IWI.WIWgffBB gjiim I)c SaUincl. n. a. Tim.T, ALEX. BL1KULV . EDITORS. Stale of Dcscrot. ; Wis lenrn liy Into California papers tlmt a convention lias been held in 1 Utah Territory, enrnposed nf delegates I from til part of the Territory, which adopted n Constitution preparatory to liioir ndmtaioii into tho Union, us n ! State, with tho nnino ol Dcseret. ! Georn II. Smith and Julin Tnvlur havo Qmm rH.!irt. am.hmm M a..u . .....w,..u -nuvi, i .1.,,, , ..J , t-.t.:.... Tttovts Doves, corner of Wellington '",, . X. .nd Monljromcry street. Is our sutliorirt.1,"0" u,-v mid P" 0 Constitution Agent In San Francisco, to ncelvo sub- and lt lor admission inln tho Union. scrlptious and advertisements for tliu Sk.v itxcu JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. Saturtlny, HI ay U4, I HBO. Wo infer frnni nn cxtrnct in the Sacramento Union, tnlien from the r- iv,.n. l,n I.m n,u-.rtl.nl I.. ih "cmrn iicira, mat cruat unanimity ex. Stntintl.eT subscribed, ami have uot naldlll'ted in tho Convention; also, that nil for the same, arc requetcl to cnll and payl cl:isis of tho community wero ruprc up, as our terms are tath in tuiranet. Ouri! a3ntcil. nml tlmt tho Constitution is a fair i-xprosainn of tlio fei'lings nnd son. tlincnts or nil the peoplo of tho Terri tory. There can bo nn reason why Con' terms are tow, and we caunot work without juy These wanting thclrudvoTttracaUpubllih cd, will have to accompany them with cash furtbs number of IntcrUon roTulred. SuUcrlbcra can forward money at our risk, If properly mntlcd. grew should not niidmit tho Stato of Dcscret wilts nil tho tights of other State, if ttio Constitution secures to tho pcnj.lu a republican form or gov-crnniont. Will tim prcseutiitinu of tho Constl gross cnusc n now n:ul protracted un cussion wilt tho peculiar rcliytous faith of tho Mormon s.-ilnt bonmilonl spoliation of B85:;. It will be remembered tlmt the trcnty ninrle with tho Itonuo River Indians in IBM, nppniprlnil fifteen thousand Mulinn of tho Stnto of Deserct to Con dollar?, n part of tho Indian unnuity, for payment of tlio spoliation commit ted by tlio Indlnns in 1653. During tho winter of 16.V)-!, that treaty was' question, nnd long, loud and polished ratified by tho United States Senate. ! j "ic1im lie mado for untl against the' Joel Palmer, Superintendent of Indian! I """"I"'0" riI s'le. " account of; affairs for Oregon, appointed L. r.,nMr Viwm 0I poHgnmy. inou-on-Grover, A. C. Glhhs nnd Dr. Geo. H.j. tUulion of tho Uniiutl States expressly Ambrose a board of Commissioners to'!1""'1'!'' Congress making nny Inw es. nsicss Iho damages. They met nt j'unliiug n religion or prohibiting tin, Jackionvillo in tho spring of ISM, excrclio thoroof. Tho only question, and mado nn asscjiment of spoliation, i ! "J Congress, will bo to first ascertain wtiollior tlio constitution se-i cures to tho peoplo n ropublicnn form ii - of government, then to admit tho Stato j with the same privileges granted to nthor that timo nothing has l.cen,lStuU,'orroru,otoa',n,itlhcn'- T"0" heard of tho fifteen thousand dollars 1 1 m,0,l,or,,Iue,"" wiU "" wheiher giving to ench person n duplicate, stnting tho amount of damages he had sustained on nccount of (ho Indi ans. Sinco that wns set np.irt by tho tronty to pay Ii1"0 tstal r 1,0"rot wi l,ot bo i0V' for spoliation. Tho Indians havo rc. orelgn nnd independent Stato. Thoro nro many questions of groat importnuco spollati reived a part nf their annuity nnd have been removed from Roguo river to the reservation on tho head of tho Ynmhlll. Tho fifteen thousand dollars in nil probability, would