inn k niiiiu. tr BY TVAULT &i BLAKELY. IXDErEMDKHT ON ALL SPIUKCTs; DEVOTED TO THE BEST MTKBKSTS OF SOUTHKnN OJISOOX. TERMS 5 00 PER ANNDM. "VolHIUC 1. JACKSONVlliliE, OUEGON, SATURDAY, MAY i4, 1850. Number 3H. iiii: Mini; TEE TABLE HOCK SENTfflEL 18 rCVMfOID ITEBT SlTUflDlT, IT T'VAULT & BLAKELY. Tortus la Advance t' On copy, for oneyeor, $S 00. " " ' six month S3 00. i. it three months, $2 00. ADVERTISEMENTS Will b Inserted it the following rates: On square of twslve lints or leu, three In ertloos, $5 00 ; each subsequent Itucrtlon, SI 00. A liberal deduatlon made to yearly advertiser. Business Cards, of ten lints or lew, for one year, $30 1 to persons who advertise to the extent of three squares or more, re- uoetiow or su per cent, win in mauo. fW The number of Insertions must be distinctly marked on the margin, otherwise iney win m continued till rorbldcn, and coargea accordingly. Chlaa New. Onr exchanges by the Lire Yankee did not come to band till yesterday morning. We cannot fnd any new of Importance In them, except the following from the Hong kong lit fiit trot the 11th March : Tub Aueiican Ministxk Sncbded, Wc bare been Informed that tome amusing epis tolary diplomatic bye-play has lately taken place between II. E. Dr. Parker, the Amer ican Commissioner, and lllp, tho Viceroy cf Canton. W hare not seen the correspond ence, bat It baa been made public enough In Canton, where It has been freely commented upon. The case, as we baro beard It, la as follows : On the Commissioner's arrival by the December mall, II. E. addressed commu nication to Dip, Informing him of hti hming entered upon the duties of his office as Com mlssloner from the United Stales express- iug bis pleasure at finding the country free from the civil dissensions which had existed on his departure assuring Hip of the blgh consideration In which the Court of China was held by the United States-hoping that the Emperor would lire a, " thousand years," to carry forward the bliss and prosperity of tb Central Flowery Land ending with the Atsire that nip might be assured of his own personal esteem and consideration. To communication so polite, It would natur ally be expected that the Viceroy would bare Immediately responded, and in the blgh flown phraseology of the East bare thrown back upon the Commissioner the " daubing " which he had so plentifully re ceded. But no such thing hsppened. The worthy Commissioner was lor weeks left In doubt as to what kind of reception the Vice roy bad bestowed on his communication. Weeks passed on; the time was about ar living when a U. S. vessel could be placed at the Commissioner's disposal to convey Mm to Canton In a manner befitting his po sition, and it was therefore necessary to test the Viceroy's politeness by addressing him a second communication. This was of course as oily and flowery a tbo first. It Informed the Viccry that the writer bad previously bad the honor to address him ; It enclosed him a copy of the publ') notice which the Commissioner had issued against the " Coolie trade," and expressed the Commissioner's anxious desire to see this deplorable traffic brought to an end j and concluded with a request that the Viceroy would be good enough to appoint a day on which an inter view might be held In erdsr that tbo Com missioner might deliver Into the Viceroy's own hands a letter which the President of the U. 8. had addressed to tbo Emperor of China, with which benad been entrusted a request nMch seems in every way modest enough, the granting of which would be an ticipated by all but those acquainted with the supercilious pride and haughtiness of Chines grandees. The secoud communica tion did more than the first, for It brought boat a reply. This reply was worded in the most guasded manner. It referred to the first communication ; and the Commis sioner was Informed that the Viceroy had thereby been made acquainted with his (tbo Commissioner's) appointment) It referred slightly to the notification regarding tho " Coelle traffic," and then most diplomatic ally to the request made for an Interview. The Viceroy said that on previous occasions, having repeatedly bad Interviews with Dr. Parker in Canton, he could see no good rea son why another should bo now sought for, the mora especially as be bad no time at his disposal, being busily engsged in the military administration of the affairs of Kwoag-si that a regards the letter to the Emperor, the Commissioner bad only to en Close it to Mm and be would forward It to Peking when he ccild find a convenient op portunity. In truth, the Commissioner bod ibis reply made) to him" Ho can