Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1872-1883, April 12, 1883, Image 2

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    Nearly one hun«lre«l acron of the
“Peace—to- his -aslies!” said Cap
4 I.’ 4]'
M( )N I II ground
Now, in Turbot Town, a general
on which the city stand«
Y amhill R eporter , invitation to drink was like the beat tain Caleb, as without a sound be ■ix
caved in and hundreds of houses
of the reveille-drum to disciplined closed the four cases of his ship’s!
unsettled ami many rendered Arrival in the United States uf SOO.GOo
glass —a case to a word and then A Remarkable List of Collisions, Firoi and were
PaoraiKToiw. soldiery. Every man sprang to his
The structures must la» re
gnau A W àbbzm ,
feet, but one, and he was Francis th«» little group of seafaring men
built, as they are so badly racked that
it will be impossible to repair them.
M c M innville ,
“Come, young man,” exhorted the said “Amen.”—| Providence Star.
Huge tissur«»s in the earth extend
ruddy captain, “take suthin’ and
across large tracts of land. The dis
cheer up. You look too heavily loaded
aster was caused by th«» removal of
The bare statistics of immigrgHj
• Thu organ peals the choir is singing:
The advance sheets of the twelfth January was a remarkable month. th«» natural props in the Delaware
"Excuse me, with thanks. Captain." annual report of Miss Jennie Collins
I wonder if uh«« knows I’m here!
the Unit«>«l States are sufficient],
Her thought», no doubt, are upward wing- was the courteous reply.
of Baffin’s Bower, the institution , and explosions amlt he alarming death underneath the city. The scenes at imposing. During what is tern,i
the time were extraordinary. There
While mine sink, clogged with doubt and
devoted to the welfare of the working
captain’s bibulous beneficiaries, and irirlsof Boston, has just come to hand. rate, the list of business failures. and was a loud roar, then a rumbling the last fiscal year which very ¡S
as proximate as were their glasses to While every one may not agree with the overwhelming series of shocking sound, and the earth shook violently j conveniently ends on the 3otL /I
'Tia ahe, of course: there’« no mistaking
their lips, yet no one ventured an the theories of political economy ex­ casualties that marked it will make and the houses rocked. Then came
Her crowded, glossy braids of brown,
June nearly HIM),000 immigrant» J
indulgence, for Turbot Town had its pressed by Miss Collins, surely no
And that’s the bonnet she was making—
a crash, ami the people rushed into rived in this countiy. Whence dj
I sat and watched her bead the crown.
exacted statutes upon the subject of one can but deprecat«» with her the , it memorable for years.
the streets as their houses began to
drinking, and at no time were these evil effects on the working girls of the , The month had just begun when fall about their ears. The ignorance this vast army s«»t out for th«» pea^H c
How deft her fingers are—how busy!
unwritten laws so inviolate as on the ruinous competition in the clothing ' the news of Gamlietta’s death was of th«» scared inhabitants concerning ful invasion of th«» American repn|,l
Ah! happy man within whose home—
But, stay? such thoughts, they make me 1 occasion of a public treat. Therefore,
and other business. The meager
nature of the impending disaster lie? Tne greatest percentage fwj c
all Turbot Town that is, such por­ sum paid shop girls in not a few of ' flashed over the wires to all parts of the
And have no place beneath this dome.
tion of Turbot Town as was formed the large and small establishments the world. The mystery that hung living in the quarter of the city anyone nation was from the niothel t'
Far better should I ponder grimly
into a green oasis and separated from doubtless frequently results, as she ’ over it, together with the perturba
was shaken rushed about the country. Almost invariably the»!
My faults committed, duties missed—
the great desert of general thirst by intimates, in the demoralization of tion and excitement it caused in that
How neat her glove is, und how trimly
streets not knowing what to do. ami ’ immigrants wen» of a high averag.S
It buttons round her slender wrist!
the purest and beet. One prepossess
awaited the inviter’s motions. Slowly ing young woman some two months France, made th«» event the sensa women sprang from their beds ami inapparent, character, in strength J
tied out of doors. Nobody stoppeil body, and in equipment for their nnl
Ah! vain and poor is earthly pleasure:
the captain threw back his head and sine«» is said to have related her case 1 tion of the world for several days.
