■■ COUNTY Yamhill VOL. X. NO 44. CO Publiihed Every Triiiy, <*t M c M innville : : or . gon UT BBOTH EBS G. W.- SNYDER, Editor and Manager. S37BSCRIPT1ON RATESi 3ne copy per year, in advance................... 32.50 ” six months ” .................. 1.50 BUSINESS Jc PROFESSIONAL STERLING R. A C . NO. 141 Ö C5 ............................. CQ o pq 1IWCTS FALL TRADE you W ant your hair Come to the e DA THS. ^/¿JZZATV V/L LE Hot and Cold Water Baths always ready. ABF». C. WYftiJH PioiTr, 33tf. Dr. G F. TUCKER, since. The Muimul was mundered. M. >usj»ects loul pfey in donueclion with the U i forluuate oecurieucet T JLl ' v T vz V# JLz . . «-»» pnahlpil ... tn «nil ,, ut , A ri I The rain and snow had all -he little creeks ‘chuck full on Monday, hue tj;e ” chuck ” ba« |subsided and so have the Creeks. CHANCE STORE - z M c M innville baths i i FA.TCIES med« u« a pfe«-aut call < n ’«kdfieaday. AT THE Jz< —, | ’Snow use; it can’t reiu rk done with n>• hiiichh ami di *p tth Head­ quarters under Odd Fellows* Hall, McMinnville, Oregon. £9t ....... Leap year party on the tapii, «et for the 17th ! i« aut. OF THE or at law , conveyancer . Peal Estate and Cotleciing A .’rUt. and No­ A ttorney tary Public Ail work I’ertainir g th thia line . i »*■ iff«.»*« Weather—moderate, moist, -nurky, muddy. OPENING LOW FIGUR1 S, £900 Per Annui and County.1 About ba B< u Now b»'gin tn sprout Cbrisltnai tree«. NTERLIXG F. EIARDIXU tr 1 Town Regular meetings, Thursday evening on or before the full moon, in each month. Sojourn­ ing (tompanions cordially welcomed. 50lf. r « il’TIIXWILLE OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1880. TSE REPORTER, The Nicaian literary society it the College, sc* me to be a little out of j»unt—caused by some disagreement between tim . officer« and n ..... . . . . . . mem tiers which led to the withdrawal ot the former. M iss A hire Cook had ohG of her ankles se­ •! Having bought our goods direct from fir«t-elass verely sprained, on Tues fay fest. The misfor ! house«. tune disable«! her so that she r-*u!d not walk We keep nothing but i for a day or so but proved of only temporary effect. . NORTH YAMHILL. Fho Palace Gallory, If those who seem to be the most exercised over Baud affairs had been advise«! of the real fact« in the case, they might have seen the pro­ priety of saving less and withholding some un­ kind and discreditable miMtatements. A plain aud liuthful statement ot the matter can und I take pleasure in saying to the people of Dvcember 6, 1880. Yamhill county that my branch—the Palace I E d . R eporter :—After a silence of several Gallery, is now located in McMinnville, oppo­ mouths, we once more venture to take up the site the Grange store. I wish to make special pencil, though perhaps at the eminent peril Oj. mention of the fact that Mr. Severance is still being “ counted out” of good society (?) or in charge as operator. Hundreds of people in will be made if desired, «nd a continuation Of worse still, perhape, of having our probosis Western Oregon already know him as a good such »assertions as I have heard have been kn<»cked entirely off of our bead for presuming operutor and a pleasant and patient gentleman made within a tew days will be taken as evi­ to write up little things that sometimes bap- toward his customers. All negatives will be dence of tbe desire. Much as I regret to think |>ens within the precinct« of our model little sent th my gallery in Portland to ba finished in the best manner, aud tbo work returned as of such a proevtiure, I c«nn«>t be denied the town. But, regardless of being called the “Chiel aX>n as practicable. I feel grateful for the pat- Counted out,” or tirel rtahl ase to give the readers of the R eporter the editorial reg is to show that I relinquish uli I. G. DAVIDSON, advantages that may obtain by reuson of my a little light on everything that may occur of Photographer, Cor. 1st aud Yamhill street«. control of the R kportbr ’ s columns, and place interest from this time forth. So give ear and Portlaud, Or. myself on an even tooting with «11 other«, so listen to