Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1872-1883, April 25, 1879, Image 2

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    . iTït
repulsed and pursued with great loss. Four
hundred and seventy one Zulus were fouud
deud around the treuches. Tho Huai attack I
was led by r>obedeuiauzi, who commanded
at Iaanniela. The Biitish loss is small. On
the 4th inst, Lord Chelmsford with the 91st.
GOtli and 57th regiments, and a body of ma­
rines, left camp and relieved Ekowe during
the night. Col. Pearson and his garrison
'lave reached Umsidi and will arrive at Tu­
lla April 7th.
.Captain Barton, Baron Von Hteitkrukar
^ud til) uieu were killed on the 2'Jtht Lieuts.
^liaison and Bright were killed. Major
kket't was severely wounded, uml Lieut.
“HaCapts. Gardiner. Cox and Peane
:ud< d. Tho total of British losses
. engagements is estimated at 220
^ «Tand wounded. The Zulus lost 2,t><>0
Return to Nilka.
P ort T ownsend , April 21.—The U. 8.
steamer Alaska leaves Victoria on Tuesday
for Sitka, and remains until relieved by the
The eaptaiu of tire schooner W L. Beebe
reports that two days out for Ban Francisco,
the second mate was knocked overboard by
the boom log. A line which was thrown him
he failed to catch. He sank and his body
was not recovered.
P ortland , April 24.1879.
Lord Brougham
In considering the caiwr of Brou­
gham, Mi. Walpole has been puzzled
like other critics of that extraordinary
intellect, to explain how’ a man, “at one
jieriod undoubtedly’ the most jiowerful
politk*al personage of bis day,” should
have “lived to see the time when his iu-
fluenc«» was smaller than that of many'
minor politicians. ’ Greville, who knew
him intimately, and followed his career
with eager curiosity, doubted the extent
of his real influence when he was at his
prime. Greville writes in 1830 : “No­
body ever possesse<l such enormous
mean*, and displayed a mind to versa­
tile, fertile and comprehensive, and yet
had so little efficacy ami influence.”
We think Grevill«» underrated Brou­
gham’s power before he accepted office.
Mr. AValpolv’s view of his subs«»quent
loss of |>ersonal authority cannot be dis­
puted ; but we must question his theory
that th«* decadence is traceable to the
multiplicity of Brougham’s gifts. Shak­
ing of Brougham’s departure from a
house where they had teen fellow’
guests, Kogers, who had been out
talked, remarked to Greville : “This
morning Solon, Lycurgus, Demosthenes,
Archimedes, S«r Isaac Newton, Lord
Chesterfield, and a great many’ more,
went away in one post chaise.” All
readers of Greville must remember the
delightful scene in which the Lord
Chancellor dines at 1’owell Buxton’s
brewery, ami teaches the brewers how
to brew. There was certainly vanity in
the ambition to b«* accounted master of
every department of human knowledge.
But variety was the essence of Brou­
gham’s genius. While he was planning
Liberal campaigns in the House, he was
liberalizing the intelligence of the na­
tion. Restriction to one or two beaten
tracks wouhl have clipped his wings ami
not strengthened his flight.
Brougham,” says Mr. Walpole, “might
have attained the eminence of Fox as a
politician, of Erskine as an advocate, of
Playfair as a mathematician, of Her­
schel as an astronomer, of Hallam as an
historian. He tried to rival these char­
acters in their various stations, and in
consequence, though he ran a good sec­
ond to them all, he did not win quite
the first place in any race.” Westmin­
ster Review’.
Lake Lobnor
Spring Fashions.
A contribution of high importance to
Marabout feathers are most used in
the geography of Central Asia has just millinery this spring.
been made by the publication of an ac­
The turban is the fashionable cap for
count of the expedition in 1877 by a young ladies and young married women.
Russian officer, Col Prjwalskv, to ¿he
The punier scarf dra|H‘i ies of Paris
mysteriom Lake Lobnor. About four
years ago, the explorer, who adds to the 1 made dresses are stiffened with erino-
spirit of adventure the knowledge of an | line.
AHltn» Eureka.
Ilouie Frotluce Market.
Fichu collarettes and jabot collar
exact scientist, made a long journey from
S an F rancisco , April 22. The finance
The followuiir quotations represent the whok-alt
committee of the merchants’ Eureka relief rates from producers Or first haods;
Siberia acress the Gobi Desert, through ] “ttes give a dressy effect to a plain
committee met to-day, when the total FLOl’K quotable In jobbing lots at: Standard braiids,
Mongolia and western China to the bor­ 1 toilet.
*5 00; liewt Country brands,
25 a 4 75; Super­
amount of collections was reported to be
ders of Thibet. lie hus just slatted
CapH made of silk handkerchiefs, in
fine, <1 a #4 25.
$5,000. The finance commiiteo dispatched WHEAT
$1 05 a fi
for average; milling at tfl 07
from St. Petersburg on a third expedition, turban of Normally form, are much
a car loaded with coflfee, sugar, rice, flour,
(Atl 70.
with the purport to penetrate Thibet and worn.
tea, canned provisions, bacon, salt, etc. POTATOES -quotaLk at $1 00 per 100 tt>s , as to de­
scription and quality.
reach I.assa, and return by a circuitous
Bandana and gay plaid handkerchiefs
MI DIHJNG* Jobbing at foeu, «20.^125, fine,
A m Amer e-u llurse Abroad.
sufferer* about $5,000 in cash and goods.
iOute, being absent two years. I.assa is are made up into dresses for misses and
V ton.
o rita in
The American horse I’urole won the City
the United and Suburban handicap.
a mountain town north of the main chain little girls.
