all sours. rn.■ < to accept accidents philo- “Mr. Charub! up a laandso^ amount o> toney, which y. At your neighbor spills a was continually a videome in- ] pher!” spoke < A Hoiae Creek, California, man baa bf wine anil it trickles down over puro« Ct»« terest. To tell the , stowed among the urchins hi >ct subject . _ for fear of annoying J Christoph«-. the beams of lighf\ad disappeared. when they will not bite, the left side. If raw oysters have been I sauce to BWear that not a drop »- In August the junior member of the of inspiring their minds with the idea served they will be eaten at once. It is i reacted her! Such circumstance» arc HlC that it was he, probably who owned all firm, Mr. Richard Fulsom, was making Ilchester University has just reoeii no longer good form to wait for the rest 1 triumphs of civilized life.” the big ships and stoft-liouses; but, as preparations to visit Liverpool on an im­ a gift u’f «100,000 for the purpose of a< It is not necessary to swear that black of the company to be served before be­ they never questioned him upon that portant mission connected with the ing a ladies’ ’loartment to the instil ginning to eat, and for this there is a i is white, but it is a triumph not only of tion. subject, he never hail the opportunity of house, but suddenly and unexpectedly Vrrvt. of kind-heartedness to semi bio reason, as will be found upon cultivation i dispelling the illusion. he was taken ill and the senior members The School Board of Reading, Pa.,I a person who has met with a social exumination to be the case with most of set i • Why was Mr. Cherub a bachelor? The were in quandary. After a consultation voted to close the public schools on ie the little changes in fashion which takes i misfortune as speedily as possible at his day question could be answered by a silent held in their private office, it was decided Jumbo visits the city with Barnu__ place from time to time. A grand din- i ease. Kindness of heart is the soul of circus. answer, if the person who asked would to send Mr. Cherub to take charge of the all good breeding, and without it the nei would be indefinitely prolonged if i observe that gentleman once in twenty- business previously intrusted to the When at home the Chinaman is a Mon­ all the guests waited to eat the same . daughter of a hundred earls is still not golian four hours take from his desk, a locke't, junior member. When in tlie United States he one to be desired. thing at the same time. The waiters be ­ and gaze upon the features of a beautiful Christopher did not demur; he never is a Mustgolian.—[Louisville Courier- The novice in society who lias never gin their service with the lady who sits girl, press the locket to his lips, and then demurred. But it was hard for him to 1 at the host’s right hand, and she should assisted at a dinnerparty in her life need Journal. replace it. leave his quiet retreat, to give up Mrs. What is hyiwcrisy? Why it is wh< lie ready to be helped to the second not fear to go to one, if she will heed the any Of course she was dead, or Mr. Cherub Timpklin’s cozy departments, to be away one says he loves his neighbor ' couse by the time the first course has simple and obvious suggestions on which himself would not have been a bachelor. She from his favorite desk, and, more than and then straightway sands I have ventured, and above all, if she male the round of the table. was his first, last, and only love, and all, to leave unoared fur the little spot »o sugar. I neophyte might perhaps be puzzled will keep her eyes open to see what is during all the tiresome years of his solv­ dear to him. What if he should never It is well wo cannot see int« tbe anong the multiplicity of forks beside going on around her. That silken-clad ture. Fancy the disgust of 1’izzaro if ing vexatious columns the beautiful return and his greatest desire left unful­ her plate, but she will see that the small flock which we call society all jump over could have foreseen Sbipherd,—|8y -eyes seemed to look over his shoulder filled—to be laid by the side of Allie? «^son-shaped fork is used for oysters, the same hedges in very nearly the same case Herald. and guide his hand as well as his heart. How the thought weighed upon him! anl the next smallest fork for the fish. manner. Sometimes he would unclasp the back He bad never been way, and the world McKean county ^lostoflice is in