Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1872-1883, April 12, 1883, Image 3

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out; “Johnuy, my God,
F or W hoever it F its . There are
The new nickle will be larger fhan
The young man saw her, but he
nearly as many bad wives as bad hus­ Dissolving the Rose-Colored Descriptions of the old one, but it won’t buy any
(he Speaks of Her Early Life, and of Her
Abduction of a Three-Year-Old Qirl by
saw al ill the miserable creatures
bands. Many men who work hard
more beer.
Desire to Live in America,
the Old Mexican Citv-
Cinnamon Bear.
1 and try to do well in life are neglect
around him. He put on a haggard
The man whose opinion is of no
smile, tossed his head and said: Hul­
| ed and abused by improvident women. STIilhlXG CONTIIAST BETWEEN TI1E value is always trying to give it away.
lo, old woman.”
They are condemned to eat the LEPER CLASS AND THE LOWER.
poorest dinner, when they provide the
Then the gang passed by and went
it is just as much trouble to lick a
best the market affords.
out of sight, and the woman who had
Gn heavy bread, soggy vegetables,
“Yes, I have seriously contemplated
To the truthful observer Chihuahua two-cent stamp as a three-cent one.
Henry Flynn, has the following in­ borne him and who had no doubt
It was a cold day for that Judge cident to relate, in which a bear of wept and prayed over him stood there
inaking America my home, and may and muddy coffee ami tough pie­ is a very commonplace city, w’ith very who
clutching at the stone to
■D so. I have no ties to bind me to crust, how can a woman expect lier little business activity, with a great coughing in Court, when tlie disturb­ the cinnamon species abducted his desolate,
keep from falling.
husband to be pleasant and loving?
Europe; but I despise the ocean. I
Such men often drink whisky be­ number of wrinkled old women, and an ing element informed His Honor three-year-old daughter, not with any
■ever think of it or a ship but that I cause their food distresses them—as annoyingij small number of young that he would be willing to pay twice desire to harm the child, but through
■kt deathly sick. If I come to Amer it would any one who bad not a cast- and pretty ones. The great bulk of that sum to have it stopped.
a strange kind of affection. It ap­ The leopard is so like the panther
ica to live, no money can get me to iron stomach—and the habits of in­ its male population use blankets in­ A Western woman named her girl pears that Mr. Flynn started one that it is sometimes mistaken for it,
temperance are sometimes in this
baby after a noted lady and wrote to
■oss the ocean again. I have every , way begun, through the fault of a stead of coats, and very few are her about it. The lady sent a thick, morning to take a horse to pasture, but there is a decided difference be­
tween the two animals. The leopard
■idence of friendship from Ameri- ; wife.
dressed in the extreme of fashion and heavily sealed envelope, “not to be and, as his little girl seemed anxious is smaller than the panther, the spots
■ns and my own people, the Swedes,
It costs more to cook poorly than to enjoy every luxury. My object is not opened until the babe's thirtieth to go, he put her upon the horse's with which its coat is marked are
to belittle the city or its inhabitants, birthday.” It was a terrible revenge back and let her ride a short distance, smaller, and it is of a paler yellow
■ink I should be very happy here.” make food good and palatable.
If a woman runs home from a but to describe things as they are. to take.
■“Have you no family nothing to L neighbor
perhaps forty rods from the house, color.
’s just in time to throw a pie Credit must be given to the main
The usual length of the leopard is
jpie your heart back to Europe, Mud- together, bake it, and bring it to the ’ plaza, or square, to the cathedral, that he was dead and in hell says he where he put her down and told her about
four feet from the nose to the
am Nillson?”
dinner iauie
table not,
hot, sne
she commits a great ■ | and to the public offices. The main felt perfectly at home there.
to run home. He noticed that she I tail, and the tail measures about two
rnwU ■“No; I have really nothing to bind offense against the health of the I plaza is a square about three hun
Malaria is no longer fashionable. continued standing where he left her, feet and a half. The leopard is so
3BnH£ . , a .1
-r fnwiilir
| dred feet long and wide, with paved It is called by some other name; to and, on looking back after going a flexible and supple in alt its joints
lieigi! me to the other side of the water. I. family.
If a man has only an hour to go walks surrounding and intersecting pronounce it would break a man all
(that it can wiggle along the ground
ordJ as you know, come from a peasant home,
little farther, saw her playing in the like a snake to surprise its prey, climb
get his dinner and return to I it. These walks are lined with trees up.
