Yamhill County Reporter FOREIGN NEWS. N bw Y ob *, Junes.—Tbe niegrat* bee lag special . Davitt ha? written a long reply Sear» to-day in a pamphlet entitled • Th# truth ut »be land league,” published anonymoualy Mvxne week» ago, and extensively circulated through­ out tbe United Kingdom, and now rt-lasued under bia own name by Arthur Arnold Forater, aon of tbe ex-chief secretary fur Ireland. The purpoae of tbe pamphlet ia to show that the land league and those connected withit had in view tbe commission of outrage», muiilatiuu, plunder and murder. The N kw Y obe , June Tinut editorial: At th« elec* Mon in Or*goj to-dav, the first member of th* next evidence ia supplied by extracts from «peerbee aud cougre«<* vili be chosen. The peculiar feature of newspaper articies. Davitt’» reply ’<■ that the cootat, however, is the prominence given to deuce has been garbled. Passages have been peF the Chinese question. It is claimed by the demo* aisteutly removed from the context, and mitigating ¿•rat» thsfthii is the first opportunity that Pacific part» were suppressed. Tbe object of the pamphlet, •oast statM have had of marking Its senee of the be »ays, is to arouse prejudice and enkindle hate gross tergiversation of the republican party iu be. tor which opportunity has been afforded by the trayiug pledges of the Chicago platform in regard to Dublin aasassiuations, a purpoae which be desig­ the Chinese question.** Exsctlv how the marking is nated wicked and hateful, at a time whe* lhe efforts to be, except by increased democratic majorities, of good men on both aides are being directed to • does not appear. Latterly Oregon has been cou. allay passion. Davitt cuttingly remarks that he regrets the ceded to be a democratic state, and the only logical result of tho so-called republican betrayal iu the author had not ueeu brought up under better indu- matter of the Chinese question, must be to give euce than that of presenting a lie which is ball democrats a largely increased majority. Our demo­ truth. He maintains that anything may oe proved in tbe same fashion against reformers, who have cratic frieuus will of course, in case their majority given England uutkxed bread, and extension of the * is diminished concede that treatment of the Chinese franchise. Had not Forster, be dbks, done mischief immigration bill by congress aiui the president, has enough without Forster Jr. coming forward now. Il met with popular approval. World'» editorial on tue Oregon election : The was the Forsters of centur.es, he maintained, who republicans claim to have made considerable gains stung Irishmen to madness and helped to make the of late years through immigration, but on the other people of tbe two countries hate each other so that hand they have suffered serious losses through the tbe accursed system might be easier to rule and «lideut’s veto of the auti-Chinese bill, so that the ruin. To the charge made in the pamphlet, that in lit of today's voting may be sot down as in 1870 Davitt was committed as a felon, having been bt, with chances slightly favoring republicans, engaged in a plot to murder, Davitt replies that wbat he did m 1870 is no proof of what he did iu Chinese Maisma. 1881, and inquires why the pamphlet which pre­ ^Blthougfc not generally known, Chinese of this tends to tell tbe truth about the laud league does not City have instituted a Masonic lodge, and on several tell tbe whole truth about his share therein. ‘‘I 4flFasions members of t|>e Chinese lodge have sought drew up the charter of the land league, ” says Davitt, t®f rlaternize with members of other Masonic lodges, “and I drew up the instruction» to organizers from bfipn every occasion have been repulsed, China- that time until tbe orders of Forster recousigned me ■Mb were considered members of a clandestine to a convict prison. I made a hundred speeches. lodgp and as such nut worthy of notice. The Chi- Why doe» not Forster make quotation» ironi any of H^^ftodge is less than two vears old, but it now has these if he would find me guilty of inciting to out­ 308 members. Its formation was due largely to the rage and murder ? Of course the answer 1 b , he can­ not. I defy him to name an instance wherein I did efforts of Deputy Sheriff Tom Lee. otherwise than decry force and protest against out­ E New York’s New Penul Code. rage. If he cannot see this hji has no right to go NW Y akk , June 5.