r Hrr “Pens/ in the Bank” lion at the brutality Niith which my aunt THE OLD APPLE-WOMAN, added, speaking as if to himself, “to tell OUR UNCLE FROM CHINA. Heavy and long continued rains in N ew and Bertha had treated the old uiiiu, and her now how right she was. But—” Brunswick are seriously interfering with Some years ago there lived in Montreal “M.v dears,” crieii Mrs. Chidleigh, I hastened to reply,— “Going to be married, eh ?” said Mr. “Would yon like to see Flossie Field, the'work of farmers, and great damage is I “Yes, I will undertake that you shall Rivens, with a snarl. “What does ail my son? The old lady rose briskly up an Irish maiden, over whoso features 30 threatened crons, much of which is already hurrying into the breakfast room. "I have news for you—the very best of have supper and abed; although neither them girls that they can’t be content and opened tho door of the adjoining winters had uot Aed their frosts lightly. cut waiting to be cured. She hail several pleasant traits of charac­ may be us good as what they could have where they are?’*Y room. On the morning of the 28th on the farm news!” ter, but beauty was not one of her attrao- Mr. Riveus was the proprietor of the LATEST NEWS SUMMARY. of W. T. Sneed, about six miles north of "What is it?” demanded Bertha. “Has given yon up at the great house. But “My dearie,” she spoke, “conn«here. tionH. As the years flew by her frieaSR what little we have, yon shall share. large corset factory* where Flossie Field My own rosebud, be wants Napa, Cal., the engine of the threshing Mr. Everleigh spoken at last?” speak to became stronger in their convictions that My mint Hushed and bit her lip. machine exploded and instantly killed Stay, let me carry your pack for you.” worked. Flossie was one of Mr. Bivens’ ” reason why she Lad not married was “My dear Bertha,” she said, “you He had a small one strapped on his back. best girls, aud conaequeof he did not you. Willis Crowe, George Platt, and Robert ffs infinite Bur­ the And to Mark Gal because she had nover had an offer. should not be so outspoken! To hear “Indeed, indeed, I am titter to do it look with any favorable' Davis. upon her li came in, all prise, Flossie Fi The steamer Carrie Brandon, loaded I One day there suddenly loomed up an Sophia Rogéis,aged five years, daughter you, one would naturally fancy we were than you.” matrimonial prospects. with railroad iron und supplies for the smiles and enterprising young blacksmith, twenty- “Thank you,” he said, slowly, taking a “Yes, confessed Flossie,^ Northern Pacific railroad sunk on the 25th ot uuder-Sheriff Rogers, of Pbcenix, Ari­ exceedingly anxious about Mr. Ever­ two yeurs of age, who took lodgings in long look at my face, and then scrutiniz­ rosiest of blushes. “Next months near Coiton Point and will, it is thought, zona, was accidentally shot by her twelve- leigh.” —, -_Jk; it is I." the house where the maiden, Mary . year-old brother on the 28th, receiving a “Well, aren’t we?" interrupted Bertha, ing that of Kitty. “You seem, both of Rivens, if you please—und so I should prove a total loss. And the*, his mother told him how “ I ’ m Toonev, had rooms. Miss Toone.v was saucily, tossing her blonde hair. "7 wound from wbiob «he died in twenty you, an if you were good children, and be obliged if you could suit yourself Rev. W. F. Whiteher, pastor of the minutes. they bad grown to one pleased with the young Vulcan, and **- sure we ’ ve been exjiecting him to speak your offer to take my pack proves as within the week.” Mathewson Street Methodist Church, that while there is life th The cnqierorof Russia will leave shortly for the last month, and hoping for it, much. But I will carry it myself, still. “Pshaw!” said Mr. Bivens. “Who ia Providence, R. I., charged with purloining ura.Mark—my Flossie!" membering ■ is hope, resolved to capture him or Little one,” and he turned to Kitty, he ?” fare books from the public libraries, con- for Moscow. Four hundred police have too laher, earnestly. “You seem to take it fl the attempt. “what have you got those sticks for?” ^Messed to the church, and will leave the already been sent on as a precaution, and “He’s a co rail he echoed, bitterly. in Like troops are being stationed all along the Bertha,” I said, “that when a sagacious diplomat, she 1 Fininistry. K “For mother’s she said. “I And he’s nice little es, but it is a treasure line between Moscow and St. Petersburg, leigh does speak, it will be I siege to his heart through ilia weal t been live on the seenni Several crews of lumbermen at Still­ about ave forfeited forever. You two 400 English miles. for you. Now, you forget m water Minn., struck on the 27th and table house in J er- are within the gates of Paradise; but I approach, the desire, at the end of a 11 The treasury department has ordered can tell which lie may choose?" day’s work, lor for’ a weu-cuuwu well-cooked u.