1 & ■ o COLITME XII. .\O 1«. PORTLAND ESSEX HOTEL BUSINESS COLLEGE. T. b. NELSON, (Ou Corner of Bridge and Third St.,) AYETTB, - - - OREGON P ro . I Old“ NATIONAL, established 18M.) 12S FBOXT STREET PORTLAND, n. V.V JOHNSON, M » Designed for the business education of both sexes. Students admitted on any week-day of the year. No examination on entering. To call at the BATES OF TUITION S SCHOLARSHIP, Business Course........... $60 00 SOJUE SALOOA’. TELEGRAPHY, Complete Course ......... 25 0(> ■jitantly on hand the Finest Wines WRITING, per month............................ 5 00 far Family and Medicinal uee. PEN-WORK of all kinds done in the most 'Fi CASWtLL, Proprietor« Artis.ic Manner at reasonable rates. Send for McMinnville estimate. The College, Journal, containing in­ formation of Courte and cuts ot Ornamental Penmanship, fro». Addree», «■ C St., between Firet andHr collection. Dr Sheriff*’« Sale, will please make payment to him wir exdelay. W. J. M c CONNKLL. By virtue and authority of an execution 38tf. « ¿ m BF and a decree of foreclosure and order of sale duly i»bued out of the Hon. Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon lor Yamhill County, in a suit wherein J. C. Nelson and R. P. Bird, part­ ner« under the firm name of Nelson A Bird, were niainriffri, en(l<:. E. Eaaiahrook. Allie V'EGOTIABLF INSTRUMENTS botfl Eastabrcok, C.H. Dodd, doing business under Money to loan on good real estate sAa the firm name and style of C.H. Dodd & Co., T. B. Nelson an d John Clark were defendants, ty. Apply to G. G. BINGHAM/JS and to me directed and duly delivered, I have Campbell's Building, McMinnville. ! sei« -d and levied upon the following describ­ ed real estate to wit : (tre btw all admit that mo* digeasea Thu North half of Lot» 1, «and 8 tn B ock “I "V 11 '’F disordered Kidney» or Liver, No. 12 in i he town of Lafayette, Yam bill Coun­ F- J a&d tr.4f there great organa are kept in a ty, Oregon : also, the to lowing tract of land tn said town of Lafayette, to wit: «’otnineno , '!Blje Edition, health wiUh» th. Teanlt ingon the West line of said Lot No. 1 ditv teei Davton, Oregon, ‘ ’ 'lle| vr*«--'ttt’SSAk». KIDNEY ANDL1V. from the North-Westcorner of said Lot 1,Block 12, in said town; thence South on said West Has on hand fine Hacis and Buggies, m You \ . bh cvue line oi said Lot 1, fifty it-et; thence in an from the best material and best w/krnanfthifir, crtwvr <»ie ‘‘ my -r0133 a Simple Tropical Leaf Easterly direction on tho Son:h line of raid Painting and trimming doneYo order, Loti, fitly leer ; thence in a Northerly direc­ ry™ : CURARE VALUE, General Blacksmith and Repairer- JO h tion parallel with sain West line of Lot 1, fifty feet ; thence in a Wei-erly direction parallel Horee-ahoeing a specialty. . WKI ua Cour, dad ia.^ilTlvj Remedy for the following with the North line <>f said Lot 1, litty leut, to the place of beginning. rauao io Trouble,: Also, the following described real property, tppiy io,, Arp» t»the Back ; Severe Head. to wit: Beginning on the North boundary 1858. I line of the town of Lafayeue, in »aid County of Yumhill, and on th© Ea.>t side of Bridge .Malvii j vch&s; Dixelnese Bloating ; Street, according to rhe plai6 of #aid town; theuce North with county road leading Norih yi1: ( . I Egee t A Tired rrom Latayette. sixteen -1* ods; thence —IO»— I East twenty rods; thence South sixieen rods; ‘ i yight Sweat« ; thence West twenty rod», to thep.acu of be-' . raining two aci-es, more orle.A, I Cemkaiy and Bnildijyr ] -¿o-x-sr Earl oj th» ano will sell the sa\.vat Public Auction, to Done in Reg ilar dyle, *t highest bidder, for cash in hand, nt tbe nrl>-• of the Heart; the Court H oubu door, in the town of L*t,fa' ette, ■| Jaund**; <^r«Kei; far»g»a. ’Vk Ore. man- nfareorer and repairer of Boot* and Show. All work done with neatness and di»pat«i Hend- Znari>v8 under Odd Fellow.’ H>11. McMinnville, Oregon. 8Qt i Administrator W. H. BOÏD, M. D , SURGEON and ’ is an oxcvllentand sale* lemedy for female» ? Muring pregnancy, , As e Flood Puri tier it is unequalled for it ( cure» the organ» tha.t uiake the blood. For I Moderate Price*. Having been placed in the hand«of signed Assignee, he takes thia met forming tna people of McMinnvill rounding country that the above st Disposed of Immedii to »all early and »«ure <1 Greatest Barg/ as all good» will b« «o'.i ItrgnrdicM* of Cy E. »RAN/4, ATTORNEY AT LAW. »T attended to with prompte«#^ Office, Lafayette, O L. T. BASIS, Rsgis'er. 12-411. ‘ i