YAMHILL COUNTY REPORTER TAKE NOTICE!! «4.30 PER ANMVM Mc WIN N VILLE, OKEGOV FRIDAY, APRIL 43, 1*79 TEX CENTS A COPV. TAIATIOX TI RANNT. PF.B1TE <>v TilK AKMl API'ItO- CAI.H-'MIMIA ANfc» HEB CONBTITIM ir to Ni I'BU'rlOV HI 1.1.. I NOTES AN» NE IV S. Great «inali ! ¥»B FSBTIVS MAT WAT! * Come, t-el uo be Joyful To It m v 1« a m r of si , ri«e to | A colony of 200 Swiss people has We give below |«ortiou* of tlie Speecli California's new Constitution, just lamieu at New York, en route lor Cali­ - >tne ' r people to ¡earn that “tax- gether! f-n and lyianny" have been ’iaed as of Senator Blaineon the Army Appro­ hatched out, seems to suit her just fornia. Terms of Subscription for the R eporter and ' o vmoiis terms. Although we as j priation Bill, delivered in the Senate about as a brood of young ducks suits Arms and improved rifle* are lieing C ourier combined, are re follows : TilK EAGLE BASE BALL Cl.Ulf 7 ciis of the most liberty-loving; on the 14th. inst., ami from a love of an old hen. Our m ighbors can't tell siiippe I at New York to South Africa Tll.lliE roil 1879, the principle found in tlie olii maxim, anything good alirut their constitu­ for tlie Zulus. Per Year, lx A dvance ....$2 30 - try anti government in tbe world Audi alteram partem, we also give the Of McMinnville, will furnish the opportunity — AT— tion, but, on the contrary, tlie press Belgium is considering tlie advisa­ in a. .ve too much “ taxation,” we can­ •4 U At end of 3 months.. 2 60 speech of Senator Withers in reply. without exception so far as we have bility of u custom* union with Fram e, 't c i.v that we are overburdened with (< Ci iu opposition to Biiinark's new pro ­ Atend of 6 months.. 2 7.' Both of these speeches are worthy of means to observe, is a unit iu de­ BROS., GRAND BALL, AT MOHAWK HALL , y,” except that which we in- 44 careful perusal, and slioW how tile nouncement of it. We quote briefly a jective system. At end of Year.......... 3 O' öii the evsningf of i iij on ourselves by our evil pas- It is estimated that the amount of matter is viewed from both |>olitieal few expressions I -i. ns and extravagant habits. capital invested in all lhe railroads in SALEM, OUEGOV aland points. A learned man named Giugla Sten- Nearly every article of tlie proposed in the world is about sixteeu thousand Hlalne's Speech. new Constflution, if adopted, will se­ million dollars. i«- We shall toon send statement» to all na, in tlie beginning of tlie last centu­ He laid he held in bis h «nd an ubstrset of all riously ate-ct and undo nil bram-hes of Hundreds of Chinese landing at upon whom this table of figures has any beur- ry, published a dictionary in the Tus­ the lro..)H of the United Suites east of Omaha, business in Ilia Stale.— Pacijln Appeal. Sparing no attention, and leaving nothing un­ One of nur Firm now being in San Francisco, done that will contribute to the enjoyment and San Fram-isco on the arrival of every ing, and in the meantime it any of them cannot can tongue, wherein lie used the words iccluding the States bordering on the Mississippi we are happy tn inform all our Customers (hat It breaks down the public school comfort of all participants. comprehend the object of it let them call at “Grand Duke” and “tyranny” as river on the west, embracing a territory popu­ system, l>y destroying the efficacy of steamer from China. One stswiner our goods »re now arriving on every »learner. Prof. Henry ami his excellent u moosic ” will lated by 41,000,000 at least 01 the 45 1100,000 I brought about 600 last week. oat nig bought Having uougna the me same aiime at al unprecedented iiii|>rewiruiru low ti»w this office and we thiuk we