™ meal ft I day's started out to force other crews to join am shut out, and through my ow I comforting oup of tea, and a tidy fc Bertha curled her lip. them, but were met by the managers, who the discontinuance of the manufacture and house here, kindly allows ■■e say, ” Baid Mr. fault. ” “He’ll not be likely to choose N __ ___ him deliciously ly flavored She carried ilavo drove them from their premises, in one sale of gold tokens stamped “quarter dol­ up loose bits from under the Rivens, gruffly. “But it will end in the lars" and “half dollurs.” Persons manu­ Meg., at any rate,” she said with Flossie came to his side, and looked Julies, got up the beverage that cheers case at the muzzle of revolvers. We are poor, as sister says, and poor-house, my word for it! Take my facturing or Helling such tokens, are ren ­ at him with tender, pitying eyes. aud not inebriates, with n flavor tit for so every little helps." James W. Simonton, who has occupied dering themselves hable to penalties both sneer. advice, Flossie Field, and stay where “Mark!” she faltered. “Oh, Mark, If the nectar of the gods. She moved qui­ I Now, I knew this to be quite true. the position of general agent of the New of fine and imprisonment. “And you are duly thankful, I sup­ you are well off !” I thought — if I believed that I could was a poor orphan, my father having etly into his bed-ohaiuber and exchanged York Associated Press for the past 14 pose,” said the old man, sarcastically. Flossie went back into the work-room . . TI linen, ' washing 1 • ' L. with 1X1. 1. her — « ^* own ... »> V* hands .1 C The French Catholic bishop, of Mossua, died, penniless, a few years before. We “Baggers must not be choosers, you somewhat you happier—” the it years, tendered his resignation on the 27th dispirited. The girls, who make and four missionaries on a tour ot inspec- “ Flossie! Darling little Flossie! ” lived in a small cottage, with only four and JaniesC. Hueston, at present London and sprinkling it with lavender. Then know, as I heard just now, myself. ” discussion, had heard something of the And then she knew that all was as it she attended to her own person ; put an agent at the New York Association, was tion of Catholic missionary stations of rooms, that had once been the gardener’s I heard the quick gallop of a horse, were whispering and tittering among Abyssinia, were captured by natives, who and w hich had been granted to us, free, had been before. appointed to succeed him, extra allowance of lard upon her hair, and my poor, weak heart gave a great themselves. pillaged and burned a church and mission when Mark Gallaher was married scrubbed the chairs ia W»uk dress, as if A tornado swept the country north sr.d lioiise, robbed llieprisonersoftheirclothes by Aunt Mary. In fact, we were more bound; for I recogsized in that elastic “A man whose mother keeps an apple to And pretty Flossie Field the most honored it were of no account, 4S caused it to be or less dependants upon her bounty. footfall the step of tlie thoroughbred that stand!” said Minnie Ramsay. east ofTroy, New York on the 25th. A and sent them into the interior. of their happy home was the whispered among her Mother eked out our scanty living in young Mr. Everleigli rode. In my em­ bora that she train on the Boston Hoosac Tunnel and I “Brought up on charity!1’ added Kate member Ten days ago Edward L. Rhodes, son of rosy-cheeked, clear-eyed old apple-wo­ hail plain needle work, and I earned a little barrassment I stepped quickly aside, Leavitt. Western railroad was thrown from the id “ a penny in the ba. bau^¿ . ex-Chief Justice Rhodes and Ella E. track at Hoosac Fails by a land slide. by fine embroidery, but I had uot much though, of course, there was no danger; man. Mr Doody, the vou^j»blacksmith, Flossie turned quickly around. Barns and other buildings were destroyed Evans, an heiress of San Jose under the time of my own, for my aunt was send­ and in stepping asiijg my foot slipped on M>e was a came to the conclusion “ What are you all talking of? ” said care of Mr. McPherson, her guardian, by lightning. ing for me continually, to do this and a stone, my ankle turned, and with she. to marry Foreign Husbands. rich woman, and he resol __ eloped trom San Jose and came to this A Hood occurred at Tucson, on tho 27tb, city and were married by Rev. Mr. Noble. that; and I did not dare to refuse. I was, an unconscious cry of pain I sank to the her on speculation. As his courtship “Of you!” said Miss Hedges, with a doing many thousand dollars damage. A corruptible servant girl was bribed and in short, a kind of maid-of-all-work up at earth. Italian gentlemen us a rule make far waxed more earnest, the widow multi­ giggle- Several houses were washed down. The “great house," as we called Aunt better husbands for American gills than The rider was off his horse and at my big dog poisoned to facilitate the esca* tho “Anapple-stand!”cried Flossie, breath­ do their French confreres, and. so* the plied her hints about the “penny in the mud roofs iieeuliar to the town let the a nade. Mary’s residence. Sometimes I thought side, and had lifted me in his arms, even bunk," and whetted his desire to possess water through likesieves. Heveral wash­ with a sigh, of the difference between before the old beggar, who stood