Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1872-1883, April 12, 1883, Image 5

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    Newspaper Decisions.
Rl. Any person who takes a paper regular­
ly from a |M»at-office, whether directed in
his name or another's, or whether lie sub
Mr 1 bed or not, is responsible for payment,
ifi. If a person orders his paper discontin
trad he must pay arrears, or the ¡»ubliaher
MUiy continue to send it until payment is
•uaJf, and then collect the whole amount,
whether the paper is taken from the office or
8. The courts Lave decided that refusing
to take newBpaiters or p-riodiculs from the
post-office, or removing and leaving them in
the office, is prim a facie evidence of inten
tion.il fraud.
4. The Postmaster-General has decided
that; postmasters who fail to notify publish
era when subscribers remove, or fail to take
their papers from the (tostotiice, shall be re­
sponsible for their subscription.
M ra. Addie Harrison, Amity—Millinery.
L . T. Barin — Final Proof notices of Wm.
11 bodes and Allert Houston.
Springer Bros.—Pure blooded Jersey Bull
J. P. Howe—Kentucky Jubilee Singers.
City of McMinnville -Ordinances N »-;. 11
and 12.
J . M. Graham—Treasurer's notice.
09 tt f* JJL’/r-.f.FJf O.
Greens are rip?.
Read the “ Parody."
Call and see our new dress.
Subscribe for the R eporter .
The “ Hooks" met last week.
A new supply of goods at Bangasser's.
Advertise your business in the R eporter .
Go and hear the “Arion«" Saturday even
The town was unusually lively last Satur
Kentucky Jubilee Singers, Monday even
Did you ever sue a kite 10x18,800 yards
h igh
Engine and Hose companies met last
Fui nitnae and Undertaking al Corker’s at
Hodson's is a good place to buy agriuultu
ral implements.
Don't drink milk from a blind cow, it pro­
duces blindness.
McMinnville Fire Department has about
fifty active members.
Mr. J. M. Belch n*. of Lafayette, paid us a
call on Thursday last.
Mr. J. O. R »gur . of Moore’s Valley, came
aroun I to see us Mo iday.
Charley Har/oy is the lad to propel the
big mauhina for us.
Dr. Michael Murphy was sentenced to one
year in the penitentiary.
SNYDER, THE PRINTER, is rushed late
and early with job work.
Prof. Hill, of the Dayton publio school,
was in town last Saturday.
Mrs. Geesy left our place on last Thursday
for east of the mountains.
Have you taken a peep in at the fine work
being done by Mr. Gruber ?
Batigasser's store has been brightened by
a coat of paint on the ceiling.
Al StClair. who went eait aaveral weeks
ago, returned one day last week.
Mr. W. T. Newby has disposed of his ware­
house to a Mr. Wells of Corvallis.
“ Arions" concert next Saturday evening at
Mohawk Hall. Admission, 25 cents.
Mr. W. J. Sargent, of Bellevue, was in
town on Monday, and paid us a visit.
Mrs. T. W. Spencer, left on last Thursday,
to join her husband at Port Townsend.
Miss Lovina Henry, of Lafayette, is visit­
ing her sister. Mrs A. B, Baker, in this city.
HlRh winds, heavy rains, some sleet and
conaidi ruble •‘blustering" during the week.
Go and hear little Ella and Dessio Whit­
ney, at Mohawk Hall next Saturday evening.
Thanks to our agents throughout the coun­
ty for the numerous subscribers sent us late­
The Yankee Bazaar. Harry Robertson pro­
prietor, has been moved into Symon's build
Mr. W. R. Dercy, one of the good farmers
from near Lafayette, was in town on Sat
McMinnville can boast a of homelier set
of old v. ¡dowers than any other town in the
“ Bull butter” has about disappeared from
the market but there is plenty of bull beet
Mr. E. M. Jewell, advance Agent for the
Kentucky Jubilee Singers, came in to sou us
Ran., ember that Corker, at Lafayette, has
the best assortment of hardware this side of
portlet! I.
