The Table Rock sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1855-1858, May 24, 1856, Image 3

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    Election Notice
"VIOTICE It hsrsby gtvrn. that on the
1 first Monday, the 2nd day of June
next, at the several Precinct in Jackson
County, mi Election will b held, Tor the
following officer, to wit!
Z Member to tho Houoe of Represent-
1 Member to the Iloum of Repreenta.
lives, Jointly wlUi Joscpnmo uounty
1 Coanty Commissioner, In place of M
Angel, deceased.
1 County Commissioner, In place of II. C,
1 Superintendent of Common Schools, to
fill the vacancy occntoned It the
resignation of T. F. Royal.
1 County Treasurer.
1 County Assessor.
I Conntr Surveyor.
1 Justice orthe Pence, each, for the rrc
clnct of Ashland, Edn, Applcgatc,
and Dardanelles.
1 Constable, each, fur the Precincts of
Ashland, Eden, Applcgatc, Darda
nelles, Perklnsvllle, Stirling, JJutte
Creek, and 2 constable! fur the l're-
clnct or Jacksonville;
ilu MM- Mill I.A t.Uta MM ll..HMlln
( a. vu.v win w w.mi uij iuniiiriivu
ocatlon of the sent of government of
we '.territory or uregoti.s
, Wm. nOFFMAN,
CletV- of th Board of Commissioners
of Jackson County. 0. T,
Jacksonville, April 21st. A. D. IMC .
STILL eontlnutt to receive, direct from
San Frscisco,
Goods Selected Tor this Market,
To suit the times and season. The same
will ! snld ehsap for Cash or Produce.
Thankful for past favors, I Will be glad
to have my old friends and customers con
tinue to call, and as msny new ns as
msv favor me with a visit. I will he 'in
hand to attend to their wants, and see that'
no one goes away dissatisfied.
Alarch 23, JB6C. Ifiif.
Saratoga (tarings,
Logle Mill.,
Jackson County, O T.
TMin underslgntd keeps cualanlly on
X hand ageneral assortrunnt of
Staple ami Fancy Dry Goods,
Alto a general assortment of
In (set a general assortment of Goods!
euitsble fur the family community. Wei
would wish an to can and see us, m wai
are resdy to accommodate on the most rea
artnahlft Itimi. end w li.v. no ilnulit ih.i I
ere long the medical qualities of Saratoga'
water win mine our auinu mo resort oi
not only those who wish is buy goods of
m.bnt those wishing to avail thcuiseles of
the advantages ofthe wnter.
Thomas, Dao. &. Co.
Nov. 3, 1655. Htf
Mini mmim if i
Law, acksonville, O. T havine
formed a copartneiship with JOHN fc)
EDWARDS, Esq., Attorney at Law, at
Wailiington City, O. C., fur the proi.ctu
lion of claima against the General tJuvJ
srnmsnt, for this section nf country, is'
pl.p.r.a to la in. aon.otion or buck
Pay of Volunteers, Extra I'av, 1'ensidns,
4r Land Warrants, under tho lluunty Act,
back psy ol those who served in Ilos
pitsls, and all uthsr kinds of business with
Ux Government at Washington.
Mr. Edwards' universally admitted ebil
iiy, known energy and promptness in the
di.clnrge ul business committed lo his
tare, is a sufficient guarantee lo Claimants
In plsce their business in the hands of the
D.M. KENNEV, Jacksonville.
juitn a. uuwakus,
Washington, I). r
ET Charges moderate 17lf
THE UNDERSIGNED lake this metli.
JL od to inform the cilixena of Douglss
vouniy anu tne peopls or Houtliarn Ore
gon, Hist we have opened a large and gen.
iral asaorlinent ofmerclisndiae, at
Which we prcposo to sell at wholesale or
ratail, prirn that will astuniah the pur
cluMrs. Our atock conaists of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots $ Shoes,
Groceries of all Kinds.
Call and examine fur yourselves. A
moment's redaction will show the grrat
advantages loTfi'e citizens of Douslai anun.
ty by the great reduction we have made lu
Hie pneaa. We hope the public will (ind
what we aay, ia true. Lar-t. s.lcs aud
small profit., is our niotln
ti AllllAIIAM,
RushursyWnv K1, 'ftfi.
TnE uuderslgnrd having recently erected
a large ind commodious hotel In the
flourishing town ofRoesburg.sollcUeashare
or public patronage, Tbe table will always
be furnished with the beat the market affords.
