The Table Rock sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1855-1858, August 09, 1856, Image 4

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    Tiw- ?qpr
aim. Hii.wlliMamSjMiMJ
J Tr niF-l-:
i ii ii iiiiiminwiiw.wi ? iiiiwiwMiiwwi
Br.RAiioTTK. General Sir A In rod
Clarke was making a tour or pleasure
on tho continent, and arrived at Stock
holm, when he wishod to ho presented
to tho King,
rrantod as a
Knglith general otticcr. When presen
ted to Carl Johann, Sir Alurrd was
very much astonished to find that tho
King of Sweden, instead of a formal
reception, folded him in his amis and
kissed him on the cheek.-IIe was con j
founded at this distinction and more ,
so when the King asked him if he!
could not recollect him. In this, as
his memory was quite defective, he
could only express his regrets. To
which the King replied, "I am not
surprised that you do not recognise in
roc the Corporal Dernndotte who beca-
mo Your prisoner at Pondicherrv, wher
San Francisco.
A private audience was'inmnrl Xtvitpnl Cnm-lnnl TncKt,
matter of courso to the!
Corner of Montgomery and Sacrmenlo
Streets, San Francueo.
KiTAnMMir.n job. the i-euxanent
M!r.i(i:s, and tiik strrnitsstoN ok
DM. L. J. CZAPKAY, Utc of the Hun
garian Revolutionary War. Chief Phy
sician to the 20th Hegirarot of Honveds,
Chief Surgeon to the Military Hospital ot
Pccth, Hungary, and Utc lecturer on Dis
rales of Urinary Organs, and Dicaca of
Women arid Children, would most rapectful
lr inform the public of California and Ore.
hen it Ron Territory that hr Las opened an insti
tute for tne cure or inronic JMeaci or the
I i.unp. Liver, muncys, i-igesuve ana ucn-
San Francisco.
yon commanded the English army in
India ; to wnom you shewed the great-
I ital Organs, and alt l'rlrate Disease, rii :
uicci, oinc-
alt the her-'
est kjndness wbiio tn your power; anal Syphilitic Ulcers. Gonorrhea,
who now is most anxious to return the lure?". Seminal Weako, an-i
obligation in ovory way that mav he ''rid confluences of setf abuse, sjid be hopes; tn r Vnrlnt vr ,'t- ;n II ht hislong extrience and mctful pr.c-
r? . 7 J J i"Ctai many years, will injure him a share
I 'now universally rccoeiiixcu,waa recieved,
lleven before tho day of Jjitncr,the discov-
lerer of vaccination, in IiCo. and its multi
plied benefit, ever .inc. have recieved, is'
'they denerved, the attention of the medi-'
'eal faculty. It was in pursuit of this!
nrancn 01 wis tntsicai science, tliat lit. IV
J Czapkay fortunately made the discovery
of his Prophilacticum, which for the pro.'
jventinnnf Syphilitic, Gonorrcral Cancer-,
ou. and Cutaneous Disorders, standi unri
valed by any agent in the Pharraacopoea.
The effect or thii agent after crilion it
immediate and prevents the possibility ol
a contraction of disease. If, however, the
dii.aa. has been contrscted, it is useful
in neutralizing ths poiaonoui aeerctlotia,
which by absorption, produce the horrid
consequences known at secondary syphilis I
it nat neen adminiaterca nv tiie ioctor in -
1 many thouiand cares, and lie ha jet to
I find the first in which it ha tailed to sub-1
erv. th. purpose lor which ittvas admin1
i.tcred. Price $5. Full direction? are at-,
i Itched to each package. In ease where!
the I rophilacticum is used at a curative,'
San Francisco.
J he home or Taste. Mow easy
to be noat-to be clcanl How easy to ,
arrange the rooms with the most gra
ceful propriety I How easy it is to,
invest ourhou.o with the truest clegan-'
eel Eleganco resides not with tbe!
upholsterer or the draper; it is not in the !
Mosaic, llio carpeting, trio rosewood,
the mnboganr, Jim candelabra, or the
of nubile patronage, llr the practice r.f
miknr fMr. In Tittrnn .nil th. I'hIImI .
' tf.l. ntil aV..Mn( ,1s lliik..t.n mm .1 i
.7.ij mu MU., luc ,UUnilll TCW, ,uui
marble ornaments' it exists in the sni
rit presiding over the chambers -of the- bu Spermatorrhoea, or Local YTeaknes,
dweling. Coutontment must a wars :-."'. 7 'fiT 'lir' , , '.'. arM
, b. t i . t ". ' ' " eaknes" of the I.lmbs and IlacV:, lndipo-
be most graceful; it sheds serenity mtlonandincspabilltyfcrLaborandStudv,!
over tho sccnoof its abode; it taus Ii Dullnets of Arprehension, Lo of Memory,
forms a wasto into a garden. The ' Aversion to Sucicty, Lore f Solitude, Ti j
uiiutij, vii-i'i.iruFb, ififiinmi, ueauacoc.
! Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furnlth (oaATis)
a prraeription for his blond purifier.
All commuj.ication from the country
addrsaitd oa to l)r. L. J. Czapkay, San
IVanciico nill be strictly and confident!,
ally attended to, and th. r.raedics. with
th. rreatMt car. and jecuritv. immediate. I
cnmpklgna, he Is enabled to apply the mart.! ly dispatched, by Eipreu or other con'
roicieui anu surrcssmi rcmeatca aeainrt veyanc, to weir destination.
IdlwaaesofallVinds. -i .
' Tf A ,. tA n.niiM. .Ii..imu Mini... f . .
treats his patients in a correct and honor-'
bis war has rcfcrancct of unquestionable '
Terncltr from men of repcctabllty and higb
standing in society. AU parties contultlnr
bini. by letter or otherwise, will receive the
, best aud gentlest treatment, aud lopUcitse
' creiy.
ClotlVK "W:vcUousc,
II. UilHI.
100 BArraat sratuTS, con-or Mtacimrs,
Snn Frnnchco.
IMPORTER of every ariety ol CLOTH
ING and FUKNI.milM: Rnniw.i
also. Dt'CKS. imtt.!.S.' 1 1 SO pairs
nt.ANKP.Ti), HATS, HOOTS, an nito'lLl Pi,r sdJI
r si a'ti 1 ff.iMHi
Itcttcr Times Comlne
J. i ill! 1 k
HAiVELJ,raT "ECEVEU their Now
Stock of Spring and Summer Goods,
to which they would invll. it...
of the Public. Thalr .i..l. 1... 1. I
VII m is n, -II II . (Ft . . .
m .s o is - . -.-..-.... t.i 1 IIIIOI.SllITISsH -. -! '
pri, pi ine louowing articles i ' .,""'i"t, iJUIPt.Ar r
100 pairs Heavy Dlu.. M.ckina, IllapkeU. ;... 1 ' !! ''"tf." ,0 f.e"
u pairs ' While du II " P.," wi" aitaplsh t
rilllti lli.,u... ' ' ' Jr
I 1 "V,;,'airCED tsia
J. od to Inform th eltlaGi4.
........ .MU , reo.9 or-3a-idi
V ,is,
ilaisorimeatofmerchaiiaJsi;,t 5
tMQI.Mirili ..J-3,I"
,C00O jards -4 Drown Shcetine
, 1000 nriii:n.
er ' .1 uniiinr.
tT(,W,.rd.r.ncy Calico..,
ty recent srrivsls, hsve receivel
larr. invnim. nf it... mmi
nrlrnti! Hi l. l ri,il.i I' IGOO Tarda (.'
and it is the LARGEST STOCK .TeV of. i Vr! ird Printed bawns,
ulactsred under my own supervuim, Ki )srds Curtain Damask,
01 me nest material, well cut, larger sites,
aim iii.uc in ins mosi ourauio nianrer.
Our mock coniirtaTfcr..
Dry Goal,, Clothinff, fcr 4 s,
Groceries of allWmJ
Call and examine for jSrs.Vtt
Loiuw lighted by thosa intimaUons ofi,."l7'f8,,ST1' innineM. uead.cbc.
11 ji.- 1. it v . Involuntary Discharges. Pains la the side,
nobler and brighter hfc my bo want- AffrCtoa J ,h, ,, Vlmftt on the faeJ ,
ing in much tho disoontented desire ;(i Sexual and other infirmltlves in man. are
but to its inhabitants it Mill be a nala I cured without fail by the iurtly celebrated !
co, fax out-vicing the oriental in Iril-j
lianoy and glory.
TnnAxT that Fights h-scir.
These insects, as I have often said, are!
countless; swarm ory where and over,
everything, Their tenacity of lifo is
most amusing. I have told you of the;
manner in which one-half of a bull-dog '
ant fights with the other if cut in two.
I saw an instance of it just now. Ourl
ftiant cut one in two that was annoying'
him. Tho head immediately seized the
body with its mandible, and the body'
oogan stinging away manluUy at the
head. The fights went on for half an
hour without any diminished sign of
life; this is what they always do. In
stead of dying, as they ought to do,
they set and fight away for hours, if
aorno of the other ants do not come and
carry them away ; whether to eat them
or uurry them
rbyslclm and Surgeon. L J. CZAPKAY
ills method of curing dlKi is new, tin
known to others, and hence tbe great success.