not pity nioro than ttbout thirty.Gvo per cont. on tho dot Jar of tho amount tho board of com iiiisiionors nsicsted. Ito tho same more or leu, thoio entitled to receive it want it, or they with to know what has become of tho appropriation. Dlichnrjlnc Volunteers. Tho Volunteers of tho iid Regiment Oregon .Mounted Volunteers nro prstty genorally discharged nnd being dis charged, nn account of tho term of; sorvico for which they volunteered hav ing expired. Tho last recruits nro still in tho aervicn; about 150 at tho big Meadows, and some at Vnnnoy's and Gravo Creek. Wo do not know what is to bo tho next military move, but much fear is entertained that tho In dians will mako nil nttaclt on some to tho peoplo that may nnd no doubt will nrise when this mnttor shall bo presented to Congress. Tho pooplo havo tho constitutional right in tho several Territories to pass all laws of a local and domestic nature they may think proper, not inconsist ent with tho Constitution nf tho United States nnd the Organio Act. Minim) News. Within the last ten days, tho miners on tlio left hand fork of Jackson creek havo been making new nnd rich discoveries. Tlio de posits yield from ono to two hundred dollars per day to tho hand. Wo have heard men my that in somo places n thousand dollars to tho hand could bo taken out. Tho new discoveries aro on tlio flat, nn the left hand fork, and easily worked. At prcsont tho wator u not very plenty. Sturm.no Minks. Tho prospectors lot Sterling havo mado somo cood unprotected train or traveller, or pitch it strikes in lho flat ivlicro tho town stands, into tho settlements liko an avalanche' Lnd miners aro sinking shafts mid lit- from Iho surrounding mountains. It does seem that this country is bloomed to misfortunes and disasters. Wo had tho Roguo Rivor War during 1ho summer and fall of 182!), com mencing within 12 mouths after tho -countrv commenced settlim?. Mnnv - o -I, lives and much property was lost in orally undermining tho town. It is only from 15 to 20 feet to tho bed-rock and pays well. This now discovery will I add mucrf tn tho prosperity of the miners, ns well ns thn whole country. Nuws most Room River. Cii- nere Report af jVew Digings Our friend Ching Whang furnishes the fol that war. A partial pence was restored (lowing intelligence, which will he by the treaty of JSfi3; but it was only j; found very interesting. Tho Celestials a cessation of hostilities on tho part of pjicar to bo doing well: lh Indians, until they could ho bettor Hong kongkinngginggong; kwnii" armed and prepared for war, as they continued to commit murders all tho timo, whenevor they could do so with. out being caught nt the net. inmncawuw'rad9W;nmlpr:W;pnffiUiKhs j vaooUvsjrtbu.lkayirhii tpUiunsuic:iiyn '-tuKT ffrilr,mxz7hlSiild;s liyjuM8olBiualma ! ...ii4 juima.. i,iu;nre j-racuunyu 3.':ng8U lUBYttm'JmlSahVirlJmU :nni1,ll niu-..V. i. Sfaoellne Affray ia Saw Frnn Cisco JTatnoi KlHg ef Win. Shot by James P. Casey. Through the polltentxs of Mr. A. Solomon of Wcavcrville, Col., who vis itcd our town this week, wo have re ceived files of Into California papers from Rhodes &i Whitney, from which wo glean several items of late news. Amongst tho most interesting is the shooting of James King of Wm., which csused great excitement nt San Francisco. On Wednesday, tho 14th Inst., the city of San Francisco was thrown into great excitement, occasioned by James I. Casey shooting James King of Wm. Wo glean tho following synopsis from tho Marysvillo Daily California Express, Extra, of May 15th: A communication appeared In tho Sunday Times, signed " Cnllhan," to which Mr. Thomas S. King, brother of Jamus, took exception nnd called upon Mr. Casey to ascertain tho au thor. This, Mr. Casey refused to give, as tho author was tin old man of n family; thnt he, Casey, was willing to bo responsible for tho article. Several interviews took place, Mr. King de manding tho tinmo oC tho nuthor nnd Mr. Casey refusing to givo it, when an editorial nppenred in tho " Itullctin," Mr. King's papor, using offensivo Ian. guago towards Mr. Casey. Mr. Casey then called on Mr. King and informed him that ho did not al low him to do so, to which Mr. King replied, ho would do ho when ho might seo proper, nnd told Mr. Casey to leave his odicc. A short timo afterwards, nt tho corner of Washington and Mbnt- I gomory streets, Mr. Casey seeing James King of Wm. crossing tlio struct, call ed out: " Jnmcs King of Wm. nro youl armed I draw and defend yourself." Air. King folded his arms nnd asked, " are you in earnest l" " Yes," says Casey, " draw nnd defend yourself." King dropped his urms and mado n motion as if to draw his weapon. Casey raised and fired ono shot from n navy slzo rovolvor, which look effect in Mr. King's left broast. Ho ex claimed "Ohl oh! I am shot!" Casey was Immediately arrested by Deputy Sheriff ISrown, and conducted to pris on. A great rush was mado by an ex. cited crowd to obtain Iho prisonor, nnd crios of "hang him I hang him!" wero heard in all in nil ilirjciiuns. It is et. timated tlmt 10,000 persons woro col lected on tho occasion, and several persons speaking nt tho simio timo, urging tho necessity of summary steps to punish tho assailant by "lynch law" Somo cried out, " Whero is Coral Down on such justice; let us hang1 hira !" A proposition was finally made to rotiro for tho purposo of organiza tion and to return at 0 o'clock to tho Plaza. Tho prison was guarded by tho Po lice, City Guards, San Francisco Iliues, Wallaco Guards and tho SliorilT'a force. Nothing further up to latest dates Uut littlo hopes were entertained for tlio recovery of Mr. King. The wound was produced by tho ball entoring the body ubovo tho left nipple of tho breast, passing slightly upwards, and camo out at tho back, uoar tho junction of tho nnn. By last report, Mr. King! was much easier nnd hopes uero c.itoi tained of his rooovcry. Correspondence of tlio Seutlnl, Raker's Wim, Douglass Co., May 15th, 1850. EntTons Schtinel Your Sentinol seems to tulco considerable intorest in relation to the seat of government ques tion, ns I see several communications, from different parts of tho Territory ! but thov nrottv near nil nro opposed io Salem, nnd nro in favor of Corvallls or Eugene City. Now, with mo it makes but littlo difference where the sent of government shall bo located ; I only havo to say, that the p6op'e south of tho Cnlapoola Mountains, if tlioy know their own Interest, ought to vote for Eugene City, because it is near the centre of iho Territory, and band. somely located In a f-rlilo sgricullural country. Lnno county lias really more good land within its limits than uny counlv in tlio territory, anil is oca Strkuxo, May 22d, 1M0, Editors Scxtikel: I ice that J. T. Glenn hss been nominated by the Black Republicans, as their csndidnto for Sheriff. I fllso seo that ho is wil ling to Iks run as the Black Rcnubli Pnbllc nreotins;. A largo meeting of tho cltbcii of . honso, on Friday, the 23d or May, 1R".