Mr. J J, Shipley and family h ive moved to
town, occupying <mi> of Galloway A Provost*:-
new houses.
Wyndham has l>een fixing up his shop of
late, which causes it to assume a very neat
Appear i ice.
MoMinnvillo only has five saloons, with
the prospects of another, arn.1 a brewery in
the out skirts.
The Social Dauee Club meets at Grant’«-
Hall, this—Thursday—evening. None ad
mitted without an invitation.
if jro'i want Hardware. Stoves or tinware
«heap. yo 436 Manning at his new quarters
at th* Rob Todd purper.
Mr. Conser is conductor and Vint Snelling
baggage master on the express Uulu between
this place and Portland.
E. W Wallace and Louis Rogers left us
Moqdax for a trip on the Sound. We wish
(hem a pleasant journey.
Aino other place outside of Forth-ii«l can
the farmers l»e supplied s > readil) and cht ap-
ly as at Corkers, at Lafayette.
The. will be services at the Presbyterian
ijhoteh next Saturday afternoon and tven-
ing. an>1 on Sunday at the usual hours.
The \ghcrofta are holding a series of revi­
val inc tmg, assisted by Rev. Jones and At-
at the Methodist Church in thi.
Fann era
remember that they can
get am kind, class or quality of plows oj
ottwy fanu implements from Corker, at La-
m M i
nderstand that a private school will
ted at the nubile school house, on
y next by Mi.wa Sc*is Loughary and
qcker and family took their depart
terday for Puget Sound, and will l>o
reral days. Don’t tarry too long D hj .
I you.
E. Magers, agent for Seymour. 8a-
’>in BC’1-* agricultural implement of Port-
- in town m< st of lust week in the
Mw if H that u firm.
Smith. J. M
tad I, <
I • nips hi . of Fr iternitj
J . <>
■■bar da y
M r. John Gault has completed his resi­
dence on ihe old college square.
Billy Spears blankets and exercises those
two old •’crow baitb " as if they were of the
finest importation« in the «hai>u of horse
flesh in the neighborhood.
Some wiseacre has figured out that a
bushel of wheat contains 128 cubic feet, if
that be the case, our farmers will have to
strike for higher prices.
J. S. McCain. of th« Dallas “Itemize!*"
passed through town on 'Thursday last, and
stopped for a few moment’s chat. Hu re­
ports things “ booming ” up in Polk.
If you want a reliable Piano or Organ, go
to L. Shube and you can get it. He has just
ordered u lot of small instruments of tin-
very best quality.
On 'Tuesday of last week Mr. Wm. Baker,
working in the “ Eagle Lumbering Mills.’
had the end of one of his fingers clipped oil
by coming in contact with a saw, in motion.
I believe I can sell Hardware. Stoves and
Tinware cheaper than anyone outside of
Portland, on the West Side. Give me a trial
and be convinced.
S. A. M annino .
Just ns we are going to press we are in­
formed that the ('ommittees from the vari­
ous Odd Fellows’ Lodges in this county will
meet in Lafayette next Saturday to arrange
tor the celebration on the 26th inst.
We have a hen egg nt this office that is of
" eggs-traordinary" size measuring 6’4X8
inches in circumference.
The egg was
brought in by Mr. Levi Brock and is indeed
a large one. and entitles us to “crow" a little
over “ another big thing for Yamhill."
Drs. Littlefield and Galbreath were in town
and came around to see us and ordered a lot
of job work, on Thursday last. Dr. L. has
iust returned from his trip to Illinois, reports
it “ as cold as the d-----1 " but is looking
well, and is in the best of spirits.
'The whistle at the steam mill “ got on its
ear" last Saturday itmrning, and its contin­
ual dull shrieks for the space of an hour
called many to that qnarfer, thinking j>er-
haps there was a fire. 'The machine was
“ doctored" and it quieted down.
Legal blanks of every description, posters
of any size, circulars, letter and bill heads,
statements, culling cards, business cards,
in fact anything that can be done in a print
ing establishment, SNYDER, THE PRINT
ER can execute to perfection.
