The Table Rock sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1855-1858, December 06, 1856, Image 1

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    I y (
few N " !
&L ." LU1J" --'"" lJijlij rCT'iinkr
n n w" w t :.iHiffa8:."SfT
5 Kill ML,
1 . -M.,.
., Vfa- jf
BV 'rVAtjUT.A: llLAKELY.1t
Volume '.
jfr v. nn' ., ,w A-ijiirji.;
VCUMltBU O, 185U.
limltn11 ft
y. -rss.-t -
1 ..- ia
I I'fln'TOt.ll.llllllH
is rrouanr.o evert (UTiniuT, r
Tcrtm Ih X4v
Due eonr. for 6nrcar.
' " thretf-spatht
.Vtll l. I1....1..1 . i.. r.,iir.t.. ;
v tat uvuMUiiuui ftiiu iiivniu
vu (quire 01 iweac unrs ot icm,
eeriloM. $5 00 : rneh subticauenl i
St OS. A liberal italaction raadc to J
Aaiincjt Cnrdu, of tea linn or lew, to
w; jcur, ou : 10 periuns nuo Buvriie t
iHim rw muarvs or wore.
... - t . .. .... .... . , .
"Ti.T- I-- i .-" .r " .v:
i n naia-wr or iMcruoiu tuiiitl l
tlr marked oa the margin, otherwise
rlfl b contlsaed till forblilcn, snd
Tho Ieor ISnn to hit Sob.
Work) work, ray boy, b not afraid,
I.ook labor IuUIt in the face.
Take up the iattswr or tkoervtlV,
And blush nut for your humble place.
IlnU Mf yew aniitt anawt Y'&
3lw'. isiIi swl asMat ytmt kanii way be:
mf Tslys tttat jvavwe
a Ifce aatlw .
4rord ftcMt ;
lelllMorref Life.
Day dairued, Wltbln a curtained room,
Flllsd toJWcJgstaos.'tb prrfuroa, ,
&i3jUji jHiint ot Ja,
Day clwtd. A child bad teen lie lijlit ;
But for tke Udy fair an brljbt,
Sfce retted In undrraoriaf ulsbt.
Years fled. lie vote a suanly
And itrupf led in tb world's roupb race.
And won at last a lofty pltc.
And Ikea ho died. Heboid btfora je
Ilumaalljr'i brief auni, aad story
Life, bcata71K-Ukcre is of Glory.
" n cimar:--
"STJLpolcon III. Louis Napoloon lib
uanarte. the present Emperor of the
French, was born on tho 20th of
Arril. 1608. at tho Tuiliorics. His
ii.iilinrtrniItfirti.iiHP. Oiieen nf Ilnl.
laud, tbo wife of Napuleon's brother, i
Louw, to whom that kingdom had been
. . , 11
' " 'fWIv TTi
.u ' JSBBLV9llll.bK
assigned. Tho marriage of Hortense,,ber Trom tho same btate,
and Louis was most unfortunate j theyi'goole, a member of (.
did notbinc but
ber 1607 they finally separated
eteraam, and tiortenso retu
motbor in Paris. I hero
Emperor was born, and i
able that ho aud the Kim?
w tb only two poraous of the fain-1'
jly ef rsapoleou, whose uirwa wero
alv.u.! uplfl. milifnrv timinrfl .nil lliA
Keaaage of the people. Tbwo U one
4reHH stance connected with tho fate
4T tbla family, which bWorfana have
nataa valobaervftd. but wheb a worth
.: :- rVi.HAin.H .u. r:... .....
.: . .
..u.LuJfl.V.ii r.:A.n. .n,!.i.
Jor, to obiaia ae bir to tbo tbrono of
Hiltrv crv -iwr aw tirwuia siv wwHttarwa"
FranGB. Ue reamed the l'rluccas of
A(Uia, ahd by ber be had a son. j
That birth wa the ealuminatiiiff point'
- Hv .. mm Ww... ,
,al Ma fewer and dignity. From thence
ha ilk) ntbi but descend. He died
.aa exkte hnuwn also. Who sue
.eee4d to his name, bis fain), his ikj.v.
or I The child of HortoBSe. who was
it. eIiHJ of Jnaonlitno ! In llio ner".
ami Bftka Enoerar ef the French, we
find not the offspring pf Napoleon the
Gieat, bat tho off-pring of b ilbKard.
wiftl nVbat an illustration of the truth
.. .. . ..-.s. .
e the aaage, "riMat roaa proposes,
" M, God dispose.'