(1 n cTnrf.ii tlipir indiffnstion at the course pursued by John Becson, of can candidate, if he can get tho Whig 'Roguo river valley, In writing letters nomination also, loes mo gcniieinmi io mo cuuui i oi mo iii mipi repudiate In his card "to the pub-spers in Oregon and iho United Statts. lie." when ho says," while apprecUting'l Rev. S. 1'. Tajlor was called to tho llifcirrARTiAMTVI" Whoso partiality1 1 Chair, and W. G. TVoult appointed dnesho appreciatot Why, none other Secretary. Tho Chairman explained than tho party thst nominated him. j Nono other havo shown nny partiality, tho object of the meeting, in a brief nnd nmironrinto manner, whereupon but for tho sake of making his electlonjj tho reading of n manuscript letter, sure, ho cays, " It is duo to them, as signed by John Becson and directed to. woll ns mvself. to stato that I am an iho editor of iho " Herald" (Sau Fran- old lino Whig." Woll, that matter has' cleco) was called for nnd read. Cspt, been known over since Mr. ulenncamt bmith, ti. Culver, bsq., and Alsj. to Jackson county, nnd it Is also well i Crnnmcr mado appropriate speeches. known that old lino Whigs havo gone 'whereupon W. G. TVault moved that over to tho Republirnn party that nnml- lined.'at no dlstnnt day, to bo tho most, nated Mr. Glonn. By his Appreciating populous county. It is tho centrel their partiality nnd telling them ho Is an rountv nnd has claims for tho seat ofiiold lino Whur, does he repudiate iho government, greater than nny other. Black doctrino! Why, certainly hej It then bocomes tho duty of the poo- does not, for it is understood in the pie in Southern Oregon to vote for the United States that strong efforts hsvel sent of government nt Eugcno City. and still are being made, tn unlto thel Itierownsn gentleman trom near bh-( two (inrui-s, uui i win mi you, mm Icm in this section of countrv a few' all others, what ho docs tell them dnya since, who was ndvocnilng the. that ho "appreciates their partiality" claims of Salem on nooount of the', for nominating him; but, ns their party persecution that placo and its inhnb-iis mil strong enough to ok-ct him, that Slants received from other parts of the " it is duo to them, as well ns himself, Territory ; but tho littlo gentleman was to stato that ho is nn old lino Whig;" not n cood elcctlonoorer, beenuso he! therefore, to make his election doubly sprung n queition that did not suit us certain, "as such submit my namo to in this section of country. Why, says' tho Whig convention," and if I should lie, if you will nil voto fur Salem to bc bn nominntcd there, why, tho old line tho scat of covornment, out hero, our representatives will nil go for dividing tho Territory, nnd mako tho new Stnto Whigs will support mo, the pnrty that first nominated mo will support me, therefore my chsuco of election will of Umpqua. Tho northern boundary of bo made moro certain, for tho pnrty tlio new Territory will bo -13d parallel' that nominated mo cannot alone elect north latitude. Now that will suit you .me. all out bore. Now, this little gentle I This is tho position that James T. man struck a nolo that just suited us, 'iGlecn occupies before tho people nf over the left. Making lino counties of i Jackson county, nnd particularly in tuo neignuoriioou oi aterilng. Youis, Respectfully, MOSE. Umpqun Hnd Douclnss. Yes, wo will not go for that kind nf n division of tho Territory, nor will wo go for nny division. Tho littlo contlemnn went south I.NDIAX DlfTICULTIE l.N CALtrOK- a commute ol nvo bo appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the views of this meeting passed. Messrs. Hays, Smith, Rice, Cranmor and Taylor were appointed ssid commlttoo. After a short deliberation they reported tho following preamble anil resolutions: Wiierka, Certain slnpilar and