oba It B now customary to supply also a »Gi­ of the locket, and take therefrom a tress outside his little sphere seemed already of a pretty woman. It is needless to ve knife for fish, and this is a great con- of golden hair; this he would hold care­ strange to him. Handling Millions a Baf. that males arrive and depart at all hi veiience. Should the fish knife be ab- fully on his finger, and as the sun’s rays In less than, forty-eight hours Christo­ _ ._ * of the day. seit, the fork is to be held in the right came through the little window abovo pher Cherub appeared twenty years a small room on tho main floor of A burglar got into the house cq his desk, throwing their light on the older. His hands trembled as he ¡lacked hold and assisted by a piece of bread in the In New York custom house, and occu­ Texas editor the other nigl.t. t.'ler a tress of hair, Mr. Cherub would drop a bis trunk, and he forgot to bestow his tin left; bnt the silver knife is prefera­ pying the southwest corner of it, the terrible struggle tbe editor suoo«edat^,in tear, and say, almost inaudibly, “Allie, penny offerings upon the children about ble and will be fonnll in most houses. cashier, with a force of fifteen clerks, my poor Allie.” the wharf. His step, only a short time ioilp should be eaten with a large receives all the money levied for duties robbing him. What a comfort this was to him he before so brisk, now faltered. Mrs. spoil. Dessert Hpoons for soup are no by the government on imports, exports, A surly old fellow sat aloMClfl^^H himself only knew. Timpklin noticed it, and was very much laiger “en regie,” on the theory that except the small amount assessed on as he said, though be had a Twenty years previous he placed his worried thoreby, but Christopher put on middle of the room. This act of soup is nothing unless hot, and that it friends he didn’t like any o^MMjvUia betrothed in her last resting place, and as cheerful a manner as possible, and ness made me a favorite at once ami hun­ c»n be eaten more quickly, aud there­ passengers’ baggage, which is collected none of them liked him. dreds of strong arms siezed me. I went fore when hotter, by using a large spoon. ou the wharf. in having the little burial lot laid out, merely said he was only a little tired. From animal remains it ia Mjtooludad Some idea of the amount of business he had reserveil just room enough for Only a little tired? The truth was the forward surrounded by a dense, shout­ If you are fastidious abou’ trifling forms Great Britain was at one UM Con­ one more grave. "This is for me,” he sudden anxiety, coming so unexpectedly, ing mass of men. What they were say­ you will dip up your soup with the side done in this office may bo gained when that with the mainland, i^nd the Eng­ would repeat to himself, aB he stood had made him very tired. And ere two ing I could not make out, but I gathered of the spoon farthest from you and move i» is stated that the money received in a nected every Sunday a'ternoon by the side of weeks had elapsed of the three set for at least 100,000 shares of stock were it toward the farther side of yonr plate single day has several times lately lish Channel was dry, Girard College is to have a complete Allie’s grave. “This is for me.” his departure, the house of Wholsom, offered to me or asked of me. For a as you lift it toward yonr mouth. The amounted to on« million dollars, anil tbe number of entries made has exceed­ machine shop, with a workbench, forge, Lively Bay for . JDw Member« Fulsom chairs, a Very young ladies at a dinner seldom book-keeper none of them were so well looked after as mechanically, dropped his head on his book-case and a writing tabe; yet the eat anything so strongly flavored as methods the error is certain to be dis­ replied Bulwer, “for never 1 Mr. Cherub. The servants took care of bauds for a minute,then raising it slight noble Hunt receives you in lie Tinker- cheese, cheese fondns, cheese souffle« covered. As account is kept of each them.” “You have beard, my the other lodger's rooms, but Mrs. lv, said, “Simon,will you ask Mr. Whol­ dom in the spirit of a king, apologizes and that order of edibles. Wasn’t it in kind of money separately, the tellers can see at a glance if a mistake is made in the Amanda is about to marry A Timpklin took sole charge of Mr. som to come np?” for nothing, places you in tlnlbest