what you may hear. fur as thut is concerned. Anybody that wunts | Thanksgiving was observed by more of our ▲ Pino Thing for th« Teeth. a hearing can freclv have it. If discussion eitisens by leaning and drinking thau by fast- Fragrant Sozodont is a composition of the must ensue, let it rise from the inaid tons ditch«« of vicious gossip and come out in a fair und mg and pray ing. Not one of our numerous purest and choicest ingredient« of the Oriental square, manly way. I __ willing to take mv c linches had services of any kind whatever; the I a.u vegetable kingdom. Every ingredient is well chances iu such a discussion. I Public School being the only institution that known to have n beneficial effect on the teeth In all kindness. •essayed to recognize it in a public way. The and gums. It« mbalming or antiseptic prop­ GEO. W. SNYDER. ’children brought in their baskets on thanksgiv­ erty and aromatic fragrance make it a toilet Snziwlont removes all disagreeable ing morning tilled with an abundance of every­ luxury The Wages bf Qin. •»dors from the breath caused by catarrh, bad Last Monday morning Frank S. Pearce, late thing that is good to eat, and turned tbuin over breath, etc. It is entirely free from the inju­ to u committee of young ladies whom the employee on the West Side Railroad, indietei rious and acrid properti.-s of tooth pastes and taachers had appointed to tako charge of the powders which destroy the enamel. One bot­ for robbing his room mate at the Richmond provision« and io arrange the tables. The lore­ tle lasts six months. House, Portland, and to which charge he en­ boon, until eleven o’clock, was devoted to the tered a plea of guilty, wa« sentenced to the Undertaking. ; regular routine of school work and then dfe. ¡•enitentiary tor one year. Bridie sentence: 0. II. Adams A Co. of this place, have a full missed until the bell should riug for dinner.— was passed, Mr. W S. Beebe, bis attorney, a9k-1 line of undertaker’s goods, from a plain coffin I The upper school room was taken for a dining ed that the Court in pronouncing judgment! to n stlperb casket, including a variety of ap­ lenient¡^7 in?",/™um’“n<1 lwo v,rv nice ub,e" wer8 propriate burial suit«, ready for use at once. No takeinU.edn.i.I. r.Lon the fuel ..f th» prisoner'. by >Oitg pl.uk. t pon two tier, of desk, .nd need of going further for as lino a burial outfit former gowl «ending bud tbi. being hi, ll>e» «•»«">« th.", w.tb l.blo cloth», m.kingj us you desire. ------------- —«♦«■« ■ »■ oflenA District Attorney Cple. .Iso spike in i* '*bl' in,“• l"rl>' leet i” le"«‘h- Th,! you,l8l f.vor of young Pe.rc , »king the clemency of I la,1;e‘ ‘l’“wI n<> •’*in* in •r™nXin3 »nd J«»- Ho, For the Train. I will, after the 1st day of January, 1880 the Court to l>e extended lo the prisoner. Tho i r‘it*ng the tables w:th beautiful Sakes, flower« The roads generally are nnt*l«'arlV so bad as r »quest made by the attorneys was not made etc. By hal f past twelve a good I v number of run a hack to and from the train every morn- we huf Gopher valley, consisting For further pa; «icular* apply mW. II. Bing- ni -e large h «:n. tender loin u spare ribs — Debtte- Question: •• Riwdvcd. That it is for is u private enterprise of Mr. Orvil Slewart.— Nothing Sliortof Unuiistukuble Rene« fits hrtm our ageht at McMinnville, nr at the Mill tho best interests of this country that Ex- Oh, that we had more such Stewarts. M’- c I ihc kindness is duly appreciated. lie FROM 25 CO. UPWARDS, ; has our hunks fur tho substanth. l gilt. Presidents be made Unit»-«! States 8?n it.<»r< at of NASH & IT EM STOCK The belfry that is in course of construction Conferred upon ten« of thousands of sufferer« fer^e, tor file.” «flinnutive, A M Hurley oh the Academy will be about twenty feet pouhi originate and mainU 1 thq reputation McMinnville. Or.. Aj.ril 29. 1880-13rf. I Tues< ay ihorning the steamur O4to was de and J J Spencer; negative, W D Fenton and high. which Ayer s Sarsaparilla c. , ys. It is a com­ /laved I •«» hours at Dayton by d."1! iw < mh I which E C Brnbshaw. Prof. —------ has a class of fifteen pupils in hud hi in the Yamhill nrftjr'Ds mouth. Af- Reitdin?