AH consultation., by letter or otbcrwinc,
fret. Address, L. J CZArKAY, M D.f
San FraneUco. California.
nhenmutlsm nnd I'cvers
JLcurcd in the speediest and safest manner
by Dr. Ctapkay, the celebrated Hungarian
Thyalclan. Thee dlttanea are treated by
Dr. C. in the mist scientific and scree abl.
mode, ne particularly Invite to hit etab
lUbtncnt those suflcrinc from Chronic lihru
matlsm, who have heretofore failed to obtain
To tho suffering from tbe Fevers Inci
dent to this coast, he would promise Imme
diate relief. Call and consult with tbe Doc
tor at his Medical Institute.
;" Dr. C has a new and eEcIcnt remedy
for Diarrhoea and Dvscntcrv. Call all eon. 1
sult, consul latlen free. Office hours from
9 A.M. to 9 P. M., at the Grand Medical'
and Surgical Jn.titule, Armory Hall Bull-
SYPKILIS Asr. Go-ioanHn:Ai)r.L..r,l
Czapkay would ask special attention!
In avnlill.ti. ....I m.m..I.. -It '
... ,........ ... guuuiiuu-ni oisease.
In th first stages of thrs. complaints ho
gusrantesa a perfect and efTectual cure in'
a few days without hindranc. ta business'
or th. nee. The Doc
tor's method of treating them combines I
all th. latest improvements, by th. medi-j
cal tsciilty, with discoveries, mad. by1
himself more effective than anything yet'
known which secur.s the patunt from the!
possibility of secondary mptoms, and
remove, tbe disease in the ih'Mr.t iu..i.
ble time.
b.condary ayphilis which appears in
eoniequenc. of the absorption of the pou I
run Him ma sjiiein, aim proUiicea llu
hoes, Ulcerations in the thrust and nose,
which destroy th. soft parts, and cu
th bona to mortify, tenarato and come
away, disfiguring th. patient horribly.
Jodcs or painful swellings in the" bones j
splotches upon th. skin, cases of which
th. Doctor sees daily in his office, and
which are th. result of improper treat-
nent. Also, ulcers, sore and pimples,
...u injuries 10 iu. consiuuuon, wnten ar.i
ter a long period of suffering, dsslroy life.
It will.aT.o b. that these dis
orders are hereditary, pa.sing from parent 1
to child, and entailing upon th. ohspring'
a Iruined constitution. For tbe cure of
all these form of disesses, the doctor gusr-
ui.c. u cure or asas no compensation. 1
Tbe Doctor can b. consulted by letter
i viiiiinii, u.e 01 cnarge. ana invites
an nun ar. amict.d to cal
from tha Countrv. -. in.
vited to examine thia HEAVY 870CK.
. .!.. Ill J- 1 .1 .. '
.iu ,ij win una ins price I.IWEII
than they can bs found in the
PURCHASERS may rely on reeivin
th. best and mom saleable Goods, a eich
article la GL'AltANTEED.
promptly and carefully attended to.
1 0,000 pairs assorted fane v Cassimermants:
iv .ii. uucu roncy aua rialn
Satinelte PanU;
7,000 paira Linen Pants:
-.000 pair Goodj ear's Rubber Fan,:
1,000'a Whito Rubber Cms;
200 casea's Long and Jhort
Rubber Hoots;
SOOcrses Miners Roots;
1,000 dozen super Flannel Overshirt;
300 doz.n Fancy Cassimer. Ovoruirts;
1,(XK) dozen While Shirts;
COO dozen heavy Hickory Shirts;
f00 dozen heavy Cheek Shirts;
300 dozen Mernnack Shirts;
COO dozen l.amb'-Vool Undershirs;
300 dozen Regata Undershlils;
200 dozen Grey Flannel Undarshira;
450 dozen Lambs'-Wool Drawers,
ISO dozen Dleached Drill Drawers,
1,500 dozen Overalls;
JW dozed Denim Frocks;
1,200 dozen Country-knlt Wool Socki,
1,500 doz bevy white and mix'd Cot.eo j
1,000 pieces superSilk Pokcet Hndkrthfs;
100 doz super lllaek Silk Necketehiefs;
200 dozen Cambrlck Handkerchief.;
3O0 dozen Rubber Bills;
250 dozen Buck Gloves;
400 dozen Buckskin Gold Hags;
1,000 Doeskin Uutineia Coats;
400 lllaek Cloth Frotk Coats;
.,uw Bssoriea ursrroiti;
COO assorted Pea Colts;
3,000 Silk, Cloth and Velvet Vests.
20 bsles Illue and White Blankets;
50 bales A Sheetinr;
50 balea Drills;
SO bales assorted Duck;
50 esses fiue Felt Hats;
100 cases Straw Hats;
For sale by VM. G. UADGER,
liolesale Clethier Warehouse.
200 yard. Scarlet, white 4-yellow flannels,
150 yards Jeans
325 yards Sattinetv
120 yard nroad I'loih.
215 yards Crash,
C00 yards Tow.l n;n.r
2500 yarda Dleach.d Mn.tin.
240 yard Drllline.
