TllB Sh^PORTKKa The Weeton Leotier will ple u-e ex­ cuse "u*. Our “fl.htlng editor" i- away from home. Tin- >.sino of Judge D. :dy is stupe sl­ ed fortin U. S. Senutorship. And still the *tnr route» trial contin­ ue« ; :ind k JH th” K-t. of thieve- that robbed the country »»f (housandu of or I\J. N otary I’ vhmc . I nhuman « !« A gsnt ,.N otary P uhmc . v.i .. ,r r. w. ftsnuuxu.l ii'.Mivwv i.i '. Ai Wheat, |,or uu. nei. ..... Flour, per barrel. ...... ‘............. (life ! . ble liel.......................... . Ilri'.t Appier, per pout .1............ »'lai is. ¡»er .......... Bruì., ner Mm................................ (In. ind l-'ee.f, jx-r ten.................. Pott,toes, per bushel .............. ‘»aioi. . p - ■ un i ............. It. -on Fules, p r p.und.............. Ihm, p-r pound.. .................... Sliouldere. per i.onn»l.................. Larri, per pound........................... Unitor, per ;vnind..... ‘‘»él’«, p -r dr on......... . .. Hides, dry fhr.t, per pei.-i.t ...... Hide", green, per pound.. ........ Ore.sed Hors, p-rr rat................ Wu,l. per pound........................ Tullo-.v, per pound........................ Chiekons—grown- —*er deaatt... . <í MJ WARR2ÍK & ras, PROOVCH'ttARKET Wheat ut thia place, to-day, in worth f< t celi'— the «arie : ih laM week. W. S. FRINK, 11 KN RY WARREN, Eteol Este.te Ageaits, S£e?.iSi3xuvdll®, Oregon. ¡ Offer f-»r Sal« the feltowiag F a RRSS AND TOWN PROPEi^TY : o- líos î ’ oiwiiïc ! ifiO rtcre? fell un(b>r f* ruv>, 1 i» •. • county A mnst desirable larm ©f 200 a -’its with 9 mil« s North-of Jaafiiyt ,l!<. itcod house good dwelling hu-iae, bain, outbuilding*, or­ and barn j good orchard . also Muall fruita ; chard and small irtus’. ; 21 miles Nuita v-‘ I j 2 ; «vi.-- in »li’lt,iJiti.i ; 1 mil«: tu flounag to Jtirtine ar ever. .J ’veil stop 12® 13 McMinnville? with GO rf* > \r. euliiv..ti>-n , 5U tuill and blacksmith shop ; 8« he»»! I dhu - x «lose I3f»4 là the prosei'fitioii, g.ntleiueu; t <»» many j acres in p.Wui-e, balance well timbered. Th by ; store and po&toflii wiUiiu <» jh ’ umi aqimr- 3 fait) -n. Price,! t ?r miles ; is «¿:!l nut? r»’d by living»« entire tract us'ept’b’ of cultivation. “Anger in tf »t |>i< 1.9II ?.3O jM.‘r o.■<■ .*.«<'•. ii, on rtuhonubb and gi.od well r.t th1 hou» . i rne. $7jbO» , 4ÎS * wjj, t« e. »jn i mi.* tini ■ v. fV»_» time. ' :’22 During the year IS9! there wsstnan- i uteri : .,41 15 ICO aei. H u>. ‘ >: <•: Whoatland, nil ufaetured nel pro!- bly trank in Ore­ 85 u< i:.3, 7i iu ru.'ti va < n, ;.ii .u.-u • f. uee. ¿0 ond< r nee . 00 acr: .» tv‘ tiltivatbiu and sub ft . ft firwt gon 737 ; ’ ... lions of beer. From »(j) ! divided into si'» fii'Id«; good house and !) mil» h «(»tf a of North Y.unhili depot < -J . ■ ».-.-■ graiu land. Price $2,5.50 ; one halt barn, exeelh nt ©rchard, plenty cf Pinr.ll fruits, ($22 Jan. 1st to May 1st, 1S82, then was (a) 5 school and church house near by ; plenty ot down. b«lunc^ on --i do («» ‘»tit purchaser. maniifaclure»! 211,3K5 gallons. Holly I «S OOfajS I i O fir, ash and »-..h and maple timber; marly thi -1 bO i»erc«8 lunes wes, of North Yamhill : 20 that’d float a pretty fair sued boat, entire tract eu "pubic of < iiltivntion. Price,I acres nndor fi'.»ic.e, f» crc • in cultivation. $4,800, one-half d wn ; ba!aii-> or» time to! J Good House 16x24 feet , Barn 22x40, wifch wouldn't if' And wouldn’t that boat HI >¥5 suit purchst - .