A Brutal Burtftar.
OATS Feed.VcentarSl 15a*l 20.
be permitted,
S tockton , April 22.—At about four o’clock BACON—Sides, 8a9jc; ham«, 10al2c; shoulders, 6c.
of the Himalayas, on a branch of the
Au Epsom correspoudeut, writing last
Shades of yellow, from pale straw or
.MbouvlOhs, to recross the night says: Parole hus created such a favor­ this morning a burglar entered the house of LARD In kegs none; new in tins, talOc.
Brahmaputra, put down on the map as
BUTTER—-We quote choiue dairy at 27| ets; good fresh
to deep tan and old gold, are very
S. P. Millard, on Mormon avenue. Mrs.
at an elevation of 11,700 feet above the
MoMea' On til I.
solid; common, 12|*15c; market steady; California
g< rurally that the tinul quotations at Tatter­ Millard, hearing a noise, arose from her bed
sea. It is in latitude about 50 degrees fashionable.
fresh roll, 25<?i27jc.
Chief Moses and other Indians called ut sail’s lust night for the City and Suburban and passed into the parlor. The burglar
FRUITS Apples per box Northern Spy, 45a
The marked feature in new overskirts
the executive mahsion yesterday and were handicap, waa only 3 to 1 against him.
north and about 91 degrees east longi­
struck her on the forehead with a club, fell­ GREEN
55c; SjMtzenhurg, eoa’Oc; Bell Flower, 5Oa0Oc;
presented to the president, who s^id to them:
tude. This region, through which ne are the shirred fronts und bouf-front
ing her to the floor, fracturing her skull,
Baldwin, 55a65c; Roxbury Russet, 50a6»k-; Swoar,
Mjmitlsli Elections.
“I am glad to see you, my friend*. I hope
55a05c; Yellow Newton Pippins, 65a75c; Red Cheek
will pasq is already mapped with sonic back draperies.
M ádbid , April 21. -Baturns from elections and then escaped. Mrs. Millard’s recovery
Pippins, 65a75c; Wine Sap, 5Oa«0c; Jenotin, ¿OatiUc;
Secretary Schurz will make a settlement with
is dpubtful.
Rambo. 50a60c. Pears per box, 60a75e. The above
approach to accuracy, but it is practic­
Scarfs of fine net, edged with Breton
you that shall be satisfactory. We are show the following result: Ministerialists
Tiie Lower Levcla.
are jobbing rates from stores. From wagons or on
ally the most unknown region in the lace, are as often worn for bonnet-strings
friendly toward you, and want to deal with elected, 275; Constitutionalists, 32; mem­
wharf from 10 to 25c. less is paid. Limes—*1 50
V irginia , April22.—Sierra Nevada was vis­
per 100, and Lemons jjo.
world. We know very little about Thib­ as for neckties.
exact justice. I hope you will always be our
uties elect are Custelar, Segasta, Echegarray ited by a number of experts to-day. They DRIED FRUITS Apples, sun dried, 4a5c; machine
et and its p ople, and less of the great
report rich ore in the bottom of the incline.
dried, OalOc. Pears, machine dried, 7a6c. Plums,
Rhine pebble buttons look Like dia­
Some Umatilla Indians yesterday morning
machine dried, I5al«c; pitted, 10al2c; with Pits, no
The highest assay is $282; the lowest $78.
reig tn b tween Thibet, China and Turke­ monds at night. The price varies from
at the office of the secretary of the interior, from voting.
Ophir is reported with seams of low grade EGGS
stan. Attention has recently been called seventy-five cents a dozen up.
16 cents.
expressed their dissatisfaction with the terms
orc pitching west.
POULTRY—Chickens, young, $3a43 50 per dozen; old,
to it by the occupation of Kuldja by the
agreed upon yesterday. Chief Moses, how­
$4 50 a «5 00.
Nave«l from Destruction.
French bunting, a fine light wool
CHEESE - Oregon, 10<«tl2Jc; California. 10c., large
Russians, and by the war for the recovery
ever, stands to the contract.
Mexican Keller.
P ort T ownsend , April 22.—The British
goods, is the niaterial in use for Spring
The Wnlkintw.
C ity of M exico , April 19.—Hipolite Ra­ bark Staghound, from Burrard Inlet with HOGS Dressed, be; on f<»ot, 4c.
weight, 2MJc. for choice.
and Yakool» Beg S nee the travels of and Summer half-mourning costumes.
N ew Y ork , April 20.—sGilmore’s garden mierez took the portfolio of tho treasury, lumber and spars for the English govern­ BEEF Live
l.ivt weight, *^a3)c.
was crowded last night, and the ten pedes­ vice Romero. This appointment gave dis­ ment at Capetown, drifted, with all her SHEEP
Very large flowers are used in mil­
A arco Polo, no man has accomplished
HIDES- Quotable at 13c. for all over 161b, one-third off
trians left out of the forty that started lawt satisfaction, Ramierez being a former im­ anchors out, one cable’s length off the reef
for under that, also one-third off for culls.
this spring, a single rose in many
Monday were liberally applauded. Panchot perialist, and after three days of official life six miles north of Flattery rocks on the 16th. TALLOW Quotable at 5a5j eU
probl. ms of this part of the world as Col. eases forming the crown of a bonnet.
appeared fresh, but was actually tired out. Ramierez resigned, giving the place to Trin­ The revenue cutter Corwin, Lieut. Braun, HAY - Timothy bakd^ying at $ 10a$12 V ton, weak.