A large and cxUnsIva stable, well sup-
piiva wun grain ana lusy, anu a earerui, at
tentlve hostler In attendance.
psr Charge moderate.
Roeeburg. Nov. 19. 'o5. tf
HAVING recently erected a Urge and
commodious shop, wu ore now pre
pjrod to do blscksmithlng sf all kind,
at shortest notice, and on the innet reason
able terms. Horse shoeing will he done
in a manner much suporior to that which
is done at Riddle's.
,Ssi- The good
people of Douglas.
, !.
adjoining counties, will ramemb.r
that I
was the principal or tbe Isle firm of
iiowsn k Riddle, and the plows man
ufactured by that firm last season, weia
made by ane, or under my direct supervis
ion, and not by Riddle, as he would have
the public believe.
Mr. Riddle has lately been trying to Im
press upon the minds of the public the idea
that be was the principal workrasn in our
shop, which ho knows to be utterly false.
Bos.bnrg, Nov. 13, 'M, lit
Physician sad surges
OFFICE At bis Residence, in Win.
Chester, O. T.
ni tf.
San Francisco.
Grand Medical and Surgical Institute
Corner of Montgomery and Saermenlo
Streets, San Francisco.
'viin or all private and chronic
Dtt. L, J. mriCAY. late of the Hun
garlan Rcrulutlonary War. Chirr Phy
Ician to the 20th Rettlmcnt of llonvtds.
Chief Surgeon to tho Military Hospital of
Peatb, Hungary, and late lecturer on DIs
csaw of Urinary Orpins, aud Dieaea of
w omen and umidren. would tnoat respectful
ly Inform tho publlo of California and Ore
gon Territory tual lie lias opened an InstU
tute for the cure nf Chronic Disease of the
Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Gens
Ital Organs, and all Private Diseases, vis :
Syphylitlc Ulcers, Gonorrhoea, Olr-et, Stric
tures, Seminal Weakness, and all the hor
rid conserfuences of sell abuse, and he hopes
inai uis long espcrience ana suceessmi prso
tlce of many ycari, will Inmre him a share
of public patronage: By tbe practice of
many years In Europe and the United
States, and during tbe Hungarian war and
CRtnp.lgni, he la enablod to apply tbo moat
efllclant and successful remedies acninst
diseases or all kinds.
Ileuses no mercury: chorees moderate:
treats his patients In a eorreot and honora
ble way has reference or nnqnsstlonable
veracity from men of resncolabllty and high
standing In society. All parties consulting
him, by letter or otherwise, will receive the
beat and gentlest treatment, and Implicit se-
taa. Spermatorrhoea, or Local Weakness.
Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude,
neatness or mo iiimn and iiacK, indispo
sition and Incapability for Labor and Study,
Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory,
Aversion to Society. Love of Solitude, Ti
midity, Self-Distrust, lilrtlncra, Headache,
lnroluntary Discharges. Pains in tho aide,
Affection of the Eye, Pimples on the face,
Sexual and other Inflmiltlre in mm. are
cured without fall by tbe justly celebrated
rhyalclan and Surgeon. L. J. 07.APKAY.
His method of curing diseases is now, uj
knowa toothers, andhence the great success.
All consultations, by letter or otherwise,
free. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D.,
San Francisco, California.
Rhonmntlam and Fovers
cured In tho speediest aud safest manner
by Dr. Csapksy, the celebrated Huugalan
Physician. These diseases are treated by
Dr. C. in the most scientific and ogreeable
mode, ne particularly Invites to his estab
lishment those suffering from Chronic Rheu
matism, who have heretofore failed to obtain
To those suffering from tbo Fevers Inci
dent to this coast, ho would promise imme
diate roller. Call and consult with the Doc
tor at bis Medical Institute,
?V Dr. C has a new and efficient remedy
for Diarrhcea and Drsenterr. Call all : con
suit ; consultation free. Office hours from
0 A. M. to 0 P. M., nt the Grand Medical
and Surclcal Institute. Armorr Hall Hull-
ding, corner of Montgoraory and Sacramento
sis., aan l-ranciscn.
C7.APKAY would call attention to the
fulluwlnr mslsdias, In the treatment of
which ha guarantees a cure : Diseases nf
Ills Drain, auch as bnllspsy, Apoplexy,
Rushing of lllnnd lo the Heed, (inflauia
lion of its ililTeront tissues,) Partial and
Complete faralvsis and Insanitv, and all
Functional Derangements, such as loss or
memory, aversion or society, tnlssntliropy,
timidity, nervous 0x0111001 from slight
causss, sell distrust, giddiness, haadscha,
ringing In Ihe eara, cunlusioH of Ideas,
love nf solitude, optical illu.inns, disturbed
sleep, and incapability fur labor and study.
