At MUI. AtMeMinnvl 5ASHA HEMSTOCK Th« attantion ot th* ¡-ub'.- • called Io the laoiMiM bargain, bow '»tforad i4 th, , HOME, M UT U J INSÚfcAliCE COMPANY PEOPLE’S STORE ! IOC Callftriia Stmt Jan JA!WVA ■Fir Vigor, CAPITAL ¡2 Reinsurance Ryr ■fcsTORIHG 1DXEYS TRADE MARX- Is the only safe aad reliable remedy for GRAY HAIR TO ITS MALARIA In ALL Its TYPES XVURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. Il is a most agreeable dressing, whl«l’ ’» at mice farmiess and effectual, for pre­ serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep biack*s may be desired. By its use thin hair fc thickened, and baldness often .h og^ not always cured. It check* falling of the 1 iir immediately, and causes a new g-owth in all cases where the glands are idt decayed; while to brashy, weak, or oth*yise diseased hair, it imparts vitality nd sMength, and renders it pliable. SUPERVISORS FOB OREGON, C. H, LEwraAMf Alien & Lewis, J. M c C backmt , oî J. McCracken & C. P. W asserm I:.’, ot Wasserman & Co. BAMKF.BS. LADD A TILTON. The V igob cleanses the scalp, cures and rerants the formation of dandruff; and, y its cooling, stimulating, and soothing .reparles, it heals most if not all of the um«s and diseases peculiar to the scalp, 'teepfeig it cool, clean, and soft, under ■v'-Zc» conditions diseases of the scalp and .bail aiA-aaapossible. President - - - j . f . hocghto Vice-Preeident - • L. L. bar Che.»por than wa» over oflfered In thio dtv. I reafteclfully invito the publie to »all and Secretary - - - chas . ». ero; y examine gvode and price». General Agent - • B. H. magill . ReipeetfuUy, W. F. tkJ.VC,.lSS£R Maroh 3-Atf GO TO WORK Ceo. L. STOftY, Portland, il ANACE R FOB Oregon Washington and Idaho. • D. B BUSH, J r , Special Agent. G. G BINGHAM, Resident Agent. McMinnville. WHEREAS.- JOHN T. WATSON Hu been appointed agent for Frank Broth era Farming Im­ plement« at Dayton, Oregon Now, therefore, come and buy your lines Rakes, Shovels, Rock Island Plow», Collins Steel Plow», Harrows, Cultivators, Shovel Plows—»ingle or double, iron or wood beam, McSberry Broadcast Seeder, the best made, McSherry Grain Drill, Racine Fanning Mill, LaPdlle Wagon, Woods’ Mower and Reaper, and last but not least the celebrated WILLIAM HOLL, WAIUn >101*11 PAD CO., _ s jkniciafpi 744 Broadway, New York. P. 0 Box 2,U2-25yl. ..e toilet it 1, economical and CLOCKS WATC H E an d JEWELR h u ” irpas | a ia lto «“ llence _ ___ _ _ - and — Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., k ITJEJD »*»*■ ud Analytical Chemiit«, B (Successors to Nelson ur FINAL PROOF Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, J I April 28, 1882. ] 1 Notice is hereby given that the following* named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim,and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Yamhill County at Lafayette, Oregon, on Thursday, June 29,1882, via : Robert Nid- derv, Pre-emption D. S. No. 3,864 for the 8. $ of N. E i and W. H of S. E. 1-4 of Sec. 2, 8 R. 5W. He names the following witnesses to prove bi» continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : William Russell, C. Obey, D. J. Porter and Mile» Martin, all of North Yamhill, Yamhill Cqunty, Oregon. L. T. BARIN, J 10t5 Register. 4ft FINAL FHOOF. Land Offico at Oregon City, Oregon ( ’* April u is*. f -71 - Notice 1» hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hl? intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Yamhill County, at Lafayette Oregon, on Saturday, June 3. 1882, viz 'Goo. Taylor, Homestead Application No. 3,287 for the S. E 1-4 of N E. 1-4 and Ab E. 1-4 ot b. E. 1-4 ; and additional Homestead Application No. „ 3809, lor 8. E. 1-4 of S. E. 1-4 and Lot 1. of Sec 10, T. 2 S. R. 4. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivt-aBK tlon of, said land, viz : Fred Florev. Johu Lowery, Riley Thomas and Taylor Thoiuas, all of Yamhill Co ; Post Office. Gaston, Wash­ ington county, Oregon. LT. BARIN, « keg later. i i» incomparable. It is color- ’■MBioipiir.s neither oil nor dye, and will ,2S«hite cambric. it imparts an T^lreiijgiid lasting perfume, and as an y- ■ , * A McMinnville, or. Lowell, Mass. Br all naceaiiT* xvsxrraxax Eyes With GBIKF. Excessive Anxiatpr or Prolonged Study will produce infirmity in the nervous system, in i proportion as the strength of that system is ex- , ¡»ended upon the mind in troubled thought, so . are the organs of digestion, assimilation and 11 nutrition, rendered ’nactive and alnggiah in k. proportion a» the system becomes infirm. Ev- ■ I ery individual has some one organ weaker than I the rest, and this is always the first to suffer duiing wervwus prostration; for example, af­ flicting news sometimes cauFes total suspension | of the muscular action of the heart, Droducing Hidden bemorhage and death. No cfoubt any Tlonger remain» of the practicability of restoring I the nervous system, and through the nerves the muscles of the impaired organs. Fellows' j Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites has been i proved to possess such power in numerous in­ stances. It will impart strength to overcome ■ trouble and affliction. Persons who are accus- j tomed to loox upon the dark side, and who see no pleasure in living, on using this Syrup soon i learn to value and enjoy life, and those who study deeplyduring lpffiwfcopra.