COUNTY Aï, A YOE. XI. NO oe SaiïO Fer A nr. uni: / £S REPORT W. H. WARREN BEAD! and. County, LAFAYETTE. DAYTON. The Hollingsworth liar Rak. for $" R ogers 4 H odson ' s . OIR l’El'Il d.UIl) Manning, our Hardwire and Stove man, has got the agency for the New Home Sewing Ma­ chines, and is offering big induceni aits on Busy carpenters. them to customers; go ud see him. We also ' Read all the new ads. notice he has dies for cuuiag and threading all sixes of water pipes—soiaethiug that has loug New apples are ’round—pretty near round. been wanted in this tov’l. Little Clara Turner is down with scarlet fe- King of the Blood is mt a “cure all," but in t ver, but the attack is light, and her speedy re- all disorders attributabl ■ u impurity of blood J covery is expected. and its defectivecirenlu ail. nothing else equals ‘i The Russ House has changed hands, a Mr. its effect See advertiseneat. Trullinger having purchased of Mrs. Wood her A New Howe Sew ; Machin, for sale at > interest in the iustitution aud taken possesion. Warren’s cheap for caa-o. I They speak of a constable and a judge and In Ayer's Ague Curo vs have a positive rem-1 | some tresses that Wave like a banner ; the (4>n- ' *w sto»xi * his * ground, ' but . edy for fever and ague and aU malarial disor­ atable ran and the iudge no pt purloined the hammer?” ders, atnl one entirely fne frum quinine, arse­ , the question is “ who nic, or other injurious drags. It is the chem­ Our readers will not fail to observe the an­ ical and mediciual triumph of the age. nouncement of Fisher Bros, iu another column and, acting upon the advice therein contained, Lebanon Valley School, will undoubtedly profit by the transaction.— Fisher Bros, mean business and do business ac­ Tuesday July 26th completed a four cordingly. Go and see if they don't. August 3sisted liy riages and buggies he is turning out. 5Ctf. Prof Levinson, i. teacher of both vo­ Farmers, there is n* use of golug to cal and instrumental music, who Portland to spend your money for mouths term of school in Lebanon A NEW STOCK OF STERLING F. HARDING. ' Dr. Morris, late of North Yamhill, will soon among us well recommended. work when you can get a better arti- valley. During the term there have open a new hotel in Hurst’s new building, cor­ comes He has a large class at this place in cle at home. ttorney at law , C onveyancer , been 36 visitors. Appropriate prizes ner of Third and B streets. The house has instrumental music. Johnson & Hill started iu business Real Estate and Collecting Ageht, and No­ were awarded for superior merits, as been fitted up in neat and comfortable style, tary Public All work pertaining to this line CI. O T HING, Nine of our solid citizens leave us here about a year ago. Mr. Johnson and under the dsrection of Dr. Morris and hit attended to promptly anil reliably, Also, man­ follows: First prize, Ida Morgan for excellent family will certainly be a comforta­ Friday morning for the country near is a thorough, go-ahead business mtn, ufacturer and repairer of Boot« and Shoe-. All best behavior; second, Milton Potter ble and pleasant stopping place work done with neatness and dispatch Head­ tlie mouth of the Nestucka. The and witli Gus behind the couuter we BOOTS AND SHOES, quarters under Odd Fellows’ Hall, McMinnville, for most improvements penmanship. We enjoyed a pleasant little visit and a good company is composed of J. J. Hem­ are satisfied tliat everything will go Oregon. fi§t along all O. K. Each member of the geography class nights’rest at the residence of Mr. and Mis. An,l a Fino Assortment of bree, J. T. Hembree, D. J. Olds, A. P. produced a map of Oregon, drawn by Fetch on our recent homeward journey over Johnson & Hill’s new flouring mill the mountains. We found our friends in good Fletcher, L. J. Fletcher, J. Fletcher, themselves. The one drawn by Sam­ health, pros|>erous and kind and genial as ot W. W. Nelson, George ami Jimmy is all enclosed and the carpentors are uel Shortridge is considered most per­ old. The traveler may always rest assured of Moor. Part of them go to look for only awaiting tlie arrival of the ma- * F YOU WANT YOUR HAIR WELL CUT, finding comfortable entertainment at the fire- homes in that section while the rest chinery so as to put it in running or­ fect. .Maggie Cronin, Ella Cronin, side A of Mr. and Mrs. Fetch. propose to have a g md hunt. “You der. We understand that it will bo Minnie Potter, Ida Morgan ami Hettie THOROK II