No wonder that our sad hearts yearn
On the day that th«» news of to dress, and they almost froze in th«» life, th«» principal exceptions bein;ffl
laxly let fall his under jaw, and with as follows: “I came to make you a
To some more high and lasting treasure -
piercing wiml but were afraid to re
They’re sitting down. Perhaps she’ll turn. a semi circular action of his arm.
little present of $10. L se it to help i France's loss arrived, the President turn into their tottering houses for among tin» Irish. Next in theordal
Thank Heaven, she sees me! She is flinging
one else before they get where i of the United States stood in the mor«» clothing. So they waited in of numbers came the Germans. Tb«.s •
the circus, curved his tumbler to his some
A sweet reproachful glance my way—
am. I hail to earn my living. I Whit«» House, surrounded by the th«» streets for sunrise. The pisipl«» Ox» were of excellent average char 1
Yes, dear, indeed I’ve been singing, (
mouth. Turbot Town imitated each I tried
house-work first. The family's wives of th«» Cabinet officers, receiv­ of Wilkesbarre are yet living in daily ncter From these generally kiiidrsj-'
And now, my saint, I mean to pray!
motion, and then all hands cried in washing
was beyond my strength. I
alarm. The whole city is undermined sonrci's almost precisely two third,!’
chorus, “Here she goes!” and the rites then
procured a place in a shop, com­ ing congratulations from a throng of and another disaster is feared. R«» of th«» immigration were derived -a I
the mencing with $3 a week, with the ingly bright, th«» uniforms of the lays of watchers have been organized, fact to b«» remembered when th«» j
“He had been refused credit at tho doughty captain, “ain’t I allers did promise that at the end of three diplomats anil soldiers were brilliant, and a system of alarms arranged. prophets of evil bewail the influent
b ir.”
I what I could for the good name of months it would be increased accord the costumes of the ladies were rich. The people are moving away as fast of foreign born recruits. Next after
Nothing could be more blighting Turbot Town? Don’t I allers put ing to my ability. At the end of i’..at The banil was playing, ami the whole as possible from the district that has Germany came Sweden and Norway
to a man's business reputation in the down sutliin’ on ’scription papers for time I was discharged and another scene was one of life anil animation. caved in.
| Next came the Celestial Kingdom,
On th«» 26th th«' steamer Agnes Jack | which appears for tli«» last time tin
community of Turbot Town than the new guide boards, for a liberty pole, novice taken with the same induce­ Suddenly Elisha Allen, the Hawaiian
circulation of the alxive made state­ for a town clock, for Fourth of July
was wrecked near Swansea. The til the Pacific coast recovers from it
office for $3 a week, and from that I Minister, dropped dead near the people on shore saw twelve of the scare- with
ment. Hail he been black balled by fireworks?”
39,579 immigrants; then
threshold of the reception room. The
a secret society; expelled from a local
32,129 ------
more than
A moist murmur of assent steamed with the promise that when I got White House was closed at once, and crew clinging to the mast of the ship. j Italy, with
---- —
----- twice
troop of horse; defeated as a canili forth from a score or more mouths,
One by one they were swept away. | I as many as the year before.
date for Haywar«! or hung in gro­ moistened at the captain’s expense. used to the business I could make $6
The probability is that immigration K
Three days later camo the news of At last the captain stripped off his
$7 a week. It was the same old
tesque effigy, his reputation might
“Well, then,” continued the cap or
spread of disaster anil death over clothes, plunged into th«» waves and has, for the time at least, reachal M
have withstood one, if not all, of tain, taking a soda cracker from the story: I was discharged and another a large part of Europe. The Rhine I swam for the shore. He too was its highest point. For the last thre Ip
these humiliations, but a refusal of yellow dish on the counter, and eye novice taken in my place. I next anil the Danube rose, inundated vil drowned.
