tr - f r awiiiwwq g M:n. mm; ROCK SEI.IIEL. ." . A.. BY TVAfJLT A: BLAKELY. iNtiErcxncvr o. all subjects; uevoted to the hkst ijiTr.EESTs ok soctheiin okeqo.n. TEK.MS 85 00 PER ANNUM. JAClLSOXYlIilil-V. OttEGOX, S.VTUlVn.V', A12C.13ST O, 185. X umber 0. olmic 1. n i! u: I? THE TABLE DOCK SEUTINEL Ultfl'HLIMUtO EVERT SITLRDAT, BT T'VAULT & ULAKELY. Terms la Advance : One copy, for one j car, M "0 " It monthi S3 00. " three months, $2 00. AOTCRTlaEUEKTB WiU ke Inserted at the following rati Om Square of twelve lint or lw. three in atrUotja, Sft 00 : cuh .ul-wauent insertion SIM.V4A. liberal deduction made o yearly udverttscrt. Dulse- Cards, of ten lines or 1cm ps year. $30 ; to persons who advertise the extent of three square or more, a re tuuMion oi 30 per cent win tx mue. Iliac Dcnnl, WHO 1IE WAS AMI WHAT HE HID. This bugbear of every nursery in Christendom was no fabulous mon inr veiled in human form ; ho actually lived, moved and had a being in tho i lived, moved ana nau a ocing m uro I fifteenth contury; not, however, as a) I lnnc.robed and turbaned Oriontal, as The XHuadalioBi in France. Tho nrincinal items of interest I brought by tho steamship America, be lyond what was contained in tho sum 'raary from IIaIifax,(alroady published, is tlio detailed statement of the inunda. tions of France. Galignani's News- 'of justice, Hia palaco was thrown, open to tie publio gaze, and his horrid dens and faults wero swift witnesses against bin. Ho was found guilty of (murders )y tho scoros, and after con- Testing nsny crimci before unknown, ' he was birnt at tho stako in Nantes. 1440. This was tho origin of " Hluo paper says: Board," stid them, although cioroj Tho Lyons papers continua to give ,j long-robed and turbaned Oriontal, as 'om jiunjrej Tcara havo passed 'tho most heart-rending accounts of' ; tho pictures which used to "B,k.010Urlawav simo ho paid the penalty of his' tho nrocrcss of tho inundations. We .. blood curdlo wouiu ieau u io un .. i . . broken walls and iaccod vesterdav eavo the nr ncinal dotails of .. On an eminenco which overlooksi! ... . . , mmnr!nt .1... !ft. .,.. fii,rni. nn in. -nnm. 4iU ULILTIUIHtlbU twioba ..iwa..' - ... - , , LUiiBLI DLII CtaAlIU ...... ...- 'itho littlo villngo ot namptoce, noar , . . , . .. unpunished. 'inn of tho 31st ult.but unfortunately .'c to;!" T'olr0' B?T, t!l P"B rains . Wctchmm and Jlrjcctor. U.ev aro far below the reality. When tor an , walls, old feudal castle. It Cray I.... ...l t.tnlnrt (. fltiirvt.. ' Ua(C 4IUU UIUMH, V uui I rax H..1I. ' i m up iniLiiui i, FTaW in ntimiiMW tT I una vttitf.t lap ;., l. .U.;ln . atiHn I -- - . -? ., -.. w wa awwa. , univfll nUaillBL II1U U 1'flUUJ Dl ll ' ... 1 I -.1 !. ,.-.- ..l.TH. ...III. .. .. I'.l SAU U iliiACthr marked on the marptn. iherwlo r"r, ,. -1,f,,i,iitr tttrriiit the bat'1 lW4iUug iaJiow icgaraca n a reiic .cojvreu ..,.... mi fnril, ftrr m Jw continued tin Widen, and !nmId tho crumbling turrenls, me uai ,...,..?, ; ,., " t-jtlT,J t.P.l t, t tv. The toes n was sounded in all .' or " mu riurtd acordlnclr. ! ntiil tho owl bent tlioir wings, anu U1 """"'"": .:.. r I Ji.- :.......: :n,. tn -,;- . i forbiddinR ; --- - i , . ...i. ir n.- rind mom wno rcson 10 u aro cuncrai " .un.juu-.nh ....ub. . b,,w ...- , ,, .