so lessly. “But you are altogether wrong. promised bride of tho young Prince Rus- her and her "penny,” by acting the He has no mother!” outs on tlio railroads are reported, and An English resident of Konisk, Russia, mamma’s lot and Aunt Mary’s. Then I close poli will probably do far better than if to me, could stoop to render his “Yes, he has,” said Minnie Ramsay; she had married u Montmorenci or a Do prude and moralizing about husbands trains are necessarily somewhat Irregular. writes denying on authority of the gov­ remembered that the latter had sold her­ assistance. “and she sells pea-nuts and apples down Rohan. The young lady in question is a who spends their wives fortunes, lliat A messenger from Santa Rica, New ernor of that province the statement that self for money, marrying an old man was why she had refused so many offers, “It is only a sprain,” I stammered, on the wharf, by the ferry-boats, and lie's Mexico, reports that (lie Indians have sur­ 119 men and girls were shut ill a barn for who was twice her age, and jealous and Miss Dillon, formally of Springfield, she said, and Doody, growing desperate, rounded a rancbe at which there are two refusing to work anrt burned to ilentli by exacting. Fortunutely, he had died, at trying to free myself, yet feeling, oh! too proud to own it. Mrs. Gallaher, Ill. Her father was the United States offered her liis heart and hand. He was men and some women and children, and a village mob setting tire to a building. last. But Mary had long since paid the so happy, in those strong arms. “Iam that’s her name, Mark Gallaher's mother. Consul at Bremn during the last years of accepted, and the marriage took placo at Ask him yourself. A fine, elegant the Presidency of Buchanan. I have trouble is feared. A detachment of sol- He said a shed was burned in which a penalty, by growing harder-hearted and sure I can walk.” "But I know you can't,” said Mr. mother-in-law to have!” once. fliers have left Paso Del Norte for the number of women were quartered but more selfish daily, while my own dear never seen the bride-elect, who is said to But to the young husband's surprise, Everleigli, impetuously. “How shall I And a general laugh went around the be both pretty and accomplished: but I ranche and the volunteer party will fol- nobody was killed. parent, who had married for love ever forgive myself? It was my rapid Mrs. Doody clung to her own rooms and long rows of sewing machines. low. Coupon 5 per cent, bonds, retired with have met Prince Ruspoli in society. He expressed no desire to change her style Rev. Edward. Cowley, formerly of the 1 interest to date of presentation up to the hail been supremely happy in that union gallop that made you start.” Flossie went home bewildered and bit­ “No, No,” I cried; “I was talking to terly resentful. Never before had she is a pleasant looking but rather shy of living. Doody became impatient over Shepherd’s Fold, New York city, is en- close of business to day, aggregated $125,' at least, while father lived. I am not deavoring to raise money to print evidence 100. Amount of bonds which matured sure, recalling this, that, in spite of our this poor old man, and it came on me noticed the venders who thronged the young man, and his character is reputed the delay in unlocking his wife’s coffers submitted to the committee of the Epis­ July 1st, redeemed by Treasurer Gilfillan privations, wo ought to complain. Yet so suddenly. You are not in the least piers where the ferry-boat landed Bnt to bo as far above reproach us the length and enjoying her wealth, and by way of of his pedigree aud tho antiquity of his copal church touching tho feeding, cloth­ i to date, $13,197,400. Orders have been Bertha was correct. What right hail I, to blame.” upon this particular evening she looked title above suspicion. Queen Isabella of preliminary he asked her for money to ing and general treatment of the children given to close up as speedily as possible a dependant, even to think of Mr. Ever- buy himself a gold watch. She made an earnestly at the rosy-cheeked old woman “ John, ” Everleigli called to a groom, under his care. lie claims that the result the London agency for receipt of 5 and 6 loigh, who was righ, fashionable, and a who had been following him, "ride at in the coarse plaid dress and worsted Spain will confer upon him the rank and evasive reply’, and as weeks passed and favorite everywhere? privileges of a Spanish grandee on his will be his complete justilication. no broad sovereigns rolled at his feet, he per cent, bonds foi continuance at 34 per Bnt I was human, after all, and this once to Dr. Landor s. We mujt, my hood, who was holding out her wares. marriage, and there are some very old chided Mrs. Doody with deceit. She led Gov. Crittenden says that tile result of cent. dear Miss Chidleigh, have this foot ban­ She rose, as Flossie advanced. uncles with immense fortunes looming cruel taunt aroused me. his conference with the railroad authori­ “Is it Mrs. Gallaher?” said the girl, in the background, so that altogether him to the outskirts of the city, dug