months then» has been a decided El
credit at the bar was simply and ing it sternly as if it was his manu got a (xisition to tend in a cheap lages and towns, washed away bridges,
Fierce anil disastrous storms and falling off from th«» arrivals of fli«K|
irrevocably loss of character. Thus script, and its shallow dimples were
undermined houses, and spreail dis Hoods began in Great Britain on the corresponding months last year.
we see that the commercial standard the heads of his discourse. “I'll tell week on this stipulation, that I must tress over many miles of territory. 25th. High winds and heavy rains so that t h«» total for the calendar? p
was very elevated in the whaling and ye that the good name of Turbot
The Rhine dam at Ludwigshafen have blown down buildings and year 1882 is but 735,1)00, which is:,..'
coasting community of Turbot Town, Town is at stake. We shall be looked do that I was obliged to live upon gave
way and many people were Hooded all the low lying lands. only 16,000 more than for 1881. TheW
where everything smelt of fish anil upon as uncivilized and barbanous. one meal and a part of a meal a day. (Irownt'd.
list of the «lend along « Rivers overflowed their banks and only nationalities in which the rat«
oil, and everybody of tobacco and For forty eight hours that Norweigan Half starved, disheartened and de the Rhine The
than much of the low country in Ireland of immigration is sustained are tby ij
spirits. So long as a man had credit feller has been showing a signal of pressed, I drifted where I am now.’’ seventy persons. France, more
Russians. Hungarians and Norwegsl
Switzer­ was inundated.
at the bar that length of time he was distress and not a bit of notice has [Boston Globe.
On th«» 30th of the month great ians, anil these form as yet but iB
land, anil Austria also suffered great
solvent and reputable, and the capac been taken'of him. I have been nigh
i snow slides swept down th«» moun relatively small portion of th«» usnalB
ity at a moment’s notice to treat a enough to hear groans aboard on her,
| tain sides of Colorado, and hurled arrivals
crowd was sufficient to consecrate a and no man knows how much human
Not long since, Wakefield Starkey, died. After Gambetta he coubl worst | miners and their buildings to ilestruc
Tile immigrants usually come fc ’
man’s name in the hearts of his misery is ’twixt her decks, specially of Austin, while crossing th«» track of be
spared in France. Gambetta was , I tion.
this country with well defined plamffi
Turbot Town countrymen. Turbot if she’s got the yellow fever. This the International ami Great North
Town respected such a man, and very morning the port doctor says to ern Railroad, on a valuable mule, was called the soul, anil Chanzy th«,1 the news of th«» wreck of th«» Italian I as to their place of destination, and »«
humbly touched its tarpaulin to him. me, ‘ Captain Caleb, ain't there no struck by a locomotive and killed. sword of resistance to German inva­ steamer Ansonia off th«» coast of for the most part provided with rail ’’
Francis Torrent, the luckless mor way I can be put aboard that for The mule was also hurled into eter sion. It was said that the Ger i Tripoli, in which twenty persons per way tickets for their journey inland S
In such cases they are immediatelyffl
tai who had been shorn of his good eigner? I can't get a steam craft to nity. Wakefield Starkey, although a mans feared Gen. Chanzy as they had | i sheil
taken in charge by the special agent .
name by simply the negative shake set me aboard. They all make one p«»rfect gentleman on the street, was dreaded Skobeleff.
On th«» following day, the 6th of
of the various lines, who sort. thenH
of the bar tender’s head, hail col reply—yellow fever aboard, and we a perf«»ct tyrant of the deepest dye.
out, place the women and children it- J
lapsed into an obscure corner, and won’t have another ton or passenger Without any provocation whatever, the month, the Inman lint, steamer
City of Brus «els, as she was nearing
separate cais, with their natural^
was mootlily contemplating through if we go nigh her.”
he used to beat his wife and lock her Liverpool in a dense fog, was run
Father Stimson, an aged Kansas protectors, when they have any, anffl
the window the mixed prospect of
“Now, then,” declared the captain, up in the wardrobe; hence when she down by the steamer Kirby Hall.
