Yamhill (ouiily Reperì* r. poax«*, seised Smith, dragged him to the street, where hulldr« ‘i’ OÍ p' -■! 1« I Ulu'd the Uiob, took lillu to the bridge and hung him. The mob come from the ‘ vicinity of " where the crime was cuiuiuitti-d by Smith, Tb- Chr sllaney C m ». W abmimotos . Use. Win. H. Molschuk, upon M’bosc affidavit ex-Ministur Chri»tian<*y and hi» council, Robert lugtrsull, relied to prove Mrs. CbristiaiD-y'» ii fidelity, testified tbat Liu affidavit was founded uu inibtuken ideutity aud false state­ ments to biin. The case will very likely be dropped now. Bankrupt Laws. Liquors and la batea. I The Rugby Cvlony. l'nquenchable Fires. According to the ancient rhyme, the i The English colony which Mr. Thcs Tbo question of u bankrupt law is The failure of all the attempts to ex­ , Hughes and his friends propose to fonud being extensively discussed by the reu.on why little Johnny lteed rettolved ] iu Tenuessee lias been misunderstood as tinguish the tiro which has been raging A Cruel Story . nover to maatioate th. Indian leaf wan the in the Keeley Run colliery for several press of tho country, and tho text ot C hicago , Dec. 1.—An Inter-Ocean'« special from fllthineim of the weed. But according to being an enterprise exclusively English weeks, it is feared, will add another to New York has a story of Kobert B. Bedell, ex-presi- a bill on tho subject has for some which was to maintain itself as English, deutof the Erie railway, who married a young dash­ I.an«I Matters. Dr. Georg. Beard, of New York, the rea- PbH»»l*luh*» to Fressut Grant will» the }>erpetual burning mines that now ing secoud wife in 1862. A conspiracy then seemed • IÜO.UUO. W ashington , Dec. 4.—The deadlock in Californ'a time been in course ol preparation lon was tbat the littlo lteed'. nervous cultivate English traditionsaud feelings exist in the Pennsylvania anthracite re­ to be formed against him by Lis former intimate und aim to be u little England in the P biladblphia . Dec. 3.—A fund of ono hundred friend A. L. Murray, whose son was his wife’s too school land matters ba» been finally broken up by under '.he supervision of Judge system wouldn't ondur. it; tho paternal The greatest of these is probably thousaud dollar» hm» been raised in this city and intimate friend, an.l its purpose seemed to be to rob last week'» decision of the secretary of the interior, midst of the United States, in tho same gions. that in the jugular vein, near Coal Cas­ will be presented to Grant in a «b«»rt time. The him of bis money. Under its baleful working« his in favor of the position taken by Uapt. John Mullen, Lowell of the U.Tf. Circuit Court of Reed had used tobacco lavishly and, so way that Plymouth was a new Euglaud the «tatu land agent, anti two testa of iudeuin'ty idea originated with one or two of Grant'» personal wife secured a divorce and alimony, and he (Bedell) Massachusetts. He has consulted fares he was eoncernod, with impunity, in the wilderness of 1620. The Ameri­ tle, this county. This has been burning friend« who think hi» present income not »uffid«-id­ was oue day in July, 1876, set upon by A. L. Murray, lamia, were yeaterday approved for conveyance of ly Urge to support him in a style worthy of an ex- Jr., Chauncey Bel Hard and J. II. Comer at the rail- title to th«* »tute of California. Ono of them is for with tbo leading commercial associa­ but he bequeathed to his son a nervous can and English oritiea of the scheme since 1835. Louis F. Dougherty opened 16U0 acres in tin* San Francisco district ami the oth ­ system that would ataúd nicotine; where­ president. John M. Forbes aud other weslthy men W*j - latiou at G i - b I k - u , ii.-ld by two of them and this vein in 1833. Tho upper drift of the of Boston were applied towhen the object was first beaten in the face with a rawhide by the other with er for about 7(W acres in Independence district. Th«- tions und many of the prominent fore, whore tho father chewed tho son es­ showed at once that such an undertaking miue was above water level, and a huge ihoutflit of but th« New York Times ex-presideutis! the apparent intent of destroying his eyesight. He secretary of the interior has al»o just upprovctl two lengal and business moil ot the coun­ must fail because tho movement springs Nevada land te»t», one for 2900 acre» in Carsou dis ­ chewed. tiro was kept in a grate at the mouth of fund had got the start ami so Grant s friend» lu re only freed himself by getting his hand on his re­ were thrown upon their own resources. Thu Phila­ volver. His assailant then tied but one of them at- trict and one fur 400 in Eureka district. Certain try, and it is oeUeved that a bill will As the senior lteed never had a partióle from no religious or social theory, but is tho miue in winter to keep the water delphia fund is exclusively for the use of Grant ♦ -inpLed to shoot him an he ran. He was too quick, difl'«-rence between Capt Mullen, a» laud agent for be ready to present to tho Congress merely un industrial enterprise. Tho of tobacco in his mouth, and the juuior from freezing in the gutters. One night and it was MtakMl to-day by one of the most intimate however, and brought him to the ground for whi« h Neva«la , ami the general laud office, un to the true c'lnati-m-tion ot the act of Jum: 16, 1800. will be laid to meet uext week thill will obviulo Reed hail acquired the habit of chewing result would inevitably be tlie mingling in tho above year the timbers of the drift of th«« general'« friends that the money had all been e was afterward» honorably acquitted iu court. raised aud was deposited ill bank. He also «aid, His wife had at first left him surreptitiously, taking before the secretary of the interior on appeal. Re­ the defects of former laws on tho surreptitiously, had beeu flogged several •f the colony with the