BtWIeMsMaWasWWBsWMlWslaM Sct . m t-jrw""w"""""' eyiessem v wwyr iv WTNk H ti. p .; K ? PS t Jjtaj"1- r l r- IT sasaanar i , . lift vBi i sHffl lutTiMtj... 'uiJlliiLi)'riVJ1iirfB"1ftrMr '-- -- "- 3 IWffi ThcreUl be It ALT, give at tbo vwictt. house, Jacksonville, on JANUARY 1st, 1837. The proprietor takes this method of Inviting nil, and pledges blinsclf to An everything Jn bis power, to give GENERAL SAT1S TACTION, to all thou who attend. A. BADGER. Proprietor. "VTOT1CE fs hereby given, to all persons iN interested In the estate of William Goen, deo'd, that the First Tuesday in January, 1S57, in appointed by th Probate Court lor Jackson County for a final set tlement with J.T. Jones, Administrator or laid -Utc. A. r. STEARNS. Probate Judge December 3. 1KH 2 113 Sheriff's Sale. TY VIRTUE ol an EXECUTION issu- JL-' CU UUi Ul IIIV slQIM OHIIB Uf MID llft-l trict Court or Jacksou County, O. T., andl lo rn directed, against the proporty or) Kicuard Uuganr, rrank Kogers, llobort Cram and A. E. Rains, partners trading under tbo-nama and style or Cram, Rogers &. Co., and in favor of J It. Wadswnrtb A. Co., for ili sum of ($9154 40) two thou sand foui hundred and fifty -four dollars and forty cents principal, and (214 77) two hundred and fourteen dollars and sev-enly-aeven cents coats of suit 1 have (cried on, and will expose at Pnblic Auction, to the highest hiddcr, for 'Cash, at tho door oTiiiy office, in Jackson, ville, on Tuesday, the 2d day of January, A. I) 1557, between the hours of ft) o'clock A. M., and 4 o'clock I' M.. of said day, tho following property, viz t Lot No. One, of block No. (tf)Eight, of ine lown I leit, ot tne town ot jacason illo, Oregon Territory, which is situated on the comer ul California and 3d streets, directly opposite the Union Hotel j also, the llouio situated tharron, formerly own rd and occupied as the Eipress and Bank ing House oftbe said Cram, Rogers & Co , ogether with all the hereditaments situa., ted on said lot or ground-all or which will bo sold by reason of the above prem- iaca. Given under my hand, this 1st day of Doconibor, 1B5G. , THOMAS PYLE, SherifT of Jackson County, O. T. , 2 lt4. I sipisdJirjuif nffn(Diis. Jr.E.S.Uooper's Eje & Ear Infiraary. .. mLtu aav . t.m lativ ' , 1 U a i1t Iri i 4. . til' . .. nal.. I W'Ht -ia;1itr f . UL a m aorwauu mtu sc -.i. hi.i sehnri au H' ;, " ' -Te " ast" - ,wi aaw-A H tat m . t -. . t.- 4. - r tilt ft' .MlM ... i jl ttSJT" 'P mr t tt x aas'tto' " '""' 'till- "JSm, mtm "fP i . a i ii- .uvciurtn. I have now on bauda Bood stock of such froods as ore In most general demand, which I will tell at low for eath or traffic as nny one in Jacksonville. P. J. RYAN. 2drDk L. J. CiAtTCAY has now pcrma nently eatahllshed blmjclf In the city of San Fnwetseo, and Is the ulessings ol ids skUl, not only In this State, but also in Ihe adjoining territories of Oregon and Wash ington, and if we are correctly Informed ap pllcatlorj have been made from tbe Stuid vrloh Islosds, by persons afflicted with Chron ic forms of dlseosea. that bare for year dc lied the available skill ki tbek locality. It is cratifvlnc to announce this result, because I the Dr. U a gentleman who jweks not iy doi Carnation of others, to establish bis rcpula-l (Ion, or to rear the superstructure of his J rfiwu apon the ruin of another man's fame. J llutcocuuct usa beea oearacwrixeu uy uiai course of uctloo that will ever distinguish the true gentleman, and hit aueceM has been itucli as can only lie attained by tboe who can combine with a hieb order of natural ability and thorough practical knowledge of JilsprtKuenion. These suffcrierr from wlrato or other dia' a, ema be cured by Dr. Ctapkay, who ssakes bo charco unless bo eSeets a, perfect care. It would be well for such, at least, to call upon bint, as he oaks no coiarawatloa for ceasulUtloas. His offcea are In Armo rv Hall Bulldlnz. corner of Sscrascnto and MoeteoBiery streets, San Francisco. See J)r. L. J. Csapkav's adrcrtteemcuts in anoth firokmao this paper. 