Prjwalsky The Colonel, in his recent
Merritt’s feet were in fearful condition, and idad Garcia, Minister of Gobemation, Ed- commander, from the Columbia river to
Damasse bunting is a new material
Uenernl MercliHia«ti»e.
expedition, started horn Kuldja, and designed to take the place of grenadine ;
every step caused intense pain. Khrone waid Parkhurst taking the latter position. Neali Bay with supplies for the life saving
withdrew at 8«50, after completing 455 Work stopped on the exposition building, station, tho next morning discovered her
a7; Sandwich Island, 6|a6|.
miles. He seemed to be completely used Garcia refusing to furnish money in advance situation and sent assistance. They found COFFEE—Costa Rica, 17al7|c; Java, 25j; Rio, none;
river Tarim where it turns south, and it is much stronger and equally as cool
Guutaniala, 16Aal7c
up. O’Brien walked slowly until near the of an appropriation. Cortina is very ill, in the officers and crew exhausted, ready to
followed its course uutil it discharges for summer.
close, when the music and excitement prison, here.
abandon the vessel. The Corwin assisted in
quered boxes. 45a50c; paper, 30a37jc.
Bonnet strings are tied in a large
Lake Lobnor: The Tarim is a
quickened his pace. Brodie looked fresh as
getting the anchors and towed them fifteen SUGARS -Market fairl supplied We quote: Crushed
bow under the chin, not at the
any, and did some wonderful traveling for a
S an F bancihco , April 20.—In response to miles to sea.
9c; (¡olden C, 9c; Sandwich Island, 74a9c.
lad. Panchot withdrew at 10:07 p . m .. hav­ a call at short notice by Mayor Bryant, a
very wide space, rising in the mountains side, or they are simply crossed in front,
Iligli und Dry.
SYRUPS- Quotable at 474c in bbls, 50c in hfs and 55c
ing covered 480 5-8 miles, and Merritt re­ lumber of business men assembled at the
in kegs.
The bark Lizzie Marshall is still ashore
of Kashgar, those bounding the Great the ends forming a jabot.
tired at 10:23, completing 475 5- n miles and rooms of the chamber of commerce this af­ and tugs are endeavor, ng to get her oft’. She CANDLES Emery. 12jc; Pick & Shovel, 15c; Hark­
Pamir on the east, and in Jarkand and
Neckties and fichus are made of
beating the record of Ennis in the interna­ ternoon to take steps for the relief of citi­ is completely dry at lew tido.
SARDINES Qr. iioxew. SI W; hf boxes, *2^’..
Khotan. Flowing through the Gobi Breton lace in all shapes. A very
tional match. Brodie went off nt 10:56 p. zens of Eureka, Nevada, rendered destitute
YEAST PoWDER Donnelly, 19a20c V gross; Dooley,
20a22c P gross; Preston & Merrill. 24c P gross.
desert, it seems, according to this traveler, pretty fieliu is of cream colored crepe
m ., having gone 375 miles, and all the oth­ by the recent fire. The mayor presided.
WINES—Sherry, foreign in blk, 42 50a<?5; in cs, !$7a*9
ers followed within ten minutes. Curtin Two thousan 1 dollars were at once tele­
to lose itself in the sands, for| Lake Lob­ lisse, embroidered with a garland of
Sherry, domestic in blk. fl 50af2 50; in es, $4 50 a
presented Panchot with the belt and told graphed to the Eureka relief committee and
$6 00.
nor is little more than a shallow basin. flowers in pale, natural shades.
Port, foreign in blk, $2 50af7; in cs, $7a$9.
him he would get his money at the Clipper a committee was appointed to canvass the
It lies on the 90th degtee of west longi­
Port, domestic in blk, fl
in cs, fl 50a$C>.
office on Monday. During the week O’Brien city for subscription. The California Cracker
W ashington ', April 21.
Fans are now made to correspond
Angelica, domestic in blk, fl 50,»f! 50; in cs, f4 50
tude, at d just sou.h of the 40th parallel
truveled 455 3-8 miles, Nodun
Company donated 100 boxes of crackers,
a f« 00.
Consideration was resumed of the army
with the spring suits. Some are of
Bryne 427 1-4, Willis 310 5-8, Stanley and to-morrow morning a supply of blankets appropriation bills.
Muscatel, domestic in blk, fl 75af2 50.
Reisling, domestic in blk, fl 50uf2 00.
279 7 8. and Day 242 5-8.
and mattr.isses will bo forwarded.
northeast about ninety versts, an 1 no­ “ Pekin satin ” in all shades, trimmed
Bayard defended the corporation of general
Sonoma White, domestic in blk, fl OOafl 25; in cs,
< lore*1 <’o ivciifion.
A Jury num J iikk «* i I.
f4 OOafa 00.
legislation in appropriation bills, there being
where wider than twenty versts. This on the upper border with a very narrow
Claret, foreign in blk, fl 50a$2 00: in cs, $4 50a$8.
N ew O rleans , April 20. At the colored
Ramm l B. Hasselman, a juror in Mrs. Dr. nothing unusual in it hence the cry of revo­
lake is covered with teeds, and galloon embroidered with different flow
Claret, domestic in blk, 75c; in cs, $30f44-
convention yesterday Mpicche« wmu laad»- Hudson's abortion case, who offered to hang lution was unsubstantial and foolish. The SPIRIT
AND MALT LIQUORS 'Die following are the
be subject to periodic increase era.
on immigration. Herbert was for immedi­ the jury for $500, was to-day sentenced to people would condemn it.
prices current of certain brands of whiskies and
The panier basque is the foundation
and decrease. The water is clear and
beer: J. II. Cutter old Bourbon whisky, manu­
ate immigration, saying that colored men four years in San Quentin.