can give them a synonymous. This lexicographer had sup|>«ed to be in this country tnolay. By this the teacher*, by abolishing uillformi- be there, and de|»end upon it there will be good, It is rumored that Queen Victoria Bgur« on a« ..... nt of stagnaii.ai in busme-s ami wholesome, respectable recreation for all at­ be showed that n :t!l this gre.a t-rri- | ty in texljuioks, ami making ail im­ plain understanding of the subject. lhe mortification to see liis work sup­ statement tory only 2,877 soldiers are stationed. Within passable gulf between llie higher lias expressed si rung «lea ire l<> vi.it heavy failures I here, n mi cun give our Patrons tendants. At any rate, don’t come at the end of pressed and publicly burned. He un­ this domain forty live fortiiii-ations are manned i schools and the University.— Record Canada, and that it is likely »be will the benefit thereof. As we are only buying Ibr So now, come and be gav, cash in hand, can hold out better inducements t)-j t.n Me. .y Day—or words t<» that effect. do so tlie coming sutuiuer. three or six months or a year, and expect to doubtedly had his patience taxed by end eleven arsenals protected. To every mil­ i Union. e than most any house in the Country, as well as C ommittee . lion of people there are about sixty soldiers. aotlle your aubecription at the rate of $2 50 a such a demonstration of tyranny. At ___ ____ _____ » i to ’» i tmeiness, ’unjnrw,< Cana«llai) readers hive to pay flv® in Portland. We are already iu receipt of a Lawyers have __ an - eye The honorable _____ Senator from ______ Iieluware was year. The whya and whe-efores it is unneces­ a still prior time, a Roman Senator alarmed about the ©verriding v levied a tax on salt, aud tie received ballot by troops ■( the United State«, but there | a new C«ibgtitution, ami such a one, magazines. Tli«-lr DONEATIC AWD FA.XCY I-IOB", is not a single FederalauJiher in Delaware. Tbe ; rise to many biller complaints, tlie till* of “Salinator” instead of honorable Senator fro n West Virginia (Here I the profesHor» will have a fuller thiii/r Lixrabor than they had in the gloriou* day oil T) , e N Y . Heraldis very hostile to- Senator. Though Illis tax provided ford) haken of his slate being trodden by Spanish grants ami the UMite«j States wanjg t|ie movement to nominate RUSSI AIM HHUTALITIEN, OOOIVSS 9 AND the iron heel of h military despotism, but there | an army and gained an im|xirtant vic­ is not a solitary man iu United Stales uniform | Land Commission oun Fruncitsco Qrant, ami thinks there is nothing in One of the heaviest charges made tory, he received only tlie execrations 1 on . Mll(j excitement will die lhe soil of West Virginia. In the entire Merchant __________________________ 1 Sash and Boor Factor} AND NOTIONS, against the Russian official adminis­ of the people. In the lime of Henry South, said Mr. Blaine, there ure 1,155 soldiers Tlie new Constitution professes to l»e away. LOCATED AT tx> intimidate, overrun, oppress and destroy the tration, by tbe Nihilists, was that of I, of England, his subjects protested the friend of the laborer, while at the I On the 19th inst , a bridge on the —AND — liberties of 15,000,000 <»f |a«ople in 1,023 e« un- brutal treatment o* prisoners, in con­ against taxation in any form. To ' ties, er not quite one soldier to each county; same lime It is increasing ins bunlens, Hannibal ami St. Joseph Riilroad IN >rojjfoi» sequence of which many died, some them taxation was tyranny, no mat­ one soldier u»about700 wpiarv miles ol territory. and rendering work tH<>re difficult to took fire from some unknown cause. HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS, There