Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1872-1883, June 08, 1882, Image 7

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ouoied by her nieces. Belle made her
appearance presently, in a faded calico
wrapper,rubbing her eyes after a drowey
“Where’s breakfast?" Baid Aunt Leah.
“Where’s Saidee? ’ counter-questioned
“Oh, I know the svliiali thirur!
fuU of romance as^
She has got ud early, and gone dotni
with buttercups, and
into the woods to get some pink azalb*
for her hair before the other girls think
0t it. She wants to astonish us all at
the picnic. But I think she might have
told me!"
“I'm afraid Saidee thinks more of her­
A recent numlier of the Celestial Em* i
self than she does of us,” said Aunt Leah pire,
referring to a dfccovery of Boma'i I
ancient graves near Shanghai, gives,say«
And Belle, in a very ill humor, began Nature** n interesting account of a Chi­
to prepare the breakfast—a task gener- nese burial in former times. A man of
ally assumed by her elder sister.
means purchased his coffin when lie
While Saidee, hurrying down the path reached the age of forty. He woulil
by the swamp, took the short cut across then have it painted three times each
the clover meadow, and was presently year, with a species of varnish, mixed
knocking at the door of the brick house with pulverized porcelain—a compos« g
where the load of furniture had stood tion which resembled silicate paint or <
the day before.
enamel. Thee process by which the ar-
The old lady with the crooked cap and uish was made has now been lost to the
the cherry cheeks came to tbe door.
Chinese. Each coating of this paint'
“Have you yet engaged any one to was of some thickness, and when dried |
help you get settled?” said Saidee,blush- had a metallic firmness resembling eu- •
inh very prettily.
amel. Frequent coats of this, if the
"We’can’t hear of a soul!” said the owner lived long enough, caused the'
old lady. Every one is engaged just coffins to assume the appearance'
now, and—”
of a sarcophagus, with a foot or more' i
“If you thought I could be of use,” in thickness of this hard, stone-like
faintlv began Saidee.
shell. After death the voins and cavi
"Bless mo, child!” said the old lady, ties of the stomach were filled with i
“you are too slight and small. Besides,” quicksilver for the purpose of preserving
looking closer at her, "you are a lady.” the body. A piece of jade would then
“But I know how to clean house for be placed in each nostril and ear, and in
all that,” said Saidee, valiantly.
“I’ve one hand, while a piece of bar silver
done it every year at home. Wo are would be placed in the other hand.
ladies, but we are not people of means. body thus prepared was placed upo^BJ.
It is neefessarv that I should earn a little layer of mercury within the coffin;
money, *nd—” •
latter was sealed,and the whole then
‘‘Come in, my dear,” said the old lady signed to its last resting place. sK'f
~ c°me in and have a cup of coffee some of these sarcophagi were op^Bl |
with us. I am Mrs. Hartwick—and this after the lapse of centuries, the I hj ^H r *
is my daughter Kate.”
were found in a wonderful state of pr2*i
“Saidee Lynn!” exclaimed the soft ervation; but they crumbled to dust 2i
voice of a pretty young girl, lying with exposure to the air. The writer
a sprained ankle on the sofa.
that the ----
of niet<ji*»i-
‘P’ - Chinest
To her amusement, our heroine recog- observes
ry \
by the
’ Chinese
---—J of past Chines.,
nized one of her schoolmates, Katherine ~Z
Hartwick, who had graduated in the nasties for the purpose of preser
same class with her, a»boarding «chool, bodies ought to form an interesting
ject forteonsirteration and discussiq
two years ago.
"But you Hnrely never have to come connection with the history of emi
here to—work?” said Kate in amazement. iug and “mummy making.”
“Yes, 1 have!” said brave Saidee.
The reason Why
“Why, is it any less creditable t0 clean
paint and wash windows than to play
A bo\ i turned from school
croquet or do Kensington stitches? And will i i >ort showing that hi* s<B|l|||
my Aunt Leah has lost all her little prop­
i fallen |M pk the usual auMta^
erty, and we are very, very poorl So now
W.-ll “ said Kia father. “voWS
you know all about it. And when I hat’s fallen below the average this
eateu my breakfast, if Mrs. Hartwick have you?SE
will give me a cleaning cloth and plenty
“Yes, sir?’
of soft soap, I'll show her what I can
“How did it happen?”
“Don’t know, sir.”
So that Miss Lytin was mounted on a
Thi father knew, if the son .lid not.
step-ladder, polishing off an antique mir­ He had observed a number of cheap
ror, when Katie’s soft'voico was heard, novels scattered about the house, but he
had not thought it worth while to say
“Oh, Harry! is that you? We sup­ anything until a fittiug opportunity
posed, ot course, you were at the picnic. should offer itself. A basket of apples
Miss Lynn this is my brother Harry. stood upon the floor, »nd he said:
Harry, let me present you to Saidc«
“Empty those apples and tako the
Lynn, my dear old schoolmate, who has basket and bring it in half.full of chips.
come here to help us clean house.”