SHAMPOO, JTtST RECLl VËB. ~*cimen of bet ” they’re the “boys” to have fun ready to run by the first of October. Mmgan cat'll pres tiled a beautiful ap­ Mr. S. F. Staggs brings us in a spec or a plums which carries the broom for prol i fic and they 11 have it, 'too. Nichols & Detmerlng carry a very pearance witli their neat dresses and yield. Delightful Shave, A branch fourteen inches long contain­ CALL AND EXAMINE. wreaths of flowers s’->und their crowns ed 98 plums, Tlie new printing firm have com­ large stock of general merchandise, and the little fellows were hitched Come to the as they appeared in their last recita­ to the stick about as thickly as they could have menced business, cleaniug up their and from the amount of boxes piled tion. Several visitors were present, been tacked on with ehinglo nails. Mr. Staggs AfcJ/ZAW VILLE BA THS. Nothing but Cash and Produce taken in ex­ among whom was Mr. G. W. Small calls them the” Missouri Blue,” and prizes the office anil getting ready to get out around tbeir store every day tliat the change for goods. Hot and Cold Water Baths alwovs ready. their paper. It is to be called the steamer arrives one would tie favora­ who delivered a r« ci’atiou. Tlie teach­ fruit quite highly. tliat they are doing a er desires to say that in his experi ­ Oregon Register, aud it is tlie inten­ bly impressed ABriI. C. WYNDHAM, Prop’r. business. If. H. WARRtíJV. ence as a teacher lie lias not found a The North Yamhill river channel, up at the , tion of tlie proprietors to ir ue tlie good ' S3tf. ot saw -ii ogs, „„.„ i n,« ( j more orderly and well behaved class of foot of the ¡I mountains, ,, . i down , is Jain . to full • • z.. first number ou briony, Capt. Powell has liuilt an addition ________ t 11 iust. which will i be floated various mills in - - _____ - the • Feb. 18—2tf. pupils, and hopes ’.bat his successor the valley on the first flood. The Messrs.; ¡May , - tbeir . . newspaporial career be to his largo warehouse, to be used as may find the pleasure iu the labor of . ’ tilable. Alex Wes­ Pelch have furnished a lot of 850,000 feet and ’ Peasant and ' prontati -AT an engine room. Capt. P is a thor­ teaching them that the writer enjoy­ Smith has also gotten out a largo amount.— terfield *“* “ ' will run tlie mechanical part 1 ough, ge-ahead business man and one ed. Respeelfully, PhymciaH and Sitrgeovt, These logs are of the finest quality. We saw a of the institution. of the solid men of this burg." T. J. W i LKS on , Teacher. couple of trees at Fetch’s which it was claimed Billy Moor, after an absence ot ma­ Col. Ciiris. Taylor, A. L. Saylor and McMinnville^ Oregon. would cut 20 and 27 thousand feet of lumber. ny months, lias returned and it looks They were monsters. If notin my office leave word at Turner! Lotter Xiist, natural to see him on the streets. 1 C. G. Saylor left thia morning for a Bros. Drug Store or the Livery Stable and the < Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright had a bit of tour of Puget Sound and Victoria.— Following is a list of the letters remaining Prof. Tuttle lias secured the school 1 nail will be attended to promptly. 52tf. experience in a runaway ecra|*e on Sun­ uncalled for in the Po-totbee at McMinnville fearful day last. Their horses were large and lively at tlie academy for another year and Wu understand they may extend their We ex­ 01., August 1, 1881 - and being hitched to a light buggy had no dit- . will open the same on the Sth of 8ep- trip as far north as Alaska. Dr. G. F. TICKER, pect to sec them return clothed it» fieulty in spinning right ulong when they took I tember. Andrews, John, Kahn, Felix, fur*. a notion to indulge in a little run ; and ac­ Cott, Frank, Miller, George, IIou. H. Hurley and wife leave for cordingly they proceeded. They ran at a c Crosley/J J, S McMullen. R, Tlie railroad company is building 25 bieak neck spied about a n*ilo with Frank Tlie Dalles, iu the morning,to be gone Davis, B G, . Orton M W, box curs at thia place to be uaed for hanging to the lines lor dear l^ie and nianag- for a few dnys. 1 Didv, James, P ieia , Wm, » Jtç JW k } .» ■ gr - .ng »o keeUJJie T”f .''ide up till Quallx. Lh*»l Hall, J W F. AU *holr qrowIns fi.3 trana- TWfri "iei f iY a fi rf TTs obenpa i if s ’ be ti l ‘ fi ’ 4 tVAl id — am />— un-fi ffrin: ‘—1 *••1**-*> ** ’Jacobs^ Charles; [SUCCESSORS TO R. II. TODD.] CMINN VILLE, - J OREGON good time. ran on another mile, bringing up at the prem- In calling for tlie above letters please «»y ises of Mr. Jolly. Fortunately nobody was in­ Capt. W. S. Powell, 8. W. Sigler, J.. I Mr. Whitebead and family left us Office opposite Mob a wk Hall. “advertised.’’ D. II. TURNER, I’. M. jured and little damage was done. DIALERS IX J. Shipley and families left this morn­ | on Monday for California. ing for Tillamook on a pleasure and FENTON A MAGERS, DRl'GN, Some pretty hard reports are afloat from the Mrs. Kinsey of Williams creek, Charley Murphy was in town to-day fishing excursion. < II M G I DAA, Jackson county, fell from a hay wag­ ranks of our juvenile population. Their little MEDICINES M oke A nok . ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. on la-t week, receiving injuries that fingers seem to be itching with mischief and spinning liis yarns, as usual. He says STATIONARY, terminated fatally on Tuesday last — pilfering. And yet it is not to be wondered at. tliat when he passed Hon. J. D. Fen­ Special attention paid to Land Law and Ab- There is nothing new or unnatural about it. — PERFUMERY, SII ERI DAY. She was about 25 yeass of age and So long as children are turned loose upon the ton's farm the Judge was out swing­ etraato of title. WITHIN THE NEXT TO1BACCQ AND CIGARS, leaves a family of children. streets from daylight till bedtime day after day ing a cradle With all the ease tliat a August 1st. PAINTS AN BOILS, and month after mouth, rest assured their ac­ man many yeurs his Junior would do; Office of W. D. Fenton, in tlie Court I’ilODUf E WIKI ! As items^ure scarce and as the occa­ Monee at Lafayette. tive hands will find employment, either good PATENT MEDICINES, or bad, and thfftendency is generally for the but tliat when the Judge espied him sion deserves It we will give a report Office of J. E. Magers, in McMinn» TOILET GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC [ corrected weekly by william u . warren ] worse. Parents who cannot devise some plan he hid behind a shock of grain as ▼tile, Oregon. 16tf. ----------------------- , to employ their children somewhere but in the though ashamed Io have people know of the school exhibition and picnic at M c M innville , August 5, 1881. public avenues ol idleness and vice are certain­ be did tliat kind of work. But we Harmony on Wednesday last. Al­ piF Prescript ions carefully compounded at' ly unfortunate, and the trouble that may come think that is one of Charley's “ fish” though it looked very much like rain @70 Wheat, per oushel all hours, day or night. to them in the future us the fruit» of their in- stories. There’s lots of good liumor @5 00 Flour, per barrel.. 37| @40 diffence at the present can hardly avail much about Charley, if lie did come from in tlie morning, and did rain off and Our goods have all been marked down to the 1 Oats, |>er bushel. by way of consolation. Plain speaking, but on during the day, about one hundred 0@8 lowest Ilyina rates. Give us a call and see for Dried Apples, pc Illinois. D ad B obit . the fact. Think on’t. I0@12 yourself. Pl ui.)8, per pou and fifty people gathered at the new @16 00 McMinnville, Or., June 21, ’81-20tf. Bran, per ton.... Library Association. school house, and exercises commenc­ @32 50 Ground Feed, iier ton Back Again —AND— 30@35 Potatoes, per bushel Following is the programme of ex­ ed at 10 o’clock witli music by the Onione, jjer pound. Once more the editor finds himself choir and prayer by Rev. Evans; then 9 12@13' grasping the lever of tlie newspapor­ ercises for next Tuesday evening, Aug- Bacon Sides, per pound McMinnville, Or. followed recitations, speeches and dia­ 13@15 Ilam, per pound...... 9, 1881: ial machine aud endeavoring to infuse Shoulders, per pound DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Miss Laura Burnett logues by the pupils of the school, all Song.... Lard, per pound....... sufficient power into the old thing to Reading . .MI ms Lottie Dallas of which were good and elicited the Butter, per pound.... OUR .. Miss May Baker applause and approbation of the large make it grind. As our readers are' ■ Reading Egg», JH>r dozen........ .......... M tn . Wyndham Reading doubtless well aware, we have been PLATED U\IR1L Hides, dry flint, per pound ....... H. F. Turner and intelligent audience. After tho Reading Hides, green, per pound... -AND- i off “ on a splurge" to the Coast, and Reading ....... Charlie Hodson exercises by the scholars Miss Rett» Dressed Hogs, per cwt...... 4@4J have spent three very pleasant weeks ■ Recess. @25 Wool, per pound ............. Yocom recited “ Tlie Curfew must not (a) 5 Tallow, per pound............. upon the fresli and verdant shores of Reading....................Miss Cora Wallace ring to-night," which was well ren­ 00@3 50 Chickens — grown — per dozen. 