was an old saying, he continued, that he obtainei by its idiotic restrletions A t'aiii of fourteen cars dashed mt lo were driven mad, and the health of ter in what form, nor how it WAS col­ there were siwthsayers in Rome who could not upon iiiduitri«»iis pur-uir«. A’l kind» nf Lumber H.i-li and Doorn, Mould —xuo— It will if. and Were all burned. Ings, Br.iukets, tie. made to older at the h»llow- the most of them destroyed. This lected. look each other in the face without smiling, and shut dowimll improvements ami st«»p An American h«»rse, Parole, was the Cento’ and ISoyC Clothing, ing pries. : no two Democratic Senators on the floor can go m H extrmltd operations which would Was one of the chief causes of the for- Per W. Edward IV, who deposed Henry VI, into the cloak-r«M>m an«i look <‘ach other in tlie give employment to thousands of favoriie nt 1 ne Epsom r.ice«, England, Flooring—dre-»er elsewhere. It is simply to se lf and lis family. It will deprive' They •• “ two eideH «Ires-ea. W Carpets, and Oil Cloth, him of hit lioniB ami leave him in Texas. . They «... .................... can’ - t bear it. If you • ’¡'«iiigH. dr» H-ed « n four sides.......... .. 22 cities have been perpetrated. The ac­ plcnished by an iniquitous system of r get rid ot federal supervision at the elections, to want, ileiierHti*»n ami ruin.— S. P. swear in the presetic * <»f a lady, . , J on lb u H him her........................................ 7 00 get rid ot the civil power of the United States ll’indow hhadeo, counts of them fill the reader witli “benevolence," “aids,” and “purvey- hi the election of Representatives to Congress. Commercial. Advocate. To !il»ovi' prie- n add for delivrri’g to McM. 6 00 are fined $40. hut if > oil kill two or and it’s rather a novel Par'ie» " 'Ahing 'un ber will le »ve orders at early in ml, ¿feWMrHmUUP...P.L K¡««J etc., ( I'irle llume). All these ; We are told, said Blaine, unree I'ixlitrei, etc. Tliat pLcious bantling, the new three 1m.11, you are a “good fellow.” the S»sh X- D».'«r I'actorv. nt '* rMiunriHe. to lhe bills ns of­ sysWil«B *«ere suiems n.r tne meanest , '....... «’ * • *’ - 4 ■ mind to revert to the horrors of An­ The N. Y Sun (D*m.) rate« the fered, we are not to have ap|»r<»priations That I Dnnr trifid-ir. wrfi Moti’dings SO/.D AT ami most aboniinsble extortions, and I has been announced in both branches o’’ con­ loW Democrats soundly for electing Burch dersonville or Libby. It appears that POH T!.AM) PHICErt it is not to be wondered tliat the down­ gress. He suppised, on the authority of lhe lite .S^treiary, mid Bright S« rg *ant- All Doors and Windows deliver1 d n» McMinn" a large number of these |sditieal of- Democratic caucus, that not merely the army at Aim« of lhe Semite, and xays the ville. 7-22tf fenders had been made prisoners at trodden people of England at last rose appropriations—they did nolslop there—but all bu-iness was a blunder and a scamial. in their I ml ignation ami passed laws i the executive functions of the Government are SPEC!IL N»T1CE. KietT, most of them being students. MTEttLINU lì. A. <'.. IL I» The N. Y. Wt>r.'d (Detn )8»>8that if which required tlie consent of their taken by the throat in highwayniHU style, and They resolved to construct a tunnel , comiiiantled to stand and deliver, in the name Rpgtilar meeting'*, Siitunluv cvruing After th« Tilden he nominaied for the Presi­ To our Farmer Fr:e»uli*n. in month. Sojourning com­ dency. it w »uld cert «inly re«r-»m ni«*m| Any one wishing U» buy goods inquuniii v>. we under the walls of their prison in or­ taxation valid. an eloquent man, who had frankness, i, who nau courage, iranKnesa, ........