. . ' . T '
ThuufaHow who w'ai treated witli
e9ttD says it in'taf eo good asj,ct tho public attention.
, AsfrKation of husbands 0,'tbst'the
Usbima weuld IaH as-ling t the
. WbyeWBat a- gBiitteiaatf, ISfallyj
pei4' a'-it' wJkbt;.'tilVt tie. J
ewtt k a b er befenr to him.
JCT Thm jw beauty cnouf n ou
ear A to wake a home for angels.
3oHs;rc9leiiRl Dad.
Duels lwve-igH' fought by members
of- Con
am m vary commons.
ment ol
tenco hi ii nauottAi
' theso
been much WFt
I lU6ftt t
ilij- sMiM
the case.
or (ho
front im first
.frees iri Pfcn4
attiir lmtwe Iteoofci
4e afcace& trw'
vOstlfM Br.iw W
VriiwMbm T tWiWtU
ma -rn mr
"? 1 -t .i.
ner .www itoTr-aniaiMj
i..... .. 1 -i.j. r . .fTis.
imnuinu im emwai m m
ItM pren on tm Mt er civiluaUon
iu this country, as exhibited In our IS a
tional Legislature. 'Ilia records will
prove that there has been less of per
sonal violence, and fewer vneounfersin
our Congress thnii thero have been in
Parliarocnt, during tho same number
of years, ain co the Declaration of our
Independence. I
The first duel bv a member of Con-
gress on record was that between Hut-
tonGwirtnct and Jackson Mcintosh.
in J777,-Thcy wcro both of tkeStatoiuiyia"
of Geftrgia, tkewftT Gwlniict only was enlr-inakt
a momtrar of Congress. Ho was n
a!Bcr ol the Declaration of Indepen-j
donee, and bis antagonist was an offl
eer In the army. 11ie disputo was of
a personal nature, and U10 duel can
i hardly bo called a Congressional en- j
leoanter, m it grew out of uo, act,
of cithur party connected with politic.
Ilio next attair ol honor In whiou a
in wiiiou a
momber of Congress was
occurred in 1717. and was
words tpoV,Ui In debate.
'Hie parties
, wore Thomas, itlount,
''from North Carolina,
and JudR0
I'. .a - w
I 'Mialnlia IrlMl M t II rtf I rr Ma i
. .:'
ii-t.-ii.-..-'. .. in..n l.n tnnb nfVI
LUWIIWUtahl - '- --..w SVi va
.. .w..
. funco nl a
verbal crrtlclsm of an ex -
prcsalon hotred. by Tlialolior, who,
.. il.z. ini-iiMitnn m finUt .I..
clinwd giving an answer until be o'ould
' writo to fa wife and obtain her con,
sent ; and thcro the mutter d topped
Seven 3 tars afterw-nrds, 161-1,
i,uu-i-r .hii'i - oreuriKa7 -
VJ&nded In a due) with Cob Wntkins;
9 cause ofthe duel was political, not
iinr.rmcintil nnnrn In M. .r
..m. Tt,.n n..'i. . .;.(.
vus, Jonathan Daytoti, a Senator
SS'ewJersev, sent a challenge to
lit Clinton, then a Senator from
Turk, on nccount ofan oiTeutivo
n r... ir..,in.
er iu a dubate. for
ailogy that vu
,of tho Ialt
e mado an
iio Senate,
v fro in
year loin.ucnorai waaoii a -"-,",' ,"".".r.. "V.J.r'rvri bv Caatcrlv. nualast Woods fc Has.
intn a mv . miniirrit'ii r.uiiiinncL'iiru uiniii 111111 aim i .
Virginia, was killed in a '?"' ,. !" .""f. . 5 lUell. "bile ho" waa the attorney of
relative, MeCmty. also a "J" u"" "("or. ,u ""', " """"J Woods. It was made to assume the
.taiUlroueh thecauso ofthe .aonuueis ma.:e i. m uiusu, lor men 01 . nm,Mn(n n, ,.., nroIprlltll
nltu.i i .li.i nxi nrininniK merit are sure to bo iiiodost. in abort .ri1 r V-7 iv 'n . r
;iiticalttuid not origtnnto ,,.,. r ,.r ,, ., . ,i,. this own bosom uiend. How truly
-' i llio praise of that young man is on the t , ... ... . , . . '
.. ii... r fit. :..!.- c i.:. . .refreshing this cu7n!ng! Woods on
, IT. . nr ,nnn in ti V-V,J ..uMwna mmii, - ,i. .
was a party, waWJ o-fmav. bo wl:
of McDullie, Qf becW bo stands o far
of Congress
ji.....i -ir..t.