-, with interest. ÌNow ''JT'o-dbry . S'du ; *. mall orchard ; plnnty of Mtia.l fnut have .. »!ly (hie) io’ of (hie passen­ ? / mile to .chc-ol hense ; 1-2 mile I” taw mill 3C0 acres;, 6 miles southwestui McMinnville, :wíe gers ? well watered ; lies »»» Til E JMi al! under fence, 200 acres iu cultivation. !0G County road near by tX«J more easily fi r the plow, balance good ;j good rjuigl hciia-iii. Fne • $5tW 11 dvwu, balance on time. hUK A young man named Sterling (J111- McM INN VI LLE W A RE HOU 8E pasture land ; large com forte bl v dwelling w house, barn, and nil iicctw.fc.ry outbuilding.’ 80 acre.“, 7 mih s north weft of North Yam­ fd eer, 18years of age, was fatally stab­ i.< ninxing. as usual, :.t gomi orchard one mile to church, onc-huU hill , 20 acres under tenee, 15 aeres in meadow; ¡raí bed by David Morri" man of 60 mile to school l.uus plenty of excellent wa­ «y>cd, comfortable ■ v»» . tory house. 16x24 feel, • 3 Ceatw per SBanhiJ ior CSejtuinj^ ter. Price, $8,300 ; one hall itovD. balance cn . lau! »■ and outbuildings ; plenty of living wtu yearn, at Mo!!al!-, er«»* <-r«»a«ta, Clacku- M.»rinT»nd tfcftivcrinfr en Wvtrtl reasonable time with interest. t~r and timber; out range far «took ; t ne- niue county, on Hutu- lay, over an af­ tSW C’llVM. JOO acres, 3 mites w»'t»t of McLi <■ nviit’.', 7V half mile to r .w mill, pohool bou.^e close by. fair too trivial to mention. This, we ¡adree under tenet, 50 o . ■ und« r ..uitivation, Price, $700. cat-h down. NBW i’OMMKRCIAL MILL. nearly entire t.. ct •.♦•¿•iibie oi . dtivutton, suppose, will cAoee su opportunity for 582 aeree, cae no»-lLweat ot Dundee, on [ have rei/ted toy Mill and will kttap eon well watered wiGi hv»i\^ ?,.ri!n_. > • ’ ■ very • •,-» c 1 * - * - ■ , < j i J a Clackainaa county to expend a thou­ stantiy an nnnd the, No. i Flour in ex­ productive, outra« >r 'f»i stock exi of a United Staten 23m2 W.T. NEWBY. huitiiinge : when! hoiuv otar» by; plenty of/ Seualor is tli<- all 'absorbing topic with I 350 acres 1 i»»iic bf»u;’’. of all under living water, g*»od orchar I and OMCcH«*nt fruit Votici «sí í’onítwí. ’fem* and divided iuto '-ehL gw«! dwelling well stacked with oak, ash. tir, ahkr and mo - our State exeliang. .. There are sev­ » house, I urn and < ut building,' . a laigc « ji * h;«r»i pie timber ; well adapted to dairy>41 or she«p eral camlirf ite* in the fluid for the po­ U. 8. Land Office at Oregon «'Jity, I per ¡»ere ; íü^OO down,' ! von'.iiHing i < u ice varic'y of fruit, iucluding husbandry. Price, Oregon , A ;g. 14, J882. ) balance on time ta s»t:t pureb iner, witih interest sition, among them John H. '..:■» ' ■ j ' Ooiapl.'i til having I* .1» < Ntcred nt thin erDoe at 8 r cent. :i ’ , wc ’ . a Phituniec trait, dryer gees with the Mitchell seems to l e the favorite with by M.-.iy Wetrnnre against Wdih:»a it. White | phre ; 8u acre» in cuhi\at: n, tto acres bein’; ¡*£ié»M» í i le, the mnjoritv. A." I vny should h" for abariilouivg hirf Hon estcad 'h-*-;* 70“ i«4 res 3 mitaa r.t ith of Amity on the road •• :>ilry M~ Un • ! ..rubbed. The entire tr.ict i.s well adapted to • M IV I® . ta McMinnville, u»» ;- th< railroad erasing 4,353, dated March 8th, 1881, up plenty o! sntali fruit«’; 4o aeres of beaver <1 ..u land; the whole ous State better than he, and who 7 W , r» Yamhill County. Oregon, with a view chaoer. ■ " i in oil is fiiut among tin .