see." This poll to bowing out of tho American Commissioner can hardly havo been unlock ed (or even by Dr. Parker. IPslmply now SMtaalas to be sen whether H. E. tho Com doner Plenipotentiary from the Govern scat of the United States will do, m nip desire him to do, forward the President's Utter to the Emperor of China through 6fB common Canton Police runner, or will tasjd open bis position, and dssuuid lu re oeytion at the bands of the VIoroy of Can too, a stipulated for In th Slst article of is American Treaty. "Yottttg ItdjM marry so well la Yrtka." News Items Crowded Oat Last Week, Uistreuino Accident. A vory distressing nocldcnt oocurrcd yesterday afternoon, at half-past flvo o'clock, nt I'aclflo Gnrdou, which cast a shadow over the Turner's Festival. A man named Charles Degors and ft Holland er, nanio unknown, woro engaged In tiring n salute with a lirnss four-pounder on tho crais tilat In front of thenar- don. Thoy had find two rounds nnd woro ramming homo tho cntrldgo for the third discharge whan tho chnrgo ex ploded, horrlhl v mutilating both tho par ties. Decrr fiad hla'rlght hand blown ontirely off, lost his left arm below tho elbow joint, uosides the musclo or his left shoulder, tho fleshy portion of his throat, and a wound In tho loft breast. The Hollandnr had both of his bands blown off, but was not Injured other wise bodily. Tho woumlud mon pros- ontod a most pitiful spootaclo. The Chief Engineer, Mr. Nuttman, nnd bis Assistants, Mr. Devoe, Mr. Walsh, tho Foreman of Ennino Company No. 6, together with tho reporters of the pros and other active gentlemen present, ren dered prompt nnd sympathetic nttuntlon I to tho wounded men. Degers was car ried to tho German Donovolent Infirm ary, on Mission street, near Third, and received the best medical attention by Dr. Sawyer, Physician to the Flro Department, assisted by Drs. C. J. Bry ant and J. J. Cushlng. At a lato hour Inst evening ho was still allvo, although his recovery under such mutilation is almost impossible. Tho Hollander was taken to a privato hnusc, whoro he is un der tho treatment of Drs. Gray and Har ris. It is mnro than probnblo ho will re cover. S. F. Iltrald, Olh. Ronninr. A miner who had taken passage yesterday on the steamer Sierra iS'uvadn, was robbed of 87,000. He bad just arrived from the minosia com pany with eight companions, tho united result of whoso labor had notted 800, 000. His friends went home on tho Goldon Goto. Tho money was contain ed In a carpet bag which ho hud placed under the bead of tho borth In his stato room, and while ho was engaged in lay- hie in a supply oi itoiit lltorature nnu examining ciiticult) a wt ottered exceedingly cheap by some ho cus nocus or othor his 87,000 disap peared suddenly. No cluo has been ob tained to the recovery of tho money, but tho polico havo arrested a beautiful trio, Messrs. Hurley, Ke(o and Unno, who are known to be in this lino of bus iness and who wero seen prowling , about tho steamer nt the timo of the rob- .bery. S. F. Herald, Oth. Pcorut -me Tensiionr. learco- ly a vessel leaves our waters, tut that car ries away a large number of passengers, who are bidding a farewell to the territory. Families, la particular, seem to have this msnla to get away. The disastrous state of affairs throughout the country, Is the only reason we can glvo to account for It; and without good assistance Is received from Un cle Sam, hy appropriation, Ac, and tho war still continues, the population of the territo ry will be exceedingly small in a very short time. Within tho last few days, three vessels have left the lower part of the Sound, with forty-five persons : the brig Merchantman having fifteen j the bark Madonna eighteen ; and the brig Consort with twelve. Pugtt Sound Cour. IrtPtAN Shot. Some eight or ten days ago, an Indian called ill!!, was ta ken on the reservation opposite Seattle, and carried to Uiympm. He had come from the hostile camp on to tho reser vation, when the Chief Seattle, inform ed the whites, and he was captured. At Olympia two or three days age, he was ahot by a Mr. Ilrannan, whose brother and family were killed at the White river massacre. The supposi tion is, that this Indian was ono of the band present at that time, and killed the families, and was the one who took Mr King's ion to Leschi's camp. Ibid, OCT" It it understood from the Indians who have been taken by the various parties of soldiers, that the hostiles nave suffered severely in tho numorous engagements bad with them. 8everal of their leaders are reported to hare been killed, and a large number wound ed. We think that after they havo re ceived a few more doses of Uncle Sam'a "blue pills" they will be crying peeavu Ibid. OCT The U. 8. steamers Massachu setts and John Hancock, are still at Seattle. The Decatur and Jo IT. Davis are on a cruise below. Ibid. An adveaturerer down east named Smith advertises that be require 99,000,000 agents for new tasters. Partis apply ing to enclose a postage stamp. A pretty considerobls fortune will be made If b only receive applications from ons-tcnth of that cumber. "Sentc Sbaklng." Tom Is a queer genius, nd lets off some tall ones occasionally. lie visited us the other day In onr sacrum, with a 11 How do you do, old fellow!" 