Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1872-1883, March 15, 1883, Image 5

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    Nuwtfpapcr De<
1. Any person who takes t i per regular
j from a post-office, whet . directed in
in name or anuther’H, or 1 llher lw au!»
p.iviik ut.
bribed or not, in rcafjoBHible
2. If a person orders his » L t disiti mt ni
ed lie must pay arrears, o
jay continue to send it ui t payment i
jade, and then collect thL Jude amount
whether the paper is taken t •< 11 the office or
The courts have deoi^’hAt refu-in-
j take newspapers or peri io, iate from the
ost-office, or r* moving and .(Vv »'»g I li.-m m
tie office, is prima facie e ure of inteii
tonal fraud.
4. The PosliuHstei-GfU.] h»H decided
hat postm isters who fail t<J >>tifv publish
r- w li. n sub •! il- r-. 11 in.nj Jpi f iil to take
heir papers from the post J .< ■. shall be re-
ponsible for their aubscripfl
R. Baird—For sale.
Rohr, Spears A Co. Pail
Isidore Ertle—McMinnvil
Monroe dt Longdun—Dan
R. Baird—Farm machinei
E. B. Collard—Notice to
p -vers.
Now moon.
Trees budding.
Flowers in bloom.
I Sick folks improving.
Many have made garden.
Clear your roofs of moss. ,
Trim up your shrubbery.
Real estate business lively^
! Almost a fire in town xVIonda-
A. O. U. W. to-morrow eveuig
New goods at Harry Bolx rtfcns’s bazaar.
| A choice collection of hat3 I Bangasser's.
t B. F. Hartman has farm iftohinerv for
4c. i,
■ Jimmy Magruder has comoack to these
■ A lady teacher wanted at Jncoln, Tilla-
See ad.
■ Mr. R. B. Hayden and fa mil: leave us to
Kake up their abode at Hillsboi-
■ Prof. Anderson, of the Laiyette public
■chool called on us last Saturd. ■
1 Many subscriptions expire wi > the close of
EVol. 12. Pay up and begin ane.
■ There seems to be a great demand for
■gricultural implements this sp ng.
■ More Job Tvpe has been reoeied by S nyde .
J ob P rinter . Look outAttine work.
K Wm. Galloway sold his st.-J Hi« tn Mr. Big-
h uu of Eastern Oregon. <’«»! hsi-ration $075.
■ Mr. A. B. Westerfield and I M; F-liia John-
Bon. of Lafayette, visited frl fer hero Sun-
■Levi Davis has sold his property nt he north-
w istern bart of town, to T. A Turner for
| ».070.
■ One of Jones Hill Go’s, bigblack horses
d ed one day last week—a victin >f the horse
■ A. L. Saylor the druggist and Free Press''
A'; n? of Dayton, came in fora chat, last
£ Tommy Brvant and Willie ‘’esterfield of
raLafayette paid the R epoter ofii a visit one
|fiay last week.
■ Gentle reader, did you ever stu to reflect
for a moment, that S nyde t iis the boss
;,Job Printer?
Our modest and handsome Dung friend
[’Earles E. Magers, of Polk cqQty, dropped
in to see us Monday.
Miss Zella Comstock, of Portjjid, has been
visiting Miss Ida Arthur and 'liter friends
n town for some days.
Mr. L. A. Newby sued Mr. UL>. Buck, be­
fore Recorder Baker, last Fiiqlr. for about
[J 17, and got judgment for $10«
A |KX*m received, is unavuidablv orowded
«Ait this issue.
City Council met on Tuesday evening, but
tttiiiHiieted iiu busuiess worthy of mention.
Mi. J. J (’«»Hard, u ile and daughter Mary
anil au . s . i Devore, of Wheatland, dropped in
to tee u i l uesday evening.
Mr. A. II. Baker, City Recorder, has been
appointed Justice of the Peace foi this pru-
cinol, vice Frink resigned.
