nientjan menagerie. Juno, the largest affair a friend came in, and, hearing we sell. ’ It snould be by right, for no other befonees of the lot, is five years old. the talk, said that two evenings before medicine has such specific action on the liver, n. i til last summer she was regarded in the bright moonlight, he saw sev­ bowels ami kidneys. Do not fail to try it. * <♦*« ident one of the best dispositioned eral rats running down Congress Carpets »»nd furniture 20 per cent, cheaper andwMB of her species. In June, 1882, street, which was the straight road to at H. Shellhaas’,llth St., Oakland. t liinlither ||ioness| in the menagerie be Pear! street. We have never been AN HONEST POUND. eckiie the motherof three cubs. Juno, troubled with them since, but I have Idel J occupied an adjoining cage dur not hoard how it has been with the “ STAR’’ is the only first-class Tobacco ande the travels of the Inter Ocean house to which our beneficiaries were that is always put up in 16 ozs. to the pound plug. Consumers who buy Tobacco by the >st l W, became greatly interested in directed.—[Congregationalist. plug, will save 2 ozs. on each plug by purchas­ of cubs, anil was in the habit of ing STAR. For proof of this, weigh your Tell( ehing them for hours at a time, L atf . H ou eh .—It is a mistake to Tobacco. Tin Stars on each plug. ire Lt fall the mother of the cubs died, is all they were raistal by hand. Juno’s both rise early and late take rest. Eveybody that has tried Ammen’s Cough continue» its use; besides, they tell their of rest in the leonine babies in The rising early is good as a habit of Syrup neighbors of it. We were in a drug store the r’s b iseu after the death of their mother life, if it does not mean robbing na­ other day when a customer asked for a bottle Ammen’s Cough Syrup, saying, ” I do not icy t finally Hhe became so zealous ture of her opportunity to recruit the of know anything about it myself, but my neigh It p when any one approached the exhausted strength of brain and bor advised me to buy it for my cold, anil tells the use of three bottles has entirely cured pays«she would become furious with body by prolonging sleep when that me cough of two years’ standing; in fact., he necessary luxury is at length enjoyed. his says, It is the best medicine in the world for .ema:3. coughs, colds and lung complaints,’ and that a j. pi the animal house Juno occupies There would appear, says the Lancet, one dollar bottle did nim more good than all the igo in the lower tier against the to be some need of remonstrance on the prescriptions he had from the doctors. this score. The fashion of the day e na* wall The cubs, which now Brain worry is infinitely more de­ n<. ,4i about fifteen pounds each, a»e favors early rising and the manly 1 Eijcd in the lower tier at the east “tub,” but those who rise early have, structive than simple brain labor. prac3 This enables Juno to have an for the most part, sat up prodigiously moat brilliant Hhades possible, on all me ructed view of their cage. Just late, and the “tub” is chiefly appre­ fabrics The are made by the Diamond Dyes. Un­ c.ii.,.n dark on Monday evening Mr. ciated because it rouses the system equalled for brilliancy and durability. 10 cts. hav »in was feeding the animals. He and makes it feel—and feelings are F bancirco , May 1st, 1882- remit“ the cubs their share of liver, very deceptive strong and vigorous. Dear Sir - For S an the past two months 1 have all .then paused a moment to fondle This is burning the candle at both been suffering from a severe cough and cold- friend advised me to use Ammen’s Cough lawk This put Juno in a frightful ends. If we must sit up half the A Syrup- 1 did so, and was greatly benefit d. jonpl Mars in turned to quiet her, night, it would be better to sleep half I have now taken two large bottles, ami am en­ tirely cured. Grateful to you for placing so the day than to rise betimes and go et tL'Bs he advanced toward the cage valuable a remedy on the market, I am Yours truly. M. J. MURPHY (¡eat llitnbled and fell against the bars, in for arduous labor after insufficient With Langley and Michaels. Wholesale Drug ipon« inst.iiit she seized his right arm rest. gists. , , non re the elbow. In order to pro Among the queries proposed at an Furniture at reasonable prices at II. Snell- 'arlki® bead and laxly the man fell, paj with his left hand grnsped the agricultural society was, "How can a haas’, 11th St., Oakland. an*n of the cage. J uno held his farmer keep his cattle from breaking C hico , C