1000 yard G-i.8,,M .1....:-.
4200 yard Summer Wear for Pants.
(UK) ,.! 11 11 f- '
20 pieces Fancy De Lalns,
18 piece Plain do
25 pieces .Mourning Prints and Lawns,
u lina. iU.IHIIIR. SIIK;
24 Larg. Crap. Shawls,
13 do Cathmcro do
75 Linen Table Damask,
400 yards Brown Linen Table Corers,
320 yard Jacconet,
500 yard Cambric Check,
100 yarda Fancy Netts,
400 yard Drel Silks,
1500 yard Oil Callieo.
I 50 yards lllaek Alpacea Lustre,
;-w yara riau uo do
200 yard Frr nch Merino,
ISO yard English do
500 yard Dress Muslins Plain.
300 yard do do Vnibroidtied.
210 yard lli.hop Law P.
750 yard Embroidered Curtaiu .Muslins.
60 yard Oil Silk,
75 Yard Oil Clolh T.hla fol.ri.
Embroidered Sleeves, Chemisets, Colfars,
Laces, Edgings, and Insertions, Hnnnel
and Cap Ribbon. Silk, Cotton ic Worsted
moment, reflection wllltianw h ,,r
advantag. tolh.clttz.n.QVvi,. , '
' by the great reduction '. utiti
tht. prices. W e hope the MWfc n.'l sao
w. sav. i. (run. I.u,i..r.. ....
small proBts, 1 our motto. ,
iiosconrg, nov. l, 6ft.''-'-'
P. MffliMA.I In .11 i.Hnn l.t
where he will give them such satisfaction " 0, 'P9 Uattery, for. Merchant t., San
( tnev can obtain nnwlifr. .1.. Ili.n,
room are No. 1 and 2, Armory Hall, cor- 't
ner or Sacramento and Momeomerr its
11 . M1.IICU.
K. II. No Goods sold at Retu-
. I rtt. 7t. Hclnlssinnss, corner of
iLvitlK.ji nrnuvj nnui acme iiireii .u-
' cuco, na, ror a lumoer 01 years, iu im
- .. . -OBIVATE MED.CAZ AD .UB JT! !"&fe?J
Clanx-zstim: CocuTsmrsOn this
aubject a certain writer discourses in
tnese strong terms, mere may un
exceptional cases-one in ten or a hun-dred-buf
in tho main he is rtght:
" Clandestine courtships aro not only
dishonorable, but a baso fraud on tub
confidence of parents. They arc in
every way discreditable, because, how
ver puro and sincere, the concealment
implies a doubt of the integrity of one
or both of the parties. Either the man
CZAPKAY would call attention to th.
followlnr maladies, in the treatment of
.which ha guarantee a car. Disease of
'th. Brain, auch as Epilepsy, Apoplexy,1
Hushing ol mood to the II. ad, (innama
tion of its different tissu.s,) Partial and
Complete Terabits and Insanity, stid all,
Functional Derangements, such as lou of
memory, aversion of society, misanthropy,
timidity, nervous excittnent from slight 1
causes, sell distrust, giddinrss, headache, I
ringing in the enrs, coulusioH of ideas.
lov. of solitude, optical illusions, disturbed
France, de-'
ie treatment
ir.K'.xr -.., .-.!. 1. n.r.n.ariuimTrmiM'
non to spermatorrhoea or local weakness.) , ftUocrffCtw fmillar with all the
There!, not in the catalogue of human '. aiioverei and highly Important
tnaladiee on. mor. tot., deprecated than remKuJ, nd mcam for the cure of such dis-1 1
, lalirs' Hot.
Cotton &. Wonted Misses Hos.,
do do Child' Hose.
Ladies' Gloves of every deicriniion.
Clack, Puff, Side Dress fc Fino Ladies'
Riding Hat.
Alst at) extensive assortment of Staple
and foe j goods, which they are selling at
reduce prices, from any ef er sold in this
Market. tf
r.u.iroiiNiA sTitccr,
A B ON hand Furnitur. which b. will
low for cash, or exehane. for
itocn, whoator flour, at cash price.
Furniture made to order, on short notice
Chairs on.t-.-J; " .-'
ISov. .'i, ickw. J'
EosEiuiG ism.
ryHKuuderslrneilhatloj,ni;tty ctNieiJ
JL a lrgeMdcomrac4let'.jH la Ut
Oourliblne town of RoHbor.iIU .,.
pr publlo patronage. Tbe .MswiHalwaya
be furntrheJ with tho best t raarV'rl sSetvS
A large and extenalte itaUe, wel nup
plied with grain and hay, aaJ a var. Ut, at
tentlve hostler In attendance, m
Jtlr Charges moderate I 4'
noel.nrc. Nov. 19, '55. W
HAVING recently ereo4tfa Jsrje and
commodious shop, uVr. ntw rJt
psr.d to do bUckimilhlntTtac
ai ahortest notice, and on Has
sbl. term. Horse shoal
in a manner much
a don. at Riddle's
l kinds.
ssaIaoit rsSscti.
lacwstll be iba
if ;tsTtbi whuu
Sou Th. gooa peon!, sjtjJjiMigiM la j
adjoining counties, will riWa0iir (hit I
was th. principal of itaifat aria Vf
JT1 sell
Tcrrltorr of Oregon, Couutr of
A T THE April T.rm, IfciC, ofth. Dis
.Vnin Court for the Counts of Jackson.