parson owned a good horse, but the keep th«» rougher persons by them 13
land anil sea. Even for a prosperous after again consulting his annotated hearil of his death it was not so much
keeping of the beast was somewhat selves. At the start the cars ar«,
man it was a dreary prospect. The cracker, “I’m going to set the doctor a case of heavy bereavement as it was She sank almost immediately.
of a drain on the dominie's pocket, rm’e but cleanly. Plenty of fresh;
cold, surly sea, wrapped in its gray aboard myself, and what he wants is of mitigated affection. As the en­
and he was in the habit of dropping water is provided. Some effort is&
mantle of mist an«l enlivened only a good, true man to go with him and gineer •>( the locomotive was clearly
hotel fire. The hotel was a veritable
by the straggling flight of a sea fowl; nurse the poor creeturs.”
to blame for th«» accident, it was sug death trap. The proprietor of the a hint to his parishioners once in a made, too, to keep the an fresh and p
while that a little hay would be ac­ the car decent, but this is very «liffi- d
a Norwegian barque in quarantine,
“I’m your man, and I'm ready now,” gested to the widow that she bring a
with a yellow flag languidly flying; a said some one outside of the company suit for damages. She resolved to do hotel became insane. The belief was ceptable. One day a church member I cult. Most of the passengers are E
lighthouse, with unextinguished Ian that were grouped about the great so, and called at the office of the rail general that somebody had set fir«»' asked him to bring Mrs. Stimson to little accustomed to ventilation or to w
tern looming whitely through the hearted captain. They all turned to way company. The proper official to the building, as no less than four ) dinner.
| cleanly habits. Pipes are lightedffl
attempts to burn it down had been
early morning fog, like a giant som­ look upon Francis Torrent.
“Certainly,” said Father Stimson; meals are spread in which sausages.«,f
happened to be in. Th«» widow had made within two y?ars. The number
“and, as it's haying time, I guess I’ll cheese, garlic anil sour krout forma|
nambulist, with burning lamp, and
“Gentlemen," said he, with his such a clear case against the company
advancing noiselessly; and ashore a hand upon the rude latch of the bar that it was deemed advisable to com­ of lives lost was 74.
put son)«» hay on the wagon when I j prominent elements, anti their min-B
go back home.”
burial lot for unindentilied mariners, room door, “I have learned this morn promise the matter.
gled odors combine with the smoke®
with little wooden crosses upon th« ing that I have lost my credit at this
“All right, father," replied the j of cheap tobacco to render the cars®
“Now, madam,” said the official, th«» Planters’ House, a big hotel in
uncouth mounds, as if some day in bar and my good name in this com after th«» widow had thrown back her
church member; “but bring a one- insupixirtable. Then there are chil ■
Louis, caught fire. It started at | horse wagon.”
those parts it had rained daggers.
j «Iren, and sometimes sick ones; there®
munity. When I return I hope to veil anil started her business, “we St.
Nin«» years ago Francis Torrent have regained the latter. Good bye, ar«» willing to do what is fair in th«» the same hour in th«» morning as the I Father Stimson took bis wife to are men and women who regard dirl.
Milwaukee lire, but most of th«» guests dinner in a wagon with an ample as a part of th«» natural protection j’ cu]
abandoned his home for a voyage to all.’;
matter. There is really no occasion
three, however, were killed. hayrick that would easily hold a hay against cold; there ar«» still other
Greenland. He spent his first and
The whole bar room adjourned to to go to law. It is a delicate subject escaped;
On the 11th day of th«» month 10, stack
second year’s earnings frivolously in the beach, and watched the little to discuss, so I think, without going
sources of malodorous emanations!
foreign ports, reshipped, and after expedition of mercy embark upon into the merits of iL I will tender 000 p«»ople were driven from their
“See here,” said t he parishioner, as which would make a resident of an !