11 Hallo, Tom," saUwe, "where have you been so long!" " Why, sir, I have been down en Seven Illver, In Anne Arundel county, taking shanghai notes on th chills and fevers." "Ab, indued; aro they vory bad down thero 1" " Rather bad," snld Tom, drily. " There Is one place where they have been attempt ing to build a brick bouse for eight weeks well, th other day, a ike hands were put ting up tho bricks preparatory to finishing It, they were taken with a chill and shook tho house completely down, and kcjt on shaking till the bricks were dust of the finest qual ity I Just at that juncturo the chills cams on with renewed force and, they commenced shaking up the dust with such gusto that they vtero entirely obtcoreit for two hours, and tho people of the neighborhood thought tho sun r, as In an eclipse." Can't beltcvc anything like that, Tom." "It's a fid,'' said Tom, and resumed: 'Thero's a farmer down there, who, In apple-plcklng season, hauls his niggers out to the orchard and sets ono up against each tree on the ground." " Incredible 1" said we, holding our sides with both bunds. " Fact," said Tom, " they keep a man alongside of each negro to take him away as soon ss thj fruit Is off, for fear ho will shake the tree down." Tom continued, "Mrs. S , friend ofi mine, bad a carpenter, who was engaged a few days ago In covering the roof of a house with shingles. Just as he was ' finishing,' the chill csmo on and ho ahtok every shin- ' gle off the roof. Somo of them nro sup posed to be flying about yet." " Another gentleman, near the same place, was taken with a chill the other day it din ner end shook his knife and fork down bis throat, besides breaking all the crockery waro on tho table. Ills little son, who was sitting at the table at the same time, was token with a chill and shook all the buttons cfi his inexpressibles, and then shook him self clear of tbo latter I" Wu then prevailed upon Tom to desist, who did so with the understanding that he wis to gtve us rag baladttu at funic vtitti time. Persons who think of emigrating to Arun del county will please take nutlce. How to Fop tub QotsTio.v. " Gracious," says I, " It's now time to look ortsr Nsnco." Next day, down I went. Nancy was alone, and I asked her If the equiro was in. She sed be wasn't 'Cause," said I, making believe I wanted him, " our colt baa sprained his foot, and I come to see if tbo 'equiro wont lend mo his mare to go to town. She said she gucwed he would. I'd bet ter sit down and wait till the 'squire come In. Down I sot ; she looked sorter strange, and my heart felt queer around the edge. ' Are you gclng down to Detsey Martin's qulltent" after a' while, says sbe. Sex I, " Kecon I would." Sez the, " Suppose you'll take Patience Dodge 1" Sez I, "I mought, and then again I moughtn't." Ses the, " I beard you was a going to get married." Ses I, " I wouldn't wonder a bit." I looked at ber, and teed the teare cum min. Ses I, "May be she'll ox you to be the bridesmaid." She rlz up, sbe did, ber face as red ss a boiled beet. ' Seth Stokes," and sbe couldn't say any thing more, sbe wai so full. " Wont you be bridesmaid, Nance (" sez I. " No," sez she, and she burst right out " Well, then," eays I, " If you wont be th bridesmaid, will you be the bride t" Sbe looked up at me I swan to man I never saw anytblbg so awful purty. I took right bold of ber band. ' Yes or no," ses I, " right off." " Yes," sez she. " That's the sort," sez I, and I gave ber a kiss and a hug. I soon fixed matters with tho Vquire. We soon hitched traces to trot in double harness for life, and I never bad cause to repent my bargain. Maiomc Gmr. At the festival of the Provincial Grand Lodgo at Glas gow, air A. Allison mentioned that during the assault on tho Redan, an bnnlish omcer led a small party of sol diers up to a gun placed on a recess of the Redan, and most of the men fell before the tremendous flro with which they wore roclved. The others wero received by a body of Russians, and the English officer was