«...... pound ol the beat vegntal a «llcrativej, with _____ ___- ..Addiaoti Starr book-keeping here, and is said to M g vbig ex- a/ihlticultv, attended 4i ;» sWipit dam ter mil Essay —C Sibject: PulitenvH .Mrs Irene f i Cslbrealb ,a i urea m w ilie Iodides of Putasaiuut und Iron, and i« tha wheel, -Lhe boat iv^.oved enough 1 Reading...... to Ktti- «»/*!.• seti« fact io*» 3 ......... most effectual of AV? <9.’Z ’ 2 / Cft ’F.n 'íTX'.-J.iMJ’, 1 • ______ _ l t-ajairNeu. . Hrrn-Dtvrt -wr-- u d I ir ,\iu V den il- uricr < fHtie fb Tear s nignt. Ine preeêêdi öl which ate — tu — bel The above was reeoiv.'d at tho Courier • cessful and certain in roihedfn! If >u Waul good plmfo Work, or a picture used in paving tho expenses ol buikling the I ' bn fcniai r Want to order frames, met«, picture too late for insertion in that paper. tar J ;|id, produces rapid and complete cures c' d, or bollry. I Æ.*35?TKÇ’ 8ores, Boils, Humors, P inpk-. ur .--------- ------ »i cord , or anything efee in that line, just call in rr. . ; A Mr. Busbee has started a tin shop in town. Diseases, and ai! disorder«arisi at th" Palace Gallerv, McMinnville, and the In IVIcmory of Martba J Gonnin^. We think he is likely to do well. of the blood. By its invignru opeialor will forward the sntfie to the propri­ Here within 1 his chamber lonely Our «cho /l district pay« flrst claw wages for ways relieves ami often euiou hivu. etor. Mr. Davidson, at Portland, who will see Sa I aii'l morniiii watch wo k«*opi all work it has done—three dollars a day.— Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and is a I that your want« are pH»perly (applied. Whfenered worn* are spoken only Think of it taxpayers, and weep. potent renewer of vitality. For purifying tho Al! too Ion I we may not sneak. » ■ On and after this datb the mails will close ® 3M33 ffi 9 PUFF STUFF. blood it lias no equal. It tones up the system, Softly <»’«:• the floor wo trea I north and south at 11 n. m. Sheridan and As we watch beside the dead. restores and preserves the health, and imparts Grand Ronde closes at 12:30 p. m. vigor and energy. For forty years it has been FR OM 75 Co. UP B'A R DS, For within her crfftlrt. lowly, I). II TURNER, P. M. in extensive use, and is to-day the most avail­ Whl’e hands folded o’er her breast, McMinnville, Sept 27, 1880. able medicine for the suffering «ick, anywliere. Looking like a seraph holy 1.« our love I one lai I tit rest. For sale by all dealers. Hodge, Davis & Ce.,- All her earthly pain* are pusr, Portland, wholesale agents. December 0, 1880. Xiiarary jj liertainm^nt. Rest and pt'ace urc her« at lust. FIFTY CENTS, Copious shower« have cleared the ground of The Library Union will depart somewhat On the mhrrow they will hear her «now, which was several inches deep fest Sun­ Wo Challenge the World. To the siient narrow grave. from its regular programme next Tuesday eve­ And tlie c<»)ent last Sabbath in McMinnville, He de­ or Back lame use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Our schAol, under the management of Prof. the d«M»r. Upon this payment each fierson will livered his“ Patriotic Lecture»*’ on Saturday Skidmore, ably assisted by Chas. Hill, is pro­ The Celebrated Hercule« Boot Only receive a numbered ticket, which entitles tho and Monday evenings and a temperance lec­ gressing finery. August Flower. holder to a draft on tho stock of notions that ture on Sunday evening. The Col. i« a fluent $5 00, Preparations are being made for a concert The immense sale and great popularity o are being prepared for the occasion, and re­ ceive the article that corresponds with the shaker and generally tulks quite pointedly and and Christmas tree for the Sabbath School Green's August Flower in «11 towns and vil­ number of the ticket. We be.qwak for lheai-l decisively. His •’ Patriotic Lectures” pertain here. lages in the civilized world has caused many ’ j lair a g«»od wholesome patronage by our citi- principally to the South—its resources, advant­ Prof. Johnson, formerly of Forest