And now,” he continued, ’-put those
Miss Lynn made as graceful a bow as apples back into the basket.”
she could, under the circumstances. Mr.
When half the apples were replaced
Harry Hartwick inclined hia head.
in the basket, the son said:
“At the picnic, indeed!1* he retorted,
“Father, they roll off—I c .n’t put in
Not at all. J’ve been hunt- anv more.”
tk down,
) man«
giving your onlw
Saw Mill
wajin his Btudio—a griz-
iluy old gentleman, in a
l^fcajHid n, faded velvet
* yot^inilfor’isi»"'*’’,^5iy success I have
returned to do » little white-washing
“Oh, have you?” said Saidee. “I know
such a nice recipe for kalsomine—as
white as alabaster, and it won’t rub off
at all.”
“Let’s make it,” said Mr. Hartwick,
That a Velasquez?” said Mr. Bruner, promptly.
No picnio could ever have been more
temptfously. “My dear, there isn’t
lictnre dealer in the country who delightful than this day among dust,
lid give fifty cents for it. It’s a men- white-wash, scouring-sand and brooms.
Kate, on her sofa, hemmed curtains;
iou* imitation, and a wretched one
Mr. Hartwick bustled to and fro; Saidee,
b Saidee tied up the poor picture and with her curly hair tied up in a handker­
it house again shedding a few tears as chief, secured paint, and Harry whitened
walked under the whispering trees. ceiling; and at twilight they had three
My last hope is gene!" she thought, rooms in perfect order.
“We have achieved wonders,” said
nt i’ll not tell Aunt Leah or Belle that
an iribontnre. They have always Kate, looking around at the neatly
in such innocent pride in the Velas- tacked carpets—the soft, garnet plush
hangings—-the pictures on the walls—
the crystal brightness of the windows—
while Mrs. Hartwick took Saidee myste-
riouslv on one side.
“My dear.” said she, “I do not know
how to thank you sufficiently. But I am
ashamed to offer you a dollar and a half
“Bn t I shall not be ashamed to take
it,” said Saidee, smiling. “Why should
I? That is, if you really think I have
earned it.”
’ “My dear, you have more than earned
it,” said the old lady; “and if you could
possibly come to-morrow—”
“Of course I will come,” said Saidee.
Weary as she was, Saidee went around
“are you the young by the village to buy some Young Hyson
.ppointed us yesterday tea for the old lady before she returned
to tbe Gothic cottage.
.idee, crimsoning to the
“Well,” she cried, brightly, to her
sister, “what sort of a day did you have
at the picnic?”
“Awfully stupid!’ yawned Belie.
“And tbe handsome young gentleman
from Locust Lane didn’t (tome at all
“Didn’t he?” said Saidee.
“And where have you been?” de­
manded Belle, in an injured tone.
“Oh, s|>en<ling the day with a neigh­
bor!” said Saidee, with a laugi.
They finished the house cleaning that
week. Mr. Harry Hartwick found it
necessary, we may add, to walk home
with Saidee the next evening, and he de­
veloped a remarkable talent in the ama­
teur painting and kalsominiug line, be­
fore they got through.
"Isn’t she pretty, Harrv?” said Kate,
when at last they were settled comforta
bly, and Saidee bad gone home for
“She is pretty,” said Harry, enthusi­
astically; “and she is brave, and she
isn t afraid of holiest work; and alto­
gether she is mv 'beau ideal* of a
■ Mamma,” whir.pored Kate, laughing
after her brother had gone out, “I be­
lieve our Hai ry is in love with Soidoe
“I’m snre I don’t blame him." sold
Mrs. Hartwick. “She is a little jewel.”
Aunt I.eah never knew where the
Young Hvson tea came from, nor tho
s|Minge cake, nor the white grapes, nor
all the little luxuries which had cheered
her of late; nor did she snapeet anything
until one day Harry HartwicK came to
her, and formally aakod b«y |*r hot I
. ......... ............a oarrm«» ..-*
Yamhill, Portland, 0r<
Blocks, Oakum, Oars, Capstans, etc.
sfio, 'WBieoei have too little thought .
ior ti|^B«lfort to lln* my ppc-r >nd
foxf neeeGslfies
WWb*mind the tea; f *
can drink cold water, I dare sayl”
Saidee wrung her hands iu despair.
How could she tell this woak, feeble old j
lady above whose declining .years hung ;
the"threatening Damocle^word of heart t
disease, of Hie narrowin^Wnrcmnstauces i
of their empty exchequer, the clamoring ,
creditors, the pitiful straits to which i
they were reduced.
“What shall I do?” she asked herself,
as she went slowly back to the little i
kitchen of the ruinous Gothic cottage,
which they had obtained for a ridicu-
I lonely low rent because it was ruinous.