about to be bay oneted when be chanced to catch the band of a Russian officer, and had ores- ence of mind enough to give him a Ma sonio grip. The Russian in a moment struck np the bayonet or a soldier, led his newly-found brother to the rer, and treated him with all the kindness of a Mason ! Glad I didn't oirr Mxrmisi). We tako tho following from the Evening uuuettn oi tno juth Inst: Well, I'm on old maid I Not the on ly one, either, thank Heaven I To be euro, there's not a superabundance In oan rrsneisco reasons enough why thero 'alnt, too. I do roallv believe It's tho greatest market for girls, yonng or old, in tno Known world. Mow there isn't a city, town or vlllsgo this sldo tho Himalayas, but what has shipped more or less oi mis Btook always ready sale plenty of buyers, wUh tho cash in hand. "Wasn't I mttd,"afitr iavinrx my stomnch turned Inside- out, on that rolling, fchaking George Lav almost breaking my neck up and down those fearful mountains, on a cross-grained, superannuated mule, nnd then drawing tho brenth at lift three wlinln w.mka in a jittlo squaro tjlaco, half as large nu un do Tun's dog konool I say, wasn't I mad wlion 1 got here, to tlnd there wasn't a young man, widower or bach elor in the wholo plnco worth having I Now, I'm m roasonablo a woman as ev or was born, sinco Mrs. Eve let the lightof hor eyes shine upon poor lonely Adam, but Id no more think of marry ing ono of thoso misorablo, ploasuro seeking lovers of mnmon, than worship ping that molten calf the Good Hook tolls about I Not I! IVo got a fow hundred loft yet If it did cost a hoop to tig out, and land hero I I am glad enough I wasn't in a hurry. The best thing I over did in all my life, was ta king a few poeps behind tho matrimoni al curtain of somo of my friends 1 An old maid, oh t yea, indeed I Do you think I'd sell my freedom to a regalar Callfornlun t l'ro always had somo do mestio notions, whsnever matrimony was thought of. What, marrv a man who never lives in ahouseexcoent when nsloepl forever out though tho fog is so thick ho can't boo his own no bo, or tho wind blowing strong enough to tako tho feathers off an old gooso 1 A man so used to iilayinc monto, bil liards, and drinking brandy cocktails, ho can't sco any comlort in a cosy room, cheerful fire, and soft light! Oh, dear I What a pity they aro all alike not n pin's difference between them I One might ns well think of changing an eclipse, as their habits 1 Well, well, I think 1 ptoved myscll a rcmnrltably sensible woman, when I concluded to pass them by and remain an old maid. SoritT Stkbv. A Mam or Uoxes, Here Is a curl ous fact for you. The llesh of a living man once grew into bone. It seems hard to believe, but I suppose it was so; lor, lo tho museum at Dublin, Ireland, thero is, or was, the skeleton of ono Clark, a native of the city of Cork, whom they call tho ossified man, one of tbo greatest curiotities of nnturc. It is tho carcass of n man entirely ossi fied in his life time, living in thut con dition for several years. Thoso who know bini before this surprising altera tion, atllrm that he was a man of croat atrongth and agility. He felt tho first symptoms of this surprising change some time lifter a debauch, till, by slow degroes, every part grew into a bony substance, excopt his skin, eyes and in testines; his joints settled in such o manner that nu ligament had its propor operation; he could not lie down nor risii up without assistance. Ho had ht lust no bend in his body, yet when be was placed upright, llko a statuo, ho cnuld stand but could not move in the least. His teeth wore joined, and form ed into one entiro bone ; thorefnre a hole was broken through them to convey li quid sustenanco tor his nourishment. Tho tongue lost its use, nnd his sight left him some timo before bo expired. PnOUBESS AND iMMlOVeMIiKT. Pitts. burgh Thirty-three tears Ado. The following, from a Pittsburgh paper of April 14, JcK3,siiovs how western peo ple got to New York in tho.e days, and what an advance the introduction of steam has made in the modes of travel in that short space of timo. Pastenpcrs Wanted. A wagon will start for New York city in about two weeks. Five p.nsiengers will be accom modated at 825 each. Apply at the storo of Ainsworth and Smith, corner of Walnut and Tilth Stroets. Pittsburgh, April 14, 1823. Just think of liavini; to advertise two weeks to get a load of five passengers for New York I Verily, things have changed. Now, the iron horse, snort ing over the Allegbanies, carries 500 psssengers daily to the same destina tion. "Ha, Puttyton, how do you .dot havn't seen you lately. What are