A. * X JI » af ■ y —B—- !-”S. i a U . ■.JHT . - i T he R eporter . pa “«<: - MclttmiLLE, ÜUG0N, JUNE 8 1882. otu 1IO.UJE tiaticuo.-i. A ew HENRY B. TURNER s. ERIN 1 v No PM BY rCBLIC. There is Mid to bel Ó0Ó immigrants en route front dOtiU»— Notice u hew Wasco county. Juno 14th, JSIJ3 me, vt ttie To* The Riuge between Fifteen Mill ite reuwv^^iea lad creek and tbe DcChutes river ¡«Li— “'-Ii3oi®iia ceileut, and stock of all kinds loo I lanes wi well. “erofoi Garrison An immigrant train conshti*'.' Tbe Board lesffve seventeen wagons paa-ed Ronkvilie iust week, eu route tor Lewis emjuty : .wl W. T. They are from K ursas. DRUGGIST, * Dealer in The election in Yamhill county fegeaxs, 3>ic »villo, Oregon passed without incident, perfectly Oiler for Sal. the folA*u* smooth, peaceable and orderly. The result we give in another column But little further need be said. Still O FARMS- 7» - /0 acres, all under fence, lies on county road a mention of a peeularity or two may The Universal!»! State convention XC'l A mn«t de,;r.bls farm of 2W «re» »¡u,/nil«» Xorth-Ea»t of L»f»yetu. Good houx will meet at Dallas on the 221 of June U. G. Land G.I j not be amiss, ilcliiunviile precinct, Several case» of sudden sickness oc od iwed.ug 1.0^, Uarn, outt^io;-. or/“d barn ; good orol.artl, alw »rn.ll trurU ; ...rd and .All froiM ; 2V >oi/ Forth Z12’«"» >? i » tm»in. C. Smith, of-'Valla Walla, Bihar application under th provision« of the Ac! against her usual democratic balance ed J. last ff Congress ujrprovot > dii© 3, 1878, cntiUco ,¿30 per acre; JOW«, balajy un re.»ual>t-|aad jood well at the boiue. Priofl, »7^8O< week 24(10 pounds of til < • An Aot for tbe salt 50k down, balan,« on 7 yc«»’ tim- with of Timber Land« ir of thirty. Then Lafayette precinct clean wool, otT ItiO flue graded sheep the Blates of Calif* rr . Oregon, \uvadt. nilaa no ' “Jj 85 teres, 75 1. eultiv. ti Magers and Nelson necessitates a new election for which the Statute provides as follows : “ When a tie shall exist between two or more p-j- sons for the senate or house of rep­ resentatives, the county clerk shall give notice to the sheriff of the coun­ ty, who sh ill immediately advertise another election lor such offices, giv­ ing at least tea days notice. ’’ The tie between Messis Coopw and" Ma­ loney will be decided by the c unty clerk, who shall publicly, at bis office decide by let, tbe lucky man. county again comes to tlie front with such other and fnrth< r relief rs to the Court time to suit purchaser. may seem just and equitable. a first class murder, the victim this This summons is published by order of the time being W. Akers, formerly ot Hon. R. P. Boise. Judge of the above named Sams valley of this county aud tire Court, made on the 3rd daj of June 1882. ENQUIRE OF slayer David Gilmore. It appears J. L. STORY. that last fail Gilmore charged Akers, 1^6 Attorney for Plaintiff. who is a married man, witlr the se­ duction ot bis daughter about sixteen years of age, and warned him to leave SHERIFF’S SALE. tbecouutry, which ne did. Last week Alters returned, ostensibly lorw the Jg^t.;'*;.*.". iii‘f I Uiwrri^ p.irjwM« or IKKIliu tila wil'o rorww WDPrefn J. M. Ffoiiton wita plaintiff n Ju«vshuug J>uu*tv.. Gitoiorfl.X, ster R. Wilson, Oliver J'.:;ern5. Klil.TY, When in McMinnville it will pay you to call at STARVING BY THOCSANDS. Sheriff of Yamhill Caunty, Oregon. Lafayette, Or.. May 29th 1882. The story of the down-i roddrn Jews, And see our New Stock of in tbe old world is ouh of horror. A London dispatch of May 20th, pic­ T>Y Virtue and Authority of a warrant for the collection ot taxes, issued out of the tured it as follows : County Court of the Staio of Oregpn tor Yam­ The total number of fugitive Jew.» hill county, and to rnedirect”d and duly de­ Dolman*, Cloaks, llantles, Shawl*. Trimming*. who are now tn Brody, ou their way- livered, I have lev ifd upon, and on Ruaings, Colonettex, Hosiery, Dress Goods, Skirts, Suitings, out of RuMiia, fleeing to twape the Saturday, tbe lat D.tjr of July, 1382, and everything pertaining to Ladies’Wardrobe. Also, atrocities practiced upon tho-e of their race by tlie Russian peasantry, i- at lrt o’clock a. m. of taid day,at the Court tlouse door in Ldayetco, Yatihill county, 120,000. The committees of relief are State of Oregon, I will s. 11 to iht highcrjt bid­ absolutely unable to afford even Blight der, for cash in bn .id. ill the Miowmg de­ Ifootó, «SÄ t«, Sandals, Ladies' Walking Boots Slippers, and Everything V tr and Novel, before purchasing your Goods Elsewhere.. relief to so many, and the consequence bribed real property, .