Ho are Uree!, y’s Shoes. From that time on Pat called the off to themselves, green citrons with number of every street in very distinct their royal gold color, groUJX' °* bt,“t About the year 1870, when Arthur The world has long be inFfamiliar with men amt'hunters vriili their swarthy Barret was president of the Fair Associa­ and insinuating way, with flattering »al went drifting,drifting over the »le--| 'P,’ik sea. the stories of barbarity, cruelty and re­ faces and picturesque* a||jre, tendn.^' “ tion, Mr. Greeley accepted an invitation comments upon them as desirable places ,io man that I loved the dear eat, aat in the pine in connection with Indians. Good hand wherever it was needed, a negro t to deliver the annual address in the of residence; but his efforts continued in vain. A few unfortunates who had been boat with me. ----- — • leisure — »*** hnmanitariati men *- have to — write humanitarian with a banjo strumming rndq tunes to | amphitheater at the fuir grounds. Colo­ obliged to stand like himself, from time letters thousands «4- miles away from which the crowd gave casual »ads of tlie coming parting hungover the nel Todd was clnurman of the reception to time left the car, but not a vacant seat great grey swell, t J where scalumrc lifted. Whatever the ment, the ladies all watching c mittee, and after the close of the ad- was to be seen. be winds that swept across it, sobbed on, inscrutible purpose for which the Indian and sampling anorange now and the ¡Qkted the speaker to his room at Finally poor Pat became discouraged L re well, farewell. was created, he is doomed. He lacks these were some of the elements t rn Hotel, where he bode him and subsided for awhile. Bnt at sixty- made up the scene, the whole being en- the instict of self-preservation. He ■»at went drilling, di tiling iu the lingering, good-bye, as Mr, (tri ielay was to leave third street lie broke out in one last ap­ would rather be aggressive and di^Ahan Hjpned with the haste and bustle of get­ northern night, be peaceful and live. There is notree- ting ready against the next day’s boat, the city early >!• Hke “The 54th Virginia,” was the reply.; ence. Camping places where calamity is the town where ami earnestly for the freedom of the that silk dresses were very much worn, to its IR* ‘he PaicDt on roll- Iu an instant the loungers sprang to has befallen them are ever afterwards Martin Chuzzlewit and negroes. In speaking of the matter to i» estimated at said she knew it, for hers had two or w,080, and nA vxpen.q „ver their feet and rushed to camp. “The avoided as “bad medicine.” The days settle. He called it Colonel Todd, Wilkinson said that he three holes in it. in legal expenses alonnre. 54th Virginia is at the ferry,” they and places which witnessed some defeat ecount of it is really was walking along the hall near Mr. We are told that “missionaries are patent from infring6.ent* in shouted, as they ran in among the tents in arms are classed in the same category Greeley’s room, and seeing the shoes wanted in the Italian quarters of New and all things which are fortunate are [ ^« ‘ “■‘oing negro wr,.b cail of the 3d Ohio. standing outside the door, the idea York.” Never krew before that the Ital­ The Ohio boys were quick in motion. classed upon the opposite side. The stintile Dal ted States struck him that they would be just the Boni nf 'Y ‘°F' ’¡i«11 >» pgure of Oman or J ulum K a I- Boxes from homo and all the reserve high-priest of this religion is the cele­ things to give to the children to remind ians were cannibals. stores were speedily ransacked. Coffee brated “ medicine man. ” The “ medi ­ An English «ssayist concedes that in them of him who had done so much for “San Francisco is clamoring for brass wire, which is inovetj ’ ond VBtem of clock work m tho and sugar, beef and canned peaches, anu cine man” is usually raggeder, lazier and no other aountry has there been any­ the colored man. He therefore took bauds in churches.” Extreme measures the best they had of everything were dirtier than any one else in the tribe. I thing like the rapid progress in inven ­ must be taken to keep San Francisco nmh it dances, provide, an them, hurried out of the hotel and went inventor of $30,000 a y^r- freely brought forth. They rememliered helped Little Raven and the Arrapaboes tion and all that pertains to material to a shoe store, where he purchased a people awake, evidently. needle threader is to^e gratefully their debt of honor and paid make “medicine" preparatory to a raid progress that has been made in the pair of much better shoes of the same The best way to beat a Niagara back- *J,n®ar*y every street ci. it nobly. It was tho same old^Bcene upon the Osages in September 1857, in United States during the last half cen­ size as the old ones, and, returning to man—With a club.