uojuttlfls blc nwcrtlons uuil imsrcprcMntatlcDsbave recently, by somo menus, come luto elr rulitt!ou,ln tbefortu a letter purporting to have been written by Johu becton. of tbls place, for publication In tlio 3. V, llerald, nflrctiuR upon tbc cbaiactcr of the peo ple cf .Southern Orcgou, j charging them with npjrrcitlont and wronp upon tbo Indlaa tribes of the country, sad thereby, without csnc, bringing about an unJustlQable and dluitroux war, waged itiUiscrlrulr.atcly upon tba Innocent and (loIcncclM Indians : therefore llttohtil, TLat sia letter contains nu citrous ni!rcrrecnt.t'.oin and eharces ugalnwt Ibe people ot Southern Oregon, tbat r.mc not me icsm iusuok ot train, out aro the productions of a low and depraved In tellect. lU,oleed, Th&t It Is the duty or all well, meaning cltrtru pror.it.tly and publicly to eipose tbo auto or of said letter, as by nrg- Ircling to uo so, tDf uueljosat set Torta therein talzht ha received as truth tr thoM bo ere unaujualnled wltb the faeti. Ucivtetd, That we approvo of the course Ulccn by the iJllors ' the Table Hotk Htnllnti, In rcfuil.ic to pullith such fains ana unjun stateccuts. On inmlnn nf UauL Smith thn ia. ma. From the Sacramento Union, of ! tutlotsm were accented, and. on motion about thnt timo, nnd when ho not toi ,in lr.ib Imt . u nln-in m.r.t It... Jackson county tho division question,;. , ,.,.. (llu cllf.,rn,,! . - ... - , was sprung again. vliy, says be, now gentlemen, if you will go for Sa lem, tlio Marion county delegation will givo you n new Territory out hero In Jackson. You know Grovcr is to be our representative, nnd ho has ulways Indians, which proves, without a. doubt, thathostilitios havo commenced in that quarter in oarncst. The Tulare Ikdia Diiticci.. rTinfntmn tints Ii na lktsiti i,..nA been in favor or dividing tho Territory; I bv lho wnjr of Slockton 0f another en so by voting for Salem, you can securer gBgemonl wi,, th0 Indians. A detach .Is infiuenco both In tho Oregon Leg.; n,ent of Unllcj SltttlJg troon. from of Cupt Rice, unanimously adopted. On motion of Capt. Smith, the Sccro tury is requested to furnish tho editors of 'the Tah!a Rock Sentinel with tho proceedings of this meeting, with a re quest that they publish lho same. On motion, tlio meelinp tiiijourncd. S.l'.TAiJA W. G. T'Vavlt. Sec'y. .OR.Ch'n. filntllrn nntl tn Wfiilitnntnn Pitt VniJ may rest assured thnt all tho influcn. tial men nbout Salom will bo under great obligations to you, if you will vote for Salem. Why, Mr., sayi onel'ii,. of the representatives from Jackson llr:.nr.f I connty.In tho Legistnturo of 1653,i1.(i ,i,r Fort Miller, under command of Lieut Livingston, with Capt. Do Muster's i rillo company, hud a fight with tho sav ages at tho samo placo at which We recret that W. L. Macy's ccmraunt- 1 cation was rcceWtd too late for this isue. "s3!ijiirrj(Da,2iajiK?. thU man L. F. Grovcr, did support a memorial to Concress for a division of tho Territory, daring tho session ot( 1603-d, in a horn, nnd ho will do just) so again. How is it, that just before! tho voto is to bo taken on the soit ofi government, tho Salomites havo bo. cumo wonderful anxious for tho inter ests of tho south, nnd think that our interests would be promoted if tho Tor ritory could be divided. Yes, they will promiso anything, just before election; uftor election, what is tho uso of talk, ing ; tlio south is always kicking up a row nbout something; they nro '"Know Nothlui's;" wo have cot the seat of government located where it will stay ' while a turritorinl govcrumeut exists;! we don't nsk them nny boot; wo have got tho power over them in the Logic. I lalure ; they cannot haven road or uny lu!iiic ITXcclitici. engagement reported by Doctorjl The Democratic Candidates will met tba rgu occurred. The Americans ,pple or JacVton.at Ashlaudlllli, on Tus three men wounded, and. as . ll!0.2.'