seat, “Good-by, Sweetheart" that the plain gold, silver certificates or notes. know that, but what I can't, “At once, sir, at once,” replied the takes a window-sill himself if »ere is no elder sister consoled herself for the want Cherub’s apartment, and not a speck of When the coin has been counted and is that a woman, intelligent! dust or a cobweb could be found in it porter, who was standing fidgeting with other, and there folding closerfiis loose­ of a lover by the thought that she had put into small canvas bags it is placed in can consent to marry a > from one end of the year to the other. his Scotch cap. flowing “muslin cloud” of 1 printed liberty to" enjoy her dinner?—and the How many bright days had he spent nightgown in which lie alwnis writes, fully blown rose, a bud no longer, mav boxes holding twenty thousand dollars enough to marry bei!'—[|Ej Now a great many landladies, especi­ in gold. These boxes are put ia a hand ally widows, would have a tender feel­ at that desk; how many times he bad commences the liveliest diapgue on build a monument to her lost youth a train was approachlci v • ing for such a man as Mr. Christopher said to himself: “Mine is not an idle philosophy and the prospects of man. with raw oysters, a little of the fat from cart outside the building and wheeled to it As in the middle, «« Cherub; bnt Mrs. Timpklin was a sen­ life;” and the light grew brighter and wlio Is to be beyond measure ‘happy” the roast beef, and all sorts of savories the sub-treasury, wich gives a receipt to it parted striking an old gt ’Ml sible woman, if she was a widow. Be­ brighter, until the little window would yet; which again he will cortteously from which she would have a' .mined in the custom house for each deposit. “What is :c’» . Nearly a ton of coin baa to be trans­ his hat. sides she knew something of her respec­ admit no more. terminate the moment you are bund to her girlhood. ferred daily in this manner. An officer lie exclaimed. “Oh, the I raiu’g From his breast pocket he took out a go; a most table lodger's life, and she said to her­ oat int.-reatiug, intereatiug, wteuWelovabie pl tg'We lovable A dinnar-par# in two, ” replied a lady wbc «at Accompanies tbe porters,aDd self, “Even if any demonstration on my package, opened it, took out the locket, man, to be used kindly but bnt vithdteore- 4th dtecre-1 which the n><4 - “ ------------ next seat. I should say so, r ” gw ng Into- armed men in the cashier's --------- 1 part were offered they would not be re­ removed the tress of hair, that once more tion. taler can pro» gentleman said, looking at tl’ his y«wvww' protest — - VUollIr,! ft IS <»1111 ’lltlfn cashier, | bill clerks and nf sellers 1 ciprocated, and. besides, it might possi­ the golden light from heaven might vie against wine. I ' 'It Í to wine are men of efficiency, and the responsi- cord. “Did they s’pose a li bly change his opinion of me; so I will with the golden hair of her who bad drinking, he is a liaar-H Up. r to re- bility _ of " Ha* office makes their position string like that would hold ■ let well enough alone, and rest contented gone berore. As he looked upon the fnaa it, or ha aee b« fllkd ■SOT* pSMREBent than that of the average getlier?” in the fact that at least we can be face in the little case and fondled the once, and lar Once upon a time a man nut anv cwstom hone» officer. Tho tellers ac­ "I wonder what has become friends.” tress of hair he bent forward and leaned much discussion of discouraged because . parade of quire great skill in detecting counter­ scissors?” said Mrs. Johntor. th So you see Mrs. Timklin was a sensi­ again on his hands. his own con was not as big as a tobacco betok, so be I to the feits as well as in rapid counting. Home evening; “I have been look) ble woman, and did not show by word “So tired, so tired,” he faintly repeat­ three million iblla« of a custom of- ' dining, of the ways of counterfeiting which all the evening and can t o» action that she was anything more ed, but there is som rest Allie, “there is borrowed would b< -' bank, and forgot all aboit plying it taste come under their notice are curious, than a friend; and she was so careful in rest.” nor low.” After awhile the I He had neglected t-mef ion to conoerm.'s I issary Tbe Chinese in San Francisco are ex- man iiegan pulling off his b< this respect that -Christopher never had “Why, Mr. Cherub!" exclaimed