—Puck. And yet $10,000 a year to the ma» over, with the shading reversed. For the Indian Territory, south of Fort tury. He says that Iffie Americans have the hotel, put the former whero the lat­ when a Niagara liackman meets a club out the problem which one night at least both Confederates and Dodge. This high honor was permitted profited by the lessons which the ter had stood. He thought th it a fair man he generally lieats him. ave been solved by a boy Yanks enjoyed again the sweet grace of because I hail .a Spencer repeating rifle. producers of Europe taught them; that exchange waft no robbery, and felt that An esteemed contemporary, whose nly it was not. Green's hospitality that could bring a smile even The Arrapaboes were mostly armed with many ideas which had their inception in he was giving much more in actual name wo snppiess for fear of the broom bows and arrows or muzzle loaders: had the old world have been supplemented value than he was receiving. ow very extensively used to the grim visage of war. Wilkin­ brigade, says that fans and girls are never before seen a breech loader. My and improved ire >n by the quick witted son is dead, but the shoes are probably e country wherever water Sew Smith College Art Building. rifle was “big medicine.” In the tepee and ingenious Yankee, to say nothing of now in St. Louis. It is understood that hand-painted this season. from the ground, The I declaimed “Rienzi’s Address to the the productions of purely American ori- several relic hunters are looking for Carlyle once said to i rowd»v,” psted itself to Col- new art building of Smith College Romans" to them in_grandiloqnent in grandiloquent stylo F,n Th« r-V he • tolls ■■ us- 4a ia. ■"diahtji.l- ■Probably Froude was thoroughly ijjle engaged with the to The ncb.ij o ff a "yisiy bill, «• (H P i h k T atfet WNWS eh Firm telegraph,i be erected from the fund of $25,000 and then touched tiring familiar with Carlyle’s writings. iiüü f « uSití T T h ci war. The troops were given I...,-., SflOOMMl 'HSix ir raid and cap- , winch hrousoit the remote se wuioh has brought the remote sections of by Winthro ere I . Hired many ponies from the OBages; where there nt of water, and it oc- “Yes." said the traveler, “I hope the the world into instant communication ;for view of the surround- hence my “medicine" was good. Charley Shaw, of the Detroit Opera the utilization of stetm upon the ocean, House, was grinning at the window of i train robbers will go through the train. ing country. It is to be of brick with ' I’d like to see that darned porter com ■ I read the other day that the high the first vessel crossing the Atlantic hav­ d drawn to the surface stone trimmings, and will correspond the box office the other day, when in i attatclied to the up- with the other college buildings, it being priests of the Zuni Indians make a jour­ ing been of American construction; for walked a chap with an agricultural i polled to disgorge onr property!” ' A Washington writer says: “The This simple contri- of the secular gothic slvle of architec­ ney once a century to the Atlantic ocean the present monitor system of naval bronze on his face, and asked: prettiest and most favored children of after the war, and the ture. The structure will be 104 feet long to get water from the source of the rising architecture, now employed by the lead­ “ Does any ODe perform here ’ ” the congressional group are the bright­ _______ royalty of ten dollars by 45 feet wide, two stories high. The sun for use in their religious ceremonies. ing maritime nations of Europe; for the “Oh, yes.” eyed, fair-headed boy and girl of Con­ well driven. As the western lower story is to be divided into large I have beeu through the Zuni villages of sewing machine, one of the greatest “ This afternoon? ” extreme Western New Mexico. They labor-saving implements ever con­ gressman Skinner.” lands we*»' filled with the driven rooms with alcoves for studios and the “No; to night.” e idea of the immense value exhibition of sculpture, the rooms being live, I used to be taught by Mitchell’s structed, and also for innumerable other The venerable Kossuth has completed “ How much to see ’ em? ” nt own jpe obtained. An entire 18 and 20 feet high, so that the largest geography, as the people of Kamscbatka inventions and improvements in ma­ “Well, I can give you a seat for half his memoirs, the last volume having They believe that Montezuma will chinery employed on the farm, in the practically effected in oastscan be displayed. The second floor do. just appeared. He makes in it a pre­ a dollar, and you can hold your girl on Ek moderate estimate of will lie devoted to the exhibition ot visit them when he has worn out bis factory, and in the workshop. During your lap.” diction that Hungary will shortly sepa­ golden slippers, and they keep the the last quarter of a century, in particu­ .