Pendleton gave notice that on Thursday,
Little Johnnie’s Anecdotes.
factured by C. P. M orinan & Co., Kentucky, fit 25
of the many rumors about large paniers
/»mild get no justice here; the Congressmen
Eureka Enveloped.
after disposition of the army bill, he would
(ft7; M. M. Marshall, Kentucky, $3; other brands,
now in Congress had their credentials writ­
fl 5O»2 75.
it is full of fish, and is frequented at being again worn. It consists of a long
E ureka , April 20.--A fire broke out at call up his bill providing for giving the heads
ten in tho blood of negroes, and tho judi* 10:30 last night and burned until morning, of departments seats on the floor of the
Lumps’ St. Louis beer, |>cr cask of G doz fs
Woodpeckers work as cai’pente»s, but certain seasons by tens of thousands of side form, plaited and caught in the
OILS < »nlhiary brands of coal, 25c; higher grades, I »ow­
ciary being in the interest of the worst ele­ destroying half the city and At least two- Senate and House.
ner & »'o , 37Ra42j; boiled linseed, 90c; raw linseed, they wild make mon* money if they migrator, birds.
The most curious back drapery, to form the small panier
ment of the Democratic party. A resolu­ thirds in property. It started on the cast I Consideration was then resumed of the
80c. pure lard, fl 00@1 10; castor, fl 25(<ll 50; tur­
tion indorsing Immediate immigration was side of Main street and swept nearly the en­ army bill.
pentine, 60(n65c.
wild go in for cole in inin, cos a man thing about it, however, is its inhabitants. on the hips.
passed unanimously
Slippers are of glace kid, embroidered
tire street besides several cross streets.
H1N FRIX’CIHCO PRODUCE MARKET wich had a cole mine went down in were They are not many, but they present a
Another V cn »<»I for Alawka.
The postoffice, telegraph office, Jackson Ho­
his men was to work and said if they singular mixture of types, aud actually at the end of the foot with flowers of
S an F rancisco , April 21.
W ashington , April 22. -Secretary Sher­ tel, Paxton & Co.’s bank, Masonic building,
At 2:30 o’clock the call of states had only
diddent work fasser he was a goin to git live among the reeds of the lake in prim­ I every hue, and trimmed with a rosette
man has ordered the revenue steamer Rush Sentinel office, and most of the heaviest reached Georgia, and upward of 500 bills
WHEAT—Quiet and steady with sales of some woodpeckers, wich wild dig out itive dwellings constructed of reeds. made of satin loops in all the shades of
to take on board sufficient supplies for a five mercantile establishments were destroyed. ! had been introduced. Twenty-one states,
more cole in a hour than th»»y did all The description of these outlandish peo­ the embroidery. Black silk hose are
months’ cruise, leavo San Francisco not It is impossible at present to estimate the exclusive of territories, are yet to be called. choice at $1 65.
BARLEY—Dull and weak.
later than May 15th and proceed to tho loss. No mining property injured.
day. Then the men held a meeting, ple is said to form a valuable contribu­ worn with these slippers, which are em­
A vast number of petitions were tiled, includ­
CORN—Very dull and unchanged.
waters of Alaska for th« purpose of enforc­
Ex|»l<»»l«»ii in a Coal Mine.
ing one by women, praying for an amend­
and all struck, for they thot, th»» men tion to ethnology. The explorer also broidered on the top of the foot and up-
FLOUR—Fair local demand with less in­
ing the provisions of the law, and for tho
V ictoria , April 20. On Tuesday morn­ ment in the coinage laws, so as to admit quiry
did, that woodpeckers was some new desciibes the stra> ge wild camels of this I er part of the leg with many colored
for export.
protection of the interests of the govern­ ing a fire wns discovered in No. 10 level of silver to unlimited coinage on the same
fangle mashine, and wen the men said region, which are so | uzzling to natural­ flowers.
ment in the seal islands and on the seal tho Wellington coal mine on Departure bay. conditions with gold; and to provide for the
otter hunting grounds throughout Alaska It was supposed to havo been extinguished issue of certificates of bullion.
they’ was birds, and it was all a joke, ists, and'he visited the Allyn Tagh range
Several bills relative to Pacific Railroads nt $1 65. Milling unchanged.
one ok» miner he spoke up and said hede of mountains, fourteen thousand feet Emerson and his new Lecture.
I.and D pc I h I oii .
morning when 25 or 30 miners entered the were offered.
FLOUR—Demand being mostly local is like to kno wot birds was, but a other high, and a northeastern offshoot of the
The case of \y. H. Flatt vs the Union Pa­ level to resume work, a terrific explosion
The following were among tho bills intro­ fair, but for export, less.
< >ne evening when Ralph Waldo Em
feller said he new wot birds was well Kueri Lun mountains. The position of
cific Railroad Company, involv’ng the light occurred, blowing the working apparatus of duced and referred;
POTATOES - «California fair to good, enufl’ but he»le like to be tole what Lake Lobnor given by Colonel Prjwalsky erson was engaged in preparing his new
“f »vtUo-w> tn pre-empt lands gi'anted by Con- the level into ruins, killing 11 men and in­
Bv Rice—Extending the time for the com­ steady at 60(,<e75c. ' For poor tho market is
is that in the Stieler Atlas, but it should lecture, Mrs. Emerson, who had that
K'riilL to railroad companies under seedion 3 juring others seriously. Three Chinamen pletion of the Northern Pacific railway ; also,
jokes was.
of ilio act of JtUy 1, 1862, was decided in ar»; still in the working, but there is uu hope for relief of tho Contral branch of the Union «lead at 40(»r50c. Choice, firmer at $1 00.