- J'.ato in T unhill conn- is that thousands of these refugees are ty. State of Oregon, or a ufheient ain. uur .1 perishing from exposure a.id want. each |hece or r>arecl thvr< >fa wdl sist’v tbe per cent. Discount ?iven < n all Goods, for Cash. Over 12,000 starving person» among tax ot the year 18SI a^ . ' omi upon t! o delin­ and expenses: the multitude have already been sin­ quent list, together with gled out, and the relief committees Breeding. J B: V Br;?i . hi , I ic •........... $8 35 ilfo hive th? Celebrated Mrs. Annie. J V r *•. «-etio.is innounce that they feel that they .... ?n S3 must d'sband and di.scontlnne at­ tempting to perform tlie ' MS' ÌL ai— - 4* »ere, ............ ò......................... ‘ »4 ask of furnishing relief tg tlie lew ♦<’ C9 am. 3 M whom their nn ana m HmH Z-i thern, ms the rest, impel «<1 t>y SMFVa- CaldwoL, Mr» * mb ; M »■T9p..... ,ion, attack the provide I, ,»ke »* i.v Ue-i in H ip Iifk.'t their food and render th . .work of *,n» 50 coinmi.tet H absolutely o.'BMball. The committees say thATw vi«i 7» FOR the number of Jews on the uctuul fell and verge of death by starvati m in Brody Ewin K - .. 17 SO slmie tliat tbe work of relief is b« yond 12. 47Ï LAIIES AND GENTS OtiOVEH W i.» Ò6 70 the power of any number of privat* (»arxxTin rm wis, 1 Sifl.) 9 committees and must be done by a .. 4 80 We carry * full stock of nation to be of any real benefit. 11 38 AVarren ’ *r a i i . grange - -- ------- * HARTMAN BROTHERS. 'THE BRICK STORE Sheriff’s Tax Sale. LADIES’ FANCY GOODS, Gents0nurnish.iag Goods of allZDoscriptions Quite an interesting and exciting little occurrence to residents of Tie Dalles on Saturday last was the pas sage of the fias steamer R R. Thompson over the rapids, to take a new route on the lower river. The Carrie Bradley’s trial lor the mur­ \task was accomplished nicely by der of Brown resulted in her convic­ Capt. McNulty. tion of manslaughter. Defloration day was universally observed throughout the nation. Its Xolicr otTinal Seltlemenf ceremonies were grand, noble and 'OTICK it hereby riven that (tanSi ha« ha» 13’ fl'1“1 acc<’'}!" J „ atañed --- ----- hl* final ace v •loqusnt. county court of j sh, mnitimior «»» «•»'-------------«j/ P; f . Garibaldi, the great Italian patriot, died on the 3rd inst., aged 8j years ATTENTION A \ lininl»ii*toro< Hl» . . , a*ed. and «aid Court ba* fixe I Jnly 5 "iTr'iirironrinu > thereof. 'hvroof. All peraonSf ¡ect to said noiltli-il to amvar and oWvotto wl final nn n connt nt -abl thuv and Jnac«. if any ot tions there be. <; BI^D à II 4 Administrator of *a’4 e* lldl? FINAL PROOF. Tiro foil-wing peraona were elected oflieer» *f tlie St-te Gr«uge al Ha laat Land Office at Oregon M'saioii : / r.hereby «Ivan tp.t I Notion — — I» - — . -I nvrw.», . m Wa. rt - >« «’ ’ Vita f la - a -7^ Mn»ist R. F Bolte; Ov. rseer, D. SHin.-l ■ ro-d.T tu>< It JOB»-* or ni» F. K. Knick ; I^etorer, H E. H-ven ; I lion io msks rtn»',11, .ui’’,?*'s ' stab».andttrat «aid proof will Be ma e rthWffnl W H. Th.,mas; Aaflialant •ha County »Tarli of Yamhiu < o-inl). /..wmd; Win. HBlery; ' fijraite. Urauon.on Tbnrwtay. J”ly iv.a: John Met nil. Hotm-tsad AnpH Trw“- Gate Xn Vnr for t ha s I-« or « E ”J- . and Lof. A » an 111 of S h ; ft. T J ». It • ' Thoma. Smith I C»r.•», fe. B Heath ; ' 1-4 Hr namv« tnr rol’owln« wltnaaar» to p p .moot. M. J Hfliri’ 1 »1™». Harriet 1 hl- con tin uou»rv,l'’eneo nnon «ni co of -aid lank, vu Lnkr R1»”" (tanner' Lmlv A»»ifli»itt Steward I. i . tion Booth, liront» trnrta i an I Rllrv Fe b. Hillery ; Mtmbflr Executive Com of Wliumuia. Ya uhm » •"int,- L. T. T 2- BAl JMIT t. ‘- John Mlato Vverill’s >Iixe ton. . Oregon Cooper & Handley, Tcp’y Surveyors -Axr>- CIVIL ENGINEERS, McMinnville, Or. L ight S olar T ransit . w. a u I. GURtiV, Twer, *. y. I have all the field note» of the Public Survevs of Yamhill county . and am prepared to do First-Class work on short notice and reasonable terms. Lumber ! Lumber! P iXTIIE« CREEK MILL [The old Moore Mill.] Alro WHITE ft AD AND OILS AND PAINT AND WHITEWASH W. D. ROBERTSON, Prop’r BRUSHES. Aho CRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Think in $ public for pa.«t i Yours Respectfully. nuance cf tha>/iibml patroeaaa, IIARTUAX Bro*. FINAL PROOF. dOfflce at Oregon City. Oregon. I May W. is«. 1 I» Mr.-Sy atvnn that the followina- settlflr ”n» riled no.tceoi his intention final proof tn -nr.-x.rt of hi. claim, tall proof will be mart» before the Clark.or Yambill Co. at Lawnett». Monday Julv S ISM. via: Oeorge rs enquire