• . ....... panions cordially wvleometl. IL P. not only its Rep 1 •»|i«s sti tint it-* D ‘ ii >- sill give y«»u all inducement:* l«> buy them der to escape, but one of the conspira­ and many good c, qualities, ______________ bouala publicly . that twkex liol«|of lhe lilt It* all of lhe »mall .MHf. Now all reasonable people regard the Democrats are in pjwer for the first time in hl»al«*rs, til* Mmi 11 farmer, lit»* artixMn, cratic readers «0 refrain fr »111 v«»tiug. right here, in piare <»l I* >r laud. A« the coun­ tors, or prisoners, betrayed the secret taxation as one of the is II tixle-l with priiiied cUalogHM g-»f.h*n up chief necessi- eighteen years, and that they do not intend I the im*< hanic, ail I all enterprixes and A can fui canvas« of the D *mo tr »tic try to the authorities. The latter neither ties of a stable government, bv Portland Holers, we will give yell tliejp-n««- To do to slop until they have wi|>ed out every ves­ all workii|*rmen. Death and dexlrue side of lhe Peiimy l\ania »»gislaiuie tit ol lh«*ir prim ing the same. S • bring litem said nor did anything, allowing the away with taxation is to do away with tige ol the Republican war measures. Fore« tion are <*tfta:n to all ro-operil’ive »«- reveal« Hie fart mat oil’ of venty I al«»ng aitd cjiiute their prices. Dr. J. COOPER warned is forearmed. And the Democrats be­ xociat’ons, to all hiixine«« Brins, ami six Deni'irrais, seventy at*«* riiihnsia - excavation to proceed as If they were government. We have towatcli how­ gan The f.i<-ilities we have for getting from tl’i'l v'«i the« ve al I'laees mertior.eil bs!,w. pro|M»rly on a measure signed by Abraham <1 ri ig t ie y- ar 1 -’a. a- folio.« a 11 lo axxociated capital, in all and every ticallv in favor o ’ the mmiiiiatioo of the East wild ri.m Francine*», we are eiiibled to not aware of what was lieing done, ever that there lie a limitation upon Lincoln. The picture was a striking one, and Branch of bitsttiexx, from the least to Tilden and Hendricks. hold out even better in lucerne nt« th in therein but diligently on the lookout al! the the power of taxation in order to pro­ the strange time had come when men fresh the larvexi and most important. — The i ' i* < ¡ n 1 B 1 Ï 1 Ï ?! ? : 7 off-red, no matter wh.it they publish in their from the battle-field *>f rebellion took their seats 1 Two well-known streets in P«ris, So-ralle«i catalogues. and liesidv« will not give ' "i ■< ' i ' 1 « ¡ - 5 1 3 time. When the tunnel was com­ tect ourselves from spoliation. The here ami propt^ed to rejieal laws enacted while Semi-Tropic. thu Rue Saini Arnaud an! the Rue you Hiietioii trash nor second handed goo Is, TOWNS. • 1 : : j : 1 : | * ■ s ? S s pleted, the prisoners, hopeful in tlie late famine in Egypt was chiefly caus­ they were trying to destroy the Union. Verv : 1 : 1 : I : 1 4 The title, of popular opinion is x**t- I Ahlntiurci are to be Americanize 1 in but all reliable as usual. appropriately, a Coiigre-s controlled by the : 1 1 1 prospect of freedom, entered the tun- ed by excessive taxation. ........... . They s»re lo he known in fu­ Beyond .South soys to the President—that he shall not iing against lhe proposed (.’»»nstit til inn 1 ! name, |I •> ji 1 ¡ 1 2»| S. Ya in Ii ill 3 21 in «lire<*l propurtimi t-> the ronsnlrra titre ll« a« the tlie Rue Limoln IJioolli and Rue Hel one by one, intending to come up certain bounds taxation doe* become exercise his power to vela» a bill. They ask it WJ iaSANWfiAT WS SAT! 1 8 n es » 27 1 MuMiniiv’l io 28 W 11-> through the opening at the oilier end, tyranny, either in an excess of tax, we call it revolutionary, continued Blame, to tion and study that 1.