30i3. Horse Found. rpHB subscribers take this method lo X inferm the public that, in the month of October last, while oo a prospeetine lour in the mountains between Scott and Halinon rivors, they found a Qtuy Horse, about ten hands high ; no breads per. eaiveble ; lias the appearance of being an Indian poney. The owner can obtain tho lorse by proving property and paying charges, to u on Jackass Crook, five'Biilcs west of Jacksonville. ROUERT EVANS & CO. 4S'4, 04, IfcW. OKI a. arft saly i um. . . , i iaw .it. rt. i 13M '..i ' .m i "' r uoa m 4aJsr w . -ajMUaJitt' - - .... attest. ,i Nt . i itaiMataaasMKBaaaaaMajfcigaAsw'llJSfc.rTT M nfr iiiaii TTHfnwBTi nnrrrTaTaaaBTtinaT 11 JBSV 3HimBBBBVBBlBBMrr..l MM.Aiaaa.M V 1. ITJ I MBiMmHia I. - .'"1. K T. J4U& it 1 1 last ..fc'Wr . JhH. . . vr f j i- ., ; " war -- '- ". 1 TMiff li 4. SHOE, , Fkrelcian Had Obstetrician. OFFipE-At (he CITY DRUG STORE, Next door to the El Dorado." r2tr Drugs! Drugs!! RECEIVED at the "CITY DRUG STORE," by Dr. Shone next door to tho El Dorado, a Complete Assortment of Patent Medicines, Clicmicnla, Perfumery, Ac., Ac,, Which he oITora to tho Public at ET San Francisco Prices. C2tf JACKSONVILLE, O. T F. WILLMANR RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Jacksonville and vicinity that he has opened a Jeweller shop nn California street, first door west of the saddler ahop, where lie it prrparcd to man ufacturo or repair Jewclr) to order, on short notice. Clm3 JOHN HERRBOLD, Surgeon Dentist, HAS roturned to Jacksonville, whore ho wilt remain a fsw days, and of fers his professional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of this placa and vicinity. Perfect satisfaction warranted. PUBLIC HOUSE, OX APPLEGATE, ON THE ROAD LEADING FROM Jacksonville to Crescent City. M C. UAKKWELL, CI If Proprietor. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 22d day or ncccmbcr, A.D. 185B, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, 1 will e ,,uUic Aue , ,',,,, , for c, t h Jm of g, jiM,np w.'t.r, Mining and Mills best bid o bailor ine Com. tiany. In Hcolrh Josephine Coun ty , 0. T., all the right, titlo and Interest of. 'Jonas V. Garrison In and to Fit Hun dred Shares of the Capital Stock of the Sailor Diggings Water, Mining and Mill ing Company ; said Gvo hundred shares being ono ninth part ol the stock or said Company. Said stock will bo offered Tor' H sale, by virtue oT an execution issued out. ui inn uuica ui mo icih hi iiio uismci Court of Jackson County, U T., and to me, ? tit and costs Accruing in an .'"h A. . v. rst, John - 4 -wnucl Jaquis. and John li i tntifls, and Jonas W. Gar 'r mm ..vroll and Edward Ssck ..u's; said debt and costs ) sum or iiino thousand J eighiy dollars. ($9,1(10.) rw ' 5 no personal properly u . tn satisfy said execution. v. i HENDERSHOTT, " ' osephine County, O. T. ( niu. Iotice. i ' will ufl'cr for sale at his! Uutle Crrek, in Jackson, Saturday, the VOih day I , One Hundred Uuthela vheat wilt be sold fori -at aluce the i!7th day of heat it the properly of and the amount due - n Dollars. Said wheal aid lien, or an amount I same, and costs ofaalo CK WESTGATE. - "Hf- " 5i2 ? cits .., . I- I' , i. y given, to all persons 'ue estate of of llobort Setters of Adminiitra .iff annexed, have been t VI estate by the honor- - Ir Jackson County.