Aiuerieati life eaught fire from the grate. When it was while refusing to give the name« of the subscribers, away valuable securities from the saf«* worth |li)0,- ports from Oregon received at the department of the around it, and gradual absorption in the discovered the fire had been carried down that the mouey had been given by both republican» 000. It seems to be a case of too many relatives in interior, indicate tbat the state authorities and subject and include now principles times for indulgence in the vice, aud great American community. But when the air holo to the lower drifts and was and democrats. Within a few days according to the the house all of whom assisted iu making trouble. United Htates commissioner, are actively iu the field had never recited his little verse about present programme Grant will be invited here and Bedell has been a very successful business mau aud of execution of the Oregon swamp laud decision, based upon a proper regard for the this had been all cogently set forth and tobáceo with sincerity, both of them heretofore rendered by Secretary Hcburz. the hundred thousand dollars will be presented to is highly esteemed. rights of both creditors and debtors. would have beeu greatly astonished at reasoned to a logical conclusion, Mr. beyoud control. Two miners entered the PaclAc Coast Hevenue Collections. mine, hoping to recover their tools. him. Foreign Gold. While it would be pleasant to con­ hearing Dr. Board's lecture beforo the Hughes made a speech at he opening of They never came out. The mine was The Jew« Iu Germany. The annual report of tho commiMHiouer of intrrnal N ew Y ork , Dec. 2.—Bank presidents say that there revenue giv« « th«? following figure» as amounts of template a state of things in which the town, so to speak, in wL-'c'i he stated dnoAcn. Dre. 4 -The Inter-Ocean has iuterviews Philosophical society. I d that lecture abandoned. No effort was made to mine with prominent Jews on the persecution of Jew» in are 150,000,000 iu the assay office iu foreign gold, aggregate collections for the year In the district» that such was not fie intention, that the any of the coal near the burning vein, Germany and finds concurrence in the following which will reach >62,000,000 by the latter part of named: California, Collector Highly district, >2,437,- there would be do necessity for such the doctor set forth that while the late gatos of tho colony would stand wide point»: The Jews are economical and tbriftv in next week, twelve millions being eu route. ,651; Collector Frost, I345.9M; Nevada district, >60,- laws, it has not been found conven­ generation of Americans indulged iu tho Germany as elsewhere aud have suffered It»» from Kutopeaa Nleamers Overdue nt New York. 455; Oregon, >76,932. Waaixiugion Territory, >27,018; open to the entry of industry and intel­ although it was considered tho best coal the financial depnssiou which now distract» that ient for the States to regulate llie re­ copious use of alcoholic liquors, aud, ligence from eevery quarter, und that in the region, until 1856. Thon John Arizona, >28,984; Colorado, >168,259. N ew Y ork , Dec. 5.—The long delays in the arrival country than other class of German citizens. After of ocean steamers is seriously embarrassing some The Chinese Treaty. lations between the debtor and cred­ without much distinction of sex, in the while in its beginning it was necessarily McGinnis put in a slope ou tho eas> tlm Franco-Prussian war tbe country went wild on lines which have uot enough steamers to sail on side of it, below water level. Hu It 1» authoritatively stated that the new Chinese itor classes without some sort o. a use of tobacco, the present generation speculation. The Jews were more conservative, and schedule time. There are eighteen steamers overdue treaty will be »ent to the senate early in the ses»ion, finds its nerve, in such a condition that English, “we hope that this will ve y struck the vein at a place where the ooal when the crash came wer«* better prepared to weather to every line except th«! White Star. One so a» to diNpo»«- of it as quickly as po»»ible. Califor­ local substitute in the absence of a cease to be so. ” soon the storm and consequently recov«-rtd quickly. This belonging it has to limit its use ami stimulants and was so thick that two miners could keep nia representatives, who have inquired diligently, fact provoke«! jealousy and hostility of th«* German steamer is nine and another eight days overdue. It is, in fuct, merely an escapo from a largo breaker supplied. When five While narcotics to the minimum; and the doc­ «ay that it will, in a great measure, satisfy the coast, general law on the subject. ('roubles Avoided people, who truly claimed that the Jew» nearly mon­ the narrower opportunities of life iu though not entirely. It is believed that no attempt each Stale may and does regulate opolised the commerce and finance of the country. tor not only di.coT.rd a rapid reduc ­ A Tribune editorial pertinently says: If the elec­ hundred yards of gangway had been ex­ They were also found to occupy th«! first place« in toral vote had been at all close, then there would will be made to pass a Chinese restrictive bill until these relations between its own cili tion in the amount cf smoking, but he older communities, and its hope aud aim cavated, tho heat from the burning literature and learning, and on this account too have been three chance« for a row. First—Defeat after the treaty is disposed of. already foresees that millennial period apparently are to give more and fairer L oughortv mine began to bother the there was jealousy, which the government covertly of the California elector which would have been set ’1 lie Opium Clause iu the New Chinese zens, it can have, no authority out chances to capable an.l well-meaning fostered. The government'» policy is to divert by down to republican partisan zeal. Next, defeat of Treaty. side of its own territory. A writer when chawing will be a lost art. All this people than they are Jikely to find at minors. Mot rinnis attempted to open an ♦’ 1* means the attention of socialists from tlieir the Indiana elector which the democratic canvassing W ahhingtow , Dec. 4.