1’lieJ ■mil}’. I am proud of it. My father his business, it should be ready for ' I and seats, and enclose spaces planted
sand. He soon passed out of sight
and swim through the water.
Tom Thumb is a little fellow, and and was gone about an hour, expect trees
mother, who
Swedish peas him promptly on time or he will eat : with semi tropical flowers and trees.
|,||ai! and
- were
and voracity are extra
ndniH ants, are both dead. I am the young very hot food in the greatest haste, . | A bronze fountain, from which water no mistake. When rescued from the ing, of course, that the child would ordinary, and it frequently escapes
eel of a family of
ol seven children. and start off for a rapid walk, all of ’ flows continually in sufficient quan- Milwaukee fire he began bewailing return to the house after playing a its pursuers by taking to the trees,
ed-|| Sen'll years elapsed between the which is very bad, and will show its i tity to supply more than halt the the loss of his diamonds. On the few moments. On returning home and sometimes it springs down upon
a th
bilth of the child older than myself effects upon the strongest man.
people of the city, stands in the center other hand his wife went to work to he made inquiry about her of her them from the branches. It is usual­
ueiift. T) and I. Wh™
When I was born, after th:::
W oman ' s K ingdom .—-A man’s foes i of the square. The cathedral is a mas alleviate the suffering of the wounded. mother, who said she had not seen ly captured in pitfalls.
after L ■pse
lap-"' of seven years, the good peas are those of his own household, and [ sive old building, with a time-worn
The editors of Puck kept an office her, and supposed he had taken her
The leopard is found in most hot
rwaj | ants all around my father’s humble the keenest enemies of women are i look and an impressive front of goat to eat up bad contributions sent along with him. On going to the countries of the East, such as India,
;dom,J home said: “That girl will do some women themselves. No one can in­ carved stone, surmounted by two in. but when the animal displayed a spot where he had left her he saw Persia and China, and a few may
ie tin qj thing remarkable—good or bail.’ flict such humiliation on a woman as , towers, and ornamented with several hankering for their own copy, they huge bear tracks in the sand, and at still be met with in Palestine and
"u >t‘8 Has the prediction come true? W ell, a woman can when she chooses; for ■ sculptured saints. The construction felt the slur keenly, got mad and once came to the conclusion that the Syria.
tha| my brothers and sisters are still alive. if the art of high handed snubbing of this cathedra], completed in 1738, drove the animal forth with clubs.
child had been carried off by the bear.
Yet even thiB tierce creature, that is
The family immediately made constantly tearing to pieces and kill­
twittl They are yet peasants, fond of their belongs to men, that of subtle wound­ is said to have cost $500,000, but a
As a wee miss was accompanying
free life and will never change. I ing i« peculiarly feminine and is building of similar style could be her grandma and aunty across the search through the forest, which was ing other animals, is capable of grat­
■atiouB can understand them, but with the practiced by the best breed of the built at one-fifth that sum anywhere green yesterday she suddenly stopped. grown up to almost a jungle, render­ itude and attachment. Lady Strang
ichall change that has taken place in me by sex. Women are always more or less in the United States at the present "What are you stopping for, Paul ing their search very slow. All day ford tells us how, some years ago, a
three I education, musically and otherwise, antagonistic to eaeh other. They are day. The public buildings, on the ine?" asked one of the ladies. these anxious parents searched for poor Russian hermit lived alone in a
cidedl and by my association in the world, gregarious in fashion and emulative north side of the main plaza, are one “Grandma and aunty, I must stop traces of their child; nor did they cave in the wildest part of Mount
f th. -I they cannot understand me. My old in follies, but they cannot combine; story in height, with a broad corridor to shiver,” was the reply of the half stop when darkness came on, but re­ Tabor. One day in winter, when the
mained in the woods calling the lost snow was deep on the ground, a
year.' home, the cottage in which I was they never support their weak sisters; and plain pillars in front. These frozen little girl.
radar« born. ( revere and love. 1 have pur­ they shrink from those who are buildings are called “imposing.” A member of the Legislature ex one by her name. Morning came, leopard came and crouched at the en­
ch islj chased it and placed a wall of stone stronger than the average, anil if They appear to be so in comparison plains the fact that on his salary of and their search was fruitless. A trance to his cave. The good man,
Tbl around the old grounds and the dear they would speak the truth boldly, with the adobe houses of the city.