al .. January 16th, 1882. I receive high recommendations from pur 0 (]gi arm with one paw and struck down his fences?” and the most chasers of Ammon’s Cough Syrup. Sale« in It. > ugh the bars at his head with the dirct and succinct reply in the answer creasing. Shall shortly hav< to order more from my wholesale druggist. th* A lad named Donahue grabbed box was, “Leave the gates open.” J. M. FRANK EITEL, Druggist. the b«ir and tried to make Juno A hRMCIOTN IlreakfaHt or Supper Dish ma > Man i The boy’s efforts only STARTLING STATISTICS. SPICED PILCHARDS. ¿ th*1 raK'' the beast By The Shadow Hanging Over New York City SOUSED For sale at all Grocer» and Wholesale of the Joi time every animal in the place and the Entire Country A Tribune Opinion. Red Cross Packing Co.. San Francisco. 70 wildly excited, and their roars A NOTED IJUT UNTITLED WOMAN. nation has been horrified at the burning 5 chcriesl were heard squares away. <»f The a Milwaukee hotel, whereby over Neventy [From the Boston Globe.] .■ -incren- the dill the animals of lives were lost. T’his event carried terror _ ien’s circus in at: adjoining because it was sudden and appalling; but hail ling [added their voices to the the same disastrous results t- life ami limb silently they would have been unnoticed, ' l'r,Si bonahue ran out. of the come not only by the people of the lain! but also by an( ling shouting for help. the very community in which they occurred. then is a small army of work Fatal events of a far worse nature have taken about the place, the lion house place in this very city, but they have attracted attention, nor would they now did not the , soonjsurroundetl with men. In no Bureau of Vital Statistics bring them to our mean time Juno had torn the notice. “ Figures do not lie,” whatever else y from Marvin’s arm. struck him may lie uncertain and the rejiort on the deaths this city is a startling comment on its life. •al wi< ked blows on the shoulder, of During the past year the enormous increas«* of hen fallowed him to drop to the certain maladies is simply appalling. While and crawl away. Just as the the total number of deaths has «liminished ., lerttllpached the doors they heard and the death rate on most diseases has de­ still it is far greater in one or two Mrasrs. Editor» md Of crashing timbers, accom creased The above Is a good likonerai of Mrs. Lydia F.. Pink­ disorders than was ever known before. •d by a series of blood freezing serious More j>eople died in the city of New York in ham, of I.ynn, Mans., who above all other human beings may be truthfully called the “Dear Friend of Woman,” u'wl 'V1'1' ’ (krown her bodv 1882 from Bright's disease of the kidneys, than some of her correspondents love to call her. She ist th' bars and broken through, from diphtheria, small-|M»x and typhoid fever I as combined! This scarcely seems j»ossible is zealously devoted to her work, which is the outcome of night made the in all of a life study, and is obliged to keep six lady but it is true and when it is remembered that building dark, and no less than one-third the actual deaths from aM-wtont.«. to help her answer the large correspondence daily pours in upon her, each I waring its special ".¿^Hto venture in. They heard Bright's disease are really re[>orted as such, which of suffering, or joy at release from it. Her the ravages of the malady can be partially burden > chitrging around the place and underst« Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and not hm I. evil purpoM-s. I have personally investigated it and hesitated. They supposed that The immediate auery which every reader of tho truth of this. in. was dead. He. however. will make upon such a revelation of facts, is: am On satfefied account of its proven merits. It Is recommended reach the rack in which What causes this increase? This is a difficult and prescribe«! by the brut physicians in the country. question to answer. The nature of the clim­ One says t “ It works like a charm and saves much 35liavy iron bars used to clean the ate, habits of life, the adulteration of pain. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling ■ i| are Sept, and snatching one, foods the ami liquors, all undoubtedly contribute; the uterus, Leucorrhcea, irregular and painful ’ a lvanetsl on Juno, who but no immediate cause can Is? certainly of Menstruation.all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and in the corner. All this assigned. Often before the victim knows it Ulceration, Flooding*, all Displacements and the con­ disease has liegun. Its approaches are so sequent spinal weakness, and L» especially adapted to animals were making the stealthy and its symptoms so obscure that of Life.’