I i lizsoMnu T eixple . I H am and M ikhap «. •KBJU9AM. Aug. 14 1882. George Barnum te limping around town The foundation for this building was iaid I and wants to be’. $75,(MX) that he has the H efft »? nde are acaree. j That cistern is complete 1 soma two months ago, since which time •»»»rest t<»o in the country, lie dropped a X.ArAï’STTiJ A' ¡:, pl* »J» and pear.s »»re scarce in this j plunk on it several days since. | Our ex-wblr • is expect**.} 1.k to-day. no work has been dene. But operations will t| Ang. »V, 16, 1882. *W»*. i. tugiu next week and carried forward as rap­ Mr. eu E. . .X. X. i Harding took u tumble one day , • AH ’round my hat” :i town again. » i . ..«> , • , ' nir. .iv.¿j, trams are »till making lively ; jrtb* weo . k “ How’s your wheat turning out ?” “Wai, idly as puSHible. The contract for tho brick _ th: -lint unsettled his nerves for a . : «» .. .... ZJ ailTllJld il road. iOiit 35. ____ And ______ yours ?’ “ Wai, I reckon wor ' » “■-f Op to Tuesday luoruing »». T. rtewfru;;« work h::M been let to Ganuto A Zauiliu and {about ! time. He wns working on a portion of tha r • ».'x' "4H> sack«. ¡•an» Hwd, of IM P m ... . ba- • » hh .«. ' .oiuniuoll. La.a Broad.ou.ul,ulicii he Jonee, Hilt & Go. received the coutract for miiie’Il average’boot 32 or \l AnJ yours, M Niok ? ” “ Well, that 18 acre field of loins I slipped and fell from the scaffold to th» I The largest bore in town- :*«• Indepta d> the wo » j I work, in size the building will be (farm d out 848 tuhhcls.” Aud so it goes: qni.i c\ jrtri) pj st week. 'ground, a dihlance of about ten feet, strik­ 27x''B feet, two stories high. The lower room | lhm well-boring machine. II vary! healthy and Dr. Cox has gone ing on liii l< ' ‘ • and bru.smg him up a will b • fitted up for a store-room while tho everylmdy has from thirty to forty bushels of wheat to tho acre. But ontearo not doing iU harvest field. Fuel. to V. little, but nut senoubly. i Mow nbont all this rubbish and wood in upper pnraox phrtioii will I • •’ upiod by our Ma * ' : Mr. City !*u!.- sou.a Brethren. Il will »xM from ___ ______ $4,500 __ t<» ho wall. Ih’.H year ; and late spring wheat will run bus commenced on Nes- Mt working off T1 . On Tuesday ‘ next, Aagurt ‘ ........... 22nd, al i be poor. This is owing to the sudden and tucul Il¡ jil p irdiu.it» and snv.flt are very plenty. the Collego budding, h id his ■ ’ The rout! bed of th) Oregon Central k< be 2 o’clock p. m., ‘.ho Corner Stone will be laid I lengthened dry spell, coming, a« it did, iiti- painfully m ingled on Wednesday of limt » .-cd fine condition. mutJi.J»dy after ths sprtug sowing was fiui.sfi- with appropriafi 1 ceremonieSj and the cum- j jM. Th 3f f dmier takas the lead, but in the weak. oeve I bricks fell from tile top of the rush !$■» header is brought into requisi building (the fourth story) and one of them St what a ° gawholoping ” load of ’.a- mitt» on progra innw are leaving nothing un- done that will insure, as llr, de Hodson puts I L oh ? week Homedody that knew the way, t ion tes-hi'.n V Cnlly brings to town. btiuck Jordon, who wat» .it \.urk below, on it, a “ grand blow-out.” Following Id the entered Cork’s soloon at. night and helped tinner and obliging tho h: .d, tn uking . ......... unti urushiiig . one finger ' ' Whilinoro, the I Ch [ 1. tiV boy»;, wli ui you go bathing don’t gt t programme to be observed : i himsell - . . e . i »...... — '-..it....;,: 1... . » ntiro ;»« I.,,,» i. v>i r,f t»A II io in dime and one or more D Wi.» *» »stma«t( r, is one lower »• portion of Í the of the boss feed and biuitii.... 1 the I. the water. You uupht get wet. Liisket dinner at 12 »«., shnrp, j botttes h ; of thu best whisky. : hand. The suine brick, in its dvHt rnt. bruis- h Bewley ’ s machine. ew c;, and spiici. Rut t. few ■ ‘ * Music * ' tract a sliso. “rum die foot oi a sercn-ycar- j Whoa *b.' .! ran the 1 > ehildro? , icilrtbors are still going to the c»j;ist. i old «on of Mr. Shot) . It was it; i?,i> .a ’i a thin;,' as a thistle could not ' G Laying of Corner Stone by Hon. N. Ufi u large nr frnthor Mi* ) is 1 h*; one horns tho found, aud if thou.