!u.'n't. tho Indians were slrenrdv fortified! At Wall's Mills, on Wtdnrvl.y, theJB.U. wero cnmpiJUd i rtUv. After tlioll tiav tbu affair, a messenger was dispatched to Fort Miller for n field piece for the pur- poso of dislodging the Indians. The. At WentcaU's Store, Uutte Creek, Tburt- 1:1m. At Jacksonville. Friday the COlb. At iiterllnr SaturJay lb. 31st. At the same ' toe. rnd plaeeo. the rept r... ;.;:-.. i.. .?. i . .t i a- r will paw resolutions txpresslfe or tbelr views ArpuUiean lenrns that the Indian force ,0 rflt,on t0 c..-rtaln articles. wrilUn for bus been doubled since tho first act of imlbcatluu by Join Ueeaou. upon the sub- uositiity, and mere is every prospocl jeciot ,DC "oguc.i.ver hot. of o general Indian war in that quar.,! All arc Invited to ottend. '"; ,, 'I DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. Indus Hoitilitim in Pumas. I .J 'J,,oll couiiiv A rnnnrt .-n,n. tn ... .,... lUu fll,l I JUtKlOU LOUIII). .. .,..w.v v,.,hH .w ww r stsv ! ' -. JiVountamrrr, that three miners were , j For Rrjresenlativet Jointly from Jack. , iiiu'uutfu inn wti- hi tucir cauin, situ ated near Butto valley, .North l-nrk of Feather, by n body of Pitt River Indi an. U'u understand that n wlilto man wai also murdered by tho Indians In or near Honey Lake Valley, and his lur. ses driven off. Tho projinosticalioi... thsir fellow citizens had been trench urously murdered by the ludinii. A Man Shot at. Wo nro inform. , d by Capt. Rice, that n gentleman . who was crossing (he Sukiyou Moun. t.iins on .Monday, tho 21st, wns fired on by an Indian. Just as tho Indian fired, tho gentleman saw him, and as a wheeled his animal, heard and saw two other Indians on the oppot ito sido of the road. He returned a few miles aud met two other men who joined him, and thoy crossed the mountain on the old trail. Thoso red devils are still ou lho alert to commit murders. Camonvili.j:, Dou-lus Co., May Hth, IMC. Mrssru. Editors As the day of election l..1...fH.I..U I. 1 1. .. . unwB&ndSahVeMmll auaMr.ir;7Si:,r","",u","'w,wn,,","w,''CTM,BP0 ika'Jbhchvinuhaieillbd.vnnhrpaJrI3;p.cnuo ,0T0,e uPoa ,uo laIoa question, It lx. comes us, as good citizens to Inquire Into the advantage's and disadvantages of the different localities brought out as rival can didates, for tho same. In the first place wa will speak of Iioicburg, ns that Is the place lu which no naturally feel most Interested. We do not deem It ncesiary to go Into a seneral dissertation to prove it a fallacious idea to Iblnk of bringing the Capitol to this place, from the fact that there are not a In 10iS, tho ..ooplo of Roguo nmi-iSSJlM.JM? vnlloy wero compelled te tnko up urms'i'fJaq tuwu;.vchbdu3nuu'iv:yg2!h3;ylb7uicg in selMefens.; but not until scores -CsffiA IllSkSO r.tt 1 I A ll!liS I.K.I 1. . ... A t I l..jl&.S.".t . .l..l .. Ma.1 . i. Iiic-ir.j 7 ikegtv tvlvkugmm fl3h:yds3n nfnj cuuiiiliilN.'iinwnlill.-i-n'!,iliiffeay3l7vyim'iixr Miie,cikA,cnvcvevyuuuiKUiiaie;oTTjic;nvS 'II 'n'l. n-.-.riinl.lHh. ...!'. 