L .\renc«« Woodruff, who Inis been up in
the Vakima country for several months has
ruturked to these parts again.
Jlev J R W Sellwood will preach al the
I'pisoQpid Chureh in McMinnville, next Sun­
day. both morning and evening. Every­
body iuvitod.
We received a pleasant call yesterday
■ horning from Miss Flora Russ, of this place
ind Mrt». 11. A. Allen and Miss Sarah Hen
dersun. of Amity.
R. is said to have become very ex­
pert in music—so much so that he prefers
music found in a Business Directory to that
found in the song books of the day.
Mrs. Geesey’s Concert and benefit to the
McMinnville Brass Rand is to come off soon,
the programme will consist of music, vocal
and instr a mental, and a drama each even­
The Sabbath School Convention which was
in session at this place daring Tuesday and
Wednesday, was well represented from all
parts of the county. The meetings were quite
interesting throughout. Next week we will
give full proceedings.
The Misses Hendricks are now below lay­
ing in their Spring Stock and would invite
tha ladies of McMinnville and vicinity to
call the fore part of next week, when they
will tie pleased to show them the latest styles
in Millinery and Novelties.
He was painting a picket fence ; she came
on I and stood on ¿hb back porch, attracting
his attention. A gentleman came along and
mid “ Hello, Tom : what are you doing ?”
• I'm painting this fence.” said Tom ; but in
looking i t his work he found that the paint­
brush was between two palings, where he had
been industriously “ swiping” it up and down
for a minute or more. The fence to which
we refer is a neat picket fence arohnd the
property of Mrs. Rowland, on B. street.
Messrs. Wadhams <V Elliott, in their regu­
lar price current for last week says : “We
respectfully call the attention of all our pat­
rons to the fact that the society for the Pre­
vention of Cruelty to Animals has secured
the appointment of a special policeman, who
will look sharply after all violations of the
law. If any of you send us poultry in over­
crowded coops, and said policeman knocks
the coop to pieces and liberates the poultry,
we do not propose to catch them for you.”
We have this week been visited by Mr.
James Berry, a young man wno hailed from
our eld 'stamping ground”--Oregon, Illi­
nois—which vzt* left years ago. and we tell
you it made us feel sort o' home-sick to talk
over matters regarding the home of our
childhood. Mr. Berry came to Portland
last Fall, and being a printer by. trade has
worked at tlrn profession in that city most
of the time since. He came up on Monday
and returned Tuesday.
The uiiiionus for McMinnville F. D. have
been ordered. They will consist of Black
Helmet Hats, red shirts, and black belts.—
The Hook and Ladder Compiuiy will have
white hat fronts, lettered in red. while the
panel and lettering of the belts will be the
same; Eclipse Engine, red hat fronts, lettered
in black, belts the same ; Star Hose, blue hat
fronts, lettered in white, and belts the same.
This will make a neat and durable uniform,
and our fire boys will present a nobby ap­
pearance when they all turn out with them
on. There are fifty uniforms ordered, and
will cost about $350 00.
\ lmost a F ire .
Last Thursday evening Mr. H. G. Shadden
the grocer, built a fire in the stove at his store
and in a short time a fume arose causing Mr.
S. to feel a little suspicious that all was not
riflit. and upon examination found vhat
some person had laid some old ciothes on the
'dove-jjip? up stairs and these were all ablaze.
With a bucketful of water he extinguish- d
the flames, and no alarm was given. People
should be careful aboat thus leaving things
in close proximity to stove-pipes, as by doing
Jacob Wisecnrver last week $cl one lot on .to they may save loss by fire to themselves
he corner of Third and E. sbats to J. 8. and neighbors.
Peterson of Milwaukie, for
When you go to Lafayette deft forget to T he P roc . pect .