Mrs. MeKernan of Montreal has had her "I can’t Bee why lie shouldn’t marry daged without delay.” ties is that he will issue a proclamation down into a bank of earth, and brought “And I will lead your horse to the the match appears to be one of extraordi­ Within 48 hours to be scattered broadcast ¡ claim established as one of three heirs to oven me, if he loved me,” I retorted. cottage,” interposed tho old beggar, hesitatingly. The rosy old cheeks deepened; the clear nary promise for the young Ameri­ up a penny. over Missouri, offering $50,(MJO for the ar­ an estate value 1 at $1,500,000 of the late “He's a free agent, at any rate.” Thus ended Doody’s dream of wealth; eyes sparkled. can wife. I hope sincerely that rest ot the tram robbers, $20,000 for the Philip Donohue of ¿an Francisco, who Bertha tossed her head till her ring­ "and tie him there.” Come on, little blue “Then you know me?” said she. “Bless my fair countrywoman will be happy. but Marv was a good wife and he deter­ Kitty; you and I will follow.” two ringleaders, who were probably the emigrated from Montreal in 1852, a poor lets wore in a shimmer. best of her. To her Poor mamma, when she saw me, fairly your sweet face! you know who I am? Meantime I am prepared and, indeed, mined to make the liest James boys, and $6000 each for the other man. Mrs. MeKernan, who was Dono­ “What a little fool you are!” she said. bank," he added hi^small hue’s sister, never heard of her brother "For gave up for a moment; but Mr. Ever- Dear heart, [I’ve watched you go by this authorized to state that Miss Eva Mac­ “pennv in - the Hve men. goodness ’ sake, hold your tongue! ■■ until inquiry was sent on foot for the Mamma, love,” and she turned her back leigh, in a few kind words, put her fears many a time, but I never dared speak. kay is not engaged to any one—neither saviugs and they sought their > f unes The completion of the Denver & Bio heirs. in Chicago, first in keeping a rest estate is divided among a wouldn’t hav-e liked it." Grande railway to Durango, 450 miles brother The to the Count de Harcourt, nor to the which afterward grew to the digni on me, “don’t you mean to tell us your to rest; aud long before the physician He “Are a and two sisters, all of whom are you Mark ’ s mother? ” asked Flos ­ came my injured foot was swathed aud southwest of Denver, to be opened to I very poor. Marshal de MacMalion’s eldest son, hotel. They made money and good news?” “ Why has he never told me of sie. bandaged, so that Dr. Landor declared freight and passenger traffic August 1st, “Assuredly, wlion you are polite Patrice, nor to any other person what­ wealthy. While Mrs. Doody run you?” Secretary McVeagh has decided that enough to hear it. I’ve been waiting he had been "regularly taken in.” will be celebrated August 3d, bv an excur­ ever. The young lady in question is hotel. Doody went into grain and p The old apple-woman hesitated. When evening came, my foot was ever sion embracing the state officials, muni- where a homestead entry in public lands now some ten minutes. Are you and ouly just eighteen, and her parents have It's natural, my dear,” said she. “He’s no idea of marrying her after the French speculations, and is now said to be a mil­ cipal authorities of the principal cities, has been made by a settler the land so Meg quite done with your absurd dis­ so much better—so much so that, when Mr. Everleigli returned with a carriage, made his way in the world, and I’ve fashion to any titled personage in exist­ lionaire. representatives of the press mid commer­ i entered cannot whilst such entry stands cussion?” A few days ago the prosperous pair cial interests of the state. This opens up I be set apart for a military reservation, "Quite, mamma! It was Meg who and insisted that we should all go up to stood still. I’m a working woman, and ence. I do not think that while there are visited Newark, New Jersey, where they the San Juat. mluing regions, which so even prior to completion of full title by started my aunt’s, to the fair, I was only too I’m not ashamed of it; bnt Mark is dif­ houses, and lands, and mines, and pic­ it; she ’ s always chattering non ­ long have been isolated. settlors; but that where preemption has sense! But let us hear the news.” willing to consent. For the first time in ferent. He wants to be a gentleman,and tures, and other purchasable objects in are now stopping with some friends. made of public lands, land covered our acquaintance, there was something I won’t stand in his way; but if you existence, that our intelligent and sensi­ Doody is negotiating for the purchase of The w arfare in passenger rates is likely been Aunt drew a letter from her pocket. a handsome farm near Orange, upon may bo set apart by the president to continue for some time to come. Roads thereby “A letter!” cried Bertha. “Then it in Mr. Everleigb’s manner that made me wouldn’t mind letting me kiss that bon- ble bonanza king and his charming wife which be will erect a commodious man­ BUeli reservation at any time previous think that I was not without a charm for nie hand of yours—it’s all one, you will ever care to expend any portion of sold tickets on the 27th al $8 to Chicago, for doos not concern Mr. Everleigli, after payment and entry by a settler under know, as if yon was goin’ to be my own their vast wealth in buying that very sion, and barns and stables, and devote him. $7 50 to Cincinnati and $13 75 to St. to all?’ himself entirely to raising Pereheron Louis. At 10:30 General Samuel Carpen­ the preemption law. The beggar had crept, unobtrusively, daughter.” “My dear, no. No ono mentioned costly and unsatisfactory article, a “Not my hand,” said Flossie. “Oh! French son-in-law.