Hie following order was mad. in tbe case
I'eter fccbull
SJ.wen K Uiddl., and, H.a aowsnan.
ufactur.d by that film last Sinn, war
made by me, or tinder mytMeeet Hiitrri.
i&li, and not by Riddle, as Wweulq bar
the public believe. fV- "
Mr. Riddle has lately bsjr;is W Tin
press upon the mind of tlMlitJi Um
that h. waa the principal Mwiii la r
shop, which h. know to U sv.rlr hi,
Roseburg, Nov. 15, '&5.W"
Physician and mpm.
OFFICE At bis Reliances, la HV
Chester, O. T. Mil
nl tf J W
. "1 '.. .. 'T
PHyssclHTi KUtjtertest,
May bo lound'.l tha
Immediately in the,1 (Ks
Anion at Law toj
recover money
n 1 -ocoo aommon. j
ih. .l.V 'l th! ' com" t,, p'-lniMT in
TV..,!. V'ntU.lea c,u"' by William. G.
1 in, , ,V.J $ ' l,lA""nr, and it appear-
,' ing to the Court that ..M S.r.n.t.n. 'ii
wish to Jeceivo a coufiding parent or j
gooa-naturea guaratan. uui, looaea at
in any way, or in any light, the procee
ding is disreputable.
BcArniTL Smile. The pions Jo
nathan Edwards describes tho christian
as being Jiko " such a flower as wc see ,
in too spring ol too year, low and
bumble on the ground; opontng its
bosom to receive the pleasant beams of
the sun's glory; rejoicing, as it were,
in a calm of rapture; diffusing around
& sweet fragrance ; standing peacefully J
and lowly In tbe midst of other flowers.'
Tho world may think nothing of the
little fiower-tbey may not oven notice
it; but, aevertheleM, it will be diffusing
atound sweet fragrance upon all who
- dwells within its lowly sphere.
, Cttioxoroiut, Chloroform, accor
ding to the recant conclusion of the
Surgical kjciety of Paris, is the moat
dangerotM ljiajfciii L si well as the
roost powerfattvMcause death
when mixed in, two jcat proportion
.eilt, sir -It In aunj-r....
and it renders the Utttr niye aerioua
.1 ta .. A iivliivn . !a i.t
ether is preferable, as ivthea pMuees
insensibility quickly, andrss to ex
cite lew re-astion.
this, as well becsut. of present distress, as . ..... 1, 1. ......u. ....,-. n .,1.1 1,. ! ' ford L,
.1.. ..1.1-. 1.. n. . ..f . 1.., "". "ii """'?""'. ...T"" AT
'"" . ; " " that in 1 ranee, wnere secrci aiseasei j.l u ,
ststem under it delenoraung influence is '.-. Df more freiunt orccurrence than' X. . a'n'non.
either impaired er entirely destroyed, and , .--i,, 1m.. th. nhvalelans of that conn. . '0.wi
a class of symptome aupermduced, that lrj. Me tj,e most expert in their cure, and
tlnfil. m.n fur ll,a Yrrnrtnanril of .nv oT . . ..-. ....! ...J .n....r.illw n.l.r...
the ciidinarv dulit. of lifa. Tha Iniuries ii it.J n., . .rr-lt.. mm riTlft.t 'nC to the Court that Ift S. r.n.l.n. -i
doneto th. phisical psrtof manar. truly iftuj j,,.,, dangcroa tluu those fcruerly raon 1,not r' thii T.rritory. but!
1 -..i.i. 1 .. 1 -...... . 1 n nae nron.rfv l,,..iH :. 1. . . .'
j.uiviuauiv, uui uiuiug vriivii .'h,'.iu usco. i ' ;i, - ., ,, oraereu mat a
thns. of the ceusorium, tbe great nervous . dr. HEIN1MASN Is sWfore enabW to ???! of "' summon In this ctu be pub
centre, and to the nervous ytem , cere all these disease wjh perfect cerUlnty, "',ed in the "T.itr IWk Hihtikil"
generally. This disease which is too ofton Ullhout using mercury) in a very short ..""V f ''' for th. owjod cf throe months,
consequent upon that solitary vice, seir.i time, and without subjrf Ini; bis patltau to, i""u '"'" cause u. cowinued until tbe
' 1 ...!' .1.1..: 1 ....j.... 1.. .I.i 1,1. r...tu.-.n, ....... ....... ill. It taria orilii. Hourf
passages, auch as tubercular disea.a or con-, .ond ti..eomn ',.., ..on of th. uninitiated ..-os. rC'0.vir.Vummpn.)