Mr. back. to ntte the bank people anythin; abiit the pert enough to split a 810 gold piece,cut going to bed. “All dis day the slightest suspicion of anything like Rodney Wholsom, as be entered hur­ matter at the time he ba nefotiated very li out the center, fill it with base metaland “I tink I got some little gr a yearning nature on the part of Mrs. riedly into the little apartment, “what with himself for the purposs of baking of she join it together so nicely that only an ex ­ in me poot. I kess I kit hi "Timpklin. possessed you to leave vonr house? Why, the loan. There came a daywhej it was aubaer pert could detect tbe fraud. The patient Whan he turned up his lioot The remaining lodgers in Mrs. Timp- my dear man, I shall order my carriage necessary in the transaction of bisiness Chinaman also finds it profitable to find in it was a thimble, a aiivilie. klin's hnmble.but very respectable dom­ at once, and send you back,Mr. Cherub, for the bank to make use ofsomd of its r “sweat" gold by shaking the coin in a sers.h icile, were great admirers of Mr.Cherub. Isay!” RoJney Wholsom turned pale, alleged money, and it was ten discov­ ■» bag and gathering tbe gold dust which tacks. They knew and felt that he was an hon­ and tremblingly said: “Simon, call np ered that the funds had distipearsd. Of mou> opera singer«« accumulate» from the abrasion of the orable man, one who loved his neighbor Mr. Fulsom.” course the bank folks ere io ira Lou netal. The porter nearly tumbled down perplexed over this state < a as himself; therefore, it was impossible “Don’t .Henfl on II.»* lost fam« Another device is to ___________ ___ file old coin across for them to do otherwise than respect stairs, such was his eagerness to call the the cashier, who, by tl i In fvetth- Vl ‘ e edge, and thus destroying the raising him. And if Mrs. Timpklin put up his ■enior, Mr. Fulsom. A citizen of Pawtucket cnfhsed Rodney Wholsom remained in the taken tip missing weq|^_ to b« tb illing. All tbe silver and nickel coins eery the other day, and said be wanted u little lunch for him, which he carried to tioned concerning ire counterfeited, from tbe three-oent doorway, motionless as a marble . ladies Ci his office, they never said it was for the private word with the proprietor, he frankly ackn> eake of economy; for many of them knew statue, and as white. He did not speak had erred in in tri- I •t*. ieoe to tbe legal-tender dollar. They When they retired to the desk, he lw :tin-:vely a first stamped from base metal, and gan: that he gave sway more than would buy to Mr. Cherub again, for something told plp.liea plated with «ilver. Even this the .fifty such lonches every week. He used him that Mr. Cherub could not I' “I want to make confession and reps ■ftra*’’ ^nnterfeiters do not buy but obtain by ration. -to enjoy so much he would say, taking voice, in fact, be almost doubted Don you remember of my mersing silver coin iu acid, which re- bis little bite all alone, with a clean hail any voice. buying sugar here tw. or three days ■Mr 1 abf. ■ves from the coin enough silver for ago?” And the bright light still plM fow into v white uapkin spread out over his big |me means counterfeiter's use, while the “I do.” S «« k leilger. “Force of habit is strong, Mrs. hovered about Christopher Cl ivrv badly brr Jveated" silver can still be passed at Timpklin, and I keep clear of dyspepsia, desk; the doves, just above the “Well, in fiaying fori\l worked off a _ _____ by not eating a hot lnneb.” I d fact, Mr. cooed and billed; but Rodney W counterfeit quarter on lbw Merk. It Wi soon as be fonru Th» acride be cashier's office performs only a a mean trick, and I >‘-«ll right. We knew fo catches sight of the three Ho The head of the firm merely extended if the matter w J ines of ____ men Mrs. Timpklin would bave consigned ■ramped and crooked around in the little who pawed the onarteron ns, and that his arm toward Christopher. the sonptureen and oontenta to the back­ Wh/” T0QrJ Wifn d"WB • The latest nn “Why, when did Mr. Chernb return?” room, boys and gray-haired men, with dollar bill and wanted a can of sardin yard. . ,_ their little guttapercha box “He came np sir, only a little while Chriatopber, not having any extrava­ gant habita beyond his charitable deed«, ago," replied Simon, who thought it his had, in the course of thirty year», aaved duty to say something. fH&lsrOPHKI CHERUB. i‘.