-i v i. -J, iniercsiea as crou 4 requested to present (he nrouer vouchers. , about one mile andl Ju-Monville. within one' date M they may be barred aaji f me. Tmr V E.MILLER, ii the Will annexed. ,G. 51t4 .i'r. IVuiiUcl i rpHE EAGLE MILL it now owned, X and conducted by 'J'uouit, Bno. &.. Co. All flour branded Tholnas, Dio. &. Co." it warranted genuine A large atock j of Flour on hand, and selling cheap Tor cssh. Any accommodation In the line ofi supplies for the country, can be obtained of THOMAS, 11110 .V CO., 47tf Eagle Mill, Jackson County. samifL t. mm HAS erected a largo and commodious Tavern Stand near Klrby "a old ranch, on the road from Jacksonville to Sailor i Diggings and Creseeut City, where he Is, Frepiretl to accommodate the Traveling nl.llA . !ut hnrves. to their sathrfaetlon. I AUoageoeral oiMortincnt of Dry Goods, ana urocenos on uanu, suuuuiu iur lucumi kct, which he will sell low for cash. Josephine County, Nov. 12, 1635. SOtf 500 POUNDS of superior Hops, fur sale low bv J 11. TRUCllOT. 1 KECS EXTRA OOSTON 8VRUP 10 For sale by J W. STEARA'H. EMBROIDERIES. LACES. MENU WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. or criBr t rt en I r tj o x . GLO VEsTcRA VA TS, Collar, Shirt, Dravcr. American, English, Ereneh, find Cerwaa U,y late 'arrival of SIXAMEKS &. CLIPPERS. HUGHES & WALLACE, 105 and 1ST Sacramento alt., COm'J Sap Francisco. 1 E 1 i it jr ra ' iv 3"ii M "0 "Wi sonoor BOOKS, j 1XMORANnUp8,.ad.Il.iKK Dooks, 48tf JOHN ANDERSON WABASHHOUSE, STERLING, O. T. r 11 IE subsribcr has renovated and lhor- 1 oughly fitted up the Uroadwell Houso at Sterlme. O. T , where he is nrenared to accommodite Travelers and Hoarders a. reasonable terms. His Table will be sup plied with all the country alTords. From hit exnerinnre and atlnnllnn hn hnnes tn receive n liberal share of public palronago.l Ilia Stabling is or superior accommnda lion. Hay and Grain, constantly on hand Also, Horses to hire. JAMES HUDIIARD. Oct. Co, t&'G 4dtr Dissolution. li & ii THE Copartnership whlcrThas hitherto existed between Wadsworth, Peters & Ladd was by mutual consent dissolved nn the on the 1st day or December, 185S. Either one or parties are and have boon authorized to settle up the old business afTairs. J. B. WADSWORTH, J 11. TETERS, RO.J.LADD., 183G. BEARD'S HOUSE. rpHE subscriber has refitted the Eaglo JL House, opposilo the El Dorado, Ore. gun street Jacksonville, O. T., whero he it prepared to accommodate boarders on reasonable Inrmt. Tablu supplied with tho heat tho market affords, and Oar with the choicest Liquors and Cigars. Ho flatlets himself that ho will be able to rdcaso the mont fastidious. Terms Cash, and very low. Ilroakfnst from? to 'J; Dinner, 13 to 2; Clipper, u to 7. 47ly GEORGE DERD. SaVDDLERY. THOMPSON &JPCHELBACH, Saddle and Harness Mauufaclurers. JACKSONVILLE, O. T., HAVE bought tho stock and shop of E. W Fisher, and will keep on hand a supply ot saatiiery, Harness, vc l liry liav iave on nand BMrtins. Harness. -A.... . a. Ilridlq and Sile Leather, which they will sell cheap for cash, either by the quantity or single side. Repairing done on reasonable terms I From their experience In their line of. business, they expect to be patronized by I a generous public. 4Slf Strayed, 17 ROM the Saw. mill on Ilulte Creek, . about the SOth of August, two horses one bay, half.American, five years old, smsll while stripe down his fa;e, branded! S .'