So far during the present year the indica­
>eep into Bird & Gates' new etablishment
nd see how nobby everythin: rtpaars.
tions give promise of a season of more than
The boys have been ‘‘ kitiig’ it for the usual activity in the building up of Mc­
>ast week : but the wind hat ben too low Minnville. New additions to the town have
uost of the time to make it i suwss.
been laid oil’, and already large bills of lum­
The Band Pic Nic will belrld
F’A ?n .. the 25th ber have been ordered for numerous build­
rnd Vrmy
t»r 26th of May. The Grfad
Irmv boys ings contemplated. No less than a dozen
li ss.ue
trill have a “blow-out” at til
Mme time.
good substantial buildings are now in course
Mr. Bamhr.rdt and an Aer gentleman >f const met ion. and we expect by the close
vhose name wo did not lea FwiJ soon erect of the year 1883 to report an addition to our
town of from fifty to one hundred dwellings
i shingle mill near the old i fcrh null site.
And we do not behove this io be h mere tem­
John Berry says he has tl f istuil dogs in porary ” boom.’’ but of a lasting and hardy
he county ; the manner ir txiufe they gol - nature that shall continue until McMinn­
®»led up that coyote last we» we are ready ville shall be one of tha most prosperous and
Ko second the motion.
wide-awake inland towns m the State of Or­
i Wyndham has a machine t catting hai^; egon.
live won't undertake to des- >«
. the appar.a
Liu.-, but will biggest if you int your head C aught by a B elt .
■hnved to give him a trial.
On Tuesday of last week. C. W. Francis, of
up 1 day of Iasi the firm of Hemstock, Franis A Harvey, came
K Mr. M. F. Spencer, on
“Week, resigned the positio. nCitv Auditor near being the victim of a shocking casualty.
■if Portland. His remgnat Al was accepted While wurknig around the machinery at the
kith regret by tfie council.
mill his coat was caught bv a belt and drawn
i The new Ooilftge Lokldiii; Ins been oom- between it and a wheel, lifting Mr. Francis
nceentf^i from the floor and throwing him some dis­
bleted. and as soou as it lijfieen
.na i
;sc _.r _
i til. Board w» sh «H uivc e [fill
tance onto a large belt that drives the ma­
*f the building and its sur r I fidili g».
chinery and from there he was thrown,
living head-foremost into a pile of lumber bruising
I Messrs Mat Maroney a/ Ji
him up to a considerable extent, but break-
hear the Fetch plac* wef
v ■
' IjfKrta in town on Saturday,
Bast to attend the G. .*
times quite lively in theirt
mg quite sore frouNib^effects of his ad-
ture. Charley says he n ¡8
1 From the fact of his bril
Is, bucking cuvuses. etc.. hnfSM* was the
Ice a box of the finest app
ipon for many a day. we
hat Mr J. T. Jolly is ttr '
Im of T rade .
ouled. clever gentleman i? I
O itt UouKctL R oons
Last Thursday we weiyl
M c M innville . Or.. March 9,1»<83.
ileasant call from Deputy
In response to a call published in the Yam
)avid 8teci, and wife.
ynill R eporter , certain citizens of the town of
keel was m town looking
McMinnville met in the City Gnu noil room»
aining to his office and y
for the parpóse of organizing a Board of
ountry by Thursday’s tr-W;
Uncle John Baker told j
Ou motion. Mr J. E. Brooks was elected
hat George Harris said ll '
temporary chairman and D. H. Tumor tem-
ng had heard that J. WAF
¡orary secretary.
nated that Col Wallace m.
i wife that
I lie object of the meeting was stated by J.
uiither Shobe had the LeA^^
■nú sica I in- (Cooper, and on motion it was decided to
trament« ever offered fo^ .Ä this State, ¡gañiz» a Board of Trade tor the town of
McMinnville Band have rij vved an in- McMinnvilla.
On motion. G. W. Jone« was appointed a
liHtion to «Iter.» * tonrnamA
,y <•»
of one to confer with some mem-
.v the Eueenp Hnnd ou th« V Rn(| Sfh of committee
nn« npxt. Th« rule.. .mi U
off,r..d her of the Portland Board of Trade and se­
of their by-laws.
ire fair, but ownig to the gTr V .. *_n„„ W1.