Jos. Montgomery, our mail carrier between
this place and Grand Ronde has had a hack
made that he willl put on the route, and as il
is a vehicle made for easy riding the trip up
or down will be a pleasant one by this route.
He will be ready to carry passengers in a few
Two weeks ago we spoke in a joculal man
ner about Mr. Robert King’s taking a horse­
back ride, not thinking that he had been in­
jured. But we were mistaken, as Mr. King
received iujuries that have kept him confin
“«I to his bed most, of the time since, and
give p-omise of be n j of u serious nature.
Delegates from the various lodges of the
1. O. O. Fellows t hroughout the county, met
•it Lafayette last Saturday, and decided on
holding their next, celebration at North
Yamhill, April 26th. 'The programme will
consist of an oration, short speeches, music,
both vocal ami instrumental, etc. A good
time as usual will be the result.
The Headquarters for fine Fishing Tackle,
this season, will be at Turner's Citv Drug
store. Everything needful in the gentle art,
from the small boy's ringed hook and tow
line to the expert angler's outfit of Rod, reel,
silk lines and assortment of fine flies.
If vou want the best Force and Tjift Pump
in the world, buy .‘^Buckeye, of Manning.—
If yon want reference ask Judge Cowles, L.
Root, G. W. Snyder, Henderson A. Logan.
W. J. Garrison, Levi Brock, Henry Strain,
Mark Sawyer. I ncle Billv Mason. J. C. Bra
ly or James Fletcher, and if their word isn't
good, I will give you|a new list next week.
S, A. M annino .
On Wednesday evening of last, week a little
daughter of Mr. J. F. Pence, stopping with
her grandmother. Mrs. Robertson, in town
was playing about th© house, when suddenly
she rushed to Mrs. R., exclaimed “ grandma
I'm hungry," and dropped to the floor,In­
sensible. She was carried out into the air.
water was thrown into her face and con
sc.iousness restored to the little one. It is
supposed that she must have got a small
particle of bone in her throat and was choked
by it.
Mr. Joseph Watt, of Amity, informs us
that he interviewed Superintendent Muir re­
cently and that that gentleman assured him
that on the completion of the Northern Pa­
cific railroad some time the present season,
old pioneers would be transported across the
continent at the most reasonable figures—
thus giving them an opportunity of visiting
their old homes in thu “ States" at small out­
One of the Ixiys drove Henderson A Logan
Bros, span of coïts, attached to the buck
board, into the lower stable, unhitched the
horses and started to lead them away, when
some part of one harness caught 011 a sin
gletruv. This frightened the colt and he
bucked , and he “ bqoked’’the end of the
longue of that ” board ’ up ugainst a post
and broke and twisted it into more shapes
than a mechanic could have done in a day's
work. Nobody injured and damage slight.
A communication from Sheridan is omit­
ted for several reasons. (hie of the reasons
is, our limited space will not admit it at this
lime. Another reason is, although the com-
amnie.ition contains s«-vc! ;| merit->noii-
points and suggestions, it seems to have
been written more in a spirit of malice than
for what it was probably intended—that, of
doing good—and we opine that when oui
friend considers the hard fueling the article
would have created among neighbors, he
will thank us for omitting it.
In the Court Pr<xie©diiigs last week it was
stated that 11;e c.ises of Gus Anderson vs
the Town of Sheridan and K. S. James vs
the Town of Amity were settled and dismiss
si, which was an error. Judge Boise re­
versed the decision of the Reco’ders and
further decided that the towns had the au
thority to pass ordinances but had uo mode
of procedure laid down nor any ¡xiwer under
their charter to lay down a mode of proced
are ; hence no power to enforce nn ordin
1 nee after it was passed.
Toachors* Institute.
[ It was our understanding that the pro­
ceedings of the Teachers' Institute for the
Third Judicial District, comprising the coun­
ties of Yamhill, Polk, Benton, Linn and Ma­
rion, were to have been furnished the various
papers in the district for publication. But
as we seem to have lieen mistaken, we copy
the following condensed report from the Sa­
lem “Talk," even though it is a little late :]
The Institute convened at Independence,
March 27th. The whole numlier of teachers
present during 1 lie entire session, was one
hundred and nine; nearly all of them are
actively engaged in the common cause of
popular education.