—[Lucy Hooper’s horses and thoroughbred Jersey buttle, ter, ticket agent of the Penn. Central R. A dispatch from Los Angeles gives tho Mr. Everleigb’s name but yourself. I into a coruer, while my foot was being He will Bill for Europe in a ft!w < lys to R„ ordered all ticket offices on Irs line to following particulars of the loss of the really wish you would try and bo a little bandaged, but Kjlty,Remembering him, not my hand.” she put up her fresh red mouth Paris Letter. uiuchajAtoekfnr ihe fiwui- Hj| > yell tickets to Chicago for $8, Cincinnati (ffiritlainu^e, with an asaortad cargo uf coal imrt wuH-nnt. io And Kiss Trie oni apple-womun. “ W -Sdia n’i'/ia I. He ” is* “co’rfiWg utes all of Ills good fortune to Ins wiiiffJrrwiniififriol• Such a man may possibly be tolerated, of your mother.” impossible tasks. The electric battery, but he cannot grow rich. If he keeps k 5, were sleeping* It was impossible to The London Globe of the 28th says: Wo had heard, a great fortune. Once in a beggar rose to his feet. “My mother?” "I am a stranger to you, ma’am,” he for most purposes where an electric cur­ store, no guildsman will buy from him; rescue them. They were suffocated and are officially informed that a report has long while, n battered box, that smelled “Yes—your mother. I saw her to-day rent is required, is gradually giving burned unrecognizable. Tho remains reached the India office representing that of camphor nnd foreign spices, came said, addressing mamma, "and naturally if lie plies a sampan, he may find it were gathered in one coffin. place tothe more economical dynamo ma­ the army of the ameer of Afghanistan had over tho seas—a reminder that Uncle you will not wish to leave me here in on tho pior.” Mark had collected liimeelf by this chine, in which magnets form the source scuttled some day, without the least" been completely defeated bv forces tinder Hal hail not quite forgotten either your bouse. I will wait outside till you Avalanche's Yazoo City, Miss., corres­ Avoob time. The face grew cold and hard, his whence electricity is drawn. The old chance of redress. If a society man Khan. The same journal learns mamma or Aunt Mary. But generally come back.” pondent says: A rape was committed fastens a quarrel on him he is ruined,and "Wait outside!” cried mamma, “and lips were compressed. from another source that serious troubles the gifts were to my aunt. “Those on frictional machine is seldom seen out­ here recently on a young lady iiy a negro have “I see no reason," he said, for obtrud­ side the lecture theater, where it is still hud better leave before he is murdered. ill consequence, and tiio whom success shines," says the old in the cold? No; your face is an honest named Isaac Fisher. He then threw her ameer arisen The worst feature of the society, if pos­ and the India government are homily, "are successful in all things.” face, if ever there was one. Sit down ing all one's private affairs on tho world. used to instruct the young in the princi­ into a cistern to drown her, but the waler sible, is the protection it affords to all She is my mother, I grant, but she will greatly concerned at thu gravity of tho again, here by the fire, and stay and Bertha screamed with delight. ples of electric science. What is known being too shallow, he slid down the chain members, it matters not what crime A dispatch says that a battle "1 shall tell Everleigli,” she said, al­ sleep here to-night, and take dinrv - with will not trouble you. I have settled all as frictional electricity has not often been its and held her head under water until she situation. they have committed. Not many years was fought on the 27th between the most instantly, aud a little spitefully. us to-morrow. It will be a homely that. She supports herself. Shelias al­ applied drowned. He then tried to climb the ameer to any useful purpose, save that ago a wealthy Chinese merchant was Avoob Khan, during which "I dare say lie’ll speak now." meal, but such as it is, you will be wel­ ways done so. chain but found himself caged and was one of and of education. Recently, however, a murdered iu the middle of the day in' ameer’s regiments deserted come to it." soon detected. The demon was siimtnai- and w< nt the “ It doesn ’ t at all matter whether he “ Mark, ” Flossie indignantly sried ont, clever adaptation of it has been conceived to the enemy. Thereupon bless you, ma’am!" said the “what do you take lue for? Why have by Mr. Kingsland Smith—a traasatlantic Penang. The