Also, in Diseases of the Lungs and air
passssas, such as tubercular diseasn or con
sumption, pneumonia or iulHmmeiion of
Ihe lungs, pleuntes or pleurisy, asthma
liun-iral orepsaaodic,bronchilia or laryngi
tis and nil forma of catarrhal aiTuCllons,
Also, Discssea of the Liver congestions
of the liver, sbscesses of the liter, rslculi
in the gall, blsdyer and duels, jaundice
and thine diseaae which impair lis func
tions such as Panama Fever, Ulllinus i'e-
verand Inlermitling Fever and the ton
saqaeiices wnich tnsse disorders leave
behind. Also, Diseases of the Hlomach,
such as (jsstritls or intlsmnialion of the
bowels, dispepsia in all its forms, which
destroy tho appetite and digestion, flam.
Isnci.s, dysentery and diarrhoea. Also
Ditesses of the Kidneys and other Unlary
Organ., such as diabetes, or an excessive
flow ofthe urine. Albuminuria, commonly
known as ltright a disesse. In this com
plaint, the physeisnandpalienlnflenllmes
do not suspect Ihe presence of Ihe disease
until too isle 1 lis mot common symp
toms are general indisposition, with drop,
sical swellings. Calculi 111 the Kidneys
Ureter or Dlsdder. Enurlses, or inability
lo retain the urine, Cvstitis.or inflsmation
of the blsdd.r, and all other disorders of
ihe unisry organs. Diseases ofthe Womb
and its appendsges, such as irregularies or
tne menses when excessive,deleetlve,sup
pressed or irregular. Prolapsus, or falling
of Ihe womb, ctlerililyi Ovarcan Dropsy,
and otner diseases 01 me pans, in me
treatment or the above diseases, the Doo
tor has msny new remedies, and i-usrsn
Ises a perfect cure In all cases, or the
money will be relumed. All consul
tallons (by letter or otherwise) free. Ad
dresa Dr. L. J. CZAPKAF, dan Fran
THE saiATOT uisconnr orTua aoc!
aocisr.auT rorssx ! Dr.L.J Czapkay's
Propbilaclicum, (Hell-disinfecting Agent,)
a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea and
Byphtlilio Diseasss, and an unsurpsssed
remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, Gsn
grenous, and Caneeroua Ulcers. Foetid Uj-
charges from Vagina, Uuteius and Urelha,
and all cutaneous eruitioos and diseases.
For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's oSire, Ar
mory Hall.coroer of Sacramento and Mont
gomery sis., San Francisco. As inoculation
is a preventive egeinai email pox, so u ut,
L. J. Cxspkay's l fophilsttieum, a preven
tive against syphilitic and Gonoirbceal Dis
eases, nsrraieu in Itseir, It poseesaes the
power nfchemically dsslroying Ihe eypbil
ilio virus, and thereby saving thousands
from being infected by the most loathsome
of all diseases. Let on yoang man who
appreciate health be without Dr Cup
ay'e Prophilsclicum. It Is in very conve
nient packages, and will be fouiid conve
nient to use, being ued as a soap. That
ihe disease can be prevented by the use
nf proper agents, is as well an established
f:t,es that they run be cursd after their
establishment. This principle, which is
San Francisco.
now universally reoognized, was recleved,
even before the day 0? Jmmer, the discov
erer of vaccination, in 17G6. and its nmltl
plied benefits aver since have reciered, as
they deserved, lbs attention nf the medi
ral fsculty. It was In pursuits of this
branch of the medical science, that Dr. L.
i Caapkay fortunately made the discovery
of his Pruphllscticum, which fur the pre
vention of Syphilitic, Gonorroeal Cancer
ous and Cutaneous Disorders, sisnda Unrl
vslxd by any agent In the Pharaiscopoea.
The efTed of this agent after coition Is
immediate and prevents the possibility of
a contraction of disesse. If, Imwevrr, the
disease hss been contracted, it is lueful
in neutralizing the poisonous secretions,
which by absorption, produces the horrid
consequences known as secondary syphilis.
It has been administered by the Doctor In
many thousand esses, and he hss yet to
find the first In which It hss failed in sub
serve Ihe purpose fur which It was admin
istered. Price f 5. Full directions are at
tached lo each package. In cases where
the Prophilsclicum is ussd as a curative,
Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furnish (oiutib)
a prescription for his blood purifier.