. low down on the left bin: about 141 hands high One dark bay, nine yeara old, branded A U (Inttera connected) on the left hip; about l.l hands high. Any person returning tho above prop, erty to inn, at il .l-c roots n.-U . giving Inlormtiuii or the whereabouts or tho same, will he liberallv rewarded. JOHN'FORSYTHE. 4 Burt L. GANUNG, Vliyslclnn ate suvscow. USES ELIXTTRO-MAGNLTISM, rpHANKFUL for nasi, will endeavor X stilt to merit a share ol patronage, Senicct rendered at anjrjliouri. Drugs and Medicines, A full snd choice selection from 8an Tran. eisco conttanly receiving, and for sale, "" Next door to Tin Shop. "J'rjmeone mcdcndl tcirntldf tajtlmtltt pars tnlafivr.'J ' 40tf TTS Z . I'mploymeat. S foither travetine or local) for Ncwsnspers and Periodical!, are re quest to send, without delay, their address to tho uthtersigned, scd thcY will be fur nished with a business which wilt yield them from 100 lo 200 per cent, profit. Ther will please stato what Newspapers or I erioncals they have canvas.ed for. Persons who have not hitherto acted as Agents, but who would lilu to cngago at such, will also please send their names, l'ost-oflice addicsi, County and Stato, writ, ten plainly WRIGHT, MASON fc CO. 47m3 New Furl.'. Regular Mall liluc or FOUR-HORSE COACHES CKTWrCK OREGON CITV AND CORVALLI3 WE beg leave to inform our friends, both in Oregon Territory and Cal ifornia, that we conduct tho Mail Line, and are prepared lo a"coiniuodale passen, gcia toaud from Oregon City to Corvatlis,! upon the arrival of ever. U. S, Mail, ns well as carrying those oftbe interior on! ibe same route. ! Leate Oreeon City on every Monday and Wednesday nt 7, a, n Leavp Salem Te,' i on every Saturday and Tuesday. Coaches will leave fur Corvaltit, with the Mail upon the arrival of the Coaches from Oregon City. N. II U a keep a Livery upon the most reasonable terms. Forage or all kinds. Money down, and no crumbling, makes short credit and friends Tor life. Office at the Livery Stable RAY & DREW. ;c. r. nsr t h. vrkw. Sept, 10, 165C. 4Clf TERRITORY or OREGON,? Coostv or Jacxsor. j rpo THE TAX-PAYERS OF SAID X County, Greeting: All persons hav ing taxes assessed agsinst them within said county, are requested to pay such taxes to the Treasurer of said cuunty,'at his office at Jacksonville, the county seat of said couutl, within aixty days from the dste hereof. . DAVID LINN, County Treasurer or Jackson Co, Jacksonville, Oct. 16, lK-C4Gtf cmas. i. sioexs, M. Physician antl sagee. OrrjcE Exi'REss Buildino, Opposite "Union House, Jacksonville, O. T. Itf llM.A,1k TIjIlS, 111. i EIr. i I5AOLU MILLS, Torits fr GrtHtHuK. .-Hour wlthoot'tbe Snek tctng hrandeJl SJhSliV-wvu COST, at THOMAS, p&undtScr bushel ; branded, 30 pounds. jiVlilcgtvlc IVhucU. 00 ACRES C UPI IOR GRAZING near tho rofkft: O oflnnU'eatc. All kinds o f Stock- re' ceived h l'lu most roasonablo terms AnJf iMsVeA be dolirerod at Hull's Corral and4, IKYl, Jacksonville. . llltOWN & UNDERWOOD. Oct. 4 l&G. 4 4 if NjESW STORE. , S. D. VANDYKE HASflUST RECEIVED A FRESH StrPLYor DRY and FANCP Goods, tjlho stand formerly occupied by', Mr. TliMiiwan, at the rcsidcnco of Van'! I Dyke, cai the "i reka road, bulweon Gore's I r..l 11. -1 ll.ll. II. I....... I...J If-.J.. MIIU llflis mill., liu iia nil imiiu Itc.ujr mauo uotiung, tiooti, aiioes, urocenos, Provisioli, iVo, Ac. . He Asters hlmtclf that Ida location and prices uil meet not only the .interest, but jconvenlMCO oftbe settlers. CalltK txamlds no charge lor show ing GooiV. 