murderer was a hired as-, ily dealt will, and in all probability ii the ameer over ’s troops fled, leaving their guns speaks or not, my daughter,” said my old “Heaven now taking a chat with Tobv Wells, who and baggage man, with a shaky voice, and I saw you thus deceived me? Do von suppose miller—in the construction of a purifier sassin lielonging to the Ghee Hin Kong-’, aunt, loftily. "When your uncle ar ­ on the Held. see. Ho called his victim to the door, j was hanged here last Thursday. rives and wo look for him any day next tears in his eyes. I should not love your mother?” of fionr, which separates the bran The funeral of Justice Clifford took week—you will feel, my dear, that your Somewhere about ten o’clock,there was “I shall ask no such concession of and middlings from the finer ma­ plunged a dagger twice into his side, The New York Star on the 27th pub­ place on the 28th at Portland, Maine, from position in life is doubly secured. Even a roll of wheels on the drive, and a bus­ j ou," he said. “My mother will in no terial. The flour, shaken mechani­ and darted through the the crowdfin lished an interview with Gen. Crocker, first parish church, prior to which pri­ Mr. Everleigli would hardly be a match tle at tho door. Presently, Jack, ■ who way interfere with us. She will go her cally, so as to bring the coarser street into the dark lane of the Macad/ warden of the jail. About Guitteau, the . flatter close at hand. A thorough and had gone to sec what was the matter came way; we ours.” Crocker said that there has been no event vate services were field at the residence for von!” particles to the surface, is passed beneath immediate search was mado by the rushing back. in his life during the past week that is of his son, William Henry Clifford. "Mamma, mamma, I say," called Jack, an India rubber covered cylinder, which Flossie pulled tho gold engagement police and friends of the murdered man. worthy of meuliou. lie does not seem to Among the distinguished men from Berthas hopeful brother, a lad some “Oh, Bertha, I say!" he cried out, sti­ ring from her finger, aud gave it to him, revolves against a fixed rubber. The have any friends. His brother-in-law abroad were Chief Justice Waite, Asso­ dozen summers old, thrusting his curly fling a burst of laughter, “you know the saying: “It’s enough. A man who cau effect is the same as that which occurs on A large reward was offered for the ciate Justice Miller, Gen. Banks, Judges of the assassin. Yet, was here but be did uot appear to take head in at the door. “Have you got any beggar, the old num we turned off this thus ibscard his mother would hesitate rubbing a piece of sealing-way; the cyl­ apprehension though he was known to lie within a special interest in him. There was no Blodgett of Chicago, Knowles of Provi­ stalo victuals, or old clothes, or any­ morning? Well, lie's back again, here no less to fling aside his wife.” inder is electrified, and the particles of space only a few hundred eq dence mid Hackett of New Hampshire. animosity shown however. Guitteau is thing to give away ?” at the door, aud oh, my buttous! but “Flossie,” cried Mark, angrily, “you bran are attracted to it, until they are yards iu area, be could not be to as quiet us any other prisoner. Ho seems 1’lie pall bearers were Chief Justice Waite, "Why, Jack ?” demanded Bertini. lie’s our uncle from China. are talking nonsense. What is the use of scraped off into a receptacle prepared for Aud yet this man was simply paid Judges Miller and Fox, Chief Justice Ap ­ to have made up his mind to contentedly “ 'Cause there a beggar out hero. He My aunt turned sharply at Jack’s proclaiming to the world that one’s them. The fiuer flour then passes away the murder. He had ho grudge I wait* He knows enough not to talk. He pleton of Maine, Judge Walton of Maine* looks awful hungry; and ain't got no quite freed from its impurities. The the victim, and his employer wafi Ilion Bradbury and John Rand of Port­ words. He saw her look of consterna­ mother is an apple-woman?” naa sense enough for that. land. Rev Dr. Hill, president of Harvard overcoat. I say, mamma, can I give him tion, :i-ul screamed with laughter agaju. She looked at. liim with large, wistful proprietor of the mill whero this electric mently suspected of being a man A New York dispatch under date of university conducted the services. The that cold turkey in tho larder?" "I say, now, mamma, it’s true. Don't eyes, aud said: “Mark, my mother died purifier has been in constant use for not belong to the society at all. July 2tltb says: A telegraph company lias remains were buried in Evergreen ceme­ Mamma leaped to her feet. you wish you’d let me give liim the cold wlion I was a little babe, and all my life some time estimates that the saving sassm was no doubt quietly si been formed by well known capitalists tery. "No; don’t dare to touch it. Send the turkey?" long my heart has yearned for a mother's effected by it amounts to ten cents per to China in a junk some time i in thia country and in Europe. It is in­ My aunt did not utter a word, but she