____________ the patent is $2,000,- paintings, the central gallery being rate herself from Austria. “Wouldn’t anybody laff?” Hie'ordinary spring window shade lighted from the roof. The corridors sacred fire burning awaiting his return. lar, the Amerioan people have lieen It was Dr. Hammond who, during the “Not much! We don’t allow any To let the fire go out would be “ liad gradually emancipating themselves from h is t* be found now Pl ullliosl running around this gallery are to be president's illness, invented the word medicine.” and their hereditary enemies, dependence npon the older nations for a laughing in this house." y honaa, so cheaply is it mannfac- lighted from side wiudows for the ex­ the “Well, maybe we’ll comet Has this “Syfgignooum," and yet congress thinks Navajoes, would come down upon great variety of the necessaries of life, g, is patented and yields hibition of smaller paintings aud engrav­ lie should receive less pay for his ser­ theater ever burned up?” e ir.Ven lor an income equal ings. The building will be constructed them like wolves upon tho fold. To use till at length they are in position to vices than Dr. Bliss. “Never.” any water but ocean water in their annual jHanudicionsly invested, so as to secure the best light and ventila­ ceremonials would also be bad medicine. maintain a successful competition with “Any danger of fire on the stage!" “Why are your loaves so much small­ them in some of the most important de­ open patent is also worth tion, and the plans have been elaborated “Not a bit." But these are not observances of religion. partments of mechanical production, er than they used to be?” asked a Gal­ bolder, and that of the according to the suggestions of the best The "Any pickpockets around? ’ Moquis, to the westward of the veston man of his baker. “I don’t know or shaping in different teachers of art in the country. Presi­ Zunis, live in caves in cliffs, like sand while, as regards agriculture, the United “None.” unless it is that I use less dongh than ___ of ordinary rubber stands dent Seelye has personally visited tlie swallows, but choose these elevated hab­ States stands pre-eminent. “Does anybody peddle lemonade?" formerly,” responded the baker. 100,000 eachr—j stockton Mail. “No.” various schools of art at New itations for the same reason that birds How jfsse James Showed Ills Grati­ Cucumber infernal machines, accord­ York, Boston and New Haven, in build their nests in accessible places, the “Any prize packages given out?" tude. ing to the Chronicle, are in the market Mexican l*r»prnslty for bleating reference to the plana, and it is thought instinct of self preservation. The Nava- “No.” that it will lie one of the best arranged “Take a half dollar with a hole in it?” in Philadelphia. There is but one anti­ Six years ago the James brothers dote, a remedy known to the ancient Woaherwomen pawn the clothes of un- buildings for tho purpose in the coun­ joes used to depredate upou them genera­ “ Yes." tions ago. The Moquis would now pre ­ sacked the express oar and “went Irish people. It is called “whisliskin- i»l>ecting and trusting Americans when try. As soon as this building is com­ fer to live npon the plain below, bnt through” the passengers on tho Chicago, “What kind of a play is it?" warr. iven them to be washed, and more than pleted all the works of art now belong­ “It’s tragedy.” such would be “ bad medicine, ” and they Rock Island, and Pacific at Gad's Hill, e engineer has had to visit some em- ing to the college will lie at once trans- A rural Democrat writes ns to ask: “Tragedy? Then that lays me out ! still porch. Anything contrary to tradi ­ and stole the money box at the Kansas no and ray. down the cash for garments ferret! to it from the present art gallery. Sarah was toacircus last year,when some “Are red noses hereditary?” W’e believ«’ tion and conservatism is “ bad medicine. ” state fair, x They rode into Kansas City .