44tf J.nd I rat' Gaiters nr.d Shoes, very cheap. Dissolution. HPHE Copartnership heretofore ox ting JL under the uame of A. P. TURNER tV CO., it this day dissolvud by mutual consent. All liorsnns indebted to All 'persons indebted to tbaUate r.n are ruestod to make immedia i c.a are Muesieo to makoimmeuianrpsy tnent to A. P. Turner, who has purchased the entire .'Merest, and oil persons having i claims artinst llie saianrm nlll presonl them to liL-n for pat nieut. A P.TURNER, C.R.HOMERFOUD. tl TO THE TRAVELING TORTION of tho community: the undersigned has fitted up and rebuilt a commodious House on what Is will known aa "Turner's Ranch." You willalwsji find him in readiness to wait upon those who may favor him with a call. Tho TA11LE shall ever be fur a call. Tho TA11LE si nished wits the best the country can af ford. The House hit a (lathing Room at Inched. The tlarn it well furnished with the necessary effects for animals. There is also a ptiture of -.'00 scret of the finest grau in the country, and it shall be reserv ed for the uie of tho Packers and Travel era, at reasonable rates. Yours Truly, A. P. TURNER. Sept. U3, IBM. A VALUABLE PUOPEltTY For Sale at a Reduced Price fTMIE undersigned is offering let soli hit! jl entire property situatcu and using on the road leading from Jackson villa, O. T., jl to Yrrlui, Cat., snd eight miles from the lonner piece, me wen mown riounns u- tabtishment under the stylo ofS. M. Wail's Phoenix Mill. This Mill has boen built at a very great expense and is in every way what It should be well located, well built and la first rate running order, capable of manufacturing an atticle of Dcur not aur pasted br aur flouring KsUbli.hinejil en; l.-is.ctim coin, or in tne united states. Any person desiring to makes permanent! investment, will do weu to call and exam ine tlm property t temselves, aa I am bound to sell ll at whatever price it will bring. S. M. WAIT. Phicnix Mill, October 3d, !&. A LSO on lud and for tale at the low.. est Market Price, Two Hundred. Thousand fVOO.OOO) pounds of Superfine Flour, branded S. M. Walt, Phoenix Mill,, N. H All Sour branded S. 51. Wait,' Phoenix Mill, O. T.,1 will warrant A1 No. I. S.M. WAIT. I A FARM TO LEASE. rpHE subscriber will LEASE hit FARM JL. situate 10 miles north of Jacksonville on-lho main traveled road to Northern Oregon. He will also let a qunntily of Stock. Perttnt wishing a pleasant loca tion on the rosd, with an opportnity of a rood stand, wluld do well to examine. T.rmt liberal, 44 XV. G.T'VAULT. i-i - ' Wonts for the Million!!! JUST RECEIVED, a full assortment of the best ItUOTS and SHOES. Come in, eierybody that has money to invest in Boon, Shoes snd Gsiters you can't do better. You can gcthere the belt Oak Mining Hoots i do Was-r-Proof : Rubber do i Far ruers' Hoots , French Calf Fine Dress Uoots; llovt loots; Child's do. And In the PepartmentforLadiei, Miss es and Childrin, can be found from the plain aubstaotail, to the Finest Dress Gai ters. Alto, in the Department of Induitry, boets and shots will be Repaired at any time, 42m3 HAINES' ROOT 6TORE F reach liaUcry, J. '!; Californii Street, Jacksonville, TVTANUFACTURES TO ORDER All 1YJL kinds of j Pastry, CMfwtloaery, Pies and Cakes. Just Rccened from San 1 rancisco. a large quantity of French Liquors i Old Cognac, Rumi Whiskey, Ginger Wine, Port Wine, Champaign, Cherry, Claret, Sauteroe, Alcshol, liitlers, Peppermint, Sweet Oil; Cigars, Cigarrctst, Chewing snd Suiokiog Tabasco, Oysters, Lobsters, far. dines ; Candjes, Chile Peaches, Currants, Raisins; a rity ot- Nuts, &c, &c. Superior Fnuch Sweet White Wine and other flee Liquors fur the Ladies. 0J Oysters, Eggs, Hot Coffee, etc., etc , crved at all. hours. 