-, having most interest MnnM ’fa "hero on the railroad and arc spliuter and had run through the foot just Dolph, Grand Mastt r, lindalct.” j in "he matter h.id takon the tronble to kill ■ t.-»k <■] w t in h.icks and carriages by, A. B. , al»ove th« has ■ c i,: 8 the JV M usic, third T u hvopera- "*1 * toe. * ” ;tho first one i o n, th»» coantry would yet bel Fauiuj 8t;ite Teacher. Asocial itr» :.• . ‘ ' ■ •••h -t Addrtss by liev. J. R. N. Bell, J - t Mlabd the j tion wna a pai infu! ». rfttA n’.m'ho p»rt. But an it .s now, It is i i A A 1 by tho name of Beaty has rented > rahniuirtarii.. ; of chlore form. The lad is oa Monday evening next, A . . ■•. > ’d Mudic. • 'very doubtfal if they can be trot under at '?.»sdinne turdays. iMtfad acres of land of James F improving. i I..U I tr wifi the Joo Lynch farm, and will movu Our otti fricnd, Rev. Mr. G aij Conductrd A t the W aukjiuoses . ( McMinnville n&rrowty cscajwd having a ptoti the editorial tripod tn tho • Juterprisfa’ last Within the p;»st two or three days hauling . ' here n much t;dk ate .. havirig our next i ‘ri ’ blaze, last Friday morning. The i hnuney weak, in the bsem.e of ?.’r. Hock. ■ legislature provide for a fish-way over the Li;bcr being cut off the banks of the ou Odd Fellow»;’ building into which the of wheat has commenced and our ware- falls at Oregon City ; tut Buch u law would nv; rh tween North and South Sheridan and Htovo-pipe from the Star Restaurant enters, Ab. Hour : '?.(» r.-»-t Aiuerter-.u p:«- houH&men are beginning to have to hustle be inoperative. True, tho ash-way might be the t bridr add greatly to th» looks of burned out and an a large quantity of w»ot h nth n»to w ; yoar wheat x W : made, hut it would he ho hamperod by nets, themselvds to keep it oat of the way as it had accumulated thorei ’ it < seated h<^mucli our 1H 3 town. T. Newby’ v.arahuu . Yah-yah-yah. fire that tlu r.moko and blaze oould not lx»th At th« DffCM innviile Warehouse there [abovo and below, that no fish would ever get i The looonut'.’ve end two cars of the south arrives. through. A nd ivo know from the wey they I ’.derson has dosed his saloon and eFioape and the luiter was forced out from ch about 1,700 bushels ; Redmond & Smith i l»ound trail'jumped ‘ha Lv.’k, near ?*!orth (do on the Colombia river, that that law KdMbriing. Good boy. 1 wish more ron'll crevices between (he brick and for u short about 2,5(X) bushels, white Stout & Mar­ bo no check on fishermen. Too many 1 wtow b w the sanio calling would imitate time threatened to “ warm things up.”— Yamhill, on Monday, w> ;h dakyed out have tin lead the van with upwards of 5,000 buBh- i would vote« there, my boy, mid no officer looking mail a cun pie of hour*. Prompt action and a lew buckets ol water els The wheat is a fine quality—the berry ¡for a re-election would dare to meddle with b’s pimple. ! m J Hube hvU-i rented, the home place of quieted tho red munsiei down and our city J. 8. Hibbs’ ti.r^her te .veraging about being largo and full, and but little shriv­ tbeiu. was spared the portion that has been metM eled wheat amongst it, and when passed I barite Is < whoat, daily ; Elgin Wright’s, Hr. N Way, and Mr. Bible has rented the through the gleaners is fit to enter any mar- | A h Messrs. Rudder and ftoyal with their I largt I bufar» and is putting up u large out to several of our sinter towns, of late. 900: Henderson's, 1,100; and th:, kot as a first-ctesH, merehantahte article.