four years more of sailor’s fare re­ the upheaving waters, and continued you a check for $3,000/ and you will
he helped Mrs. Stimson out of the cient Cologne hold his experienced
turned home with a weather sheathed to watch the narrow sharpen lifted sign a paper releasing the company Many were drowned. The dykes hayrick, “you said yon were goingvto nose. But if the immigrants ar. a,;
around Raab gave way, ami the del­ bring a one-horse wagon, ami now class are far from neat, they are
cheek, a li^ht heart and a pocket along on the shoulders of the swell from all further demands.”
uge completely inundated the town. you've
jingling, with gold pieces, to find, ing waves until the brig was reached,
The widow started, and asked, Groat
appeareil with th«» most capa equally removed from th«» sensitive !
distress still prevails there.
however, as many a gay rover has and the doctor and volunteer nurse “How much?”
ness of those who have 1«»«;' gentler
cions hay apparatus I ever saw.”
found before him, that th«» hungriest had st.ruggh'd up the rolling vessel’s
“1 am authorize«! to pay you $>3.000.” fire in a circus in Russia. It was in
“Oh, I've brought a one horse lives; they ar«» nccustonied to what
of all rodents, Tim«», had destroyed or dusk sides and disappeared below.
“I accept it," she saitl, very much
wagon,” said Father Stimson; “but j seem intolerabl«» hardships, and the
effaced everything that his boyish Twice a day thereafter the doctor agitated. The check was handed some respects even more horrifying i the hayrick that’s a two horse hay success with which they endure the
fancy had clung to. After much ami visited the plague visited brig, and over, the paper signed, and tin» widow than the disaster at Milwaukee.
smells, tho confinement, an«l the
On the 16tli twenty two successive I rick.”
variixl suffering, his aged parents from him there wont abroad the most walked out into the street in a lx»
poison«»«! air of the emigrant trains
had sought rest from the cures of sorrowful accounts of th«» situation, wildered frame of mind. As she
bespeaks them the heroes of thej
earth beneath the churchyard cypress and with these reports, to a praise cashed the check she said to herself houses ami frightened the inhabi twenty two hundred ponnds of hay. struggle for the “survival of the fit-1
Parson Stimson was th«» first to use
—sleeping within th«» sound of the worthy degree, the name of Francis confidentially: “I didn't expect to got tants of the province of Murcia in
gospel tents in th«» West. He put test,” that is to say, of the fittest tot
sea that bore their wayward boy Torrent was mingled, until men began more than $50. I reckon that rail Spain.
| them up himself. A tellow who survive.
upon its stormy bosom; liis sclmol to speak of it in an undertone, and road
didn’t know how old that
W hen the train stops, laden with I
mates were scattered, as th«» wind with unconsciousresis'ctfulness. And mule fellow
steamer Josephine left Seattie, W. T., passed him one morning as he was its miscellaneous freight, the adults »
was.” | Texas Siftings
separateth and scattereth the fleets of before th»' week closeil there was
and sailed for Skagit River. The him in a loud voice.—
are glad to alight, the children rush 9
th«» home fishermen, and his sweet circulated through Turbot Town a
next day, when off Port Susan Bay,
eagerly about gathering the oddest *
heart had married his boastful rival. most touching and beautiful story.
her boiler exploded. Eight persons have a circus?”
mementos of [their journey. Bits of I
Surely, thought the disappointed Even from mouths that were often
were killed and many more were
“les,” said the parson, continuing wooil and iron, stones, oyster »hells, J
sailor, there are cups of drink deep foul with oaths an<l alcoholic odors —
Sore throats vanish when encircled wounded.
enough to drown th«» memory of all tainted with tobacco sniok«» and dis in a silken kerchief. This is estab­ On the following day occurred th«» his work without looking up; “and and stray twigs of leaves, particularly ,.
this; and therefore Erancis Torrent torhsl bv the phrases of a vulgar lished beyond peradventure. The great powder explosion in Holland. I m looking for a babtxm. Don't you if it lie autumn, are proudly distrib
uted about the cars. Occasionally a
roamed about, throwing away Ins dialect th«»re went forth th«» self grandmothers knew all about this a The village at Muiden was wreck«»«!, want, to hire yourself to me?”