All communlcslion from the country
addressed only to Dr. L. J. Czspkay, San
Francisco will(be strictly and confidenli.
ally attended to, and the remedies, with
the greatest care and security, immedisle
ly dispatched, by Express or other con
veyance, tn their destination.
S1T1IILIS akii Gosorkiioca. Dr. L. J,
Czapkav would ask special attention
to syphilitic and gonorrhoea disesses.
In the first slsges of these complaints he
guaranleea a nerrct and effectual cur in
a few days without hindrance to business
or the aliehteit inconvenience, The Doc
tor's mslbod of treating them combines
ail the latest Improvements, by the medi
cal faculty, with diaeoveriea rusde by
himself mora effective then anything yet
known which secures the patient from the
possibility of secondary symptoms, and
remove the disease in the shortest possi
ble time.
Secondsry syphilis which appesrs In
conssquence of the ahiorptlon of llis poi
son into the aystem, and produces Bu
boes, Ulcerations in the throat and nos,
which destroy Ihe son parts, and cmse'
the bone to mortify, sepsratn and corns.
away, disfiguring tho patient horribly.'
Nudes or painful swellings In the bones;
splotches upon the akin, cases of which
Ihe Doctor sees daily In his office, und,
which are the result of improper treat-
muni, mo, uicera, sores and pimples,
nd injuries to the constitution, which af
ter long period of suffering, destroy liTs.
It will also be remembered thst these dis
orders are hereditary, passing from parent
to child, and entailing upon the oflaunng
a (ruined constitution. Fur the cure uT
all these forms ofdisesses, the doclor guar
antees a cure or asks no compensation.
The Doctor can be consulted by letter
nr otherwise iree 01 charge, snd Invite
all who are afllicted to call upon him,
where he will give them such satisfaction
as they can ootain nowhsre else. His
rooms are Nos. I snd S, Armory Hull, cor
ner of Sacramento and Montgomery sis.
Ssn Frsncisco.
SPERMATORRHEA, or local wr as
mis Dr. CZAPKAY. Iste lecturer
on Disessss uf women and children, and
chlsfSurgeon of the Military Hospital of
1 en, Hungary, wuuio can puono atten
tion to spermatorrhoea or local weaknesa
There la nol in the catalogue of human
rnaiauiee one more to be d.precated than
this, as well because ofpreient distress, as
the ultitnst results. The lone of the
system under Its deteriorating influence Is
either impaired or entirely destroyed, and
a class of symptoms superinduced, thst
unfits man for the performsnee of any of
th ordinary duties of life. The injuries
done to the physical part of man are truly
lamentable, but trifling when compared to
thoae of the reueorium. the treat nervous
centre, asd to the great nervous system
generally, i his disesse which Is too oltan
consequent upon that solitary vice, self
abuse, involves pathological condition be
yond ihe comprehension of ihe uninitiated,
but which are well understood by ihe reg
ular practitoner. Among the symptoms
most ennspiscunu are llic following s
Love of solitude, aversion to business and
society, distrsssiug timidity, nervous ex
citement from slight causes, loss of memo
ry.conlusion oT idn, inability torason,cnr
redly, low spirits and lassitude, dullness of
apprehension and mlsanleropy, 1 nee be
ing functional derangements, are often the
harbingers ofhirrid organic lesions of the
brain,whicb produces fatuity, dementia and
For the cure of this and all kindred of
ilisssaes, Dr. Czapkay has estsblislicd his
Institute, where all may rely with psrfsct
confidence upon that skill which long ex
perience and thorough devotion to his pro.
fsssion hi given. Those who sutler
should call without daisy, and use the
mesm by which they may recuperate and
live. All consultation, by teller or other
wise, free.
rrmiS NEW fivo-storey Bntk Hotel is
JL centrally located near the steam,
boat Isnding, convenient to the Post Office,
'f'llMMira sXrS A tnrTAd. aT ika ksial In
..-w. mh wKt.MWMV wa tjMW ait .
the Stale. It contains ISO rooms, capable '
01 accommoaaiing kju guests All who
will patronize this hoel shall go away
sausnoa, or we win ao me best w Know
to make them so. Persons from Oreeon
visiting our city, and the public s-eiierally.
are vespecuuiiy invuea 10 give us a call.
rtiviv &. Monti;,
July 2G, 1855. Proprietors.
coasza WASUISOTOa ao hostsombv STS.,
D Advertisement sndSubacrtptlons ra.
calved for a large number of tbe California
and Oregon papers at the lowest current
Jan. 1U 8lf
EUtH HUs t A.