$1,000 he had in one session saved couple of gentleman, who were trav­ without showing any fear, threw the
ratel old home that I can now see as it was they would confess to a radical con­ Chihuahua is picturesquely situ­ $30,000 by saying: “It’s all owin’ to eling through the mountains buying beautiful animal a piece of bread,
e tb! to me when I was a poor little peas­ tempt for each other’s intellect, which ated. It rises from an arid, treeless my wife’s bein’ economical in not stock, came to the house, and, being which it ate. And from that time it
rweg s ant girl. Not a shingle or a board perhaps is the real reason why the plain, like Damascus in the desert. keepin’ a hired girl that we’ve saved informed of the circumstances, im­ took up its abode with the hermit,
mediately set out to find her. The and snared his meals, and used to ac­
>nt iB shall be disturbed except by the soft sect of the “emancipated” commands The view is bounded on three sides so much.”
nsnifl touches of time. It is my monument so small a following. Half a dozen by detached mountain groups, off­ A Syracuse cow was run over by a gentlemen wandered about, and as company him in his wanderings all
to my dear father and mother. They men advocating “emancipation” doc­ shoots of the Sierra Madre, as the
they were passing a swamp Bpot where over the mountain.
were poor, but they loved me and trines would do more toward leaven Rocky Mountains are called in this railway train and one of her hind the undergrowth was thick called the
There was also a tame leopard in
their children, and 1 think and speak ing the whole bulk of womankind part of Mexico. The climate is, in­ legs cut off’. Her owner, a skillful child, or else they were talking loud, Captain Burton's establishment at
of them even now with tears in my than any number of first-class women. deed, lovely. The sunshine even in surgeon, healed the wounded stump when one of them heard her voice. Damascus, and Mr. Burton declares
eyes and heart. As to America, I Where they do stand by each other January is of rare brightness and and put on a wooden leg, upon which He then called her by name and told it to have been the pet of the whole
think New York is the most delight­ it is from instinctive or personal af­ warmth, the sky of a clear crystal the cow now stumps around very her to come out of the bushes. She household. But though it was quite
ful city in the world, and 1 would be fection rather than from class solid­ blue, and the air of unusual lightness. comfortably. If this be true, and it replied that the bear would not let gentle with its human friends, it some­
probably is, the only trouble will be her.
very happy if I could live there.”
times worried the other pets, and now
arity. And this is one of the most These climatic characteristics are en­
In answer to the question as to how striking distinctions of the sex and joyed, in a more or leBS degree, by nil that when that cow is butchered to
and then treated itself to a dinner off'
she came to study music, Madam one cause among others why men places on the Mexican table land, make a Roman holiday one of the brush, anil when near the spot where one of the goats.
Nilsson said:
The great beauty of these creatures,
she and the bear were they heard a
have the upper hand and why they which stretches from Santa Fe to the
‘•When 1 was a little girl, eight are able to keep it.
city of Mexico.
“Oh, yes,” said the contented man, splash in the water, which the child with their pretty black spots on their
years old. I was passionately fond of
The surroundings of Chihuahua “I am just as well satisfied that my said was the bear. On going to her yellow coats, renders them very at­
C racker P udding .—Take three soda
music. Father and mother needed
are barren, but it must be remem­ horse isn't as fast as some. When I they found her standing upon a log tractive, but it is only in a few rare
my services to help keep the family,
bered that all mining towns are situ owned a trotter that could get away extending about half way across a instances that they have lieen made
but I found an old violin and gotpos the yolks of two eggs, one half cup ated in barren, worthless soils. Chi­ with anything on the road I was in swamp. The bear had urdertaken to the companions of man.
see.- ion of it, and before I knew a note
— ------ » *»■» e ---- --
huahua is, or rather has been, a min­ front all the time and didn’t half cross the swamp on the log, and be
of music was playing from ear famil­ an hour, then beat the whites of two ing center. The Santa Eulalia mines, enjoy myself. Now I am behind ing pursued left the child and got
iar tunes on this violin. I soon com­
fifteen miles from the city, not work­ most of the time and can see all the away as rapidly as possible. She had
It may seem strange that the Eng
menced to sing an
my acepm- pour over the pudding, set in the ing at present, are said to have yielded fun.”
received some scratches about the lish, who are not at bottom a tolerant
pam menta on the
and wan- oven, and brown delicately. It needs $250,000,000. A small stream on the
A Texas editor woke one night to face, arms and legs, and her clothes race, should lx* distinctly in advance
aered away from home for a day at a no sauce.