Wood peck »vs hammers a tree full of be said that Baron Ritchofen, the great­ moment flattened her finger while trying
the U, S. sv irenie court this aiternoon. for them. Volunteers who entered the level Pacific railway, also, to establish a Board of
holes and gits werniH out, but I sjiect est geographical authority on Central to drive a nail with tho smoothing-iron,
C hicago , April 21.
The act referred to provided that all lands in the afternoon report the foul air ho strong Pacific Railroad Commissioners; a Is.(Mm
WHEAT—89^c is bid per bushel J mh I l^hen one is uittin ’em out a other is a Asia, says that the lake described by thrust lier head into his study
that were granted to the company should that they cannot remain below for any iho nppoinhucuC uf a buuiU OÍ supervisors May
ciciivtn j .
goin to the holes abed of him ami rrjwalsky is only a gathering of the
be llabh* to pre-emption if not “ookl or length of time, it is reported that No. 10 for the inter* State railroads and commerce.
“See here, sir ! I want you to drop
BACON—Short rib sides, $1 600/ 4 65.
otherwise disposed of” within three years level will have to be flooded, as the mine is
By Glade—To apply the proceeds of the
stickin ’em in, ami now for the story waters of the Tarim, and net the true that everlasting pen of yours, for a min­
PORK—$9 72% bid for May.
after completioii of the entire road. On th»! on fire in that vicinity. The Vancouver sale of public lands to the education of the
wich I said I wild t»»ll you.
•$5 —
90 paid
for May.
ute or two, at least, and go down to the
3d of September, 1878, the secretary of tho Coal (’o.’s mon have stopped work and gone people; also, to restrict the immigration ol
Once a man wich lived in the woods
and get p mackerel for break­
interior decided that a mortgage executed to assist in the work of rescue. Tho scene (’hiñese; also. for the removal of politice 1
N ew Y ork , April 21.
Railroading In Early Days
was ciittin down trees, ami he had so
by t lecmnpany upon the lands in 1867 was at the pit’s mouth is heartrending ; wives disabilities.
WOOL Dull. Fall, 12@17c. Burry, 8
not a «liiposal of the same within the mean­ anil children weeping for husbands and
The silver bill passed. It provides that @9c. Spring, lC($24c. Burry, 12@16c. many children that his wife cudent
“My dear, replied Mr. Emerson,
The death of Hiram Shook, an old looking up from his work, “my dear,
ing of that statute. This court, however, fathers, and parents for children. Tho silver coins of smaller denomination than $ I Pulled, 20(</ 32e.
mind ’em ail to home, so he take the
reverses th«» decision of th«» interior depart­ names of tho killed ar»» J. Rennie, aged 61; may be exchangeable into lawful money
HIDES Quiet at 18@18%c.
baby with him ami lai»l it on a stump locomotive engineer, recalls to the Chat­ can’t you go ! You see I am bilied in a
ment and holds that the mortgage was such Reuben Gough, 16; John Hoskin, John Di when presented in sums of $20, make lawful
ham, N. ¥., Courier some memories of
Whale oil, quiet. Winter unbleached, 35
a dispoRj, and that the tract of land claimed von, G. Campbell, L. Prella, A. Demey and money exchangeable into silver coins in like ( g 40c. Bleached, 45@51c. Sperm oil, «lull while he workt. The baby was red railroad travel in the past, “In our dozen places to deliver this lecture on
wuh not open to pre-emption, four Chinamen.
amount, makes snsbidiary silver coins legal and lower. Winter unbleached, 82( oa 83 c . heded, and the woodpeckers there is red youthful estimation,” says the editor. “Hi ‘Memory,’ and it isn’t half finished yet.”
not in equitable title. Decree
heded, too, and one was a settin on a
tender for all debts, public and private, in Bleached, 97c@$l 07.
Voter» in Nau Fran rise«».
“And that’s what you call your infer­
S an F rancisco , April 21.—There was an sums of not exceeding $20, and makes minor
Bank of England rate of interest 2 per limb. Pretty soon the baby’ begun to Shock and Bob Best occupied positions nal lecture, is it!” said Mrs. Emerson,
Be«iv<>mliitf B oik I n .
enormous rush for registration to-day. Th«» coinage receivable at post offices to the cent.
cri, ami wen the woodpeck«»r see its only equalled, but scarcely excelled, by sharply. “A nice party, you are, to de­
The secretary of the treasury will this af­ basement corridor near Registrar Kaplan’s amount of $3.
WHEAT—Steady at $1 02@l 13.
mouth open and heard it a crine it thot the President of the United States. liver a lecture on ‘Memory!’ ”
ternoon issue a call for the redemption of office was s<> densely tbronged that police­
FLOU R—Steady.
to itsef poor thing, were is your ole Every boy along the line knew at halt
$24,568,300 10 40 bonds.