3 Tillamook Bay. Tills place, of all the Reading........................ W. F. Williams dered ami received, as it deserved, the All work done in a proper inanrer and a guarantee given. •' 2v-3tn WILL summer resorts we have visited is de­ Declamation....................Lewis Cooper hearty applause of all. After whieh Enterprising Druggists. cidedly our favorite. There is a di­ Miscellaneous exercises. tlie teacher, Mr. Byron Baker, with Messrs. Turner Bros., the live druggists of J Answers to Questions. the town, are always up to the times and ready versity of recreation and amusements I Who were the Silver Grays?—J. W. suitable remarks, presented each pu­ pil and employer with a printed school to meet the demands of their many customer? here which we do not find at otliet- Cowles. FOR THE NEXT Why is tlie President's house called report, on tlie back of which is a fare­ They have just received a supply of that won­ coast resorts. One can either play tlie derful remedy that ts astonishing the world “ land lubber" in the midst of a broad tlie While House?- H. F. Turner. WE MUST MAKE well address in poetry, of considerable •PRINTED NEATLY, QUICKLY. Wlio was tlie author of Hail Colum­ by its marvelous cures, Dr. King’s Now Dis­ and fertile agricultural district, or pass merit, written by liim. Two prizes A CHEAPLY, ON SHORT NOTICE, AT covery for consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, his time at pleasure upon the “silvery bia?—Mrs. Young. Who was the man without a coun­ were awarded, one to Freddie Baker bronchitis, hay fever, phthisic, croup, whoop­ ing cough, tickling in the throat, loss of voice, waves" of tlie bay and in tlie invigor­ try and what was tliecause of his ban­ for th* most perfect lessons, and the hoarseness, or anv affection pf the throat and ating influences of tlie grand old ocean ishment?—Miss Susie Lougliary. oilier to Emma Ralston for the high­ For the same and therefore will sell for the lungs. This remedy |>ositivc!y cures, as thou­ beach. There is health iu the breezes Good of the Association. est standing in the spelling class.— sands can testify. If you do not believe it trail that come in across tile cool waters, C ommittee . This was followed by tlie farewell ad­ the Postoffice Drug Store and get a trial bot­ and tlie invalid can timl no better McMINNVTLL . OREGON. NEXT THIRTY DAYS, at dress by tlie teacher to the scholars tle free of cost or a regular .-¡ze bottle for one medicine to build up the worn and College Relocated dollar. As you value y<*:- life, gi .’r-it a trial and patrons of the school. A speech weary system and restore his wasted and be convinced , as thousands already have Dre«M Goods, I WILL SELL It seems that Mr. Cook and the was then delivered by Rev. Evans or» l»een. Hodge, Davis & Co, wholesale agents, strength than lie will drink in at ev­ Education, which was appropriate ery inhalation of tlie atmosphere that Trustees of .VfbMinnville College failed and Portland. well received. Theoxerclses wero Y^ancy G ooc I h , floats about tlie tides, the glens and to consummate their bargain for interspersed with instrumental and XSX m Proprietor. B. Eucalyptus. mountains surrounding Tillamook grounds ou the easteru suburbs of vocal music which judges declared to C LOT IL I A G , Eucalyptus Las of late year» been found very Bay. All these blessings we have en- j town, and the site of the new build­ be equal to any they hail heard in tho sed the Standley Mills, »nd HAVING Bernnghly repaired the -am«, useful for a great number of the ills that fiesb joyed in the fullness during our so­ State. In the beautiful grove near Bll orders on short notice, at journ and can cheerfully testify of! ROOTS and SHOES, is heir to. Its latest application is in the shape their merits. Of our kind and oblig­ ing lias been relocated. Mr. anil Mrs. by tlie tallies were loaded witli all the ■tee. Cozine generously donated 20 acres to substantial* and goodies tliat tlie prac­ Slaven’s California Pine and Eucalyptus ing neighbors beyond tlie mountains BLANKETS, of queliti e». Porous Plaster, an article which is poraeseed of we have made brief mention hereto­ the