The parson was a chaplain in the ' kitten is captured, to the delight of I
pieces of gold among sharking men purifying ami soul thrilling story:
lumlred years ago. They believed, twelve persons were killed, ami
war. The colonel of his regimen the whole car load. Until itmanages i
and unprincipled women as he«»d
How Francis Torrent—the identical too. that silk would cure all other neighboring towns were seriously was
fond of leading the soldiers to escape it is petted, f«»«l. put to sleep I
lessly as the summer stroller plucks on«'that Turbot Town bar had dis diseases, mid some of them thought damaged.
th«» yellow dandelion heads and tosses owned and dishonor«»«! -had behaved it would heal a broken leg “if only
The same day two awful disasters through the deep puddles at the regt in the dinner pails, locked in the I
them to the passing breezes. The nobly ls>tw«s»n tin» decks and in the taken in time." We do not go so fur occurred. Th«» steamship Cimbria ular drill, and the chaplain one day 1 arms of its friends, and rarely j
result of this prtxligality was the lurid an«! infect«»«! atmosphere of th«» as that, but we know that silk will was sunk, and there was a frightful rode around the puddle and thereby 1 abused.
Chicago is the first main point of I
jxisitive sluik«» of the bartender’s Norwegian brig; how he had forgot absorb and store electricity as readily accident on the Southern Pacific fell out of the regular order. The
Before the arrival of J
imperial head.
ten self in th«» awful scene of woe
As Torrent gaztxl disconsolately around him; how In» went, almut in tial curtain for th«» electric cylinder,
California had another accident th«» drill, when the officers came to the immigrants at this place the |
work of sanitary inspection is com-j
uponthe dreary scene without, he felt that dismal for«»casth» lx»aring cooling and. rubbed with quicksilver has a that day besides the railroad horror. gether. said, with a sneer.—
that he would like to fling himself drinks to men witli death tokens on mysterious power that imparts force The Atlantic Giant Powder Works,
"If Chaplain Stimson is afraid to menc«»«|, principally with reference to i
from th«» black cliff out there into th«» their discolored faces and death thirst to its retention. The enrativ«» fore«» near Oakland, was th«» seen«» of five rule through muddy water for fear of small-pox. Tli«» inspection is very j
sea and let his life eml, as lit» luul on
their blackened tongues; how he of silk is du«» to its electricity, and the almost simultaneous explosions. soiling his clothing, I will carry him thorough, ami is conduct«»«! under |
ended his hopes, iuliubbl«» and foam; answered every cry for comfort witli medical faculty recommend silken Nearly forty men wen» preparing across the puddles myself.”
th«» direction < f tho National Boari I
but without his wonttxl stimulant, cadenced footfalls and an exquisite hose and shirts for a thousand dis twenty five tons of powder for ship­ "Thank you,' tin» chaplain said; of Health. The inspectors board the i
he lacked the physical nerve to do it. carefulness of touch that ma«!«» the eases. As we are not professional, ment to Portland. (Iregon. when the "but as th«» government provides trains alxmt one hundred miles east I fri. i
Th«» early bar room birds were gath «lying think the angels had come’to we only take silk by the throat, and explosion occurred. The men were hors«»s. I don’t se«» any reason why I of Chicago. They first direct in I m<
ering upon their perches—the sturdy their relief; how he read from a Nor know its wonderful power. We will blown to atoms. Th«» shock of the should rid«» on a jackass.”
qniries as to the general condition of j com i
tojx»r with stomach of brass, who wegian Bible (he had passed a winter give a sure recipe: When you have explosion was felt seven miles away,
the immigrants, then as to the fact | Koi
drank his undiluted tipple without a in Norway) the most radiant passages the throat trouble, give a nice, clean , j where the people ran from their
of vaccination, and if il has been I
Abundant hair is not a sign of eff«»cted. the date of the last opera- I dii
shudder, and with a crack of the lips of Divine promis«» which his mother silk handkerchief to your sweetheart, houses, thinking it was an earth
bodily or mental strength, the story tion. This should have b«»«»n at- J M
like tin» explosion of a pod of tram ha«! markixl to a «lying Norw«»gian with a request to tie it around your quake.