* 10 DOfWr’b4itful noise. Above the they cannot l»e definitely foreseen and are the It Change permeates every portion of the system, and gives T* he m< 1 at the doors, to their as only known by their effects. Any kidney now life and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, Kt. heard Marvin ordering disorder, however slight, is the first stage of destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak­ Bright’s disease. But it is seldom that kidney ness of the stomach. It cun-s Bloating. Headaches, Bs back to her cage. This disorders can be detected. They do not have Nervous Proatration, General Debility. Hb-eplessness, | them, and they started to | any certain symptoms. Mysterious weariness; Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of lx-aring tho darkar he. is always js-rmanently cured l>y its u«c. It will at all times, and r Marvin’s head and took occasional nausea; uncertain pains; loss of under all ci mi instance >, act in harmony with the law vigor; lack of nerve power; irregularity of the stall near the blauw boks. heart; disordered duly habits; imperfect di­ that governs the fenial*- system. It costs only fl. per bottle or rix f'-r and is sold by outed to close the doors, gestion all these and many other symptoms “t5. Any advice required os to aj»-« iAl cases, and wing the now partially are the indications of kidney < I inorder even druggi of many who have been reytored to perfect there may be no pain in the region of the name« ess. struck her twice witli though by the use of the Vei-«-tal le < omjiour.d, can lie kidneys or in that isirtion of the bwlv. health obtained by add rewing Mrs. P., with «tamp for reply, r. Then he poked her out. the Th»» serious nature of those troubles may lie her home in Lynn, Mass. n angry roar she vaulted I unelle«l to find *-me Biliousness Purifier works wosvier» in its special line and bids fair Marvin’s injuries were remedy, or acknowledge one already found. to equal the Cbanpoand in it- j*.pularity. suffering i»ublic needs help and cannot All must respect her as an Angel of Men y whose »,ie > by a physician, who says The await the tardy action of any hair-splitting is to do good to other* lose the use of bis arm. I code or incorrectly formnlate«l theonen. If I aB>bltl<-n Mra. A. M. D PhiladelpLia. Pa. tf» CHEAPEST BOOK IN.THE WORLD, The New American Dictionary Price era! ka^wludge, m vali aa U, Seat DI«U«sary la Iha waild. flu clulh sud gilt. No pocket allUlr, Talamo I» mUlu fui wor< is Ua Eatfiuh language, with la ferae tnaanlaa ___ ¿¡J«®/ X",«blo book Uuv». * Ilo... W. ¿V. SU?,; ,’X» finlah, or eonteu’.«.*’ Tnu A lvocatb . “Warth tea Urna« thè mooof “ Ttu- bunk and F àkmkb . A perfect dictionary aad llhranr oi ruiereaaa.’^ L ksmm I lluhtuateo N lwj . V o L uvo frequant catsalas to use tho Naw Amarla«* Dictionary In our uileo end regard it well worth the vriae fi "»'—1)« U ni «»» Will. Ih. S.. Am.rlcu Dlcu.J l. ÙZub“VT much moro «»pentivo works can bo alaaanaed with, aad Ltaaraaea of bio aoun- IX?, ? SS Notojtho prico, $ |, postpaid ; 2 copio# tbr SI ,75a Extraordinary Offer. ___ _____ we will send fukk m a premium the American Waterbary Stem Vladina WahA Fora Club •( | 5 wo will send frea a Solid Silver Hunting Caao Wateo. hor a C|u b of 30 ^nd free, a La«ly*a Solid Gold Banting OeM Waloh. Font Club ef50 wo will «end fra«», Sente’ Solid «old Hsn&ngeaae Watch. Rend a Bollar at enee for a «ample copy. You eaa eaotly «oours M0 «< tlMM Watchoa in a day ar twe or durlug yaur leisure time evealaga. Aa to our rellabUlty, we can roler io the pnblUhsss of thia papaa, the aaflto mereiai aaenoie« er auyexpreaa (Jo., lathlsolty.« Addreao x. . — ftOlLLDilJ^CflCTUHLYt} CO. ¿treat Jietr inerii» THIS SPLENDID SOLID GOLD, HUNTING CASE WATCH FREE! £ to any porson who will «end us an ordor for. NEW AMERICAN DICTIONARIES At One Dollar Each» Any peraon can reatiily secure thirty subscriben in one or two hours, or in a single evening. If you want a good Solid Cold Watch »nd want to get it without money you can easily do »<> s. n.i $ i oo < >ru~invlvc. l'J'.1 N smhiiii Street, New York. MANUFACTURING CO. November 21st, 1882. I'imi fuciliseli #»3O for 30 New American Dictionaries and the l.adles* Solid Gold Match. 