Cemiktfsslett Mercksmts.
Way lt-nl tf. I
San Francisco.
TK. IM. nclnlmants, corner of
XJ Kearney and Pacific street, San Fran
cisco, has, for a number of years, In the
military and other hospitals of France, de
voted bis atndy principally to the treatment
or Secret DImmcs, and therefore poascaeea a
through experience in this particular branch.
He Is also perfectly familiar with all the
recently discovered and highly Important
remedies and means for the core of each dis
eases. It Is scaacely necessary to add here
that In France, where secret diseases
are of more frcqant occeurrence than
anywhere elso, the physician of that coun
try are the raoet expert In tbelr care, and
are constantly and successfully endeavor
ing to And out new remedies, more efficient
and leu dangerous than those formerly
DR. nETNIMANN Is therefore enabled to
enre all thex diseases with perfect certainty
without using mercury, In very abort
time, and without suhjectlnfj bis patlenU to
tbe risk of subsequent Injurious consequen
ces Hhrnnla Gonorrhea x SDcrmatorrhe. ;
Fluor Albus, General Debility, the result of
misconduct ! roiinuona, rain in ae dock
and sides; Eruption of all kinds, produced
by Interior causes; LosaofHalr; Rheuma
tism In tbe Joints, Nocturnal Sweat ; Sem
inal and Urinal Weakness Injuries received
by Mercurial Treatment, etc., etc., are cured
by Dr. Helnlmsnn with the aid of remedies
known but to hlmscir, to the perfect sail
ractloo orhis clients.
Recent dlsMses of tbe above named kind
will bo promptly and radically removed be
fore they can settle In tbsj body and become
chronic, by Dr. Hclnlmaim'a own purifying
vegetable remedies.
Dr. Ileinlmsnn further possesses a sure
remedy, fully testsd, and which cn be re
lied upon, fur the cure nf Intermittent
Fever, Chill and Fever, Fever and Ague;
alio a mean tn remote, in a few dirt,
forever, a bid breath, without tbe least in
jury lo the stomach.
In the present days numerous remedies
nro offered everywhere Tor all Imasinsble
diseases, but In most of the cases the suT-
lerers are so sadly disappointed that they
look with justifiable mistrust on all adver
tisements of that kind. Dr. Hsinlmann's
remedies need not be recommended by
puffing chsrlstsnlim, for they recommend
themselves by their effects, as hss bsen
een and experienced by numerous patients
who, lortunalely lor themselves, nave useu
them. For the information and satisfac
tion ol the often deceived public, the state
ment win suiuee tnai ut. lieinimsnn uas
in his pjissssion over two hundred testi
monials from pstients cured by him, be.
sides many otner reliable person, which
he is ready to exhibit when required, while
common decency forbids him to publish
them In the newspsper.
Persons applying to Dr. Ileinlmsnn shall
not be obliged 10 pay in advene the full
price of cure, as lie is perfectly willing lo
submit bis skill and his remedies firat,to be
One thing the Doctor Invariably rrquirss
fiom all his patients, that Is a fitlhfnl and
strict conformance with all his directions
and prescriptions, otherwise he cannot snd
will nnt warrant a cure.
Written consultations willlie given with
out chsrge, and communications answerad
whether contsinlng a fee or nol, promptly,
punctually, and with strict eecresy, on ap
plying, postsgn psid, in the Euglish, French
or German language, 10
Corner of Kearny and Paaifio streets,
I5m3J Ssn Francisco.
X otlcc.
Council Ground,
Walla Walla VAtxer, W. T.
June 12th, IBiJ.