of Samson having given rise to th«» tended to on shiplx»ard. and no pas- | et» r
pled rock weed, and the tremulous, lad, who once, like himself, had left m»ck. I f you are not curial or cho ked
On the same day th«» ship Vorwarts notion that hairy men are strong senger ef this class should be landed I
two handed inebriate, whose head a ph'asant home for the privations of by tender hands, we have mad«» a
shook in remorseful rhythm with his th«» sea. and bow at last, himself mistake. The more expensive the was sunk off Libati, ami eight pt»rsons physically, while the fact is that the who has not been effectually vaccin- I lai
na i
shaking hands. Suddenly there en­ stricken by the dir«» contagion, h«> kerchief the surer the cure, because were drowned.
Chinese, who are the most enduring
within a proper time, or failing I •o
The day following witnessed the of all races, are mostly bald, ami as at«xl
ters with great tumult Captain Caleb had sunk exhausted, his helping hand your pet takes so long to examine the
Rudge, bringing in witli him the helpless, and his warm heart that quality and get it just right, so it «leath of another famous man in to the supposition that long ami some vessels the work is very care I tei r
France. Gustav«» Dore.
▼a t
fused «xlors of pipe, grog ami herring. never
thick hair is a sign and token of in
felt a chill before growing cold won’t hurt Try it, ami go home
The same day three coal trains, tellectuality, all antiquity, all ma«l fully «lone; in others it is almost en- I fe. ;
The captain was a veritable marine in d«»ath.
cure«! We «»xpect silk handkerchiefs consisting of three engines anil sixty-
tirely negtected; in all it dep«»nds I
monster, or monster marine a human
It was evening time, and land and | will advance in price when this mat nine cars, became unmanagabl«» «in houses and all common observation upon tho fidelity an«l skill of the snr I
cetacean of the cachalot species, sea were tranquilly receiving th«» ter is nnderstixxt.
are against it The easy weedletl geon of th«» steamer, anil there is no I
th«» George's Creek an«l Cumberland Esau was hairy. The mighty Cresar
moist. breathful and blubliery cla«i purple lx»ne«liction of sunset A little '
Railroad, near Cumberland. Md. An was bald. Long haire«l men are a«le«|Uate system with reference to I
in a stark, pilot cloth garment, with group
its enforcement
mtkeful. white bone buttons, very th«» brig and incoming sail. Prewntlv ing on ?" asked a Galveston man of a engineer, a fireman, amt three brake generally weak an.l fanatical. an«l men
The general sanitary care of the I
wiiie and very blu«> trousers, and a the brig's colors wen» dipped anil
with scant hair are the philosophers inimigrantA is improving, most of tbc V
glased, sun cracked cap of extraor then a shott«xl canvas sack was low boss." "What’s the matter?” “I is
an«l soldiers ami statesmen of th«» improvomont Iwihg due to tlm in I
Th«» sinking of a considerable por
dinary dimensity.
end into th«» illimitable sea.
11 to blame, boss. I gave her a splendid tion of the city of Wilkesbarre, on the world.
fluencp of thp National Boad.- I Bar I
“Shipmates!’’ roans! the captain,
per’s Weekly.
"They an» paving a tribute to poor 1 whit«» silk dress, and den sh*» got so 24th day of the month not only
in speaking trumiwt tom»s, as if a«l trank
Memphis boasts of a cat that has
------- — ” said one. “The Proml she ha»l no use for me. She caused a panic in that town, but se
dressing men at the mast head, “let's doctor sent
won! ashore that lie was lowed 1 was too dark to match ile riouslv fnghtene.1 thonsamls of peo the asthma. We wish asthma were
To be able to l»ear provocation is
all han.Is splice th«» main Iware.’’
—-—--------------------------------------- I «Irens.”
and then we would imix-rt
pie who live in the mining districts catcbmg.
an argument of wisdom; ami to for­
that one ami let it out of nights
I give it, of great mind.