« devot«*«l to it hv | Wabhingloii r« Xpertive 15*. 1 Sheri Inn.. 17 As it is read put amendments on an appropriation bill. Of the people of Die State. China annually itnoort« noftnn ! 3 : 22 which was away outside of the pre­ or a harsh or malevolent manner of course not. There have been n great many him I pondered over, so many glaring 5 23 : 4 ' 28 Amity .... 24 Conte in And he convinced, nn-l save by it goods I«» the amoimt of OOOJMKI ; 1 l«l»» 12 30 1 |I1 1 29 • Lafayette. 31 . amendments put u|»on such bill.- - — some mis- I errors areJp» he found in it — so much cincts of tlte prison. Here they were ' collecting Railroad, Stenmhout and Hotel billsat Portland _ It. Of tlie nations -------- called -------- chievous, some harmless. But I call it woolen good.«, $7,000 (MM) ; oietal.«, $4.- ciieap (dtqTtrap to induce the people To r' ii ai.« ia Ihj 1 I. uxb uainel U1I3 wee» met and mereileBBly allot down by aol. I civilized, Ruasia has the most tyran­ ESSSE1 TIAN »R on . to vote for ii — so many provisions 500,000; and sti^ar, timber and raw THE AUDACITY OF REVOLUTION ! e.idi v¡Mil. 3tf. dier* who had been stationed thertJnical mode of collecting taxes; the cotton, $105,000,000. Her import and Il-ni2. tor uny Senator or Representative, or any can- | that operate «lirertly contrary to the export trade ammi'its to $200.000.000, for that pur|K»e. __ _____ _ people of that country being whipped eus of Senators or Represenlutlves, to ¿el to- pur|lose. ’ When the remain- intended— exchiding Hong Kong, from which • -• •* . • ’ ' ............ der of the prisoners heard tne nriiigli** nrmg 4—4 ____ • ................... .. ... g<«th»r % ■•••« »..«■» p.-. V..MV fir siop me tiepart incuts of Government. Inal iml lotellV *-“■» FOE. they began to retreat towaids tlie meet the demau«Is of the person who is revolutionary. I don’t think that it will I m * coming to On tlie 13th ¡list., two bomhs Were a revolution. It will Ln* a revolution that will the conclusion that they do not Wahi thrown Inti» a i-liiin-b .luring ttie de­ prison, but by tliia time oilier soldiers ” farms” the taxes for the districts. not revolve. It won’t work. Il is a revolution bad been sent into tlie building, so We live in glorious immunity from if |>ersi.-Lei| in, ami it not |>ersisted in it may I m * it. There i« now but litth* prospect votions, In Si Ville. Il whs sii|ipnsi..| •v tliat it will he adopted. The «dialires that soldiers guarded both end*. Tlie evils of tills kind, though we are a bucked out from ignominiously, and later this in ilx favor, we opine, wiil gradually to lie ill- work of roblmrs «Ito hoped Io steal the Valuable Kiiciamental will probably be the result. Blaine said, in prisoners were thus between two fires, heavily taxed people. Where you can In this tliev conclusion, that he did not know what the Pres­ «lecreaxe as «H.-cussion and consid* ra­ dlslti a during the panic. and the soldiers allot every one of tlie ident would do wnan the army bill was sent to tion of it proceeds, until the vote for wete foiled, though several persons The Commissioner of Agriculture is him, but unless lie vetoed the bill, the «lead it i« tak‘1»*, when it will he rejected by were injur, tl through lhe bursting of poor unfortunate wretches down. BIT MORE, AN» A BETTER ARTICI.) entitled to lhe thanks of itie farmers of ought to rise at. I cry out against such a surren­ no doubtful majority.