— , families ------ were on «, wwxw their o»» way to CU3 the cauBt, coast, auu and aEibU| l ol ztr-w. buys have pal throng a 1,200 bushels. i P fehonal . Our warehousemen inform us that the ma- «om» distance tha other side of Grand Rondo ‘Cha “Register” is shown some Buiwuin jority of farmers ar» returning for woks, as the wagon cobtaining the women and chil I C J k*ters und painters arc fitting up tho Mis* Angie Caldw 11 was <) Sunday last ds by Th:n Johnson, one head of which the yield is exceeding their expectation in dren dropped into a deep hole on one ride old ■ atora. In about two weeks to the Nestuoca mills, where it is contained 200 “cumols.” Mr. J. has half tin tha uta^ By the middle ot next week ■ and ono so it with Mrs. Royal and others Jac« |»ia t? Go. will move in with a large ‘ : taken hopod her heal* h may be improved by the acre of th «as oats th-«t will yield 75 bushels. Ufa Mpfrneral merchandise. anddeaaan at thia point wilt wan thrown ov.. bit : .• ' ", , >var;-ly sloe® , mountain air. I wf [and perhaps sorioasly. A fishing party composed of County Clerk havo their Lunds fall. I Chapman hauled tho first wheat to S.•«•acur, Dop :ty Clerk Talmage, Postmaster F edt ^—. Th» other day Jako Grazier gathered to- the if [?3*!CLe;u last Thursday. Ou»- grain is 1 Wilbur Henderson, nephew of our citizens, 1 Ab. and T. D., camo up fron' Californio. His Turner. Bishop Morris and a gentleman r. ‘ ' 1 gethar all the loose men on the street, the atxn I » w««k later getting ripe than in the ■ health has not been good of late, and he whose nurae v/o did not learn, left this place unoio w E. Warren, of Maddy caw.» >n 1 lame, the hi it, th» blind, the rag, tho tag aud neul t’tfnioml of McMinnville. ! hopes by a visit to this section to be Jenefit- for the Trask, on Tuesday. to see us tert Thursday, and of eours» did ■ f>*kor fellow—20 in all—anil drove them I qMpt tvi) weeks ago Parts McCain hud his | ted. Í * to bring with him a basket of i { on tho seal n to got an average weight of the >41 fiver on his right hand tuken off at Franklin Harty, near Amity, thinks ho has not ■ forget Our good-iiutnred friend of th» legal fra Tho lightest weighed 1&) ¡os., the hea­ » art, and his thzeo fingers badly lacer > the bows corn, aud we guest lie has. Ono plucns. ’ ’hay were of the “Po.ich” variety and ¡lot. viest, 275 tt>a., and the lot 3,480 Its.— -or an H*1 I by a self binder. His fingers ar» not, ternity, Hon. W. D. Fenton, of Lafayette, an excellent quality, «talk measured 9^ feet in height and • I *1 Pojil .r.»ni , W.1H in town on M md.ty ami dropped in to average of 17f ¡h«. ” • •• - - How’« that for an aver Wbl! and hs suffers a g: .cat, deal front, ..uaed inches In circuLaferaace, 6 inches from th« Mr-’. Julia L. Hnyd»” mad» glad the hearts age ? N at . i - ground. Now come on ; but don’t all speak I was ” and ienT I -t “stuck up” if ho did run of ye printers o.a Friday by bringing into at once. AMirz, arvn.l 'nas not progressed far enough for for congress. lion. W. T. Newby hue thorocghly <>vw- our office a Sample of delicious |>eaohea, A o;; 151882. ¡*1) •> t 1 what the yield is going to be, yet i Horace Ran^dalr and I. lc.ilycanjeupfrom b. ded his mill and procured the services of plucked fro’D s t: »» in her yard. The tree Cloudy with all tho appear ar e <»f rain. - owl fliyH it is better than they expect- __ _ _ Mr. R. roturned to 'L B. Malor y, County Surveyor, had 27 ! Portland on kb.. Saturday. a first-class miller, and tho flour he is tnrn- was well loaded, whim Mrs. 8. wc.it to La­ George Hulery and wife wore in town yea his ig oat is said, by those who have tried it. fayette ono *c No. I We acknowledge the receipt of turned they bad i^rown “wonderfully less.” : —h hxd 1,104 bushels. Crops are said not remained :.t her old home on a several days’ «» -ik of thKlour, but have not tried it aw Thanks for a porfcoi» of thr remaining fruit. afi good on the high lands aw last year. visit. Mr«. Newby returned hor. from her Visit. , í h¡ rn 'never seen the farmers in better spir­ yet. Mr. John Hageny came down from The Ar. J now comes Mr. W. H. Fletcher and considerably improved. ¡ its«» it! finch a ruflh with their harvest work. Reinembor the Band of Hop» meeting, nt ' The hay is about all in aud was batter than Dalles on Saturday, stopped over Sunday at We ar< pleased to me&t on our Kteetds leaves with us » peck of “Bed Astriean” ap­ this place, ."