institution, Mrs. Chandler also tical mother* and daughters of Mill much merit, and is fast superseding the old fore, and shall probably speak more ' gave 6 acres more and the Board pur­ Creek know so well how to prepare, , Ceder Poets, etc. HATS, CAPS, Etc., fashioned pitch and frankinacence plaster. It is and ws must say tliat all did full Jus­ not to be undersold by any FOR endorsed by the medical profession throughout at length of tbeir affairs hereafter as chased 5 additional acres of Mr. Co­ tice to tlie occasion. After dinner the M* ■ cell. zine, making u total of 30 acres upon people assembled at the church, be­ the land. For |ale by Turner Bros., McMinn­ opportunity may present itself. B. M DANIEL. Which the new building is to lie erect­ cause it wus larger, and after singing ville. ed. The site is located across Cozitle by the Glee Club listened for more Tho Fields creek about opposite the residence of than an hour with the closest atten­ AT cost Bucklcn’e Arnica naive. Late rains have been quite a draw Mrs. Knelling. tion to an address on "Courtship, The Best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises bark to farmers throughout this sec­ Love and Marriage," by Capt. Lafok sores, ulcer?, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, tion. Considerable hay is still in tlie Burned Out. lett. Next followed a game of baa», chapped hands, chilblains, corns, cud all kinds fields, while grain is ripening rapidly Brisbine’s saloon at North Yamhill ball between tlie Sheridan nine and of skin eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to the Mill Creekers, which was won by give [»erfect satisfaction inavery case or money and biinging the two harvests togeth­ was burned to the ground last Monday tlie latter. And thus ended one of the Hapfy Valley, We notice this more night. Nothing was saved from the refunded. Price 35 rents per box. For sale by er in a jam. Tnost pleasant gathering* ever had at Proprietär«. Turner Bros., The Druggists, McMinnville. particularly in the North Yamhill I burning building except tlie proprle- Harmony. Tlie best of order prevail­ Feb. 15, 1881. Goods will be Bold at Astonishingly Low Fig­ Airaithed to order on section, where but little grain had I ior’a books. The fire was discovered ed from first to last, and tllow me to ures for CAft H ONLY ; giving thereby an op­ to everybody to buy cheaper than Slaven's Cherry Tooth Paste. been cut the first of tlie week, while a at about one o’clock a. m., and was thank the boys and girls, too, for their i best, and prices low se L rroi’H of Youth. portunity elsewhere. An Aromatic preparation for the preservation number of fli lds were in shock in tlie I under such headway that nothing most excellaut behavior, for It was the II and be convinced, apply to W. H. Bing- A GENTLEMAN who has suffered for year? | of the Teeth and Guma. Ilia far superior tn1 vicinity of McMinnville. Our farm­ 'could be done to subdue it. Mr. B»ls- best we have ever seen at a similar gathering in Oregon. Tills school from Nervoua Debility, Premature Decay, innville, or at the Mill any preparation of its kind in the market. In . and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will 4 NASH A HEM8TOCK large handsome opal pMa, price 50 cents. For, ers have been " putting in 1 heir best biue Is strong In the belief that It was district Is partly In Polk and partly in Thanking the public of Yamhill county for I tlie work of an incendiary. I^w, $1,- for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to licks" when the sun did sliine, how- Yamhill counties, and we are bound April 2t, lS8t-13tf. sale by Turner Bros., McMinnville. •II who need it, the recipe and direction for increasing patronage, and hoping that they ' ever, mid with the advantage of itn- I o liinery have made lheir la- latter. cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad ver- within the next thirty days, we remain, Vndertakinff* tior tell. With goial weather harvest Died. O ccasionally . Respectfully yours, tiaer’s experience can do eo by addressing in J 0. II Adams 1 Co. of this place, have a ful will set in in earnest next week, and A little son of Mr. and Mft. E. P. RUES' PROPERTY. in the town perfect aevfidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Ce­ the swift working self-binders with line of undertaker’« gooda, from a plain coffin USHER HROS. Lafayette no»^ has Sn Express office, ss it Itf. Olds, of Tillamook, die