(UlBltl. Ulinu w. ...VVM.l.l, M.
t Carolina, and Col. Chmmings,
ofGcorcia. which came off in the
year 1B&. 'Hie famous affair bctweoi. '
ilenry Clay and John WA H
curred four years alter the last, in
1620. The next year M.Tnnce was
killed m a duol by Mr. Carson, a mom
of Congress, in which the former wa'
I killed. This tragical created a
feelinginthe public n.ind opug:
nant to thoduello, that it was not until
nant to tho duello, that it was not until '
tho year 1851 that another affair. of,
' bonor g-.ow out of a Congressional ,
rnuarrol. when Mr. Stanley, 0 ionn
i .. . . w
r.ii.n nui nrir iivta ni Aiftimnin. 1
.x.,ni B.l,.nedabtltB without an v
i personal ijijury to each fitbor; aud then
"" "r"e , '- - r
ffxplalncu ana iwcanio iiienue. n
veara allerwaras. air. Hire was
dinijoptcm- Mrgima, was moriauy wonnqeu in a ,,..,,, ...... "j T', .' , ship, and that Ue assets 6Uould be 'this was overlaid by thirty guineas i, " "". ... ,i. "l.'V" " .' r.!
HtAm duel with Mr. Duggor, of tho same 1 ""- - "wi uro' " - ' divided among th creditors, and also more In twoekirUof wbitolace. Taste-1 h"A. "' "Ttj ,Lu &
rued to Her) ataie. in tooo, tue suiuresuiy rum-,, i asktnglor a uecc&ur to prevent woods 'fully disposed down each tide of the ji. .;..,;..;,, ar.. .i.L l.i' '
the prosentaemuercd meeting iook place ueiwecn; Jtctus. from squandering' Uie estate, and lo I letter, were six half crowns; which so ' i'V"y"i JZILa.
it is remark. , Jonathan Cillev, ot Maine, ano im. -jie number of votes cast in the', preserve it for lb creditors. In reality, many bows of purple ribbon had come , .,,. r,. lu .ie- ii7.V,1i JT
r 1 -I 1 rlMM. nf i ntilnflp linlll IMAfilhArall ... fi .... . n 1 lll. A. .1... ..1.r ... .fa....... Il. .nl. I 1... -r . 1. 1-, ....:- HI pviwi iini aw npv. cnit Rtn w
ui jiuiiid w. v.i.fc. u. .v...wv . . ....... ...v... .. ,. .,... 1-n.Miiipiiiini Dippiinu '1 nrnm mv I . nun d.ui . tuo biAiii.iB.iiib ? stm luftnu iu. i nti .unci iiiaiiziijb ui Lull., uuui'
second of Senator Gwm, of California,
who fought with Mr. McCorkle, a rq-1
! preseutativo of tbo same State, 'llio'
members of CongreM, the duel grew
out of exp.ress.ioii used by one of the
parties at a race-course in California,
ji where the'took place,
' In 1854. the affair betweeti Mr.M
, llreekcnridge the Democratic candidate
fpr the Vloe Preifdency, occurred, in
( which no tneotiug took pjaco from the
irii; 1... ..1 .1. -.;!:.. ...1. i.i. ..-.1.. I, .A
uuucuuy vi uvcmuig mgf r-yv
'jgven the challenge.
rn" nwtl aff!r of tho klfld whlch
occurred is the pae which now engfosa-
Tlio list of Congressional duels is
by jio means a lorimdaule one; ana,
considering the" virulence with wbicb
pur partisan quarrels have beca.cef;
dueled, aod strong aea-tlenal feelings,
which have always jmafad sinofl ibp
jnuHibers of our National LegWalwe,,
it i's-extremelv meakro and favorable
to Ike moral obasaetcr vf our people. 1
iPuring the pait ebjbjy jenis but
tew i
j . . ., ..w.. ..-" . .. .
hostile meetings have bn botxtcon our,)
lomling poJat), ybiIo there has hni...
Ij been an eminent British Stateimau1
,tiQ has not boon cuRaccd in duels.