—It is announced that the sec* air-hole. The heat became so groat that »nstrations against the throne. The interviewed board would certainly have accomplished if the vote ond treaty drawn up by the U. H. commls»ioners and in the American gives a history of Dr. Beard attributes to the increasing '■ws here say that the J«*w» in thi» country can would have made a difference, and thirdly, the stu­ th«- P king government proposes that the Americans nervousness of the American people, home. There is a pri a to paid, indeed, the men were paid double wages to in- tiling in the premise«, but that action, if any, pid failure of the Georgia electoral college to vote «hall not import opium or carry the product coast­ the bankrupt luws which from limo for so great a gain, and that price is sep ­ which obliges them to abandon whisky, duoe them to work. They worked ]■> come from the Chri«tiau«, who »hoiiid and on the day appointed. The occurrence of these wise or n il it. It is not known positively, a full r«u ddy will protest in the name of all that is fair, blunders,iikely to ba repeated und«-r our complicat» <1 port of the treaty not having beeu »ent by cable, to time h .ve btfen enacted in this i iobacco, ami in many cases even tea and aration from the assoe’ation of older re­ •ntiraly naked ami wore relieved every gions and at home, aud tlie formation of it aud manly in the l’Jth century. system every four vears, should teach congress the whether this is true or not, but it is not discredited; country and aS Wten repealed, and coffee. A few facts in support of this ten minutes. Finally the heat became so necessity of aim nding the method of electing the but it is thought quit«' likely, because the Chinese ' Mln! Lesgue Oricanlze«! m ( Chh'Byo, now ties with strangers. There is an­ intense that work was abandoned. The president so that the escape from a revolution every government has been long opposed to the importa­ makes a strong argument in favor of theory would facilitate its acceptance. C hicago , D« c . 2.—The laud league organized to­ four other price to be paid also, which is in ­ years may not be considered a signal mark of tion of opium into China. American ves»el» were the passage of some law of this char­ There are a large ch’ s of young men, mine was flooded. After being pumped night with M. E. Stone as j»re«ident is an outgrowth divine evitable, and that is tho attempted en- mercy. formerly largely engaged in the bu«iuc»a of opium of Sunday '» meeting and its purpose i» to aid iu en­ Three times has who aro now smoking and chewing with , trance of the shiftless aud impracticable. out men could again work for a few Vander bill's Operations. smuggling, out V«ry Mttle to done by Americans in acter by Congress. couraging land agitation in Ireland, and in defend­ an industry that is highly gratifying to days. The mine was flooded nine times. ing it» exponent; who arc* brought to trial. N ew Y ork , Dec. 4.—The Graphic say«: Vander­ tlint busines nowadays. Th«! prohibltionul clans«- a' bankrupt law been tried in the all patriots who desire to seo the public No body of persons can found a simple McGinnis finally failed and the mine was bilt has ent« red into an understanding with five of will not affect Americans and was probably inserted The i lilcMKO NMn«eifest. th«* heaviest holders «if Chicago, Burlington and in tho treaty by the Chinese a» compelling the Brit- United States, and as often lias it debt paid, and every ono of whose an­ industrial community which is desiguod tlieu abandoned. The fire has been rag­ Arrangements are being made on a grand seal« for yuincy stock that he shall buy >5.000,000 worth of i«h t«> a similar agreement, as a large proportion of the sangerf« «t or Sängerbund which 1« to hold its shares, und this understanding contains a further the revenue of Briti«h India come« from opium been ropeulod because of inherent de­ cestors looked on tobacco smoke as iden­ to lessen the friction of the great contest ing in the vein evor since. An area of mimical festival in Chicago u«*xt June. Thousands stipulation that tlm investment shall be permanent and China i« the greatest customer for Indian fects and its failure to serve tho pur­ tical with smok. from the bottomless pit, for existence without being beset by a half a mil« in every direction has of member« are to I m « present and perhaps hundreds ami it shall b«- given representation iu the next opium. If the Chinese have granted to the United pose for which it was enacted. On who are a little curious to know where swarm of drones wlio hope somehow to beeu burned. No vegetation grows of thousands of visitor«. board of directors—contingent, however, upon the Htate« any «pecial privileges in the new treaty, the be helped without helping themselves. British will a.sk to bav«: similar privileges granted Dr. Beard got the impression that the Protest agalnet Bogus Batter. April 4, 800, Congress passed an act execution of the scheme projected by Jay Gould. A on tho surface. In places tho ground is perhaps to bo added to this has caved in. forming chasms a hundred C hiuaoo , Dec. 2.