Grove, de imitator« to adopt similar names, expecting to ! zens. ItsexueiiNe will liurdly bo felt by ind:- AND ages and future gra* d pros|»ect«. That is the livered a course of thiee lecture« here fest week 1 vidua I-who attend, yet in the augregute the land of his birth and tor its eiinnv breadths hr reap a harvest for themselves at the expense of Overalls, from 50 Cents Upwards little ten cent pier**« may be made to swell tlie exhibits F’ u » i o il i h ts-s great affection. There walnut hi ng in upon the Chinese, both ancient and modern* the afil.cted. This Medicine was introduced in | pro«*ecds to a good, substantial sum. for the b*ii- his discourse to oifend anvb-'dy. fl was a plain, from a scientific standpoint, using chuna and Caps, from 50 Cents Upwards, I8fl8, and for the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver ■••fitof u worthy institution which all agree substantial il ustralion of fads as they exist, TO THE s’ereoptic view« tn illustrate his supject. Ow­ with their effects, such as 8our Huts, from 75 Cents Upwards shouid be sustain«*d a»'d built up in our midst well l<>ld and worthy the consideration ol ev­ ing to the extremely bud weather the attend­ Complaint, Sloma’h, Sick Headache. Indigestion, Palpi­ erybody . ance was small, tint those w|-o were present tation of the Heart, Vertigo, etc., etc.,ti nener Punts, from $2 00 Upwardsf A Bad Change. expressed themselves as highly pleased. has failed to our knowledge. Three doses will Where you will find the best assortment of relieve any case of Dyspejisia. Two million The road has been fenced upon that section Good Pictures. Only alrout fifteen or twenty thousand bush­ la»tties «old last year. Price 75 cents. Sam­ Photographs of the group« of Fireman, the els of wheat is left in tho wurehoiwe here, all between Mr«. Ford’s farm and the depot, and .WJE.V ’.V, ples 10 cents. $15 00 rPIFzLKPS. the rest having been sold aud shi| p d. Band d al, have been finished and exhibited. - travel is now driven out into a stubble field Green’s Atlas and Diary Almanac, the moat OVERCOATS, from $19 0) Up where the mud is about half hub deep, al­ We were surprised ut the distinctness with We have a new saloon in lowu. Messrs. expensive tree Almanac ever published, sent free ou receipt on receipt of two cent stamp. 8|>ring A Co. are proprietors. which cadi individual of the groupe is shown, IIe*«vy Canton Fannel Rhirte and ready, and what it will be liefore spring can AND G. G. GREEN, Owing tn tho heavy rain all trains on the Druwrri, from 60 Cent« upwards, easily be i magi net!. That piece of road now together with the instrumenta, apparatus and Woodbury, N. J., U. S. A. The pic­ Narrow Gauge were suspended tn-ecis tn soend Also a full line of of that little morsel of pleasure now. Qie winter. SP1ZER. The teacher of the Plea«nnt Hill;, Shaker Socks, fire pairs for $1 00 'defrauded We understand that the survey lor this change Lane county, achool was fined $5 anil- GEN T'S UND ER W A R E ▲musing was made away last spring, and the new route coatH. for ptiniahing one of bin scholar« BusineM 2 should have been .improved instead of turning It amuses ¿is to have a man come to us and At Bed-Rock Prices. We must have the money that is due us im­ too severely. In addition le this we also keep a fine assort­ us out into a raw wheat field all nt ooi*e, to say : “ I guess you’d better stop my j»a|er; I wallow through the soil gmtind all winter.— Te Arrive Fi Nteamere, ment of mediately, or quit business, and rest assured D. H. Ved• Fl«»ur, |»er barrel .................. the only case rej»orted in town for several There will lie an examination tor the benefit Oats, per bushel................... . 371M.40 weeks. At Belwviie the disease appeared AND »(q,t L axd Orric« at O rkcov C itv , O r ., I »•»me days since. A little scare reeulltd, which of those desiring Peachei’s Certificates, held Dried Apples, |»«r imund..., November 25, 1880. f Phu 1», |»er |»ouna .............. 