tenderness. And you spurn it from you! barrel of flour. We may mention that Many similar eases might bi A daughter of Ferris, the California follow offjyou know 1 won't have tramps tended that it shall include every paying abojit the place, bend him away this hurried to the door, and Bertha fol­ No, Mark, we are too widely different in the separation was formerly effected by prove tho unwavering Well-,- point covered l>y Western I'liion lines. It Tichborue claimant, is living in Biooklyn. minute.” air blasts, necessitating extra engine members to the bond of union sn lowed. heart and mind ever to be one." is understood thill Jas. R. Keene is to be She is about 19 years ofage, and is named power, as well as cost in wear and tear. between them. The^ will risk th There he stood—our long-expected He sat sullenly frowning at the floor. Ju.’k turned from tho door, a cloud on president. The directors will inclmle Jennie Ferris. She says that her father, “Flossie," said he, “you are attempting —[Chambers' Journal. erty, and even their lives, for John Mackay of the Comstock lode and < harles Ogden Ferris, abandoned her when hie sunny foce. Looking out of the uncle from China» a little, weather other well known California capitalists. her mother, his lirst wife, died about 1<> window, I saw an old man, insufficiently lieateu old man, with a pale, pinched to dictate to me. I will not endure it.” other without hesitation. In “Very well, she answered, quietly; Geo. D. Roberts ia also largely interested years ago- The daughter was left in clad. Our big dog, Carlo, was snarling luce. My aunt rushed np to him at once, I nsect L ief , in B ukmah .—Perhaps in brother betrayed another ii in the new ronijainv. Capital will be charge of her aunt, Mrs Wm. fl Earle, at his heels. The beggar was so close to aud would have snoothered him with “then we part." no part of the British possessions is in­ kind, his life would And they did part. Flossie went back sect life so vigorous as in Burmah, and hour’s purchase; and o about $10,(XMt.lSki, tile money, it is asserted, i who remembers Ferris, and who is the window, that he must have heard kisses; but he merely gave him the tips is already subscribed. Lines, are to be thoroughly convinced that liis claim to every word my aunt said; and he looked of his yellow fingers.* to the corset factory and told Mr. Rivers mere particularly in the months of May tie less danger. If th« constructed on a pure cash basis and w ill the name of Tichborue is an imposture. crestfallen enough in consequence. "I made acquaintance with your niece that she had altered her mind, and would and October, when the change of the of a guildsman they a The daughter has the same belief, and be furnished with all modern improve­ My blood boiled. ILul I remained this morning," he said, with a dry. remain in his employment—to which he monsoons bike place. The first rains to experience the vena ments A meeting is to bo held to-morrow says that she thinks it her duty to ex|sise mucli longer, I should have lost my self- chuckling laugh, turning to me as he grnffiy made reply, “that he was glad of commence usually about the 15th of ety sooner or later;-an her father's fat Iler's fraudulent scheme, so as to by those interested. control, I fear; so I got up directly, and came in; "and the little girl there, too.” it. ' May, and are ushered in with storms of of the guild usuaHy mi not assist it by keeping silent. And she became fast friends with the thunder and lightning. The til st show­ a member has eommitt saying that I had premised to go home She is |s>or Marian’s child, eh? She’s Il is said that n company has been or­ got her mother's fair face and goisl heart. old apple-woman, w hose grief was great ers seem to awaken myriads of all kinds and requires the protect! soon, left my aunt's. ganized with a view of controlling freight Edisou has, or claims to have, made Our cottage was at tho edge of tho She gave the lieggar a welcome, which because "the match was broken up." tounage on the Mississippi river, and 63 of riving insects, mosquitos being the r.*n, all bo does is to cut another discovery with millions ______ “It is not because I do not love him.” most troublesome both to man and and tie it to his arm. He wood, just outside of the great gates; but some others 1 know of didn't. Ail. well, steumera and 12(1 barges have already He is extracting valuable iron ores from I suppose it's human nature. But I'll been bought at their actual value. Tho said Flossie, pitifully, "but because 1 beast; whilst flying ants are not far be­ show this to obtain a ph the avenue was half a mile long, aud be­ purchasers claim that they can run them the sea sands, or rather separating the fore I reached the gates I had almost make it up to her, all the same. N“ver think we should uot make each c'her hind. Against attacks of the former, mi nt or meins of eecajie, at a reduction of $800,000* a year in ex­ ores from the sand by the use of pow erful ov< taken the beggar. He seemed not turn a needy man from your door, Mrs, happy.” with vigorous punkah-pulling and