- I "" n ",c,r nnun.gui reyois. . -- - ,unmn,. ,.!:.. n alarm. Tbc X'cacc. J Tat war which for nearly three years luu eeavabtd the Kastcrn hemisphere and elTcc t.I tb Intents of every civiliied commu : nitr oa the globe, has been concluded ly a treaty of peace, tigaeU In J'arLi on the 29th. sunorstitious peasantry avoid tho noigh borhood from lonr.and uhonthe storm whistles and tho winds moan, they imn"ino the sounds to bo units from tho injured dend of tho old ruin. The dread of the place is no now feeling, lr. cvonamonc tho most reckless and thoughtless, exposal to ridiculo nnd cor.temst. Tho ac.cptanco of a chal- lengo ii regarded at a proof of want falls into the Saono, has become a complete torrent, and having rifon abovo tho arches of thd bridge, which still stands firm, has overflowed the banks, and many of tho houves have cellars and ground floors under water. Tho Allier, the Doubs and tho Loiret, with all their tributary streams, con. timid tli. ir tinu.rti ttinrnm.nt nrA in. lundato all the surrounding country; but tho Loire, the uaronne and the Cher havo, it is hoped, rer.ched their utmost height, and in many parts have begun to fall. An Extract. I'was night darkness had thrown inatillo o cr fair creation s ngaliwiihoutlook cold and but within the spacious iMany porcons were surnrisodi " ' " B ,Ji TXl,?t . . . a . . . iimip linn mar lurino Tiimr .... in their sleep, ana could only savoh " "" '"' ---; """, u-"" themselves, half-dressed, by wading! "? Jfm, .were .vicing ; th oyc. far, throucb the water, leaving all their the dyke of tho Tote d'Or, noar thc Grand Camp, gav way, tho water flanttaonth. The book can nor: . post- but has existed among succeeding gon tA. Jib stated that the loss of men killed, I orations oi peasantry ever sinco mc waaa4l and from sleVneM, Las been from 1 1 m lo eight hundred thousand, and the cost of war t all parties engaged in it 8 1,000, of manly courage, and tho whisper, property at tho mercy of tho Pod.'j"vect j.ic sen. .list hoiaJduellist,"i, always regarded' Many wero compelled to remain in ou 1 ofjJJJ B in cvorv sociotv as signal of avoid-1 their houses, and wait until asnstanco not " l.'x. 1 1 tl all ntico. as, nowcvei, mo uucno is tuu could be brought to them. Tho cm How Uu. Joxm l'orrro mi Qccition. " Major Jones' Courtuhip" Is the title of a hnmorons worlc recently published, th de nouement of which we will glvo our read crs. Too bashful to " pop tht question " in the usual way, Ma. Jones persuades his sweetheart to pnt up a stocking, which will hold a couple of bushels, on the night whea Santa Clans pays his visits, receiving her promise to keep for ever what ht gave her. She Complies by hanging up the meal-bag. Into this the gallant and lovelorn Major contrives to introduce himself at the "witch Ing hour of night." But wc will let Uajor Jones speak for hlnuelf: " I sot up till midnight, and when the was all gone to bed I went softly iuto the back gate, and went up to the porch, and thar, wore enutT, was a great me al.bag hang, ing to the jlce. It was monstrous unhandy to git to it, but I was Unnlsated net to bade out. So I sot some chairs on top of a briRhter than the diamond's flsth, while; D'V,nQ B" M.TT" sweet music sent it. thrilling note, to "ZTtr guest, l'cnsivc. but, " " " "--f.7 -- - ; ' that revelry of "uu """'" "' "" "" ." . .. ". . . .. 1 11..1 jjaj..i.a ji:..t (bj.1i. v .n u a inlomnd new tuOuehr. when now tho uu b0Uu7 u..m uu uu. u.u -. B... . a.j. CtjilltH-jta jtji 1tt .np fljkr .nrf nJtr. hn ui.iwmu t,..v 5 -fj "- " - 0C0.W0 mouey enoj-h to build a churh and sufport a minister fur every one thou stad Inhabitants on the globe, who are. as 7t, oaMipplifd. Great as the destruction cfWehi been, it has ct full 82,000 to Mil au man. At such a sacrifice- is life tiken ta war' The war has cost Qrsat Ilri tala alone about $200,000,000, and proba t'j th ntraitdlnary niwtue of France . ras iimti rn israiir ivnmnnnnnn w as 1 rwnrAoA with 11 HCU V fondllCSS n UanKment Uirown up 10 IIIO nonu 01 ,o- - - . -, ., , ,, ..'..., rum rlntitn .nd tsrln threuch the vard like reign oivuw ies iiitj aevemn. u s r;or". -- . .. . ... ..... Drotteux nrotected tho chemin de lna oa' cn O,.wo uuoyani '-r"".-r- ."...:,, , .f Ihnt fimn h. ilivolImiT nf liilns 1Jm ." wuu" """"""" ""r " T"-.