you at 1" "Thankee, I am well. I am a contractor now." Indeed I (aside I shouldn't thought bis means suffi cient.) Ah, or course you nave contracted- " O.yeal I have contrac ted a large amount of debts, but I think I shall break the contract end relieve mysilf according to law." A lUnD Shell Dittist Ssauox. The Baltimore American bss received from a friend In Loxlngton, Ky., the following " Hard Shell Sermon," which be avers to be genuine. It about equals, In closeness of argument, and strict adherence to the text, the ' spontaneous efforts' of the clerical he ro who played upon a "harp of a thousand strings I" "Mybrcthrlng: The Scriptures tell us, we are buried with Christ by bsptlsm.' 'Buried,' raj friends, not 'iprinkttd' by bsptlsm. " Suppose that one of you had lost your little dartor, and you bad laid ber out, and prepared bet for tl grare ; and your neigh bors had come in and said t ' Friend, we will take thy child and bury it and after ward, when you went ont to see the grave of your little one, yon found tbey bad laid her down and sprinkled a llttlo earth over her I What would you baretbunk of them t " Suppose, again, that In the fall of the year, you bad dug your potatoes, your tur nips, your parsnips and your other roots for winter's use, snd had dug a trench to bury 'cm In ; and you bad said to your servant : 'Sally, take the bouse gang and go arid bury those potatoes, those turnips, those parsnips and other roots ;' and afterward, when you walked forth to see that all were secure for tho winter's use, you bad found that they bad just sprinkled a little dirt on them I What my friends would you bato done ? I rather suppose, my dear brethren, you would ha' tried tho vlrtuews of the cow-ekln I "But they are not a bit worse thsn those poor, Ignorant, benighted Episcopalians and Presbyterians and Mothodlsts, who sprinkle a lectio water on one another and call It 1 buried by baptism l' "I am afraid, my friends. I am very much afraid Indeed, that they will catch something hotter than the cow-skin in the day of reckoning I" Txeiko tue Assessment. When the Im mortal Col. was Assessor of a neigh boring Parish, he was wont to have a high old time. One day, as be was assessing the valuablos of the occupants of a log cabin, situated In the pi no woods, he In bis usual urbane manner, "popped the questions " to the old woman, while the old man had gone out to procure some " corn cob oil " where with to regale bis guest. "How many horses, cattle, sheep, chick ens, Ac., have you got, my deir madam, and how much are they worth." "Woll.t bar's three old horses, but they alnt wuth a cent three cows, but they've bin lost this spring two yean nary sheep, 'cept my old man, and he aint wutb a cuss ; but he alters votes the Dcmmycrack ticket, and buys his whiskey by the jug when he can get it a heap cheaper by the bar'L tie chickens was all stole the other night, an' I hope to massy they'll phtuii the scamp that booked 'era." " Very satisfactory estimate of your vsl- uables, particularly about tho war. buti'of taclleeluNew Hampshire, that atate will here's something worth assessing, (pointing , to a dirty little urchin about rive years old ' that was clinging to tbe old woman's gown) bow much do you value that little nlg ner t" "Llttlo nigger I isles al Ire! you Infernal old rascal, do you dare to call my child a nigger .' Clar out o' here, or I'll knock tho daylights out of you in a minlt Umyl to think I should livo to be forty odd next clasi meeting and to bear my own child called a nigger by such a fellow as you f By this time tbe old woman bad worked herself up to a pitch of ungovernable fury, and raising her voice to a shrill yell, she colls out to tbe old msn, to come quick and "chaw tbe Colonel up," and we are com pelled by a regard for veracity, to record that tbo Colonel's old lay made six miles of bad road In better time than Lecomtu ever did in his palmiest days. A deputy wu sent to attend to tbe unfinished busluess In the settlement, and tho Colonel's remembrauce of Unit day' work bu "hoisted "him Into ib other extreme, for the ll blggeet right be was in was occasioned by bis entering upon bis record when taking tbe lut census six little mulattoes as the children of one of bis constituents. Exchange. Tub Ladies' I,aw ok Leap-Ykak. It may, perhaps, be interesting to all yonng ladies who are not already aware of the important fact, that leap-year empowers them to do something more than "pop the question." 