members of As secret s pense. Janies R Keene is also said to be magnets. It has long been known that only old, but feeble, and walked with 1 Chidleigh." Poor aunt! The look on “My dear," said Marv Gallagher, "it placing a newspaper on the cane-bottotu crimes, it is almost imp at the head of this company. Its projec­ sen sands along the Atlantic coast contain difficulty. He was prolmbly deaf, also; her face was too ludicrous! Iu spite of is because —I am his mother?'' chairs, which are almost universally even a clue to the perpetra tors say that they have now perfected ar­ from twenty to thirty per cent, of iron aud he did not seem to hear my foot­ onr relationship, I laughed till my sides used, for the sake of coolness, the elrk Gallaher was brought home for before them. They do not bite like the married statq, tht ai a degree of The president hears now the greater vast areas of sea - oast have been pur­ money to go to a tavern. I’ve just been been realized. mosquito, but coming in battalions, the great dead. in which more for part of the daily iMipers read, that is, all chased or leased, and an effort is being turned from the big house lien1; but per- ouly resource for the beseiged is turning As it was. the great China fortune I But he was not dead — sorely wounded the things likely to be of interest to him. made to "get up a corner" in this ore ha|si you aae not so hard-hearted as the exercised or more I went to me and Kitty and Jack: and and bruised; and in that hour of trial out the lights, or an ignominious flight ist. There ia ustu Both Mrs. Gsrtlelil and Col. R or kwell and in the manufacture of Swedish iron mistress there.” into darkness until the plague has old Marv took tho place that she had Bertha never got a cent. And, more reaii to him. Besides, the colonel is lie- in America, for it is believed that this ore Kitty's honest little face showed the over, when Horace Everleigli did s|xiak held at Ins cradle, years and years ago. passed. It seldom lasts more than an identity of intereat, I ginning to read to him he i. . .in.t est kind; aud the pe “Mother," he said, when first they al­ honr two; but in a minute or two, if the the alternatinna of triump letters which were received nt the time will produce an iron equal to the best pity that she felt. But she was only a (he had spoken that evening liefore our uncle declared himself), it was me he lowed him to talk. “I should have lieen lights are not put ont. these flying )>ests develop devotion. of the shooting. Inquiring messages and Swedish. Theis' sand deposits, Edison child, aud shrank from responsibility. "1 don't know, sir," she said, diffi­ asked to lie his wife. aympliathetic letters from bis personal says, exist all*along the Atlantic coust cold aud dead in my grave, but for yon, will have found their way into liis sonp, A small Imv whose reeo friends have been read to him. In these from the month of the St Lawreuce river dently, "1 think mamma will give you Bertha takes it all bitterly to heart and dear mother. I have lieen an ungrate­ or have covered the joint or cutlet, or be to the Gulf of Mexico, some of the de som-tliing to eat, and uiaybo we can find my auut is inconsolable; liut, believing ful brute. Can you ever forgive nie?" of coiiroe he in deeply interested, but from drowning themselves in the glass of beer men* at school hail al ware posits being richer in iron than others, a lied for yon; that is. if Sister Margaret his near friends all thia might have been of the new-cm«»-for few Anglo-Bnr- ■a .,<• home < neday > ■ i-'R: “Oh. my son, uiv son!" we got ouly onr just deserts, have noth expected. So when he hears message» tint pretty much all being worth work­ and I sleep on the sofa; for, you see, our ing to sav. “But you shall find that I shall lie nians now drink that old-fashioned but duced to 98. "Wliat ha and letters from every portion of the ing. Buell liemg the fact, it would la* a house is small. But hero comes sister "Yes." remarks my uncle, “Maggie a changed mail now," be said, fondly I livcr-deniuging beveruge which used to doing, my «on?" aaknfi union, and from men of different political difficult job to get up a corner in the herself," she cried, as she discovered and Kitty and Jack shall inherit all I preMing her brown old Laud. “I have be so universally consnmed in years liet'W doing"' replied opinions, all showing the same solicitude article. And, moreover, sands rich in the ■ue. "and she'll tell you all about it, have. They were kind to me w hen they is-' n sjiared to you, and to you I shall gone by. bnt which is now replaced by fnt. •‘Been doing inat as to bis condition, he is deeply impressed, black oxide of iron are found in the in sir." did not know who | was; that's the sort henceforth devote my life I should the lighter wines of France or Germany. doing all along - only and says it is more than he could expect. terior, as well as along tho sea eitaats. My heart was still warm with imligua- of people I l«lieve in," have liked to see Flossie Field ouee,” he —|Chambers* Journal. me tuia tima.” Yamhill County Reporter, I