—^4/amecZu Argus t lie bomba. These proceedings were tlie source of der. It seems to me thui the dead henæs of the And so on, ad infinitum. the country for having euffielent ‘‘back infinite merriment ami amusement to Union would rise from their graves if he should News from Collinsville, III., about For your money than in any other place in Yamhill County ! bone” to refuse to deliver over the seeds consent to be intimidated ami outruged in his the prison officials, ami when the news eleven miles fiotn Sr. Loul*, *avs (lint purchaxed for his department to Con­ proper constitutional power by threats like •i lenib!ec clone from lhe nortI ’ -west reached the authorities, (lie Director SÍTATE INIVEltSITV AP1M1I ITlS. gressmen for distribution. In reply these. All the war measures of Abraham Lin­ siruck the town nt a quarter to three of the prisou was very much praised coln are to be wipe«l out, sav leading Democrats. o’clock, on the Hili inst.,, mid, Inking I [Eugrno Giiur.l. April 9.] to an application of a member who The. Bourbons of France bused themselves, I and received a decoration for Ida a zigz tg course, with n general direc­ wished to use a quantity of these believe, after the Restoration, in removing every The apparatus for lhe State Univer ­ smartness and decision in dealing with tion ithrp’fet r<'fi-*M>rs plat e, demolishing 'en Buildings, rti- the outbreak. At CharkofT, where which they have usua'ly been devot­ raised to per|»etuate his glory, but lhe dead are eligagi <1 in unpacking and plai-ing : ¡ng about thirty other« and imi tging the student* broke out In o | m > ii rebel­ 0* WARE, PUMPS, GALVANIZED IRON AND ed, viz.: to make himself “solid'* with man’s hand, from St. Helena, reacluii out and it in |M>*iti«in. Tlie insti utneiils ne or two others were badly in­ part of thia matter Is that tlie.se items duty of ilie Commissioner so to dis­ stroy them. w Though dead, he8|«eaks.” When one haroineter ; one portable transit jured. pose of them that they shall not be creep into the Russian press, although diverted from the use for which they you present these bills, with these threats, to a with n tine-.inch ol jeet glass and T Ol> The daughters of ’he Into Horace Q it la closely watched, ami severely wer^designed. This duty can only be living President who bore tlie commission of feet fo.al length, with extra tripal Abraham Lincoln, ami who served with honor Greeley have Just reeved $4O(7M) from punished whenever anything deroga­ disc isrged by maintaining as far as in the army of the Union, which Lincoln re­ stand, iisiveiiieiits in attitude, gla s Cornelius Vand^rnht, who it appears S tory to the government is inserted. possible lite control of tlie distribu­ stored amt preserved, I can think only of one niicroineier, elc.; one sextant ; one Was a great favorite will» Greeley. guarantees none but the best material used. Go and see him before pur- tion ; or, in other words, t>y restrict­ response from his lips or his pen. astroiuiniical clocK of great beauty and When 4 oroeliiis was hard run for This circumstance serves to show how ing it to agricultural organisations appropriate pei'hclioii ; a small verier compass lie should sav to you. with all the scorn lie wide and how deep Niuillstlu intlu- and such individuals ms may be dis­ tilting his station, “ Is thv servant a dog, that with chilli pins and ranging poles money, lie went to Gr»»dey, who nl- These b.-triimeiits are of the iiinxi wavs furnished him with it. The ences are spread all over Russia, a ltd posed to make experiments in lurilier- he should do this thing?” finish Hhd work manship, and have '¡¡men say« that Mr. Greeley loaned the ance of tbe object of tlie department. iu all classes of tier people. Withcv-M itcply to Klttinc. bten sin jvc.led to tests ihat prove their money mainly in the belie.