—This afternoon n number of similar understanding exists between Vanderbilt them. to establish a uniform system ot ’dead Americans were large users of to­ There Belvast (be Mar, dealer» in butter had a conf« r< nee with the purpose and the heaviest holders of th«- Atchison, Topeka price list the slight unuaturalness which bacco and that the living ones are grad ­ feet deep. There is but a thin shell of Mr«. Belva A. Lockwood, the only female lawyer bankruptcy throughout tho Unitod of protecting th«' trade against adulterated butter and Santa Fe. Vanderbilt doe« not care to enter the ually giving up chewing and smoking. seems to belong to tho impress on of such earth over the pit of fire. At night blue, and cheese, which ar«' at present flooding the mar­ direction of these lines unless It shall I»«» necessary evt r admitted to practice in the United States mu - endeavors. This is uot, indeed, what sulphurous flames issue from the ground. ket. Recent exposures of the villanous compound» as nieuHiires of defense against the hostile combina­ preme court, commanded th«- attention of the mem­ States which by its terms was liin In spito of reductions in the internal rev ­ whic’ are manufactured ami sold as butter have tion of Gould. ber« of that tribunal yesterday, in a twenty-minute ited to five years, but it worked so Fatal kixplosion. enue duties, the national revenue from can be called an original feeling, because It is dangerous to walk across tho spot. argument. greatl damaged the biisine»» and render« d Home badly that it was repealed in Decem­ distilled spirits was $18,000,000 in 1865; from the community iu some form onr Several persons have mysteriously dis­ ac.tlou necessary. The only feasible plan suggested N ew Y ork , Dec. 4. -John Ford «ml Charles Burns Work of (lie Life 8*vl.tg Service. wps tl at dealers in the bogus article be compelled wer«- killed by an explosion of gas at 41st street and Its great evil results «55,000,000 in 1870; $52,000,000 in 1875, modern society has sprung. But indi- appeared iu the vicinity during the past The life Having «ervice ha« 179 «tations, 139 on tho ber, 1803. to 1«) el it under its appropriate name. The last Seventh avenue. Atlantic, 34 on the lakes and 6 on the Pacific. The prejudiced the honest public against und the samo in 1879. The use of tobac­ vidualism and every man for himself twenty years. It is believed that in a legislature passed a law requiring this to be dune. Dividend. record of the service surpasses any previous year. No New Developincnis. Northwestern railway stockholders have declared The i-asualtie« were greater than ever before, the all such measures, and not until co doesn't appear to be diminishing, in have become so wholly the principle of majority of the cases they have fslle, society that thero is now a shriukiug into the burning mine. Dougherty, the highe«t previous number being 219 and thi» year300. r __ .oo, Dec. 3.—-A Time«’ Washington dispatch the usiiul 3 per cent, semi-annual dividend. bankrupt view of the fuct that the tobacco crop of our another 1841, was Of th«* 1989 persons on board of these vessels only Johnny Davenport still lingers here as mys­ The Oil Can Again. from any return to any form of com­ original proprietor of the mine, attem"4^ 1869 was 225,000,000 pounds, and in 1878 nine were lost. Great relief has been afforded ship ­ terious as ever. Electrotype plat« » ar«' being mail«» bill operated act passed. It D etroit , Dec. 4.—Wilhelmina Shindler, a servant 395,000,000 pounds. It is within the munism. iu New York <>f certain letters captured by the re­ girl, ignited a «low fire with kerosene and succeeded wrecked persons and vessel», and warning« were ed to go across once. Ho sank to fiis Of this Mr. Hughes is well aware, aud armpits through tho crust, and was on'y publican committee. It 1» generally und«rstood in setting herself oil fire. When found she was a given which saved many v«-«sel«. It 1« estimated littlo bettor than tho law of 1800. recollection of persons by no means old that the value of vessels involved was >2,616,000 and At tho time of its passage tho coun­ that the exposures to lie mad«’ will come through mass of tiame. After a few hours terrible agony she in his very tranquil and sensible speech thut tho culture of tobacco camo, saw, curgouH, >1,195,000. Of th«» total amount >2,620,000 saved by courageous friends who ven­ the publication of these fa«' similes. died. were «aved. Inadequate compensation 1» fa«t driv­ try was in a distressed condition, and aud conquered the Connecticut valley. he alludes to the odium which attaches tured to his assistance. The stones oL Uewiit Conies Forward with Kegrets. Protecting the Negro. ing iU'-ii from tlm biiHineHS and threaten« to destroy to the word community, an.l repudiates N ew Y ork , Dec. 1- Aoram H. Hewitt, in a lett« r R ichmond , Dec. 2.—Three judges of election of the efficiency of the «ervice. The «uperintendent debtors were not slow to take advan­ The attention of the public has been the ground are hot, aud snow never rests to the sditor of the Nation, def«-mls himself against th“ city of Manchester have been arrested for refus­ asks that the matter of pay be left to the discretion tage of u law which enabled them to called several times lately to the enor­ entirely all sympathy with tho State there. Hain turns to vapor as fast as it what he terms “the extrajudicial attack” of Judge ing to take the vote of colored persons who showed of the general superintendent. Thu present rate is communism of which we have had some Davis, und says he believed the Morey 1« tter genu get rid of debts which were pressing mous increase of the consumption of ugly teachings in this country, and of bills on the burning mine. Millions of capitation receipts according to law. >10 per month. ine, und hence deel39,387,949; amount of coinage, >36.053,000; showing Among the Dutch of Now York it may in Massachusetts alone there were minors. Thousands of dollars have where my opinion whs asked in regard to time hoisting machinery will be erected at Pueblo the authenticity of a letter, which so far ns I was for th«* purpose of