¿or* already his to get them out of It is the intention of tho trustees to pro­ they are more acquired than hereditary; on horseback, and when the cashier was one bit a teller who crawled under the but still the majority of the most suc­ wn. Either ,one l>y one or all iu a vide the best facilities for the study of —Troy Times. canves/with a neck yoke,and she fainted walking into the bank with the receipts ■ mp, these gMrmont» are gathered into art in every department. This year the Democrats have been born that of the dav, about two thousand dollars, away that they had to unhitch her cor­ cessful kb« maw of tlie Mexican “uncle." The art school of the college will be asso­ Orange Wrappin* In Florula. set aud jerk off her shoes. Let her see a wav. they pointed their pistols at his head, statement of my friend, may lie colored ciated with the Yale art school of New play where tellers are jabbing with pitch­ "Yes," said the county member, “I One night our party of tourists went seized the box aud galloped off. This forks, knocking down with crowbarsand went to that variety show becanse I felt by a sad experience, but there is much Haren, the teachers and professor« com­ was done in broad daylight in the midst *uth in what he says It is only fair ing up every week to give instruction to an “Orange wrapping." A large slicing each other up with swords, and sure there’d l>e nobody there who knew toward those of our countrymen cou and carry forward the work according to warehouse belonging to the Wilkinson of a great crowd. Some tine afterward one of the Kan­ she'll tumble kerplunk and stop the show me. Dnrned if pretty much the whole tonyilating ooming hero to give the the methods practiced at Yale. Besides place was lighted up with candles placed dead still. I hope you’ll do well and all legislature was’nt there!"—Boston Post. «tonal coloring of tbe dark -i l- > well the $25,000 given for the building, along the walls,and all the "help" of the sas City r-porters wrote an article about that, but I don't bring no Sarah to see It is said that walls have ears. There­ '5- *»* bright. Ip regard to stealing, friends of the institution have given neighborhood was gathered. In one these hifliwavmen, saying some kind no tragedy,'and dont you forget it! She ■is i know that nothing along tho line $8000 to furnish it with additional works corner of the room there were huge things. Ie called them brave, and said fainted on me once, and my hair turned fore, don’t trust them. They are two- faced things.—Bos. Trans. And the way the great Mexican railroad from Vela of art. The contracts have been awarded, boxes filled with oranges. They were it was thUmost daring deed in highway­ gray at the rate of a bushel a minit!”— that the barefaced things get themselves Vnz to the City of Mexico is left ou*- bnt the building will not be completed rigged with handles at each end, and it men's retard. A few nights afterward [ Detroit Free Press. papered and painted is too horrible for jie after dark; nothing that the before auother summer. Meanwhile the took two men to bring one of them in. one of tbeJames brothers rode into Kan­ words. Jength of twq_jnvu can lift. Even foundations are going in for the new On the opposite side of the room were sas City, vent to the newspaper office, Re not a Seat. Resonance in public halls can be ■’oar couurtTgga are taken inside the music hall building on the other side of long tables, behind which sat the “wrap­ and, calliig the reporter out, presented him with t handsome watch and chain. 1 up. The road once the main college buildings. It was a Third avenue car, and it was modified or prevented by stretching So many pers.” The fruit was supplied to them He said tie article in question touched kea ou their cars, but students have made applications for on by small boys, who carried it in bread- very crowded. A good natured son of wires across the ceiling, so that the iheil holes in the pipes trauce at the approaching term that it is travs; putting a tray to every three men. them in (tender spot, and they desired Erin had lioarded the car near the City vibrations are absorbed, conveyed from to show heir gratitude. g. no they were taken already a serious problem with the true Before each man was a package of tissue Hall, bat was too late to get a seat. He one wire to another, and spread over th« “But I Ion t feel at liberty to take this carried a tin dinner pail and wore the building. nal road, ami doubt- whether or no**) Luil.l another paper. By a dextrous movement, an watch,” aid the reporter. Truth would like to see a palatable also, they stole the dwelling house upon th»'grounds during orange was enveloped in a leaf of paper dress of a bard working man. There “But th it to gratify.us. We didn’t was a humorous twinkle in bis eye. bnt temperance drink invented. Thia is some­ e rails to the ties, th<- collegiate year.