40if UucU Xiyc Uauck. Deer Creek Valley Mooncy Trail. riMlE subscribers Ifcers respeclfully ioforms sing I'ubf.c that they have r in Deer Creek Valley, on X the Travel ooeeed a House .1. .V ... SJnA-.A.- ..M Mi.J where they are prepared to accommodate Travelers in wjood style as any house on the CreeeeeX Cay trail. Tbe TABLE will bo supplied with the best the country affords, bhJ at the UAR may be had Cbslee Liquor and Cigars. The Meeeey trail is open and in good condition, and ii the nearest route by sev ers! miles. There is now ho danger of Indians on that (-rail. drOive us t call, and we will warrant that you do not so away dissatisfied. W. KELLY, IIAULCUM 0. Sept. 27, 1806. 43iu'J A Good Chance ItfiOA CfC WORTH OP tiOODM.ON HAND ND l'OILSALE AT nor UASII. W beat,Om, and Barley taken tn cxcb.'tnKe for OoouVi nt ls CasH ltk. Tbe, pilncljl ttock constrtsof LADIES' GOODS of Ml kinds, CLOTHtNGT BOfrrS ana StIOIS, HATS A. CArJ3, GROCERIES, and OTcrylhtag mually bclnnttig to a, .Country I Store. 3- To convinces pobllc thaUbc ruiiy invilea to CALL and lv.VA.MINE fur COlf, DRUMlS'lS; C ALIFORM A STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFVICE, HAVU JUST RRC'EtVBDA LARGE AND. FULL ASSORTMENT of Drugs, Paints, Qils. Patent Medicines, Ac., which we will i Sell Cheaper, (or Cnth,-tbnu.uiv othor Kslnbllsiimcnt in Jncksonvlllc I uor kiock connsis, in pari oi ltailcd and Raw Linseed Oil. Street Oil. Col LkerWill. Castor Oil. and the various ri tcnllal oils. Salts. Soda. Starch. CrcaraTartir. Carb Ammonia. CoiUtccl Soan.Meillelii. irnnVInc. Nitric, Muriatic, Acetic Mid Sulphuric Acids, Catheters, Syrtngca of nil kinds, 'jj Wedge Wood Mortars, Trusses, PocVrt Cases Surgical Implements, Pill Plates, Seldllts TT X... c...)' c. ...... int m..i..v .... n..u r'....i. o.i.. i,i,i. r.i r.. iinJJt& and SnrrafhrillaA Ci4iclsrRad. SlrVtiparilla, MoflaU's, Mclnc's. Itrnndrcth's Wright's, and Cook's CilJaynysVcrmlfuge,Tnncy Toilet Soaps, Cologne Water, Corubi, BuiHics, Half Oils, actl ether articles too minurous to mention. Wotalll be constantly In the receipt of such articles as the trade may demand. uWc also Veep on hand n fine stock of Stationery ; 1)111 and Letter paper, IJliCnk and Copt Honks, Pens, Pencils, &c A'pt. 27. 43tf OREER & DRAMAN. - i, 1 v (LE-MiLB AfiatB mm B.' BR06KSL Express Buildiiig, opposite Union Houses' . TL'ST ItECEW'ED 1" Drugs, Medicine, Oils, Perfumeries, A c .Tc, whtch I offer for Sale, FOR CASH, I at reduced prices. Also a Well Selected Stock of I'aUut Medicines, euch as Grrorenbcrg'ii, (Sand's, Townscnd's, Corbett'sand Shakcrt'Sarisaparllla; Jaynes Expectorant, Altera- ' tives, Vermifuge, Hair Dye, Carmtnatlve DMtam, Fever and Ague Pills and Sanltlvc 'I Pills; Gncfenbcrg's Eye Lotion, Dysentery Syrup, Panacea, Pile Ointment, Vegetable 1 j Pills and Fever fcnd Ague Pills; Holiday's Green Mountain Ointment and Pills; Lee's, t bright', Urandreth's, Cook's, Moffat's, Ilolloway's, Jayno's, Grrcfcnbcrg's, and Atill 'nillloiu Pills; Nerve and Rone Liniment, Mustang Liniment, Kadway's Ready Relief, I Pain Killer, Cholsgogue, Opodeldoc, Seidlitx Powders, Ranter's Eradlcator. Thorn's Ex tract, Poor Mau's Plaster; and others tea numerous to mention, which Twill sell cheaper than rrrr told Ixfort in Jacksonville. 