;t, Cnnninc, rox, Curran, OCotlne,
, DlsrncII. Castlorongli,
ot U10 leading st
li.ivo lind tb
honor: but our.
bocaijMflBflBfre trttn sac
. 1 ii .mm-w -w T
rSrJT. Y. Times.
TttHHg Mrh,
r;,wjre ytw erer in
una. iiiwiw JLinwiaii wai wan
rjr-r. , -j
jwpafKfl.reem wr m amnycr,
ll? im Kuuiuntiu , "qswM,
be Is a reliabl
yoa know soiae
SS8 erWntetsch
;cly U prJe. It 'h
1- ..
a remark 11 iik
liko "gond iipw from a far country, or
cold water to tuo thirsty soul. A re
l,laj'Ie 3'n"nE ,nan- U?w, pleasing the
reiiecuon, uiai 111 mv uiiusi di 1110 nu-
IZ1' -IKj ,a tr"nB all have bcsjMo the loss of
m4 M.Mwkkf mrf M onmltalslrta ertIU iniarUeen felt I
nioroui temptations ww men Hieyonngi.lnolt tt,view 0f Bomtsoftbo parties and
are suujeci 10 in una ago ana eonnip,
we occasionally
find one of whom tho
i ii'trinsicH ty true,
Wo knew
they are like
"and nlnt-es tlio
mo csxmiai.on o an nguv uunnngmen,
anu we may aua women too.
lucre ts a worm 01 meaning in me,
word reliable, as wo use it In Uiiscodn
It means juit any tiling that is wor
thy nr.d to'be commended. If a j'oang
man is nrono to any of tho leading
U-" ' ,, . ,,', 1
''vices of tho day , ir ho ever makes
., promises ana violates inem, or i.atjitu.
Hiir uniiiiH lisn uituiciaa.iuii v slis siiliii
v 1, -, : - " o;
wrought ami cxaggcra cu cxprcMmnr no
,"'' u .Ci..v. .. .. ..-..
,wloni,iiialtiiwo to uusinoss, care
I Inaat Iftrlri Atif np Ini Innrl fM li)jatftiA I
Icin, indoIouTor too Tone! trf lcntaro
-and cay pastime, ho cannot bo called
., ,- - k
I f "'. ;lucn'e" "Ba"V.0' B T'r
.,,-.---- .. ...
ll'"10" "'"P "g"": aw,,' c,ommQ -
, nltv not to say of uod, tho iniraction
' ofAvhicb.would make him rank with;
. Immoral and the vicious.
now envtnhie me position 01 a ren-
tatitil tinttnit idhii in n nntilf tiiinft atia.
a'utr.iu - cv.areciiiiiga,u'rnxuit., -
conBdoa m his integrity, ills word ,
n,ever doubted aa a business man
I HO I Buru lu.uuuilll luu uil;iii.. -umij
iTIiecond bless him whenever
!" G ""V u,,r
" I, olJ m
?'iM7,$r Vm
,. good bless bim whenever they see
apcait 01 mm iro.
the highest praise,
apeak of him fru
ntKl those who Imvo daughters tblnk a
aim uivto uu ui
,iUMle moc U,an the-v V-1'
vn or.? ,,v " 'Ta,"B f3'
i compliment and daughtura si
.... ...i.I1 .nl.
while motli-
of their
daughtura smile with
t .. T i.i... .i!
aoove iucui.i
i, , .1 t 1.1
"VJ .7 .N.. '...T .T.l. 1 "
""" ""l""",,, K luul ,.,.-
subjecf of it Iiighcr In I Wfre cjon(l ,bo jmj of February,!
io envy imu
. I t ... , lUBl III
u now reireimiig it- is u these ue- . , j ' f u f- Ad
ftSA IA aSoSorf of stock from!
dom, so as to Imparl proper inatruction
l .MI. ..I.ll-l. .- ... ! ... !......
. t i ,r. ;n
t.u auuii uunurrii inni aiirv inui it-niii
'caci, yoo.OOO.
i .n, ',,.,,' ..:
. announces the
dcath of t!l0 ,lon. JohnJoljuson Clia.