sumption, pneumonia or nCammaiion of but which are w.II understood by the reg-I Chronic Gonorrlea t Srrmatorhea ;l Territory of Oregon,
th luugs, pleuntr or pleurisy, a.thma 1' .,!,.. am. ,h. ..n.iAm.' . Alh... ttm.raluAilltv. Hie rttilt of! County of Jackson, t
humoral or sp.modic,bronchius or laryiigi.jmott'fooucuoUf M h f0uwiag ;,, misconduct: PollutlonsiPsi'n Iu th. buck,, ..To Woodford L. Ilurstit Jacob rtoU..
Love of solitude, aversion to business and 1 and sides t l'Tupiiof of.ll kinds, pnduci-d,; '"'" "eeoy required to be and appear
society, distresaiug timidity, nervous ex- 1 by Interior causes; IHoriiatri ntuma- ,""" e insmciuouri oune uounty and
citament from alirht causes, lois of memo, tf.m in the Joint. Noctcual Sweat &Vbi., Territory sforcsald, ,at th. next term there
1 ry,roniusion ofidoas.inability toreasonxor- linal and Urinal Wtakntf tlejurie ra-elved "f, to It held at Jaksonville, In said eoon
rictlv. low saints aud lassitude, dullness of! 'by Mercurial Treatmentetc.eK.. an cured ly, to answer to the complaint of Pater
epproberf.ion and miaant.ropy. Thea. be-', by Dr. Heinimann wlthtbe aidof reuedle., fieliull iu an action at law to rerover 111011.
iiigfunetionsldersogements.sreolten the.!""" but to himself, Jo tb ptrfetf. satis- ,ey. And you are hereby notified that un-
1. .. is .: ..t 1 ffi.ltn wt m rlLnl. I. lt. mil llu .n . nrmlir anil an, war
iiaruing.r .i uirrio organic lesiou oi iuo i "v - . ...- . ,,, ,',.,', ---rr. -. -...-.,,--e.......
X spectrally inform the r
JsckssMe, O, V,
is ashamed of tie woman, or the woman , 'ep, and incapability for labor and study
is ashamed of tho man-or one or both I rt". '" "T ,.,i' T . - .abuse, : involve, pathological condition be-
ti and all forms cf catarrhal affaetions.'
Also, Disease of th ulier congestion
of th. liver, ues "f the liver, calculi
in th. gall, bladder and duets, jaundice
aud those disease which impair its Tunc.'
tion audi a t'anama rcver, Ilillious re-
ter and Intermitting Feer and tha con-
sequences winch these disorders leave
mu t wnai ail
lb itr..
Burchased and opened tasaut" AhUS
oinuma Hocsa, snd wMW rsiymlM.
ly invite the Ti av.llinr PisWaa l s4ra H
a call, as we aro fully prepiJ to SaH.
mwi. ii.Tcneis anu oiaf,4 ins rtf
will b. furnished with th.iVstt lb JMlkts
will sflord.
In sdditilion to that. Usmhts a fl!e-
smith Hliop and Wood SstSf wfieis slj
kind of work will be domrirhb nltes
and dispatch., C
Pentarinr. Cabinet work.i
All kinds of farmera' pr
exchanen for work.
rj Please give u a calM
siuituia &;
Teh. 20, lb5G.lGoi3.
Iiksa )
lff.inSffV.MIW IF '53.
tn., fang
. I . .. ... -.t U I
r ::r
bowels, dispepsia iu all its forms, which. i - ' L , .1. j .11 i!ij..j .r'
destroy the appetit. and d,g,.iU,fl.tu.;L.;""rr"r0ror
lencs, dysentery ana disrrUaa. Also iBiUlul,' ,.1.,,, J &,, ,tj with perfect
Disease, of tb. Kidaeis and other Uniary ;,conGd u ,, hlc,,
Organs, ucb. a diabetes, or an exeslve, !, ,nlLorou,h doTOi,on to his'nro.'
f.sslou ha given. Thosa who suffer
flow of tbe urine. Albuminuria, commonly I
known aa might a disease. Iu this corn-)
plaint, the pbyscian and patient oftentimes
do not suspect tho prrsenc. of th. disas.
until loo late I ii. must common aymii-
toms ar. g.oeral indisposition, with drop,
aical swelling. Calculi in the Kidney
Ureter or Bladder. Enurise, or inability
to retain the urine. Cy. tills, or inflamation
of the bladder, and all other disorder of
lit. uniary orraoa. Disease ofth. Womb
and its eppiidag.a, such as irregularis of j
tb. meow when excessive, defective, sup-!
presaed or irregular. Prolapsus, or falling
In the
-3r.rhf Mnrmon creed not onlytrBU fNco
poiygamy, Wt marriage between bloot ,l.
tion.. I traveler fcrtates that he ha. .Mt J qp,. c
with numerous ca of meuwho hid av Gb,
of tbe womb, Sterility, Urarcan
aud other diseases or th. parts,
treatment of tbe above diseases, the Doc-
I lor ha many new remediea, and guaran
tiee a perfect car. in ell casea, or the
j I money will be retuiaitd. All consul
lltations (by letter or otherwise) free. Ad.