- will find in ' power of endur- Parlies visiting Lafayette wiileave a handsome per vantage by coming Wboi'i Self-Binder Twine, io our store to make their purchases HHaMple of each of which can be Been at my rto’e.. I also have a stock of shelf and ligh’ TPe keep an H?h|ware, Stoves and Tinware, Crockery ana Glass ware, Wall-paper, Rope and Gluw. Also, ugeif. for Sash, Doors and JBlind». JPt lure Framing a Special- ty. FOR SALE HT ALL DfirGGiSTN. DR. HOLMAN’S advice i» FREE. Full treaties sent on application. Address |WR riCnjwliA’ BrSi ising for Ladies’ Hair O —AND— TTT3 T DiAixa ix AtixixMor BIRD & DATES INCLUDING Chills. Fevers, Dull Aching Pains- Remittent and Intermittent Fever*, Dumb Ague, Dis­ tressing Headaches, Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver; in fact it annihilates all Stomach and Liver troubles.. Th!» is the only known remedy that positive­ ly expels every vestige of Malarial Taint from the System without endangering health. Prof. Dr. A. Looinis says : It is nearer a universal Panacea than anything in medicine.’ This 13 dime on the Principle of Absorption, of which DR. HOLMAN’S PAD is the only gen uine and true experiment. For all KIDNEY TROUBLES use DR HOL­ MAN'S RENAL nr KIDNEY PAD, the beat :-.medy in the world, and recommended by the Medical Faculy. Beware of BOGUS Pads. Each genuine HOLMAN PAD bear» the pri ­ vate revenue stamp of the HOLMAN PAD CO., with the above trade-mark printed in ¿■een. Buy none without it. of the Latest Varieties of MM» of you will find at I ha« th. a^ncy for Johnson's Palor 7.*«jr- dtting Spectacle. and Eye-Glasses of all ïe- scription.. All work done in a proper manner and a guarantee given. 2v-3m Tarry Street. Dayton, Orogen. and are prepared to offer to those patronizing un advantagee which Agricultural Implements Of ¿ay Laúd, go co . GROCERIES ». I. CORKER, LAFAYETTE, OR. Tobacco and Cigar», Sale Stable There la no doubt of this |nc‘ that an im­ paired nervous »ystem cause! consumption, neuralgia, bronchitis, dyspepaL asthma, heart dj«ea»e, w boo nine »»k » t-—- u _. Fellow»’ Hypophosphite«, whn . vu-^TTiuv curse Nsrvoae r* - l^ura these dii- Tfflw aTs*-. “ Remove the cause *nd the com- * plaint will cease." Hot Springs, Ark., Fab. 33,1880. J as . I. F ellows , St. John. JT. B. Dear Sir: I have been prescribing your Hy- | popbojphiies for reveral years, both in Canada and the United States, but more particularly at this famous resort for invalids, where thousands annually congregate. For those in whom the ■ B ain and Nervous System has been exhausted ‘ from exeesses or overwork, I have found no combination of remedies so prompt and effica cious in restoring the vital forces. I hope that every person needing relief will avail theru- selves of so valuable a preparation. Respectfully, a ' M o MASTER, M. D. For sale by all druggists. i--------- —___ ___________________ __ I 'pepsaq e;z ran-ifl uw I am prepared to execute all kind, of Mason­ ry, Stone or Brlok, at reasonable rar«. J «,¡¡1 also give estimate* for Sewering, Pl«nkfnv or Graveling Street», making Sidewalk«, etc. Good worit guaranteed in all cases. Leave orders a t PiNachneider's Store. 42ni3. H. C MANEE. CARPENTER AND JOINER O regon Master of hi? trade and "square up" in hw He deair« to return thank» for peat Carriage® and general Livery at the ®í» tn S9ÍÍ per dav at nome. Parente contracts. patronage and solicits a share of the same for wof,t't' ,rp" Adire« «TIN Suable rate®. * co., Portland, Maine. the future. Orders from city and country ■nee of Commercial Men a promptly attended tn Satisfaction iua,-an- specialty. teed- H. C. MANES. kamtnodations for horse? at all time?. 38m 6. DRY GOODS NERVOUS DEBILITY BUIDA GATES Lafayette, Or., Aug. 8, 1881 A Sure Cure Guaranteed H. SAWYER, Pro r)R. E C WEST’S NERVE AND BRAIN j Treatment, a specific for Hysteria, Ditti-■ nee». Convulsion», Nervous Headache, Mental | Depression, Loss ot Memory, Spermatorhoea, Imp itencyi Involuntary emissions, premature' I old age. (“»used by over-exertion, self-abuse or over adulgence. which lead» to misery, de- ’ay and death. One box will cure recent case« | Each hex contains one month’» treatment ,¿1 me dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollar» sent by ruail prepaid on receipt of price. Wa guarantee »ix boxes to cure any case. With'. .1 each order received by us for six boxe». acocm-JJ panied with five dollars, we will »end the pur­ chaser our written guarantee to return th<- money if the treatment d«>es not effect a cure? ' Guarantiee issued onlv bv WOODARD. CLARKE A CO., 2g Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Or- , ;* egen. Orders t>v mail at regular prices. it-lvl. y >ucce®.«or to W. <1. Henderson.] Cooperage. Cooperage Bt'GGir.S, BLACKMrWS A* Dayton ,nku»4>.r b ; m | W AKIM ih Calende;