Among this number
were six county superintendents, two college
presidents, five college professors and tw«>
eminent divines—just enough to bring up in
sharp contest tlie relations existing between
colleges and our public schools. From Salem
we n<)tic.ed President Van Scov, State Super­
intendent E. B. McElroy, Professors lane,
Elworthy. Sellwood and five other teachers
of marked ability.
On the first evening J. R. Sweet delivered
the welcome address ; J. B. Horner, the re­
sponse. H011. A. Johns and President Van
Suoy treated the audience to a literary feast.
On Wednesday morning Superintendent
McElroy delivered a rousing speech, urging
the teachers and citizens to avail themselves
of this opfiortunity of making an entire suc­
cess of the great work before them. During
the day the interest gradually increased.—
Every teacher acquitted himself with honor,
and deserves especial mention, but our limit­
ed space at this time forbids. Professors
Lane. Gregg, Moses. Reigler, Hartson, Sell-
wo.»d, Elworthy and others won epaulets;
and as the attention of some of the other
heavy artillery was attracted the literary
contest began in earnest.
The following officers were duly elected ;
Pres., E. B. McElroy; Vice-Pres., Supt. Frank
Reigler; Recording Secretaries, W. E. Rich
ardson of Polk county and Miss Lulu Bur­
nett. -of Polk county ; Enrolling Secretaries,
D. W. Jarvis and Miss Kate Jackson ; Re­
porting Secretary, J. B. Horner of Linn coun­
ty ; Certificate Secretary. H. W. Herron, of
Polk county ; Committee 011 introduction—
D. W. Jarvis, W. E. Richardson and Mrs. D.
II. Hartson.
O11 'Thursday considerable cross firing was
done by Professors Moses, Yates. Herron and
others. An abundance of solid work was
done during the day ; and in the evening Rev.
J. A. Gray, of Portland, delivered a very el­
oquent lecture. The young people of Inde­
pendence deserve great credit for the cales-
lbelli© exercises presented at this time.
On Friday, the Hall was crowded to over­
flowing. President H. E. Anderson, of Mc­
Minnville. Prof« ssor Joseph Emery, of State
Agricultural College, Dr. Bell and others af­
forded such efforts as in their peculiar
spheres are seldom equaled.
T illamook I tems .
In a communication from Tillamook to
the " News" under date of April 2d, gives
the following items of interest:
Mr. George Miller died at his residence on
Hcquarton Prairie, Saturday. March 31. He
was buried yesterday at 2 o'clock. Mr. Mil­
ler was an «»Id pioneer, and deserves more
than a passing notice.
The recent rains have raised the mountain,
streams, and Trask River is now a foaming
The mail was delayed and eventually taken
back to North Yamhill on Wednesday. Mr.
Henry Olds took the mail out Thursday.
Trask River is crossed by means of a rope,
and the carrier has to depend entirely on a
good grip and a "stiff upper lip "to save
himself from thu dark waters beneath.
The weather is still rather damp but tliu
grass is growing and the rains are not cold
enough to chill the cattle.
The schooner Alpha has dropped down to
the mouth of the bay intending to cross out
at the first opportunity.
Gapt. Ed. Starr lias been quite sick with
the prevailing epizootic,
Susie Quick, a daughter of Isaac Quick,
died nt Nestuoca of consumption recently
T he C olored T rooim .
In speaking of the Kentucky Jubilee Sing­
ers, who are advertised to appear at Mohawk
Hall in this city on the 16th inst. the Seattle
“ Herald" says : A11 immense jam occurred
at Yesler's Hall last night 011 the occasion of
the first appearance of the Kentucky Jubilee
Singers in this city. Every available inch of
the hall was occupied, ami hundreds were re­
fused admission. Jt was an ovation that
Manager Howe can well feel proud of, and
also feel conscious that he gave value for the
money received. Every member of the
troupe is a star in their particular line of bu
siness and that their northern circuit will he
a series of successt's, we doubt not. We ad
vise those who desire to enjoy themselves to
attend this evening, and would suggest that
the trouble extend their performance at least
one more night, as it is so seldom the people
are permitted to attend a first class minstrel
• B lood W ill I’ ell ."