ATA TREAT F concluded with the
Yakima JVation of Indians, at the
Council Ground in the Walla Walla Val
ley, the Olh day of June, 1655, the land In
cluded within the following buundsries
wss ceded lo the Unilod Ustes, to witi
Commencing at Mt. Rainier ; thence
northerly slung tbe msin ridge ofthe Csi
cide mountain lo the point where the
northern tributaries of Lake Chelsn and
the southern tributaries ofibs Methew riv
er have their rise 5 Ihence soulhesslerly
on the divide between the waters of Lake
Chelan and the Methew river to the Co
lumbia river ; thence crossing the Colum
bia, on a irue east course, to a point whose
IfAnwIliiilsB Is nnm ImnAmmA and nlnsl..n
degree and ten minutes which two 1st
ter lines separate ihe above confederated
tribe aud bands of Indians from tbe Oak-
ainakane tribe of Indians', thence In a
true south course to the forty-seventh
parallel u latitude ; tneiic east on said
parallel to the main Pslouis nvsr which
two latter line of boundary separate ihe
above ennfederatsd tribes and bands from
the Spokans Jthence down the Palouse riv-
-.-!. -.l -i.l. .1.- ,-!. Ll. -
r m us junction wmi iua mun-uau-ne-she
or southern tributary of the ssme J
mence in a Boumeastcriy direction 10 tne
Snake river at the mouth of the Tucannon
river, asperating tbe above confrdsrited
tribefroin th Ner Perce tribe of Indisns;
mence oown the onska river to us luiic-
tlon with th Columbia river : thence un
the Columbia river to the "White Uaoka'
beluw riest'a Rapids ; thence westerly lo
a lake called "La Lao ;" Ihence southerly
to a point on th Fekima river called Toh-
mab-luke 1 tnence In a southwesterl di
rection lo the Columbia river at tbe wes
tern extremity of the "Highland," be-
tween tbe mouth orthe umstilla river and
Uutter creek all which latter boundaries
separate the above confederated tribe and
band from the Walla Walla, Cayus and
Uraililla tribe and bind of Indian :
thence down the Columbia river lo mid
way between the mouths of White Salmou
and Wind rivers 1 thence atone the divide
between said rivers to the main ridge of
Ihe bastsde mouolslu t snd tbenc alunc
said ridge to Ihe plsce of beginning.
J here 1 However, reserted from (lie
land above ceded, for the exclusive use
and occupation of said confederated tribe
nd binds of Indians, the tract of land, in
cluded within lb following boundrie to
wit 1
Commencing on the Yakima river al the
mouth ofthe Altahnam river 1 thence wes
terly along said Atlahnam river to the
forks 1 thence along tbe southern tributary
lo the Cascade mountains s thence south
erly along the main ridge of aaid moun
tains, letting south and east of mount
Adams, lo Ihe spur whence Sow tbe wa
ters of tbe Kltkatat and Pisco rivers
Ihence down said spur lo th divide be
tween the water of ssid river 1 lhoc
aloogsaid divide to the divide sspsrstiog
the waters ofthe Satas rivr from tho
owing into th Columbia river 1 thenc
alone ex id divide to th main Yakima.
eight miles below th mouth of th (gauss
river, and tbance up tne xakima river to
the place of beginning.
Aiso a Irsct of Uad not exceeding in
Sua n lily one township of sis mil squsr
tutted at th forks if th Pisnuous or
WentUhipira river, and known a th
..... .A n-V hl-l. ..1.1
" xi.n.rj. t.,mvi, ..iu,
. , ., t sr ..j .L-j ....
iraci mill oe surveyed ana mi i
whsnsver thaFreeldent may direel.
By an express provlssloa of th treaty
th eoontry embraced in tV cslon and
Included in th rsssrvstions, I opened to
ssttlsmsnt excepting that th Indiana are
secured in the possession of tbelr buildings
and iroprovsmsnu until removed to tbe
This notice ia published for th infor
mation ofth public, asd th attention of
citizen proposing to local claims upon
th ceded territory, I especially called to
th above provision, and for further in
formation they are requestsd to apply to
sub-sgsnt A. J. Bolon.
Gov. and Sup't Ind'n Affairs, W.T.
July 26,1355. 10.6m
AT TREATIES concluded with the Nez
Perce Tribe of Indians, and with the
confederated tribe orthe Walla-Wallss.usy
.. and Umatilla in tbe Walla-Walla Val
ley at the Council Ground, then was ceded
to the Untted States tract of country hav
ing the following boandarle, vlx :
By the Nex Perec, commencing at th
source of the Wob-na-ne-she, or southern
tributary of tbe Palouse river, thence down
the river to the main Palouse; thence In a
southerly direction to the Snake river at the
mouth of the Tukanon river, thence up the
Tuk&non toll source In tbe iilue Mountains;
tbenc southerly along tbe ridge of the Bine
Mountains; thence to a point on Grand
Ronde river, midway between the Grand
Ronde and the mouth of the Woll-low-how
river; thence along the dlvido between ths
Woll-low-how and Powder rivers; thence to
the crossing of Snake river at th month of
Powder river ; mence to ue baimon mer
fifty miles above tbe place known a the
"crowing ofthe Salmon river;" thence due
North to the rummlt of theBltter Root Moun
tains : thence aloog the crest of tbe Bitter
Root Mountain to the place of beginning.