“I’ve borrowed of the rector’s wife twice ,
I and I'm ashamed to go there again, and
I I’ve sold everything I can lay my handB
Ion. But,” glancing up at a picture
which hung in the hall beyoud, “there’s
I the VeJsM'iez still. A Velasquez is al­
ways A
Belle will scold
„l out p»t
with it, and Aunt Leah
**zill moiirp, }but w0 oan’t live on air
like the tines. I’ll take "a
Bruner, the ■ ¿ist, thia i
ask him to gt |ne a pui
people such as we saw £111
tain family relics."
And so when AuntMui ill was indulging
I in her afternoon nap, and
Belle, the
beauty of the family, w /as ironing out
I the flousoos of her whit e muslin drees
por the morrow’s picnio, valiant Saidee
I climbed on a chair. ' ook the unframed
I picture down (it was the head of some
[old Spanisli'gramlee, with a stiff pointed
I ruffle, and an evil leer in the eyes),
[wrapped it up in a newspaper and crept
■across the meadows with it to the vil-
e us a Call Before Purchasing.
at.. 1T8 «*4 AT® Fro tat at., corner
ambili, Portland, Oregon.
STAYER Ar W \ìd<
Lnoh taP’nm few lesson^Wbui him;
| when abet'displayed the canvass he
*k his heejd.
How iuuc|li do you think it is worth?”
id Saidee wistfully.
S'mbiiig!”> said Mr. Bruner.
But,* cried the girl, “it is a Velas-
Well. I neverr
tom .
A Tettlmenlnl to » l>e>erv>n< Artist.
W. H. T owne , San Francisco Gallery,
corner of First and Morrison streets.
Portland, Oregon.—We, the undersigned MAKE USE OF THIS VEGETABLE KINGDOM
mem tiers of the Standard Minstrels and
A SPUE remedy fob
Muldoon Picnic Party, take pleasure in
tendering this testimonial to your talent BLOOD and LIVER COMPLAINT
as a first class photographer. We have
had work done by eminent artisis in all
the leading citieB of the United States,
but never have we had photographs
made that has given us such complete sat­ SEWING
isfaction as those procured at your gal­
lery. For perfect finish and life-like ex­
pression, they excell all others.
JOHN B. GARRISON, Proprietor,
C harlie R eed ,
P ete M ack ,
B urt H avebly ,
A dd R yman ,
G eo . W. L awless , J. W. F beeth
T. B. D ixon ,
S am C. M ott ,
W. F. B ishop
Frank G. Abell, the Portland medal photo*
grapher, has remodeled his gallery and largely
increased his facilities for doing good work. His
large country patronage shows that the people of
this mnnty anpreojatc good work
When you
go to Portland call in and see Frank and exam­
ine his gallery
An hour cannot be spent any
more pleasantly.
Any book in the S-a<ide or Franklyn rtquare
Library *ent on receipt of i -ice bv the h. P.
V pws C o ^ 14*1 First street, Portland.
in all kinds of books and - »tiooery.
The seo«ation of the week is at the Elite thea­
ter in Portland
B-.nnie R moe’a, Alice Saun-
der», Eva Claxton, Geo. • ’. 1 ioiowi and (Abers
are the attraction«.
We make. All Merrhants iu Hood Credit'
can procure these Goods at onr Ware*
house« In PORTLAND or Nan Francisco. ,
Some time ago Mesnra. Hodge, Davis k Co., of thi«
city, read in a MMMchURejta paper that Hon.
Charles R. Ladd, auditor of that utate, was afflicted
with an incurable kidney disease, and had been
obliged to give up work and return to hi« home.
They immediately sent him a box of their celebrated
Oregon Kidney Tea, and from time to time «ent him
other boxes. A ft-w day« ago they received from
him the following letter:
Auditor*« Dep’t, Boston, Nov. 11, 188!.J
Mesera. Hodge, Davis A Co.: Dear Hire-1 have no
hesitation in saying that I have been much benefited
by the use of the Oregon Kidney Teanas a remedy for
a kidney difficulty which has troubled me for six or
eight years. I can heartily recommend it to those
who are similarly afflicted, as a safe and agreeable
remedy. I shall tent its virtues further, for I have
great faith in it as a specific for many disease« of
the kidneys. Respectfully yours.
The original of thia letter can be seen by calling
n Messra. Hodge. Davis A Co., Portland, Oregon,
and the Oregon Kidney Tea can be bought of any
druggist or dealer, in Oregon or Washington. Price
fl per box.____________ __
S heet M usics —Largest stock on the northwest
coa-’t,orders filled promptly. Send stamp for cat­
alogue and journal, SViley B. Allen 153 Third
street, Portland.
Are the BEST and ( OST NO MORE th*®
AM her Brands, and If the Merchant with'
whom you Trade does not keep our (toffdv
it la because it PAYS better to aell a
pair of Roots or Shoes every TU0
Month« than every FOUR or FIVE.
In the Hoot and Shoe business.
1 .ni>ort«n sad