•! on Monday loft for the Trosk <. 2 h oar townsman, ¡$. Cozine, who return­ ples, to try. W? have tried them and pro­ (he Baptist Church, Sunday next. tixueted. for a fish. He will return to The Dalles to­ ed a few days ago from Medical Lake where nounce them as Mr. F. said we would “jn t, Jas. Westen, Jr., living noar Amity is very 'I 1-iwtey has the boss threshing ma- morrow. he has been* for his health. He retems very as fiuo an apple as grow«.” •sick. Pif< recovery has boon doubtful, nl Jchi e and the botó crow to run it; every man much improved and says that he thinks he We were favored with a call on Monday though he was a iitilo better yesterday. is placs, no bluster, but everything mov- from Dr. Pettigrew, brother of our luwns- •oh" .................................... would be permanently cured of rheuiuatiHru G bakd AEttcx R epublic . Charley Thurber has at last found more' Hke clock work. They threshed sixteen man, ThofK Pettigrew, who arrived at this h*» 1 he the time tospare a year or so at the The ex-soldiers of this section are talking honorable business than dealing out liquor j huic '• r z. no »< •_ ing B3 tMie A <>f fthmdnn, are down to the old homo on a ’ yuva w'U bo about 26 Lushete por acre. to go visiting very often. »IT •.*, whore thin camo from. We kuow not J. C. Coope-, D. H. Purner, visit. H D au wil d mot al this contains, but probably one G. W. Snyder, Joe. Montgomery, We came very near having a big fire in Dr. Augur has gone on a pleasure trip to of the many hidden treasures yet to bo un J. W. Gault, Geo. BungaFBur, town last Thursday, at the residence of G. !■ HAPPY VAXJLBT. the Sound country. earthed in the Coast Range. P. H Taylor, J. A. Peckham, W. Goueher; when found, tho inside of tho Aug. 12 1882. Geo. Edwards, kitchen was ull in a blaze, MrsU. was alonu, Our ex sheriff, James Monroe Kclty. wag Last Friday when the brick-work on tho D. Tupper, Don. Hayd, she cnllod to Mrs. Wm. Harrison for help, After quite a silence we will again en- in town one day this week. It looks Datura! college building was completed the mason» G. S. Parker, Marcus Talmage, Wm. Gallentiue, few readers a Mrs. H. sent on» of her little girls up town to deavor to send your many concluded upon having a “ racket.” They to sec Roe Hying around. Win. Harridon, give tho alarm,but before assistance reached ¡tenui. manufactured several drums out of barrels, W. W. Wright, The stately form of Fred Holmau is visi­ U P. Bird, them, tho ladies hid the firo extinguished. white ‘he leader’s instrument consisted of a P?»ter Gates, Succès« to tha new finn of Snyder and ble upon our streets once more. A. Lu Sayhir, It is not known how tho fire got started un­ Lar of kun. Thou tiny marched into town A. Newman, Warren. rf. T. Morri», less a spark from th» chimney dropped on w-th the American flag at their heed, and •J. L. Hembree, M fm . A. V. R. Snyder has gone to the coast W. T. Booth, the roof and burned through on to the cloth No threshing don» in this vicinity as yet, at the mouth of the “Nez-tuoker.” such a “ racketI” They took in Draper’s J. M. Xeky. J. J. Hembree. and paper. C. K. C-y»k, * • • r~ * OHR w nothing to speak of toi but most of tho grain is being reaped; c: trop» beer depot; then more music. Then the what it mioht havo been had Mrs. G. not dis- promise a good yield, Unote Jim Hembree was in town on Tues­ Ora—more music. The Welcome; just u covered if just nt the time she did. 1 again , day morning after material for a new build little xnusio, Thon tho Star ; music very O pp K ecebating . Ch&rlfly Hudson, of W. T. is down on a : ing, and