west by means of an aqueduct sup­ find a burglar in his sleeping room were almost torn from her body: but of their German relatives in their
tinif to sing and play at fairs. I
plies the city fountain with water.
the printing office. “What do the bear had not bitten her to hurt attitude toward the Jews. Even when
would make a little monev in this as an excellent mode for preserving This stream, unworthy of notice in over
here?” shouted the Texan. her, only the marks of teeth being they were doing their best to keep
way and carried it home to mother.
other localities, is the only supply of “Money,” was the concise reply. found on her back, where, in taking Baron Rothschild out of Parliament,
One day, at a fair, a judge, a man or more into a small willow basket water in the neighborhood. The “Fly 'round then,” said the editor; hold of her clothes to carry her he Englishmen spoke with genuine rev­
then about thirty-four years of age and immerse them for five seconds in mines in the neighborhood of Chi­ “I’ll go halves on all you can find had taken the flesh also.
erence of his vast wealth. He was so
and now living, came to me and said: boiling water containing about five huahua, from a variety of causes, are
The little one says the boar would very rich that he ought to have been
‘My little girl, you have a fine voice pounds of common brown sugar per nearly all idle. Just now, however, here.”
“Colonel,” said a man who wanted put her down occasionally to rest and an orthodox Christian. Surely divine
anil a love of music: both must be gallon. Place the eggs on trays to an unusual activity prevails, notably
make out a genealogical tree, would put his nose up to her face, grace could not in the end be with­
cultivated. Come with me.' I begged
in the Santa Eulalia mines. They “Colonel, how can I become thor­ when she would slap him, and the held from a man with such a busi­
anil said no, mother would not let
are putting up modern machinery
bear would hang its head ky her side ness. It wus liis'essary to oppose his
me. But he made me go. We went one part of finely powdered charcoal and reduction works in the place of oughly acquainted with my family and purr and rub against her like a entry
into the House of Commons in
int" Stockholm (I was born near
the antiquated machinery of the office," answered the Colonel.
cat. The men asked her if she was the interval; but it was a necessity
Stockholm) and he took me to the they will last six months or more. past.
cold in the night, and she told them
“You would not have me young the old bear lay down beside her and that gave pain, not pleasure, to those
house of a well known music teacher The scalding water causes the forma­ To the student of ethnology this
felt its force. For many years
(M: idame Nilsson gave the names of tion of a thin skin of hard albumen part of Mexico presents an interest­ again, would you?” asked a fond put bin “arms” around her and kept who
past all that we have done in the way
all these people, but the reporter can­ next the inner surface of the shell ing field. Here, for over 300 years, a wife of her equally fond husband. her warm, though she did not like his of
the Jews has lieen to
not remember them) a lady. She and the sugar or syrup closes all the branch of the Caucasian race has “No, indeed,” was the reply; “your long hair. She was taken home to her try persecuting
them; and though a
■Mule me sing and play, and said ‘that
lived surrounded by Indians, and 1
g<xxl deal of money has been spent
girl - voice should be cultivated’’
"No one knows until they have there is to-day as wide a gap between
A girl may have No. 10 hands, and
on this excellent object, we never
Tho Judge said, ‘I will pay for her tried it,” says an experienced house­ the Indian and the white man as there ; yet when she sits for a picture she
that a single Jew objected to
inBtruction.’ He then went back to wife, "how much they may change was over three centuries ago. Late < doesn’t put her hands in her pocket SHARPER THAN A SERPENT'S TOOTH. heard
the outlay. Nothing came of the
my home with me, and it was only by the aspect of things about the house Apache attacks display a fierceness —she hides them beneath a $20 fan.
New York letter: There was an
and the Jewish race have
hard work that he got the consent of by using a little varnish. On a sun and the punishments dealt to the sav­ Human bones have lieen found in unusual scene at the Tombs yester effort,
been content to put up with
fail ler and mother to let me go. But shiny day take the old chairs and ages by the Mexican soldiery display ; the debris of the old Postoffice in day. A large detachment of prison always
on the familiar plea that it pleased
they finally consented. I went to tables out on the porch or by the open a cruelty equal to anything in the New York. They are supposed to be ers were brought down to Sing Sing. it
us and did not hurt them. Unfortun­
Stockholm, was taught to read and door, and. after thoroughly wiping past The civilized Indian, however, i the remains of people who were reck­ Most of them were quite youthful ately,
is not precisely a
write, and studied music night and and dusting them off with a damp dresses and lives like the lower-class less enough to bother the stamp criminals, and in the waiting room country Germany
which schemes of conver­
day. I made up my mind to be a cloth, apply a thin coat of varnish, Mexican. So closely do they re- , cleik while lie was reading the last and vestibule were a number of their sion are in
likely to make much way.