1 .ll..."t ' OCT We refer our renders to tho nd vorlienient ol John Anderson In to day's issue. ThU enterprising n.erchant'l , "" , n J 1 Mj"io l. . . ' fa ,ru, advocate It. Tbo question Is betwetn Eu. has n large nssorlmenl of goods, selcc."Btnc. Salem aud Corvallls. Of urse. It is to tho Interest of the south to go for that placo farthest south which Is easiest of ac cesa by land and water, having at the same ted for (his market, aud remarkably' low. l-oruicr, mechanics, gentlemen i and ladies, it is almost impossible to cull nt Anderson's store without buy. jing something you need, at n lower prico than ever befuro. Scondvertsiementof Fisher & Bro. They have new goods allow p.'ces. David Lcvinger is nn hands with n iietr stciol;. Kto mhertisrueut. Dr. Hliiiiie lus received a new sup- p'y ol drugs. b-o ndv. other local matter in tho south, unless l"""n,,,m,t , h lr0"l:le,.in "j"! I... i, t.. .. - :.... i north end of the county with tho red.! i-J tUS Bit SV lilAIVSli IUt 4 W want them. skinned rascals before tho summer is ended. ( This Indian Wak on Kciin Rtvcn. Tho extra of tho Los Angeles Star cf the 6th May, says: Rumors from vari ous tources have reached us during th-' week of nn outbreak among the ltidi-i jans. I hey have been running off j stock nnd committing depredations on, lite rottlers, as well as threatening them ' witli extermination. After some ' these depredations, tho settlers armed themselves and killed five Indians. It becomes tho duty of every citizen in tho south to voto for Eugeno City or Corvallis, as either of those places aro more central than Salem. Eugcno City is tho placo that is entitled to tho Capitol. JOB. for tba Sentinel. Unrrona Ssntimju Having noticed that you publish In the Sentinel articles from correspondents upon the scat of government question, I thought perhaps your readers mln'it !! i l. . 1. a t t I till .... ...... ,v uun ,ua viuu.u.ui I K,c.r.or, Amini Tli. CnM.n TV, county would vote upon that question. 1 ' s . Thc most , Uni ,tcm of ,BtelII. think that at least nine-tenths of tbe votes ', ,i .m v,..,. .t ,.! Af llil. mnnl, .III I f n in.. ..-- "'"""""c I" .. . time a due regard for the probability of success. We would be well pleased Io havo It lo. i catctl at Eugene, but it is well known that tbat place cannot carry anything of a vote ia tuo miiamatie, wttn in tingle exception of Its own county. In the Willamette, tbo contest Is between Salem and Corvallis. and by throwing our unanimous voto in cither scale wo can have our choice between thes two places, unuor taeso circumstances we think It behooves tho friends of the south to lgo to the paMs on tbo first Monday In June 'nnd put iu their votes for Corvallis. A'ide CoNoncssioNAU Tbo hut mail did not bring us nny late nowd of impor tanco from Washington. Tluj Kan sas contested election caw appears to consume more lime than any other il busIiK-n. No now snf Congress taking ., Tut: "Gumiun Eba'Wo receive'-ffm ,1!!1 .Ir'Jud,C0 or awctlosial partiality, wChatatt UiSpSCC ..nllynowspaper I, has equal S '" committee, it will pass the IIouio wiiu., cil' coast. .May success attend!' Then, citizens orOougbus sodJsckson, out delay. jj the cnli-rjuijing proprtetors. ,ct u "" "nwl Cora1Ual Your. IUIMj 1ULuuAc;S. aud having passed tliroti-h Tolk county a few days ago, I discovered that the Salem, triek of trvlnr to ii-t tli wnntn Ar it...