The black mare Cleora has been purchas
- d by William liockafeller, of the Standard
Oil Company, for fifteen thousand dollars.-
I11 the past season she achieved a feat with
«»nt parallel in the history of the trotting
race—reduce.^ her record from 2 :40 to 2 18 ‘4.
and a thmi peat at that. She is by Mene­
laus, her dam by Mninbrino. Hur sire was
also the sire of Hambletonian Mambrino
brought to this State by S. G. Reed, Esq.
-nd now owned by H«»n. Wm. Galloway, of
Yamhill c >untv. Cleora was bred by Mr
Morris, of Peoria Ill.—“ Weekly Oregonian."
'Thus it will be seen that our enterprising
stock raisers are securing the w.irld's most
note«] bloods. In a }x»slal card recently pub
lished by Mr. Galloway the printer errone­
ously put f’leora’s record at “ 3:1
where it
should have read 2. 18^. ’Thos<*of our read­
ers who may have read the card mentioned
will note this, correction,
D ied .
Near McMinnville, Oregon, April9th, 1883,
Frank Cowls, infant son of (’lark and Annie
Braly, aged 4 months and 15 days. Funeral
services were held at the residence of Hon.
J. W. Cowls, at 10 o'clock 'Tuesday moruing,
und thu remains of the little one were laid
to rust. Typhoid fever was the fatal nil
The Fine Stallions
G rand J ury ’ s R eport .
Indictments were found against Henry Ec-
oleston for nip»». Dr. Murphy for adultery.
Suwel Bates for bigamy and Jos. Daughert) will make the season vf 1SS3 at the following
b»r rape. Th» y report thu offices of the Sher times and places:
iff. <’lerk and Treasurer in good condition
and reflect due credit upon those officers tlu.VliitiiA ille, Honda) w Jt Tuesday»;
recommend the building of a vault in th»
Treasurer’s office, and the building of a higl -hutidan, Wednesday» & Tlauraday»;
Amity, Friday« and Naturda)«.
fence around the jail yard.—“Register."
Beginning April 1st and Ending July 1st.
Council Proceeding^.
Met at Council rooms 'Tuesday, April 10th.
We invite the public to examine our stock
Present—Mayor Warren : Councilman before breeding elsewhere.
'Tucker and Johnson ; Recorder Baker; Mar
shal Shuck.
2t f.
N«> quorum.
All business postponed until such time as
Council could make it convenient to assem­
"Hoss” Photographer & Biograpbiat,
IT gw and Elegant
The Fine Stallion,
S i -I khi I coiiiiiieiit'i-H llio HOtli of this
Will make the season commencing April 1st.
1883, at F. A. Fletcher’s larni, on Fridays, Sat-
urdays an«’ Sundays; Mon lays und Tuesdavs
at McCoy.
PEDIGREE:- Young Milton was sired by
Ohl Milton. a hull brother to Caledonia Chief,
the fastest trotting stallion in Cunada, and
is pronounced by competent judges, c»»uplcd
with public opinion, to be the best roa«l and
carriage stallion in Cauada. lie took the first
prize at the Provincial Exhibition held in
Hamilton, in 1872 ; first at Milton Spring
Show, in 1872-73-74; first at Branton in 1873;
second at Guelph Central Exhibition, in 1873;
tie took the first prize at Hamilton Central Fair
in 1873. also the first prize and diploma for best
horse ol any age or class. He was sired by
llow’s Royal George, dam by old Harkaway.tbe
im|»orted Irish blood horse. G. D, bv Fox Hun
ter; How’s Royal George bv Fields’ Royal
G««orge ; dam of JIow's Royal was tired by the
celebrated horse, Statesman ; Fields* Royal
B ki . i . evvk .