(Jn motion, a committeo of three «'onsist-
hink it hardly probable that «nJ1« « ir
of S. A. Manning. W. B. Turner nd W.
ittend. though they «liould be ,|rnReti to jo ing
F. Bangnsser were appointed to porfec plans
to effect a permanent organization
Donne las’
Mrs. < han,,
On motion. G. W, Joot*»
added to the
he nrtr nddition to town bid ‘
. , committee op p rmaneut organization.
he following ¡xirtie. : L. T H’"* 7 «Z. «
On m«»tion. B. F. Hartman. Wm. Camp­
or «.VO; Mrs. Htorrv. 2 «ere«.
t bell and Jacob Wiaecarver were appointed a
I. Harding. S net.'«, t >r IBS . T .
'ommittee of three to report at our next
»er-« tor Ï5O : John Dorman
P meeting a plan or plans for the improve­
<O : Flora Kn«. 1 aere, for !.>«.'T \ v ment of our afreets.
laardman. 2 aeres for «250.
II . ».
J. ( . Cooper. G. V»’. Snyder and G. W.
L»nes were on motion appointed a commit-
We nodned two ess« from Y
nnrem» Conrt doeVt for the
L'11' to* tc propose what street«» to improve and
arhat amount «.f improvement may be deem-
lw of K. H. Branson, et al.
nl newiwrv.
he D S. A G K. R ». Co.
On motion, the Secretary was imfmcted to
nn«d from last term, and K. L
« T. B. Nelson, appeal from Y?
?? tomish th- Yamhill R fpotfa a copy of the
s »f this meeting with rcqu<*4 that
I'.eppard vs Yoram and Del.'™"’1';
hey lie pnt»li«!:ed,
'olk county, are also on th° d«x*J4 f
(hi motion, mljonrned to meet Friday,
larch 235d 7p. m. in Council room.
On Fri lav Hst Mr. Hill of the,
<’f Jonw
D. H. T urner . Sec’y.
till 4^ Co. left this pin«»» with a ’ i firm
*r th° purpose of «tartina np t ihe Nertnrrvi
umbering Milla, whi' h will I be dooe thi*» jijorp.vm.
*»k. Th« crew ron«i«ted of Mewurs. Tom Th«» Pbifergian S.<ipty has n«ljonrn«1 to
'elds. Tommy
Qninn ^Burnett an-' nret the firet Saturday in October. l'YC.
m. Yocum.
Jac FHt
E. E. S f . lph . Pres.
id Mart High vili go c
O n » M una». Sec.
County Court Proceedings.
Estate of Otto Lebmun—report of real es­
tate uouflrmetl.
Ebtale of Willaiuiua Williuius will ad­
mitted to probate. E. O. Williams appointed
executor. Rond fixed at *5,000. Fifed und
approved. T. J. Jeiiison, W. G. Butfiington,
and Thos Jeffries appointed appraisers
Estate of C. F. Shortridge—will admitted
to probate. Mrs. E Shortridge appointed ex­
ecutrix without bonds. H. 2 Foster, Chas.
Lafolletl uud A. 8. Bible appointed apprais­
Estate of Mary E. Fetch—personal proper­
ty ordered sold.
Estate of Jacob W. and Katie 8. L. Andre,
minors—A. Andre appointed guardian. Bond
fixed at $1,000.
Estate of Margaret. E. A. Buiton, a minor,
Margaret W. Burton appointed guardian.
Bonds fixed at $2,400.
Once again 1 wander past ibe town
To where the noble temple stands,
A Hill of ¡Science looking down
Upon the streainlet's drifting sands :
And pausing, ’neath the hoary trees,
I feel h thrill of filial pride
That Fane like that, henceforth shall be
The Homo and Shrine—what e’er betide—
Of Alma Mater, vet so dear
To many hearts e’trr linked in one
Bright chain, though far or near
Towards east or westward sun.