- county to throw awnytbelrvoteuponlluenal VUta, deceives nobody, and that that county i will olio go nearly unanimously forCorval tbat the Eagllch and French Ministers at Washington had uotlfled our Government that the squadrons nf tbelr respective gov ernments along tho Central American coasts had received Instructions to land nen aud mu boats uicangmtui naiKer. IBisnewi Us. Now. na Corvallls will act at let fuurh' '"T " "" "rZ .."""" "'" ?q m ,i .... ...... ,iiiay oi me raiting ot me steamer, oua mav time. a. many votes in the Wlllaiiic.te V.I.I lKfiwotMtU ue report ,ru'C( antl ley a. Eugene City, or.ny other point south French ,n(, z Mt , , t0 'llt ft , ofSalen, If the wuthtrn counties throw! ihroat Into excution, Walker will find legions ,-M.r 7- . " . . . . of w,lT0 sympathizer, and theymayfindlu yoU for CorvaU,. that Place will be certain' th8 ,0 uaho )Mlr ef hf, ' on in tbe Willamette Valley) Rslem will be There are hundreds of Ibousands of rifles In iiKciy to eucccta.bo mat it the south wishes lUB umieu otatcs toai, aituougn mey would the seat of COVCrlimtnt located atknnlnt' nM i n.lk.. .. . ilv....i. i j south of Salem, evidently their only way to! u.,, , ., Ar , " u'""'1' ""'" succeed Is to voto for Corvallls. J. fi. ' be nlKi m bU dfcnc " hs opponent of Lafayette, May Oth, 8Jt3. ; two such oatlons ss France and England. ..,., . -,. il CoxoRtssioxit, rAr. Notlc bas been rn,Mh, "T" W"'8' IWcuIrstl.oU.S.Seuate.ofWUtoIncrea ca. lot. iirlcnt and command hid nrA.I',ii. - r c.n.i.. .n.i u. .,., cecdol Into the ludlan country, as U as Na- i ; it Is proposed to fix the per diem of members cbes river, and taken up a position on tho at twi-lve dollars, Instead orelght, which they fcouthsidoof lbatrIfer.wheraheRitinT..-.i.,.. ..t. . ' " "'""" dlons tncamped on tbo North side, some ono I ' thousand or twilvn hundred strong, Tbeug.i Tne Taurxrc Mr auow. Orson Hrde, la mras tor uto uays bad Ueo endeavorln-' to coropany witn near one nundred .Mormoa treat witn tue enemy except hnl1 MVv ... WH1UK RUT lltaiin. IWU If H lAn m-m.m moro while Men s blood. In view of theao li'l'' ' " attractive one. matters. Col. . tlcht hossent to Korli V.n. M but nil (h Ch?r. I families, bas "anitatted" on tha TrueLeo Hkloom nnd Shewbanay, are fomta"l Meadows, at which point be Intends to per to asking any treaties, and v.hh for! '"""eotly locals a Muriaoa setllemeut Tbe couser and Dalles, for three additional Cora- 'I c Cf ekaian will please accept our panics oi regulars. rcrtluna Timei, May' thanks ror express favors daring tbe rast son and Josephine Counties, A. M. UEUKY. For Heprcttntaiitcs, Jackson County, CUT. THOMAS SMITH, CAI'T. JOHN S. MILLER. For Sherif, THOMAS l I.!L ForPolfJt :., N. D. tiii', ill. For County Commissioners, 1REDERICK HEIJER, C. JJ. DAVIDSON. For Treasurer, DAVID Ll.NX. For Assessor, JOHN Q. TABOR. For HujKrintendcnt of Schools, JOHN I-LINN. Democratic Ccunt'i Committee, for-thc Yec'r 1850. JOHN F. .VILLER, L. ZIGLAR, G.I5. DAVIDSON, D. 8. KENYOX. Editors or tub Sixth. eu Vos will pleaso announce my name as a candidate lor tbe otlice of Sheriff of Jackson County, at tho entulog Jim election. For tbe Information of those wbo are not acquainted wttb me, I will say tbat I am a Whig. E.B.BALL. Msy 11,18.18. X6U INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE - for Sheriff of Jackson County, JAMES T. GLENN. Dy tbo request of t'.tf Mast Votzsi. INDEPENDENT OANDI D ATB for Assessor of Jackson County, JOHN Q. TABOB. By request of 23tf Jlisrr Votim. Editors Sextixil Pleas announce the nswe of Geosoa W. Anperso! as a candi date for the otficn of Sheriff, at lb coming June election, subject to the- action f U Whig Conveotlou. Jacksonville, May 10, 1856. "ce-i awagi jj m.mt HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. TO EXCHANGE DRY-GOGDS, a Clotbinc, Boots and Hho, llili, Ac., .i tor suow ids, oi a. r. Hour Cash. We hsvs alio received I lis week, a hut addition to our previous arrivals of Spring and Summer Good, And will sell them CHEAPER tbast aver sold heielnfuce in this ValUy, (D u to s S3 OJ tx, run VASII. 7if i. A. BRUNNER it BUO. week.