George «lain the celebrated Erin mure sired by
Erin, he by Sir Henry, 2,297 ; G. D. by Grand
“IIACKMETACK.” a lasting and fragran Turk, bred by Georg-' McKinley, Oakville, C.
perfume. Price 25 1 nd 50 cents. Sold by W W., owned by W. A. Fiilds A Co., of Buffalo,
N. Y. Fields’ Royal George was sired by old
Royal George, he by Black Warrior, he by im­
ported Tippo ; old lloyal George’s dam by Black­
wood, out of an English hunliug mare, import
ed by an officer of the first Royals, llow’s
Royal George trotted ,his mile in 2:35, under
five weeks’ training. Fields’ Royal Georg«'
M c M innville , April 12, 1883.
trotted Ji is mile on the Buffalo course in 2 :224
Wheat, per niianel.......................
] 03
and 2 :24.
Flour, per barrel.........................
fa«7 00
DESCRIPTION: Y oi ng M ilton is a blood
Oats, per bushel...........................
bay, seven yeurs old, sixteen bauds high,
Dried Apples, per n«»un«l............
1,300 pounds, has excellent style, and
Pliius, per |M»uml.....................
is a fine driver aud unusual goo«l worker.
Bran, per ton...............................
(oi 18 u?
TERM8 : Insurance, $10 ; season, $7 ; sin-
Ground Feed, per ton.................
(^«22 50
g< «‘rvicc, $5. All car© will be taken to pro­
Potatoes, per bushel
ven*. . 'dents, but no r«‘Sponsihility for such
Onions, iior pound. ..................
will l>e
Bacon Sides, per pouml...............
12(g) 13
A. E. C ai kins ,
Ham, per pound.........................
Shoulders, per fjoiiud.................
Lard, per |M»uml .........................
Butler, per pound...... ........
Eggs, p«.'- dozen........................
Hides, dry flint, per }>oiiud.......
(gj 15
II¡«les, green, per pouml....................
Dressed Hogs, per owt................
5 (¿6
Wool, per pound ........................
Tallow, |>er pound................................
Chickens—grown—i>er dozen... . 3 00@3 50
1'1:111k Kilby goes to Si'atth' to work.
M '-riiuoni:il sparks art- Hying lively
around Bellevue.
The Sunday School is increasing.—
The house was full last Sunday and
still there is room for more^
They are betting two to one that
John takes a dress-maker hack with
him. Stay here John then you won't
have to take her.
We learn that our friend \V. 11.
(¡raves is very sick with typhoid fever,
and his recovery is doubtful, also a
younger brother is alllicted with the
same disease.
It is rumored about that John Gant
has taken unto himself a wife and you
can have his riding mule—see?
For Lame Rack. Sale or Chest use Shiloh’s
Porous Plaster. Price 25 ceuts. Sold by W. B-
Protzman & DeFrance,
Ju9t Received
C'a// and See Specimens.
Saloon & Billiard Hall
Cha’s Hirsch, Pro.
[ dielschnkidek
h old stand .)
BKEK ô C’KNTa A «ffiÀSR.
W. T. 1.0(1 am ,
McMinnville & Dayton
Sale Stables,
(Stables at McMinnville situated on Thirt St. ;
that in Dayton on Ferry 8t.)
Henderson & Logan Bros,, Prop’s.
We are prepareil to furnish
St«<l<lle llor»e»,
and everything in the Livery hire iu good
sha|»c on shortest notice.
is kv»»t by these Stables and Funeral Turuoute
furnished at any time.
W-‘ HI-- prepared to offer h peci ft I induce-
menta to
C O M M E /i C / A L M K iV /
Trnnaient stock left with us will receive the
3rd Ä Alder it«., I'ortlnud, Oregon
best of care and attention.
WI LL YOU SUFFER with Dysp-'psia, and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh’s Vitaliser is guaran The Largest Boot and shoe A MONTHLY SETTLEMENT OF ALL BILLS
ced to cure you. Sold by W. B. Turner
House in Oregon,
will be re«|uired by us.
itive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria ami Canker Ocviipylnif lw<> Mort- Itooni-.