U dress Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. eq Fran.
riftd both mother aud daughter. On Vsbopl
Wniedalx wives, aU aurters, am ms,wn
Seci Brlgbsas Voung recently built
atoae k ur --",-'-,-, the .. y
11 r,rnlUHl UW HWlwi . fc- ..- o--
CtliTi.r m.rnrrar ofTUE ai!
Gas,r blusi.o to msskisp ' Is-
o.BiiT,iit rcrvtRT ! Dr.L. J.Crapksy'a
rtopMlacticuu. (eWlLdiainfeeUae Agent,)
.".'"""'ajalost Goncrrboea and
cypmiuiu uicb.iv
chronic, by Dr Helalmpn's wn ptrifying
vegetable remedies.
Dr. Heinimann further pssesses a sure
..miilr. f.illv i.ttd. aid wlch c.D be re.
Iid ui.on. for the cire ((Intermittent
1 wi tuoeri .. '..7.1- ",-. ' pA...i .
should call without delay, and us. tb. , ." "J. ''' "",
... . Binnxa iiir ji sia iu a s ilsu a . 11 n sv u t 1
:cuperat. ana 11 :"---"... V.'.u i.A'i .1.. 1-... i'
Recent diseases of the nloie namid kind will be rendered arsinit vou bv default.
will be promptly and rsUcall removed be-, for the sum of one hundred and sixty dol.
fore they can settle In te uxy ana become Jin and aixty cents, wi.h interest, cost
mean by which they may recuperate 1
live. All consultation, by letter or othei
wis., free. I
ceaxsa wasmsovoa asd MosTeoaiav sis.,
utyAdvertiseoients and Subscription re
ceived for a large number of the California
and Oregon papers at the lowest current
Jan. 12 Slf
Caasc, U. 8. A., in the field, the of
fice of the undersigned will be at tbi post.
U1IAB. U. UKUUKH, 61. V.
fs.m esta) Aisn
4lt.A lata wrSTB.lal ! 3t wm -. ---,
C one tiiat reads-E. BW wd four wives,
p "Hake 8001 Giworwiitr.xp
T.Vk.skv ,.n nfflnur. threemuartere
of .fof sugar, half a pound of
l...i,ar' U .. .0 uisen to tatte.
Vaar into ahaLur nana, and bake lllllf !
, an hour tn a tnesiely hot oven.
Th who abandwi a ftlend for one
tror. kaw bat little clViuuan chaise-
taf , ami pttHisyai ssjfi uearut m m
and an unsurpassed
, , .-. . . kioiuioui, uan-
gjjnous, end CancerouJ,,,, r d y.
'nJiT V "! l IUroVha,
. 1 lUWJ.UU. ...fllVM.
liooiy Huj.coiaer of Sacramento kj 4QB(
" '"""'alien
Fprt Uo, O, T., )
April 3U, IBWi. 3
100 Iteward.
STRAYEsv OR STOLEN one stnsll
roan Asaeri,n horse, 7 or 8 year old
branded ibae , au I .
w. 1 ' ' t I in. issi
h.low. on left hip, eoaamoa
eomofy .1, . HaalVancio
is a tiinvcuiv. asamst small pox. so im. '
U, J CapL)'s 1'iopbllai.ticum, a pieve
"fc.,1.1 vypiiiue aim Mouunuwisi sjis-1
ate Harmless id itself, it poasoMe the
pow er f OfBiicaJy destrojing the syphiU
mc virs, d tbveby saving tbousands
from being imeted ,. tbe tnoa( loathsom
of all diseue. J,t l, .nnoe man who
kf.pitci.tM faealOi b Vithnut Dr Caap
a.y a 1 iuuu;iaciicum iws la ery conve
nient package, an. will a lound conve
nient le u., bei.g used a ) soap Tbat
marked. Una a year "'"""V stallion,
email siae.biandad 00 ! ."P n,r to
the tun of tbe above; right bindfoe,Mt
a fw wLita hairs in IBO luieneiov
bar. a Xew saddle mark. Oos Asifw,
'x.e. old. common sice, vei.
ewbii in tbe forehead, color bay,
markka sUsxW on the leA fore foot, 00
ui.bim. una m, 11 pony mare, color
brown, bndedas n, ffist.