great musician or a great teacher. I and so cover up scratches and marred semble each other that in some cases novel.
former friends or relatives assembled If an English Protestant is troubled
soon found that playing the violin spots of all kinds. It will dry in a it is difficult to tell which is Mexican
We are told that the fashion in to take a last look at them and give
the worldly success of a Hebrew
injured my vocal organs, and my very short time, and you will be sur and which is Indian. This is due to , swearing is changing. Let it! When them a parting word as the officers at
he may hope that by the
chest and lungs, and gave it up, al prised to see how much good you the frequency of intermarriage be­ we fall down on a coal hole and brought them out to the conveyance neighlior,
of the admirable Society for
though I can yet play the instrument. have done. A flannel cloth, with a tween Ixith classes and the degener make ourself sore all over, the good that was to take them to the Hudson laliors
the Conversion of the Jews his rival
After studying in Stockholm I was very little linseed oil, is good to rub acy of the lower-class Mexican, whose old-style profanity, that will daunt River Railroad.
may have the veil removed from his
sent to Paris by the same gentleman, furniture with, but the greatest care social habits and education are on a the obstinacy of a mule, is good
Among these onlookers were sev­ eyes and be brought to see the wicked­
anil studied there three years, and must be taken to prevent any oil be­ level with his Indian neighbor.
eral women, sad, careworn, and poorly ness of underselling an equally eager,
enough for us.
then made my debut, which was in ing left on the wood to attract dust.
In striking contrast with the pov­ /kt an auction sale of old Govern­ clad. They had sons or husbands but rather less clever Christian.
18f!l. and, you know, was a success. It must be rubbed until you would erty. ignorance and barbarism of the
among the prisoners. One woman
Th' very first money I made I sent not know, except by the improved ap­ lower class is the wealth, intelligence ment medical supplies, at St. Louis, dressed in a thin alpaca dress with a Herr Stocker, tue court chaplain, who
to my benefactor, with interest in pearance, that any oil had been used.” and refinement of the upper class. among other things one man bought threadbare shawl pulled round her has made himself so especially con
spicuous in the contest with the
17,368 pills for thirty cents. A local
full He is yet alive, and is still my
How E very L ady can D etect A dul ­ ’ Indeed, nothing strikes the observer paper says: “The books and instru shoulders was conspicuous by her Jews, has no such resource open to
o! ’ good friend, and appears to be very terated
B aking P owders . T o detect I more forcibly than the extremes of rnents sold have been used before, manner. She was evidently a hard him. The last thing that a German
of ' pr >ud of me. I met him at a court
working woman. The bones of her thinks of doing with a Jew is to con
of starch in baking pow­ i Mexican society, one class being at the but the pills were entirely new.”
he ; We I ling last October, and he was de der. which may
' very lowest round of the social ladder
bare wrist showed the strain of long vert him. The hatred in which the
An Italian, playing a concertina, continued
m- ' lifclited with my voice.”—[Cincinnati serious adulterations, put a small and the other at the top round, with
labor. The lines in a face race is now held in Germany ia far
approached two bull dogs that had
to I Ei ' | uirer.
quantity of the powder in a little I scarcely a trace of any intervening just joined in an unfriendly wrestle, that must at one time have been too practical to lie appeased by any
ry 1
water and boil a few minutes. If link between them. The lower class and the music Beared the dogs so comely were the lines that are made such trifle as a change
. of religion.
. .
er J
is present, it will make paste, Mexican, with an intellect veiled in that they let go their grips, * 1___ 2 ' by want, and pain, and self-denial.