., llf fM,ii '
ceor r Maryland '
,, ... - , , . , , ,
! Of t he thir j American doctors who
--""'" ""V"V"v. - b,
, .nnmnt-.n . ,.u -..nM.-'.. !ii (that night, tuna atone will discover. . 'broach of gold and and enamel. Her " " ' J' ", V "" Cn" ZITT
. Mr. Urom- - - -- - -- j ""j-V" ,7.. "f 'Hie complaint Was drawn ostciulhly, fairy form was Invoateil in ten guineas, ZZu Xrpri.''
ongres, from aJ J ' n " J -of I 1 ,. f, . , 3 . aijd r-i"?"-; J
.W..W.. .....- VH..V.1 .
1 the iiaaiMn army during the i d ,,- fr,end &4 flrtl T r0T a Re.
is sartl about ono-nhird liMccjver to pregerrelhe estate from bo-
1 war, it
The rest have returned without ex
1 .. .
I Isiilfva !l nwtt lltn r'nnlaiIiiaiAiiAn l
Psadon. ..XdbT.o-;:to ake
I i- I I 0 . .
i.ltect win.ii his aucceasor is apppinled,
,ln attestntjon of tho excellence ofthe
character .jpf Andrew Joyn&r, lim.,
who recently died in North Carolina,
jjihe Jaiona;ifeaccrvt'atestlwtho
had peon u continuous and .punctually j
.r, paying suosenner to mat paper iorjiry.w;rap it in Aceordfugly a message
Horr Standlgc, the celebrated sing-'
.er and instructor of Jpnny Lind, died!!
iu a jnad bouso in Vienna last month,
It U said that an eloolrio cannon lias
been Invented, firod without a .touch-1 , "lai as being .a strange prococauig, no
holoAv means of electricity. 'l"bo con-hdouU be AfA the aHdiaatioB
ducting and non.-cbnducUng wires aro! AwM havelnrtB wade in open Court ;
indtoduced iutQ the cannon during its but tUeu the araseuta were ao webjhly
hianufacturc. aud cutoff clow to tho that he, good, WHii)etig pereoo
aurface;so.lhat, lit tho event of tbo could hot witasl them. So be signed
...m. r,.Hinf. 5nn il. l..n,i.,0 .,. the order annowlioif a Keceivw, turn-
mi- sbev would fxll to il'iannrpr. t burnt'
for e5mo time, Jiow the cannon was
-J --. ,, , ..VHV.VHV. ....TVT,
if . .
trPeoi3o become ill bv drbtkins
hcaltbs' I lo who drinks the bWrfi- e-I'i
othcfJ-lriiik's ayoy ,hi own, ,.
The AA
tritio nDBi'lrasdi inorpclratca
JaMrigi'V'lMi one, connected wtJi'i
'WAutrgA: Co. was Ihel,
Is results.1!
Fjaktfe J (nfravvrd'e.sprcad sulTer -
p;ijan Mmost any evil
-pomblj1 haro afflicted the
'AH tilth
of ncrsonfc have '
been the Vloflita.
Hie merchant, the
miner, the nftijan, tho xaihoronfanrh:rsonl and mixed, was, anfl bad for'
the films trt'li.tHfl uiilnw Jinrl nrnbuti.
... l.m ;j n
! tnj 11111 tuiT mm in OVITV TWIOJ
throuchout the imieth and brrndil, nf
ourl.nd. It liufcent the husband scna
-i i- i. . t. ... . ."
the children. It has reduced to wi
lkoio mthersanU ehndren in thoEa
crn States who'dependrd on remittal). !
ces from this laud for their support.
Hie amount of mUery it has occasioned, ,
11 wouiu lie impoisiiilo to estimate. A
iro&tfiHa1 facts in this stuiendous swin.liloss to be susUlned.
'Ulo may
not be
, time.
1 j655, Cvcr again to be opened
rlctlun. their was iu tho vaults, at low,
,. fl4.i....i.i
.thousand dollars In coin. rold dust and
, .' " ...-.....-.. ,
bullion; and that Woods held stock.
bills receivable, ind otlur evidences of
'indebtedness to 'the amount
of throe
1 humm thousand
.uunureti wiousanu moro. A meeimi
I wt, CBcd bj. NWoUl of ti10,e unprin
meeting 1
; ,IlJw, ltwyvn ,,,
-.t it r ?-.