changing the Santa Fe freight a decrease a« compared with the preceding year of I 3,389 debtors, with aggregate liabili­ be true that men aud women of former fect contentment the laws relating to beeu expended in fruitless efforts to ex­ a littl«) more thun four million iu deposit» and al­ indiff« rence, cun to liio Grande trucks. concerned, whs a matter of profound . property aud to family life as they exist, tinguish the flames. The Butler mine, most exactly «ix millions in coinage. The coinage ties of ever 830,000,000, who filed ap­ generations both used tobacco aud used and In regard to which I never «nppoi «d any con- A Villainous Urlu«e Avengtil. nt the mint in 1880 was $13,000,000 less of gold and it more freoly than now. But among and hopes'to make tho business of living near Pittston, has been burning three troversy woeki nri«e. This rvgreut ii...................... inten«ifie(>,000,000 less of silver than in 1878. plications to' bo adjudicated bank ­ by the fact that I, rather than Gon. Garfield, have New Englanders and their western off­ under those laws somewhat easier. The mob at Otero, New Mexico, Thursday Mistaken Kepcrt ab«»ut (lie «Irtinrstown b«'<*n tiu. victim of flu- forgery, for he has, notwlth- hung by He a hud rupts during tho year and a half that spring the use of tobacco was formerly colonists intend to lay out a pretty town, years. It was set on tire by a party of treated a dining room girl at a hotel, tramps, who built a tire in the mine in ^>undi^r, be«;ii elected prcHidont while I have had night. nuw st Altka. who died Wednesday, stilting befor«! death that he the law was in force. On Marell 3, th«rWngulsr experienc«' of denunciation from the hud chloroformed her and taken improper liberties. looked on as a sin, and in those com­ with due provision for parks and gar 1877. Tlie fire is iu tke upper drifts. It W abhiwoton , Dec. 3.—Captain Beardslee, of the bench in tho case in which 1 whh not a party, in deus, and to erect suitable, simple, and navy, has received a letter from an officer of tho 1848, tho law, which in the meantime munities of New England extraction is confined to an area of forty acres by Mullion F-ltlpmei*1,032,600, which show a decrease that came near being wrecked and it wa« saved by smoking is still looked upon as an evi­ many of the fundamental aud constant drift and connecting ones, The digging be nioted out to those who have violated law.” from shipments of the lu«t two months, but there th«» Jamestown. No live« were lo»t. Many inquiries United States and tho several States, necessities of daily life, economizing of an unrogenerate nature. The I bus been u hug«- inrreH«e of ore reserves at smelters have been made by tlm familes and friends of tlie of the canal cost 850,0110. Plrilp n»«l Ixls Crowd liidlcte«!. But for that was repealed. For a period of' dence officers und crew of the Jamestown. gi'eat Methodist Church, which looks health and labor and expense, anil N”.w Y ork .D c «'. 8.-Tb> • >u. ary to-day indict* accumulated during the month. the fire would liavi £ co1- twenty four years it was left solely prottv closely after the habits of therbby greatly increasing the common obstacle •A Josh Hart. “ I2,300,000 «liver. f The Pooeae Win. un.l-Y-ey Laa»ooi-ivta tho oO.lony to perfect subterraneous coijtagratju Vy _ ’• • 11 ■( l’)lll|., laws for lbLection of inst>l*Wt ■¡Hrisiug a" 3 '"# to . it? ■ ministers, if MilKary • inw^^mw^m«mirwen; triw a, .«I Iinm< -«Inv that deplores every year the increamug num­ TellgTous freedom ' underWb wuols <>'" ¡VCST I’lVLBS Wrlilllg othnn K.r pul.a.htliK on llu- 2/d of The president has approved the sentence of the uootdrS. 'Orr M i'rbu 2,1867, Che tlilf-d th«- Ponca« have n -h-gnl right to the possession of It is thus a unique enterprise. The swept OC.bi-r Jaa: an dltunal iKiulwt “ijiliu ,uil Blicklu« Miners have worked in the lower drif of the reservation twin which they w « j / u expelled, court martial di»inissing Captain Andrew Geddis, of and last bankrupt law was passed by bers of those within its fold who use to­ II" In tb. Truth n-wa*>,per, uid ,la<> publlahluu uu..- ..M-« is mo ni eolony will avail itself of the results of '•'■"nu-'i wuere onWQny th)-»» luraua uulawlully, wirktdly out rank and half-puy. Good 'limes at < hfeago. until September 1, 1878, with certain that tualicloualy 61,151,- jure ami »Hilly J»m,., A. It.rrt. l.l ami m brlug him amendments from time to time, con­ the use of tobacco. If Dr. Beard has wholly wanting, or which are entirely tween them and tho field of the fire THOUGHTLESS PK0D1GALS l,>h>/lubUc.i«»mli,l ami iis above. The water that trickles through w<-< k. Much <>f tlir iiHTi-iisi- is du«- to a heavy mov■ tinued in force. While the country found more non-smoking sons of non­ contemned in the beginnings of such tho roof is scalding hot. The temper­ ZJMfla r.... I faVAl^-cnUH mul r< piitatmii, urn) m »> im-iit in produce and provisions, particularly tho «rent Hi .mUl ami Injury or J,.... a A Oartt.-l I ami Among tho boy wanderers, that communities. Towns and villages are continued in a slate ot prosperity, smoking fathers, his observation is ex­ latter, but a much larger proportion on account of is so high that the men cun wear Bgaluat the peace of tho people of tin- atale <>l New chance growths. They gather around ature York anil their dignity. Thran partlea aro charged «• tivity in «-v« ry industry and to the continuance numerous class upon tho Pacific Coast, the law seemed to answer its purpose ceptional. but little clothing.