-'i . . ..'.. .. . . 1...1 1 tlirniirr l.nnmrr nnnn lir Invnr'a firm niu, u ivuu uu . v n.... ., ;.. w '.Z I ;:"Ti.. .. ": . ? "I . C" .. . v liro amnlv toihow that tho bruto' ronde In that direction, nut a mue ".? I " 7! 1. " ' .L. "i ' ' nna h.i was th matter. I sot down in th iwciz, a ii'uuni uaran, who, at ua wsi 1 , , , , . -1... .. tlm trutar l.rnL. on ner uroau, ciear urow iau ciusicr , . . . .. then and still iscalled, Barbo Bleu," I champion of tfouth Carolina, when re-, J" A .cT LrS of the ' ing curl, were glorious-her form ! bag and didn't, louder nor a kitten, ..-.. .!..... .1.. '.:-:.! ..r ...! .'arded br the severit laws of duulling, furiously throjgh the Urcacti ol tne , , , ..i;..., f for fe.r he'd find me out. and after a while ricinal timC'honorud, or rather feared, Blue Beard. His deeds of blood, which is both a scouudroland a coward, aud that all who associtto with him in any ,nart called I -a i'ctito LaJilormo, uo- hind tho Fro aux Clercs; and through cht in coiniil beauty's mould, while in her placid oyo there lived attractivo light her he quit bsrkln. The wind begun to blow boalnsble cold, and the old bag kept turnin ULiti a a. a. a iillud isb usu Lias . aaasau - 1 1 t r a ii:i. were but tho everyday incidents of way, forfeit their rijht to be in " !! "" "" reearded us ccntlcnen. C 'ilio following uv the laws of duel. , ling, as lam uohh jy a luicin wuihv man of distinction. who, in days when tho duello was consderod as honorablo his life, made him tho terror of tho cur rounding region. Ilio bare moiition of his name was enough to subdue tho most rebellious urchin into submission, . . . .r . j.i I . firm nfiin tViia Mtiiril ltiillnirnrt ftif tlm aat as; ixcnuriromine same amount-' ":.'".. i"'.". ."',''-' " "u i . . ..!:. .i .. ,:-ini .,,,1 Thenattonaldsbtof Great IlrlUIn at thellwind!.wh ch chd & Pjl"P. Zd '10 1 s L "oS db . r dH. of tiielou- war .lib fnM i ibik ovcr ' domains, wore sulphur ta ntod. 1 ocond in no less uon loriy uucis, ser laacto 0mSo rSJ,i ' Wc d" Wi'orv of this man! oral between men , the highest rank la-Ilacraiedtot,0O0OU0.000. During s , . . . . v n, .. -, , anj distinction, anl which wen oc .r j .. j. j. jo. 1 . i.a vita. 1 a a . --. s.a w m b h aru av...w.. - ..u a.. - - . 1. -w... etnn mn., . teentii contury, and also tho .:ri" .,,,7.:::, I'.,'. . ."Vire,i .... which ono in hish ran kui .ij-"in it. ie iqc nauonai aetjl where . .1 . 1.1 ....ei,. . ' UB" """" oommit the most revoltln It was la 16U, two years of war wiping out .:., t,.,mi. n. :!., ta. urpl of 1 year. r The in-' i,nrl in nn...inll r immr.n. Kstato ! . Winchelsea, i EiL'land. ' settine down their freiishU at tho Hotel reas,ruxatlcaridcr necessary u,-.. 4J ul f ir ij , rho hfJnor rf mn dooJ RQi xmQ and n Coun McrnnfJ, war will not De leas man i5,uini,u..w. 1 UeDaSing excesses, IIU not onlV SOUan. ! Consist in ApbliniM tU. Tim m.n nf ,!,, r.,nr.!n.l r .r nf tlin uatur. and . f . . f l.i T . "OP - mw vm 1 nniwM a v . . v . w. .... -..., luciru uia luiiunr, inn amo ruinCQ tl!S pXTs"toTSSSi-JC.r!w ...,l .nrl it v,i fniinil riKPHsarv t0, 1 anu me coimnuous iiioiion oi uvr inirj- wj --u.. -uu .v. u.v ....,-. .. ltud, and it was found nee ssarr to ..... .. . , . ,,. ' 1 tol wUh By teeth ratlin like I had a ager. 1 am nn nil ira in m 111 1 nn iiiiiri - a 11 - . 1 1 11111 u u uii ia iiitiiuiba a. v .. - ... . . . . . ... . 