New Firm
New Goods,
Saloon & Pilli ar u ilall
Cha’s Hirsch, Pro.
[MKLSCBN eider ’ s OLD
And as the shadows longer grow
1 see again the schooldav throng
That long ago passed to and fro,
With merry laugh and cheerful song.
And mem’ry weaves her golden thread,
Till all the Past, the Present seems.
With childhood and the joys she shed
Upon those wayward thoughtless dreams,
That oame or went, in sweet content,
Unmindful that the shadows cast
Before, may tell of strange event
Petition of Sampson and Perkins for coun­ In
years unseen, though coming fast.
ty road—H. F. Bedwell, Major Moorand C.
O. Kuykendall appointed viewers and J. C.
I see them yet, that schooldav throng,
Cooper surveyor.
Petition of H. H. Burton et al for county ’Mid life’s now changeful busy toil,
” Scales of Justice” pond’ring long,
road—T. C. Davis, John Perkins and Sam­
uel Turner appointed viewers and Cooper The true to aid the false to foil.
honored now, they ever yearn
For nobler deed, for higher goal,
T. R. Bewley supervisor road district No. 4 A b “ fortune’s wheels” around them turn
excused and C. Richter appointed.
The dark or bright unwinding scroll.
W. 8. Frink, J. F. McMinnville precinct, That scroll—though spell of Fate to them—
resignation accepted aud A. B. Baker ap­ Is shining still with hope and joy,
As one by one they win a gem
Petit io i of J. W. Shelton for county road From out the world’s deep, dark alloy.
—R. Hanna, A. Blackburn and I>. I. Pierce
And now methinks I hear their song
appointed viewers and Cooper surveyor.
Petition of John Brown and others for From eastern Empire’s Sacred School
county road near Newberg—S. Brutscher, From Wasco’s grassy slopes so long
David Everest and Jesse Edwards appointed From northward Puget Sound so cool;
From o’er the sunset, peaceful sea ;
1st OF
viewers and Cooper surveyor.
From o’er the streams of Idaho :
R. Shook appointed Justice of the Peace From Mississippi’s northern lea ;
for West Chehalem precinct.
From where Willamette’s restless flow
Petition of 8. P. Rood and others for coun­ Is gathered from the tiny rill
ty road—W. J. Loughary. J. W. Cowles and That steals the mountain’s robe of snow,
open in
Jacob Wisecarver appointed viewers and J. And speeds it onward, sparkling still
C. Cooper surveyor.
Till lost within the sunset’s glow.
John Lercher granted liconse to sell liq­
And e’en from o’er the the Jordan’s shore
uors in Sheridan precinct for six months.
The blessed spirits waft a strain
Amos Cook supervisor of district No. 34. Of
Jubilee, that thrills us o’er
exoused and J. A. Huston appointed.
And o’er, till mortals we would fain
S. Brutscher. supervison of district No. 33. No longer roam : but swan-like sing,
excused John I Hash appointed.
For Yamhill’s College, grandly fair,
Wm. Rogers appointed supervisor district The sweetest song fruitions bring
one of the
To sweeten rest and solace (wire.
No. io.
Ah I yes thy children sing again
Milton Perry, of district No. 22.
Thy praises and thy glorieH too.
Charles Belcher of district No. 31.
That nobly blessed by generous men
Cyrus Hinton
of distnet No. 8?.
Thy lifo is just begun anew.
James Gant of district No. 38.
George Myers of dristrict No. 40.
H. Heckman of dristrict No. 4-1.
S erenaded .
A. J. Nelson appointed sheep inspector
Last Sunday afternoon, about 3 o’clock,
and bond fixed at $100.
Frederick Sappington appointed to schol­ there were sounds of music in the air. here­
abouts, and rushing to the streets our people
arship in State University.