Mouth. Suhl by W. B. Turner.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by
that terrible c<»iii»h. Sh il«»h’s < 'tire is the rem
ody for vou. Sold by W- B. Turner
Provincial Prize Horse
I i Æ K I >5V
Is at Hand !
W Fl.
(Old “ NATION AL,” established 1866.)
128 Freni St., Bot. Washington and Aldor,
A. P. Armstrong,
•I • A. Wssco,
Will stand tlm ensuing wuison, commencing
April Nt and ending July 1st, 1883, al Me
Minnville Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays,
Wednesdays at Amity.
MILTON is a bright bav, foaled in 1868,
1654 hands high, ami is pronounced _ by coin-
potent jiiijges, coupled with public opinii.n, . to
!»e one of the best Road and Carriage Stallions.
I’oiniiiin otad Necy.
An institution designed for the practical busi
uosa e<locution of both sexes.
Agricult ral Implemts,
ri:i>K.Ri l, <
II«' wns sire«! by Row’s Royal i.»s»rge, «la n
i»y «»l«i Harltaway, the importa! Irish bloo«l
hor.-e. G. !>.. by Fox Hunter; How’s Royal
George by Fields’ Royal G«'«»rge ; «lain of How’s
Royal wa ,sir»‘«l by the c«*lehrated horse Slates-
iu«n . Fields’ Royal George d&m, the celebrat-
•«I Erin mar»-, sir«-«! bv Erin, he by Sir Henry,
2.297; (». D. by (fraud Turk, I»r«-<1 l»y George
McKinley, Oakville, (’. W., owned hv W. A
Fi.'lds A Co., <>f Buffalo, N. Y. Fiel.is’ Royal
«eorgt-was sited by old Ro/.i! (ieorge, lie’by
Black Warrior, he l»y Tip >o, he by Ogden’s
Messenger, h- by imported Meaitenger.
TERMS:—By the season, $10, payable at
■he «-ml ol season. Single service, $u, |»ava
»lea* the time of service. Insurance, $15,
imyable when mare is known to l»e with toaJ.
\ll care will Ito taken to preyent accidents,
»ill will be res|iunsible lor m»ne.
McM., Apr. 5, 4lf.
1). 1. CORKER,
Lafayette, Oregon
EX Harding.
T. B. U4i.
Produce and Commission House,
Harding & Ladd, Pros.
For thu Full Duslnoss Course,
Of nil kind« executed to order st reasunabl'
rattm. SatislaHion guaranteed.
B.oal Estate and Insurance Agents,
î'apers drawn
Admitted on any week day of lb 1 yeur.
vacations at any time, ami no exam
¡nation ou entering.
The College Journal, uontnining information
Having formed a co partnership in the Pro-
<lu«-e and (’onimispion business, we >ir«- pr«-imr- «»f tin- courao of study, when to editor, time re
e«l tf» pay rash for all kinds of Produce. Pur quirod, ©»»at of board, etc., and out« of orna­
mental )M*nrnannhi<>, from the ¡»en of Prof.
ties having
Wesco, aenl
sent free.
lluy, Ont«, IBnrley, Cured
lusrd. Apples, Onion«, Cgg»,
Lock Box 104.
Portland, Or.
< tilckrn«, Turkey»,
ä a*
C ircuit C ourt I’ m ©« • eedinu . i .
itiK ki, <■©©•«,
46 .Amy C. Goeaer rs ('. D. Jump to par
A-i the owner <»f the following property is at
lion land. Land partitioned.
vork in town and has no use for the same, he Any <»r all of these, are requeue«! to give us a
51 Marx <fc Jorgensen vs Gus Anderson— •fieri it at a Irargum : One span ul guud Work call.
action for money. Complaint amended and fforses; also a gtaal Milch (’«»w, a»<l a Cook
Al*», parties wishing to buy Lime, Cement,
»ja.se continued.