By the Walla-Wallas, Ceruse and Uma
tilla, the tract of land having tbe following
bound ulcs, to wit 1
( jmtntlngat the mouth of the Tukanon
river, in Washington Territory, running
thence un raid rlvsr to Its source ; tbtnec
easterly along the summit of the Blue Moun
tains, and on tbe souibcrn i-oasairies ottue
purchase made of tb Kcx Perec Indlani.and
easterly along that boundary o ths western
limits of the country claimed by the Sbos
boncs or Snake Indiana ; thence southerly
along that boundary (bring the waters of
Powder river) to tho source of Powder river;
thence to the head of Willow Creek ; thence
down Willow Creek to the Columbia river;
thence up the channel of Colnmbla river to
the lower end of a large Island below tbe
mouth of Umatilla river; thence northerly
to a point on th Yakima river called Toh,-nosh-luke,
thence to Se Lac ; thence to the
White Bank on the Columbia below Priest's
Rapid ; thence down the Colombia river to
tbe junction of tbe Columbia and Snake riv
ers ; thence up the Snake river to the place
of beginning. PrcviJtd, hmeettr, That to
much of the country described above as Is
contained In the following boundaries shall
be act apart as Indian Rervations for tbe
Nex Perce Tribe, viz:
Commencing where the Moh-ha-na-she or
southern tributary of the Palouse river flow
from the spurs of tbe Bitter Root Mountains;
thence down said tributaries to th mouth
ofth Ti-na-par-up Creek thence southerly
to th crossing orthe Snake river, ten mile
below tbe mouth of -the Alpovraln rlvtr ;
thence to tbe source or the Alpowaln river in
tbe Blue mountain; thence along the crest
of the JMn. llounUlns: thence to the crose-Ins-
of tbe Grand Ronde river, midway be
tween tbe Grand Rood and tbo mouth of
tbe Woll low-how river; thence along the
divide between tb waten ofthe Woll-low-how
river and Towder river; tbenc to tbe
aka..Im 4bC?MA?AA fela.H AFfJAA Snail I as .siTA.
tbe mouth of Powder river; thence to the
saimon river anov me crossing; mence Dy
the spurs of the Bitter Root Mountains to
the place of beginning.
For th coofederated Tribe nf Walla-Walla,
Cayuscs and Umatilla, vlx :
Commencing In the middle of tbe channel
or the Umutllla river, opposite tbe mouth or
Wild Horse creek ; tnence up the middle or
the channel or said creek to Its source: thence
southerly to a point In tbe Blue Mountain'
Known a s Encampment; ttence in a line
to tbe water orthe Ho tome creek ; thence
west to the divide or tho Howtomeand Birch
creeks: thence northerly aloogsaid divide
to a point due west or the southwest corner
of William C. McKay's claim; thence east
atoog mi tine to tne outn-eat corner ;
thence In a line to the place of beginning.
By an express provision of the Treaty, tbo
country embraced in tbe cession and not
Included in tbe Reservation la open to set
tlement, excepting that tbe Indian are se
cured In the possession or tbelr building and
Implement till removed to tbe Reservation.
ThU notice it published for tbo benefit of
the public.
The attention of tb citizens proposing to
locate claim unon tho ceded Territory Is
especially called to tbe provisions protecting
tbe Indians in the possession of tbelr im
provemeota and for futher Information In
reference to the Walla-Walla, Ceyut Ind
Umatilla Reservation, they are requested to
apply to Arent, R. R. Thompson. To the
Nez Perce Reservation, to Sub-A gent, W.
H. Tepptx . ISAAC I. STEV ENS,
Gov. and Sup't or W. T.
C;o't Indian Affairs, Oregon.
Council Ground. Walla-Walla,
June 12th, 1853.
Bounty lauds
aid fmnm foe soisiees.
rrMIE undersigned will attena to lb pro
X curing of Bounty Ltnds, under lb
new ct of Congress, for persons who hive
been regularly mustered into the United
Slate service for the tsrm of fuurtren
dss, or more. Person who were ogg.
ed in lther of Ihe Indian war in tin
counlry, and al. widow and orpbsns of
such psrsoos, are entitled 10 1CU cr.s of
land, and by lorwarding tin nsesssry prool
of their service to tbe und.isign.d, th t(
Sclal form will b msdeoul and forwsrdtd
to the proper Dspsrtmsnt st Wsshlngton,
wblcb will enaui Ihe return of a
For lb applicant.
Hiving competent ag.nt at Washing
too, it enable m to transact thi kind of
busln with great efficiency and dispitcb.