I will eti this rewarAfor tka baruis.oi
$200 for them and the this, or in proper-
nun 101 ch. noi"P o.iiTfiea at n.iua a-
forever. a bad breath, iitiiui the least in
jury to the stomach.
In the present aty nunjous remeaies
sre vtisrea everywierf iov iutjnu."
diseases, but In mat of lltasc the of
ferer are ao sadly oupp "J
look with jiClJ muuton ill adver
tisemenU of that Ind. . Heinimann
remedies need M bo cominenaeooy
pulling charlatani i, fur y recommend
themselves bv t! ir effe. as hss been
een snd experiei ed by pous patients
who, lortunsteiy r tiiemsive'i "
tberu. For the formalin and saiisfac
lion of the often t :eived ublictlbe tste
went will suffice iat DrH'-inimsnn hss
in his pssesion ver pio hundred testl
tnooials from pi sots &M by him, be.
aides many othi elialls parsons, which
be is ready to ex! t wle required, wiiiivj
common decency otliit b'm to publish j
them in tho newsier.
Persons applying, Jjr Heinimann sha
not be obliged to pt in sdvtnee the full
price of cure, as hw perfectly willing to
submit bis skill andU remedies &st,tobe
tested. .
On. thing the Docainvsrisbly rwulres
fiom all bis patient, .at is a UithfiJ and
strict conformance w all hi direClona
and prescription, be cannotsnd
will not warrant a curtt
Written consultatiowVillT). given win
out charge, and cotnBnationa answeed
uheiher containior afeevnot, prompty,
punctually, snd with strict lecnsy, on -plying,
portage psijf, is tbe Eegub, Frent
. -. . I...UH. In 1
U,IHu .fc-sw . .
t-wnei of Kearny ssd Psoine streets
can rrencisco.
-' faS
I N&yigtiy
1 and .xpenses of suit as claimed in th. said
complainant complaint.
H linen my nana ana me
seal of said Court, affixed at
ofhee at Jacksonville, in said
Countv. this Cih day of !'!.
ruarv. A. D. 185G.
Clerk D. C, J. C.
Territory of Oregon, .
County of Jackson J
I, John II, Sif,rs, clerk of the District
Court for Jackson Comity ,docertifythat the
foresomg la tiue copy ofth. order and
kummons in tbe above entitled esus.
Witness my hand and th.
sealofald Court affixed at
office, in Jacksonville, this 2d
day of May, 18SG.
' J.ll.SIFERS.
24.3m Clerk D. C, J. C
Bounty sUamH
rplIE sndersigoed will attend to the pro
X curing of liounty ln&t, under th
new act of Congress, for persona who have
been rwularlv mustered into tbe United
States service lor the term of fuurtieu
days, or snore Persons who were engag
ed in either of the ludian wars in llu
country, aud all widow and orphans '
such persons, am entitled to 100 of
land, and by forwarding th neessary prool
of their ervice to the undiignd, '"
r.-..t r..n,. i.tll )., m.danuiaad forwarded
'? w,w" . . ll'..t,i,i.lnn
to the pioper uepsrtmeni i ' e"i
which will enur the return of a
For the pplicant. ... .
ii...t.. n..i.nt treat si Wailunt
ton. it ensile me to transact this kind of
business wrh gie&t efficiency ana oispstcn
paries moierste
iStfdre v w, !
Jstksoaville, O.T
Nov 24.
mn k
CewmlsiloM ttUrrisaatts,
LARQE lot of BiIIHsad
a per. on
Iff THE JtOGUr. Rl.
XJ Law, acksonvill:-
,Iormed a copartueiship vSM JOH.f B
EDWAKDS, Esq., Attoraa; , Lr M
Washington City, D. C, ftrisi pr u
tion of claim against llf Baarrs ) (1 f
eminent, for tin section fsiv.oi.r-W A 1
frepared to attend to the eoXiawsn i kick
'ay of Volunteers, Extra ftt, fuht't
or Land Warrants, under te IkoMfi Act,
back pay of those who SjJMti In lfbi
pllils, and all other kind oAKito W't'
the Government at Wsshiao
Blr.Kdwarda'univarMlliW Uld -.Ufi 1
ity, known energy and pr38jlrtoi td I-'iaffl
discharg. nl bnainess cossjsjlltsd l h'sf '
care, is a sufficient eusrsntstaCo CU11. Pt' .'
to place their business In thVsns'Jsef I'i?
finu. f n
D.M. KENNEV, JcliMf fd
junn a, i.uivnsv,
j- 1. 1...., wrate.
Job Printing
THE Proprietors, bavins
ety or JOB TYPES s)
pared to do all klndi ef 1
Concert Hills,
11.11 TlckeU
Hill Head!
Bills Of
4'C. 4c, M
job wora acne in
mwx m
A- !