If the German Jews became Christ
ni I ^Scotland, with the natural draw starch
superstition and Indian traditions, is
be j be< ks of unpropitious climate, un- monia. a strong odor of ammonia is an object of pity to more fortunate tail and fled. And the crowd was so asked one of the keepers.
st I fri.it ful soil, rugged and profitless perceptible while the paste.is still people, while the upper-class Mexi mad they didn't know what to do, | “What's he up for?” asked the powerful. If they were rather stupid,
and Dot good at making money, and
n I Mountains, holds her own in the warm.
can, with an advanced education, and but they finally mobbed the musician. I keeper.
altogether given to lag behind their
of I
Not long since a smart seven year I “O I don’t know. I only heard this i Christian neigblxirs. they might be of
of tlieworld in|a perfectly
A C ure for C orns .—The Scientific the enjoyment of all the luxuries of
ut I COnqietitions
manner—taking as its American, a very reliable paper, gives life, is an object of admiration Why old son of one of our preachers, after | morning that he was sentenced.”
any religion they 1 iked. Their offence
»n 1 Wonderful
Mexican society assumes such ex service was over and the family had 1 “What’s his name?”
dir < t opposite the favored clime of
is that in all these respects they are
a- I M> xico. with its silver mines, its the following recipe as a sure cure for tremes can only lie explained by the returned home from church, said:
Here the woman came close to the | better men than the Christians. They
t- I eternal springs, the sunshine and its corns. As the remedy is very simple, peculiar political and church history
“Papa, do yon ever look at me man and whispered something.
work harder, they earn more, they
s- I vegetation, we find that the rugged if any of our readers are afflicted of the country. But, saying nothing while you are preaching?”
“Five years,” said he bluntly. are sharper to see and seize advan­
d I lai d of the North sends to different
“Highway robbery.”
tages. If they liccnme Christiana, a
i- I na ions more productions, both of its for them to give it a trial: "Take lower-class Mexican, and enables him little hurt by supposed neglect, said:
Then she leaned back against the
reason would have to lie found
g 1 •Qi and its arts, than the favored one fourth cup of strong vinegar; to enter the path of civilization on a “Certainly, my son, I often look at stone wall of the corridor, and the new
hating them; but it certainly
n I fii ritory of the South, with all its crumble into it some bread. Let it level with advanced humanity Pub you and think of you when I am rise and fall of the frayed shawl alone I for
would tie found.
stand half an hour, or until it softens
». I
lie schools are being established preaching.”
told that she had a mother’s heart
■st proportions. Scotland helps to
I- I W< I London from her docks, to her into a good poultice. Then apply, throughout the country by a liberal
“But, to day, did you notice me at and that it could be wrenched.
S ingular C oincidence , - An Austin
on retiring at night In the morning
Presently the tramp of feet told youth has lieen paying bis addresses
sei s the world is indebted for the the soreness will be gone, and the Government whose equal Mexico all?”
“Yes, I did. son. several times,” that the men were being brought out. to a young lady, under the impression
■< - powerful and obedient forces in corn can be picked out. If the corn never saw; railroads are building:
She clutched the stones with one that she was wealthy. Finally she
th. practical application of steam, is a very obstinate one it may require modern machinery and industries are said the father.
an I at this day, while Great Britain two or more applications to effect a being introduced, and still more are I “Well, papa, did you see me wink hand and bent forward. With hang told bi in promptly that the bank had
likely to follow. Everything tends to at you two or three times?”
dog looks or assumed bravado toe failed, and that she was [tenriileaa,
bu l‘i. a larger number of iron steam cure.”
improve the condition of the lower ■ “No, my son. What did yon wink wretches came down, their manacles after which his attentions slackened
■ >ps than all the other nations of
now and then giving out a faint up. A few days ago she said to him:
■nrnpe put together, half of the
The Princess of V, ales, now in Ler class, and to revive whatever is left of > at me for when I was preaching?”
vh rk is done by the little country of 38th year, is described as looking the dying spirit of old Spanish ways. I “I winked at you, papa, to get you clink
“Dear < leorge, it seems to me that
to stop; you were spinning it ont too
There was one young fellow in the since you found out I am only a poor
3c tland.
scarcely a day older than when. 19 —[N.Y. Sun.
1 long.
party, a white faced, slender youth. girl you have ceased to love me."
years ago, she stood at the altar by
Love looks through spectacles He could not have been over 18. Sud
The expression. “Two ten,” which
"You don't »ay so!” rejoined the
I‘ Figures won t lie,” they tell us. the side of her young husband. It's
flat must be the reason it is so bard just wonderful how being a princess was used in A. T. Stewart's house for which make copper look like gold, denly the woman saw him, and with candid youth; “do you know that
>et down smoothly and prevents people from observing that years, cautioned the clerks to keep poverty like riches, and foul tears love and tenderness lieaming in her the very same idea has occurred to
I like pearls.
| face and thrilling in her voice, ake ( me?”
two eyes on ten fingers
i into all the corners.
one grows old.