Cbarg modsrsts.
Addra W. G. T'VAULT,
Jicksonvill, O, T.
Nov. 24.
I published every Thursday mornieg by
VV.CU.E.4V i,.
fOIGce on Fourth .If. at. hetwa.n J
and K, Sacramento.
1 ). Big dollar per annum, In ad.
vase. For aclubof five nw sbstribsrs,
we will tad sixth copy rati.
Job Printing Office.
THE Proprietor, bavlrg rood vari
ety of JOB TYTSS on band, are pre
pared to do all kind of
On the SHORTEST NOTICE, and ea the
Concert Bills,
Ball Ticket,
BUI Heads,
AddrtM Cards,
Buslnes Caret.
Bill or Lading,
Steamboat Bill,
Blanks of alt kind,
4-c. $c, SfC.
Job work done In
to stilt customer Order solicited.
Noisy Carrier's
H00U and Stivtlouejry
ttzovo munrsjjrrnjxaisco
RECEIVE full euppliee or ill th pri
pal States' and aropan paper per
very slesmer. Also
&c, 6ie., 5tc.
Oct. 24, IBM. nl tf
Pacific Express
IN conisqoenc ofth disruption of tkt
firm, hav organixtd thsmsslvss into a
joint slock company, for lb purpose of
transacting a general
Express and Fo warding BqsIks,
In all it Drachm
Throughout th
A regalar Eiprin far
Freight, r'aluaoie Packages, Letters
fa. fct
Will b dlspslchtd to ind from th
By trtry Mail Sttamtr.
T Collections of ill kinds promptly
attsnd.d lo.-TJa
11. O. NO YES, Prtidrnti
Cornsr of Washington M onig'm'ry it.
Ban Francis
S. J. McCoikick, Agent,
Portland, Oregon,
Portlsnd.pril 27,1651. if
mis m i cos imiK.
Detueen Oregon, California, the At
tantie States, and Europe.
HAVING made advantageous arrange
menu with the United State and
Pacific Mail SUamahlpCompanle for trans
portation, we are now prepared to forward
Gold Lust, Bullion, Spcu, Packag$ Pat
ttli and lYritht, to and from New York,
New Orleans, San Francisco and Portland.
and the principal town of California and
Our regular Semi-monthly Ex pre be
tween Portland and San Francisco, I dls
ptcbed by the PaclOe Wall Steamship Co.'
steamship Columbia, connectlne at Ban
Francisco wltbourasml-monthly Kxprr to
JW10 York ami A'eto Orleans, which It
dispatched regularly, on the 1st and 16th of
each month by the mall steamer and in
charge or our own messengers, through to
Our Express from New oit leavt re-
ulsrly on the 6th and 20th of each month,
also In charge or messengers.
Trtaiurt iniured In the best New York
Companies, or at Lloyd'a In London, at tb
option of shippers.
We connect at New York with th fol
lowing well known line, vlt : The Jtmeri'
n HipmtUompans. running vta i)octr
i Dunkirk to Cleveland. Saadeskr. Cin
cinnati, St. Louis, Toledo, Detroit, Cfcieagv,
Galena, etc.
The IlarnJen F.tprtti to Boston, Phil.
delphla, Washington, etc.
Pulttn, rVgiiVC.' VsrmontandCan
ada Express; aptnport, Maion V Co.'i
New Beoford Exprru; Lttinitton, Wells
If Cols European Expreu ; Weils, Fargs
V Co.'s
Orrices New York, No. It, Wall t;
New Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange Place ; Baa
Fraecuwo No. Ill, Montgomery street.
PofUand, O.T, Not. 15, 1854.
100 Reward.
) roaa Amsricsn horss, 7 or 8 yr eld.
brtndsd thor '. and I I tb tail
below, on left hip, cemmoo Ix saddl
marked. On3yrold AmsricansUllioa,
smsll six, bcsndsd on lft hip im liar I
th first ofth above; right bind fool while,
few wbit bsir in lb frbd, color
bsy, fsw saddle msrks. On Amiriota
borse, 6yar- old, common dee, vry
fsw whit burs lo tb forehead, color bay,
mark of a shackl on th Uft fen foot, )
brsods. On smsll pony aaar, eeiler
brown, brsndsd tba flrst.
I will riv tblt rwrd for lb hanssur
AM for tbm and tb thief, or tn propor
tion for aeb bore, dslivtrad at Betloa'
fib otdColliat rsneh.) in Bbuta VaMajr,
six mile fruoa Yrsk.
Nov. 90, 1S5, 9tf