( E
the creditors'
dollar of tho larcp amount of tnpny
.I ... . w . ... ......V....WM.J
to their,
JtO know would
lolicmnir a sTni
then on band; llwasalso dolermlncdTprevcnted from leaviwt tb wustry
' that the iodlclsl enninb should be
Uroiuj-w to the scheme, arjd
a4rttoywf)ut. How well the
(tjkaWRS law, aitd bow far the plot j
was suecewiui, tuo depositors arc pre
jWHtd to answer,
raerntJe"3uTHrrnr atRlmTtr'rM,,"'
one of tho uilduLnt robbers, a com. m'ntJ '
plaint was (irnWnju an action wldcb
SZ.V T "aY. In
' T , , . ;. , :.
Ada,n'' wbo, ol ? t,ma w" mo1r"
u,a" "" W,0B " ,n"c' 'lrou, , ".
duciiu ui iiiu cuiiipiracr, uni uiauo iu
figure in It. Oh, how well lias the con
coder entitled himself tbo namo of
Tho comtdaint was jircpared
Klit handed Casscily fifty
sand dollars of Mokelsmno Hill Water
.... . .-r,... i.Af,. ,
",ui-" .'" i"J'r tr '.": """'
,be rendered UhlVoocU. Casserly
no reuuuiuu null, n iiuus.
, ,, ... . .., .. n.-
' iTlW-' j"
. .... . ..
that ui"ht. tuno atone will discover.
praying that AMn Adams should be
made to pnv nil 'that be bad saved
"a"0 to pay
i through a long ahd Industrious life to
'support blm In bU old age, and that
' support blm In bU old age, and that
.tho asset kept from the
j!credltorJ aud ijft&i aiBogrtWoo4s
ing appropriated to the debts
lirm. .so ;iro cori must have
7" T -- - - - - 1
I . . l.(. v l tA I
ITJ ."'T. m.': .'i
acts fully prove.
I At about two o'clock on the -morning
of jb 2"id February, the com
'plaint was ready, All .that was now
wanted to renjiar the irauuuient scuemo
was sent to the retideuce of Ueloa Lake, .
then Juduo of tbo Fourth District,
Court. The Judgano doubt grumbled
exceedingly at Oijiog roused at sueliaO
unseasonable lMr. uwstijave-strucK
ed into feed ww, dreamed of fradu
l..4 IihuLa
., w -
lent baakers, of gold, villisneiM
lawyers, dfsWaetf KeoMvers, aad boa
est lucorruptib Jud. 'Hip plan
was werMng,weil aatT sace(ig ad.
jnirably. ivt , ,
.WJion tUepttbJwfutid, on the.mor-
rrfVct wna to i obtaht' th ermine losue-lries, In six bundled aud forty .c!jjbl4
ningortho22d Fabraarr, that Ma liantt
Vit'pw t tbonsnal hour, htaiMn
'to be rumored that Adams J: Co, bad
failed A number of creditors stattrd
in hot haste for their altomers, and had
complaints drawn in doublo nuick
j'time, posted up to conrtand procured
aiiacunjenisj uqi incy men lenmw
J , that thoy wcro to j late ; that some Hr
lvAAt vai KAhh m h.iIjh aiA aL.w.
selves, for that tbo, entire estate, roal,
iuitvni uuura jimviuu, uri'n in liicpos
session of A. A. Cohen, as Receiver,'
for their benefit (I) The creditors
blamed themselves for being so slow, '
yet they found tomo consolation in the 1
thought that the Receiver held the pro
perty for them, Poor, deluded inditi-!
duals I They littlo Imagined the tree
stato of tho (a-.ts. Hut then it was
considerate in Woods and his friends
not to ftllmv (!inm tn mitlnrttuml tin.
Hliolo of their misfortunos at once.
. ... .
Tiicy wanted the public mind to bo.
i'como'tamiliariied by dearocs with tho
nnppropriate aJhlsjIlV few of thorfediters succeeded in
j? Igctting their attachments levied 6h pro -
perty which Cohen had been unable to
reUueo into pokseinou. It therefore
became desirable that something tho'd
bo done to proventany further proceed-
lings from been taken, ns tome of the
exasperated creditors had threatened to
I i. - I r r 1 .1 .
prucceu ngninii v oous uir irauuienuy
I retaining tho money deposited with him,
H was of great importance that some
schemo should bo devised to prevent
such & proceduro, but how such a (irjt.