Selected Stock of
were surprised to see the Lafayette Band
coming into town in their neat band wagon,
P. Wirfe, repairing bridge.,,.................. $ a oo drawn by four plumed steeds. The weather
L. Ham merge!)mit. medical attendance 8 511 and roads being good, the boys had come
F. O’Conner, stationery....... ............
!6 45 over to favor us with some choice music and
F. Farnsworth, tending Dayton bridge.
9 00 played us several airs in good shape. This
,0 00 Band plays well, and we shall always wel­
G W. Snyder, blanks..... . ...............
lleiirv Hanson, keeping indigent
!« 28 come them as often as they may choose to
J- R. Booth, extra pay Sup. Disk 10... . 3 00 come over.
Geo. Dorsey, same, 22 ............................
0 00
T. E. Fox, same, 31 ................. . ............ 14 00 A mended S chool L aws .
J. D. Carter, same 32...,,......... ..... .
0 00
School Superindendent Baker, received the
Wm. Leach, same, 38 ..... ............... .
¡o oo following letter which will explain itself :
R. A. Stewart, same, 40....... ........ .
4. 00
D ept , of P ublic I nstruction .
J. II. Goodrich, .-ame, 44................ ... 10 00
S alem . Or. March 3rd. 1883.
Ever brought to Yamhill County.
Johnson A Matty, blacksmithing.......... 11 50
Bird <t Gates’ nails etc?...........................
Dear Sir:—I forward you by mail to-day
5 00
J. C. Cooper, surveyors’ blanks ............
6 011 twenty-four copies of the Amended Sohoo.
John Knox, tending Dayton bridge......
9 50 Laws of Oregon. This compilation includes
W. II. Bingham, table.......................... 3 50 the School Laws enacted by the Twelfth Leg
II. C. Sbadden. case Fauclier, insane.....
2 oo islative Assembly. The Laws aie now bein;
I 00 printed as rapidly as possible, and a full sup­
McKercher & Thompson, Books............
G. W. Hardwick, ke‘ping Welch’s child 10 00 ply for the School officers of your county
E. B. Collard, Sheriff’s fees.................... 1 3 85 will be sent you at the earliest day practica­
ble. Respectfully,
Nichols & Jones, supplies for Palmer
We have an
E. B. M c E lroy .
J II. Walker, lumber............................
J. D. Carter, picks for Dist. 32......
25 J udgr D unson ’ s S ecret .
This 18 the title of a new serial story of
H. Johnson, salary as Treasurer........ . 1
J. Dixon, jailer..,,,
00 Oregon life, by Mrs, A. S. Duniway, which
OId Experienced Buyer
J. J. Spencer, Clerk’s fees........... ........ 1
95 was commenced in the “ New Northwest” of
A. R. Burbank, supplies........................
17 March 15th, and promises to be of great in­
E. Carpenter, boarding Coltharp indgt..
terest. That journal will also give special
G?o. Williams, „ Faucher, insane...
00 attention
the coming Woman Suffrage
State vs McMillen, 2 cases..................... 1
15 campaign. t<- Terms.
$3.00 per year ; 6 months
State vs M. Murphy...................... ...
.50. Trial subscription. 3 mont lie. 50 cents. in San Francisco, buying Goods which will ar
W. T. Newby, drawing jury list............
00 Send
copy. Address Dun rive about March 1st from
W. 8. Frink, same..................................
00 iwav Publishing Co., Partland. Oregon.
J. E. Brooks, same..................................
State vs J. Dorris ...................................
State vs S A. Young........ ..................
30 M arried .
March 11th. 1883. By Rev. Neil Johnson of
State vs E. Eccleston...............................
State vs 0. D. Buck................................
80 McMinnville. Mr. J. I). Morris, of North
to Miss Cora Bynum. ofMcMinn-
State vs E. Coy........................................
State vs R. McKune....................... .....
10 ville.
State vs August Blaur.............................
In Sheridan. March 11th. 1883, at the resi­
dence of Win. Lads, Esq., by S. Potter, J. P.
$1813 18 Mr. James Savage of Polk county to Miss
Alma Osborne of Yamhill county.