—The new penal code does not back ten years. go into effect until December next. It provides for Davitt goeB fully into the evidence against him iu •he punishment of all persons who break contract 1870, and says it would not nave bung a dog at an other time, and that Forster’s suppression of facts in connection therewith iB more cruel and cowardly than the act of any miserable moonlighter in Ireland. Other statements are quoted against the land league which, he asserts, are made by men who had no more right to represent the league than Forster has to represent the society of Friends. In extracts quoted from the Irish World, he accused Forster of biingiug a false witness for the purpose of making political capital out of national hate. He concludes with a high compliment to Herbert Gladstone, and congratulates the premier on having got rid of Forster. Tlie Egyptian Mtuatlon. C onstantinople , June 5.—Besides Dervisch Pasha, commissioner, and Lebib Bey, »ssiBtaut com­ missioner, Ahoned Essad Effendi, second commis­ sioner, and Vilmy Bey, attache to the commission, have sail« d for Cairo. All foreign ambassadors were summoned to the porte last evening and informed of the dispatch of the commission, with tbe object oi endeavoring to effect a reconciliation between the khedive and Arabi Pasha, and restore order. Lord Dufferin, British minister, telegraphed Earl Gran­ ville, that in view of tbe sultan’s action in sending a commission to Egvpt, postponement of the coufer- en< e was desirable. C onstantinople , June 5.—The porte has sent a circular to its representatives about expressing an opinion that a conference is no longer called for since the commission sent to Egypt will suffice tore- store order. It is said that Ahmet Urzad, the sul­ tan's confidential agent in Egypt, has succeeded in establishing an understanding between tbe military party and tbe sultan so that in the event of landing Turkish troops they and Egyptian troops will fra­ ternize. C airo , June 5.—In consequence of the protest of the British government against military prepara­ tions in Egypt, the sultan telegraphed tbe khedive and requested Arabi Pasha to discontinue them, and order cessation of work on the fortifications at Alex­ andria. TELEGRAPHIC GENERAL NEWS Th» WW>»-«. , W. H. Vanderbilt has retusej from Europe. The proprietors of tbe W*Stingliotu< Lieut. Danenhower has been «»dered threshing machine have deeded to push their goods throughout the entire north­ on special duty at Washington. Republicans carried the city of Wil­ west and have already started a vigorous The Westinghouse Separa­ mington, Delaware, on the 3d by 150 ma­ campaign. ta is light running, strong and durable, jority. with a.- excellent shoe and riddle move­ Col. Montgomery, collector of tbe new ment that rxakes the machine very valu­ port of Denver, opened his office for bus­ able iu separating a ild oatB from wheat. iness on the 1st. It has many excellent points that will Postmaster Taft, of Charleston, S. C., win for it golden opinions wherever in­ has been released on bail and the case troduced. The bouse has ustabTiehed a branch in Portland with a thoroughly sent to tlie grand jury. practical machine mau Mr. T>arL Several thousand dollars worth of jew­ as manager. Mr. Z. T Wng Jrifor soinff1 elry was stolen from the store of G. H. Watson, at Burlington, Iowa, ou the 3d. years with the J. I. Case <»J^ny is with Mr. Dart and will be of much service in The thieves were not discovermUte,; pushing the Westinghouse to tbe front. A large number of people attended the The house also handles an engine that annual examination of tlie Carlisle In­ VMWMty improvements aml^ooj points dian school. The boysand girls showed They aWalways ready to send descriptive marked progress in all departments. circulars on application. P. M. Taft, acting county ehairman of T urkish Kens.—Bend tn John B. Garrison the republican party at Charleston, 8. 