'Dieu in wagons. I The directors of tho Maison Saint Enfant.Jeius brought children, ono by one, on and tho sick wero laid on tho merry walUl But alasl at a1' It Kemd like It wonld never como daylight, moment when tho joy of tho lovely' and I do believe if I didn't love MlssMary rl,.,i ':.! .....m..., V.l .t.1 w. .. m . ' MJk VU.WJjrr.,1 I WAtllrl TPA. lAI1in? IliriTlT an luotrii , f. her ndmirinir face, that 1 hart wo the only spot that felt warm, and their backs, j,ej.ore yfu ejWjUCnt jfj, pleasure, I jit didn't beat more'n two lick a mlnlt, only mattresses, I q j w au an(j Wuhful no sigh the , when I thought how she would be (prised In impunlt, kuow lodged as tiro code of honor by .and placed on raits hastily made for ;.,..,..." .. a. I ...J II. J : a i.l.ia ...ianAitlAn.a 1 1 .1. an....nn hj tliuft n mbil ffftaa,. C. .11 "" imclit uoiu naraiiKo, ii.ui.J.u..u..,. wiu jiu.i.u.b, u .u. ww. .- - Innnn her over's statcir shou der. andl .f . 1. . . T !... Hii.I linlmiiAn Hia I 1. ... jf-f a .r.tM A TLaa.a StlAHtOllf II ..... j crimes ..or wo oe.eurmoi u.,-,. , U4 ...r.j. v.j ...u.u...., wilh j,er cam bluo eyes looking him : ti.ii nnn. ' uuot, i eiiini'tin anu mo Lan 01 boats anu ommuuscs mmn. ue scca fio theuiaad of widows and children most , . , . . ...... f "- . ,-w aM.W M...UVM W,'....WM WUVIU weat and suffer, snd eat the bread or pnu-j constitution, so inat,whllyot a Vouns;, on this point, etch party respecting 'passed the remainder of tho night. ty.. pay we expenses 01 roomng .ncm oi man, . uurv rjrnnoe 01 do. anu paying defonnco to tho convic-1 ' Soino of them had twon ablo to savo a (honor in Europe lavo dividod opinion i where an immenso number of persons haslaAdaand fthrs. II crepitude and old ago. lie could not 'itions of tho other. Mi ; aa m fe . . f JLat. f 'It.... .h... annsant rtfttt I r. . ."Jl r. . II" " .ilMV VMtsmvm v wnai aas uen gau.. Dju.e war -rnn.1nw""'' r"'"."" .- I "f ',fx..rn' Ml l.3j'n ofju-nnr novrr use what wl.-thi..rr..irr. -X3rtrStrtT...XJr. Si.i.v JuilM Stallion. UlUB iccuiiiuib "". ! i .,, nf liinor nnr.r .tril.a nr ,. I.r.l I ..... .!:. : vuuu aiu. - ....- ,hi , hiivuiiuiii n union FJU.. 1... ni his din hr 11 til ijitucr iisu 1 ui t - w--- .3 . - In the blindness 01 uis u. , , I ratitmn ha conceived tha hoK 01 iy ,!"""--.-,. .. U....III, bVl ''" neaiia "--. , .,.. his time. eijxdlr uUlltary experience ' bsooght new engine of destruction Into use wVlK Ixtv. h..n fnllr teaurf!. Thr nfli.r. " -. . . .L 1. law Mnn upuiiu vt '1 ... have acquired practical skill and boldneae, jclaiminK 00m ueami -.- . jf party ho ilesirc in ranco ho mornin, and then It went in a canter. BImeby the cussed old dog came np on the norch and In-mn to smell about th bag, and mildly in tho face, in a fsulterlng voice jlthm be barked like he thought be'd treed she said "iom, giv us a cut oj Something. 'Dow! wow I wow I' ses be. tprucc gum, or I'll yull your noddle t" t Then he'd smell again, and try to get up to What ,.7rtTIu the recent U..b.g. lZ!& trial of tho German Turners for Hotlnl.T T 'V1"0" rinrinnatl. .om. discussion arose as to .. .? t.onel a boml"U few clothes, but most of them had only ,it0 character of the German Turner's i M' J' Md J Vs" a" 0Tr ,n ,p 7 f? ! If th. IIPOGICU .TtrT DIOII US U SIJI IUC, UU.U.I I'uiaae ir worre, I dIJu'i snow " rho tiamo means grmnast It was I be'd wfcar aboats toworkandiuaor.1 tho power 01 magic. -v'b, ., or rwL In Kuaia, I'ruuU. Austria int' waess burns in the' hm It"an '-r,."",.T bv this' d I'oland, evetthi. is forbidden, for and alarm. aad the solJIers Uamed ftr A fever of restlessaess turns In the1 "luu', " . '! br this m, of -th. lately conflict nations, and ' performed some great m.racJ vj .... lead them nn (h, .lightest oecslou, . he 1 sent for him I. JJ "J-tl. aain w rutn to arm. ilat we should be grateful for re ace. The ttleoiiQfal and commercial interest of Eu rope vitt be better regarded. Tme the half '.'i , " -i. ,Jie lofty castle his home.! Trilllfifi, uf stout hearts that He " hetuetl .nd lca l" maK. -" ... .,!ninr, lnb ll blows. In England and! seoktnc their husbands aud tholr rbil.l . mni Bymnit Itwas bta tukehoid. 