—[N. Y. Sun. and growth <>f business in the northwest. Similar who chafe at and early break away from with criminal libel, the penalty of which la um j somo water-power, or mine, or spring, or drinking, as a social institution, year In the penitentiary anil 1250 One. Ball waa r«*ports of prosperity come from all section« of the parental restraint, was one Willie in a measure, but with tho panic of is That Repcutai cj. natural advantage, or they are agricul- Hi veil by Philp. After rxauilnatlon by Judge llnvia country which 1« tributary to Chicago and there is loss promiuent in America now thun j tnral 1873 there sprung up j crop of centres growing without purpose wa. continued, Pont und llart came to the district universal encouragement at the prospect« of the fu- Palmer, who suddenly disappeared from formerly, and less here than iu Europo, would-be bankrupts which, until tbo attorney'* ottlc. tn the arternoon to give ball, but ture. Farmer« arc now confident of getting good his father’s A man whe as an ove.-seer before tho residence on Williams* true; but that this results from the or plan. There is scarcely u pretty or war Judge Cowtug hud gone home mid they were permit­ prices for their magnificent crops and are giving an creek, Jacksou county, sorno two years repeal of the law, and even until is had driven tho darkeys with a whoop pleasant town or village which a little ted bi go on tlieir own reapniislbllltv till to-nmrmw impetus to all other branches of business. increasing nervousness of our people is «""ruing, when they will rnrulah tlm neceaaary Stoppage of Work nt Plillndeipliia Mines. »go. The case was one that created now, has kept the courts busy. No not proven. Two of three questions that forethought would not have made very came to tlio city yesterday. After taking da. it la probable now Hint Moray haa been in- two or three drinks, and feeliug that pe­ P ottsville . Dec. I.-Fifteen of the V3 collieries of much comment at tho time, rumors be­ one who witnessed tlio scenes attend­ Ut l.d for perjury, he will bo removed troiu tlm eternally agitate Americans, according to much more charming. The village im­ culiar muscular growth so well known hou * >0 or detention to the Tmmiba. All Indicted th«- Philadelphia A Redding Co. have suspended for ing set afloat that the boy had been mur­ ing the last days of the old law will provement societies are signs of the December. Three thousand men are out of work. Dr. Board, are,: “ Who shall be the next 1 - ea, tt la aald, will be arraigned tn tlm court ot dered by his father. All kinds of re­ soon forget the long list of anxious President?" and “Where shall I go wish to remedy congenital defects of rural to men who stand around in "spiritual I* ire at Oslikosh. neral aeaalona mi Monday. Where there is a beauti­ seauco,” the overseer went out on the O nhkohii , Wis., Dec. 4.—The Beckwith hotel was ports of his fate were circulated at tho but smiling debtors w ho waited at when I die?” The latter has had a good communities. VlaUsrlag View or (lie Panama Canal ful shore, of a river or a lake, it has boon street with tho swagger of a man noted burned to-day; loss, 160,000; insurance, >28,000. time but his dead body was never found N« ■leal to do with the disuse of liquors. tho doors of the courts in every city, N ew Y ork , Dec. 2.—Win. Seligman, n member of Mrs H. B. Page, a boarder, was suffocated by snmk«-. and one day last week he returned home generally sequestered to private and in­ for voting whole neighborhoods. An Ihv Panama Canal syudicatu, Raid to th«' H« raid's Mollie Hollyran. a waiter, is missing anti it is be­ in the best of health. Ha had been in to tile their petitions in bankruptcy In no other country hare temperance dividual use, and is lost to the commu­ old blind man came walking along. The Paris correspondent yesterday: “We made it n con- lieved perished. Kerosene caused tbo fire. ho much influence societies exerted this city most of the time since leaving before it was too late. On the las- overseer looked haughtily to ene side «litlon of our participation in the affair,ami obtalne i American Uyalers in German Wuters. as here, The Motho.list church nity. If tho natural beauty of thousands and a written guarantee, that an American direetorab and now says it seems funny that a boy day there were tiled in New York is stopped. Tho old man ran against of towns had been developed for the ew Y ork , Dec. 4.—The one and a half millions society. ami pre»ldent should be appointed. Ho far ns we of N American temperance itself a oysters, writ«*« a German corre«pon- «...>•♦ run nway from homo without can see, the people of the United Htates will be found 40,000. of tho old bankruptcy laws aro no- temperance movements have been us dis common labor by the introduction of a thought that I would be afraid to tazkle crease of one hundred pupil« in tlio numlmr of Indian Died. youth now educatr«l at the Forest Grove, Oregon, trated. A coho occurred near this citv a arguments against a law which will N ew Y ork , Dec. 3. —Among death« yesterday were iiuluHtrial school, ami for forty or fifty additional at tinctively religious as the Moody and j kind of co-operation whose value is in- you, eh?” few years ago in which a boy becoming C. H. Grafulla, for a long time leader of the aeventh tlie Hampton, V»., «chool. meetings. Among the people | contestable, the only question that re­ , "Marster, ’fore tho lord, you mus’ regiment infantry band, and Claud« Pelletier one of tired of work on his father’s farm stole protect the honest debtor and tho Sankey mains is whether the colonists who will 'skuse me fur de ole man liain't seed a the members of th<> French aaaembly banished by It«»nl K rcc on the Potoiusce creditor alike. The folly of the who are exempt from the influences of | have tho taste and intelligence of the wink since long aforo freedom.” away one night without leaving a fare ­ Louis Nspoltmn to prepare for the coup d’etat. Th«* three mile professional «cull race on tlio l’o- well word to his, parents or any indica­ former laws was in their permitting any church it is questionable