d’ opped in to see us. repeat, wo can ’ t bo too careful of fire at thia I 'jM-a. Off for tho Central—sidewalk plenty That was a jolly crowd of ladies that left visi| to parents.1 aud friends; will return on long enough, not half wide enough for some town on the big, big wagon, with Gharlay time of year. Frank G'Connor, Lafayette's drag man. Monday next. cf them. They reached the Central, bw. Scott, last Saturday morning, bound for a i called on us Tuesday for a social chat. R. J. Laneefield has threshed on his farm I Several cis<*o of fever in this section. concluded they didn’t went anything. Ono “ rusticate” at the Nestucea Milla. There rn a littlo less than five aud one-half days 1 Prof. Freund, of North Yamhill, was in of them wont to steep back of the warehouse, wore sixteen of thorn—mostly married—and last week, and move I and net thrae times.1 W. aid T. J. Wailan are both afflicted with 1 town and paid nra visit. Tuesday morning. another lived down to dream that the rail­ thero r.ro several men in town with f ices 14 473 bashels of wheat; and 20J bushels of it; a!» Walter Morgan aud Mr. Aleck Hud I Ex-Go. Commissioner Baxter was in town two rails and if you as'.: them ioats, out with one hauler, and an old Buffalo i s»n yern very low but are now able to walk road track war* a wort couch, while a third .is» long I on Tuesday. thongnt he had never found a i oafs a bed x4 what ti. y'ro sniveling about, they invaria­ ‘Pitt’s thresher, 28 in.-.h cylinder tnut has a bo at. I Judge Loughary spent Thmsday night in th-ii occcpi- dby him in the lumber yard.— bly answer: “ My wife ain’s coming home been used thirteen harvests. Wheat is turn Retort Miller received an injury by falling ■ McMinnville. The halayyjo of the boys got home in good till Saturday.” And our barber, poor fellow, ing out a great deal better than win expect­ aeros a log and it is feared ho will not ro- shape. Tho corps hid work *1 hard for sev­ w.-jat after his wife on Sunday. Now, fel­ ed—from 30 to 4^ bushel« p?r acroj through­ Wo received a pleamnt call on Tuesday eral month-: and they wanted a little sport lows, you soe bow it in yourselves. Jnet sit* out farmn.'s e-'iem to bo yery jubilant over COVGJ. ■ from Messrs. Langham and Preston, of San and had if. They are good mufriciuns and right down in silent meditation and think their crops this year; thoy say give them a R. W. MeCall had the misfortune to lose a Frtinoisoo. These gfmi.it.men are talking of their instruments being in harmony, thair how lonesome ruy wife must have got while good prie», then they will rejoice in earnest. good horse a short time ago. | coming to this paction to engage in the sheep ) was off on that huntify; or 'is?. *.ig expedi­ neranade wan appreciated. A. R. And still the teams pass and repass to and ‘ business. tion.” Ladies, wx give you leave to stay just Mr. Kopher having bren ordained aroin-i fro' »t)'.'? titeau» mill; a /-• at amount of lam Z!D*B.ia0. I mprovementc . i»Ur of the gospe l few a weeks .»go. <»arted as long as you choose. A'j-t. 14 1S82. ! bcr has been sawed there this summe»-. out on one ; his foreign missions to fill an Frank Redmond is erecting a dwelling on Blackberries plenty in th» aount ¡ins; h B iethday . | Fine weather for threshers. :';';-)irr .na?»-, r..t No. 11 *1 hous.i, Happy the north-east corner of Second and G Hts. V elvet G bask . Vailcy, I t Sunday morning. A horae was I*Hl Fndxy onr lady Aniha Grai„ is tnmin« oat protty welt m. far .» 11 ” 4 nuts too. ‘ J. R. Cook has parch ised two lots from pro-jred o ’, hitched to id . Frink’s buggy; L. Cline celebrated her irlh birthday. A I have heard. Win. (.’anipbell, in Johns’ Addition, and will said >r.’: nut accustomed to “going it alone” goodly nnmbcr of her young friends and as-1 SomnboJv or Form thmp is guing to go J b .dd a residence thereon, at once. • id b mg poxs “w 1 with a litt’« inora par- W. IL Bini’haru is en ctin ' a building »J”,, io , his -'•.irriniluj amount of horse Hi»() feet on the lot adjoining Logan’s liv- ■. * . ’ ; * . convinced in passing a pleasant day and there w;:s;an:l a sb'im on-? at tb-it' It is run by Albert 71. < » u a , v, _ and Lewis Havkins and /r.in: I’ultey. .