'Uowl wowl wow" Then is psrinitted to touch the dren callhiL' for their mothe-a. Ifnr.n. I' ,, . .. "J uo.rm"y connection! I Ultucerln-' Come here, good feller,' a l-insult with hlsclovecows and shoep were also seen prowl.M , .1 , , , ' t0 F0?10!8 ndI.airf whistled a little to him, but It wasn't .1 . 1 .. e uvuivu uiv iuiucc luin. ana 1 in mr. n.m. Tl,.. 1. .I...I n. .. - '" II -' m ww auu Hl up DU IMP itcrioff cries 01 nuncer it.. :-.." .! ', , i. - , ., 1 ". ii" luiwuiemtm ui um rninn. 11 uuneurm iinnnRRirii. in , .. . . . r fear it might prffoke, under the influ-. form auy correct idea of what acci. if' T .." a,'A!C ..' 0;enon, deuts hav taken place, nor can it bt I 0" "Z " TnilftS l TF r.u corr.ct.r a.certaLd until the .water &?" "&&. .. , .uu.iuuu, aim circuiaiion oe 1..J . i:i..,. nf ,., 0,. ,. s ence of passion, to severer blows. w . I Jn tvin-ilusl wklnln and Uj-Vin all nlM T Mnl,ln'i --- .-" -"" itiiaaeauay-iigoi was breakln, only by J the chickens crowin, and I was monstrous glad to hear 'em, for If I'd bad to stay thar one 'tour more, I don't bellsrd I'd ever got fi. A man of inor never, under any idj! v?1?!m. .:,i nnnr. u.thout which all! circumstances, pks a quarrel with in. At Charpenn : 1 ...,... nr of littlo avail.! dividual whositeJl-ktiown conscien. thoir chdd were buried benoath the , , IU1.1U .vmv-. ... iIah. .m,li.tinr fnrtllll If, nn. ....... j.T ,!..: .Tt. n .iincct was me wiuiiiuk uatu , alii Ijb . k . II d .. k .. . JK . S ji fc.lJll "-- . . 1 1 T 1 S 1 U sii eontend in the race of product! .iijTy.butothermillinswIlI,wbow..,u,.(s;' . , ,rer0 ,Up arti it0 triod. -r fc ? be directly or indirectly helping,, and myglcrioua ,t,0 preparations he t. vi at Ant rnninma. . " - mane. . n.i.i., m ?..i i. i Tho dark dungeons and secret sub- ptu. i -b'""'' tcrranean passages beneath the cnsUo' guagc, wlU.ouJmg prepared to bear uvre, tho scenes9 of his work. Hero' " respon.ibil.ty.t sufficiently carries it nun iiiir-iauf rums of their house. A boat, with Iipta or a " Cum'iijK.we Man." -The Newark (N. J.) Adverliiur savs fat a man rucuntly visitwu that city, tious convlctiot forbid them to no ceiit a challiingi several persons w bo had been sav V T. I. !. . 1.-11 I. Ir . ... u. 11 1 iw DHBiiciigo ucu ifotii a uouse, upset anu nil wero u mi uso aisgracoitii ian-, uruwnid. u T 7 . i vaiuawe worxa. lecture wero deliv 2Sh," " 7.": American born citizensf Th, society moro free. At tho Brotteaux "i" " " . " J... !.. " .euve" " .T" I wt of that bag alive, n.r.1 !,.... ..,. ....,,,i j... i. r "'"""'-'F'K many scieniiuo ana a-,,.. ,. ,. ,. 'W.W. M.'MWVM ,,w.v nufJUWU UUI1U UU fore tho inhabitants At Charpennes, a man was a charitable and bonevolent one. "tVthe sick members being cared for, and ea ! tho families of tho deceased members ilnllnu'pri nn nmmini nn. ...! 'I-I.r. Impctimr u-Bra nnt .J,i .,i ....i. ' Dosr.) Ths Jouder 111. IM.nn. .. ..!.... I.. I..S ! ' . .. ..:. V "'. '""tUM.., ,L. Hill ...u u..u .. VUIISU...UJ unugiiig. were at times willing to listen to the down furniture, cattle and sheen. ,' guncettion. nr nninir,.,. r ii . ... Jll ---- v. VI'IUIWUB Bja LI1IJIH1 lllll Tbsy get him out in the moraine covered with meal and almost froien. Hut Miss Mary doe not rtfufe hi present And he ssys, "1 tell yon what, it u worth hang, inz in a meal bag from one Crlsuius to an other to feel a happy a I have eur sence." dvAHe there made oHer of mar. I ie terriiwa pt-nsantry imaginea "", a man oConor under the nen . ' i T i T Ul" 0I "raowortt belonging to them. Persons of all Sto several young girls, and in-' tho Italian made a compact with VWor.FK and brick, have been washed away ;reigious beliefs are admitted as mem vuV way ,ore. He impudently .Prince of darkness, nnd sold the duped '"'"3 ?A? ttom 'Lelr to VLe l torod tho houso of a ladv. who was De IteU to him in compensation for to ho consul! such by his equals,, urotteaux, and aro seen floating about , aion. wih ht"aUUteni 'although a ' . h nid in restoring his health. Among . never at tacks af norm d man. touch , wi,h the current. The Grande Hue de A Swoi-wr or Hvrxn at MtmSSiXoStl inv omentical. and hannleu ex-. n attack slap the assailant as a Ja ;uulotiere has the appearance of ai Wiwioii. Vr'Ilio Jlcraldbu alet ...T i "g.i ' . Lp... -...;. " . .L: n-rimanta. wr also -omo of u cruel felonious cowU irreular river. Tlie hifh hank x,A !r from Windsor. Vt.. of the data of sumI otfirs of marriaKO 1 1 o thoiW,t,;,nnil abominable tWncters. Ho in- I. Individuafcssisttng in ssrwij, the Pollvsjono at tho Grand Camps '! May 27U., which states thata young M..... ,n nin .liiijt.r ' uu,, uu,'..f u.v wH.,,.,ria. v ..." , .. w . uiaiii.Kv " "" .-.-.. .,.,-- r ...... , . . . : ...,u ....iK,.nn...r. n...u.. j! . ' . .--. . . .... j - i . ... -: . .t u.u.. r .. n(r.,rinn' ducec is inlatua'.ea employer to be- ' - -.-" t.1UaiM uu-. n.s eiilirc r disanDoarod. Throa r, raannamcu vow. who had Dro out i to sttl $1.1,000 upon her, to educate leve thut there existed in thu blood of ,l,onorf thArpetrator. j the Ilbotlc fc,canuri) broko rr0m their I "hot .d wounded .Mr. G. N. Lewis, h vouuner sister, nrovido a lino minnts n ennrm lor n-siormg jouui '."."""" "!"" i '"l"n'' U"B moorings ana wero ilriven down theiwol nsen aiiucKoa oy two persons, ' - - ... .... .i ...... a.a. itiaii inm mni nv liiu ii:ua sis aiiiin iss im iiriini inai . -! . a a- . . i . a . an uu uiouitu mm ui . o -- ... rlvcr, xuc currcui lortur.sieiy curnca i! u sonse. 10. A man hotio. ..,-,.,.. ...:.. .t fi.inl i ami viL'or. 1. al'tsr frequent peremptory com-t hathmg daily in the warm blood of . .... i- i . ', i . iliaa. innnnnnt. thn niirH vnunrr lift!. ii-iHi, u icti t to nouse. no niso, " "" - i ' , :, .,,1 U , . j i . . . ...t.:.i. iw.,1 Ln inii.. nnrfi tiirAnffii i craceu u an iS.8i f ! ?,V"?S.!0!!!a' ,!., Ii vums. wr Id IT; transhTrroH bullies Or sku "rooosillofasimilarnurnoittootiiors. to his own. Tho bloody baron did ..being attacked)- robbers aud high'- v vounff ,nirl in ilauerrootviio i.nlla. not shrink for one moment from the way-man. Its rv .;. J. . i.i. t.nm ..,. rnminlssinn of the horrid crimo which 'the riL'lit, Hjmrriage, and ho even had tho nu-!' this prescription rendered necessary. jUisahlo or de jjaflitvto meet her. whon & ftioml of Tonrler infants wero secretly stolen, or u ttifl i.terfernd. and after sicniiicant1 forcibly torn from their parents, audi1 The Gno Jn ts f It ung kickod out, tho impostor kept in the dungeons of tho castle, till I City, two ye .)..(. ?. ., . S I ,l...l t.l 1 : I f, f t -I!.... I ul....n .....t.. . ... oi'jrai warrants are out ior his muir uiuua was riMjuin-u. ii is ueuut-i " myui a-rest, tDcciallv aa a eirl fourteen ed that no less than ono hundred hum- dismal howl yra ef iage has mysteriously disap-1 blc mothers wero thus bereft of their ) lodge might dasionally be seen dot jicBmlii'pra fsewark. The accused youngest uoru. I his liond in human , ung me untraen grass of the prai 4onor is no moro dis ijult on his person by assassins, than bv theao cases he uses conun to everr one. to his assailant M'r.sT. Nebraska go vas a wild waste, tho rise of the Ithoro has 1 made hideous br the conmletclv stnnrwil. it Ann nnt .ri le wolf, and the Indian , vancoaa rapidly as before. Hie quays and the low parts of the to wi are com- nlntnlv inniiMNffifl unit ii, niflnv nf ll,. efd as a stout, fleshy man, very , l,l,l lured a magician, but not a mar-iriea. On twpys rocently the sales streets leading to the quavs he water iUU nJ)Wlthe chin, with . larrH lilap.k dorer. 