whether “Are you blind, old man?” The Hiocliaule Brnbcn toiua«- this afternoon wa« won by Kennedy, of Port­ Dr. Beard could prove that there has few leaders, or will yield to them the rogues to ply their trade with tbo been “Yes. sali; blinder den ole Jacob at de Naw Y ork , Dee. 2. Baltimore A Ohio Hailroad land, Mr,, L« «>, of Newport, 2d. p'iaiated laat. Time. tion of his course, any radical diminution in the use control. The hope of tue eolony, as Mr. Company to-night announce that they will receive 2o :u). Kennedy cro««« d tin« lino one open length in time ob his death.” ; Hughes expressed it, is that it will bo a stamp of legality upon it. Expe­ of liquors. SHiri-ED nr.voRE the mast , freight at the depot of the New Jersey Central Hail­ advance of Le«». PlaiHted was about eight lengths a«tern. community of natural, uot of artificial or “Give me your hand, ole man. Here, rience should guard against the repe­ road for western points. And was swallowed up in oblivion for Dr. Beard's remarks about tho great tflen. Mlles not an Applicant tor the Mij(- z*“ ' Nrw Houle of liavel, months. By diut of exertion and at tition of such folly, and in the case reduction in the use of liquors in Eng­ conventional, la.lies and gentlemen. take this tobacco.”' nal He vice Vacancy This is the natural hope of gouwious “Much ohleegcd, thankee, sail.”» N ew Y oke , Dae. 1. Th«’ new Baltimore A Ohio WA«H!NOT«tN, Dec. 4. lieport« alleging that Col. considerable expense ho was traced to of Judge Lowell’s proposed law it land are not corroborated bv other and line opened to-dny by th«’ departure of tlir«1«* trnlna, Mil«*« in a candidate for th«* po«ition of chief signal enthusiasm.—[Harper’s Magazine. “Here, take this pipe. Hare’s’ a red which will hereafter run «tally to principal western “bi. er prove upon inquiry in official quarters vrro- the ship by his anxious father, while the seems that the objection has been very recent observers. Some of those handkerchief. Any man that would cities. half distracted mother waited in silence skilfully avoided. Another evil of have noticed auiucreaso of intemperance n« ««iiH. Vol. Miles is noted aa a fighter and ha« Is en A Washington reporter of the BbrZd choke n blind man ought to be stripped. Death of au old Mariner engntu <1 Hevei-al year« on the moat hh I uoim service in her lonely home for tidings of his the old bankruptcy acts, which lias r. long English women of the better lias discovered that tho notes of his in­ Here s fifty cents and some more tobacco. N ew Y ork . Dec. 2. Captain Frederick Cameron and hl« III«-nd« f< el that be i« entitle«! to the promo- Fr«',hTl« k G. Can««>ron whereabouts. The ship wont to Liver- asses. On the whole, thero lias doubt ­ who commanded the ship Macedonia which «ailed t on h«* has earned; but this promotion will lik«*ly “ * ‘ a terview with Senator Conkling in April, Here’s a lot of ilax thread. Take it all, from tills port with provisions and nippli«« for be in the line of active «ervice, and he will probably pool, thence to South Africa, thence to been struck at in the one under con loss beeu a decrease in England, but, 1878, are fuller than they were trans­ old aim. Here’s more tobacco. Is famine stricken sufi'« r«*ra of Ireland in 1848, 1« «lenii. o made a brigadier general to succeed G« n. Or«l. the East Indios, and was finally cast sidcmtion. is the enormous expense next to America, Euglaud is tho country Captain Cameron also c...................................... , lated at the time. Ho has made a literal omman is not his con.ing east to vote for Garfield gave great of­ like n pig with the thumps; you've' , boy- who had loft home u!so to accelerate tho disposition of 'idsiti f«»r office but will retire permanently to fense to Gen. Sherman. Th«* president decide« that tho believe him under oatti.” Of Senator pigs with the thumps, haven t you? *e life at Fremont. he shall remain. three ------ years before, but a Butler, of South Carolina, the New York “Yes, sail." I’ kimkval M am . Prof. Dawkins has of American Talent to the Appointment by the l'iexhlrnt. bronzed and hardened seamen in whom cases involving the settlement ot in­ Chesterfield said: "He is a cool aud Lend Leaguers. “Well, I’ll whale him till he hi.,’S( Th.* president appoint««! to- Par mil »»king if Aineri« an coun­ York In l>w:i. sel Should be «ent to Ireland t » defend land Ira- Tho Washington Hennbllcan Sold to Gm. corniblc. Of the wearing anixiety and in a commendable light. J udge what he thinks he knows about the the interview I left off the last word. can whnp me?” g If Parnrll sends n favorable response « d«*l- “Why, marster?” mini in tho eocene age. He Mradlejr. bitter heartache that might have been Lowell may not have succeeded in primeval f able lawyers will ltedi«pat< bed to In land professes to know something about it, But it is recorded in my note book, and “Because, any man that would choke a WAswtworoN. D«s*. 3. kaaisUnt Postmaster-Gen- averted by prompt and affectionate letters at Among those Huggr«t«-d an- Jen* Black, hr by a study of the rocks, and the flora the Senator will not deny using tho lan­ blind darkey ought to be whipped. Tyor, fernery A. Htorr and Matt Carpenter. eral I ho«. .1 Bradley ha« purchas'd from A. M. home, he had ami has not a thought or reaching tho happy mean which an Clapp an.l other» a controlling interest m th. Na. guage. In Butler's case he added the Hold on, don t go—there’s some more equitable bankrupt law should oc ­ »•’t ••(«»me («» «ht te»at<*h.