“Ami why, my love !” said Mr. Emer­
The Eyes of Boston People.
men had to be sent for to keep the passage
C'oiiNtltiit ioiinl <'«m Cent Ion.
you mus be offle hungry, lie see if a mile distance, with his eyes shut, the son, meekly.
ways open an I prevent people in the lino
L iverpool , April 21.
individual puff, ring and whistle of each
N ew O rleans , April 21. The State con­ from being crowded out. Appearances indi­
COTTON—Easier, fractionally cheaper. I cau »Io anything for you ; ami when
You never go out of the house that
One thing el««» about Boston |>eople
stitutional convention met to-day and was cated that the favorers of the new constitu­
Uplands, 6 15 16. New Orleans, 6^.
the man come up to the baby to say separate engine. The highway leading you don’t forget to put on your hat or
called to order by Governor Nicholls. The tion were purposely crowding in and loiter­
gitchy, gi(chv, gitchv, he see the wood­
your boots, and you never take a letter
convention adjourned till to-morrow.
ing around to keep th»» friends of tho old the good eyes. All the older musicians,
EiiRliwli Wheat Market».
pecker drop a long red wurm in the partly follows the o'd road-bed, where of mine to mail that ^you don't carry in
constitution from gaining access to the count­ scholars, authois, composers, whose
Death*» Bugle Call.
L ondon , April 21. — Floating cargoes, babys mouth and fly back to the limb.
N ew Y ork , April 22. General John A. ers. From the last election until Saturday name« have made Boston famous in the unaltered.
old ‘injine’ used to have a tough time there, your pocket for six months or a year un­
evening, April 19th, there were 9,975 new world of letters ami art, whose fame is
Cargoes on pasage and for shipment, Then th“ man pulled out the werm and and it was common for the fireman to less I happeH to find it sooner. During
Dix died to-night at 11 ;30.
r< gistrations. To-day it » estimated that
lookt at the woodpecker and said my I sit on the cow-catcher with a pail of the past thirty days you have carried out
Old Dominion Debt.
1,000 will b«» registered, which makes 10,915 as broad ns the continent, appear to
Mark Lane, quia.
good fellow, if you keep a bordin house sand sifting it on the rail with his hand. of this house and forgot to bring back
R ichmond , Apr^ 22.—Tho council of for­ to be added to 37,915 names on th»» great have excellent eyes, and get along on the
Quotations of go»d cargoes, off coast, No, here wot is your terms I But the wood­
eign bondholders, through flieir New York register nt the last election, giving 48,890 as street and in the library without the use
This sometimes failed to make the no lens than seventy-five or eighty um­
1, Spring wheat, liedium Ch. or Mil. 4 80
agents, notified Gov. Holliday of their ne- th»» whole number. From this 2,028 cancel­
pecker only srugged its shoulders like a
brellas; and you know yourself that tho
oeptance of th«» plan of settlement of thé lations and transfers up to lust Saturday of glasses; that, is, so far I have been lbs sea damage f>r seller’s account, less Frenchman, as if it said you ugly tlieef, drivers stick, and wc boys often helped
the fireman pick up small stones, laying last time you went to church you took
Virginia State debt as provided in tho bill must be deducted. It is fair ty estimate able to observe. On the other hand,the usual 2% per cent, commission, 43s;
Red Winter, 45s 5d; California, 500 lbs, I beleeve if it wasent hatchtout yet you them along the rails at short intervals. out your false teeth because, as you said,
recently passed by the general assembly
that there will be about 46,000 names on th«* young classes of literateurs ami students 14 s 6d(«/«45s.
wuld suck tho eg like a cuckoo. Argo Our inclination to put big ones on, so they huit your corns, and came away
register. Surprise need not be manifested if are unanimously short sighted. Young
Good shipping California wheat, on pass­
38,000 t»> 40,000 votes are polled.
men here wear eye glasses as young men age, per 500 lbs, Qieenstown for orders, just naut.
at to “see her mash ’em,” was ve­ and left them on the seat. I say you
I.iiir» Down.
in Montana wear revolvers, and young shipped, or to b« promptly shipped, 44s
hemently rebuked by said fireman. The are a nice man to talk to a cultured
Nta|>|>r<»«»liiir RevotaitionialN.
Britain’s Navy.
A violent storm is raging enst of Ogden men in Chicago carry samples of cor< I- nearly duo, 44s; Orgon for shipment, 45s Cd.
H t . rKTKRHBVRG, April 19. The ukase or­
cry of “Old Shook is stuck again,” would audience on ‘Memory,’ and if you don’t
average Chicago or Milwaukee
dering tno appointment of governora-gen- and tho lines are prostrated.
wood for canes. I have seen boys eleven for Fair
Th«» First Lord of the Admiralcy has send a small army of us down to his r8s- trot right off to the grocery, I’ll expose
N(«»ain»liip Dl»nl»lc«l.
shipment duriig present month and fol­
eral for six of the most populous »listrietH,
before Parliament th«» estimates for cue at any time. Our reward would be you liefore you’re twenty-four hours
with perfect ilespotic powers, begiua by
Thu anxiety recently felt on account of the
stating that rooenta events have shown that non arrival of the Pacific Mail steamer Alas­ at the timid stranger through eye-glasses
Number of carfoes on sale off coast, no the British Navy for the ensuing y ear. a ride up to the crossing, hanging on to i older.”
Mr. Emefton started on a jump for
there exists in Russia bands of eriininnls ka at Yokohama, for which port who sailed that b<>ained in the distance like gig maize ottering.