■I ury L ist .
which we will sell
Following is a list of Jurors drawn for the T eachxr W anted .
Lincoln. TillamooK QQttnty, wants a good,
March term of Circuit Court for Yamhill
County which convoncs at Lafayette, Mon­ experienced female» teacher to teach six or CHEAPER THAN ANY OTH
nine moiy<h< school, to commence about
day, March 2fith 1883:
April 1st, Good reference required. Address
ER HOUSE in Yamhill County,
Occupation. or apply to
J. L. S torey .
Lincoln, Tillamook Co., Oregon.
New Prices !
M c M innville ,
San Francisco
Wm. Roof...........................
8. W Calhoun...................
J. T. Jolly..........................
W. J. Loughary ................
C. A. Sweet.........................
G. L. Park«:........................
J. K. Conner
R. Gant.. ..
D. C. Coleman.......................
C. H. Meessing. r...................
G. W. Millsap« .....................
Wm. Chapman............
O W Rrohardson..................
P. Barndreght
Ben. Antrim..........................
¿with Stephens.....................
F armer.
T ry I t .
“ I like it better than any remedy I have
ever used, because it leaves my bowela in
... .Gunsmith. better condition.” is the remark, made by
everyone when referring to Syrup of Figs.—
That is one of the priucupfii reasons why
Farmer. Syrup of Figs is taking the place of all the
iiver medicine and nauseous cathartics here­
tofore lUKid. Try it. W. B. Turner is agent
Carpenter. for this place.
N ew G rocery S tore .
Opposite McMinnville Hotel, where all
kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods and Con­
ean be had, CHEAP, FOR CASH.
Teamster. fectionery
Also a lunch room in connection with same.
. Farmer.
CATARRH CURED, health and sweet br> atli
secure«! by 8hifeh‘s Catarrh Remedy, Price
50 cents, Naaal Injector free. Sold by W. B
H 1 Morris..............................
.. Farmer. Turner
M . CraA-f .rii.......................
K. M HuddMaton
For Lame Back. Siile or Chest use Shiloh’s
... Farmer.
r. A. Hl»ir....... '.......................
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sc4d by W. B-
. . Farmer.
N. L. Wiley . .)
J. K. Hunt.
’•....................... ...
I’HlhHCr tnuki r
S. Brisbine
......................... .. .Farmer.
H. Peg*.........................................
weekly , by f . w , redmond .]
M c M innville , March 15, 1883.
. . Farmer. Wheat, per uuanel...............
1 03
Flour, per burrei.................
Lee Laughlin
tfk* i»0
Oats, f»er bushel................ ......
47 <0.50
... Laborer. Dnetl Apples, per pound.... ».....
James Barr
ri. I). Hnrdrtt .............................. .. Farmer.
(o’. 1S 00
.................... ......
M. Redding.. ............................... ... Clerk. Bran, per t. li..
l»er ton...... . ......
22 50
K. R. Daniel ............................... ... Millar, GrougrJ
V (o «0
PulRloes, per bushel
. ... ......
Onions, per poun«i............... ......
(o 2
12 (tt. 1 ?.
A C ard .
Ham, jier pound................ ......
¿jtmiiDAN, Ogn. Mrroh 11 1883.
Sh«>iikiers, per pouu«l.......... ......
M(o 9
E ditor R^ ortxr :—I notice in your last Lard, oer pound ................ .......
issue of
n statement made by a cor- Butter, per pound .............. ......
'n. 25
r sixmdtnt
Sheridan, who signs himoelf Eggs, |»er dosen.................
•• 8. Dan,”
bn «tate* that ’’one old Huies, dry flint, per pound. .......
wh< has a Isrg» amount of wh*st Hide», green, per pound....
(o. 5
stolid at t* Elkhorn Will and who refuses
Hogs, per cwt....... ......