Itlcratum could be arnved at was a mis
tery. It was well known that tho ex
provision of the act relating to
utisWhUnttUbarrsd anv banker
mrmmmmmj' slips msnj vis mm 1 eblata
fj Jmkt of that at?JI Wf,
wiuony cenatn uiai unless ntaae
invoked to their aid, Woe& WM be
. ... . ..w ..... -w.
with the deposits. They had scedud
' nj tying up the assets trom tbo credi -
tors, but what
use would that bo un-
less they also wceecded ia keeping
Woods from being arrested! In this
trait, one of the boldest and most
jst ln!
man was determined upon ;
and that was, to have the Judge of tho
Fourth District Court, in deflanco of
statute, and against its express nror
isions, alio iv Woods to go Into insol
vent v. Such a monstrous. tflarbiL'
perversion of law never would haro,
been attempted in any other country
tlian California; but they succeeded,
The Value el a riuc Lady.
Oiico I assisted at the solreo dan
ratite of the Couutess of Fritterfield.
Tho most brilliant star in that galaxy
was the young and 1ov.1t
.. of Kiddledafe. I sawhe-J
of fashion
rl.nMm. In ,n I..II. ArnnnI l,.r'.n-.
brow we set five hundred pound. ; for S"fB.x0'l 1. ' U i ,,' 'iC '
such would have been the answer of! "S lTTTt llL,?1''
anyjewclierw the question, "vshatare'jli0' iftf, in
those diamonds I"4 With the gdJ f-.t'.lba worat
undulaUon. of her bosom, then rose fcilSrt? ili utl f, "
and fell exactly thirty pounds ten shll- ZnTZlKfT 1M"
lini-s. 'llio sum wore the culse of a
I.i... l..f.....l .1... ' "jit.
ea aairia were vogeu wiiii viereii nuui
tional guineas, the va'ue of some eight
yards of silver friugu a quarter ol a ;
yard in depth. Her taper waist, taking
tone and clasp together, I calculated ,
l0UmfieJLfj:rtv,i0undalerluuf..t"ti",r-r .'"" " "" "WY eouu v
n:rsr.:7:u. zza '. i. j.r.
, .1 1 1,1 1 , 11 . . .1 ii'
!. UI1II.H.II .....MW c...., M.V Mr.vv:
,m uo-- of spotless KU being added ? ISJ
of tlej.bracdot which encircled thel.ttle wri ,
.ft,' IIESS! "?ii7?,? Si; t S' '
Hi . I . f . r
i ' 'Ar
I, ; . i T Vi ,i., ,1, .
lowest figufo. I should aay that she
ni mifiinrv iiim riisr unn khtifi ni imh
wore iouncen-anu sixpence ouuer.eei.,
Thus, altogether, was this thing
ii i. .ii. "... i i ... j
llgUJ, luis crvamro oi iuvvjiuwoj, iajru
irom ueau to toe, vciuaiivii w .wiv . i
.pounds eleven simuugi, iw,v.j
ut. J. i u.m uicueuo, oi .. wneaus,
has succeeded in Uainlng the larger,
species o nosquiioB -aoou m ihw
T-. ... "..."- a
iiiiirnua aB i:iuiuiir-inii w a'-waai
all the object hitherto Only, accoru.
plisbed by tbo leech or the cujiper. A
dozen of Ihese insects are equal to ix
leeches, and, placed ou the desired spot
will at once commence to suck the
blood in tbewino way, and wlb far,
less trouble, than the older institll
Kr Men are as oftentimes hunt
by tbo dogs 'of 'their own species, as
are tho. foxes by the iiounus; anu uiey.
never gtva "AVer their chaae unui lueyi&TDfoy are tobo kcut to LibcrU iu fiAir
i .... ... - - . c'ajffii uuui ma jcaiu, ipm ruvu utiv
tuo grave.
19.' '
Jl ffliajPffBif i
llio movement that Was on fool Ins
taken a carriage. 'lTio great part
of political capital Is-mado HP of nri
vato interest. Ho who soils .his
conscience is in danger or moral chol
era at any moment, .What tuno.
is most likely to captivato a young l.v
dy t A fortune; 'Hie fellow who
slept under "tho cover of nidil. com.
plains that he camo near freeing.
There is a man in th's place so mean
that hi shadow won't follow him!