¿piruuts tor the Henntur- to the i.-&Bce!latic-n of buid entry ; the «aid 205 acres I; lndes east of McMirnviUe, oil quality would ma).»-several good farm.« ; plen­ parties arc hereby nummon« ;1 io appear before ehip i better (juiillfl- it and more will­ H. Warren, Notaiy Public, at A/c/linnvilJe, Payton road, h ’1 under fence r»nd divided into ty of water and timber ; school and xv.ire- ing t > present ln-1 chiiins . We think Yamhill Cciinty, O.^egon, on the 20th day of fields; 130 acres iu c27 «r>0 j.< acre; part ber ami pasture; entire tract susceptible of eul down, balance on time (o suit purchaser. none Then why should his election September, 18S2. at I «'cluck p. in., ta respond tivation ; good house, barn, sheds and outbuild and furnish te&ti;. ony concerning .said alleged 344 acre«, 4 miles southwest of town, all un Having binigli« < . the interest of iugs; an excellent orchard, together with un der fence, 250 aeres in cultivation, balance good bo opjmsed on County, Oregon. having firms to let to plaoe them in our ham’s, and wo will find renters. Register. and secure the e'erfion of a urover or Those wishing to rent will find 11* on hand ready t. >;ivo them all the >n- a Nesmith. This is the part they arc Tai Natc-Taie« for 1881 ferniation in our power. playing in the programme, and it will WARREN & FRINK. Notieu »a here», givan that I luxe levied he well for Republicans fo keep an eye upon tho property hoieinater described and open to the fact. Let Republicans will on H. F. HARTMAN. ■). J. HARTMAN. Sutuvday, the 14th ®J October work together ; let them act in unity 1882, sell at the Court Housu door in the Conn- I M»ai) keep constantly or band* in this Senatorial matter, else they ty ot Tillamook, State .if Oregon, at iho hour will lose that for which the party of I o'claek p. m., by <,f » warrant w- full line of worked eu hard during the late cam­ nieil »O u o on the l.lUi i.'ay cf April 1812, by tho Hon. c.»i.ntv t'-.urt :.i the St..:« oi Oregon, Wta-a in McMinnyilte it w»!l j»Dy } * « tn nt paign. We do not wish to be under- lor the Conn y of TiUntuook, nuthorming and Goods, sSood as being the mouthling of John e.ininiatiding moeotodo, to the highmt bid­ H. Mitchell, though he is our choice. der. for oath in hand, th- following dewribed Z'enoy Goods, Ami see onr Now Stack of real property, or ?■> much thcreol an may be What we want la a Republican U. R. nmuj-irv to ratify th.- amount of tax«, re- Boots dk Sh.oes, Senator, 1» t it h Mitchell, Boise,Hill, .-iKctively, the ratne being delinquent l.x»»« for Comuieneingat the N. W orany other mun capable of rilling tho year ot lS8t eorn -r . f H. t 2 of N. VI. I « ofSeetion 20 ia TXats askd Gaps, eiloahw, Wantl»*, Nhawt«. '■ the position t » the best interests of T-'w.l. 1. South of Rouge ‘.I West of Willamette Dolmans, Riu-hJngg^ Colonettes, Hr> - ery, />r< « Gi>«< i , A ’ Ui'i.v »uttin./K, Meridian . them- Ear: 22 rode; thence Soiilb onr State, and do n» ‘ want onr legis­ ClGthdng, and everything pertaining to Ladies’ Wardrob* Also. lators io I. sc Inn dnaliietion in 1*10 ro.-l« to the place of beginning, eoi.taiuing 22 u re- A. - ,ee»i to J»-hu S. Tri|ip. Amount PUHNISIUNG GOODH, tho party and ruuniegofr after strange $l. »J A. ’. ALDBBMAN Ctents’Fur^shingGoods of all Des:>- ip-iions Hh«r»:T of Tilliiaeink Count,. Oregon. gods. Item- ■;! r “ how v.ell it is for CKOGh^li r, Beot:, Sliu .. Sandal:., I.adies' Walkim) )!'