*’ that he, — — ------- l^O’ll N'roX’ES, Senator Withers said that th«« statement ot complete accuracy. Tlie co-t of this file commodore, would repay it ; hut It will be remembered that the The Jews ef the United Slates have the Senator from Maine, of so few soldiers tir­ class of a/pMiaiiis was$2,194 25. Aliun- he determine«! not io pay it. as a warn­ Gfeeubackera iu tlie present House of for a year past been inaugurating a ing touml in the Stat«*s cast of the Mississippi, daiit appirn'tus for the illilsi ration of ing to others not to lend money to tils was a futile attempt to divert attention from the Representatives promised to aid tlie scheme not yet finished, for an agri­ farts chemical change* and etfe-ts hav» wayward son. Af?er tliinking over lying at the foundation of our institutions. it, he set off in hl,h du«4«»re«aim*, whether there were soldiers enough to dominait* the lexl book. the Democrats were to allow Monday ply be making « —t.olesome return to and annlrol lhe elections, but whether, under tricity hive for their illu-trulioii all pulling and indignant, into his otn«*e In hi.« u-u «1 bhitt’, impetuous way. the seasioua for lhe introduction of bills, tlie life and work of their forefathers. »hr operation of the existing law?, it was not the iqqiar qiissih'e for the Executive to distribute and use in other word* to allow tlie introduc­ If we view tlie vast accomplishment* the eoldtery so as to destroy the freedom of elec I lie iii«|uirer a km»wl*-«tge of iie. -v si­ d»r«iaii«»k- tion of Gieenback measures. Demo­ of this race of people in other direc­ lion. Ths .Senator from Maine staled that the branc-lie*of naiural philospliy provis-i ¡iug up «| lickly an I t’hni aln! »■+t in­ issue which the Democrats made was false, crat* however broke faith with tlie tions, we may be prepared t>> see tliein slanderous ion has been mad«- by ««curing the nr* ! stantly re-um ng hl* Work, replied in and scandalum ........ Without pausing ti.-le* necessary to illustrate tiiose law s nvi Iliis u-ual drawling way, “ Yes, com­ Greenbackers by adjourning over work Just as great wonders in till, to criticise me pvutu.. .. li««*».-7 ii mil mil > v r ..., TH« viitir© Senator hac issue WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY (ey,” “ You have, eh?” I>lurt'e«l in the tatter were indignant, and managed ject of colonisation is still under con- at all, when they pn>p>sed to repeal a law al­ $5,000. The Stale Uiiiverni^y now <»f !c<>intnndure, “\«ui have—well, I want matters so that wlien Haturday tlie sideration and the movement had its lowing lr»o|is to tie used in ek*clions, guided fu»s a«lvant»ge8 lo btudenis that no I you la understand that I ain’t .reap »n- only by their commander. Il was no false issue other liistituiion of the kjod in Ore­ islhle f«»r it, ami i «han’t pav y Zacent 12th inst. came, the House was ad­ first impulse at Cincinnati. to say that there could I m * no free election in the gon pi Mvs«» 8. Willi a Competent <»f it ” Mr Greeley ran hi« Itnc'««- journed to Monday morning, thus glv- present*« of troop, and that thev had no right corp- of teachers devoted t«» their up on his brows, stoppe«l wr: T h r a lo*say how men should vote. The preset vat ion work, i-K them a chanc* to Introduce their apparatus MUffii ’ ient fo ; II " Every person may freely speak, of pace At the polls should be loft to , moment, and in ruing a full l ^> ii the tnaietial iihtsl rat ion.