1 secured Thirty Subscribers in one «lay, and have several more promised. Fveryone likes the Dictionary and all I have seen have subscrlbtui. [HuNDiiiiDs of T estimonials like the above .) Miss LAURA COIL, Annapolis, Mo. »0 Office of the Auditor of the Treasury, Post Office Department, I Washington, D. C., Jan. 29, 1883. i \\ orl«l Manufacturing Co.: -^he New American Dictionary ordered Jan. IB, at hand. I obtained fourteen subscribers in about as many minutes last Saturday, ami tin«l the PowtOffii e Depart- in«nt is a good field to work in. The book provesto be Just the thing for Office use. I have many mori* promised, and wì II nvim I anoth«*r large orl ABIIIS <1 KF,. Invalids, broken (down in heal’ h and spirits by chronie dyspepsia or suffer­ ing from the terri­ ble exhaustion that follows the attacks of acute disease, the testimony of t h o uh a n d h who have been raised as by a miracle from g^a similar state of gproatratio n by 7 Hostetter’s 8t«>ma 1 ach Bitters is a hu re guarantee that by the same means you. too, may be strengthened and restored. For sale by nil I) r u gg i h ts and Dealers generally. ENGLAND BAKING I It Is a SURE CURE for all DISEASES of the LIVER. | NEW It hafi specific notion on this most important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and in­ action, stimulating the hoalthy secretion of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free condi­ tion, effecting its regular discharge. UM I M 3 o If you arc suffering from ■Wi Ci ■ Cl I I d ■ malaria, have the chills, aro bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney- Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. In the Spring, to cleanse tho System, every one should take a thorough course of it | nrling For complaints peculiar to LaClvll your sex, nuchas pain and weaknesses, KIDNEY-WORT is unsurpassed, as it will act promptly and safely. Either Sox. Incontinence, retention of urine, brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dragging pains, all speedily yield to its curativo power. t Vlt Acts at the same time on tho KIDNEYS, UVERAND BOWELS../: 1 For Constipation, Piles, or Rheumatism it is a permanent cure. SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price SI. (*) I POWDER NO ALUM FLOUR STARCH AMMONIA PHOSPHATES _____________ TARTARIC ACID C ream T artar and Bi C arb S oda NOTHING ELSE. Won Bros J Co. (FCC1 Wee*‘ 1” y»ur own town. Turins and 85 outfit uJUUfroe Addies« fl If A 1.1. kt & Co. Portland, Main» I KIDNEY-WORT; CAROLINA A h I s . For TOLU TONIC, Ammen’s Cough Syrup. IT WILL CURE YOUR COLD. A Preparation of Balsam of Tolu. Rock Candy Magnesia and other Medicináis, the basis being the In Bottles at I 5 cts., BO cts. and • I. It I h clmaiMist to buy thu large size. PUREST RICE -------- AND------- RYE WHISKIES. AN IMMEDIATE ANS PERMA­ NENT CURE for COUGHS, COLDS, A CURE FOR MALARIA, COUCHS, COLDS AND ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CROUP, IN­ ALL LUNC DISEASES. FLUENZA, CATARRH, LOSS OF For sale by all llrimuists and VOICE, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, (Grocers. and all Disoasoo of tho Throat and. intoi.iyi roi l tiimi i . i . ii .- ofti„. fluent lieverages known and can he sol«l Lungs. Ask for the California Pul­ monary Balsam, and tako no other. Without Obtaining A Liquor License. LWSOLD BY ALL DHUGGIHT8. _4E| IIEXRY KIM’HOFF A CO. HOLE I’HOI’KJETOKH. .1. IL GATES A Co., -- I’rop’rs. NewYork & Charleston, 8. C. 417 Sanaome St.. S. F.. Oal. T. A. R obinson . John T. Cutting & Co. San Francisco., Pacific Coast Agents. R. HERRING, •—M anufacturer of — F Mantels, ine furniture House, Bank Life Scholarships, $70 rW-HENI) FOR CIRCULAR. -Al - AND c, j ^*CURCS AND Office Fittings, ™ IN PACIFIC COAST WOODS A SPEC!/ TT 420 and 431 FOURTH ST , ( 'OHNKKOF 81LVKH. - - - HAM HUNCIHMl ^7/ *«S, DESIGNS y. «ioni ity eniployinem 8 iH.nelsf.r k.iHh ’.«»r ulio require a Rerve, apur er «»r sttniclant. >i«ritnritan .\rn IIte I - InVultribie ■I.......... i >. n .et w otxk rf u) tn vigorantthateversnstaln« diheamkinirays’et sa.e t.y aJI Druggists Hf> l-lt A F-1< H .MOND MbJtlCAL CV- Mol* Pn«f*ri lom. Kt. J N ervio I FURNISHED. "Ä pi ADD 0 lIHRUv i l « ORUN ».r.hi.U., First «enea. M ®7fiA WEEK. ^12 h day nt honif* l azily iiiim I h C'ostly u> i Zonttitf Aorting Articles on the Á. Pacific ('oast. Breach-Loading r ’ > and Muzzle-loading Double and Single Guns from the iwst makers, Ibunington S|s»rting Rifles Ballard. Sharps and Win- ehester R ì H» ìh ; also the largest and most com­ plete assortment of Sorting and Gunmakers’ material in the United States. Send for il­ lustrated Catalogue. LIDDLE A KAEDING. 538 Washington Street, San Francisco.