Ine rascal who forged a nolo on the
Newfoundland "sand bank," has since
attempted to commit suicldo by stab
blng himself with "tho point of a joke'
The young man who stood on
his own merits, bocamo very much fa
tigued with the performance. A'
Doun-eatler says that modesty is a.
quality that highly adorns a woman','
! I out ruins a man
Mbat the tenu "graH".w!doaa
froinrtho fact that their husbands are
I roving bladrt,
'vho chance of a
, ' a 1
lo letter makes a curious dilfurence
sentence sometimes. A paper cop
ying from " Benton's Thirty Years,"
calla It "Thirty Hears in tho Uniled
states Sonato." A western editor
says he was taucht when a bov to ro-
frain from grumbling at two thincs:
0,1 i tbat which he cannot help, and
1 .1... !... S. it... l.t.L l. I .t
' wsjiiu" hi nuicn no enn neip.
,.' x-anny fern Having said that
her new husliaud fMr. rarton) did not
believe in a devil, a wicked editor In.
Islnuates that bo (Mr. I.) will believe in
the dcrilt before many rnenttM have
elapsed. Om f eW bretbrtm'of
tbo quill aaNscMtef, thinks that ir
coKici(MNiM f an enormous advands
mMtsilWhHket stcmld sberten tbslr
K tvpw( RoH BWOvft WW iHtrvii iVrtfl
eaweo. .a ewr away tfewn
MMt. who srrd fear Java an a iurv.
r J bo Is no full of law, that k k bard
. ... .. --
, k to keep freai cbeaUng aowebody.
', mJ g"00 woman, nave you
got me uosfei aerei' "io, sir, we
jbavetj t," replied tbe old lady, "bat
wey ra gei it awjuuy out hi Kansas ;
'hrother tseechcr sent it there.". VM"
?nr'HwK-H- ah nmtH in"tb
'Garden of Eden before ha tinned t"
said an amiable spouse to her husband.
"Till bo got a wife," wa the calm re-
ply- 1 ell me1 tho books
a man
reads, and I'll tell you what his mind
is- Tt-H me his femalo associates.
and I'll tell you hi moral worth.'
a a . '
... . .......
nopo you will be ablo to svnpert
i'" "id a young lady, while walking
I'n... ... &....?... ..III. I f... I.I 1
uut uiiu cicuiug iui uur jnienueu, uu.
ring a slippery sUt? of the sido walks.
"Why ya, yes," said tbo lomowbat
heiitating swain, "with somo littlo from
your father." A member of the
"South Camden Lazy Club" has iust
l,"" "Pe3,LCd ft80 "l 'Jf ,U
ba" a.?,k, ., f1" "uwn M
"'"' " WW BSHnCB, UW UClltial
7 . '" "w,,"7 ".. ".T. J? "l"" wnu.
ter followed bioi, aad brought Ww.
dowu w'ttli two saota from a double.
barrelled gun. 'Hits hi a littbj too.
strong-tnindod, we sboiibi tbiak, fertile
moat ardent adveeato f "wewau
.:..!.!. 'r-f.A ... .. I. ii...i.i..i.
,l,? " lwnr taa ,
...! I. .... .Ata.r.J-I.T..
-A V'
"u uu"' i-tttiu(m.o.-
iwb( become tlredf lncle L1e.MtfiieVi.
UllJ, wrote 0 hfrhittl4fd . ,.Dwr ,m, .
?""" ' T If you're curnadn' at all!
Edward Keldemiau is JusUtiu' that I,
. a.. ...
bhali have him, and he hugs and kites
,ne , C0Dl!llutl'j,y j ca.t Mdoit
. !: Sneaking wlihn,,.'
.l.tMLtll. I. .1...I....V ...III. A... .l.l
tuwBiug, .uuvuiig niwuui laaing
what is
woman six
' rv,. tu 0 Inches !il"u.'
drawn outt'" "A
j(1 tli(J world put ,nat
put matrimony into vour
"Well, the fact Is, Perry. 1
i. -ttInff short of tbirts.".
jtolterdam paper calls a smash op on
the Schiedam and Amsterdam Itailwar.
.i a.:ii. . m . . .1 m 1 aa
which killed four persons, "fearful."!
Such tinash ups in tbi- country are.
! child's iilay; nothing short of fifty
.deaths la "fearful" oil the American'
principle, ' '
I George . Johusou, one of lie largo
'sugar planters on the Mississippi, biluw'
i:ew urieaus, wuo dietl recently has
left aa estate valued at not leas than'
?ipO,(KK). Up has by bis will manu'.-
Slftteil all his tlavea. UIMI In ninnlior
.'to boluroUhed with .
j aS
- rr. -
UA, -..-.
.- "
t 'v H
? iJfl