'Hint ofiiro ho reserverl for!. of lots bv tllirtranirprl tnwn nrnr.rin. in ll,.. crniKirt lnn. ta oi,V..i.U.., ?', H nir. curled under, WgU . hmneir, nor did his eavoge nature (tors amountl to 810,000. So says') All tho Plaino des Granjjei presents mo vuuiiui iiiii uuL'ie. i tu a aDnearance ol an imoinso lk. One year tho town of Clinton. The river is constantlr seen brinfinf i j in Iowa, on ,8 Mississippi, was not, down trees which have boei torn up i knonn on axmar of Inwn. Tn.1.v.llu th. mr.t. j-.tii. rumiiun ..ri l.: I.I.J ll.. .n, , . . . .. .!..... ""..-" "J "J "" ""-. v-...w, ..u.,v.., ..u u u. cuiouiaicu uujr. mis is nut one in-! ll cnniuiu iipuiailon 01 J.000 souls. supposed to be friends of Iwig, and . t . ....!. . 1 1 " . t mr liairllBal.n.itn.. al.S 1. J I .1 " meni jiiio mo river wuiiuik, wuere mey " """o m-an-u mai no uiea on tne wero brought to by lettisg go their j,th' At 4 o'clock on tho morning i anchors. The circulation pa tho Mod- 0f the 27th, the office of the Vermont iterranean Railway has been rc-estub. , Journal was discovered to be on Arc lubcd. Tho nbovo details relate al.' ant vvas totally consumed. On Fri. , most eutirely to tho Rhone. The Sa-j dy a Party f ' persons wer sail-J 'ono has also risen, but up to the pres-j '"S down the Conutticut river, fromi cut time its progress has wen trifling jj Hartford, on a pleasure trip. As thoy .compared with that ol tho ther mer.cluu "enr ornisu oriage, a storm Accounts fronj Valence tta that al-li"'" capsized tho boat, and three .1 I il . frt Til ) .!a St.imliA.. ... !. 1 tuougu tno rise oi uie iiuoro jias not Homctpatijk; GwilDLtS. (SlCO.NU ia.i inn ;uuuer uie uuacx ma longer the Bill. Macltth's observation, "Throw phy. sio to the dogs" Is an Insult to the in-, tilligenco of thoso animals. Patent medicines derive (heir name from I'ATunK-ro lie openly. l iiv constitution that goes too oftc to the Uottle is sure to be broken at The man who doctors himself hi fool for his patient. An officious friend may be corrraif to a Doctor who gives "Advice rli, in order to make you swallow tie i tolerable quantity, of physio b rally prescribes with it. A Shlllim.' is tho ordinsrr Ctu for recruiting, but when roy"1 havo your health recrH4J'0U m'"t put a sovereign to iU0,, UP full compliment ofW"ela . 'll,. ri-n.i. font by are sbotst endless as Pli '""'fe vnen ovw j k " J as tenement l,j.nmn na.p ji.nlcl. I...J... . .. i V...-...A : i .l- i.? ' i .. .:. i n nr i.. Lfoator in tho houMr . mo uoai,ana mroo or Bnesisw----,' . vn ... -.' wore drowned, two of i vou ne-r " r" f. , ' a whom were ladles one the daughter !i him M agaln-TA""'' i .. I.'... ... ., "... - yrr. .-: r . . ( tho number "ZA " " euuu looKini;. ' """ "" "ornti worn u linpos-1 w-?""" irr I ed x' lU 'l8 ow" hand did ho nierce ' J "1IIV VKTIilTIUS Ol 1H.IIII.- II,. l,.rl .f l,I IP.!..l.. J lr..l ' . f.aW J-- .n nnn r . i r, . . " ""Kmca IIUIO VlCltlllS, r55.Si! a,e.?no..0.f B nurab- ! until thero was blood sufficient tor.ov,, " . snouiu ail hnvn nni.;n..i :..i-t r v" --u.i-i.iHs- . uisemaciaieu uooy. iui aee:S:ffitalfl!!,t!!-fl tJTS. A.J? V mm tjMienu nn,i .oii.j .... . ""-. v "" ,vv "uij y m wives Sana, 'ahareil the lata of tho nnnr iruni. , , ,,,,'. "" &!!! -rlS a?d "died with -jj-,j.. uynuerg wu consu!ttjd V-StwS-i ,"m f and from , ZiZ'Z: ! "B " diiTerent 1 sSaaa'tli l. "'""ereni lines M lfciTM.tin;V" ""u.r.08.coPo. Wen b- .... . aiuill Uh jk .1.. k'-.-J . . . "" l ...... ,l.