Excluding mipplementaiy appropriations, the car-steps. Frequently at these times I the grocery, and when lie got there he
who, though not numerous, ar«» very deter­ from hero March 6th, was dispelled this I lafnps. Once in a while, when you are
Liverpool wheat »n spot, very little inquiry.
the fcater would get low in the boiler,
mined and aim at undermining the State, evening by news per brig Nautilus from Hon­ just growing accustomed to the white
English country narkets, quiet.
amounted to $54,859,000, and for 1878 9 and was supplied from the creek near by couldn't for the life of him recollect what
French country narkets, quiet.
re/ermg ‘o Xfifififit murderous attacks olulu, of bur arrival there on April 1st in a
with pails. One very dry Summer the he had come for.—Cincinnati Enquinu-
glasses, a tall, slender youth will sud­
on higher officials and attempted assassina­ disabled condition.
I Liverpool, fair b choice shipping club, to $55,269,400. This latter estimate grasshoppers- werq
Gold in Siberia.
tion of the Emperor, the ukase continues :
The Alaska met a suce» ssion of westerly denly loom up beside you and glower per cental, 9s 3d.
w as raised, however, to $60,700.000 <biy Suu me not iron attracted them tn such :
Fair to choice slipping California pe*
These crimes have made m'cessnrv provis­ gales until March 26th, when a hurricane down upon you throtigh a pair of blue
Ing last year. inesnm asked Tor this numbers that the trains were several
ional adoption cf exceptional mensures to set in, during which the s?a ripped up the ones, ami the ellect is very startling. Do tai, 8s(u 9s 2d.
year is close to $53,000,000. It appeal’s times stopped.
An Englishman in the Urals writes
Red Am. Spring shipping. No.3 to No. 2,
pennit of exemplary punishment of guilty guards forward on tho port si»lo, started her you know, I believe there are babies born
that immense discoveries have been
from th«» returns upon which the esti^
persons, and provide government officials beams and covering board, stove in the for­
per cental, 7s 8d(cls 3d.
Fair to good shipping, Oregon, percental, mates are l»as«»»l that at th s moment the The Original Brother Jonathan. made at Krasnoyarsk in Siberia. The
with lieeeasary powers for. maintaining order. ward home, filled tho engine room, anil del­ in Boston with «iiectacles on ! I do not
Yeneseisk authorities have done their
The ukase announces the provisional ap- uged the ship with tons of water. The rud­ positively know of such a case, but when 9s
number of meu born«» ujion the fleet is
Good to choice flipping, Oregon, per cen­ 54,684, while there are, besides, 3,934
Cointment of governors-goneral of St. Peters- der was temporarily disabled. Th»» steamer ’ you see a child eighteen months old,
Governor Jonathan Trumbull of utmost to keep the matter secret to pre­
urg, Charkoff and Odessa, invested withex- fell oft’in the trough of the sea, but was fi­ riding along in its cab with a pair of tal, 9s 6d(« 9s 7d.
men in the coast guard service ashore Connecticut was the original “Brother vent a rush from other provinces, but
teud»*«l powers. Similar powers are con­ nally brought to. The engines again started horn eye glasses straddling its nose, you
and* afloat. Altogether, the personnel Jonathan.” He was always so ad­ the news has leaked out through, many
ferred upon tho governors-general of Mos­ and she reached Honolulu without further
Misery in Paris
of the British Navy should be as nearly dressed by General Washington, and channels, and in the Spring the district
cow, Kieff, and Warsaw.
Civil adminis­ accident. There a survey was belli ami it can’t resist tlu» impression that the baby
tration in th»» mentioned districts is pb»e»*d was decided to repair the damages there. was born that way, and would bleed to
as possible 60,000, counting in the boys finally the whole Yankee nation, and is sure to be flooded with strangers. Tho
M. ! .«'neveux, the Counselor of the ami the sailors employed in manning the especially New England, became sou- nuggets are of an immense size and
under control of governors-gn .eral in the Th«? machinery and boilers were fouud in­ death if the spectacles were cut otf. But
saint' manner as they are subordinat«» to com­ tact.
The repairs will require $5,000 and a I have got acquainted with two or three Municipality of Paris, has just pub- troop-ships of the Indian Government. briquetted, characterized anil identified yield a large percentage of gold. One
mander- in-chief of tli«» army in time of war. »lelay of ten days.
pair of these spectacles, and I tin«I that liahed a work coitaiuing some startling The total number of vessel%of the fleet in the tierson of “Brother Jonathan” was found in some diggings belonging to
Ai«l for Eureka.
In districts where martial law lias been pro­
facts about “the handsomest capital in on the 1st of December, 1878. was 255, Trumbull, a plain, unassuming, honest, Siberia last Autumn, weighing 385
claimed, control of nil educational establish­
At the executive meeting of the
Fran­ they are just a part of the rounded face
ments is vested in the governors-general who cisco Stock Boar»! to-day it was resolved to and the unsatisfactory photograph. I th«» world.” Tht book is entitled Paris ami of these 131 were serving in comtnonsense man, who resided in Ix?b- pounds. The effect of the discovery was
are also empowered to semi befor»» military contribute $500 toward the relief of tho find th«» moat dvlightful young fellows Municipal. From it it appeal’s that various parts of the world. The num­ anon.