Stove, in fair condition. For pari¡«ulars, en­ Haster, H“ir and Grass Seed of any kiml,
52 O. Ji. Adams Co vs E. J. J*’s.';on et al quire of
and see us.
—action for money. Judgment for plaintiff-
Nelson’s W» gon shop, McMinnville,
HemlqiiHrters for the present at H. F. Hard
for <¡(»60.10.
Or HENRY GEE, B«-ll« vue.
ing’s Shoe Shop.
63 John Campbell vs R. B. Odell et al-
motion of defendant to open up default.
Motioq denied.
6!) H. F. Bedwell A Co. vs E. B. Collard-
replevin. Dismissed.
75 Helen J. Burgess vs T. N. and H. T.
N ot abv P ubi . ic .
Graven--motion to construe will— appeal
from County Court. Opinion of court be
low confirmed.
C76 Frederick Forties vs T. N. and II. T.
Graves same as nliove. Same.
81 In re—<*state of M. A. Rounds. With­
82 Emma P>,1’s vs Juhn Rills—motion to
McMinnville, Oregon
enter dectw^ of divorce "nunc pro tunc." De­
M a rim rd ,
At the residence of J. B. and Mrs. Riley.
---------- O' -
Dayton. April 1‘Mh 1 *■•:». R# v. J. T. Wolfe
Farm I. a nd« <>( all claa»«*« lor Male on En-«j Term«'
united in marriage. Ella M. Riley and Addi­ A H appy T houoiit .
son A. Crain. Minnie Call was bridesmaid
It was a happy thought that led to the pro
and E. S. Crain gr<x»msman.
AI mo , Town Lolo.
of a concentrated fruit syrup. s<>
The pres nts were all choice. One was a Auction
hAnnl« ss in its nature that it may be given
silver cake basket supported on the backs of either to the mother or her babe, relished
four “cranes.'' The «•eremonv was in the I alike by both, and of such wonderful effi
Jhvuracy and. Oir-
A. M. and Mr. and Mrs. Crain left iminedi I cacy that ail who take it feel brighter and
I happier. W. B. Turner will furnish anyone
atdy for a bridal tour to Portland. We 1 wishing Syrup of Figs h trial buttle free of
charge, or sell 50 cent and <1 buttles.
With them a honev muon through life.
D eath of a P ioheel .
Intelligence of the death of Mr. Thomas
M. Wright breaks suddenly upon us. It oc­
curred at the home of the deceased near
North Yamhill, on Wednesday morning.
April 11th 1883. Mr. Wright was one of the
pi«»neer fathers of our country having set­
tled uliers he died in 1845. His farm was a
portion of the Aaron Payno donation land
claim. His cir *!o of friends is large in this
-section an<l to t|iis may t»e ndd»*d the host of
friends who found in him a generous open-
hearted friend and neighbor an J aia upright
citizen. Had ho lived until to-day, ' Thurs­
day • he would have l»ceii 66 years old. H ih
remains will be laid to rest to-morrow in
thu McBnd, grave yard and many a sorrow­
ing heart will linger affectionately beside the
vxl that hides from earthly vision the mortal
clay of Uncle Tom Wright. Peaceful be his
A tt ’ v at L aw & N otary P ubm
Business Promptly Attended to.
I k FF'D’F One Door Esit of Post Office,
MrM intiville, Oregon.
All p»er«ons whose taxes are yet unpaid, will
ploAMcall nt my offi« • nnd nettle, without tar«
1 her delay, and save costs
Sheriff of Yamhill County.
Farmin< nulAt, ineludlag food Form T mim .
Waiton, Plows, Borrow,
Ka.tsrn Hack,
Ktc., CHBAP, b»
North Yamhill.
Am—Rod Brasilian Artiehokaa.
Notice !
A 'F.NMhA DRAPER lisvn
»Ivs<1 per
Z1 nerwhip. all knowing ih*«s»« lv»a I d dein
• I t » the laic firm will »ettle their hill» wttk
A. Ennis.
a . ENNIfi.
M« Mlnnvllle, Mar H. 1MH8