9"1 trill continue the practice of Phytle, Surgery and Ob-Utrics, as hereloftrcTi N. B. Cash 1'aticnU Prvmjdti Attended to. 40tf CHAS. D. DIIOOKS, M. D. ss i x mmnm & m EIRE-PROOF BRICK STORE, . CORNER OF MAIN AND OREGON STREETS, Jacksonville, O. T., .WJIOLESALEJlXn 11T.TAU. DF.ALEIIS JX ' STAPLE im FMCY DRY-GOODS, BHiDTMn, 3D0!PS 2s SIEI01ES, IHAIfS & (DAIPS,'- ' GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND WINES, TOIIACCO AND CIGARS, IIiti'dUHt'e, Tlnuarc, Glass A: tucciituarc, ' STATIONERY, CUTLERY y JEWELRY K n tl tl l c v y te II ; vuess, OILS, PAINTS COLORS, AND WINDOW GLASS, CMPETIXG .1.YJ) WALLFAPKIt, VOIVDKU, LEAD, SHOT & C1PS, npilE FOREGOING COMPRISES the IsrgeTt and best assorted Stock of Goods over brought to this market, having been selected part'cularly to meet the wants of the Farmers, Mechanics and Miners ol this Country, Nov. 'Jl. If mm WSJH&MW$ FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, - CORNER MAIN AND OREGON STREETS, JACKSONVILLE O.T. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and are constantly receiving, a Urge and well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, CIGARS i LB:irei, stucDisse tDiar EMBROIDERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, November, 21 , J8M. Itf L. BELFILS, Watchmaker and Jeweller, AT TRUCIIOTS, JACKSONVILLE, Watches Repaired, and Jewelry Manu factured to Order. 40tf Til AID HI ME Manufacturing Shop. LOVE & BILGER RE8PECTFULLY Informs the Citizens of Jsckson County that they have purchased the establishment lately owned by M. G, Kennedy, ami that the business will hereafter be carried mi by the above firm. We will coustantly keep oa hand a complete atsortment ot Stoves and Tinware, Which we will sell very low fur cash. 'don, B, ,Le ,,,, j j,ekMnvllle, Auj I ' ' All kinds of Job work end Uepalriqg t notice. Aug. 31, IcCC. Mir Notice. THE subscribers have lost a great roaoy Cattle, strayed from their Rsucb,"A4tir Yreka. The Cattle are generally brah'ded with two letters cenneeCM, ss M C, E B., E C, J N, or J B, on tbe right or loft hip. Any person who may know of the where abouts of any cattle branded with any of the above letters, will be liberally reward ed If they wiR Inform E. S. Kearney, Jacksonville, or the subscribers, Yrsks, MYERS & CO. October 8, JSCC. iZux'i for Everybody! X BRO. A CO 'S Storr at WieUAOLX MILLS, abttfe Is NO HlMBUG.ttajr are mpect thcmxelvc?. THOMAS, RIO), Htwtmtmmmmtammi A CO, BBTMIL LDlSlDQTrg JACKSONVILLE, 0. T. ' A L.VRG1S AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF 3 & iiis, gis TrfaatKi- RIBBONS, &C, FARMERS' & MECHANICS' TOOLS, Ac TKI.1VKEKLV STAG UK. rpilK California Stage Company will here- X after run Coaches three times a wttk ,from Yreka, Cal., to Jacksonville, 0. T., i leaving Yreka on Mondays, Wednesdays iuid Fridays, arriving at Jacksonville eaiuo days. Iesvo Ja-ksouvllle on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrive at Yreka same days, making the run lu eleven or twelve hours. OFFICES At tho "Yreka Hotel." Yro ka, and "Union House," Jacksonvllle.39tf DImsIuIIbh ol C (itiatuo rsbf t, riMIE Copsrlnership heretolore existing JL between S. M. tVait and the diretWrs of the Esgle Mills Company, undar the name and style of the I'iitenix &. Egle Milts Flouring Co., is this dsy dissolved by mutusl consent. The busluest of the firm will be settled by S. M. Wslt. b. M. WAIT. W.J. ALLEN, THOS.F. UEALL.J Directors of Eagle Mill Company, Jrsjr Kosimos, Bee. protm ' UmiHiua AcaAcmy. )v' if .niiiuik a n A tv nt m VifAnX't 114 .' MU,i.V ..,. w,, this School will open oo the 1st day" clobcr. 180G. For Terms Hoard ' of October. I80G. For Terms Hoard Course of Siudy Laws aud Regulations, 4c, see published catalogue. I T.F, ROYAL, II If Principal. , WW. UOff 1UHH f' tnnirfAD fo TAniranu pniivrv JUSTICE OF THE I'EAC&'U OFFICE At (be Old Psrsoasg,-SSo Hill, Jacksonville (VF. f" c . $&& H i l-J m a 'Jfflr -