When in full dress “Brother that when the snow set in at Krasnoy­
tribunals alt civilians in districts over which Eureka sufferers, and the president this after­ behind them, warm-hearted, generous, there are in Piris 9,935 households
ber of vessels in course of construction Jonathan’’ Trumbull looked very much arsk in Novemlier, the population in
they preside. Tho governors-general are noon telegraphed that amount to Eureka,
manly young fellows, impulsive and where one finds tw’o beds in a single at this moment is 37, and the amount of as he is now represented in what is gen- • the gold field district was 4,000 in ex­
further authorised to summarily remove
Klim Did If.
room ; 4,563 hive rooms containing
from their respective districts all persons
A German tailor named Pool suicided this <»arm»Ht under all their well-bred reserve. three» beds; 1,118 have rooms containing work that tlu» Admiral ty propesjs to erally supposed to be the caricature. cess of what it had been six weeks be­
whose continued residence may be considered morning in liis room, No. f»34 Pacific street, 1 have found a thousand things to make
g«'t through «luring the next twelve­ He was of a tall, gaunt form, and wore fore, and the price of labor at Tomsk
dangerous, to order the arrest of any per­ by blowing out his brains. He had been mo think better of Boston than ever I four beds. The rents of these domi­ month is to build 12,151 tons at the a swallow-tail, home-spun coat, manu­ had risen from thirty kopecks, or 9d. a
sons who over on their judgment and drinking heavily lately.
«lid Wore, and haven’t found a thing that ciles ranges from 100 to 200 francs a royal »kvkyards, and 3,127 at private factured in his family out of wool raised day, to a rouble, or about 3s. Before
responsibility, to suppress temporarily or
Mult or Freali.
will east a sha«low on th«' pleasant im­ yeai $25 to $50 : 4,121 lodgments are yards. The vessels building and com­ on his own farm, and colored with ma­ gold was discovered in California, Sibe­
permanently any nswspoper or ¡wriodieals
During the tain of Saturday night a heavy
should they appear to follow subversive ten­ shower of herrings foil near the Odd Fellows’ pressions 1 have formed of it
I don't , lighted only by chassis a tabatiere — pleting for sea comprise 9 ironclads, 8 ple Itark procured from his own wood­ ria supplied the world with the aurifer­
dencies, and generally to adopt Mich meas­ cemetery, probably taken up by a water­ wonder that Boston people are proud of “snuff l>ox sashci, ” the smallest kind; corvets, 1 dispatch boat, 6 composite pile, the dye living set from iron filings ous metal, and all along geologists have
ures as they may consider necessary for the spout.
their city; and that Boston people who 1,800 an lighted from a corridor or sloops. 3 composite gunboats, 4 iron obtained from tho blacksmith shop in 1 maintained that if the administration
preservation of public peace.
A'illBen« to flic K«*»ciir.
move away into «listant States believe stair-landing; J,000, nearly, ha\e gunboats, 2 «t«»el gunboat* ami 4 other the neighborhood. His genteel, tight- I would only take the gag of red tape off
Chrtstrfen» MMMiirre«!.
An adjournetl meeting of citizens, to con- j that if they an» goo«l they will go to neither stove nor chimnov. “Under
feature which is umlergoing fitting trousers, reaching six inches the mining operations of the country,
B rlgradb , April 20. — It is stated that s cert measures for the relief of sufferers by
such conditions,” says the Ikevoir, “how
force of Albanians have taken possession of th«» Eureka fire, was held this forenoon at Bost«m Common when they «lie. An«b can we wonder that the lal»orer should rapid «levelopmeut in the British navy short of his ankles, were tfiade of striped ' Siberia would again assert her ascend­
is that of employing steel in the con­ linsey woolsev, prepared and spun in ; ancy in the market
Kurshumlie and massacred nil ths Christian the cbaml>er of commerce. It was an- that reminds me of another thing. A ■
nonneetl that th«» supplies already contrib­ Bostonian who has emigrate«! to some prefer the cabarvl to Iris home.”
inhabit Ants
struction of ships of all sizes. I>eck his own family.—Pltiladelpliia Press.
Fltchiing the Zulu».
ute«! have gone forwar»l in a special car at­ other State will talk more alxmt Boston |
It is easier for a camel to pass thro&gh
plaiting is now in all instances made of
Lo don , April 22. Advices from Cape tached to the passenger train. Oom nut tees in five minutes than a resident Boatoneae ,
eye of a needle, than it is for a
Town to April 6th, via 8t. Vinceut, say Lord were appointed and the city districted for
Chelmsford's camp at Gingle Lova on the the purpose of a canvass for subscriptions. will talk in six w«»eks. I haven*! heard ' the Senate- Messrs. Anthony, Booth, ships are being to a large extent con- pressed a strong wish to see Canada, and young woman in a fur lined silk cloak
the Prince of Wales is encouraging her to walk along without letting it flap
road to Ekowc. was attacked at daybreak on Mayor Brvant waited upon the San Fran­ a man apeak about Boston since I have | Bnrnaide, Coke, Garland, Groom«», struct«»«l «>f this material.
April 3 by 11,000 Z q I us , who made frequent | cisco Stock Exchange, and was iuhaiued been here, except in answer to my «pies Grover, Hamlin, Hampton, Harris,
to visit both that country and the United j O)»en just a little, to show that the fur
I Houston, Kellogg, Kirkwood and Vance.
IBd desperate attacks on all sides, but were I that the board woul«l contribnt«» liberally
is more than the mere border.
A big miss take—Marrying a fat girl States.
Legal Tendent in !’<>rQan«l -buying, 99j; itelling, par
Silver coin in Portlai|l The banks quote: R&S Ì
cent, discount
Coin exchange on Neb- York, 1 V cent, premium.
Coin exchange on San Francisco, ¡>ar to |7 premium.
Currency Exchange on Now York, 1 V cent. | »remi uni
Telegraphic transfers on New York, 1 p eent. pre­