-® Springfield Re­ by one motion. As the fruit was wrapped y riveted on. One public**. it was dropped into another trav, which steal thirwatcb; we bought and paid for it was plain to be seen that be was tired. thing that Faxon and Neal Dow never - was carried to the “ptteken«," who stood it with orr own money," continued the He hung on to a strap near the door in thought of. There is very little water in n undertook to steal before a pile of empty crates. Each desperad«, ot dynamite, and As Dsua' a commanding position, where be would the country that is fit to drink.—Boston "No, ytt must excuse me," continued be sure to see the first vacant seat. Not Globe. orange was placed in the crate separate­ e and several others The Commercial traveler of a Phila­ ly, being packed in eloeo rows. A crate the report. Harvard student (who has just failed a single passenger got out until Hous­ “Well, . then, if you can't take this ton street was reached. Then there was in a Chinese sentence) to Professor— the i^iit be multiplied to show delphia bouse, while in Tennessee, ap­ bolds from one hundred and twenty to reilis Mr. James, . regretfully, _____ _, a momentary glimpse of a vacant seat, “Thou tea chest—” Professor (furious) of the population of Mexico proached a stranger as the train was one hundred and forty oranges, and sells watch,” rallied here for about three dollars. The oranges “what cal inke do for yon? Perhaps you but it was filled before be could reach “What! you dare to--” Student (calm­ d beggar«. It is impossible about to start, and said: lefsome man around here you it. At Fourteenth street the car ly proceeds) “Thon teacheet a most dif­ a.a not brought direct from the grove to can natuc,- term stealing without “ Are you going on thia train ’” the packing house, bnt rest a day or two want killoj!' Two evenings ago I "I am.” stopped. The man's eye brightened ficult language.” in the drying house. There they are ■'Have you any a prom “Bad c«s to it!” exclaimed Mike and be kept a sharp look out. But no — Emerson says a man ought to carry ■ spread over lattice shelves, where they O'Flahertl, upon learning that Garfield it was to let a lady get on. The car pencil to note down the thoughts of the “No.” r flu« do me a go through a sweating process liefore was elecm. “Shure an' now we'll be dragged its way slowly on to Twenty­ moment." Yea, and one short pencil de­ •■Id “Wto‘. favor, and jything. they are ready for shipment. » ruined l>4Chmese chape labor." When seventh street, and slowed up. voted exclusively to that use would last The scene in the wrapping bouse was asked will's he worked, Mike replied, You see i trunks "Twintv-sivinth athreet!” called Pat, some men we know about two thousand a pretty one. The gohlen f aud the with bis eye on a woman who looked as "1 haven wrongl "I haven' wrought a st broke for five years, and then have «he original point ^h profusion, IfeiM nitrire stolen from oua ot t years, bntao o'l woman takes in wash- if she wanted to get «nt But she didn't on it. re That after- on voar they ba in* and Gertie Id wants the havthen and the car went on. After writing the “Charge of the Light v well known See!” “Thurty-fort' athreet” shouted Pat, Brigade," was it absolutely necessary Chinee tctake the bread out of that thoroughfare was reached, for Tennyson to produce a “Charge of tb« Heavy Brigade." before be diedf Hood get much fame for his “Song of the Shirt," but be didn't supplemei in hie last days by a “Bong of the Un •birt."—{Cincinnati Saturday Wight FAREWELL. official dinner given by her husband she lost t so many spoons and forks that there wer. hardly any left that evening, were though there is no other city of any size near this; though the streets swarm with policemen and the custom officials seaaob —or have the right to search—all m*- through clianlse arriving and departing thftiugh the city gates, propextar 'bnce lost is rarely recovered, Etrtnn the event of tlie the identificatiqp aud the arrest thief, it is so d ifii< limit to recover of goods that they •», s fa. eases, left with the magi Indian Religious. a