«, it will hv«*ome, measures. Eleven of the Democratic write and publish ids sentiments on coinimslore, fairly yelletl > You THE CONTROL OT THE STATE, OF WORKMEN, ax if «It serve« to l»e, tile renter of the UO’lt, eli? Writ, who'll“» party refused to accede to the bargain all subjects, being reepontible for lite where the Constitution left it. The pointe made I e« I uca I i«-i in I interext* of Oregon, | you to p»y it? I dull»’? ..,ul ?” iu the first Instance, and these eleveu abuse of that right." The foregoing by the Senator from Memo were simply on a Using nothing but Greeley oeilion that the President i ii-M-l l.'t«s improved Warhiner* and much more sincere in his Greenback •‘responsible’’ portion of the above should not exercise his Constitutional power tc tween (he British slid the Z»»lil«. A»» over will» fuev, Steimel »mt of (lie «»f- I he Vtry Bent oí delected Timber, srmv of 11.000 Zulus atfHnailiility. of revolution,** but how could this la*, when blit thev were remil.a-d nn l ptirsu* «1 as go al terin^as they had previously An.l I., « THOROUGH KSOWLKP«iK ..f itw l.n.ine », w« have justly earned th. reputal e, make* It extremely doubtful or Im- the bill simply promised to make appropriai ions with heavy loaa, 470 h hig kille tietter illiMrati<>u muM be Iwwl of thia ftirt » than lb»* iiametist* sale ulr*«ady attaiueii l»y the We Hereby Warrant ti»«* fish iikcn . wa <»ON no -------- m lw well |Million of the President. He should not at­ they |«»ai Rhotit 2 500. Tlie Zulus nre great Throat ami Lutu I¿‘»ini|y, Dr. Au<. rata. They are outnumbered, and the tempt to take away a fmrticle of (he spinal mar­ iu;« le in i-v-rv |».r -cutar mid •! g»**>n«*bial Affe**iivu* it »•■* truly womfermlf BriliMh'holtlier. •equ elice ef the offer of a ayndieal* tc of his pen, than they can do by all the the Senator from Maine. He wouhi not inter­ ol t - m I c . free o( «>har^. «*r 'he pro* of «aid n»por<. a- |S»r age .’• pr:r»»krn ««r defective («arts as evidence. spinal curd. patients have ti*nn l, t«» their del'ghrt/ inn only Mr. Newsom, the a««e««or of W*»-n bond«, and $«1,000,000 of refunding Titua Flail, 1 reHrf but « i be . It tei tig jerteetlv harmless ! , Idwiu H. Sials. certlllcatM, tbe late circular offering Mr. H. II. Gllfry ha* I>**n appoint­ - The War Department la now ready county, r ports that the |o«s ofcstile makes it at om*e popular with mothers, who of in the Bridge creek district will i-e bond« for nie has been rescinded. The ed to take the place of Henry R Kin* to place duratile headstone* at th«- un­ not far short of ton per ont. The all ixliers have fell the fMMfwity of sneh a Rncine, Wis . Jan, 1878, ) j Inn. V. Hurviua. I A eenmereial «irei** In N. Y. City are e.M, who waa ao many yrara in 8at< marked graved of all soldiers of the sheep OTe no l.adly affiiete«! with scab, medicine. The genuine bears lhe Prussian , Gattaf Arms, the lac stmife signature ut Dr. we ran suit you. we •»licit patmn* ge fr m every W ion «»t the United State» Jubilant over the succeaeful diapoeal retary Gorham'« office, in the Senate. army, no matter win-re they are. Per- ami a'great shrinkage In value of Ang. Kaiser, ami has his name btawn on every Setrd Knowing rt*r Prices sad Tertns, aud for a cop/ oi our AGRICL LTl RAL PAPER to Mins knowing the localhm of suelt of the 4 per cent*, and there is a buoy- I Thua the game goes on between the should send such knowledge to ibe flock« and h«w.I«, that the naness 75 cent botile. A Inal sm may be nad al the fflent iliowi a falling off In this brauch Drug Store of R. H. Tedd i aucy In trade not felt for years before. 1 " euta” and the “ion.” iHearvtary of War, Washington, D. C. 1 of busineM. ¥■«■ BROM Ar < O Racin'*, Wte j tor »5 «int* *4'-8 SPRING & SUMMER BREYMAN The above will be strictly observeu Thursday, May 1st, 1879, 0. H. ADAMS & Co s Mills WLEWDAR" OF ’ DEiffr$TRY. £ z â I IV HI-I r THE > Fann, Freight & Spring W agoxs , BEST ! FISH BROS- Í CO.