-i .1... .. r III .: . uuu uiai iuu murj ui uiuo ueara 111 wide trowsors, louse robo and turban, ' was not exaggerated. I But crime cannot always go unpun ishvd. Even then, whon the rich ruled quantity of other articles. The large barges, laden with coal. wln'Ji wurn eOres, three ocory stores, two hard-1' moored to tho quay nt Valene, were ware, one it iturc, one clothing, ono j washed away by tho rapidity.of tho teot snd si store, one bank, (and j I current, and all of them sunk 4 some (mother orgs ation,) one church, one (distance down tho rher. 0( man lrarcbouse,j doctors offices, four) (was drownod. At La I'-ilhe, tH( they set him to work out A problem lowvera, one uncsvard. two'. Veouro lias broken over Its hanla i, ,. i t.l. l.. ...a ..,,..! ...I ll; .1 ..I -11- " .' . ------ -M --- -7 riu I Hi KCUUlCirr. irul4- i. T uuuu.w lu. ji.iiu uu, hiwsw uuu., uno lumber- I'caused considorawo mischie" uo1 pt through with. '...u.. in i-nm. ." ,' VUCUUIl' u--..-. of T. Uurbauks, Esq, tho other, a Miss Merrifield. Hoth were accomplished, and very much beloved bv all wlJ know them. The unfortunate vo-ng man was a son ol Mr. Isaac 'aie,oe of their wealthiest citizen. JInry Hopkins Lx-Postmaster ofMai I was convicted before the C, Court, in session at Wlpdbii tho mad, and senter to five yo" imprisonment. fr'y- S.Z.OnuoniJlita ot tiftUalism in Masnusett the otAer day, hit on , an .tciieui pun oi fijw.iujj v-u w ,1'iiuii. a uu aiiini vi a uplvs-v.. v.u- inent matlieraatiw'an beiuif invoked, )ii. Hcnrvy rrtwdPood .ofrohbytt'ljj, Tlie pjj"!1'0" of the city of A u I ;in Te"18' oceoraing to a census ju I (.ban If a.03 1. The Times say s id tbe h also a population of aboy' tvv aioixand residing on city out-lo-s. A tvaini' to tne analysis oi tim pane ttro aro amont; the denizns of tb; capttol, M merchants, ;J5yawyer, I Doctors, 18 teachers, ffl Mexlcau and but I "(rentleman Inere 32 laborers, 1 19 mechanics, and 0 slaves ; ii printing oft'ees, J churr h a common ana z bunaay scuoouty v A'Oed ,;i Vn.risLR Dls!otfPuvA'0(l O lino porcelain clay has reef" b" v si is, US' ' nvsks tnn snriw ittiiio unii rk.j... z utjai and iiiiiinnn mi .- sim n . . r 'it t. .i ri lUUit lid.A l . . w,, " I'wwi. iHBni,P mgicv in ijaiu. auu io.uiiv iiwsie. i nere i.inu ns UI l am flPU i -- unin Us?(ill ittLr.... i - . - .... ." '1 T 1. ...... I" 7 r r once Cxd ,, ,. ""( nmpiico at last the cnes and m flaco over onohundtcu huildines that nletelr under water VJ.hit upon tho m',1 iT .treaties of the heart broken peopl,have been eretd during theuaat ninei inir of rho Rhone. BaV, of. .g. !mr ". , around his domaiu. reachtd the cars months, ana ntjvery direction that thei threatened with s similar 'fi&mSwxSlt ' ,i- 'raaaRIBBiltisialaaflaHlkalSffl OM ISaaaT Slffli f ' ' mil'l iSMrMlHlPiillM I i MM n mill mi "' rTgjft., ' W 'ltllEEPlKiJiyH0b ffiJ i XT' r 'SpSaaaaaaal lSKdlBslLaslaHHu '"JLaitaaH SHBKBflKKi.Wf T JF ' O T' ". y'T''-C ,,. ' I .affliilBsi LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWlaaaaaalsWsaaaa igf I iimiVsllMsfts I i itlaWsaaWstiBn from th ovjrflow. and Jifuotclilart is found under a statum at V y tho laud of tho Roy. MMley., Pj WdwiiiKton, DekwsA W nftda watfir 5nW beauUfiU waro I Well might CoM-g. say. that the 'lis. been niVf "d IroniJJ clay, fairest Hower hp over saw rliiohiu'wiucjj'Mani .-"" .-. "TTj" ,1 . ... ..i.n'u ..mjl.u. ..-.,- . '!.. il.r. l.i.,la. jvxjju.,uanaaiayiJi fate l"ho;jf(Hind a ivoor mn fflk -i WgHP'S ssllsjaaaaaaKT. afLaaaaaaaV dallVV 'MM I -JsW . fll'MlHI U'; S. fi a SWh-ffwflW ,: 4fiJ!Syif'' jMjf - i '.l T MtflH . a,s iffW rj?aaaaaaT1 fjSaaVuaawrVSaaBW.iuS.Kkl'lamil rjBffiW- 'MBHmUF. i jKarfv siy wiral. awflrr- SJffjv-lafiHBV IH 'fAargMtit iijPv5aK aWKi,, H.T.7 SaKillsTlfet'- iiJBHi Vf?!'f.Ji'H a asm, i . . am xr -vjiaiaiHiniawr aliMfiPv IWyife'VBWJsTr T idF 3 'jIWmsx . 111 jj' l jWfTWWll!.iaaM I MatKa IH'mi nBmtiWfv" 'Ww iffiSmM?9 iZLaWT . aaVSSjaKSaC " SffJaaaW. ; JJHWalaVCart MSjaD. ZB filvBBBBBBB.1 ' 1 fJuJL. jHL...Lljjjj9jBBalr