><:!:<. Si: - ». !‘> i-riilhin<) 2.1U27. brethren to dwell to.jethoi in tiuity," «’MARS AN i TOBACCO. Ecu> arid Nfoc I, before pii eha.iiuy you t ■ '. abide ' i it anil all will bo well. Ï»» Sale. ----------- o----------- H- fisher , CASH BASIS, OWNERS OF FARMS & RENTERS ATTENTION D’fy Comptition, HARTMAN BROTHERS rinc wax>i«i- LADIES’FANCY GOODS, Ten per cent. Discount given on all (}m «1 . 1S77 1878 187'J 1880 1881 1 ash. Thr T--«-■ «7 the '5'.-«»-» .<• l:.--n»«4W- N. i.ei i u .-h, given 1 hnve levied vtlle» «toOrdm» n, i-'oilowa! upon th - property her il,lifter d<» rib.ul. urn! Se tint I That »•! '.,» , nl .utul f. . will. Oil .-iny pe -.min l! . Tmvn .1 If» Miunvil! . Ore ■ itnrday, C**e Kite <«., *»5 <»«:,« her, gon, toi. il H< in an; priutiii"* whatever tHSH. soil ’I the Court It ■'■. .1 --or in the Colin • w II ut fit-t <1.1 n>I- .' ‘ ■ fl...ret.r in the iv of Tillnmoos. Stale ..I Oregon, at th.- hour m.initt'i* f«>l!» wiug tc v 1 ..I' 10 o'clock a. in., by virtue of a warrant is F' ■ ” U p I' • • »n Ide With th ■nicd to ni. on tho I3th -.iiig und require hi . nta n v ■> r; ;>’id liable fo the .svnimamiing no s»> to do, ro the highest bidder, j uni j .».’y for \ ’ the.vsf, to tw eu tor ca di ’u hand, the following described real I FON forced iu f ■ tre' » » •.iinnnrr, ; tho bond r«quir property, or wi much thereof-is may be necea-1 Ito I • >1 ary ta.-almiy the amoiintcl taxes, res, .-ettvely, I N<» turfy ’hr’e (-3! . «ilalin * die sale of in he same being delinquent taxes tor the yesrv LAD3ES AMD CtNT GTiOVTSS toxica ing !i'|u< r in thin Town. 'H77 I87f 1870 188n 1881 ISC acres, heing 8.! (T ’ATKNTKD JONE A 3TB, 1276» j S kcon 1' Open the h . p( - e of tho paid IV I I, H. K I ■' and «. 1 2 ot 8. W. 1 1. He. I herd by the Bond of Tru:-!’’' the applicant 7,T. 2 8.ll to West W.llmneC.- Meridian.! f shall pay into the i.>urcr ».f this Town the »w.wlte Wm St John. Amount of f ixes,! necesn ry a’.muni i^r the tune the license is ta MO.»». A. I„ ALPKRMAW ^Vvorill’w Vflixocl mil at th.' rate nt } < r annum, but no li- SherifTof Tilla-.irook County, Oregon I •vn!!' shall iBnin» r i Im« period than six 23d 17. The Rest in use. Also months. T hir The !| ; ’ir in* «hall then pr»*«ent t » WHITE LEAD AN)) .A ¡Nt) )' i / A » NJ/ J. D. Kash. G. H. Henutock, th* Recorder of thi* T«»wti the Mid Treasurer’»» Al Mill At McMiunviile. receipt whose duty it shall be lo ascertain it BRUfiHKi). Al»e aid bond has ht»cn ‘U’«i with mid duly accept I'd by the Roa rd of Trusti«’’. if so he «Kall then •V ASH A nEMSTOCK, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS iSBUU 1« the applicant the appropriate license. Th.nkmn the public for pai»l Uvo-s and aakia. i rentin' inm of their libeml patnnu . »oprietors of the S ection 2. Nothing in thi » ordinance shall w® are Yours Respectfully. he »o ci u'.st rued as to qn’.-o any |8'i-*on or per .'iM v» • Hill have al a I urine to sell ‘■H,H n.lltTMAN Uro*. liquors a reqttin••! by ' ¡.-o No. 43 of thia town, to take out t>,o additional license, or any |O Bl tippy % alley. license for the rale of Deer. W. II. ROYI), SI. », IVn miles west of McMinnville, H kctiow 3. Any person or persons violating XSri’^s-aaakin.G. this on!inane»'nr any put thereof, shall upon SURGEON & PHYSICIAN. i-onviction th*rvot in tho Recorder's Court e It<>IIA »|< KM»*;l> LU.WIIKR Those w whine punished by » fine of n »t l