** and fauna of the world. In the miocene lion Bvpublican newspaper, in this citv. and »Ill •are, and though he goes and comes, sits D« Washington, N ew Y. uk , Dec. 2. \ Herald's Washington special peared." In this connection tho Cura and butt mo iuto the middle of the H t . L ovis . Dec. 2. A Creek delegation i« her«* en ■ays: Garfield ba« determined not to give the secre­ stant sorrow. Boys, don’t do so; write they are not so fatal as to leave the "Get me an easy situation, that hon­ yards tor of the pealsidv Museum at Cam esty may Im rewarded,' wrote a rural street.” route t«> Waehi ngt«>n to work for Creek lu«li»n inter­ taryship of th«- treasury to any New York stat, man to the old home ami tho patient dwellers law unworthy of a fair trial. ests and oppose th«* settlement of whit« « in Okla- H«' explain« <1 that th«* colla tor of the port holds an bridge observes, in the tenth annual re­ youth of great self-honesty to Henry “Marster, I Joan wauterliurt ye. I'm "tile«, paying Ilj.iMd per annum, and through who««« by its hearthstone, even if in a thought­ hama. port: "Dr. Ablrntt has probably ob­ Ward Beecher, an.l the brilliant Brook got a powerful hard head." The Mf«»ou»l-Paelflr kyilrm. band« tbr. e-fourths of th«' customs r« venu«< is «up. less or restless moment you have sud­ data which show that man existed lynite replied : "Don’t Im an editor if “Do just as I say, old man. Step H t . Louts, Dae. 2. When th«’ M«>xican extension nosed to pass. The niagnitud«* of this position and denly deserted it. The phenomenon cf the perforation of tained of the MlHHouri. K huhsm and Tea»« rosd 1« finished, its na. «-««ary relation t«> N.-v, York ¡«oliti«« i« such our Atlantic coast during tho time of, you would be ’easy.’ Do not try the back and let drive.” rocks by sand carried on the wind has on an«l other lines now contemplated ar«» «l«»ne, the that if th«- secretary was also from N«-w Y. rk it would if not prior to, the formation of tba great Tho old man stepj ed back, bowed his A n I lluminating ('«» mpohition .—//•- Missouri-PactAo system will vmbra« v about <300 giv«* him n persouai Inrtin nc«> that would be greater Keep out in hia Opinion thau th« 1« at interests of the civil dustry tlins describe* a simple wav to pro­ been observed in the valley of the Rhone gravel deposit, which extends toward law. Avoid school-keeping. miles. a . buiiud , with , , . struck , the over- — in F ranee. A very violent wind often tho coast from the Delaware river, near of the pulpit. Let alone all s ips, neck, and «ervice would warrant. It is report«.! that S.-hur/ Cora Corner nt Mf. I. oii M duce nn illuminating composition. prevails in the neighborhood of Vzes, Stores. Shopi and merchandise. Abhor I 01 h“rJ ,I!at- !'.0 ’•'“FK"''.'''* <>'“ into during Garfi. Id's Waahingtou visit told the pr. «1 Mr. Lout», Dec. 4.—A corn corner is b ng run ert<'Hirtant Io busint-sa Int. rest« well From a visit Don't practise medicine Be no farmer s r," he said to himself, getting up ami Hod J-» MN It'll I Mg. aa to th«* futnr«* of the republican partv, and that expose them to u rod neat for half an against a Istnd of quartzose pebbles con­ formed by glacial action Psjca< oTT. Dec. 2.—Two bo«li« s were snatched here other members of the cabinet would not fet I cha­ hour, sepnrute the cleanost parts and put tained in a tertiary soil. The pebbles to the locality with Dr. Abbott. I see no nor mechanic, neither a soljier nor a waik.ag away. "He served you right. grined at the discrimination, last night. into n «'rneiblo iu alternate layer« with contain cavities which might bo believed no reason to doubt the general conclu sailor. Don’t stndy. Don’t think. Don't The next time yon collar a blind nigger lncreaae<| Value of Improved l.artda. The Pr«|»oar had liccn badly treated at Cotton Exposition Association was organised, with nearly ready, show inert •««*rgia, president, and clear«d an.l tinilH red. for !«?«>. aa follow« « i'ailf««r- altfor ' world. I know of but one easy place in Wintchurch Wor .hoi se. near London, .. i. twenty-five vice presidents front the principal cities ma 1. J jh r cent , Oregon i A p< r cent. F- r th.- rih pditA for u>e. If inclosed in a bottle the against tlieir surface. it. That is the grave.” Probably Henry wiote ui the wails, whien had jus; been and manufacturing lowntof the country. The plan country the average is H per cent. Bonth Atlanti. ! figures of g watch may l»e distinguished Gnuiliett« said once to Sir Charles didn't hear of the youth again. con tempi at«*« a grand international expusitiou of v hitewashed: by its aid. To renew the luminosity of Ihlke. the British Republican : Don't cotton appliances an«l machinery. The Governor's name is Sutton, J «••lice by Mol» 1 the phiee the bottle each day in the •'Why,” suid the indignant customer take ofliee if you can possibly help it. Clint Canana, the oldest negro in Vir­ The pauper's diet is mutton. P ulaski , Tenn., Dec. 4.—Dan Hmith, colors«!, wh«» . Min, or ia strong daylight; or bum a atrip to his tailor, “you have made this coat and then only a jx»t of first rank, Oth- ginia. died on the 13th last, at the home But you mnst not be a glutton attempted to ravish a young white girl In (iilew conn, of inague-iiuM wire ch»*e to the Ixittle three sizes too small for me. ” “ But, ” erwise yon will reap trouble, servi, tide, of his relatives near Guilford in London ty some time ago. wm iu nten«*e«t to 2l jrar» in th«* When JOB coiue ?>ere to lodge. , I'he ituiphi«lo of liuie will thus absorb said tho tador, 'Mid you not tell me that power not unpopukAity, but noitlier penitentiary to-dav f«»r assault with intent to kill. county, at the advanced age of nearly 121 You’d bettor go to \n.lover. As o«»on as the verdict wa» n tiirn»-«l a mob ru«hr.| light, which will agiin be available at von were >o.ug to live at the Xenoohou patronage. A clover man in oppu mon years. He had never served in the fam­ Where you may lire in clover. iuto the court room, overpowered Hie »lieriff and I I is the biggest mau nowadays U tel ?" I night time ily of Gon. WaaUiugt. n, however. By tome far better dodge. I TELEGRAMS.