¡. nild ' • H. t.,y stable, on Third bt. amusement pi aba 11 * lance. 11111 m nsr1 J * v - i .». Welch b.irt purciia. 'd ■ lot off the on 1 . audi pleasures Anthi d . I not for/ t her older ’ Good many fi: s < :i bamins brush the .v>aUiern portion of the old College grounds th i r-fu I to g • another stop. Several friendfl. Rhe brought to this ofllc?. as a Io-1 pwat week; haven’t h.’ird of any la.»i »g.j yel: !■( •. » ¡1/ ... . > au r .medics > ? re r.s >.\,.'.d to. #uch an a bottle of k'in of rornettbranoe to ttte fNrinter,oneof Ib^it wdn’t hurt tobea little car ful when Mil Warn . > Kidney and Liver Cure, a dose the most beautiful bouquets w» have ever he- i there is grain stacked close h>. , of md . ■. ». I extiI oi bypo- held. M iy you p us m my days as happily sulph e of \ iHi-i;reru:e, ptrparod by Dr. as you did this one, Anthn, and may you Thoso that were out to ‘hi »> •. u at my last R * . rz b" aV f’ib d to have thu proper of­ »yer remain an pare and beautiful as this writing, have 1 dumed homo, aud brought a fset; Sqnir; 'rin- appeared on the scene bouquet now before us, prepared by your good bnpply of fish with these. and after . ending th») violation of aoveral or­ bands. Bourbon, I noticed n rnistak - in my l.v.l item:;; 1 dinances including tha riot act, the horse owe our don’t know whether it was mm or the type- wiovn l way wJth perfect grace and dignity, CliRK.” Heiter’a; that is tho : ,y • . h’ti jT»J ; ’».»,.• until about a mile from town, when sudden­ B ig J udgkekt . Judge Boise Thursday decided the suit of changod the hour of thou mid wo I. m > tings ly th it horse was seized with a fit of hyster­ from 11 a. m. to 10 a. n in »t'-.. I of th : >pp > ics < • somethin { worse; and such a pawing, B. B. Branson, W. 8. Powell aud W. 8. sera >:u/ and various other contortions that Frmk vs. The Oregon Railway Co. limited. site, and also tho ni . » of N . WiL-y in­ b »rwan’ through with never bafoio known Bransou, Powell and Frink reprcaanting the stead of Kate; all tho boys of course were in­ of tho ermine c tee. Whoa! says S. back farmers of Yamhill and Polk *» »unties, quiring who Kate was. came ona hind foot through tfcr» dash-board; brought flint to recover money subscribed by The following ar > the oflicera Ih it ware F r C-f-b. ’-u^h«, B ih ' h » i - an ti all allt»- Whon, I say! another hint foot in same them to aid in tho construction of the nar­ eket'd last Raturd nt th i ugriaultur.il i tienfl oftho Lung«, take Aycris Cher -y P. - oral. manoer; won’t you never whoa! both feet row gauge railroad in those counties. As the meeting for tha next six ru » »ths: Jesse E1- th»M ’Im» Tk ,. was g’ttin^ rather tropica! company rofusod to honor their freight re­ wards. President; David Wood, Vice Presi­ br at h CATARRH CL'RED. h. dthnial for the driver, so he leaped for the ground; ceipts given in return lor subscriptions they dent: AmanJa Wooilward, Corresponding i >M*>ir«'»l by Hhiteh’íi CatArrh R.»*i»r •ly. Pi ice the atti iction of cohesion not being very wanted their money back. The judgment Secretary andTreasur :r; E wjutivo Co.nm»fe­ A Pr*»:MAirr G al . ’•'»'»■t Ma. G hani Ma. f j0 r.iits, Nilgai Injector fr<< Eold . M. gieat t this point the driyer didn’t light amounts to «»ver $1G,000. James K. Kelly te», Elias Newsom, Maggie Wood and Chari D avuhon ’ s AoKirr. 1 Turner upon v y sound footing but came very near appearing for the plaintiffs an I Eilis G. ty Brown. The Soch’ty has d. soiui.vli’t weary from riding so far, Mr 3. i T he C oixege B uh * dtwg . will be given in due time. eoaclad day ro.