5 (ft, 6
to »'ll th* r™* tor Ims than $2 p»*r bushel Dreneed
(n *’2
cjiati d-om.” I ’riH
to parties
(n S
who have Jfieut in store nt said mill that Ta ¡few. per pound............... ......
the sistemen «»da by 8. Dan is n«»t true,
from tiw fact that th* old codger ns h* calls
him. thron ch a' mpathv and to s*e the farm
WILL YOU SUFFER with My^pepula »nd
era ¿Rf* Whea <<’ rcawid has sold said wheat
at $1 10 per h^hel and a Large amount of Liver Complaint ? Rhik/./* V i*;s r is guaje»:*
to cure yout* Sold by W. k% Turner
that on credit. K« to the Md “sinner” w¡th
I the $1 oats—bebas non»* at thia mill.
sHH/iyK-* CAiAkuH ¡.*
jAJflcn W orrtson .
lir e
h, Dipihen«, .ul CarAei
I’roprietor of mid Mil!
Mo- th
Farms for Sale
We take pleasure in announcing to the pub­
lic that we are now ready to engago extensive­
ly in the
McMinnville !
We invite attention to the following baigains
in farms and town property :
300 acres in cultivation
r ; __
100 ______
slashed ; all under good fence; good,
large house, plawtered from cellar to
garret; good barn, 50x50 with large
sheds ; good orchard and good variety
of small fiuits. Price, $25 per acre ;
terms of payment, easy.
Good unimproved Lots for sale at from $90
to $130.
Parties desiring to put property in our hands
for sale or to rent, will address
J. E. MAGERS & Co.,
Real Estate Agents,
McMinnville, Oregon.
Largest and Best
Gen’l Merchandise
(Old u NATIONAL,” established 1866.)
128 Front St., Set. Washington and Alder,
A. P. Armstronff«
J. A. Wesco, •
• . Principal.
Penman and Secy.
An institution designed for the practical busi­
ness education of both sexes.
Admitted on any week-day of the year. No
vacations at any time, and no exam­
ination on entering.
For the Full business Course,
$60. 7^-
Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guaranteed.
The College Journal, containing information
»f the course of study, when to «inter, time re-
¡uired, cost of board,"etc., an«i cuts of orna­
mental penmanshio, from the j>en of Prof.
Wesco, sent free.
Lock Box 104.
Portland. Or.
U nder O dd F bllowb ’ H ali ,,
M c M innville ,
oregon .
Having opened a restaurant I am prepare«!
to furnish meals at al I hours, supplying my ta-
nles with the best the market affords, at
25 Cents per Meal.
Come in and take a meal and von will come
2 2 m3.
We will baye a Complete stock of
and Fancy
Hats, Caps,Clothing,
Furnishing Goods,
Boots, Shoes, Gro­
ceries and Hard-
will receive proposal» up f. February 2Hth,
1883, lor delivery in the boom, at the Ball Sr.
Daniel Mill, of 5,600,009 feet oi Lota. To be
leli^erud according to special agreement.
The Company reserve the right to reject any
and nil bid?.
Proposals to be addressed to
49 w8.
Dayton, Oregon.
Millinery and Fancy Goods !
llrixlrii k
Would respectfully announce to the ladies of
VicMinuvi lln and vicinity that they have
i pen cd out in Garrison’s building—in the room
formerly occupied by J. E. Magers—a full
line of Millinery and Fancy Goods, consisting
’ Hase«
Partite Visiting Amity will ß nd I.adieu
it to their Advantage to call and
.tlcrino 1 nderwear«
F.mbroidrrics, I.aces,
Examine ovr Goode and Prices b*
llihhonw. A. Veiling*«
fore purchasing elsewhere» as our which they would be pleased to have the La­
lies call and examine.
Stock will be
Grand Spring Opening, abcut March 1st.
and Price» that will
KOLLI \ Xi à hili
Jan 29, 1882,
The pnret stock of loots. Shoes, Rubber«,
Etc, in Yamhill County
Boots an«l Shoe» manufactured tn order and
neatly repaired.
All work and goods warranted.
Sign of the Big Boot, Sheridan, Oregon.