107 Third street Portland, for catalogues <>f de­ C., was arrested on the 1st fast., for in­ sign«. __________________ timidating white and colored voters dur­ For the best Oregon pnoiugispii« go to Abell ing registration. lhe gold modal photographer, 167 Fi st street, Portland. The best work at popular prices lo b. Nearly a hundred thousand head of had there. cattle and twenty thousand horses have Garrison repairs all kinds oi sewing machines been driven through Texas so far this For that headache! Try the Oregon Blood spring for points north and east. Great Purifier, the vegetable remedy, it'« the cure. numbers are yet to come. A tremendous hailstorm fell on the 1st inst., at Paola, Kan. Hail fell so large and rapidly as to make a noise like a rattle of Musketry. Great damage must have been done to growing crops. A dispatch of June 2d saye: The na­ M I *1< A I. Pl» I I .. ri—A monthly Jour tional conference of the Dunkard church THE nal of music (both vocal and instruin»*ntal, sent tc address for «¡Oct* per year, AddrMW Wiley p. is now being held at Arnold’s, near Wa­ any Allen, publisher and music dealer, 153 Third street, bash. Ind., aud is one of the grandest Portland, Oregon. Catalogue free. ever held in Indiana,—2000 persons be­ ing on the ground. The blooded cattle sale of Piutnell, Thomae A Smith on tht 1st, resulted in aggregating §16,830 for 69 animals, an average of §244. > Some of the Rose of Sharon breed sold for §600, and Con­ stance 9th for §1000. Nine hundred guests ware ut the table and galleries were filled with spectators ut tbe annual festival of the American Unitarian association of Boston. Judge Lowell presided and Oliver Wendell Holmes read a poem. A kerosene oil can exploded at tbe residence of Alex. Adams, at Decatur, Ill., on the 3d and set fire to three chil­ dren, burning them all to death. Tbe accident was caused by attempting to fill a lamp while burning. The boiler engine at Norrie, Wiscon­ sin. exploded on the 4th, killing tbe fire­ man and Heury Hopkins, blowing the engineer, name unknown, to atoms, fa­ tally hurting Fred Otto, and injuring four others so there are doubts of their recovery. The condition of Jewish refugees at Brody has improved. Between tlie 1st , und Sth of June 1560 start for America, j The chief rabbi of Lembnrg had an au- . dienee of the emperor, who assured him , that he would do all in his power to assist i refugees. Rev. Fater Gleason of the church of j the Holy Name,-St. Louis, has been sus- t pended by the bishop^ a of). ^X'.-e'^MU^a, Me. He i I h r, address the charge, and has gone to Rome to iy the case before the pope. Failures kforted to (New Ysnk Nr ■even days ending June 2d, 135 «««■G’t 12fi last week md 124 the week p’>vior-s. m-.J —- i< v in the west , anfi. .»ou h nvi'iiw»»»,«« -..-Minrwr: of failures; eastern If, western 42, mid­ A Nt Mespatoh of the 1st says: dle 27, southern 39, Pacific states and Altlion 1,1 n sawmill at Bnekers- Ljnst., killedone man •Mral others. W, Park, Sidney , P. Huntington, inry Hart and J. «ted director» of United State«, cur- v (tap Company. June 1st ar -reg»t. 1 - . 2 Buffalo Bill **» roliliol ..f ny^HHES BJ>íW>rtation du- ad ore, jewelry to the value of f20'M) aBNMUT on all on the l»t in»t. : > '• Wa increasing important« ecutive Seymour chair computy’g factory t 1 forsigu good«, as publish« Bo the WeatTroy, N. Y., burted on the lx decree, will go into effect il first of next November. Loss, §85,000. James E. Harvey was Langed at Car- Miners of Buckridge cdliery at Sbam okin, Pa., have struck fot; an udr*noe of rolton, Va., on the 2d iust. for murder. The gallows was erected in a field end 10 cents a ear. ths execution wus witnessed by li)06 Heavy rain lias extingashsd tba fire« ijsople. Win, L. More, who was to have in northern Michigan, a»d no further been bunged ut the same time and place, danger is anticipated. \ -< Jittempted suicide in themorning by tak- Tlie 1351 immigrants of tlfi steamer ng morphine and will die from Its ef- Herman from Bremen started wet from ects. Baltimore, on the 1st. I John Roacli is president of the United Lieut. Danenhower arrived i Phils-, states and Bralilian steamship lines, delphia oil tbe 1st and wa.t visi d by a nth American built iron ships, and sail- large number of friends. iig nnder the United States flag, organ- The New York cotton