-»ntl7 and lisplayod Sol»! by W. B. T'irnnr. Last Friday C.anuto A fJo. finished their We are sorry that oar old » liter h is left some of the work done by Mr. Davids »» in way. A hill was encountered, downward | HHILOILS VITALIZE!? i- what. yo-i1 need gra l ); here was a puzzler; how to get down i part of the contract on th» now College the office, bat som )ti-n r.i a oh m p and np)- enlarging fro.a photograph to Lidia Ink ami >f Appc»ifo , n z/.in«*HS th it hill w.n tho momentous question; an bnilling—tho masonry work. They have cially in this kin I of basin m is bettor for Water C »l»»-<. Winn contra m-.l with the for Constipation. L» ■. i 1 .ill ■»/ nptoina of 1) • »*i 1. P riee 10 and the people and a great ¿teal better for tha ed ­ id a wu struck upon; the hor.se was taken had a long ?iege on this building and have pli »tographs it is sunply b a. it fjl. ¡’he »»> d »vn fl-u an I hitched to tho fence; then he done n job that wo believe w sitisfactory to itor. M ly success be with our ex-editor end tisfe catches a true lik -n ms and it is change»» Í» returned f »r tha buggy; faw vehicles like this all oonccrned an 1 one that will stand criti- also to those that have the n io r in charge. fr ’ n » »lull and im a ; i ling photograph to * T :sr > tai » bb . ; life-like appc.tr inco. People having friend , ar.) provide I with brakes you know, so here gmtu from our best architects. The carpen­ th Yj nm* and not long coming either; fast, ters are as busy as nailers on the wood work i or relatives whom they wish to retain th -i • faster, still faster, running over a cow and and ere many weeks we will havo the satis­ ZVOHTn TAHHILL. likmiwes, will I » w II to patronize Mr. D... Hadin’ no against a hay stack at th»? bottom faction of reporting th ) finishin ; of as fins a Aug. 15,1882. ' i li in’i age.it. Mr. W. II. Grant, instead of of tho hili. Tn tha meantime, the horse in school building os there is in the State of Or­ Iirusting their work to irresponsible fore>/ Il* i WO YDEUI'L>£| i.AOACY Everybody busy h irvesting. reaching for grass got both fora feet ovor egon. ’agnits ii i ’i ho doing ko ip yoir money »u 1 Norci’i*’dy ovor d'Hovors»! poison h the tin f anea and failed to gat any farther, so Wheat in this vicinity is yielding splendid­ circulation at home. Wo hm on Mr. Grant’s wotiiterfui •jffici'.’y »/-up of Fign. The tha fence h id to ba removed in order to re- or le<* book a la*.?» litt of nim-H of promi­ ly—exceeding the cxpictation of all. -:*»rtainty with whrch »• ■» ip » k »11 imoi 'ituM leis? the horse. The school honso was final­ C hurch rtravic«. nent «ntiz ma of Washington ooimtyand also Elder 8. M mroe Hubbar I will deliver next The hack for Tillamook leave* N >rth Yiru- North Yamhill. Mr. Grant past a very pleas fr »-’ith- system, t ii»o si n« time* giving ly reached, earvioas over. Mr. 8. might have b»n»i soon silently meditating as to the bast Sunday, August 20th, at Amity, two aer- hill on Tuesdays au l Fridays at 2 o’-il xik ant half hour in oar oifin and inf »-in • • us t<»uo to the livur, stomacii a 11 bowels placoc m ms. Subject, for m »ruing, “ Bible Hancti- to « »y «» >uhing sharp. _ • ___________________________ _ ______ it ahe.nl of al! other •an! safest plan to reach him?. Cincluding that h » intends miking a thorough canvass .1 .... . ___ . r».. of its being m«»re e.urily taken. Il »♦ «eihng (iMoretion to ba tha better part of valor, ficatiou;” for afteanoon, “ The End of the I Tho Horth Yimhill Pnhlio S:hy>l <.11 b.- ' «>» • «Z * >m»»ill Ooanl, »>»d '.ho re Hint«. !>» very rapidly. Forsate al rumor’s City Drug World. ” All are cordially invited. huoho.1 himself in place of the horse—haul- i gin on the linu M mday o» SopHa>bir, with n* P/» w>«hotrteiamiarag bw epr.c- Store, a m . h ing the baggy all tha way, and arriving home I Prof. Freund as Principal. J. ,DMM work. indie tiro) same evening. OUK Local Çorrespondence. 1 I I Wh f