10(412 Worsted Jackets and items too numers to men­ bn>ke up the «-h«w»l al that place, for a week or al McMinnville, Oregon, Dec. 24ih and 25th. Bran, |>or u»n..... .................. (iÿU -10 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT G. two. No new cases are reported from there,, L H. BAKER, Couniv bupl. tion. Ground Feed, per ton.......... (<$32 50 W. Jones, w I i >- m poauulire address is Mc­ Which wc will « p !1 at very low flmree. however. Potetoca, per bushel.......... 4. (<,50 Minnville, Yamhill county. Oregon, has under Call and examine our hefore pnrrhaa- L ater . -We learn that two children of Mrs. Service« at the Chriaciaa Church. (0,2 Onions, per pound .............. the provisions of the act of congress approved We have a full stork of, and purpose not to be ing rlaewher«* and you will ravp money by it. Ella Miller are down with diphtheria and that 12(313 June 3, 1878, entitled an act for the sale of Rev. Biuce Wolvemu will piea« h in the Bjcon Suh*», per |Niun«i....... Rp«|»*Tttiilly Ymira. indcrsoM for equal quality of g«*ods. 13(4,15 Hum, )»vr puind .................. timber lands in California, Oregon, Nevada one of them is seriously sick, having suffered a Christ mu enurvh al this place on Friday and wild Washington Territory, made application 8(<$» relapse, after getting nearly recovered from its Saturday evenings, al 7 o'duck, and on Sunday Nhoiihlers. per pound........... Lard, jier p»und ................. to purchase ihe North half of the North-West @12 Pro Bono first attack. murili ng at II o'clock. McMinnville and Sheridan. • Butter, per pound.............. quarter ot Section 10, in Township three, South @25 aeh we Want! of Range «ixWeat, Will. Mer. I Egg*, prr dozen..................... 3« Cash we vf net Have! Marned. Hides, dry flint, |>er |M»un«l Ail adverse claims must be filed in th« Land Collar Bone Brvsvo. @1» Blillinery. And as an induremrnt for cash trade rff.«r ex Office at Oregon City, Oregon, before the expi­ ö* Such was th* mjnry received by the baby Al lh- remd-ne. of Mr. Jmne. FMcber, by Hide,, ir. en, per pound..., We teke pl»MSure in infnrmint the publie nf •x inducements in discHinta »»n cash pnrrhaaea ration ot sixty days or at any time during th«, 4@o4y. G ;' c me a call. II M. DANIEL. JU I VERY , AND 'FEED SALE STABLE ! W.C. HENDERSON, P’r, J^EEPS CONSTANTLY ON ÏÏ.LND IIACK% BIGGIE«, SADDLE HORSESAC. Plenty of 8fable Room and the best ef Feed. Transient Stock will be well taken care of. N. B. Plenty of horses are kept in this Stable, But don’t you ride unless you arc able; And when you do ride, neglect, not to pay. For Trust will notbuv either oat3 enrn orbav. (ASWELL &L WILLIS H»ve-ju£t openeed out a And keep constantly on hand the Finest Brands OF Liquors and Cigars, The Celebrated Thrible A Whiskey, the FINEST IN WHISKEY THE STATE Whiskey’s, French Brandies. Sherry. Port. yift^ret, and all other kinds of Wines, Gin, En- '¿'o.-Xi Ales, Beer and Porter, BITTERS OF EVERY KIND, And the Best. WILLIAM HOLL, WATCH & MAKER, PRACTICAL WORKER AND REPAIRER nr CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY OPPOSITE All work done in a nmper manrw and « guarantee given. ko-3m Gnofi O jt Drirrr Wanted ox driver is wanted at A nncin R.4»rf«,n'« Saw Mill. A »n~1 h«n4 r •hr barine« ran e*r rra>d and par war. an’^d. Apple at this offer a*a. lb. mdl 'lb. «Id Moor, m'iin of W D ROBERTSON. N ot 8, 1880-AOtf. Ladies HoseÆag g © fe» E-» M A c3 G ■„HISSES, « « » © a A <1 « M ÜJ .¡ nd C hildren ’ s SHERIDAN. Andies’ IIubber Overshoes, X’S RVBBFR BOOTS; Men's Fine Kip Doots. UPWARDS, RALLY RALLY Republic axis, Democrats, Men s Fine Call* Boots, $5 BRICK STORE ! lCOUTH’S, nOY^S CLOTHIJTG, Boots and Shoes, EADIE’S CLOAKS, City and country dealers an ppi ed at Portland prices. Yon will always find The Boy« in the new Brick Building on Third street, 4tf. SHOP ON THIRD STREET, Hartman Bme.’ Brick g g MEN’’S FINE SUITS, 2Tew Liquor Store, 7 I." GROCERIES, CIGARS AXD TOBACCO. II1IID WARE, CI'TLERY, JEWELRY. Timber Land Notice. LADIE’R UNDERWEAR, MILLINERY QOQDS, « R< > 37yl. F. B.’i given her tod the little girl it doing Basely. L. BETTM AN. Mitebell A Warrom. 43wl« L. T KARIN, Ragfefer