exohan reports lied by prominent merchants of New sales for the year at 307,705 bal against York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Rich- 310,516 in the previous year. i ..nd for the purpose of running a semi­ monthly line of passenger steamships be- The Mexican congress has u New elections w ill be held in ■ ne und i tween the United States and South Amer- ; iean ports. July for deputies and half sen r. Luquuy at General Sheridan's head­ It is rumored that General 8 rmatj is about to retire from active ser e, and quarters as to the truth of the report that General Sheridan has been cal honte. be had left prematurely a fishing party At the banquet of the New ngJand in Micbig an because of a telegram from Woman suffrage Society covers re ¡aid Washington that General Sherman was for 400 guests. Julia Ward He pre­ about to retire from the armv, which would place Sheridan at its head, elicited sided. , the information that General Sheridan Coinage at the Philadelphia iut in left Point Aux Pellee merely because he Muy was §6,682,400, and include 36,o00 had remained there as long as he wanted eagle«, 294,100 half eagles, am 00,o0» to. silver dollars. In the house of lords the marquis of The Essex institute, at Salen Mass.t Salisbury said he had received informa­ gave a hearty reception on the 1st to tion tn»i con.) soldiers were erecting Neweomlie, the naturalist of e late earthworks arouno Alexandria and that steamer Jeannette. the British government would not permit The graves of Hon. Thaddeus jvensS \ the fleet to interfere. Salisbury remarked General Reynolds and Presii t Bu- that if they allowed the works to be con­ cliunau were beautifully deccted at.. tinued grave consequences might result. He hoped the conference ut Constanti­ Lancaster, Pa., on tbe 30th. There are heavy forest fires ick oft nople would be a short one. Lord East Tawes, Mich., and acres a filleil; Granville replied that tbe government »ware of all the circumstances with smoke and cinders. Much i ienltv was must be left to judge how it is best is experienced in saving farm lit lings, and and unless rain comes soon greatjamage to ft^jl her duty. A tragedy is leported from Yell county, will ensue. Patrick Egan thus cables the ppi*IIM Ark. Lararus Brooks and James K. of tbe land league: The rumor o'> McGliee, farmers, quarreled over a land sion is an intention of tbe enemy.1 1»J- suit, and McGhee learning that Brooks nell, Dillon, Davitt und myself ^tr 111 would win it became furious with pas­ thorough accord. American friexirte11 sion, and finding him in tbe woods hunt­ rely there will be no surrender oipur ing oattie in company with a 15 year-old boy, aiter»,few wordsshot him dead with side. a shotgiu». Utn-as the boy started to run The Chicago Tribune’s hc-'d linip^- sent a shot alteriiim, breaking his arm, press the point of a long Pbiiad Jb*a but not cbiking his flight. McGhee special as a big sensation in Penn«yynla then reioadfoi his gun and placing it over Don Cameron's ultimatum/ tat- against the forehead f his prostrate vic- high tariff men think the boss nni/havt “m, shfitWw charge hto his head. He lost his head and are indignant, ' then walked off and is »ill at large. Richard Mortimer, born in Eiannd in Indians returning to Arizona are sup­ 1791, and eugaged in man up ture o| posed to be trying to get back on San woolen» some fifty years ago lied ill Carlos reservation again. Mexican troops New Yorkjon May 31st of piefmonia ate making if very warm for tils hostiles, His estate wus valued at §4,060,(1)0. Hi and they ba-e returned to Arizona. A grand daughter is tho Count«» Vol Yicent reprtt states that a band of thirty Orisla, of Berlin. Iidians is n White Stone mountans, in tin vpjjuiy ol Nulsou sUUuu ou ta* li'utk iu Llm butk xm J s uf began May 30tb with non-union »n Southern Pacific railroad. A courier wro arnsekMu the 1st from C*mj two brothers by th» yard, where about three humlre- !l namr fe^^f-wbo were en route to' men gathered and began stop#1'1?. *e worker«. Police wereS-7 w > st when Mex.c wer^Bimped by hostile» num- ... .t.Mvrall was quiet. nimbanF"’ hl “flean. and <•“> <6 in Ch LATEST NEWSS STENCILS SEALS^i I change to note in the iuabàt *». . «U.MIS A co.