1 am in formed by a fair friend, that, if In the course of the year 1850 which is leap-year she should so far forget herself as to suggest a union between herself and a bachelor acnulutance. who should be uncivil enou-'h to Hprlino hnr proposals.the could, thereupon, demand -o" -....-....., irom mm tne gut oi a new silk dress. Notts and Queries. 3rAn 1 irishman went a fishing, and omong other things, be hauled In a large- elxcd turtle. To enjoy tbe surprise of the aenant rlrl he cut It In her rnoin. Kxl morning the first that bounced into thcijRsndolpb in reply, "of tbe lands about uiiuiui ibuii wbi uiuuy, wua toeexcia. nation "lie jabers, l'to got the dlriirii ffTO eating the children for tbe lut tno months." ! PEI, PISTE AID 8CIBS0RS. (Principally Sriiicrt.) u What do we often drop, but never stoop to pick up? A hint. Men are called sons of guns because tbey all go off some time or other. tefc. The bump raised on a man's head by a cudgel are called ray-nologlcal de velopments. s9What marine xeresenee Is man Ilk who lives idly upon bis frisnds I A sponge. A eorrerpondent asks whether the " briU at tit uon" i a swr! or Wbv!r bridge'! If yon wish to know whether anyboey is superior to the prejudices of the world, ask him to draw a truck for you. "A laiy fellow down South spells Tennessee thuct lOac. lie is the same fel low who spells Andrew Jackson thus iru Jaxn. A recent philosopher discovers a method to avoid liclng dunned. "Ilow? bow? how!" we hear everybody asking. Never run in debt. Ssys th lovely Ellen to the bewitching Fanny, " why Is a new baby llko a cow' tall I Fanny blushed u she answered, " be cause St wu nerer seen before." " Mr. Smith, yon said you boarded at the Columbian Hotel six mnnlbs, did yon foot your bill!" No, sir; but it amounted to the same thing the landlord footed me." An Irishman, writing to a friend from the West, remarked, that " Pork is so plenty here that every third man you meet Is s. hog." A correspondent oaks, whether the yonng lady who fell In love recovered, or did she sick Into the unfathomable depths of mat rimony t CoxrEsstox or ax Uoly Max. Women ore fond of telling us that "They bale hand some men ;" but you msy bo sure that it Is only lo ngly men tbey say so. The most uncomfortable house to lira in Is a house full of pets, such as pet dogs, pet canaries, pet squirrels, parol, and cats; but worss than all, pet children. A barrister observed to a learned brother In oourt, that the wearing of whiskers ws v.vrpfotnn1 "Right.! a lawyer cannot be too barefaced," respondeded bis friend. A lady was asked to Join one of th di visions of the Daughters of Temperance. She replied, "That is unnecesssry, as it ii my Intention to join one of the sons in the course of a few weeks." "Small thanks to you," said a plaintifT toto one of bis witnesses, "for what you said in tbe case." "Ab, sir, but just think of what I did not say," replied the conscious witnesr. jTfT- The Bostrn Atlas thinks unless tb opposition Immediately adopt a new system .certainly cut its vote for tbe democratic nominee for president next fall. Its vote in urriogu iui y, i iuo opposition uo jwhat they may. Fost. "BicHM.oK. Buttons. "ITow do you know he's a bachelor, aunt P I naturally in quired. "Common sense, my dear," re 'piled Aunt Deborah. " I judge of people jby their belongings; no lady could go Into ' that dog-cart without dirtying ber dree with the wheel ; and If be bad a wife, that handsome bay bono would go with another in htr carriage instead of hit. Besides, lut 'wouldn't be so fond of bis pointers If be bad anything else to care for; and above 'all, Kate," added my aunt, conclusively. "bis silk pocket-handkerchief wun't bem imed, and he'd a button anting In front of bis shirt." ltsUTioxsuir. A Hoosler girl stepped on board a steamboat as she waa lying to certain town on tbe Ohio River, and bawled out, " Is tbe captain aboard V Tbe csptalu, wbo wu standing among tbe crowd, responded, " Yes, what do you want of biro J" 0, notblog particular, he's a distant rel ative of mine, and I'd like to see blm." " A relation of yours i" inquired he, some- whst surprised. " Yes, a slight relation. He's th father or my first child." You better believe the csptuin sloped, while the crowd enjoyed the sport to tbelr heart's content. John Randolph was one of tbe most sarcastio men that ever lived. One time a young man attempted lo make his acquaintance. He obtained an introduction, and among tbe first remarks said: "I paued by your bouse lately. Mr. Randolph." "I hope you always will' was tbe abort reply. Another one twitted him as lo bis "want of education." The gentleman reminds me," said " ucu mn ut tno iiuuiguwrry, which are poor bv nature. andsulU- '" Jleem. rerteterane will giv success.